Fleming, X22 Report and the Atlantis Report Tuesday Night 3-16-2021

Fleming Tuesday RV Update:

Fleming: Our military intel contacts info to points to the shotgun start any time this week; the Iraqi HCL agreement is due to be passed in next 24-36 hours giving them the passed budget & new rate marking the reset this week.(edited)


This is his latest info on the ZIM redemption process:

Those with only NON-ZIM Currencies will be able to get higher contract rates for only Dinar and Dong with exchange bankers recommending 30% of exchange proceeds going to humanitarian projects and the rest will be paid out to the currency holder in tranches / structured payouts.

For the Zim, there will be a default rate in the lower millions (in the $11-33 million per 100T note range) for the first 2 - 100T ZIM notes and the rest will be sliding scale.

Negotiated higher contract rates for the ZIM pertain to the currency holders presenting their bullet point outline for job creation and/ or humanitarian projects.

Prepare to give a short presentation and to leave them an outline of your projects.

Remember  "everything is negotiable.”(edited)

Three basic options on all the ZIM notes you bring (they will take all ZIM denominations):

   1. You take whatever the lower default package rate is…you get it now and do not have to wait. No payouts over time….no strings attached. You will be given 2% of exchange proceeds on a debit card.

   2. There will be a list of 15 categories of pre-approved humanitarian and job creation projects; you will have time to read through those; you will be able to pick one or more for the higher ZIM contract rate that they determine for you at the time; you will only receive a portion of your funds—another portion goes to the project(s) you picked; your exchange proceeds will be larger than the default package rates, but they will be paid to you over time in tranches. The list of projects may include job creation projects, projects providing improved clean drinking water, educational projects, projects to provide housing and job training to the homeless, etc.. . You will be given 2% of exchange proceeds on a debit card.(edited)

3. You have to go in with your own bullet point outline and overview of the humanitarian project(s) you wish to do. This will get you the highest contract rate. It pays considerably more but comes with some strings attached. You probably will have a WM & Trust company team and will need to report regularly. You will keep some funds for yourself but most goes to the humanitarian project(s).

You will receive more dollars—it will be paid in structured payouts over time; you will have more funds to help the world but it will come with a significant amount of responsibility.

You will be given 2% of exchange proceeds on a debit card.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we are making exchange appointments...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.



Zeeman:  there are so many different articles on the budget  going  in every possible direction do they have any clue of what they are doing?

ATPinfinity:  Your question reinforces Frank26 teaching that this is all a side show of disinformation waiting on a day that is approved for ...tada ...Disclosure of a rate.


Tuesday Night X22 Financial Report

Ep 2428a – [CB] Is The Economic Disease, The People Are The Cure

The [DS] do not want small businesses in America. Big corporations do want the competition for their new system. The system they are developing is the same system that Mussolini developed in Italy, it’s called fascism. Inflation is one way of getting rid of the old corrupt system and ushering in a news people’s system. This is what we are witnessing right now.


The Atlantis Report

Biggest Tax Hikes in 30 Years. Welfare instead of Work. Debt instead of Wealth !!

Premiered 53 minutes ago

Our economy is in shambles. Rising inflation. Rising bond yields. Our geriatric leader has already racked up as much debt in two months as Trump did in his first two years!

Millions in food lines and massive unemployment. Welfare instead of work. Debt instead of wealth. Slavery instead of liberty. It's the Democrat way!

 You voted for the economy of 2009-2016. You're gonna get it! Growth was so slow it was like watching paint dry. Six years just to recover all the jobs lost during the Great Recession, Raising corporate taxes will be GREAT for stocks! 100% guaranteed!!

How many companies will move out of the USA? Arizona border agents report illegal immigration this year has already surpassed all of 2018 and is on track to surpass 2018, 2019, and 2020 combined.

Markets ignore the biggest tax hikes in 30 years coming. Companies pay taxes from earnings, and nobody plans to have earnings anymore, so why bother? Just buy more of your own stock on cheap credit, and dilute from time to time by selling to robinhooders getting checks. That is all every big company needs to do.

The Dow is one massive, massive bubble. Just another debt-fueled stock market all-time high.

Markets go up almost every single day, no matter what the news. Higher and higher and higher as the debt accumulated to fuel the markets goes higher and higher and higher.

Why can't this go on forever and make every single American a millionaire many times over?

What could possibly go wrong?

 It will all end with World War 3 to reset everything for the new beginning.



More Iraqi News Iraqi News Tuesday PM 3-16-21


Zig’s Place Chat and News Tuesday PM 3-16-21