Excerpt and Definitions from Fleming Appointment Cheat Sheet

Excerpts fromCheat Sheet from Fleming-Appointments, Terms, Rates, Definitions and more......Good for Newbies”

Click on link for full article on exchange tips ect……Dinar Recaps LINK

Supplemental Information
Many are new to this and often terms are used incorrectly, switched, or interchanged. It is more important that you understand what terms mean when you get to your appointment.


Tier 1 Bank: Tier 1 banks are those that hold the highest assets. They include: include: HSBC, Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America.

Full-Service Banks: Banks that offer a full range of services including a foreign exchange department. Credit Unions are not usually Full-Service.

Types of Rates:

Front screen/Street Rate: This is the rate you see when you look to purchase or sell currency. The buy rate is higher than the sell rate and the bank always includes a fee. The fee includes the bank portion and the UST portion.

International Rate/ Back Screen/ Default: This is the rate that is used for trading. It is higher than the front screen/street rate. Example: Street rate per million Dong: $1180. International rate: $470,000. To receive international/default rated does require that you sign an NDA. This protects you and the bank.

Contract Rate: This is a rate that is agreed to between countries. Any contract rate is a written agreement between two parties. When you hear “contract rates” associated with the RV, it is often being misused.

Unless you have a written agreement with another, you do not have a contract rate.

If you negotiate for something different than the default, then you will be signing a written agreement and that would be your contract rate.

In the context of the US, it has written agreements with other countries, specifically Iraq and Vietnam.

With Iraq, it is sometimes referred to as “contract for oil”. This is an agreement between governments. The US holds Iraqi Dinar and will receive that contract rate.

Not all currencies have contract rates.

Currently, if you hold Zim, contract rates will not be available. This is because you will receive more from the Zim than you will with a contracted currency rate.

NDA – Non-disclosure agreement

The NDA is a written agreement between two parties that specifies what cannot be disclosed or shared. Usually there is a time limit, 90 days +. As relates to the RV, you are agreeing to not discuss what rate you received for your currency and Zim. The RV transaction is a private transaction. The UST does not want you talking to the public about your private transaction.

If you choose not to sign an NDA, you will go with the public (Tier 5) and will receive Street Rate.

Who can participate? Generally speaking, you can participate in the RV if you are not and have not participated in gangs, legalized crime, murder, human trafficking etc. If you are unsure, make appointment and ask when you get there.

RV Tiers:
T1 = Governments
T2 = Military, those who put this together, groups
T3 = Humanitarian Organizations/Groups and SKR groups
T4 = Internet group – those who follow what is going on with the RV
T4A = Individuals with SKRs, now part of T3
T4B – Individuals, Internet Group
T5 = Public

SKR: Stands for Safe Keeping Receipt. This is where someone who is licensed and authorized to be a Paymaster (usually an attorney) represents a group of currency holders (were originally done prior to Zim being in the offering). They sign a contract and agree to a specified rate. There are not and have not been any new SKR groups for several years.

Prosperity Packages: These cover a very wide area. Includes funds from large trusts such as St. Germain, Rodriguez, Heritage and Mitterrand Trusts will be used to assist the Common Man and help with some debt relief.

Adjudicated Packages: These are lawsuits where plaintiffs won the legal cases. The largest are: CMKX, Native American Claims, Farm Claims, and others. You will know if you are already a part of these.

CMKX: A diamond mine that oversold stock with the help of the SEC. They were sued by key stockholders and won – often referred to as an Adjudicated Package.

Farm Claims: Lawsuit that involved farmers who were unfairly taken advantage of by bankers. They sued and won.

Currency Basket: Originally there were a few baskets with different countries’ currencies revaluing approximately six months apart. There are 22 currencies that are scheduled to go initially.

Once all currency are asset backed, that currency will be exchanged at 1:1 and it will not matter if it is a Mexican Peso or a Dinar. The RV is about creating a level playing field. Not all currency rates will rise in value and some will fall.

List of currencies:
• US
• UK
• Kuwait
• Canada
• Mexico
• Russia
• China
• Venezuela
• Iranian Rial
• Indonesia Rupiah
• Malaysia

• Vietnamese
• Brazil
• Saudi Arabia
• Qatar
• United Arab Emirates
• Turkey
• Afghanistan
• India
• Libya
• Japan

If you do not have a project but wish to help, below is list of 15 categories of projects from which you can choose. Each category is associated with an Executive Order (EO). You can look up the EO to learn what the focus is. This will help if you do not have an existing project.

• Infrastructure – (There are 5 EOs related to infrastructure. One is #13807 8/15/2017 – Review purpose and what is needed)
• Energy
• International and American business
• Security
• Violence and criminals
• American Indians, refuges and pacific islanders
• Housing
• Technology and space
• Agriculture, oceans, water
• Health
• Spiritual
• Terrorists
• Education
• Financial and money
• Veterans

Read entire post here : Dinar Recaps Link  


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