Early Wednesday Evening Iraq News 4-6-22

Early Wednesday Evening Iraq News 4-6-22

The Emergence Of A Quinquennial Committee From The Framework And The Union To Launch The Initiative To Solve The Blockage

Shafaq News/ The Shiite coordination framework and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan decided, on Wednesday evening, to form a quinquennial committee for the initiative to resolve the political impasse.

A political source told Shafaq News Agency, that the framework and the allied forces decided to form a quinquennial committee to launch the initiative to resolve the political blockage that the framework presented to the political forces.

He explained that the committee will discuss the vision of building the state and the government program, regardless of the names, noting that political parties welcomed the initiative launched by the coordination framework and the allied forces and send representatives to the committee.

Earlier on Wednesday evening, a delegation from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan held a meeting in Baghdad with the leaders of the Shiite coordination framework to discuss the latter's initiative.

A parliamentary source told Shafaq News that the delegation of the Union headed by Bafel Jalal Talabani held a meeting, a short time ago, with the leaders of the coordination framework at the house of President Mam Jalal in Baghdad.

Yesterday evening, the leaders of the Shiite coordination framework held a meeting at the home of the leader of the Al-Fateh Alliance Hadi Al-Amiri in the capital, Baghdad, to discuss his initiative and resolve the political blockage that afflicts the country.

During the past few days, the coordination framework conducted an intensive movement on all political forces, including the Triple Alliance, and handed over the framework's initiative to end the political blockage. 

Since the Iraqi Council of Representatives held its first sessions on the ninth of last January, headed by President Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, the crisis of naming the largest bloc has emerged that has the exclusive right to choose the prime minister after being assigned by the President of the Republic, who must be elected by the Council, which is What has not been achieved so far.

The coordination framework insists on defining the identity of the largest parliamentary bloc, which must be "Shiite" because the prime minister is entitled to the Shiites, while the leader of the Sadrist movement Muqtada al-Sadr refuses to engage in an alliance with the framework forces combined and adheres to excluding the leader of the State of Law coalition Nuri al-Maliki and his bloc from any alliance .

On the other hand, there is a dispute between the two poles of Kurdish politics, the Kurdistan Democratic Party, which sees that the position of the President of the Republic is a "Kurdish entitlement, not a party," while the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan asserts that this position is a "Kurdish entitlement."

The scene became more complicated after al-Sadr announced earlier this month his withdrawal and the Sadrist bloc from negotiations to form a government and choose its president, and threw the ball into the court of the coordination framework and gave him 40 days to complete this task.   LINK

A Statement Issued By His Media Office: Dr. Iyad Allawi Removed His Gall Bladder

Wed, 04-06-2022,Pm 9:51  Tayseer Al-Assadi   The leader of the National Coalition, Dr. Iyad Allawi, underwent an operation to remove the gallbladder, which was completely successful, thank God.

Dr. Iyad Allawi would like to extend his sincere thanks and great gratitude to the Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, and all responsible officials, led by the President of the Republic, Dr. Barham Salih, Mr. Ammar al-Hakim, Mr. Nuri al-Maliki, Hajj Hadi al-Amiri, Mr. Haider al-Abadi, Mr. Masoud Barzani and Mr. Masrour Barzani, and all official events And the people, whether they attended or called to check on his health.

His Excellency also extends his thanks and appreciation to the health cadres at Ibn Sina Hospital in Baghdad, led by Dr. Yasser Al-Tamimi, director of the hospital, stressing the need for the government to provide full support to medical cadres and attention to the health sector in general and to provide the latest medical equipment and supplies to provide the best services to our honorable people.

May God protect Iraq and its loyal children from all bad and bad          http://non14.net/public/146161

Iraq.. The Deadline For Choosing The President Of The Republic And Expectations For The Intervention Of The Federal Court

Political | 06:42 - 06/04/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News   The constitutional deadline for electing a new president for Iraq expired today, Wednesday, in light of the continuing political crisis and the inability to complete a quorum for the parliament session to choose the president, which needs a quorum of two-thirds of the number of deputies, amid expectations that the Federal Supreme Court will intervene to issue a new decision regarding a deadline position.

The Iraqi parliament failed twice in choosing a new president for the country during the past week, after 220 deputies out of 329 could not vote to choose the president, as stipulated by the constitution in force since 2005.

The independent representative, Muhammad Anouz, stressed that "today is the end of the time limit for electing the president of the republic." He added, "I do not think that anything will happen except that the election process will be delayed."

He added, in statements to reporters, "that a constitutional rule or principle be violated for a few days or weeks is better than going to burn the country or any negative expectations," saying: "We have violated the constitution since it was written until today in various forms, and this was not the first breach, so it must be reached The parties agreed to an agreement that ends this dispute, which is not surprising in the Iraqi scene."

As for the representative of the Kurdistan Islamic Union, Muthanna Amin, he favored the Federal Court’s intervention and issuance of a decision to extend another to resolve the election session of the President of the Republic, in addition to its ratification of the continuation of the President of the Republic and the Council of Ministers to work as a caretaker until the end of the new period, ruling out the possibility of acknowledging the “formation of an emergency government.” ".

He stressed that the end of the constitutional period regarding holding the presidential election session, which falls today, will force Parliament to return again to the Federal Court to clarify a new interpretation regarding the period that can be granted again to hold the presidential election session or what it will decide on the fate of the session.

He added: "All political forces, especially the big ones, face great embarrassment in front of the Iraqi street, which has not seen a political breakthrough," warning of "a wave of popular anger if this dangerous political blockage continues."

And the head of the Supreme Judicial Council in Iraq, Faeq Zaidan, had confirmed last Sunday that the Federal Court had constantly worked hard for the President of the Republic to hold his position, because this case does not apply to the constitutional text of the vacancy of the position, stressing the need to amend the current constitution.

In turn, the researcher in Iraqi political affairs, Muhannad Al-Janabi, also suggested the continuation of the constitutional terms in light of the current crisis, and he said in his tweet, “The Federal Court has implicitly preferred between not disrupting state institutions or abiding by constitutional timings, and it considered the formation of the federal authorities to take precedence over a commitment The terms that the constitution did not address cases of breach of,” stressing that “this makes it likely that the constitutional terms will continue to be renewed until the election of the president of the republic.”

On the fifth of last month, the Iraqi parliament voted to reopen the candidacy for the position of President of the Republic, in an attempt to end the wide political debate in the country since the legislative elections were held 6 months ago.

This is the third time that candidacy for the presidency of the republic has been opened. Parliament decided, in its first session, which was held on the ninth of last January, to open the door for candidacy for a period of 30 days, but the session devoted to voting on the election of the president of the republic, which was scheduled for the seventh of Last February, it did not convene due to the lack of a quorum, so the parliament speaker decided to open the candidacy door again for a period of three days, which began on the eighth of the same month, before the Federal Court canceled the decision.  https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=189460

The Best Of It Is Bitter.”..The Political Blockage Puts Parliament In Front Of Difficult Choices, And A Lawmaker Proposes The Best Solution

04/06/2022  159   Earth News/ Legal expert Faisal Rikan confirmed today, Wednesday, that Iraq is going into a constitutional vacuum, while the political blockage has put parliament before difficult choices, including voting to dissolve itself.

Rican told "Earth News" that "the second period of 30 days for electing the president of the republic, which was stipulated in the Iraqi constitution, and was approved by the Federal Court when re-opening any nomination for the presidency of the republic, ends today and gave a full month after the exclusion of the first month in accordance with the provisions of Articles 70 and 72 of the Iraqi constitution, and therefore today is the last day of the constitutional period.

He added, “It is not permissible to violate the provisions of the constitution, because the constitution, according to Article 13 of it, is the supreme law in the country, which cannot be violated, and it is not possible to legislate a law that contradicts its provisions, and no decision can be taken that contradicts its provisions.

Therefore, when this constitutional period expires, Iraq will go into a constitutional vacuum because the House of Representatives He will not be able to hold a special session to elect the President of the Republic in accordance with the provisions of the Iraqi constitution after the expiry of the constitutional period for convening this session, which requires the presence of two-thirds of the members of Parliament according to the decision of the Federal Court.

He continued, "There are difficult options for the House of Representatives, including dissolving itself, and this is also difficult to obtain, given that the dissolution of Parliament requires the approval of the members of the House of Representatives by an absolute majority in two ways; Either at the request of a third of the members of the House of Representatives or at the request of the Prime Minister and the approval of the President of the Republic, and therefore this will not be achieved due to the difficulty of obtaining the approval of the House of Representatives to dissolve itself.

He explained that "the best solution now for the political forces is to go to the Federal Court for the purpose of finding a legal, even temporary, way out in order to cross this problem that has become vexing Iraqis because not electing the president of the republic means not forming a government because the president of the republic is the one who assigns the candidate of the most numerous bloc to the presidency. The Council of Ministers according to the provisions of Article 76 and therefore the nominated prime minister is the one who presents his cabinet before the House of Representatives to gain confidence, and this will not happen because of the absence of a president.   LINK

Deputy: The Political Blockage Stopped The Country On One Foot

Politician   Last Update 04/06/2022 | 2:47 PM  information / special   On Wednesday, MP and a member of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Gharib Askar, called on all political blocs to sit at one table and resolve all outstanding issues.

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Askar said in a statement to the "Information" agency, that "the blockage in the political process directly affected the citizen, which calls on the political blocs to resolve all their differences and sit at the negotiating table," noting that "the political blockage stopped Iraq on one foot."

He added, "Members of the House of Representatives will remain idly by unless the political blocs reach a specific formula as a starting point for forming the government."

He pointed out that "the need to approach the principle of consensus between the political blocs and to stay away from the majority, as it contributed to delaying the formation of the government for more than 5 months."

The House of Representatives had failed to hold its session for the second time, after the guarantor third boycotted the session again, which led to adjourning the session’s presidency to further notice.


Al-Kazemi: Iraq is going through crises and will cross them and become stronger

Posted On2022-04-06  By Sotaliraq   On Wednesday, Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, expressed his optimism that Iraq will be able to overcome the crises facing it, stressing the need to end the phenomenon of militarization of society and the transition to civilisation.

Al-Kazemi said in his speech during the opening of the quarterly operations conference of the Joint Operations Command 2022: The message must reach everyone that the Iraqis are united, and that the work of our security and military institutions in all its forms is an integrated work that exercises its role in building Iraq.

He stressed that there is still a need for intelligence work, and we must move within the proactive work to protect the Iraqis, because our first task is to preserve the security of Iraq and the Iraqis, and we must adopt a future vision to confront the security challenge and anticipate terrorism.

He also indicated that institution-building must witness non-stop work, and we still have a lot of support required for security institutions in terms of equipment, training and material support.

Al-Kazemi stressed that “you must stay away from sectarian, sectarian and regional headlines, it is our right to have a religious and cultural affiliation, but Iraq remains the biggest title that we must preserve and protect.”

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces directed the National Intelligence and Security Services to “assume the responsibility for activating the intelligence effort and assigning the rest of the security services to carry out proactive actions against the enemy.”

Al-Kazemi continued, saying: Iraq is going through crises and will cross them and become stronger, and the political forces must assume their responsibility and be at the level of the challenge. In the near future, we must move from the militarization of society to a civil society that serves its children in education, health and a decent life.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces issued a set of directives related to the intelligence effort, proactive operations, and training to pursue the remaining ISIS terrorist gangs, as well as work to return the remaining displaced families throughout Iraq to their areas of residence, reduce criminal crimes, strengthen borders, and confirm on the engineering voltage. LINK


Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday PM 4-6-22


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