Do's & Don'ts When You Increase Your Income

Do's & Don'ts When You Increase Your Income

2 Things You Should Do (and 1 You Shouldn’t) When You Increase Your Income

Team Member Blog, Consumerism to Frugalism

 Most of you would like to increase your income.

 Whether you’re looking to make a career move, change companies, start a business, or simply move up in your current situation, making more money is likely one of the major factors in your job decisions.

 Here at Money Saved is Money Earned, we know money isn’t everything and you shouldn’t live just for money. However, we also know that money plays a major factor in your ability to live the way you want.

While we should live within our means, most people would make very different choices if money wasn’t an option. Having said that, money should never be the end goal.

 What’s really at the heart of the drive for more money is the desire for more freedom and power: over our life and the choices we make about it, as well as our ability to influence the world in the ways we care most about.

 Money is nothing more than the means to an end.

 Unfortunately, most of us will not win the big lottery, start a billion dollar company, or inherit millions. This means that while our incomes may increase over time that increase will likely be gradual, and may come in the form of step or merit-based raises, bonuses, or commissions.

 However, most people find themselves spending money as fast as they make it, gradual increase or not.

 With these points in mind, what SHOULD you do if you find your income increasing?

 Luckily, we’re here to help.

 Here are 2 things you should do when you increase your income and 1 you shouldn’t.

 Things You SHOULD Do:

1. Pay off Debt

 We know we play this tune like a broken record, but paying off your debt as fast as you can is one of the most effective ways of having Money Earned through Money Saved.

 In fact, paying off debt is second only to not accruing debt in the first place!

 The reason paying off debt as soon as possible is so impactful is because of interest.

 Essentially, any loans you have you will pay interest on, which gives the lender extra incentive for loaning the money in the first place.


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