Bix Weir and Lynette Zang Wednesday Afternoon 4-7-2021
Bix Weir
ALERT! Silver Riggers Called Out as Delivery Pressures EXPLODE!
Apr 7, 2021
The clock is ticking on the Physical Silver market as we approach the most important COMEX delivery month in HISTORY.
Never before has the Silver Rigging Operations been so exposed and people around the world are Rising up to Take Physical Delivery of their metal!
It warms my heart to see "We The People" become so powerful in the face of the Global Banking Elite!!
April 7, 2021
Question 1: What does she mean by "burning off the debt"?
Question 2: How is physical gold going to help during a financial crisis with a dollar that has zero value, if merchants cannot purchase my gold? Doesn't that render my physical gold as worthless?
Question 3: After the crash of US currency, which is better to have for barter and retail, American Silver Eagles or 5 oz America the Beautiful?
Question 4: Should I continue to hold some cash on hand?
Question 5: How we will be able to pay off a mortgage, pay taxes, buy a car etc. with gold and silver when we are using a digital currency. Will coin shops or online dealers be a viable resource?