45 People Share The Best Piece Of Advice They’ve Ever Heard

45 People Share The Best Piece Of Advice They’ve Ever Heard

By Charlie Shaw, February 13th 2014

1. On giving excuses.    Don’t ruin a good apology with an excuse

2. On comparing.   If you keep comparing your life to someone else’s you will never be happy.

3. On “hoping.”   “Hope is not a strategy.”   My dad says this whenever someone says “I hope this works out” or something.   Pretty much it means you can’t rely on something working out, if you want it to work do something to make it happen!

4. On saving.   Always save 10% of what you earn.

5. On toilets.   Buy a plunger before you need a plunger.

6. On manners.   Make eye contact when shaking hands.

7. On college.   My dad gave me this piece of advice before I left for college: “Treat it like a job. Work 9 to 5, going to classes, then studying in a quiet spot in the library. Nothing to do? Work ahead on papers and assignments.” I did as he directed from the first day after orientation. I never pulled an all-nighter writing a paper or studying for exams. I never missed a class. College wasn’t a stressful experience for me, despite being in a competitive major. I graduated with a 3.83.

8. On priorities.   Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now.

9. On taking photos.   When you’re on vacation, take pictures of all the amazing places you see, sure, but make sure you or your friends are in the photos too. In 20 years when you look back at them, you’re not going to care about the Eiffel Tower, you’re going to care about the people you love standing in front of it.

10. Don’t brag.   Don’t boast about your abilities, if they are good enough, people will do the talking for you.

11. A simple maxim.   Do no harm, but take no crap.


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