30 Essential Money Habits

30 Essential Money Habits

By Elyssa Kirkham March 19, 2021

These money habits will help you grow your bank account.

What are you doing every day that can help you grow your bank account? If you can't answer that question, it's time to develop some new money habits.  Just like with your physical health, your financial health depends on the daily decisions you make every day. While healthy habits such as eating better and exercising keep you fit, certain money habits can keep you financially comfortable and help you establish wealth.

1. Spend Less Than You Earn

This habit is Personal Finance 101. It's always going to be true that you'll never get ahead financially if you always have more money going out than coming in. The great news is there are two ways you can work on this habit: Focus both on growing your income and controlling your spending to live within your means.

2. Keep Looking for New Earning Opportunities

As much as controlling spending is an essential habits, earning more money can be just as important. Look for ways to increase your income.

It could be something small, like babysitting once a week or bigger like selling crafts online.

3. Grow and Invest Your Money

In addition to looking for ways to earn money, financially savvy people also look for ways to grow the money they have. That can be as simple as finding a high-yield savings account where you can stash your funds and earn more than you would with a lower interest savings or checking account.

4. Continuously Pay Down Debt

Interest and debt can hold you back financially. It’s nearly impossible to get ahead and create a financially secure future when you’re always paying off yesterday’s purchases.

Whatever your debt repayment plan is, you need to stick to it and ideally pay more than the minimum every month to make a bigger impact.

5. Pay Yourself First


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