11 Basic Money Moves Everyone Should Make During Hard Times

11 Basic Money Moves Everyone Should Make During Hard Times

Gabrielle Olya   Tue, August 17, 2021,

The coronavirus pandemic has taken a major hit on the economy and the personal finances of workers across the country. The national unemployment rate was as high as 14.7% in April 2020. It's down to 5.4% now, but many Americans are still struggling to find jobs that pay them enough to stay afloat.

Whether you've lost your job, are experiencing reduced hours or are among the fortunate Americans who are still employed, here are the money moves experts say everyone should be making right now.

Review Your Budget

It's important to revisit your budget so you know exactly how much money you have coming in and how much you will need to cover essentials."A budget is key to feeling financially secure right now and determining if you can make ends meet," said Tony Drake, CFP and founder of Drake & Associates in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

"Write out your budget. List all your expenses, including fixed expenses like your mortgage, car payment and cell phone bill. It should also include variable expenses, such as utility payments, groceries and entertainment. Then determine how much income you have coming in. If your expenses outweigh your income, you’re going to have to take a hard look at where you can cut, even if it’s temporary."

Cut Back on Nonessential Spending as Much as Possible

"During these unprecedented times there are many things you cannot control, but how you save and spend is something you can manage," said Lindsay Sacknoff, head of consumer deposit and payment products at TD Bank. "Today's financial decisions will build a cushion to help you plan for what may lie ahead.

"To this end, she recommends cutting out nonessential expenses — any expenses outside of groceries, prescriptions, rent and utilities."By cutting out any non-essentials from your budget, you can easily save a few hundred dollars in the coming months," Sackoff said. "Putting your gym membership on hold, canceling a streaming service you never use, and cleaning your home instead of hiring a service are all luxuries that aren’t necessary."

Reevaluate Your Spending on 'Wants'

Although it's best to cut down on nonessential spending, you might still want to allow for some "wants" in your budget — though those "wants" might look different now than they have in the past."With expenses for essentials such as transportation or childcare on hold, you can look to redistribute those funds to new 'essentials' such as purchasing games or activities for your children at home, or online streaming services for TV and movies, fitness classes or a meditation app," said Shelly-Ann Eweka, a wealth management director at TIAA. "In addition to protecting your wallet, it’s important to prioritize your and your family’s mental health in this new reality."

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