10 Happiest Countries in the World and How To Get a Second Passport

10 Happiest Countries to Live in the World 2021

May 17, 2021

The past year has been life-changing for everyone in the world. From the smallest details of the way we live day-to-day, to how the world operates on a global scale.

 In these unprecedented times, its hard to determine the happiest countries to live in the world.

 Measuring Happiness of a country seems nebulous concept to try to quantify, being something that is largely subjective from person to person.

Fortunately, United Nations has released the World Happiness Report, which is based on several factors including culture, climate, economic, work-life balance and GDP per capita. These Countries are also good for expats looking for a place to settle or retire.

So here are 10 Happiest countries to live in the world.


How To Get A Second Passport?

I Love Prosperity: May 16, 2021

How To Get A Second Passport? - This is the question that we discuss with Tom.

 We talk about dual citizenship, how to get citizenship quickly, getting a second passport, the benefits of having two passports, and the future citizenship across the world.

Tom expatriated from the United States about 14 years ago, and he shares his reasons for doing so, and why he thinks that having a second passport is so important in today's world.



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