Freedom Is Like Inflation: You Lose 2-3% Every Year

Freedom Is Like Inflation: You Lose 2-3% Every Year

Notes From the Field By James Hickman (Simon Black)  March 13, 2025

My grandfather was born on April 19, 1915 in a dirty, one-room shack in the town of Bonham, Texas. Given the era, they had no electricity and no running water. And the family considered themselves fortunate that both mother and baby survived childbirth.

Pretty much everyone in the area was a farm laborer; they worked long, hard days in the unforgiving Texas heat trying to beckon life from ungenerous soil. But it was a living-- one that my grandfather joined at an early age.

Freedom Is Like Inflation: You Lose 2-3% Every Year

Notes From the Field By James Hickman (Simon Black)  March 13, 2025

My grandfather was born on April 19, 1915 in a dirty, one-room shack in the town of Bonham, Texas. Given the era, they had no electricity and no running water. And the family considered themselves fortunate that both mother and baby survived childbirth.

Pretty much everyone in the area was a farm laborer; they worked long, hard days in the unforgiving Texas heat trying to beckon life from ungenerous soil. But it was a living-- one that my grandfather joined at an early age.

He was 14 years old-- considered a “man” by the standards of his time-- when the Great Depression struck.

Few people, including my grandfather, would have understood that the worst economic crisis in American history was a manmade virus cooked up in the laboratory of political incompetence. All he knew was that banks in his home town failed… and many of his neighbors lost their life savings overnight.

This led to a lifelong mistrust of the banking system-- not just for my grandfather, but for an entire generation.

Throughout his life he kept his savings in an old coffee can. It wasn’t a lockbox or combination safe. He didn’t even bother hiding it; my grandfather literally just stuffed bills and coins into a metal can under the kitchen sink. He didn’t worry much about security because everyone in town knew and trusted one another, and no one would dare violate another man’s home… let alone his coffee can.

The other thing he did was save. If there was one thing my grandfather hated, it was spending money. On anything. You name it.

Food? He grew it himself and fished at the nearby lake. Medical care? The man barely ever went to the doctor in his entire life. Insurance? He had no concept of what that even was. Recreation? No one had time for such trivialities.

So, he saved just about everything he earned, depositing his meager wages with a satisfying and encouraging ka-ching into the ‘Bank of the Coffee Can’ week after week.

Whenever the coffee can became overly full, he knew it was time to invest his savings into something more durable and long-lasting.

But I’m not talking about stocks. In fact, given that he lived through the Crash of 1929, my grandfather believed that only a reckless, crazy person would buy stocks. And this trauma was shared by much of his generation.

So instead, he emptied out the old coffee can and invested in the one thing that he truly understood: land, i.e. one of the realest of real assets.

He always knew, worst case, he could plant more food on his new land. And this security had far more value to him than any other asset.

Then the cycle would begin anew: work, save, work, save… until, eventually, the coffee can would fill up again. He’d then use that money to buy building material and then build a small house on the land. No construction crew, no contractors. Just his own two hands and some basic tools.

Once complete, he’d put the house up for rent-- I remember he typically charged by the week to coincide with the farm laborers’ weekly pay. And, again, everything was settled in cash… so the coffee can began to fill more quickly.

Soon there was enough money to build another small house. Then another. And another. This man was living a real-life version of the old board game Monopoly; the only thing he didn’t do was trade his houses out for hotels.

But he wasn’t unique. My grandfather was extremely typical of his generation: highly productive, self-reliant savers who worked hard and never expected anything for free.

In their value system, being unproductive was frowned upon. Vagrancy was a crime. If there were any jobs available, you were expected to have one, no matter what it was. If there were no jobs available, you were expected to be looking for one-- or figure out how to produce something of value on your own.

My grandmother was cut from the same cloth. And the two of them eventually had a pretty substantial real estate portfolio of rental homes.

One particular complex had about a dozen or so houses on it, and my grandmother was in charge of collecting all the rent. They built her a small office near the entrance of the property, and not being one to waste resources, my grandmother decided to open a beauty salon there.

Bear in mind, my grandmother never went to cosmetology school. She didn’t have a license. She didn’t pass through a myriad of state and local permitting inspectors. She just hung her shingle out one day and customers started showing up. And because she provided good service, the customers kept showing up.

This is the sort of thing you used to be able to do in America. The government didn’t smother its citizens with endless regulations; if you wanted to start a business, you started one. No one asked permission to produce.

This is an incredible contrast to the America of today. God help you if you want to start a restaurant in the State of California, where you’ll spend years in the permitting, licensing, and inspection process, only to have employees go on strike over Gaza while customers brazenly steal from you with legal impunity.

That may be an extreme example, but government regulation at the federal, state, and local levels continues to strangle businesses-- small and solo businesses in particular.

A few years ago, the Institute for Justice sampled 102 lower-income occupations in American and found a total of 2,749 license requirements across the fifty states, demanding hundreds of dollars in fees, exams, and an average 362 days of bureaucracy.

These are for vocations like tree-trimmer, hair-braider, fisherman, auctioneer, locksmith, upholsterer, florist, and even farm laborer.

(Neil Gorsuch, sitting US Supreme Court Justice, bemoans similar statistics in his excellent book Overruled, which I can’t recommend enough.)

But this didn’t happen overnight. From my grandparents’ era to today, the bureaucratic, administrative state crept in little by little.

The effect is much like inflation where you lose 2-3% of your purchasing power year after year. One year’s inflation is no big deal; it’s only after looking back 10 or 20 years can we see how expensive things have become.

I really appreciate the tremendous efforts by Elon Musk and the people at DOGE to cut government spending. It needs to happen-- responsible spending is critical to solving America’s $36+ trillion debt crisis.

But perhaps even more important is turning back the clock on regulations… and going back to an era where you didn’t need to ask permission to be productive.

To your freedom,  James Hickman

Co-Founder, Schiff Sovereign LLC

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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Monday Evening 3-17-25

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,


▪️The custody rule, proposed under the former Biden administration and when Gary Gensler led the agency, would expand the current custody rule to include any client assets that an adviser has custody over.

▪️Acting Chair Uyeda’s move to revisit the rule marks the second time this month that the acting chair has asked the SEC staff to reconsider its rules.

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,


▪️The custody rule, proposed under the former Biden administration and when Gary Gensler led the agency, would expand the current custody rule to include any client assets that an adviser has custody over.

▪️Acting Chair Uyeda’s move to revisit the rule marks the second time this month that the acting chair has asked the SEC staff to reconsider its rules.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is considering walking back a proposal to tighten cryptocurrency custody requirements, marking the acting chair's latest move under the Trump administration.

SEC Acting Chair Mark Uyeda said commenters had significant concerns over a rule proposed in February 2023 that would require registered investment advisers to keep crypto with a qualified custodian and require those custodians to abide by certain requirements.

"Given such concern, there may be significant challenges to proceeding with the original proposal," Uyeda said on Monday at the Investment Company Institute's 2025 Investment Management Conference in San Diego. "As such, I have asked the SEC staff to work closely with the crypto task force to consider appropriate alternatives."

Uyeda's speech on Monday primarily focused on the SEC's rulemaking process, including potentially withdrawing or re-proposing rules or delaying compliance dates.

The custody rule, proposed under the former Biden administration when Gary Gensler led the agency, would expand the current custody rule to include any client assets that an adviser has custody over and would also add more protections to those assets.

Registered investment advisers are subject to a custody rule, which requires them to maintain those assets with a qualified custodian, such as a bank or broker-dealer.

The rule would extend those standards to the crypto industry, raising concerns about whether that would further limit the number of banks willing to do business with the sector.

Congressional Republicans, crypto firms and traditional finance companies pushed back against the rule when it was proposedA coalition of bank and financial industry associations, including the American Bankers Association, said at the time that the proposal "could have a material impact on their business."

Uyeda's move to revisit the rule marks the second time this month that the acting chair has asked the SEC staff to reconsider its rulesLast week, Uyeda said he directed the agency's staff to review a proposed rule change that would expand the definition of an "exchange" in a way that could potentially loop in decentralized crypto projects.

Both actions signal a change in course for the SEC under the new Trump administration. During the previous Biden administration, former Chair Gensler said most cryptocurrencies besides bitcoin were securities.

Since the Trump administration's arrival, the SEC has rapidly changed direction on several key crypto policies. In a matter of just a few weeks, it has:

▪️Rescinded controversial crypto accounting guidance
▪️Dropped enforcement actions against major crypto industry players
▪️Created a crypto task force
▪️Issued a statement on memecoins.

The crypto task force's first roundtable to discuss "defining security status" is on Friday. 

@ Newshounds News™
The Block



The newly established Pakistan Crypto Council aims to integrate blockchain technology and digital assets into the country’s financial system through clear regulations and innovation-driven policies.

Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb, serving as Chair, emphasized the government’s dedication to fostering a secure and progressive crypto ecosystem.

The initiative reflects Pakistan’s proactive stance on positioning itself as a global player in digital finance while ensuring investor protection and financial stability.

With collaboration between policymakers, regulatory authorities, and industry leaders, the council seeks to create a structured framework for crypto adoption.

Launched in Islamabad, the council will focus on regulatory claritystakeholder engagement, and fostering a compliant environment for businesses and investors.

The government-backed initiative is designed to support Pakistan’s economic growth by leveraging blockchain and cryptocurrency advancements.

Aurangzeb highlighted the council’s role in balancing innovation with regulation, ensuring a responsible approach to digital asset integration in the financial sector.

@ Newshounds News™


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Monday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#


Monday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#


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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Monday PM 3-17-2025


Clare:  Erbil hands Baghdad 48 billion dinars in non-oil revenues


The Ministry of Finance and Economy in the Kurdistan Regional Government announced on Monday that the federal treasury's share of non-oil revenues for February had been transferred to Baghdad.

According to a statement from the ministry, received by Shafaq News Agency, the transferred amount amounted to 48 billion and 722 million Iraqi dinars, which were deposited in the Erbil branch of the Central Bank of Iraq.


Clare:  Erbil hands Baghdad 48 billion dinars in non-oil revenues


The Ministry of Finance and Economy in the Kurdistan Regional Government announced on Monday that the federal treasury's share of non-oil revenues for February had been transferred to Baghdad.

According to a statement from the ministry, received by Shafaq News Agency, the transferred amount amounted to 48 billion and 722 million Iraqi dinars, which were deposited in the Erbil branch of the Central Bank of Iraq.

Last month, the Kurdistan Regional Government's Ministry of Finance and Economy announced the transfer of approximately 52 billion dinars in non-oil revenues to the federal treasury in Baghdad. LINK

Clare:  To reduce speculation, a Sudanese advisor reveals a new monetary strategy.


 The Prime Minister's economic advisor, Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, revealed a new monetary strategy Sunday evening that seeks to reduce speculation.

Saleh said in a statement to Al-Furat News that: "A new monetary strategy aims to gradually attract foreign exchange transactions to the officially regulated banking system."

He explained that "this strategy focuses on expanding the base of buying and selling foreign currency at fixed and stable rates, in line with the current monetary policy."

Saleh emphasized that "these steps coincide with enhancing the freedom of the foreign exchange process, with a high commitment to transparency and money governance in line with international standards."

He pointed out that "this strategy is being implemented in an organized and precise manner by the Iraqi banking system, and specifically targets large transfers, especially those related to financing wholesale trade."

Saleh also pointed out "the importance of stimulating electronic banking transactions to reduce cash circulation, which contributes to feeding the parallel market with cash dollars, thus reducing speculative operations that take place outside the framework of the law."

Raghad   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  There are things on the table that have not been sorted.  One of them is going to be the oil.  They have to have an evaluation for that.  We know...they have to value the oil in a Real Effective Exchange Rate or they would have done it by now.  It's been two years and they've lost billions.  It's obvious, it's quite clear that they're going to do something different in the future.

Sandy Ingram  5 reasons why the IQD will increase in value.  This assessment is based on Iraq only accepting payments for shipping services in its own currency. 1.  Higher demand for IQD - when international companies pay for shipping, railway usage and port service in Iraq dinar, the demand for the currency increases.  2. Scarcity formula - As more businesses buy IQD...the supply of available dinar decreased making each unit more valuable.  3. Less dependent on the US dollar - if Iraq the IQD instead of USD it strengthens the local currency while reducing inflationary pressures.  4.  Stronger economy equals stronger currency.  The development road will create jobs, increase exports and boost government revenue leading to economic growth and a more stable IQD.  5.  An alternative to the Suez Canal saving billions for companies exporting to Europe.

The Planned Global De-Dollarization Black Swan

Heresy Financial:  3-17-2025


0:00 Trump's Dollar Devaluation

 1:15 Taleb’s Warning & the Threat

 3:00 Hyperinflation vs. Deflation

4:15 Step 1 – Devalue the Dollar via Tariffs

6:30 Step 2 – Cut Government Spending

 8:00 Step 3 – Build Strategic Asset Reserves (Gold & Bitcoin)

10:00 Impact on Interest Rates & Market Volatility

11:45 Refinancing & Bond Market Dynamics

 13:00 Global Implications: A New Financial Order

15:00 Actionable Insights: Profiting Amid Turbulence

 16:10 Conclusion & Call to Action

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Monday Afternoon 3-17-25

Three Iraqi Fintechs Listed In Forbes’ Top 50 Middle East Fintechs
March 16, 2025  Baghdad ( – Iraq’s financial technology sector has gained significant recognition, with three Iraqi fintech firms
—ZainCash, NEO Iraq, and NASS e-Payment—
being listed among Forbes’ Top 50 Fintechs in the Middle East.

ZainCash (Ranked 11)  ZainCash, a mobile wallet service owned by March Holding, is a key player in Iraq’s digital payment landscape.

Three Iraqi Fintechs Listed In Forbes’ Top 50 Middle East Fintechs
March 16, 2025  Baghdad ( – Iraq’s financial technology sector has gained significant recognition, with three Iraqi fintech firms
—ZainCash, NEO Iraq, and NASS e-Payment—
being listed among Forbes’ Top 50 Fintechs in the Middle East.

ZainCash (Ranked 11)  ZainCash, a mobile wallet service owned by March Holding, is a key player in Iraq’s digital payment landscape.

It offers services such as merchant payments, digital vouchers, government bill settlements, international and domestic transfers, and mobile top-ups.
With a vast network of 10,000 cash-in/out agents and over a million active users, the company processed more than 35 million transactions in 2024.
Looking ahead to 2025, Zain Cash aims to expand its portfolio by introducing trading, Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) options, and instant micro lending services.
NEO Iraq (Ranked 39)   NEO Pay Iraq facilitates online shopping and digital transactions through websites, mobile applications, and point-of-sale terminals.
The company provides both virtual and physical prepaid cards linked to its mobile app.
By December 2024, NEO Iraq had established a network of over 650 agents, reached 212,000 active cardholders, and processed $509 million in transactions.
Additionally, its app had been downloaded 420,000 times by the end of the year.
NASS e-Payment (Ranked 41)   NASS e-Payment delivers payment solutions to individuals, businesses, and government institutions across Iraq.
The company began issuing payment cards in 2024 and became an official partner of Visa and Mastercard.  By the close of 2024, NASS e-Payment had 452,000 active users, processed $417 million in transactions, and recorded 602,633 app downloads.
Iraq’s Growing Fintech Presence
ZainCash and NEO Iraq had previously been included in Forbes’ rankings, reaffirming their sustained impact in the fintech sector.
The addition of NASS e-Payment this year further highlights the ongoing growth of Iraq’s digital financial ecosystem.
Forbes reported that the fintech firms on its list collectively handled over $240 billion in transactions and raised more than $3.8 billion in capital, showcasing the sector’s rapid expansion and influence in the Middle East.    

Rafidain Bank: Record Growth In Electronic Collection Settlements For Government Departments' Accounts.
    Time: 2025/03/16 20:18:04 Read: 1,785 times  {Economic: Al Furat News} The Government Revenue Collection Department at Rafidain Bank announced today, Sunday, an
unprecedented growth in electronic collection settlements for government departments' accounts during 2024.
The department confirmed the increasing pace of collections via electronic payment companies, reflecting the significant development in adopting digital systems in government revenue management.
According to statistics issued by Rafidain Bank, a copy of which was received by {Euphrates News}, the  
total amounts collected during 2024 amounted to more than 6.06 trillion Iraqi dinars,  recording a continuous increase compared to the first months of the year.
September 2024 witnessed the highest growth rate, as total settlements reached 838.5 billion dinars, an increase of 11.12% compared to the previous month. Rafidain Bank added,
"At the beginning of 2025, the system continued its strong performance, with total collections in
January 2025 reaching approximately IQD 707.5 billion, followed by
February with IQD 689.2 billion.
Government departments also recorded a significant increase in the activation of the electronic collection system, with the number of activated entities rising to
     1,808 by February 2025, compared to
     1,395 in December 2024."

He emphasized that  "this significant growth reflects the success of the state's efforts to
     promote digital transformation,
     reduce reliance on cash, and
     achieve higher levels of transparency and financial efficiency. He also emphasized that
the electronic tax collection system represents a fundamental pillar in
     improving collection mechanisms and
     reducing the risk of financial corruption."

Rafidain Bank concluded, "This qualitative leap comes within the framework of the ongoing efforts led by Rafidain Bank,
in cooperation with government agencies, to
     support the digital economy,
     enhance confidence in electronic financial transactions, and
     raise the efficiency of the financial sector in Iraq."مصرف-الرافدين-نمو-قياسي-في-تسويات-الجباية-الإلكترونية-لحسابات-دوائر-الدولة 

Experts: E-Commerce Supports The National Economy And Startups
Economic 03/13/2025  Baghdad: Hussein Thaghab  The Cabinet's announcement of the issuance of the "E-Commerce Regulatory System" was widely welcomed in economic circles.
This system aims to establish a clear legal framework regulating online buying and selling.
This decision is part of the
government's efforts to foster a safe and regulated digital environment that
     supports electronic payments and
     guarantees the rights of all stakeholders,
     contributing to expanding the scope of digital commerce and
     taking it to a more advanced level.
Finance and development expert Dr. Aqeel Jabr Al-Muhammadi confirmed to Al-Sabah that the
issuance of this system represents a qualitative step towards stimulating electronic payment and guaranteeing consumer rights.

He pointed out that it will encourage stores and digital platforms to register officially and adhere to consumer protection standards. He also explained that
this regulation contributes to providing a more flexible competitive environment for producers, marketers, and e-stores, which enhances From market dynamics. Al-Muhammadawi pointed out that 

adopting electronic payments as a fundamental part of this system will be subject to the supervision of the Central Bank of Iraq, ensuring the control and regulation of digital financial transactions.
This regulation also opens the way for linking the Iraqi e-market with Arab and global markets, enhancing opportunities for digital trade exchange.
Economists believe that the "e-commerce regulatory system"
     not only regulates markets and protects consumers, but also
     represents a real opportunity to support the national economy, particularly startups and entrepreneurs, by
     encouraging investment in modern financial technologies. According to Al-Muhammadawi,
this regulation lays a solid foundation for an integrated digital market in accordance with international standardshelping integrate new business operations into the national economy.
This system also
     enhances official recognition of online business activities, including e-marketing and digital business process management, in addition to
     providing advanced electronic means for displaying products and services.
Through the use of applicationscommercial websites, and social mediabuying and selling processes will be facilitated, while
e-governance and operations management will be improved according to the latest technical systems.
Earlier, the Association of Private Banks emphasized that regulating e-commerce is an urgent necessity to control digital markets and protect consumers, especially with the increasing incidence of fraud associated with online shopping.
In a related context, Al-Muhammadi stressed the
     importance of supporting e-commerce intermediaries, given
     their pivotal role in facilitating and connecting e-commerce and economic transactions.

He explained that these intermediaries contribute to enhancing e-payment tools and achieving integration between  e-stores and consumers, which helps complete the cycle.

Digital business operations.

The regulation of e-commerce is expected to have a
     positive impact on economic market growth indicators by enhancing the added value of the gross domestic product (GDP) and
     achieving broader integration between the various components of the digital economy, thus
     providing a favorable environment for the development of the e-commerce sector in Iraq.
For his part, Mustafa Akram Hantoush, a financial and economic expert, pointed out that
e-commerce in Iraq now
     provides thousands of jobs through online applications,
     enabling citizens to earn good profits that cover their daily expenses.
He praised the government's steps to regulate this trade through dedicated platforms that guarantee the rights of all parties, explaining that the
legal and financial regulation of this sector will contribute to its development and increase the volume of digital transactions.
In the same context, Ghazi Al-Kinani, advisor to the Global Smart Card Company, emphasized that
the government's decision to regulate the e-commerce market is extremely important, especially given the significant expansion witnessed in this sector in Iraq during the recent period. He explained to Al-Sabah that
e-commerce has become a vital, competitive sector that requires continuous development to keep pace with global changes. Al-Kanani pointed out that
the expansion of e-commerce operations in Iraq
     reflects the country's ability to keep pace with global developments in this field, in addition to
     providing job opportunities for a wide range of youth in various specializations, which
     contributes to improving the situation. Economic for Iraqi families.  


For current and reliable Iraqi news please visit:

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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Monday Afternoon 3-17-25

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,


In a crypto landscape where Bitcoin frequently tops $100K and commands a $1.3 trillion market cap, Cardano (ADA) is carving a transformative path through its integration with Bitcoin.

Announced in October 2024, this integration, powered by the BitcoinOS (BOS) Grail Bridge, uses zero-knowledge cryptography to connect two of the most prominent blockchains.

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,


In a crypto landscape where Bitcoin frequently tops $100K and commands a $1.3 trillion market cap, Cardano (ADA) is carving a transformative path through its integration with Bitcoin.

Announced in October 2024, this integration, powered by the BitcoinOS (BOS) Grail Bridge, uses zero-knowledge cryptography to connect two of the most prominent blockchains.

This initiative aims to unlock Bitcoin’s vast liquidity for Cardano’s decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, placing Cardano as a leader in cross-chain innovation. Both blockchains benefit from the strengths of each and this synergy makes it possible to do more in crypto.

How Both Blockchains Benefit

Cardano’s BTC integration creates a symbiotic relationship, enhancing the strengths of both Bitcoin and Cardano through technical ingenuity and strategic alignment.

Cardano’s Gains

Cardano taps into Bitcoin’s unparalleled liquidity—over $1.3 trillion as of early 2025—via the BOS Grail BridgeThis bridge uses the BitSNARK protocol, a zero-knowledge proof system, to enable trustless, secure transfers of BTC onto Cardano’s smart contract platform. In short, BitSNARK makes sure your Bitcoin transfers to Cardano remain private, secure, and reliable.

Unlike traditional bridges requiring off-chain custody, the Grail Bridge keeps Bitcoin on its native chain while allowing it to interact with Cardano’s extended UTXO (eUTxO) model. This model is Cardano’s way of handling transactions, where each transaction spends outputs from previous ones—like paying with exact cash and getting change—allowing safer, clearer, and more predictable blockchain interactions.

This opens doors to DeFi applications like lending and yield farming, powered by Cardano’s Ouroboros proof-of-stake consensus, which processes transactions with lower energy costs than Bitcoin’s proof-of-work.

Upcoming upgrades like Leios further boost scalability, preparing Cardano for a surge in BTC-driven activity.

ADA Spotlight: Sundial

Sundial, a Layer 2 solution bridging Cardano and Bitcoin, launched in late 2024 to unlock Bitcoin’s $1.3 trillion liquidity for Cardano’s DeFi ecosystem. Built on Cardano’s secure eUTxO model and Ouroboros consensus, Sundial processes transactions off-chain for increased speed, lower costs, and scalability.

“This partnership brings together Bitcoin’s security and Cardano’s flexibility, creating new opportunities for DeFi and real-world use. Our L2 will bridge these ecosystems, making transactions faster, more scalable, and more efficient.” stated Sundial founder Sheldon Hunt.

In partnership with Tesseract, Sundial protocol aims to handle thousands of transactions per second, integrating Bitcoin seamlessly and securely into Cardano’s rapidly growing ecosystem of 1,370+ projects.

By enabling Bitcoin-backed lending and trading, Sundial positions Cardano as a major DeFi hub for institutional users, potentially pushing ADA above $3 by late 2025 and reinforcing Cardano’s role as a leading interoperable blockchain.

Bitcoin’s Advantages on Cardano

For Bitcoin, this integration opens the prospect of smart contract functionality without altering its core protocol.

The BOS Grail Bridge enables BTC holders to engage in DeFi on Cardanolike decentralized exchanges or collateralized loanswhile preserving Bitcoin’s security and simplicity. This doesn’t compromise Bitcoin’s foundational design but extends its utility beyond a store of value.

The BitSNARK protocol ensures privacy-preserving smart contracts, maintaining Bitcoin’s ethos of decentralization. With Cardano handling over 100 million transactions to date and hosting 1370+ Web3 projects, Bitcoin unlocks a partner chain to explore new use cases.

Top Benefits for Cardano Users Today

Cardano users are already reaping rewards from this integration, with practical enhancements boosting accessibility and utility.

▪️Enhanced DeFi Access

Bitcoin’s liquidity flowing into Cardano means users can now stake BTC in DeFi protocols, earn yields, or use it as collateral—all secured by zero-knowledge cryptography.

This expands Cardano’s 1300+ project ecosystem, which includes decentralized applications (dApps) built on its Plutus smart contract platform.

▪️Babel Fees Simplify Interaction

Cardano’s unique Babel Fees system lets users pay transaction fees in BTC instead of ADA, which is great for Bitcoin holders. This removes the need to acquire ADA upfront, lowering entry barriers and streamlining cross-chain participation.

Imagine a BTC holder joining a Cardano liquidity pool without swapping assets—Babel Fees make it seamless.

▪️Scalability in Action

With Leios on the horizon and Ouroboros already delivering high throughput, Cardano handles increased DeFi traffic efficiently. Users benefit from lower costs—often fractions of a cent per transaction—compared to Ethereum’s gas fees, making BTC-based DeFi on Cardano both practical and affordable. Sundial’s L2 bridging hints at even faster, cheaper transactions, though it’s still emerging.

▪️Community Governance

Cardano’s decentralized governance, rooted in its Voltaire phase, empowers users to shape the ecosystem. Bitcoin’s integration amplifies this, drawing in a broader community to vote on upgrades via on-chain mechanisms. This participatory model, paired with regulatory engagement in Washington D.C., builds trust among users and institutions alike.

In short, Cardano users gain a richer, more accessible DeFi landscape, fueled by Bitcoin’s scale and secured by cutting-edge tech.

Future Vision: Bitcoin and Cardano in Harmony

The ultimate goal of this integration transcends price speculation—it’s about making Bitcoin even more expansive in the multichain era of crypto. By merging Bitcoin’s liquidity with Cardano’s smart contract abilities, the duo makes for a better experience especially if you’re a Bitcoiner. You get to drive financial innovation on BTC on an unprecedented scale.

Picture a future where Bitcoin powers decentralized lending platforms on Cardano, or where BTC-backed stablecoins thrive across multichain ecosystemsall without centralized intermediaries.

Sundial and other L2’s integrated with BTC & ADA could accelerate this by enhancing scalability, potentially handling thousands of transactions per second. Cardano’s research-driven approach, with over 200 academic papers behind it, ensures this vision is grounded in rigor, not hype.

Bitcoin trusts Cardano to grow the network, and that is proof enough of Cardano’s firepower in the coming crypto cycles.

Analysts like Michaël van de Poppe see ADA hitting $3 short-term, with $10 possible by year-end 2025 if adoption surges. Yet there are still some challenges: Bitcoin’s conservative base needs convincing, and technical hurdles in cross-chain architecture persist.

But if realized, Cardano becomes Bitcoin’s smart contract layer, unlocking $1.3 trillion in value for DeFi while reinforcing Cardano’s role as a sustainable, scalable blockchain. This is about a symbiotic leap forward in crypto, blending Bitcoin’s dominance with Cardano’s innovation to reshape finance for millions.

@ Newshounds News™
Bitcoin News



▪️North Korea has amassed a significant Bitcoin reserve through cybercrime, posing a potential market risk due to possible large-scale sales.

▪️The U.S. has established a large, legitimate Bitcoin reserve, contrasting with North Korea's illicit accumulation.

▪️North Korea's use of Bitcoin raises concerns about market stability.

North Korea has quietly built one of the largest government-held Bitcoin reserves, surpassing even crypto-friendly nations like El Salvador and BhutanThis has raised concerns in the crypto community, as a sudden sell-off from North Korea could shake the market, causing a liquidity crisis and a major price drop.

What happens if they decide to sell off their holdings? Could this trigger a massive market crash? And more importantly, is this part of a bigger geopolitical game?

Here’s a closer look at how North Korea built its Bitcoin empire – and why the world should be paying attention.

Are Heists Fueling North Korea’s Bitcoin Growth?

North Korea’s rise as a major Bitcoin holder follows a large-scale cyber heist by the Lazarus Group, a state-backed hacking syndicate. On February 21, 2025, the group stole over $1.4 billion in cryptocurrency from Bybit, a well-known exchange.

Much of the stolen funds, originally in Ethereum, were later converted into Bitcoin, increasing North Korea’s total holdings to 13,562 BTC—now valued at more than $1.14 billion.

The US Takes a Different Approach

While North Korea has acquired Bitcoin through cyberattacks, the United States has opted for a structured approach. On March 6, 2025, President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve (SBR). With 198,109 BTC, worth around $16.71 billion, the US now holds the world’s largest government-owned Bitcoin supply.

How Other Countries Compare in Bitcoin Holdings

According to Arkham data, several governments now hold significant amounts of Bitcoin:

▪️The United Kingdom has 61,245 BTC ($5.17 billion), mostly seized from criminal activity.
▪️Bhutan holds 10,635 BTC ($897.6 million) through its state investment arm, Druk Holdings.
▪️El Salvador, the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender, has 6,117 BTC ($516.11 million).

Is Kim Jong Un Making a Strategic Bitcoin Move?

The timing of North Korea’s Bitcoin buildup, just as the US launched its Strategic Bitcoin Reserve, has raised speculation. Some analysts believe Kim Jong Un is using stolen Bitcoin to create a shadow reserve, helping North Korea bypass financial restrictions and fund operations without relying on traditional banking systems.

Bitcoin’s decentralized nature makes it a valuable asset for North Korea, which has been cut off from the global financial system due to international sanctions. Unlike traditional reserves such as gold or foreign currency, Bitcoin allows the country to move wealth and conduct transactions without oversight from global financial authorities.

Crypto Community Is Not Taking It Well

While the US sees its Bitcoin reserve as a financial strategy, North Korea’s growing stash appears to be part of a broader geopolitical game. This marks a shift where digital assets are becoming tools of economic and political influence.

The crypto community is increasingly worried about North Korea’s Bitcoin strategy.

Bitcoin is no longer just a currency; it’s a weapon, a shield, and a statement of power.

@ Newshounds News™


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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 3-17-2025

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 17 March 2025

Compiled Mon. 17 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

What We Think We Know as of Mon. 17 March 2025:

Fri. 14 March 2025 Secretary of Treasury Scott Bessent: President Trump is (allegedly) putting a 90 day tax collection freeze on the IRS and firing 45,000 agents.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 17 March 2025

Compiled Mon. 17 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

What We Think We Know as of Mon. 17 March 2025:

Fri. 14 March 2025 Secretary of Treasury Scott Bessent: President Trump is (allegedly) putting a 90 day tax collection freeze on the IRS and firing 45,000 agents.

Corporate Taxes in the United States: “Corporate taxes in the United States began in 1894 when the first federal corporate income tax was introduced. However, this tax was challenged in court and found to be unconstitutional, leading to its repeal within one year. The corporate tax was reintroduced in 1913 with a much lower rate of 1%.” The Federal Reserve, didn’t just shove the income tax down the throats of Americans, it also shoved the corporate tax down the throats of American businesses too. Trump is taking us back to the constitution where the people have all the power again.”

The CIA, the Federal Reserve, and Wall Street have spent decades suppressing gold’s role in the financial system. If gold was really worthless, why is the U.S. government REFUSING to conduct a full audit of Fort Knox? Why is China accumulating massive gold reserves? Why are the wealthiest families quietly preparing for a return to a gold-based economy while YOU are told to “trust the dollar”? …Secrets Exposed on Telegram


Global Currency Reset:

On Mon. 17 March 2025 NESARA/GESARA Will Be (allegedly)  Official Throughout the World.  …Mr. Pool on X

Sat. 15 March 2025 Wolverine: “A high, high source just told me we will be celebrating this week. I can’t tell you the date, but it will all be happening this week.”

Sat. 15 March 2025: MAJOR NEWS: RV/GCR is HERE – The Gold Reset is HAPPENING – The Fed is D**D – The Fiat Illusion is Collapsing – Are You Ready? – – American Media Group


Sat. 15 March 2025 Quantum Financial System (QFS) Operating … Julian Assange on Telegram

THURS. 13 MARCH 2025: THE QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM (QFS) has been operating behind the scenes, monitoring all banking transactions in preparation for its full activation. This technology will revolutionize the financial world, rendering corruptt systems obsolete and ensuring a gold- or asset-backed economy free from manipulation.

The End of the Cabal’s Banking Empire: The QFS will replace the Swift system with an un-hackable, AI-driven network supported by the Secret Space Program. It was designed to dismantle the DeepState’s control, preventing iligal wealth accumulation through usury, fraud, and theft. The days of corrupt politicians and bankers laundering money in secrecy are over—QFS monitors every transaction in real time.

The QFS has been running parallel to the existing system, Every fiat dollar, euro, or yen has been digitally marked, making illicit transfers impossible to conceal. The Cabal’s system is crumbling; their defeat is near.

Gold-Backed Currencies & The Global Currency Reset (GCR): In the new system, only gold- or asset-backed currencies will be recognized. Every transaction will carry a digital gold certificate, referencing the actual gold reserves securing the currency. Any fiat currency tied to fraud, terrorism, or illigal origins will be disqualified from QFS.

Each country must be GESARA-compliant to participate, ensuring fairness in global trade. A specific formula will determine each nation’s currency value based on its assets, economy, and population. The GCR (Global Currency Reset) will align all national currencies at a one-to-one exchange rate, ensuring financial sovereignty free from Cabal control.

QFS: The Ultimate Quantum Security: Unlike blockchain, which is still vulnerable, QFS is a quantum AI system technology. It prevents hacking, fraud, and unauthorized transfers, ensuring every transaction is transparent, legal, and owner-intended.

For decades, politicians and elites manipulated the Swift system, moving stolen wealth globally. They never realized that QFS was already tracking their actions in real time.

The Deepstate’s Final Breath: Despite desperate efforts to hack, delay, or sabotage QFS, the Cabal has lost. They will soon be fully removed as the world shifts to a free and fair financial system. Seventy thousand+ sealed indictments are prepared, signaling a wave of justice. The DeepState’s destruction is inevitable.

The QFS is alive—an intelligent system that ensures financial fairness, preventing theft and restoring economic freedom for humanity. The great liberation has begun.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  If they change the value of their exchange rate and they go into the international Forex they're not going to do it at 1310.  If they were going to do it at 1310 as it is today they would have already done it but they haven't.  It's that simple.

Militia Man  They're somewhere around 2.5% to 2.8% inflation, which is historically low in all of the Middle East...Having the dollar reserves, having the gold reserves and having low inflation are key components to a revaluation...They have well over what is required by the IMF.  They've got 3x to 5x the reserves necessary to support the value of their currency.

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:As soon as the budget reaches the council and it will submit a report to the presidency of parliament in this regard.  FRANK:  First it's going to the COM!  What did I say?  Who should be the last?  And!  The last nanosecond.  This going to the COM first Sudani? Yes.  The COM, your Council of Ministers, is going to review every penny of this budget?  Yes.  Then it's going to parliament?  Yes.  So they can't screw around with it by then because then it becomes official right? Yes.

FDIC: Bank Deposit Risk Grows as $482B in Losses Threaten Stability

Taylor Kenny:  3-16-2025

The FDIC just confirmed bank losses are surging, not shrinking—and it’s 10X worse than 2008.

With rising interest rates devaluing bank assets, the same risk that collapsed Silicon Valley Bank is now lurking beneath the surface of the entire financial system.

 Only 1.25% of deposits are insured, and banks are stockpiling gold. What are they preparing for?


 0:00 FDIC

1:40 $118 Billion ¬Loss

2:36 High Risk Banks

6:07 Increased Inflation & Bank-Bail Ins

 8:23 Central Bank Gold Buying

9:50 Gold and Silver Guide

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

St. Patrick’s Day Coffee with MarkZ. 03/17/2025

St. Patrick’s Day Coffee with MarkZ. 03/17/2025

It appears Mark has been taken off youtube for a week. So try Rumble and Twitch this week to find him

The rolling chat does not work well on Rumble…so cannot always post member questions or comments…  Notes may be very short this week.

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

St. Patrick’s Day Coffee with MarkZ. 03/17/2025

It appears Mark has been taken off youtube for a week. So try Rumble and Twitch this week to find him

The rolling chat does not work well on Rumble…so cannot always post member questions or comments…  Notes may be very short this week.

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ: Mr. Cottrell is supposed to be here today……but we will not be back on youtube until Friday or Saturday.

MZ:  There are a lot of expectations for later today and tomorrow on the bond side. Most are looking at the 18th. I will post if I get any confirmations……Remember no more Monday night podcasts.

MZ: There are rumblings in some of the “Currency Groups” trying to buy up currency from other smaller groups. Not sure where the funds are coming from…..but there seems to be a mad dash right now to consolidate. I am trying to get more information but this could be a huge sign.

MZ: There is no way (IMO) that they would spend those dollars unless they believe they would shortly get them back. This is good news from the currency side of this.  

MZ: in Iraq:  “The Iraqi Economy –Challenges and opportunities in light of global financial transformations” They are letting us know the great success they are having in going digital and their standing with the international community and foreign exchanges. The government is working tirelessly to reduce dependence on the US dollar. And they are promoting the use of the Iraqi dinar for financial transactions.

MZ: De-dollization is strengthening the value of the Iraqi dinar. They are telling us what they are doing.

MZ: “The government is preparing to approve the 2025 budget-Sudanese advisor reveals details”  They say it will be submitted before Ramadan ends.  Before Eid Al Fitr.

MZ: I have so many sources in Iraq saying the reason they have delayed it is because there is a new rate in it. This does make sense.

MZ: “Al Rafidain announces the collection of 6 trillion dinars electronically during 2024” This is more about the digital transformation and the economic “white papers” …and the goal is to increase the purchasing power of all Iraqi’s.

MZ: “Erbil hands Baghdad  48 billion dinars  in non-oil revenue”  This was just for the past month as they pound out the last of the HCL agreements.

MZ: Here is a fun one: “ US and Vietnam sign $4 Billion energy and minerals deals” And the US and the World bank are pushing Vietnam to increase their exchange rate. It certainly looks like Vietnam is becoming front and center in Asia. I enjoyed this

MZ: Here is a bank story….that’s not a bank story. “My son is in Blue Ridge, GA hiking and fishing this weekend. They got a hotel because of the horrible weather coming through last weekend. While they were packing up to leave they got to talking with a couple. The man is a banker in Atlanta. My son said my dad follows the Iraqi dinar…do you think it will ever be worth something or is my dad crazy? ..and to make a long story short….the banker said “Your dad is not crazy. He is very smart and it is definitely a good investment. I didn’t think much about it until 5 months ago….but your dad is very smart. “

MZ: There are more and more stories from active bankers over the last few months that tell me “To Prepared”

MZ: I will see if I can get a farm claims contact and a Bond attorney to come on and do a recorded call. It is very dangerous for them…but if they will…I will let you know.

Mr. Cottrell joins the stream today. Please listen to replay for his information and opinions




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.




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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Monday 3-17-2025


Tishwash:  Iraq: Top 5 Arab economy in 2024

Five Arab countries, including Iraq, accounted for 72% of the region’s GDP, which surpassed $3.6 trillion in 2024, according to a new report from the Arab Investment & Export Credit Guarantee Corporation ("Dhaman") released on Sunday.

The UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, and Algeria emerged as the leading contributors to the Arab economy, the report showed.

The forecast for 2025 suggests a 4.1% growth in the Arab economy, driven by strong performances in 14 countries, including nine oil producers, which together make up around 78% of the total GDP.


Tishwash:  Iraq: Top 5 Arab economy in 2024

Five Arab countries, including Iraq, accounted for 72% of the region’s GDP, which surpassed $3.6 trillion in 2024, according to a new report from the Arab Investment & Export Credit Guarantee Corporation ("Dhaman") released on Sunday.

The UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, and Algeria emerged as the leading contributors to the Arab economy, the report showed.

The forecast for 2025 suggests a 4.1% growth in the Arab economy, driven by strong performances in 14 countries, including nine oil producers, which together make up around 78% of the total GDP.

Despite economic challenges, the analysis highlights a boost in oil and gas export revenues, though crude oil production dropped by 4%, with uneven growth across the region.

Iraq continues to play a central role in the Arab economy, with its reliance on oil exports alongside government efforts to diversify income sources and increase investments in other sectors.

Per capita income in the Arab world reached $7,557 in 2024, with a modest increase expected to $7,602 in 2025. The population surpassed 467 million, growing by 2%.

Inflation in the region climbed to 12% last year, but is expected to ease to 8.5% in 2025. Unemployment rose to 9.7%.

Arab foreign trade saw a 3.6% increase, reaching $3.3 trillion, thanks to a 1% rise in exports and a 7% jump in imports.

Foreign exchange reserves across Arab countries grew by 3.7%, reaching $1.2 trillion, enough to cover imports for more than eight months.

The region's government debt decreased to 48.3% of GDP, with further reductions expected, dropping to 47.6% in the coming year.  link


Tishwash:  To reduce speculation, a Sudanese advisor reveals a new monetary strategy.

The Prime Minister's economic advisor, Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, revealed a new monetary strategy Sunday evening that seeks to reduce speculation.

Saleh said in a statement to Al-Furat News that: "A new monetary strategy aims to gradually attract foreign exchange transactions to the officially regulated banking system."

He explained that "this strategy focuses on expanding the base of buying and selling foreign currency at fixed and stable rates, in line with the current monetary policy."

Saleh emphasized that "these steps coincide with enhancing the freedom of the foreign exchange process, with a high commitment to transparency and money governance in line with international standards."

He pointed out that "this strategy is being implemented in an organized and precise manner by the Iraqi banking system, and specifically targets large transfers, especially those related to financing wholesale trade."

Saleh also pointed out "the importance of stimulating electronic banking transactions to reduce cash circulation, which contributes to feeding the parallel market with cash dollars, thus reducing speculative operations that take place outside the framework of the law."  link


Tishwash:  Rafidain: Electronic collection amounts jumped to more than 6 trillion dinars in 2024.

Rafidain Bank announced record growth in electronic tax settlements for government departments' accounts during 2024, with amounts exceeding 6 trillion dinars.

A statement issued by Rafidain Bank confirmed, "The pace of collections through electronic payment companies has increased, reflecting the significant development in the adoption of digital systems in government revenue management."

The statement explained that "total tax collections during 2024 amounted to more than 6.06 trillion Iraqi dinars, recording a continuous increase compared to the first months of the year."

According to the statement, September 2024 witnessed the highest growth rate, with total settlements reaching 838.5 billion dinars, an increase of 11.12% compared to the previous month.

At the beginning of 2025, the system continued its "strong performance, with total collections in January 2025 reaching approximately 707.5 billion dinars, followed by February with 689.2 billion dinars." 

Government departments also recorded a "significant increase in the activation of the electronic collection system, with the number of activated entities rising to 1,808 by February 2025, compared to 1,395 by December 2024."

Rafidain Bank affirmed that "this significant growth reflects the success of the state's efforts to promote digital transformation, reduce reliance on cash, and achieve higher levels of financial transparency and efficiency," noting that "the electronic collection system represents a fundamental pillar in improving collection mechanisms and reducing the risks of financial corruption."

He also noted that "this qualitative leap comes within the framework of the ongoing efforts led by Rafidain Bank, in cooperation with government agencies, to support the digital economy, enhance confidence in electronic financial transactions, and raise the efficiency of the financial sector in Iraq link

Mot: .. May the Road Rise ~~~~~

Mot: .. Bet Ya Didn't Knows!!  Elves in ireland

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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Monday Morning 3-17-25


Key US economic indicators this week, including retail sales, housing starts, and jobless claims, will provide signals about the economy.

▪The Federal Reserve's interest rate decision, expected to remain unchanged, will be closely watched for future policy hints.

▪Multiple indexes released on Thursday, including Existing Home Sales and the Fed Manufacturing Index, are forecast to decline.


Key US economic indicators this week, including retail sales, housing starts, and jobless claims, will provide signals about the economy.

▪The Federal Reserve's interest rate decision, expected to remain unchanged, will be closely watched for future policy hints.

▪Multiple indexes released on Thursday, including Existing Home Sales and the Fed Manufacturing Index, are forecast to decline.

This week, several key economic events in the US could shape market trends and investor sentiment. From retail sales and housing data to jobless claims and the Federal Reserve’s interest rate decision, these reports will offer crucial insights into the state of the economy.

Why does this matter? Because shifts in economic indicators don’t just affect traditional markets – they impact crypto too! A strong economy could fuel investor confidence, while signs of slowdown might trigger uncertainty.

Prime US Economic Events This Week

US Retail Sales Index – Monday

The US Retail Sales Index, set for release on Monday, measures the total sales of retail goods and services over a month.

In January, it dropped from 0.7% to -0.9%. The consensus expects that it would rise from -0.9% to 0.7%. According to TEForecast, the index would climb to 0.5%.

An increase in retail sales usually signals a strong economy, boosting investor confidence and encouraging riskier investments like cryptocurrencies. However, if consumer spending is too strong, the Federal Reserve may take a stricter stance on interest rates, which could negatively impact the crypto market.

US Housing Starts Index – Tuesday

The Housing Starts Index, coming out on Tuesday, tracks the number of new residential construction projects that begin each month.

In January, the index fell from 1.515 million to 1.366 million. The consensus forecast predicts a slight increase to 1.375 million, while TEForecast expects a further decline to 1.34 million.

A rise in housing starts signals economic growth and can boost investor confidence. However, if construction activity increases too much, it may push interest rates higher, making borrowing more expensive and potentially slowing down crypto investments.

US Initial Jobless Claims – Thursday

The Initial Jobless Claims report, scheduled for Thursday, tracks the number of people filing for unemployment benefits for the first time.

In the second week of March, it slipped from 222K to 220K. The consensus estimates that it would grow sharply from 220K to 224K. As per TEForecasts, it would reach as high as 225K.

Higher jobless claims indicate economic weakness, which can lower investor confidence. However, a weakening labor market may also delay interest rate hikes, which could support crypto prices in the short term.

US Existing Home Sales – Thursday

The Existing Home Sales Index, also releasing on Thursday, measures the number of homes sold where the mortgage has been finalized.

In January, home sales fell from 4.29 million to 4.08 million. Analysts expect another drop to 3.92 million.

A drop in US existing home sales signals economic slowdown. It may also suggest lower consumer spending. This could affect crypto market sentiment adversely.

Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index – Thursday

The Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index, based on a survey of manufacturers in the Third Federal Reserve District, is set for release on Thursday.

In February, the index dropped from 44.3 points to 18.1 points. Analysts expect it to fall further to 12.1 points, while TEForecast predicts a decline to 11 points.

A shrinking manufacturing index indicates economic contraction and could lead to a more cautious market, affecting investment in both traditional and digital assets.

Federal Reserve Interest Rate Decision – Wednesday

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will meet on Tuesday, with its decision on interest rates expected on Wednesday.

Most experts believe the Federal Reserve will keep rates unchanged for now. Recently, Fed Chair Jerome Powell  suggested that the central bank is taking a cautious “wait-and-see” approach, as many economic factors remain uncertain.

@ Newshounds News™



The Bank of Korea said it has not considered the option of creating a bitcoin reserve.

▪The central bank cited bitcoin’s volatility and IMF guidelines as the reasons for its decision not to review.

The Bank of Korea (BOK) stated Sunday that it has not considered the possibility of incorporating bitcoin into its foreign exchange reservein an answer to a written query from a member of the National Assembly's Strategy and Finance Committee.

The BOK cited bitcoin's high volatility as a primary reason for its negative stance on accruing the cryptocurrency, the Korea Economic Daily reported.

The central bank expressed concern that volatility in the cryptocurrency market could lead to a significant surge in transaction costs when cashing out bitcoin, according to the news report.

Bitcoin also does not comply with the International Monetary Fund's guidelines for foreign exchange reserve managementthe BOK saidThe IMF states in its guidelines that a foreign exchange reserve must control liquidity, market and credit risks "in a prudent manner."

On March 6, U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order to establish a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve, based on the BTC the government seized from criminal or civil proceeding

While Trump's move prompted several countries to positively consider creating their own bitcoin reservesthe South Korean central bank has cited skeptical views shared by Japan, Switzerland and the European Central Bank.

Beyond the issue of creating a bitcoin reserve, South Korea has recently been moving to loosen its strict regulations on cryptoThe country's financial watchdog is currently rolling out its plan to gradually lift the ban on institutional crypto trading, and is preparing to establish its second crypto legal framework, focusing on managing stablecoins.

The Block reached out to the BOK for further comment.

@ Newshounds News™
The Block


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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

Inheritance Can Destroy A Family Or Be A Life-Changing Gift

Inheritance Can Destroy A Family Or Be A Life-Changing Gift

Here's how I advise my clients as an estate-planning attorney.
Story by (Jen Glantz)

Dana Blue is an estate-planning attorney who helps families navigate assets after a loved one dies.  Inheritances can create an opportunity to purchase a house, return to school, or run a business.  They can also tear siblings apart and lead to losing a family legacy or even bankruptcy.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Dana Blue, a 44-year-old estate planning, probate, and real estate attorney in Philadelphia. The following has been edited for length and clarity.

Inheritance Can Destroy A Family Or Be A Life-Changing Gift

Here's how I advise my clients as an estate-planning attorney.
Story by (Jen Glantz)

Dana Blue is an estate-planning attorney who helps families navigate assets after a loved one dies.  Inheritances can create an opportunity to purchase a house, return to school, or run a business.  They can also tear siblings apart and lead to losing a family legacy or even bankruptcy.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Dana Blue, a 44-year-old estate planning, probate, and real estate attorney in Philadelphia. The following has been edited for length and clarity.

When I started my law practice in 2017, I drafted simple wills for free. Since then, I've expanded my practice to offer trust-centered estate planning and probate administration services.

I value the opportunity to support families during their times of grief, but sometimes, when you mix grief, money, and family dynamics, it can be a very volatile cocktail.

I work closely with heirs or beneficiaries to navigate them through the probate process. Once the assets are distributed, clients are often left with money, property, or a business. Some people inherit just a few thousand dollars, and others walk away with life-changing money.

After almost a decade of being an attorney, I've witnessed the variety of ways inheritance has changed people, both positively and destructively.

It can bring on newfound wealth, but it might come with more responsibilities

When you inherit a business, learning its operational, financial, and legal aspects is crucial. I've seen cases where people inherit their family's business with no experience and bankrupt it in just months due to poor financial management.

If you plan to keep the business within the family, developing a succession plan that details how the business will be transferred to the next generation, including training and mentoring the future leaders, is vital.

TO READ MORE:  Inheritance can destroy a family or be a life-changing gift. Here's how I advise my clients as an estate-planning attorney.

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