Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Wed. PM 3-12-2025

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 12 March 2025

Compiled Wed. 12 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Possible Timing:

Tues. 11 March 2025: GLOBAL FINANCIAL EMERGENCY! GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET IS HERE! …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram

The world is on the brink of a catastrophic financial collapse! The Global Currency Reset (GCR), NESARA GESARA, and the Quantum Financial System (QFS) are no longer whispers in the dark.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 12 March 2025

Compiled Wed. 12 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Possible Timing:

Tues. 11 March 2025: GLOBAL FINANCIAL EMERGENCY! GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET IS HERE! …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram

The world is on the brink of a catastrophic financial collapse! The Global Currency Reset (GCR), NESARA GESARA, and the Quantum Financial System (QFS) are no longer whispers in the dark. The Storm is here, and the elites are scrambling to contain the fallout before the truth reaches YOU!

The Black Swan Event is unfolding before our eyes! The world’s top economies are INSOLVENT! The U.S., Canada, Europe, Japan, Israel, the U.K., Taiwan, Australia, and New Zealand CANNOT sustain their debt any longer. The financial system is crumbling, and a monumental shift is coming that will change everything!

THE GREAT RESET VS. THE PEOPLE’S RESET! They want you distracted while they rewrite the financial order behind closed doors. But here’s the TRUTH: The QFS is set to replace the corruptt banking system that has enslaved us for centuries! This system, rumored to be gold-backed and fully decentralized, will eliminate the central banks and their criminal grip on global finance.

The elites know they are running out of time. They NEED the crash to happen on THEIR terms. They NEED you to be unprepared. But we see through their deception!

THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM (EBS) IS COMING! In the midst of this chaos, the EBS is primed for activation! Why? Because when the markets implode, when the banks fail, when the truth about NESARA GESARA is finally revealed, the world will enter a new era of financial sovereignty!

We are at the point of no return. The Federal Reserve is dead. The IMF is scrambling. The dollar is collapsing, and the fiat money system is burning to the ground. What will rise from the ashes? A fair, asset-backed system that restores power to the people!

WHAT YOU NEED TO DO NOW! Get cash in hand before bank closures hit! Exit fiat currency NOW – gold, silver, and cryptos (XRP, XLM, XDC) will be the new financial foundation!

Watch for EBS activation – the final revelation is coming! The elites are terrified because the people are waking up. The storm is here, and NOTHING can stop what’s coming! Prepare for impact, because the financial war is about to reach its climax!


Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 11 March 2025 Wolverine: “Big Bond Holders are flying to the US right now. We have big news that this is the week we have been waiting for. There is good news from Iraq that it’s going to get released. We’re hearing good news from lots of platforms.”


Tues. 11 March 2025 Bruce:

On Sunday 9 March 2025 a valid source reported that Iraq had a new Dinar rate that has been moving up in value ever since.

Today Tues. 11 March the same source said that they were about to pay out on Wed. 12 March back pay for three months to Iraqis at the new Dinar Rate.

Bond Holders (Tier 3) started today Tues. 11 March to be paid out and will continue for the next five days.

Tier4b was to receive notifications for appointments within the next 24-48 hours.

When the toll free numbers come out Redemption Centers are to be ready for exchanges within the next three hours.

Other sources reported that exchanges were to start next Friday, Sat. or Sunday.


Tues. 11 March 2025: DINAR REVALUATION: WALKINGSTICK: He got a rumor that there’s a rate and a date!! @DINARREVALUATION #iraqidinarinvestor

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:  The governor of the Central Bank Alaq just announced that on Saturday there is an imminent transformation of banks…pointing out that Iraq will witness a comprehensive digital transformation in the financial sector.  On a program rate?  FRANK:  No not on a program rate.  This is another indication, another hint, another clue that points in the direction of where we’re going.  All of this is preparation.  All this preparation we are witnessing is not for a program rate and the world knows it.

Mnt Goat    …it is important to see and understand just what is really happening in Iraq and what has to change…They need to peg the dinar to a basket to prevent these wide swings every time there is a hiccup in the oil market pricing of oil…the value of the Iraqi dinar is already there…they have large quantities of oil reserves…along with the other products …gold stockpiles and the monetary CBI reserves, the assets can [make] the dinar rate far greater than 1/6 of a penny for a dinar…they are still artificially suppressing the dinar and I believe they are still holding to this Obama/Biden foreign policy due to the economic war between Iran and the US, at lease for the time being. The currency resetting has to take place as some point…

The Coming Economic Reset in 2025 with Edward Dowd

WTFinance:  3-12-2025

On this episode of the WTFinance podcast I had the pleasure of welcoming on Edward Dowd. Edward is the Founder of Phinance Technologies and author of Cause Unknown.

During our conversation we spoke on his current views on the markets, why the economy is struggling, Mainstreet vs Wallstreet, Biden immigration policy, shift from capital to labour, economic reset, which assets to perform and more. I hope you enjoy!

0:00 - Introduction

1:34 - Current view of markets?

5:55 - Why was economy struggling?

8:56 - Biden immigration policy

11:14 - Mainstreet vs Wallstreet

13:42 - Government spending, regulation, spending

16:02 - Shift from capital to labour?

18:00 - Global Economy

22:00 - Force Powell to cut rates?

 23:12 - Secular shift?

25:20 - System leverage

27:22 - Which assets to perform?

 30:07 - One message to takeaway?

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-11-25

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-11-25

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, March 11th  and you’re listening to the big call. Welcome everybody, wherever you're located, around this globe. We're excited that you're here. We're looking forward to having a really good call tonight. I'm excited for what Sue is going to have for us, and what Bob going to bring to us, and even what I have to bring to you..

Okay. Well, I thank you very much. Let's get into the Intel portion right now. What I'm happy about is when we get information that lines up with other sources. That is very cool, when we can get new puzzle pieces and they seem to fit well together, for example, Iraq over the let's say, when we got Sunday that Iraq had a new rate.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-11-25

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, March 11th  and you’re listening to the big call. Welcome everybody, wherever you're located, around this globe. We're excited that you're here. We're looking forward to having a really good call tonight. I'm excited for what Sue is going to have for us, and what Bob going to bring to us, and even what I have to bring to you..

Okay. Well, I thank you very much. Let's get into the Intel portion right now. What I'm happy about is when we get information that lines up with other sources. That is very cool, when we can get new puzzle pieces and they seem to fit well together, for example, Iraq over the let's say, when we got Sunday that Iraq had a new rate.

This is prior to the Forex opening at five o'clock Eastern time on Sunday. We heard this earlier in the day that there was a new dinar rate, and that new rate jumped up about would have been 15 cents in a short period of time and so on and so on – and it’s moving up –

 I'm pretty sure it's going to be really, really good. Well, it ends up that that particular information that we got directly from Iraq from a source that speaks to the President of Iraq,  also the head of  - what they call the CBI – Central Bank of Iraq, which we think changed the name Sovereign Bank of Iraq, either one that most people still use CBI  --  but it's a sovereign bank, and they set the rates for the dinar and so on.

Well, what's really cool is we find out that the information we got is also saying for us here to get our paperwork together and get ready for exchanges to start very soon, I will get into that timing in a minute here, very soon.

And I thought, Oh, that's pretty cool. It's first time that source has ever said that, talking about our getting our paperwork ready for exchanges.

Okay, so then we find out that today from the same source to another source in the states that they are they're about to pay out back pay for three months. That would be December, January and February. They're paying everything you think of, military, contractors, educators, people that were prisoned under Saddam Hussein, all of these different things they're loading up and about to pay them on their debit cards. They have these debit cards. They're about to pay them tomorrow, which is Wednesday, the 12th of March. So they're gearing up for that. Loading those cards up and those are going to be happening tomorrow.

 And the people that we talked to that are Iraqi are very happy about this, because this is, this is finally they're catching up now. Listen, they've caught up before, but this catches the last three months, December, January and February, at the new rate that they just established Sunday.

Of course, it gets traded up on the Forex since then on Sunday night, Sunday night, Monday, Tuesday. You know, it's been trading, and that's a good thing for us and for them.

Now, what I'm going to tell you tonight – I am going to be a little bit cautious, because I was informed that they don't really want me to go into much detail or depth when it comes to anything about rates or where the money is coming from or anything regarding that.

So I'm going to honor that and stay away from it, and talk through general terms. And you know, like I said, I was advised, and so I'm not going to want to say anything that will get any of us in trouble, including  me

Sso what we're getting is that the bond holders, and sometimes it comes back, and I like talking about bond holders, which are tier three -- bond holders, they started paying into their accounts - the individual bond holders started today, Tuesday, the 11th and are going to pay out for the next five days, and should be complete, 11th 12th  13th 14th  15th , okay, which is Saturday, right? Yeah.

So they're putting the funds into those bond holders accounts over the next five days. So what - How does that affect us?

We've been told we're going to go right behind bond holders, but in front of others. I mean, listen, we're supposed to be receiving our notifications in the next 24 to 48 hours, and even more recently, this afternoon, evening  before the big call  I heard it's more than likely going to be in the next 24 hours, today, Tuesday night.

This was obtained earlier in this afternoon. Could very well be notified tomorrow, which could be great. We could get notified tomorrow, and start exchanging Thursday  or  we could get notified  and still exchange on Thursday 

The thing that we've heard from our redemption center leaders is when the toll free numbers come out to us we’re calling to set our appointments, they would be ready to exchange us and redeem our Zim – within three hours after we receive those numbers, that’s as soon as they are ready at the redemption center to take us - Obviously if we get this in the morning It looks very good for us to exchange in the afternoon.

Whether it comes tomorrow, whether Thursday, we've heard  from one source exchange Thursday, Friday. We've heard from another source exchanges to start before Saturday, another source said exchanges to start by Sunday, by or before Sunday, and we've heard  like I mentioned - the possibility of being  notified in 24 to 48 hours. So that is very good when it comes to our timing, and trying to create some kind of a time line that we can adhere to.

There was also something that had to be completed by this past Monday, which was by yesterday morning, and that was that banks all over the country needed to be completed, as far as the digital currency was the digital currency reserve was concerned because there is a number of digital currencies, so called tokens or digital coins that are of value and will stay in value and be used to back up the USN, as far as its value is concerned, as part of the asset backing of our new currency.

I've also heard that. I've heard from a very good source that the USN does not have to be out, and I mean announced out for us before we go on these exchanges.  Sort of the opposite of what you might think would be the case. But I’m going to take that source and say that's fine with me.

The USN can come out whenever it needs to, not going to worry about that part of it. I know we're going to get more and more and more when it comes to disclosure, when it comes to NESARA, all of that, it's hard to predict exactly when it's going to happen, but I know that's very close.

Now I'll say one thing, and that is that there have been checks that have been received, and we think these may or may not be DOGE checks, or what we're calling direct deposits. So just keep an eye on your accounts, especially if you’re retired - keep an eye and watch for those possible direct deposits, and that's all I'm going to say about that.

That's what I want to bring to  you. And I do appreciate everybody that has been listening to the big call for we're in our 14th year. You realize that on the 15th of March, which would be what Saturday, I will have fulfilled 20 years of being invested.

I followed it for longer than that, but it'll make 20 years to the day that I that I invested in these currencies, and I've been following more or less every day since. So I'm ready for this. You guys are ready for this.  I'm looking forward to, like, you guys. I'm excited. Let's go ahead and pray the call out

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-11-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:01:01

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:14:34

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   36:36

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:02:22

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:27:27

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:18:12

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:00:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:19:20

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:07:37

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-6-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:19:4O

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   44:24

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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Wednesday Afternoon 3-12-25

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,


Shafaq News/ Iraq’s government is unlikely to submit the 2025 budget tables to parliament within the next two months, a senior lawmaker said on Wednesday.

Ikhlas al-Dulaimideputy head of the Parliamentary Finance Committeetold Shafaq News that the Finance Ministry had yet to send the budget tables to the cabinet, despite a legal requirement to do so by October 2024 for approval before the new fiscal year.

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,


Shafaq News/ Iraq’s government is unlikely to submit the 2025 budget tables to parliament within the next two months, a senior lawmaker said on Wednesday.

Ikhlas al-Dulaimideputy head of the Parliamentary Finance Committeetold Shafaq News that the Finance Ministry had yet to send the budget tables to the cabinet, despite a legal requirement to do so by October 2024 for approval before the new fiscal year.

"The total budget amounts to 216 trillion dinars (about $165B), while actual expenditures are estimated at around 160 trillion dinars (about $122,)al-Dulaimi saidruling out the possibility of sending the tables to parliament soon, which could push the approval process into Iraq’s election period.

In FebruaryIraq’s parliament passed the first amendment to the federal general budget law for the fiscal years 2023–2025, originally enacted as Law No. 13 of 2023.

@ Newshounds News™



Emmer called CBDCs a “threat to American values” and reintroduced the Anti-Surveillance State Act to block a federal digital dollar.

US Representative Tom Emmer argued for prioritizing pro-stablecoin legislation in a March 11 House Financial Services Committee hearing, while calling central bank digital currencies (CBDC) a threat to American values.

On March 6
Emmer reintroduced the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act in the House of Representatives. Emmer renewed his call for Congress to pass the legislation at the March 11 hearingThe legislation aims to block future administrations from launching a US CBDC without explicit approval from Congress.

CBDC technology is inherently un-American,” Emmer said at the hearing, warning that allowing unelected bureaucrats to issue a CBDC “could upend the American way of life.”

On Jan. 23President Donald Trump signed an executive order prohibiting “the establishment, issuance, circulation, and use” of a CBDC in the US. Emmer said that the legislation he reintroduced could “prevent a future administration from creating such an obvious tool for financial surveillance against its own citizens” if signed into law, citing concerns about privacy and financial independence.

At the same hearingPaxos CEO Charles Cascarilla urged lawmakers to create consistent stablecoin regulations across jurisdictions to avoid regulatory arbitragePaxos, a significant issuer of stablecoins, recommended clear guidelines and reciprocal rules with global regulators:

“We want to make sure we have the same set of rules in the US as we have around the world so that there isn’t some arbitrage that is possible to issue from another jurisdiction. And by having that same set of rules that everyone has to meet in order to access the US market, it will actually create a race to the top, not a race to the bottom.

Emmer, a Minnesota Republican, also criticized inherent privacy risks associated with CBDCs, saying that stablecoins could bring traditional finance onchain at a global scale while reserving privacy:

This underscores why we must prioritize pro-stablecoin legislation alongside anti-CBDC legislation.”

Against the backdrop of rapid pro-crypto developments, a report by the Center for Political Accountability (CPA) raised concerns about the growing political influence of crypto companies in the US and potential risks to regulatory stability.

Cryptocurrency firms shelled out a cumulative $134 million on the 2024 US elections in “unchecked political spending,” which presents some critical challenges, the March 7 report said.

@ Newshounds News™

Source:  CoinTelegraph


"Wait for my post" Isaac 

Once Isaac has been funded he will post the word "VICTORY" 

“But understand I do not have contacts." Isaac

"I have buyers, the us treasury, DOD, Admiral , HSBC several big platforms that I have signed contracts with all and they paid already for the inspection several times" Isaac

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@ Newshounds News™


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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Gold and Silver, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Gold and Silver, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

There’s Only 0.04% of USA’s GOLD Left. Can Trump Buy it Back For $42? | Mike Maloney

There’s Only 0.04% of USA’s GOLD Left. Can Trump Buy it Back For $42? | Mike Maloney


Ever wonder who really owns America’s gold—and why so much secrecy surrounds it?

In this eye-opening video, Mike Maloney uncovers the shocking truth: 99.96% of the nation’s gold reserves are under lien to the Federal Reserve, leaving a mere 0.04% truly unencumbered.

Tracing the story back to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s controversial 1933 gold nationalization, Mike reveals how the government—and the Fed—took complete control of America’s “base money.”

There’s Only 0.04% of USA’s GOLD Left. Can Trump Buy it Back For $42? | Mike Maloney


Ever wonder who really owns America’s gold—and why so much secrecy surrounds it?

In this eye-opening video, Mike Maloney uncovers the shocking truth: 99.96% of the nation’s gold reserves are under lien to the Federal Reserve, leaving a mere 0.04% truly unencumbered.

Tracing the story back to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s controversial 1933 gold nationalization, Mike reveals how the government—and the Fed—took complete control of America’s “base money.”

Discover how our gold-based monetary system was replaced by paper currency, why it may violate the Constitution, and how the nation’s gold might still be stuck in a giant “pawn shop” arrangement to this day.

Don’t miss this exposé on the hidden history of America’s gold—and what it could mean for your financial future.



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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

Recession by Design, Buckle up for Turbulence

Recession by Design, Buckle up for Turbulence

Liberty and Finance:  3-12-2025

In a recent appearance on Liberty and Finance, the anonymous financial commentator Doomberg delivered a stark warning about the current economic climate, predicting an impending recession and dissecting the potential strategies a future Trump Administration might employ to navigate the turbulent waters.

Doomberg painted a picture of an overvalued stock market on the precipice of a correction, fueled by unpredictable global supply chains and escalating geopolitical tensions.

Recession by Design, Buckle up for Turbulence

Liberty and Finance:  3-12-2025

In a recent appearance on Liberty and Finance, the anonymous financial commentator Doomberg delivered a stark warning about the current economic climate, predicting an impending recession and dissecting the potential strategies a future Trump Administration might employ to navigate the turbulent waters.

Doomberg painted a picture of an overvalued stock market on the precipice of a correction, fueled by unpredictable global supply chains and escalating geopolitical tensions.

Doomberg’s core argument centers on the inevitability of a recession. He believes the current market valuations are unsustainable, a bubble waiting to burst.

This reckoning, he suggests, will be exacerbated by the fragility of global supply chains, easily disrupted by unforeseen events, and a stock market ill-prepared for a significant downturn.

Beyond the purely economic factors, Doomberg highlighted the geopolitical complexities stemming from the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. He speculated that a Trump Administration might leverage these tensions to benefit the U.S. financially. While the exact nature of this leverage remained undefined, the implication is that Trump would exploit the situation to strengthen the U.S. position on the world stage.

Doomberg further explored how Trump’s potential policies, particularly his emphasis on fiscal conservatism, could impact the market.

He envisions a scenario where Trump’s austerity measures trigger a significant market correction. This correction, while painful in the short term, would ultimately pave the way for a more sustainable and robust recovery.

The conversation culminated in a bullish outlook, albeit one contingent on navigating the coming recession successfully. Doomberg anticipates that Trump’s handling of the crisis could result in a post-crisis economic boom, echoing the recovery seen after the 2008 financial crisis.

This optimistic prediction hinges on the idea that a necessary correction, followed by strategic economic maneuvering, could ultimately set the stage for future growth and prosperity.

Doomberg’s analysis serves as a timely reminder that the financial landscape is constantly evolving and that a nuanced understanding of both economic fundamentals and geopolitical forces is essential for navigating the challenges and opportunities ahead.

While predictions should always be viewed with a degree of skepticism, the insights shared by Doomberg offer valuable food for thought in these uncertain times.


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MarkZ, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 MarkZ, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

Coffee with MarkZ , joined by Andy Schectman. 03/12/2025

Coffee with MarkZ , joined by Andy Schectman. 03/12/2025

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning Mark! Good morning Mods and Patriots!

Member: Woo-hoooooo!! Let’s gooooo!  Wish you could Flip the switch Mark! Any news today?

Coffee with MarkZ , joined by Andy Schectman. 03/12/2025

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning Mark! Good morning Mods and Patriots!

Member: Woo-hoooooo!! Let’s gooooo!  Wish you could Flip the switch Mark! Any news today?

MZ: As I mentioned on the news last night- I now have a couple individuals that have been issued travel dollars to get to bond appointments over the coming days. Between now and early next week.

MZ: This is an absolute “first “that we have seen this happening. These are bond holders…not paymasters and facilitators.  These are not attorneys with groups. This is something I have never seen in this process . this is an excellent sign.

MZ: I am trying to track down contacts in the original Farm Claims and Omega Prosperity packages and CMKX. I do not yet have updates on those.

MZ: I am also trying to find out if Wealth management/redemption contacts will be working this weekend of not. I am hoping they already know. This would tell us how confident banks are if they already scheduled folks to work this weekend. I will let you know when I find out.

Member: I wonder- Who is paying the bondholders to go? That’s certainly interesting

Member: So with this BOND news, what is your gut on tier 4b getting to go?

Member: What are the tiers? What tier would zim holders be in

MZ: If you are still holding your physical Zim….you would be in tier 4b along with the rest of the currency exchanges…..If you have already handed your zim over to a group and have an SKR (safe keeping receipt) it is tier 4a.

Member: this is an old one but- There are 5 Tiers of folks Exchanging. Tier 1-governments and royalty Tier 2-whales-elite with platforms of currency, corporations, etc. Tier 3-Admirals Group, American Indians, CMKX, large church groups (like the Mormons), etc. Tier 4-all the hundreds of thousands paying attention to intel - internet groups(all of us). Tier 5- those who never paid attn - the general public.

Member: Europe is trying to install the central bank digital currency to control their people

MZ: yes thanks to Christine LaGarde. I used to think she was on our side. She very clearly isn’t . She is pushing hard at the EU for a FIAT CBDC. If the US falls the world collapses. It will come back but would be pretty ugly.

Member: If the US is gold/asset backed….and Iraq and many others as well…doesn’t it make sense for the rate to be 1 to 1?

MZ: Yes…that is the plan. First they revalue to adjust values…then they reset to go to parity. 1 to 1 based on assets. 

Member: if they go right to reset….and everything just goes 1 to 1…..that would mean all the currencies will be 1 to 1…so for those with bolivar, vnd, rupiah and IQD…we would still do ok. Wish they would just do it.

MZ: I do have a Venezuela update from someone on the ground in Venezuela. The internet over there has been non-functional on a national level in the last day or two.  The news is saying that many peoples credit cards will stop functioning because the digital banking platform is being changed to a new one.

MZ: in other words they are making a complete change of the Venezuelan banking system and they are warning people their credit cards will not work for a brief period. This is an update of their entire national system…I think it’s a big “tell”

Member: is trump really petitioning congress to end the IRS?

MZ: Yes he is really working on it. There are many ideas making the rounds in DC. Determining what is practical and what could work.

Member: Mark heard DOGE Dividend check approval is included in the budget bill just passed by Congress

MZ: I have not heard that. But they have to save money before they can send us money.

Member: You know the senate will block the budget bill just passed by the house. I am worried nothing can get done now.

Member: Maybe a shutdown could cause a flip of the switch to the new QFS?

Member:  BANK Story: My mom went to Truist. She asked the lady if Truist would be a part of the RV & bank lady said I’m not sure. My mom said So you know about the RV & bank lady said Oh yes we have dinar

Member: When I inquired about my dinar and currencies…at his office Branch manager at chase told me he has 3 private clients waiting for the same . Very familiar with RV. That’s all he said .

Member: Rashid to an American newspaper: Iraq is ready to mediate between Washington and Tehran

MZ: Articles today asking the government what are the reasons for delaying sending the budget tables to parliament?  They have everything. They have done everything and they have agreed to everything. Why don’t’ they have the budget tables???

MZ: My opinion is because they have the new rate in it…..that is why. It is very clear they are trying to hide something that is in those budget tables.

​​Member: Iraq is probably waiting for April 1st or the beginning of a new qtr.

Member: The Kurdistan Region’s Ministry of Finance has released the delayed February payday schedule for civil servants and security personnel, set to begin Thursday and conclude Tuesday

Andy Schectman and Jason from Glint join the stream today. Please listen to the replay for their information and opinions.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.




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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday AM 3-12-25

Ramadan Revives The Iraqi Dinar And Official Expectations Are A Continuous Decrease In The Dollar
Economy ​ Yesterday, 21:38 |Baghdad today- Baghdad
The exchange rate of the US dollar in the parallel market in Iraq decreased significantly during the first and second weeks of Ramadan, registering 1480 dinars per dollar of the first lower, from the level of 1520 dinars before the beginning of the month.

Ramadan Revives The Iraqi Dinar And Official Expectations Are A Continuous Decrease In The Dollar
Economy ​ |Baghdad today- Baghdad
The exchange rate of the US dollar in the parallel market in Iraq decreased significantly during the first and second weeks of Ramadan, registering 1480 dinars per dollar of the first lower, from the level of 1520 dinars before the beginning of the month.

The decrease is due to several factors, most notably the
     strict measures taken by the Central Bank of Iraq to control the imports and electronic financial transfers, in addition to the
     decrease in the economic activities of the Iraqi citizen during the month of Ramadan.
"Strict procedures"
Government adviser Alaa Al-Fahd says that the
decrease in the price of the dollar in the parallel market is due to the Central Bank’s application of strict procedures aimed at controlling the imports and electronic financial transfers. He adds, that
this measure reflects the success of the monetary policy of the central bank, as
Iraqi banks began carrying out correspondence with international banks with commercial relations. He added that the
diversification of the currency basket contributed greatly to reducing pressure on the dollar, and that
most imports of consumer and food commodities are funded through the official platform of the central bank at the official price, stressing that
any trading outside this framework is an informal treatment.
Al-Fahd praised the
     Central Bank's announcement of the application of digital transactions and the
     encouragement of tourism, stressing that
these steps contributed to reducing pressure on the parallel market for exchange rates.
Al-Fahd expected the continuation of stability in the market, especially with the
coverage of most of the needs of Ramadan and the Eid season through the official platform and at the official price, indicating that the
expectations indicate that the price of the dollar will continue to decrease in the coming period.

The dollar exchange rate against the dinar in the last week increased significantly before Ramadan, registering 1520 dinars per dollar for sale and 1510 dinars to buy in the main stock exchanges, but in the first week of Ramadan, the exchange rate recorded a significant decrease, as it reached 1465 dinars per dollar for sale and 1475 dinars per dollar for buying in the main stock exchanges in Baghdad, Erbil and Basra.
In the second week of Ramadan, the exchange rate increased slightly, and he recorded 1485 dinars per dollar for sale and 1480 dinars per dollar for purchase, with a variation of up or down, not exceeding two and a half dollars.

The Iraqi dinar exchange rates against the dollar are affected by several major factors, including:
     Daily sales volume at a currency sale auction
     -Central bank procedures related to external transfers
     -Traders need to import goods, especially from countries that are subject to US sanctions,
       which increases the demand for the dollar in the parallel market. The

     Iraqi dinar smuggling to other countries to benefit from the price differences.
"Ramadan changes the rules of the game"
For his part, economic expert Ahmed Al-Ansari believes that the
decline in demand for the dollar during the month of Ramadan
is mainly due to the low economic activities of the Iraqi citizen, which is
evident in the decline in the movement of real estate, cars and basic services. Al-Ansari explained that the
weak purchasing power of citizens also contributed to reducing the volume of import,
which led to a reduction in demand for the dollar in the parallel market. He added that the
central bank’s procedures aimed at
     reducing import through the black market and
     encouraging merchants and importers to import through approved banks and
     transfer the dollar at the official price,
was an additional reason for this temporary decline.

Al-Ansari expected a strong recovery for the markets after the month of Ramadan and by Eid Al -Fitr,
which may lead to a slight increase in the price of the dollar or its return to its previous level, stressing that the
price of the dollar is greatly affected by the strength of supply and demand in the market, as
it increases as the demand for it increases in the parallel market.
He pointed out that the
continued facilities provided by the central bank, such as
providing the dollar of travelers, will
     encourage citizens to deal at the official price and
     avoid exchange offices and banks that sell the dollar at higher prices.
On February 7, 2023, the Council of Ministers approved the decision of the Central Bank of Iraq’s board of directors to amend the dollar exchange rate against the dinar, equivalent to 1300 dinars per dollar, as it obligated banks to sell at a price of 1310 dinars per dollar and at a price of 1320 dinars per dollar for currency transfer operations if the electronic cards are used while traveling or via the Internet, with the ceiling of 3 thousand dollars at the official price granted to each traveler providing a visa and travel ticket with his official passport.
Source: Al-Jazeera Netرمضان-ينعش-الدينار-العراقي-وتوقعات-رسمية-بانخفاض-مستمر-للدولار.html 

For current and reliable Iraqi news please visit:

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Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Wednesday Morning 3-12-25

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,


U.S. lawmakers voted to cancel an IRS rule that required crypto companies, including DeFi platforms, to collect and report taxpayer and transaction information

The House passed the vote 292-132following the Senate’s decision to reject the rule that was finalized during the final days of former President Biden’s administrationThis could change how crypto businesses are regulated.

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,


U.S. lawmakers voted to cancel an IRS rule that required crypto companies, including DeFi platforms, to collect and report taxpayer and transaction information

The House passed the vote 292-132following the Senate’s decision to reject the rule that was finalized during the final days of former President Biden’s administrationThis could change how crypto businesses are regulated.

Fox Business Journalist Eleanor Terrett noted that due to a rule that budget-related bills must start in the House, the Senate will need to vote on the resolution one more time. Once that vote passes, it will go to President Trump’s desk as the first crypto-related bill to become law.

Missouri Republican Jason Smith urged lawmakers to support the resolution, saying the IRS rule could hurt U.S. businesses and stifle innovation. He added that the rule might be impossible to enforce, as DeFi platforms are different from centralized crypto exchanges or banks and cannot gather the required user information to comply with the rule.

Last week70 Senators voted to overturn the IRS rule, with Trump’s advisers urging him to sign itRep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.) noted the Senate must approve it again due to budget rulesIf signed, the IRS would be blocked from enforcing similar rules in the future.

Illinois Democrat Danny Davis argued the rule was part of the 2021 Infrastructure Actcomparing crypto to stocks and saying crypto platforms should report like stock brokers. Meanwhile, North Carolina Republican Tim Moore claimed the rule overstepped and could harm U.S. innovation in digital assets.

Texas Democrat Lloyd Doggett called the resolution “special interest legislation,” saying that it could help tax cheats, criminals, and terrorist financiers, and add $4 billion to the national debt, going against President Trump’s goal to cut the debt.

@ Newshounds News™



Top US-based crypto exchange Coinbase has received approval from India’s Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) to resume operations in the country after ceasing activities in early 2023 due to regulatory issues.

According to a Coinbase press release, the approval enables the leading US exchange to offer crypto trading services in one of the world’s fastest-growing digital asset markets – India.

Coinbase has announced plans to introduce retail trading services in the country later this year, followed by additional investment products curated for Indian customers.

Says John O’Loghlen, Coinbase’s Regional Managing Director for Asia-Pacific,

India’s developer community and entrepreneurial energy are unmatched. But too often, young Indian entrepreneurs have felt forced to look abroad to build global companies. Crypto can change that. By expanding access to our trusted platform and tools such as Base, we aim to empower a new generation of builders to stay home, innovate locally, and scale globally.”

The exchange says that India is a “global technology powerhouse home to one of the most vibrant startup ecosystems,” making it a natural fit for Coinbase’s international expansion.

Coinbase joins other global exchanges, including Binance and KuCoin, that have recently received similar approvals.

@ Newshounds News™


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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“Tidbits From TNT” Wednesday Morning 3-12-2025


Tishwash:  Iraq, World Bank discuss enhancing financial cooperation

Finance Minister Taif Sami stressed the importance of the ongoing partnership with the World Bank, and Iraq's aspiration to benefit from the technical and financial support provided by the bank in implementing strategic projects to stimulate economic growth and provide job opportunities, especially in areas including infrastructure and human development.

This came during her reception of the World Bank Representative to Iraq, Jean-Christophe Carret, and his accompanying delegation.


Tishwash:  Iraq, World Bank discuss enhancing financial cooperation

Finance Minister Taif Sami stressed the importance of the ongoing partnership with the World Bank, and Iraq's aspiration to benefit from the technical and financial support provided by the bank in implementing strategic projects to stimulate economic growth and provide job opportunities, especially in areas including infrastructure and human development.

This came during her reception of the World Bank Representative to Iraq, Jean-Christophe Carret, and his accompanying delegation.

The meeting discussed ways to enhance economic and financial cooperation between Iraq and the World Bank. It reviewed a number of key topics related to enhancing financial stability in Iraq, in addition to discussing development projects that the two parties seek to implement with the aim of achieving sustainable development.

For his part, the World Bank representative expressed the bank's commitment to continue supporting Iraq in achieving its development goals, noting that the World Bank pays great attention to enhancing Iraq's ability to face economic and development challenges, with a focus on sustainable development and achieving comprehensiveness in the benefits achieved. link


Tishwash:  I don't think there is any new information in this article but they have posted it again

Iraq is preparing to launch the digital dinar... a step towards a cashless economy!

 The Central Bank of Iraq is preparing to launch a national digital currency as part of a gradual shift toward a digital financial system aimed at reducing the use of paper money and enhancing transparency and financial inclusion.

The initiative relies on modern payment technologies and seeks to reduce transaction costs and combat money laundering.

Despite the ambition, experts question the project's success due to challenges related to weak trust in the banking system and the lack of adequate digital infrastructure. The Central Bank, meanwhile, reiterates its rejection of cryptocurrencies, deeming them illegal, and warns against the activity of fictitious trading companies in the local market. The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, revealed that the country's financial and banking system is undergoing fundamental transformations, most notably the gradual decline in the use of paper currency in favor of digital payments.

During his speech at the Ninth Finance and Banking Conference and Exhibition, Al-Alaq confirmed that the Central Bank is working to create its own digital currency, which will be gradually introduced as an alternative to paper currency, following the experiences of several global central banks.

The Central Bank of Iraq announced on December 16 that it would not grant any licenses to stock, metals, and cryptocurrency trading companies, warning against the activity of fictitious companies claiming to have official licenses.

Despite the growing global spread of cryptocurrencies, Iraq doesn't appear close to entering this high-risk digital world. According to experts, these digital assets do not represent a real addition to the Iraqi economy, which is primarily based on oil exports and dollar transactions in global markets.

Financial affairs expert Mustafa Hantoush told Al-Mada that "Iraq does not have a legislative or economic environment capable of accommodating these currencies. Rather, they could become a tool for speculation and money laundering in the absence of oversight and regulation."

He pointed out that "dealing in them is limited and informal, via external platforms and offices in neighboring countries, exposing investors to the risk of loss and fraud."

Furthermore, according to Hantoush, cryptocurrencies are not based on real reserves or bank guarantees, making them highly volatile and unreliable in fragile markets such as Iraq's. According to economic researcher Ziyad al-Hashemi, the initiative to launch the "digital dinar" is an attempt to eliminate the chronic problems plaguing the monetary system, but its success remains in doubt.

In an interview with Al-Mada, Al-Hashemi explained, "There is a fundamental difference between digital currency and cryptocurrencies. Digital currencies, such as the digital dollar or the digital dirham, are issued and regulated by central banks and are managed within an official regulatory framework. Meanwhile, cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, operate within a decentralized system that is not subject to any regulatory authority and are highly volatile in value due to their dependence on supply and demand."

Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency, emerging in 2009 as a response to the global financial crisis. It was designed to operate outside the regulatory framework of central banks, making it an attractive tool for some, particularly in digital circles and criminal networks, due to the privacy and speed of money transfers it provides, free from government restrictions. Transactions in Bitcoin are a legal violation, subjecting perpetrators to the provisions of Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Law No. 39 of 2015.

The bank issued an official statement during the recent dollar crisis, emphasizing that trading in cryptocurrencies is prohibited and not recognized in the country. Regarding the anticipated digital dinar, he points out that "the Central Bank of Iraq will be responsible for issuing and circulating it, allowing it to control and monitor financial transactions and contributing to the reduction of financial crimes and money laundering. Unlike cryptocurrencies, this currency will be fully backed by the Central Bank, giving it a degree of stability and making it similar to paper currency in terms of sovereign value, with the difference that its circulation will be electronically only through bank accounts and digital wallets."

Al-Hashemi believes that "the main goal of this step is to reduce reliance on paper dinars hoarded outside the banking system and advance financial inclusion, as well as to attempt to limit the widespread use of the dollar in local transactions by enhancing confidence in using the digital dinar as an official alternative in daily transactions."

He adds that "the success of this project depends on providing an appropriate environment and strict implementation. If this is achieved, the digital dinar could effectively contribute to withdrawing stagnant cash, revitalizing banking activity, and stimulating credit, which could positively impact overall economic performance."

However, Al-Hashemi does not hide his pessimism, emphasizing that The Central Bank of Iraq currently lacks the basic components needed to ensure the success of this initiative, due to the significant flaws in its monetary policies, the lack of public confidence in the banking system, and the recurring political interference in its decisions. He believes that all of these obstacles could make the digital dinar a fragile project, suffering from the same problems as the paper dinar.

He concludes by saying, "Ambition alone is not enough. Without genuine reform of monetary policies, strengthening public confidence in banks, and distancing politics from the economy, the chances of success of the digital dinar remain extremely limited."

 Furthermore, Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, economic advisor to the Prime Minister, believes that "central banks around the world, including the Central Bank of Iraq, are still in the gradual preparation phase for the transition to the world of digital payments as a modern alternative to paper currencies." This shift, he explains, does not change the essence of money and its basic functions.

Rather, it seeks only to improve the efficiency of dealing with it and reduce associated costs, in addition to strengthening financial oversight tools and reducing financial crime and money laundering.

Saleh confirms to Al-Mada that "this digital transformation in the monetary system does not mean that money will lose its function as a store of value, a means of payment and receipt, or a tool for unit of account and measurement of rights. Rather, these functions will be fully preserved, but within a more transparent, governed, and compliant environment, enhancing the monetary authority's ability to manage monetary stability using the same monetary policy tools."

Saleh explains that "digital money can expand the scope of banking services to include the poorest and most vulnerable segments of society by facilitating the opening of digital bank accounts. Digital money will be available to all citizens, from the smallest monetary unit to the largest, allowing for instant settlement of transactions without delay or wasted rights or time."

He points out that "providing digital liquidity widely within the banking system, with minimal liquidity risk, will enable low-income groups to obtain immediate and affordable digital loans at a lower cost, given that the funds will remain within the banking system and will not require large reserves or financial hedges.

This will optimally leverage the digital credit multiplier, enhancing financing and stimulating economic activity without compromising economic stability or causing monetary inflation, as long as monetary policy tools remain effective."

The economic advisor emphasizes that "implementing this project requires precise and extensive investments in information technology, such as smartphones and social networks, along with the necessity of an advanced digital infrastructure, most notably a reliable internet network, as it is the backbone of the success of digital payments.

 He also emphasizes the importance of a solid legal structure that protects the rights of users and customers and ensures the security of networks from breaches, within a comprehensive cybersecurity framework that aligns with the rapid development of digital services worldwide." linkI


Tishwash:  Ramadan revives the Iraqi dinar and official expectations of a continued decline in the dollar

The exchange rate of the US dollar in the parallel market in Iraq declined significantly during the first and second weeks of Ramadan, recording 1,480 dinars per dollar, or less than that, from 1,520 dinars before the beginning of the month.

The decline is due to several factors, most notably the strict measures taken by the Central Bank of Iraq to control imports and electronic money transfers, in addition to the decline in economic activities of the Iraqi citizen during the month of Ramadan.

"strict measures"

Government advisor Alaa Al-Fahd says the decline in the dollar price in the parallel market is due to the Central Bank’s implementation of strict measures aimed at controlling imports and electronic money transfers.

He added that this measure reflects the success of the Central Bank's monetary policy, as Iraqi banks have begun to implement correspondence operations with international banks with which they have commercial relations.

He added that diversifying the currency basket contributed significantly to easing pressure on the dollar, and that most imports of consumer and food goods are financed through the official platform of the Central Bank and at the official price, stressing that any trading outside this framework is considered unofficial dealing.

Al-Fahd praised the Central Bank’s announcement of implementing digital transactions and encouraging tourism, stressing that these steps contributed to easing pressure on the parallel market for exchange rates.

Al-Fahd expected the market to remain stable, especially with most of the needs of Ramadan and the Eid season being covered through the official platform and at the official price, noting that expectations indicate a continued decline in the dollar price in the coming period.

The exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar increased significantly in the last week before Ramadan, recording 1,520 dinars per dollar for sale and 1,510 dinars for purchase in the main stock exchanges, but in the first week of Ramadan, the exchange rate recorded a significant decrease, reaching 1,465 dinars per dollar for sale and 1,475 dinars per dollar for purchase in the main stock exchanges in Baghdad, Erbil and Basra.

In the second week of Ramadan, the exchange rate rose slightly, recording 1,485 dinars per dollar for sale and 1,480 dinars per dollar for purchase, with a variation up or down not exceeding two and a half dollars.

The exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar is affected by several main factors, including:

-Daily sales volume in currency auction

-Central Bank procedures related to external transfers

-The need of traders to import goods, especially from countries subject to US sanctions, which increases the demand for the dollar in the parallel market.

-Smuggling the Iraqi dinar to other countries to benefit from price differences.

"Ramadan is a game changer"

For his part, economic expert Ahmed Al-Ansari believes that the decline in demand for the dollar during the month of Ramadan is mainly due to the decline in economic activities of the Iraqi citizen, which is evident in the decline in the movement of real estate, cars and basic services.

Al-Ansari explained that the weak purchasing power of citizens also contributed to reducing the volume of imports, which led to a reduction in demand for the dollar in the parallel market.

He added that the Central Bank's measures aimed at reducing imports through the black market and encouraging traders and importers to import through approved banks and convert the dollar at the official price were an additional reason for this temporary decline.

Al-Ansari expected a strong recovery in the markets after Ramadan and by Eid al-Fitr, which could lead to a slight increase in the dollar price or a return to its previous level, stressing that the dollar price is greatly affected by the strength of supply and demand in the market, as it rises whenever demand for it increases in the parallel market.

He pointed out that the continuation of the facilities provided by the Central Bank, such as providing travelers' dollars, will encourage citizens to deal at the official price and avoid exchange offices and banks that sell dollars at higher prices.

On February 7, 2023, the Council of Ministers approved the decision of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq to amend the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar, equivalent to 1,300 dinars per dollar, obligating banks to sell at a rate of 1,310 dinars per dollar and at a rate of 1,320 dinars per dollar for currency transfer operations when using electronic cards while traveling or online, with a ceiling of 3,000 dollars at the official rate granted to each traveler who presents a visa and a travel ticket with his official passport.  link

Mot:  oooooh! - oooooh! - oooooh! - ((( U've bend Warneded ))

Mot: Don't ferget - Y"all!!!! 


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Economics, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 3-12-2025


Henig:  Vietnam to sign U.S. deals as trade, energy officials meet, document shows

By Reuters   March 10, 20252:55 AM PDT

HANOI, March 10 (Reuters) - Vietnam expects to sign pacts with the United States this week after its trade minister meets U.S. trade and energy officials, according to a government document reviewed by Reuters.

The step comes after weeks of conciliatory messages Vietnam has sent Washington in an effort to avert tariffs by the Trump administration the Southeast Asian nation may face because of its large trade surplus with the United States.


Henig:  Vietnam to sign U.S. deals as trade, energy officials meet, document shows

By Reuters   March 10, 20252:55 AM PDT

HANOI, March 10 (Reuters) - Vietnam expects to sign pacts with the United States this week after its trade minister meets U.S. trade and energy officials, according to a government document reviewed by Reuters.

The step comes after weeks of conciliatory messages Vietnam has sent Washington in an effort to avert tariffs by the Trump administration the Southeast Asian nation may face because of its large trade surplus with the United States.

 The March 5 document from the trade ministry features the schedule of Trade Minister Nguyen Hong Dien's trip to the United States this week.

It also listed energy companies and government departments, from customs to tax, asked to send accompanying representatives.

Last week the government said on its portal Dien, who is also in charge of energy and industry policy, would travel to the United States on Thursday to meet U.S. Trade Representative Jamieson Greer.

But it gave no details of possible deals or topics to be discussed.

Officials have publicly indicated Vietnam's intention to buy U.S. liquefied natural gas for its fledgling industry and to possibly revise duties on several imports, from ethanol and LNG to agriculture products.

Trading firm PetroVietnam Gas (GAS.HM), opens new tab, power generator PetroVietnam Power (POW.HM), opens new tab and power distributor EVN are among the state-controlled gas and energy companies asked to send delegates on Dien's U.S. trip, the ministry document shows.

The event is part of regular meetings between U.S. and Vietnamese trade officials under the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement signed in 2007.

Dien is set to first meet Greer on Thursday, before working with officials of the U.S. energy department and witnessing the signing of "a number of agreements" the following day, the document showed.

Then he will meet officials of the commerce department and industry groups with "interests in Vietnam", it added, but did not say if the meetings were listed according to times in the United States or Vietnam, which could affect the days.

Reporting by Emily Chow, Francesco Guarascio and Khanh Vu; Editing by Clarence Fernandez Link


Clare:  World Bank confirms its continued support for Iraq to achieve its development goals


Finance Minister Taif Sami stressed the importance of the ongoing partnership with the World Bank, and Iraq's aspiration to benefit from the technical and financial support provided by the bank in implementing strategic projects to stimulate economic growth and provide job opportunities, especially in areas including infrastructure and human development. This came during her reception of the World Bank Representative to Iraq, Jean-Christophe Carret, and his accompanying delegation.

The meeting discussed ways to enhance economic and financial cooperation between Iraq and the World Bank. It reviewed a number of key topics related to enhancing financial stability in Iraq, in addition to discussing development projects that the two parties seek to implement with the aim of achieving sustainable development.

For his part, the World Bank representative expressed the bank's commitment to continue supporting Iraq in achieving its development goals, noting that the World Bank pays great attention to enhancing Iraq's ability to face economic and development challenges, with a focus on sustainable development and achieving comprehensiveness in the benefits achieved.  LINK

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man All the money that's going to come in is going to help the budget which is going to help support the value of the currency in the long run.  Everything that's going to go through that country is going to be around in a Real Effective Exchange Rate It isn't going to be 1310 or they'd have done it a long time ago.  There would have been no reason to just say, 'we're going to go like we are and this is the way we're going to go onto the Forex.' But have they done that yet?   Sure not.

Mnt Goat  Article:  "INFLATION’S FREEFALL: IRAQ HITS 2.8%, ECONOMIC HOPES SOAR”.  If you look at the Dr Shabibi plan to get to the reinstatement you can clearly see...he planned to put the brakes on after each step, then monitor closely for inflation... Folks the process is working…


Over 40% LMBA Silver Leaves London | Andy Schectman

Liberty and Finance:  3-10-2025

Join us for a live Q&A with Miles Franklin CEO & President, Andy Schectman, as he analyzes the latest figures from the London Bullion Market Association.

The LBMA’s new report reveals a massive 128.5 million ounces of silver were pulled from London vaults over the past three months, ending February 2025.

This equates to nearly 42% of silver not held by ETFs being removed from storage.

 Andy will share his perspective on how this significant withdrawal could impact the market's future, pricing, and overall silver dynamics.

 Don't miss the chance to hear expert insights and ask your own questions about this pivotal silver market development.


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Advice, Economics, sovereign man DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Economics, sovereign man DINARRECAPS8

Is the US Headed Toward Recession?

Is the US Headed Toward Recession? [Podcast]

Notes From the Field By James Hickman (Simon Black)  March 11, 2025

By the late 1920s, the US economy was booming and had advantages that most of the world did not yet enjoy.  Manufacturing in America was extremely competitive due to mass electrification powering factories. Farmers had traded out horses and mules for trucks and tractors.

US productivity was surging.

Is the US Headed Toward Recession? [Podcast]

Notes From the Field By James Hickman (Simon Black)  March 11, 2025

By the late 1920s, the US economy was booming and had advantages that most of the world did not yet enjoy.  Manufacturing in America was extremely competitive due to mass electrification powering factories. Farmers had traded out horses and mules for trucks and tractors.

US productivity was surging.

Global trade was still recovering from World War I, but there was enough sense at the League of Nations (the precursor to the United Nations) to campaign against trade barriers.

The final report from the World Economic Conference in 1927 concluded that “the time has come to put an end to tariffs. . .”

But America decided to move in the opposite direction.

Two politicians, Willis Hawley and Reed Smoot put forth a plan to impose steep tariffs that reached as high as 59.1% on some products.

The infamous Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act passed in 1930, and almost immediately, countries around the world imposed their own retaliatory tariffs against the US.

Global trade plummeted as a result, which became a major factor in prolonging an almost never-ending and extremely painful economic depression.

I don’t think another Great Depression is in the cards right now, but frankly all these threats of tariffs are starting to have an impact.

Stock market investors are realizing that a recession is clearly on the table, and that business and consumer sentiment across the board have taken a nose dive.

That could all rebound just as quickly as it has fallen, but the larger point is that tariffs will absolutely make the country, and the world for that matter, much worse off.

The key reason is that tariffs force the economy to operate below its maximum potential.

Think about it on an individual basis. Imagine if Tom Cruise were sacking groceries instead of making movies. I think most people would probably acknowledge that creating multi-billion dollar box office hits is a hard thing to do, and sacking groceries would be below his potential.

The same goes for a trained and experienced neurosurgeon— picking turnips is not the best use of his or her time.

The US economy is certainly capable of producing just about anything. But there’s no point in deliberately producing below your potential— i.e. taking scarce talent and resources away from more valuable more productive sectors, and instead focusing that energy to make socks and underwear.

If an economy consistently underachieves its potential, everyone is worse off as a result— regardless of whether that results in a near-term recession.

The US has the potential in small-scale nuclear reactors, and emerging technology in AI, automation, robotics, and high-performance computing to create a level of abundance and prosperity that is almost unimaginable. That advantage is specific to the United States and that reality could be just a few years away because most of that technology exists or is close.

And that’s what the US needs to get out of its $36 trillion debt problem— a productivity and innovation driven economic boom.

Tariffs throw cold water on the whole thing.

This is what we discuss in today’s podcast.

We also touch on:

  • Recent stock market swings

  • The valuation of stocks now, and historically

  • Who is investing in the stock market today

  • What could drive investors into bonds

  • And more.

You can listen here.

(For the audio-only version, check out our online post here.)

To your freedom,  James Hickman   Co-Founder, Schiff Sovereign LLC

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