Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday AM 5-21-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday AM 5-21-24

The International Monetary Fund: It Is Expected That Iraq’s Economy Will Recover By 5.3% For The Year 2024-2025

Posted On05-21-2024 By Sotaliraq  Translated by / Hamed Ahmed  The International Monetary Fund indicated in its latest report that there are expectations for an economic recovery in Iraq for the year 2024-2025, reaching a rate of 5.3% before gradually stabilizing at a rate of 3.5% in the medium term, warning at the same time that the economic situation in general is fragile and that without action Economic and financial reforms regarding spending. This growth is vulnerable to decline if oil prices fall.

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund stated in its report issued on May 16, 2024, that local stability has improved further since the new government took office in October 2022, which facilitated the passage of the first three-year budget in Iraq, which led to a huge financial expansion starting in 2023. This supported a strong recovery in Iraq's non-oil economy after a contraction in 2022, and a decline in inflation by the end of 2023 by 4%.

However, Fund experts point out that the economic situation in Iraq is still fragile, as its non-oil imports and exports constitute only a small portion of the gross domestic product, making that country vulnerable to major fluctuations in oil prices.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday AM 5-21-24

The International Monetary Fund: It Is Expected That Iraq’s Economy Will Recover By 5.3% For The Year 2024-2025

Posted On05-21-2024 By Sotaliraq  Translated by / Hamed Ahmed  The International Monetary Fund indicated in its latest report that there are expectations for an economic recovery in Iraq for the year 2024-2025, reaching a rate of 5.3% before gradually stabilizing at a rate of 3.5% in the medium term, warning at the same time that the economic situation in general is fragile and that without action Economic and financial reforms regarding spending. This growth is vulnerable to decline if oil prices fall.

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund stated in its report issued on May 16, 2024, that local stability has improved further since the new government took office in October 2022, which facilitated the passage of the first three-year budget in Iraq, which led to a huge financial expansion starting in 2023. This supported a strong recovery in Iraq's non-oil economy after a contraction in 2022, and a decline in inflation by the end of 2023 by 4%.

However, Fund experts point out that the economic situation in Iraq is still fragile, as its non-oil imports and exports constitute only a small portion of the gross domestic product, making that country vulnerable to major fluctuations in oil prices.

On the other hand, the public sector is still dominant in the arena, compared to a decline in private sector development procedures for reasons related to cases of corruption and bureaucracy, as well as dilapidated infrastructure and difficulty obtaining credit, and unemployment rates are still high, especially among the youth segment, stressing the necessity of taking reform measures. Economic and financial.

The International Monetary Fund expected the growth and recovery of the gross domestic product in Iraq for the year 2024-2025, driven by improved oil production rates and financial expansion, indicating its growth by 1.4% in the year 2024, expecting the country’s gross domestic product growth rates to increase to reach 5.3% in the year 2025 before stabilizing. In the medium term, gradually at a rate of 3.5%.

While Fund experts pointed out that the risks of a decline in oil prices and an increase in OPEC+ demands to reduce production would cast a shadow on the growth rate and increase pressure on external debt, stressing the necessity of taking radical economic and financial structural reform measures to ensure continued financial and financial stability.

External debt and the necessity of developing the aspect of diversifying the sources of the economy and achieving stable and comprehensive growth for the private sector.

The Fund's experts recommend encouraging the Iraqi authorities to focus their control on public spending lists and mobilizing non-oil revenues, with the necessity of making reforms in controlling customs port resources and restricting excessive public expenditures to achieve a financial settlement while reforming the financial aid and retirement system.

The Fund's experts also recommended the need to restrict the Central Bank's financial policy efforts and strengthen the monetary liquidity policy framework, noting that improving coordination between financial and monetary operations will help absorb the increase in liquidity and enhance the financial transfer policy.

They also stressed the need to restructure banks and government banks, encourage the modernization of the private banking sector, and facilitate the establishment of mutual banking relationships.

The report states that developing the private sector and diversifying the sources of the economy are essential factors to ensure long-term financial stability and enhance job creation. This requires comprehensive reform of the private market aimed at improving society's capital and improving the environment for private commercial activities, including reforming the electricity sector and combating corruption.

The experts stressed the need to enhance the development of the private sector and develop economic diversification to address the long-term unemployment crisis and confront any future economic challenges.

As it is expected that the rate of the number of people entering working age will increase rapidly, adding 0.8% of the labor force entering the market annually, which requires a growth in the gross domestic product at a rate of 5% for the next ten years to be able to absorb this growth in the labor force and reduce the unemployment rate. To one degree.    LINK

The Acquisition Of The Currency Window Opens The Appetite Of “Jordan National Bank” To Open A “Digital Bank”

Economy  05-21-2024 | 2,526 views  Alsumaria News – Economy  After a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Alia Nassif, announced that the Jordan National Bank is one of a group of banks in the process of obtaining a license to open a “digital bank” without a headquarters in Iraq, it seems that the Jordanian Bank was not satisfied with its “takeover” of the currency selling window. According to experts in the economic field.

Representative Alia Nassif said in a statement received by Al-Sumaria News, “7 licenses will be issued for digital banks, or the so-called environmentally friendly green bank, which are banks that do not have headquarters (one of which is affiliated with the Jordan National Bank).”

Nassif added, "This wrong step comes at a time when the banking sector in Iraq is suffering from an increase in banks. The service provided by digital banks could have been added to Iraqi banks instead of granting licenses to unknown banks without headquarters and without capital."

For his part, economic expert Duraid Al-Anazi said in an interview with Al-Sumaria News, “The Jordan National Bank has internal and external privileges and extensive relations and correspondents, and it took advantage of the weakness of Iraqi banks in this aspect by seizing the largest part of the currency selling window,” indicating that “the central bank is incapable.” About finding a solution to this process because of the risks it poses.”

Al-Enezi added, "These risks are represented by the fact that the transfers that go out from the Central Bank to the Jordanian Bank are unsafe if it is subjected to any external accounting, because Iraq does not have any control over it as a foreign bank."   LINK

The Presidency Of The House Of Representatives Receives The 2024 Budget

Iraq  Tuesday, May 21, 2024 12:52 PM   Baghdad/National News Center

Today, Tuesday, the House of Representatives announced that it had received the federal general budget schedules for the current year, 2024, from the government.

The Secretary-General of the House of Representatives, Safwan Bashir Al-Jarjari, said in a statement received by the National News Centre, that “the 2024 budget tables have been received from the government.”   Al-Jarjari added, “The tables have been referred to the Presidency of the House of Representatives.”

The Deputy Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers discusses with the Regional Director of the World Bank Indicators For Improving The Business Environment And Supporting The Private Sector In Iraq

Tuesday 21, May 2024 11:19 | Economical Number of readings: 259  Baghdad / NINA / Deputy Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, Dr. Farhad Nimatullah Hussein, discussed with the Regional Director for Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions for the Middle East and North Africa at the World Bank, Muhammad Nader, and his accompanying delegation, indicators of improving the business environment, and supporting the files of digital transformation and the banking sector in Iraq. .

According to a statement, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers confirmed to the Council that the Prime Minister’s government program focused on supporting the private sector by improving the business environment and simplifying procedures in various fields, given the importance of this vital sector and the necessity of multiple sources of income in Iraq.

He pointed out: “The committee for improving the business environment was formed at the highest level of the government and concerned sectoral bodies, and within the business environment and the support of the private sector, it completed many works that contributed to addressing the obstacles facing this sector, most notably: amending the companies law, the tax law, and issuing a law.”

 New insolvency issues, in addition to simplifying procedures for issuing construction permits, facilitating the registration of companies and establishing a single window, and supporting and encouraging foreign investments in Iraq.

The Deputy Secretary-General called on representatives of the World Bank to provide support and assistance in the areas of developing the work of the banking sector, digital transformation and electronic governance. And supporting investment and reform of state-owned companies.

For his part, the Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa at the World Bank indicated that the Bank is a key partner in supporting Iraq’s aspirations, to improve the business environment and implement strategic plans and programs to develop the private and financial sector and support digital transformation in Iraq, stressing that Iraq is one of the leading countries and the first country within the Middle East region to fully work and implement processes to improve the business environment that would increase investments in Iraq./End3


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Provoking Thoughts and Points to Ponder on Money

Be the business never so painful, you may have it done for money.  - Thomas Fuller

But then one is always excited by descriptions of money changing hands. It's much more fundamental than sex.  - Nigel Dennis

God makes, and apparel shapes: but it's money that finishes the man.  - Thomas Fuller

If a man has money, it is usually a sign too, that he knows how to take care of it; don't imagine his money is easy to get simply because he has plenty of it.  - Edgar Watson Howe

Interest works night and day in fair weather and in foul. It gnaws at a man's substance with invisible teeth.  - Henry Ward Beecher

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Economics, Simon Black DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Simon Black DINARRECAPS8

Civil War… Really?

Civil War… Really?

Notes From the Field By James Hickman (Simon Black)  May 20, 2024

On July 12, 1648, dozens of angry French politicians gathered at the hallowed Palais de Justice in Paris to draft the final ultimatum that would be sent to their nine-year-old king, Louis XIV.

The politicians were all members of France’s national parliament, and, like most modern politicians, they were almost all lawyers who lived extremely privileged lives at the expense of French taxpayers.

In France, most aristocrats historically came from a group known as the noblesse d'épée, essentially Knights of the Sword. They were warriors who had fought valiantly and had won their power for their dedicated service to France.

This new class of politicians, however, came from a different group known as the noblesse de robe. They had never fought or bled for France, and rather had spent their lives in academia and law school without any understanding of the real world.

Civil War… Really?

Notes From the Field By James Hickman (Simon Black)  May 20, 2024

On July 12, 1648, dozens of angry French politicians gathered at the hallowed Palais de Justice in Paris to draft the final ultimatum that would be sent to their nine-year-old king, Louis XIV.

The politicians were all members of France’s national parliament, and, like most modern politicians, they were almost all lawyers who lived extremely privileged lives at the expense of French taxpayers.

In France, most aristocrats historically came from a group known as the noblesse d'épée, essentially Knights of the Sword. They were warriors who had fought valiantly and had won their power for their dedicated service to France.

This new class of politicians, however, came from a different group known as the noblesse de robe. They had never fought or bled for France, and rather had spent their lives in academia and law school without any understanding of the real world.

And while they claimed that their political crusade was all about ‘the people’, it was obvious that they just wanted more power for themselves.

France was just coming out of the Thirty Years’ War. The King was just a boy. The chief minister-- Jules Mazarin-- was extremely unpopular. So, these politicians saw an opportunity to take power.

They relied on their friends in the media to create divisions in French society-- Catholics versus Huguenots, peasants versus merchants-- and before long there was talk of civil war. And it didn’t exactly go as planned.

On August 27, a few weeks after submitting their ultimatum, roughly 160 politicians marched to the royal palace. They were joined by a small crowd of peasants who were dumb enough to believe that these nobles actually cared about commoners’ problems.

The royal court initially decided to placate and respect the crowd, so Louis’ mother took him outside of the city for a while. The politicians and their peasant followers immediately declared victory and turned Paris into a sort of ‘autonomous zone’.

But as months went by and nothing really improved, many of the peasants began to realize that they were just pawns in the noble’s attempt to seize power and turn France into an even worse feudalist state.

Eventually the boy king returned-- this time with his army. And suddenly the rebel nobles realized that their civil war was about to get real. Trained, professional fighters were about to march through Paris and vanquish all the sissy elites who had never fought a day in their lives.

Sure, the elites knew how to write angry letters. They knew how to use the media to stoke divisions and call their opponents all sorts of horrible names. They knew how to talk tough. And if they were alive today, they’d probably be really great at making TikTok videos.

But they were ultimately a bunch of cowards who weren’t even willing to get a bloody nose for their so-called beliefs. And France’s ‘civil war’ was over in no time.

This is one of the great lessons from history: it’s easy to pretend that you stand for something when the cost for doing so is absolutely nothing. You only find out what people truly believe when their own blood and livelihood is on the line.

In our modern era, we have equally incompetent, idiotic, wimpy politicians who are devoid of backbone. They have no clue how the real-world works, and they live a life of lavish status courtesy of the taxpayer.

They, too, have stoked division and animosity among the population. People used to be able to disagree with one another civilly. Now countless fanatics viscerally hate the other side and call for large groups of people, whether ‘billionaires’ or ‘Trump Supporters’ or ‘oil execs’, etc. to be lined up against the wall and shot.

There is no rational discourse anymore, only shouting matches, angry Twitter feuds, and ‘mostly peaceful’ protests. The takeover of so many college campuses across the Land of the Free is a testament to how far civil discourse has fallen.

It’s so bad that a number of polls suggest up to 43% of Americans think another civil war is coming within a decade. Even Ray Dalio-- billionaire founder of the world’s largest hedge fund-- recently said the same thing in an interview with the Financial Times last week. Some politicians and vocal social media personalities have also called for a ‘national breakup’.

Given that there’s even a Hollywood production out in the theaters right now literally called Civil War about a future breakdown of the US, we thought it was time to weigh in with a dose of reality.

Let’s be honest: an actual “war”, i.e. shooting, violence against violence, etc. isn’t going to happen.

Just like the French civil war in the mid-1600s, the majority of the hyper-angry progressive rebels in America today are elitist cowards. One need only take a look at the people who have taken over the universities: they’re idiot kids, not terrifying holy warriors.

Sure, it’s easy to look tough and storm an administrative building when your spineless university president tacitly (or explicitly) supports your cause.

But the second there’s any real violence, i.e. someone who fights back, they’ll all run away in an instant. They can’t even take a bloody nose.

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

How Deleting Three Zeros Will Change the Iraqi Dinar: Awake-In-3D

How Deleting Three Zeros Will Change the Iraqi Dinarr

On May 20, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

How Deleting Three Zeros Will Change the Iraqi Dinar On May 20, 2024 By Awake-In-3D The critical differences between currency re-denominations and exchange rate purchasing power explained.

In This Article

Introduction to Currency Re-Denominations

IQD: Practical Examples and Misconceptions

The Impact on Salaries and Real-Life Scenarios

Kuwaiti Dinar: Understanding Currency Exchange Rates and Purchasing Power

Currency re-denominations and exchange rate purchasing power are essential concepts to clearly understand in a global financial system.

They influence how money is valued and used in different economies.

How Deleting Three Zeros Will Change the Iraqi Dinar

On May 20, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

The critical differences between currency re-denominations and exchange rate purchasing power explained.

In This Article

  • Introduction to Currency Re-Denominations

  • IQD: Practical Examples and Misconceptions

  • The Impact on Salaries and Real-Life Scenarios

  • Kuwaiti Dinar: Understanding Currency Exchange Rates and Purchasing Power

Currency re-denominations and exchange rate purchasing power are essential concepts to clearly understand in a global financial system.

They influence how money is valued and used in different economies.

Introduction to Currency Re-Denominations

Currency re-denomination involves changing the face value of a country’s currency by removing zeros from the notes. They are not rare.

Romania, for instance, re-denominated their currency in 2005 by deleting five zeros. Both the old and new notes remained in circulation together.

Romania deleted five zeros from their currency in 2005

This process does not alter the currency’s actual purchasing power. It is typically undertaken to simplify transactions and accounting.

Practical Examples and Misconceptions

Example: Iraq

Consider Iraq, where a 1,000 IQD note currently buys a single loaf of bread.

If Iraq re-denominates its currency by removing three zeros, the new note would be a 1 IQD note. Despite this change, the new 1 IQD note would still buy the same loaf of bread.

The purchasing power remains unchanged because the value of the currency relative to goods and services stays the same.

Common Misconceptions

Some people believe that removing zeros from a currency increases its purchasing power.

For example, they might think that the new 1 IQD note would buy 1,000 loaves of bread instead of one. This misconception ignores the fundamental principle that re-denomination is merely a cosmetic change.

The actual value of the currency, and what it can buy, does not increase.

The Impact on Salaries and Real-Life Scenarios

To further clarify, let’s consider a salary scenario.

If an individual in Iraq earns 100,000 IQD per month, a re-denomination removing three zeros would change their salary to 100 IQD per month.

The new 100 IQD salary would still have the same purchasing power as the old 100,000 IQD salary, allowing them to buy the same amount of goods and services.

Historical Context: Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe’s experience with re-denomination provides a similar example in reverse.

During periods of hyperinflation, Zimbabwe repeatedly added zeros to its currency, creating notes worth trillions of ZIM.

Zimbabwe 2008 100 Trillion note.

However, these new notes did not buy more than the previous billion ZIM notes, illustrating that re-denominations do not enhance purchasing power.

Understanding Currency Exchange Rates and Purchasing Power in Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)

Determining a currency’s purchasing power relative to other currencies involves complex calculations, especially with fiat currencies.

For example, Kuwait’s dinar (KWD) has the highest exchange rate against the US dollar. However, this does not mean that the average Kuwaiti has higher international purchasing power than the average American.

Salaries in Kuwait are lower in KWD terms, reflecting the exchange rate’s impact.

Example: Moving from the USA to Kuwait

If someone earning $100,000 per year in the USA moves to Kuwait for work reasons, they cannot expect to earn 100,000 KWD per year.

This would be equivalent to earning $260,000 per year instead of the previous $100,000/year.

It would be great for the person moving to Kuwait, yet it is a completely unrealistic scenario.

Instead, their salary in Kuwait would be adjusted to match the KWD/USD exchange rate, likely around 38,000 KWD per year at current rates.

This ensures that their salary purchasing power remains reasonably consistent across currencies.

The Bottom Line

Currency re-denominations and exchange rates are vital in understanding how money functions globally.

Re-denomination changes the face value of money but not its purchasing power.

Similarly, exchange rates impact how much goods and services can be bought in different currencies.

© GCR Real-Time News

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday AM 5-21-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday AM 5-21-24

Iraqi Dinar Latest Update – 3:57

CBI Big Announcement About IQD Exchange Rate – 4:43

Wait is Over Iraqi Dinar RV Confirmed – 5:23

President Donald Trump Big Announced About IQD – 3:32

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday AM 5-21-24

Iraqi Dinar Latest Update – 3:57

CBI Big Announcement About IQD Exchange Rate – 4:43

Wait is Over Iraqi Dinar RV Confirmed – 5:23

President Donald Trump Big Announced About IQD – 3:32

Iraqi Dinar Latest Update – 3:57

CBI Big Announcement About IQD Exchange Rate – 4:43

Wait is Over Iraqi Dinar RV Confirmed – 5:23

President Donald Trump Big Announced About IQD – 3:32

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Tuesday 5-21-2024


Tishwash:  The House of Representatives receives the budget schedules from the government

Today, Tuesday, the Media Department of the House of Representatives announced that the House had received the budget schedules from the government.

The department said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), “The Secretary-General of the House of Representatives, Safwan Bashir Al-Jarjari, received the budget schedules from the government today.”

She added, "Al-Jarjari referred the agendas to the Presidency of the House of Representatives link


Tishwash:  The House of Representatives receives the budget schedules from the government

Today, Tuesday, the Media Department of the House of Representatives announced that the House had received the budget schedules from the government.

The department said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), “The Secretary-General of the House of Representatives, Safwan Bashir Al-Jarjari, received the budget schedules from the government today.”

She added, "Al-Jarjari referred the agendas to the Presidency of the House of Representatives link

Tishwash:  The budget tables are in a final government audit before being sent to Parliament

An informed source revealed that the financial budget schedules for the year 2024 are subject to a final government audit before being sent to the House of Representatives.

“The budget tables are now in the legal department of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, and it is hoped that their audit will be completed within the secretariat and then sent to the Parliamentary Finance Committee.”

The source stated, “In the coming days, the Finance Committee will review the budget schedules sent by the government and follow up on their disbursement, and will make some amendments to them if necessary to adapt them to the public need.”

The Council of Ministers voted in an extraordinary session last Sunday on the budget schedules and referred them to the House of Representatives.

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani revealed in a press conference after the session the details of the budget tables and the most prominent contents of them. He said:

Table (A) included revenues totaling (144.336) trillion dinars, and Table (B) concerned the total planned expenditures totaling (210.936) trillion dinars.

- The planned budget deficit amounted to (63.599) trillion dinars, and Table (C) is the centrally funded workforce table, amounting to (4,079,906) employees, and governing expenditures amounted to (10.042) trillion dinars.

- The investment budget for 2024 is (54.298) trillion dinars, and may reach 55 trillion dinars.
- Governorate allocations to local government programs with an investment allocation amounted to (10.633) trillion dinars in 2023, and we financed (3.333) trillion, based on fundamental requests from the governorates.

- The remainder of the allocation (7.333 trillion dinars) is in a trust account, at the disposal of the provincial governments.

- Allocating approximately (8) trillion dinars to ongoing projects, including allocations in 2024.
- For the first time in the history of budgets, we have exceeded spending by 50%.

The increase in debt repayment amounted to 3.9 trillion dinars. In 2023, the debt repayment was 12,751, and in 2024, we repaid 16.725 trillion.  link


Tishwash:   Government Spokesman: This year and the coming will witness progress on important projects that affect the lives of citizens

The official spokesman for the Iraqi government, Bassem Al-Awadi, announced today, Monday, that the current and next year will witness the movement of important projects that affect the lives of the citizen.

Al-Awadi said in a televised statement: “The Iraqi government has tended to reduce debts and reduce the deficit in the upcoming budget, indicating that the government has tended to maximize non-oil revenues to more than 18 trillion, adding that the government has tended to grant guarantees and guarantees for vital projects that revive the economy.”

Al-Awadi stressed, “Our institutions are able to compensate the United Nations mission and our cooperation continues with the organizations.”  link


Tishwash:  Iraq is whitewashing its debt book... and fears of financial waste

Iraq closed the file of its debts owed to the International Monetary Fund and accumulated since 2003, with a total amount exceeding 8 billion dollars, through several loans that were aimed at supporting macroeconomic stability and implementing financial reforms.

According to the financial advisor to the Iraqi government, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, after 2003, the International Monetary Fund provided several loans to Iraq that were aimed at supporting economic stability and implementing financial reform processes between the years 2003 and 2021.
Saleh explained, in an interview reported by the Iraqi Media Agency (INA), that Iraq obtained several financing programs from the International Monetary Fund, including emergency loans and relatively long-term financial aid. 

Saleh stated that since 2003, the value of loans and financial aid granted by the International Monetary Fund to Iraq amounted to $8 billion, and was repaid in full, with a focus when granting loans on implementing programs linked to supporting macroeconomic stability and implementing the necessary financial reforms. The International Monetary Fund had previously explained that Iraq needs to gradually correct its public financial conditions, to achieve debt stability in the medium term and rebuild financial reserves.

In its statement, the Fund welcomed the strong economic recovery, low inflation in Iraq, and the improvement in local conditions that led to the implementation of the first three-year budget, stressing the necessity of sound economic policies and structural reforms in Iraq to secure public finances and debts, given the regional conflicts that may affect oil prices.

At the end of last year, 2023, the International Monetary Fund stated that Iraq's economy relies heavily on oil revenues, and needs radical structural reforms to diversify sources of income and achieve sustainable growth. 

Financial waste

In this context, the financial expert, Rashid Al-Saadi, said that financial waste in Iraqi state institutions exceeds 40 billion dollars annually, and that Iraq is capable of addressing this serious problem by drawing up a sound monetary economic policy and reducing levels of financial waste. Al-Saadi added to Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed that Iraq was one of the founding countries of the International Monetary Fund in 1944, and has a strong position in the international financial system, due to its high confidence that enables it to achieve its economic policies and provides sustainable development opportunities.

He pointed out that the International Monetary Fund's decision not to provide Iraq with development loans comes because of the Fund's policy, which requires granting debts for the purpose of achieving sustainable development projects and not in order to pay salaries and the deficit in the state budget. Al-Saadi stated that the IMF stressed greatly the importance of Iraq’s move to rationalize its cash consumption, work to achieve new resources, and invest its natural and human resources to achieve the optimal financial output away from the financial waste occurring in state institutions.

He stressed that there are more than 100,000 employees who receive salaries without any work or production, in addition to the presence of approximately 150,000 employees who receive more than one salary, in addition to the great waste in the expenses of the government and its higher institutions. He stated that the financial waste in salaries and expenses holds the state budget at more than 40 billion dollars annually, which is a dangerous percentage that leads to significant slackness and a dangerous increase in the volume of expenditures, stressing the importance of reducing surplus expenditures and working to diversify the sources of national income for the Iraqi state. 

Loan burden

The economic researcher, Ahmed Sabah, said that Iraq tried to improve its relationship with the International Monetary Fund after 2003 through the Paris Club Agreement and the resulting decisions in order to extinguish the debts incurred by Iraq before its invasion in 2003, which were estimated at around 100 billion dollars, and which passed Several stages ended in 2008.

Sabah added to Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed that Iraq bore the burden of new loans at the beginning of 2014, which witnessed a rise in government expenditures on the battles to regain control of the areas that fell under the control of ISIS, and the financial problems that befell the state and a large deficit in the balance of payments. Which prompted him to request a loan from the International Monetary Fund worth $5.34 billion to meet his financial obligations.

Sabah stressed that Iraq did not sever its relationship with the International Monetary Fund, but rather the economic policy currently followed has caused the Fund to lose its confidence in it, due to the large waste of money in Iraq and the high volume of unjustified spending far from production and the multiplicity of means of national income. He stated that Iraq's economy is unstable and suffers from many fluctuations due to its total dependence on oil revenues, in addition to the state's poor economic management and its weak production performance.

Sabah stated that any decline in global oil prices will cost Iraq a lot, increase the deficit rate and raise the levels of economic risk that will result in Iraq’s bankruptcy and its reaching dangerous stages. He stressed the importance of improving Iraq's financial situation and strengthening its economic relations with international financial organizations and bodies to raise the level of confidence and confront economic crises.  link

Mot:  . Understanding Women!!! ---

Mot: ... The Moments When Ya Wonder – Hmmmmmmmm

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

“Coffee With MarkZ” Tuesday Morning Chat 5-21-2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning everyone! Hope you all have a blessed day!

Member: May 21st 1932, Amelia Earhart Historic Flight

Member: What good news do you have today Mark???

Member: Mark - are we still on track for this month? getting harder and harder to stay positive

MZ: We know that the budget has passed with $162 billion. It was $153 B last year. I am still looking for more pieces of it. There is plenty in the news showing us it is passed….but I have yet to find where they are covering a budget shortfall with a rate  I was told to expect something within days of it being passed.

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning everyone! Hope you all have a blessed day!

Member: May 21st 1932, Amelia Earhart Historic Flight

Member: What good news do you have today Mark???

Member: Mark - are we still on track for this month? getting harder and harder to stay positive

MZ: We know that the budget has passed with $162 billion. It was $153 B last year. I am still looking for more pieces of it. There is plenty in the news showing us it is passed….but I have yet to find where they are covering a budget shortfall with a rate  I was told to expect something within days of it being passed.

Member: Its interesting they are saying billions and not trillions for their budget totals.  They must have a rate hike? Right?

MZ: You are getting it. We are just trying to piece together “what is that rate?”

MZ: Buckle up guys….it will continue to be a weird week.

MZ: But with the budget passed this means Erbil and oil sales started again in the Kurdish region …..which is big.

Member: And if I remember right – all the oil sales funds go to Iraq now…and not to the Federal Reserve?

MZ: Have a couple of positive comments from 2 contractors in Iraq that believe they will see their rate this week for their projects. .

MZ: Very quiet on the bond and banking side. People are positioned and they have done a tremendous job shutting down leaks. Good for the process but sucks for us.

MZ: “Several States take steps to block a central bank digital currency” This article is from money metals. Which states have already passed clear and solid legislation to block it? Nebraska, Alabama, N. Dakota, Florida and Georgia have passed laws. We are up to about 8 states now to remove the ability to use a CBDC.. The question is can the Federal Government still force it down their throats?

Member: Dear God let more states join that group…..We must not let them win

MZ: This is a war. It’s a battle of resets. I very much believe we will win.

MZ: “ Russia confiscates 800 million from Deutsche Bank, IniCredit and Commerce Bank” I am not surprised. Russian has had billions seized…..This will have many repercussion in the banking world over the next few days.

MZ: Gold price in China is $2,485 and the silver price is $36.26. Silver is close to another limit in Shanghai. These are pressures from competing …..Comex , London and them selling and the difference between real physical metal and paper. And the premium that comes with it. This will force a proper valuation of metals as they do this in Shangai…as they do this in China. People will go to sell their metals there instead of here.

MZ: I believe we are watching things all come together at one time…..imo. .

MZ: Here is an exciting one for most of the world. “Klaus Swab –now 86 will transition to a role as non-executive chairman “ But we are told he has seeding his organization with his evil offspring and should not be many changes with the globalist agenda and to take up the tyrannical new world order torch.  Swabs children were appointed to high ranking positions. I am surprised ZeroHedge is till around as they have certainly gone after the globalists. .

Member: What do you think the new rate for Iraq will be?

MZ: I could be wrong but, I think the rate will start about $3.90 or so. But we are totally guessing. .

Member: what do you think the Iranian rial will be worth after the RV?

Member: it used to be estimated to be less than the IQD….but not by much?

JMember: ust got a message from a friend In Florida we went to the bank there and they told him his house had been paid off and he asked about credit cards and they said that’s coming.

MZ: I love to hear that.

​​Member: I talked to the bank concerning losing house in June, I explained about the currency i have. bank lady said, "interesting, let me speak with my boss, get back to you in a few days." I'm hopeful!

Member: We have another 3 day weekend coming, hopefully our last 3 day weekend. Ready to really get to work and make Earth a better place

Member: hi Mark, your kindness & encouragement helps us thru our rough days. just wanted you to know that.

There is a guest on today from ATB. Listen to the replay for their information and opinions.




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong Dinar Recaps 20

Currency Insider Video Updates Late Monday Night 5-20-24

Currency Insider Video Updates Late Monday Night 5-20-24

Iraqi Dinar We Are Very Close Last moments – 2:23

Iraqi Dinar So It’s Finally Came Out – 1:41

Currency Insider Video Updates Late Monday Night 5-20-24

Iraqi Dinar We Are Very Close Last moments – 2:23

Iraqi Dinar So It’s Finally Came Out – 1:41

Iraqi Dinar We Are Very Close Last moments – 2:23

Iraqi Dinar So It’s Finally Came Out – 1:41

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 5-21-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update
as of Tues. 21 May 2024 Compiled Tues. 21 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: The Globalist Cabal was bankrupt and trying to create World War III. They wanted to profit from both sides of another war, plus was setting up The Great Reset of fiat digital currency in order to completely control the World’s financial System and subsequently, the People of the World.

In the meantime the Cabal’s once ally Iran was accepted into BRICS gold/asset-backed currencies, which meant they agreed to 100 years of peace.

You are witnessing a race between two superpowers who are trying to establish themselves as the world’s financial power.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 21 May 2024

Compiled Tues. 21 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: The Globalist Cabal was bankrupt and trying to create World War III. They wanted to profit from both sides of another war, plus was setting up The Great Reset of fiat digital currency in order to completely control the World’s financial System and subsequently, the People of the World.

In the meantime the Cabal’s once ally Iran was accepted into BRICS gold/asset-backed currencies, which meant they agreed to 100 years of peace.

You are witnessing a race between two superpowers who are trying to establish themselves as the world’s financial power.

Another World War would create a Global Financial Crisis that makes way for implementation of the Cabal’s Great Reset.

The Cabal’s Blackrock former Portfolio Manager Ed Dowd, explained why every last remnant of human freedom depended on widespread rejection of the Great Reset’s CBDC. “It is literally a prison planet. Once the Central Bank digital currency is linked to all your credit cards and bank accounts, then social controls can be implemented. If you’re a dissenter like me, talking about truth, they shut you down.”

Experts warn that US may freeze bank withdrawals as currency fear rises.

Judy Note: Could the Cabal’s US Inc. be involved in the Iranian helicopter crash on Sun. 19 May where the Iranian President and all his high up government officials were killed?

Iran was collaborating with Russia on creating a single BRICS currency – which would nullify the Cabal’s US Inc. planned Great Reset.

The Cabal was broke due to their fiat Federal Reserve US Dollar and they needed a World War to keep themselves financially afloat.

The death of Iranian officials triggered the Iranian Stock Market to crash, which affected a downfall of the Global Financial System.


Global Currency Reset:

Fri. 17 May 2024 MarkZ: “On May 22nd, (This is from the IRS but other government agencies are also doing this) they will be conducting emergency alert tests nationwide to all their employees on text messaging, email and laptop notifications. So they are prepared for May 22nd.

US Treasury Conference Call on Sun. 19 May 2024: “Everything is on schedule and the US is finishing up last minute paperwork. All tests for the RV have gone great. Stay positive. It’s coming.”… Mena, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire on Telegram Sun. 19 May 2024

Mon. 20 May 2024 Wolverine: “It’s near guys. I’m not going to say time or day, but I know we are going to have a beautiful, beautiful month.”

Mon. 20 May 2024 MarkZ: “Many banking sources are expecting big things this week. Some expect things as early as today. Many bankers are upbeat about today and this upcoming Memorial Day Weekend. 

Mon. 20 May 2024 Rubix Q: “I now have a banker and he has verified this is real. They have been trained and it is a WF bank. He also said that they will be playing a huge role in this. Call around ask for a wealth manager. If they are participating they will set you up with a relationship manager. I was also told when asking, we will not be the ones under NDA…He couldn’t say anymore….hint hint.”

“Gold is money. Everything else is credit.” -J.P. Morgan 1912

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   There's some good articles about the float... that's the number one topic right now...We're looking for those videos I told you about.  We're looking for more information to be coming out.  This plethora of articles, notice they're all focusing on what?  The float.  Because that IMO is what's next.

Fnu Lnu  [Reference to the need for an NDA]  There is nothing for any Dinar holder to disclose.  ALL DINAR OWNERS will get the exact same amount for the exchange rate of their Dinar. There will be NO DIFFERENCE in rate between participating banks or whether you go to an off-site exchange location or not. NONE! NADA! There is NO information to protect for the ordinary Dinar owner/investor. People who were invited to participate in the Private Placements were typically those who have over 10,000,000 Dinar and the reason for the NDA is because they will receive a substantially higher rate for their exchange because they are selling to private foreign entities, in a private sale, outside the general public participant who typically owns only one 25,000 Dinar Note.

BRICS End G7 Hegemony: What is Next?

Fastepo:  5-20-2024

Ever wondered why BRICS+ is set to outpace the G7 in economic growth and global influence?

 With its rapidly growing economies and a young, dynamic population, BRICS+ is reshaping the global economic landscape.

Discover how this bloc is challenging Western dominance and creating new opportunities for the Global South.

Dive into the video to explore the future of global power dynamics!

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: Iraqi Dinar - FACTS - RTGS - EO 13303 - Non-Oil - Revenues - Exchange Rate Recovery - IQD Inevitable

Iraqi Dinar - FACTS - RTGS - EO 13303 - Non-Oil - Revenues - Exchange Rate Recovery - IQD Inevitable

MilitiaMan:  5-20-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraqi Dinar - FACTS - RTGS - EO 13303 - Non-Oil - Revenues - Exchange Rate Recovery - IQD Inevitable

MilitiaMan:  5-20-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

9 Reasons Banking In-Person Is More Financially Savvy Than Banking Online

I’m a Bank Teller: 9 Reasons Banking In-Person Is More Financially Savvy Than Banking Online

Laura Beck   Fri, May 17, 2024

Most of us do our banking completely online now. It’s just a fact of the digital age — when you can deposit a check right into your bank’s mobile app, what’s the point of trekking to a branch? However, veteran bank teller Rachael P. says we shouldn’t abandon in-person banking entirely.

 “There are still plenty of advantages to physically going into a branch,” Rachael shared. “Sure, digital banking is easy. But something can be lost when you have zero human interaction with your bank.”

While digital banking is booming, she believes making an effort to head into branches periodically can actually pay financial dividends. Here are the nine reasons you should consider in-person banking over banking online, according to a bank teller.


I’m a Bank Teller: 9 Reasons Banking In-Person Is More Financially Savvy Than Banking Online

Laura Beck   Fri, May 17, 2024

Most of us do our banking completely online now. It’s just a fact of the digital age — when you can deposit a check right into your bank’s mobile app, what’s the point of trekking to a branch? However, veteran bank teller Rachael P. says we shouldn’t abandon in-person banking entirely.

 “There are still plenty of advantages to physically going into a branch,” Rachael shared. “Sure, digital banking is easy. But something can be lost when you have zero human interaction with your bank.”

While digital banking is booming, she believes making an effort to head into branches periodically can actually pay financial dividends. Here are the nine reasons you should consider in-person banking over banking online, according to a bank teller.

Catch Errors and Fraud Faster

“Something just feels more official when you’re looking at physical statements and documents rather than numbers on a screen,” Rachael said. “It makes it easier to identify errors, missing funds or potential fraud right away rather than just scrolling past it.”

Speaking to a real person can facilitate quicker resolution as well.

Tap Into Professional Expertise

“At the end of the day, we’re trained financial professionals who understand banking, regulations and money management inside and out,” she stated. “Sure, that internet chat rep seems friendly. But you’ll get way deeper insights by actually talking to someone face-to-face.”

Negotiate Better Rates and Fees

You’d be surprised what a teller or personal banker can do if you simply ask politely. Whether it’s lowering fees, getting a better interest rate or waiving penalties, simply walking into a branch gives you way more flexibility than online interactions.

Build Relationships and Get Personalized Service

“When you bank in person, we get to know you as a real individual,” Rachael explained. “Not just an account number. That allows us to treat you as a person and provide much more personalized service tailored to your specific needs and situation.”

Ask Questions More Easily

To Read More:

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Monday Evening 5-20-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Monday Evening 5-20-24

Finally Congrats Iraq Budget Approved – 4:31

Chase Bank JP Morgan Set 4.42$ New Rate – 3:53

Iraqi Dinar International Fixed Rate – 3:26

It's Massive IQD Latest Update – 5:21

Iraqi Dinar Latest Update – 3:57

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Monday Evening 5-20-24

Finally Congrats Iraq Budget Approved – 4:31

Chase Bank JP Morgan Set 4.42$ New Rate – 3:53

Iraqi Dinar International Fixed Rate – 3:26

It's Massive IQD Latest Update – 5:21

Iraqi Dinar Latest Update – 3:57

 Finally Congrats Iraq Budget Approved – 4:31

Chase Bank JP Morgan Set 4.42$ New Rate – 3:53

Iraqi Dinar International Fixed Rate – 3:26

It's Massive IQD Latest Update – 5:21

Iraqi Dinar Latest Update – 3:57

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