Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Monday Evening 5-20-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Monday Evening 5-20-24

How Will Raisi's Death Affect Oil Prices?

Economy |  05/20/2024   Mawazine News _ Baghdad   Igor Yushkov, an expert at the Financial University and the National Energy Security Fund in Russia, said that the death of the Iranian president may cause some fluctuations in the oil market, with some slight rise in prices.

This came according to Igor Yushkov’s statements to the “Novosti” agency, where he said: “There may be some fluctuations in the oil market, and there may be a slight rise in prices in the first moments, but I think it will return later, and in general we will not witness a rise in general.”

According to him, the possible escalation of the conflict in the Middle East could have a significant impact on prices if it turns out that a “third force” is involved in Raisi’s death. However, Yushkov believes that this option is unlikely, and believes that the matter will be considered an “accident” and is unlikely to have a significant impact on the oil market.

Brent crude prices rose as of 11:47 Moscow time by 0.05%, and futures contracts for July delivery are trading at about $84 per barrel.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Monday Evening 5-20-24

How Will Raisi's Death Affect Oil Prices?

Economy |  05/20/2024   Mawazine News _ Baghdad   Igor Yushkov, an expert at the Financial University and the National Energy Security Fund in Russia, said that the death of the Iranian president may cause some fluctuations in the oil market, with some slight rise in prices.

This came according to Igor Yushkov’s statements to the “Novosti” agency, where he said: “There may be some fluctuations in the oil market, and there may be a slight rise in prices in the first moments, but I think it will return later, and in general we will not witness a rise in general.”

According to him, the possible escalation of the conflict in the Middle East could have a significant impact on prices if it turns out that a “third force” is involved in Raisi’s death. However, Yushkov believes that this option is unlikely, and believes that the matter will be considered an “accident” and is unlikely to have a significant impact on the oil market.

Brent crude prices rose as of 11:47 Moscow time by 0.05%, and futures contracts for July delivery are trading at about $84 per barrel.   https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=248344

The Central Bank Begins The Second Phase Of Its Banking Reform Strategy

Samir Al-Nusairi   Economy News = Baghdad   Samir Al-Nusairi  The Central Bank announced that it will launch the national lending strategy on 5/25/2024, which is a clear announcement of the beginning of the second phase of its banking reform strategy.

 This means that it has completed the first phase of it by achieving tangible and important results in the field of regulating foreign trade financing and regularization of the global financial system through strict adherence to standards.

International compliance, building solid international banking relationships with international banks and correspondent banks, and introducing the local currencies of countries with which there is significant trade exchange into cash dealing in their local currencies, in addition to dealing in the US dollar.

As well as activating and strengthening its procedures for transitioning from a cash economy to a digital economy and cooperating with the government in expanding the use of electronic payment tools and spreading the culture of transition to a cashless society. Certainly, the above tasks occupied a large part of the efforts at the local and international levels.

In the second phase, the focus will be on restructuring banks, especially government banks, and starting to implement new policies to support and develop micro, small, and medium enterprises, initiating the establishment and licensing of the Riyada Bank, and licensing the Green Bank, which will specialize in sustainable financing for renewable energy projects, as well as moving toward licensing digital banks to keep pace with progress in the field of banking products. Modern digital. The electronic platform will also be gradually left this year.

 One of the tasks that will begin work is to rehabilitate the banks restricted from dealing in the US dollar to comply with international standards in light of the work of the joint committee between the Central Bank and the US Department of the Treasury, through which the work of these banks in foreign transfer activity for previous years will also be analyzed and audited, with the hope that it will be increased. Restrictions on it.

What we expect from the procedures and policies adopted by the Central Bank in the first phase and what was achieved from them and what will be achieved from the second phase of the banking reform strategy will be reflected in the stability of the exchange rate and the recovery of the Iraqi dinar inevitably.   285 views 05/20/2024 https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=43572

Among Them Is Related To Capital... Economic Questions Haunting The Work Of Digital Banks

Economy News = Baghdad   Today, Monday, the economic expert, Mahmoud Dagher, raised several questions about the nature of digital banks in Iraq, while confirming that any bank can adapt its banking system to digital.

Dagher said, in an exclusive interview with Al-Eqtisad News, “The digital bank is ultimately a bank with its banking operations, from cash and in-kind credit to deposits and borrowing, as well as all the activities associated with it, and it is an evolution in the banking system to complete digital operations.”

He added: "As for compliance, combating the financing of terrorism and corruption, and oversight and auditing, they do not differ at all from existing banks. Rather, the responsibilities of the executive management and the Board of Directors continue and are also governed by the laws of the Central Bank, governance, and banks, in addition to the Anti-Money Laundering Law, as well as the instructions of the Central Bank."

The economic expert explained: “Nothing will differ except that operations are conducted through applications, and even these banks have taken steps to establish them, that is, some banks have converted their operations to digital instead of face-to-face,” indicating that “any bank can adapt its banking system to digital in addition to the regular one.”

He pointed out, "Central banks support and encourage this trend, and banks are also seeking to make their digital window wide, especially after the spread of applications and ATMs that withdraw and deposit."

Dagher asked: “Why is the digital bank’s capital less than other banks? And why are there special instructions for the digital bank instead of incentives to support the digital window and voluntary transformation of digital systems as an option for banks?”

Views 173 05/20/2024 https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=43576

By 92%... An Increase In Sales Of Foreign Remittances At The Iraqi Central Auction

Economy | 02:53 - 05/20/2024   Mawazine News _ Baghdad   External remittances at the Central Bank of Iraq auction rose by 92% on Monday, at the expense of cash sales, to reach $254 million.

In its auction today, the Central Bank sold 273 million and 572 thousand and 542 dollars, which it covered at a base exchange rate of 1,310 dinars per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements for electronic cards, at a price of 1,310 dinars per dollar for external transfers, and at a price of 1,305 dinars per dollar in cash.

He added that most of the dollar sales went to strengthen balances abroad in the form of transfers and credits, which amounted to 254 million 462 thousand and 524 dollars, an increase of 92% over cash sales amounting to 19 million 110 thousand dollars.

The number of banks that purchased cash dollars reached 4 banks, while the number of banks that responded to requests to enhance balances abroad reached 15 banks, and the total number of exchange and brokerage companies participating in the auction was 36 companies. https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=248346


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visithttps://www.bondladyscorner.com/


Provoking Thoughts and Points to Ponder on Advice :

Never give advice in a crowd.  - Arab proverb

Never give advice unless asked.  - German proverb

Whatever advice you give, be short.  - Horace

Old men are fond of giving good advice, to console themselves for being no longer in a position to give bad examples.  - La Rochefoucauld

We give advice, but we do not inspire conduct.  - La Rochefoucauld

Good counsel has no price.  - Guiseppe Mazzini

Never advise anyone to go to war or to marry.  - Spanish proverb

Many receive advice, only the wise profit by it.  - Syrus

Admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly.  - Syrus



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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Monday Evening  5-20-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Monday Evening  5-20-24

US Federal Reserve Revealed RV Date & Time – 4:49

Wait Is Over Donald Trump Had Been Announced Finally – 3:48

Iraqi dinar finally Realsed $4.25 – 4:36

Central Bank of IRAQ Released IQD Rate On Bank Screen $3.77 – 3:54

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Monday Evening  5-20-24

US Federal Reserve Revealed RV Date & Time – 4:49

Wait Is Over Donald Trump Had Been Announced Finally – 3:48

Iraqi dinar finally Realsed $4.25 – 4:36

Central Bank of IRAQ Released IQD Rate On Bank Screen $3.77 – 3:54

US Federal Reserve Revealed RV Date & Time – 4:49


Wait Is Over Donald Trump Had Been Announced Finally – 3:48


Iraqi dinar finally Realsed $4.25 – 4:36


Central Bank of IRAQ Released IQD Rate On Bank Screen $3.77 – 3:54


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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Evening News with Zester and MarkZ May 20th 2024

Evening News with Zester May 20th 2024

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Evening news update with a call in from the OriginalmarkZ

Member: Gooood evening Mark, Zester, and fellow Patriots

Zester We will do some news and a short update from pops

MZ: Whats running around right now – and I think there is some truth to it ….With the upheaval in iraqn…I am hearing suddenly Iran is on the table for the revaluation.

MZ: So the Iranian  rial looks like it’s going to be in the first basket.

Evening News with Zester May 20th 2024

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Evening news update with a call in from the OriginalmarkZ

Member: Gooood evening Mark, Zester, and fellow Patriots

Zester We will do some news and a short update from pops

MZ: Whats running around right now – and I think there is some truth to it ….With the upheaval in iraqn…I am hearing suddenly Iran is on the table for the revaluation.

MZ: So the Iranian  rial looks like it’s going to be in the first basket.

MZ: Most of what I am getting is that rates should be resettled on Wednesday. But I don’t know what that means for us timing wise.

MZ: This actually makes sense to me because of where the sources  are from and their connections .

MZ: in Iraq they are not releasing the specifics of the 2024 budget that they approved and announced yesterday.  I want to know if there is a rate in there.

Member: Thanks Mark and Zester for all the encouragement.

Member: Praying this is our golden week

Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



GUYS YOU CAN FIND ALOT OF INFO AT MARK'S WEBSITE: GO TO: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

ZESTER'S LINK TREE: https://linktr.ee/CrazyCryptonaut



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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Monday PM 5-20-2024


Clare: The Iraq Fund for Development approves steps to localize industries and attract foreign investments


Today, Monday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired the third meeting of the Board of Directors of the Iraq Fund for Development, in the presence of the Minister of Finance, and the Ministers of Planning, Construction, Housing, Municipalities, and Public Works.

The meeting discussed, according to a statement by Al-Sudani’s office, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, “in the projects placed on the Fund’s work plan, the introduction of foreign investments into the Iraqi economy, and within the course of work of the Fund’s projects and targeting the localization of various industries in Iraq, requests submitted by private sector entities were discussed for the purpose of Construction of school buildings, as requests exceeded what was offered for the project in its first phase.”


Clare: The Iraq Fund for Development approves steps to localize industries and attract foreign investments


Today, Monday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired the third meeting of the Board of Directors of the Iraq Fund for Development, in the presence of the Minister of Finance, and the Ministers of Planning, Construction, Housing, Municipalities, and Public Works.

The meeting discussed, according to a statement by Al-Sudani’s office, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, “in the projects placed on the Fund’s work plan, the introduction of foreign investments into the Iraqi economy, and within the course of work of the Fund’s projects and targeting the localization of various industries in Iraq, requests submitted by private sector entities were discussed for the purpose of Construction of school buildings, as requests exceeded what was offered for the project in its first phase.”

He added, "The meeting also discussed a project to establish a factory for manufacturing passenger buses, in partnership with one of the specialized international companies, and also discussed a request to establish a factory for electronic tablet computers and use them in schools within the educational and pedagogical process."

The statement indicated that "the meeting discussed the issue of partnerships with American, British and Saudi companies in the fields of modern irrigation technologies and the use of technology in this context, as well as in the field of liquefying industrial gases and lighting roads and bridges."

The meeting also witnessed setting dates for launching the “Rent and Own” project, for the purpose of contributing to developing practical and economic solutions to the housing crisis. LINK


Clare:  Planning discusses with the World Bank ways to enhance cooperation and finance the Development Road Project


Today, Monday, the Ministry of Planning held a meeting with representatives of the World Bank to enhance cooperation and activate partnership in various fields, including the emergency loan and finding financing for the development road project.

The Ministry of Planning stated in a statement, “The meeting, which was chaired by the Undersecretary for Technical Affairs, Maher Hammad Johan, witnessed a discussion of the restructuring of the Social Fund for Development loan and the mechanism for extending it, as well as a discussion of government reform paths, priorities, and government directions in this regard, which included a number of axes, including economic and financial reform, “Restructuring the banking sector and reforming institutions in general.”

She added: “The meeting also discussed the axes of the five-year national development plan for the years (2024-2028), focusing on a number of its main axes and the mechanism of cooperation and coordination with the World Bank in order to work on them to achieve comprehensive and equitable growth, as well as working to intensify efforts to improve performance.” Activating partnership in various fields, while continuing to provide support to the Iraqi government.”

The meeting also included discussing possible options for restructuring for the purpose of providing financing for the Development Road Project due to its importance to the Iraqi government and achieving its development goals, and working to find joint financing for it.

The meeting was attended by the Regional Director for the Middle East at the World Bank, Jean-Christophe, the Regional Director for Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions for the Middle East and North Africa at the World Bank, Nader Muhammad and their accompanying delegation, the Director General of the Financial and Economic Policies Department, Sabah Jundi Mansour, and a number of employees of the relevant departments in the Ministry. LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:  https://www.dinarguru.com/

Militia Man  The budget doesn't work at 1300 to 1 or 1310 or even 1320.  It's doesn't work at 1160 for crying out loud let alone 1460.  Why is it going to work today It's not.

Pimpy   Article: "Floating the Iraqi dinar.  A solution to fill a 'gap' whose volatile price against the dollar"  If the Iraq dinar floats and for whatever reason a lot of people start investing into the currency and it drives the exchange rate up, if it gets anywhere near $0.25 and higher for me, I'm out of there!  Seriously, I will sell my currency...The cool thing about this is there's no talk about a redenomination.  So are they actually going to float this currency with the zeros on there and take the risk that sucker is going to jump up really high in the exchange rate?  ...Keep an eye on that sucker, watch the exchange rate, if it gets anywhere near where you want to sell it, then jump all over it.  I wouldn't procrastinate or gamble with it.

BRICS to Open a Central Bank Iraqs Relationship to BRICS Exchange Rate Up

Edu Matrix:  5-20-2024

BRICS to Open a Central Bank Iraq's Relationship to BRICS Exchange Rate Up

There is no doubt BRICS would like for a country like Iraq to join.

Iraq is not only US dollars rich, but also oil rich. A BRICS Central Bank changes the global line-up.



Greg Mannarino:  5-20-2024


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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 5-20-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 5-20-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Geopolitical Tensions Continue to Shape Global Trade"

The BRICS Nations is and will continue to grow. The next economy will be determined by the price of gold, and not, the dollar. Many countries are leaving the dollar and trading in their own local currencies. To join the BRICS Nations, you have to own gold to support your country's currency. And then, you can be trading partners inside the BRICS Nations.

Saudi Arabia is expected to join this time around. They are expected to join in August of 2024. This shift from the Petro dollar to a Petro Yuan is expected to be a significant shift in monetary flow. It will create a more balanced set of demands on local currencies in a way we have not seen in a long time.

These new demands are forming because of geopolitical tensions, but we would have eventually had to move this direction anyway. A Fiat monetary system just simply is not meant to last forever. We have been in a transitional economy since we moved off of the gold standard in 1973 under President Richard Nixon.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 5-20-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Geopolitical Tensions Continue to Shape Global Trade"

The BRICS Nations is and will continue to grow. The next economy will be determined by the price of gold, and not, the dollar. Many countries are leaving the dollar and trading in their own local currencies. To join the BRICS Nations, you have to own gold to support your country's currency. And then, you can be trading partners inside the BRICS Nations.

Saudi Arabia is expected to join this time around. They are expected to join in August of 2024. This shift from the Petro dollar to a Petro Yuan is expected to be a significant shift in monetary flow. It will create a more balanced set of demands on local currencies in a way we have not seen in a long time.

These new demands are forming because of geopolitical tensions, but we would have eventually had to move this direction anyway. A Fiat monetary system just simply is not meant to last forever. We have been in a transitional economy since we moved off of the gold standard in 1973 under President Richard Nixon.

For the last 4 years, new alliances have been formed on the sea and on the land that will determine new trading routes and trading partners. These new bilateral agreements between countries will form new trading relationships and new demands on our local currencies.

This will shift our economies forming new business models that will determine prices on goods and services through supply and demand. Each country will be backed by gold and other commodities to level the playing field and opportunities going forward.

This is never been a 'push of the button' reset moment. Rather, it has been a gradual evolution into a new way of life determined by an inner desire by each country to experience a level of freedom through conscious choices that bring forth what is best in all of us.

It is a movement of the body, mind, and soul to restore a separation that was never meant to occur. As we return to our natural habitat, our lives will be forever changed by an event that calls on what is highest in us to live in the world as it is.

The G20 will meet late this year to discuss and work on countries that still need attention in the Global South. The focus of this meeting is to level the playing field in the Emerging Markets. No one is left behind on this global transition. Every effort is being made to include every country in the world on this new digital asset-based trading system.   CSIS   BIS   AP News


© Goldilocks


The Bank of London launches GenAI assistant to aid enterprise API integration | Verdict

The Bank of London has launched an AI code assistant, and it is moving into mainstream banking. GenAI collects and interprets financial data on a large scale.

It helps banking managers make decisions for clients determining a good path forward for their money. It establishes portfolios designed to meet each customer's unique needs. And, it detects fraud and suspicious activities on people's accounts along with many other services.  

These products generated through an AI code goes into an Application Programming Interface (API). 

APIs are used to create an open structure that allows interaction between a bank's core services and third-party developers.

This allows banking services such as payments, identity verification, and data sharing to function.

© Goldilocks


Implementation Status & Results Iraq - Iraq: Banking Sector Reform  



Mr. Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq recently met with the World Bank to discuss the next steps in the restructuring of Iraqi Banks into the new digital economy.

They have completed Phase 1 of their restructuring process, and now, they're moving into Phase 2. Phase 2 is the implementation stage of the Riyada Bank project.

Currently, the Central Bank of Iraq is licensing a number of digital banks.

© Goldilocks


Real-time Analytics News for the Week Ending May 18 | RTinsights


 Food for Others- Inspiring.MP4


This is how life is supposed to be just so everyone knows..

Lots of love, lots of selfless giving that goes all the way around until it becomes a free energy engine of love. 

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this article

👆 a project idea...


World Bank becomes first international issuer of digital Swiss franc bonds | Global Capital


Ripple’s Global Payment Initiative in Collaboration with US Faster Payments Council | CoinPedia

According to the report, Ripple is positioning global payments as a top priority, aiming to revolutionize the industry. The survey, conducted in partnership with the FPC, delves into current and future adoption trends of blockchain payment systems, shedding light on the present scenario and what lies ahead.

Ripple’s CEO, Brad Garlinghouse, emphasizes, “[Blockchain will drive] faster payments between businesses, reducing settlement windows, and ensuring close-to-real-time payments for all bookings.”

Quoting from the report, Ripple emphasizes the real value that blockchain in payments unlocks. An impressive 77% of respondents believe that using blockchain for payments is either “Very Beneficial” or “Somewhat Beneficial” for their organizations’ end customers. Additionally, over 60% share the same sentiment regarding customers using cryptocurrency for payments.


New Era of Inclusive Digital Payments Unveiled by NPCI |  Smartphone Magazine


Keep your eyes on Digital Ledger Technology. Once this is regulated, instant payments become possible. (T+0 instant settlements) This will effect prices on tokenized assets and stablecoins.

This year, the movement of money itself will create a higher demand in the faster payment sectors of our Market. These new demands create price pressures.

© Goldilocks


IBC to Ethereum: Building the interconnected Internet of Blockchains | CryptoSlate


From the Goldilocks Q&A room



What Is Apple Doing in AI? Summaries, Cloud and On-Device LLMs, OpenAI Deal - Bloomberg


$1800 Stimulus Checks 2024 for Everyone: USD 1,800 Payment Status & Know Eligibility | Paymentweek


Analyze This! Foreign Currency Liberalization | IMF Videos


Stellar Network Adds Smart Contract Capabilities Bolstered by Extensive Onramp Network - The Defiant


Goodbye to charging cars forever: the diamond battery that lasts 28,000 years and has an incalculable |  ECO News


KRG shares first list of Know Your Customer (KYC) data with the Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) | Search4Dinar


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Monday Afternoon 5-20-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Monday Afternoon 5-20-24

Great News came Out From the WTO & IMF – 3:45

Massive News ,JP Morgan, Chase Bank Iraqi dinar$4.42 USD And Vietnam Dong $2.90 – 3:49

WOW Vietnam Dong Final Value$3.88 US Dollar Fully RV – 3:50

WOW , Its, Massive Exchange Rate Fixed At $4.25 Finally Done – 4:31

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Monday Afternoon 5-20-24

Great News came Out From the WTO & IMF – 3:45

Massive News ,JP Morgan, Chase Bank Iraqi dinar$4.42 USD And Vietnam Dong $2.90 – 3:49

WOW Vietnam Dong Final Value$3.88 US Dollar Fully RV – 3:50

WOW , Its, Massive Exchange Rate Fixed At $4.25 Finally Done – 4:31

Great News came Out From the WTO & IMF – 3:45


Massive News ,JP Morgan, Chase Bank Every Iraqi dinar$4.42 USD And Vietnam Dong $2.90 – 3:49


WOW Vietnam Dong Final Value$3.88 US Dollar Fully RV -  3:50


WOW , Its, Massive Exchange Rate Fixed At $4.25 Finally Done – 4:31


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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

VND Update: U.S. Trade Upgrade Promises Stronger Exchange Rate

VND Update: U.S. Trade Upgrade Promises Stronger Exchange Rate

On May 18, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

New Market Economy Status Could Transform Economic and Trade Relations

In This Article:

Overview of the U.S. Department of Commerce Review

Advocates’ Arguments for Vietnam’s Market Economy Status

Concerns from U.S. Industries

Broader Economic and Geopolitical Implications

The United States is considering a significant economic move for upgrading Vietnam from a non-market economy (NME) to a market economy.

VND Update: U.S. Trade Upgrade Promises Stronger Exchange Rate

On May 18, 2024
By Awake-In-3D

New Market Economy Status Could Transform Economic and Trade Relations

In This Article:

  1. Overview of the U.S. Department of Commerce Review

  2. Advocates’ Arguments for Vietnam’s Market Economy Status

  3. Concerns from U.S. Industries

  4. Broader Economic and Geopolitical Implications

The United States is considering a significant economic move for upgrading Vietnam from a non-market economy (NME) to a market economy.

This change seeks to end high anti-dumping and countervailing duties on Vietnamese imports, while boosting Vietnam’s economy and its struggling VND currency exchange rate with the US Dollar.

Overview of the U.S. Department of Commerce Review

The U.S. Department of Commerce is set to complete its review of Vietnam’s economic status by late July 2024.

Currently, Vietnam is among 12 countries designated as NMEs, subjecting its goods to higher duties. Proponents argue that Vietnam has made substantial progress in currency convertibility, labor rights, and openness to foreign investment, qualifying it for an upgrade.

Advocates’ Arguments for Vietnam’s Market Economy Status

Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) and other proponents highlight several key improvements.

They point to enhanced currency convertibility, improved labor rights, and increased openness to foreign investments.

Major investors such as Samsung, Intel, and Nike have significantly contributed to Vietnam’s economic landscape, demonstrating confidence in its market reforms.

Concerns from U.S. Industries

Opponents, including U.S. steelmakers and agricultural groups like the Southern Shrimp Alliance, express concerns about potential negative impacts on American industries.

They argue that ongoing state intervention and unfair trade practices in Vietnam could harm U.S. businesses.

The decision also faces scrutiny from U.S. domestic politics, particularly in swing states like Pennsylvania, where the impact on local industries is a critical consideration.

Broader Economic and Geopolitical Implications

Changing Vietnam’s status holds broader implications beyond trade.

Economically, it would strengthen the VND and enhance Vietnam’s position in the global market. Geopolitically, it could counterbalance China’s influence in the region, fostering closer U.S.-Vietnam economic relations.

The potential upgrade also reflects Vietnam’s infrastructural and business reforms, offering growth prospects for U.S. firms and increasing foreign direct investment, which rose to $3.5 billion in 2022.

The Bottom Line

The potential upgrade of Vietnam’s economic status by the U.S. Department of Commerce could significantly impact trade relations and strengthen the Vietnamese dong.

The decision, expected by late July 2024, will play a crucial role in shaping the future of U.S.-Vietnam economic and geopolitical dynamics.

Supporting article: Vietnam Briefing MAY 9th 2024

© GCR Real-Time News

Visit the GCR Real-Time News website and search 100’s of articles here: Ai3D.blog
Join my Telegram Channel to comment and ask questions here: GCR_RealTimeNews
Follow me on Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D


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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Currency Insider Video Updates Monday AM 5-20-24

Currency Insider Video Updates Monday AM 5-20-24

Iraqi dinar new rate 1 to 1 incredible – 1:43

Iraqi Dinar Showing Highest At $3.87 – 2:43

Iraqi Dinar Worth Of 20 Years Waiting – 2:22

 Iraqi Dinar If Your Waiting For Rate Pay Attention – 2:35

Currency Insider Video Updates Monday AM 5-20-24

Iraqi dinar new rate 1 to 1 incredible – 1:43

Iraqi Dinar Showing Highest At $3.87 – 2:43

Iraqi Dinar Worth Of 20 Years Waiting – 2:22

 Iraqi Dinar If Your Waiting For Rate Pay Attention – 2:35

 Iraqi dinar new rate 1 to 1 incredible – 1:43


Iraqi Dinar Showing Highest At $3.87 – 2:43


Iraqi Dinar Worth Of 20 Years Waiting – 2:22


Iraqi Dinar If Your Waiting For Rate Pay Attention -  2:35


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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

“Coffee With MarkZ” Monday Morning Chat 5-20-2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Well another day!! Good morning everyone!!!

Member: Sure am tired of this “movie

Member: it's not a movie, at this point it's a sitcom

Member: Some have called for RV this week.

Member: What’s the good news today Mark?

Member: big things are expected on Memorial day weekend with 3 day banking holiday.

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Well another day!! Good morning everyone!!!

Member: Sure am tired of this “movie

Member: it's not a movie, at this point it's a sitcom

Member: Some have called for RV this week.

Member: What’s the good news today Mark?

Member: big things are expected on Memorial day weekend with 3 day banking holiday.

MZ: Many banking sources  are expecting big things this week. Some expect things as early as today. .Many bankers are upbeat about today and this up coming Memorial day weekend. …. But, There is a lot of smoke out there.

MZ: “Zimbabwe receives invitation to China’s premier global gold showcase” They are one of the only 20 countries that were invited. This shows Zimbabwe’s rise to prominence in the BRICS world and commodities world. .

MZ: New Bank Story: “ From a small town outside a large one- A banker had been doing research for a customer after hearing about it. While doing research he found out about the validity of the currencies and determined his banks was involved in the RV”

​​Member: Im new- what does RV stand for?

MZ: Re-Valuation

Member: CMKX news?

MZ: No new CMKX news. They are ready and waiting.

Member: Bond news Mark? I’m hearing it’s good and moving forward fast..

Member: Mark, a bond guy said that they are anticipating all historic bonds to be paid out by end of May or first week of June

Member: How can Iraq pass their budget without a new rate?

MZ: Remember when they designed their budget –they added a clause in there for a value change…for the budget to adjust for a value change. We are hearing they passed a budget but we are waiting for a few details that are missing. Things that are not released yet. This may be an interesting day on that front.

Member: Was that Sudanis big announcement yesterday.

MZ: I believe that was Sudanis big announcement that they passed the budget.  They have made a lot of agreements…a lot of movement toward Erbil and the HCL.

Member: MM put out and article this morning that the COM (Council of ministers) is sending the schedules to the HOR (House of Representatives) tomorrow

Member: Frank26 has a good overview of yesterday’s events. Go give him a listen.

Member: So is the death of Iraian president yet another excuse for delaying the RV? This rollercoaster is exhausting & disheartening

Member: Sure looks suspicious to me …reminds of of when Khadafi in Libya was killed.

MZ: It could just be an maintenance issue…..But you have to wonder when something like this happens to someone in a that position . Prayers for a smooth transition for the Iranian people. He was a very controversial figure.  

Member: Think about this.... Sometimes people have to be moved out of the way for good things to happen. Iran?

Member: The 1st VP of Iran will be the New President of Iran!! He is a Conservative, so we could see a different Iran!!

Member: My friend in Iran said he did not think there was any foul play, but that he was not a good guy

Member: Maybe white hats are finally doing some clean up?

Member: There are rumors of the federal reserve going away.

MZ: “GOP Lawmaker introduces a bill to abolish the Federal Reserve” This is a oldie but a goldie. . Rep Thomas Massey a republican out of Kentucky intruded this. Many have jumped in to support the bill.  This was first introduced in 1999 by Ron Paul . This to me is great news that it is gaining momentum .

Member: Saw this about an hour ago: Wyoming Strikes Gold: 2.34 Billion Tons Unearthed, Rattles China

Member: I went to a coin show Saturday and met a woman who wanted to buy silver but wasn't sure what to buy. My hubby and I helped her. Found out she knows about the RV, owns several currencies & agrachecks

Member: This roller coaster sucks

Member: Nothing, nothing, nothing, then suddenly something.

Member: Hearing energy has shifted ….this is huge get excited ....it's switched …3d reality will show face soon ….abundance on ur lives is imminent


Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

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Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

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Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

Twitch:   https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

Youtube:     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifvoHtnfB8E

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

How Gold Could RV To $27,374 Against The Fiat Dollar: Awake-In-3D

How Gold Could RV To $27,374 Against The Fiat Dollar On May 19, 2024   By Awake-In-3D Understanding the Revaluation of Gold in the Face of Fiat Currency Debt Implosion and Gold-Backing the US Dollar

In This Article:

Gold’s Path to $27,000

The Underlying Analysis: Why Gold Could Surge

Historical Precedents and Lessons

The Supply and Demand Dynamics

Doing the Math

The intrinsic value of gold is set to revalue significantly against the fiat currency system, particularly the US Dollar.

How Gold Could RV To $27,374 Against The Fiat Dollar

On May 19, 2024   By Awake-In-3D

Understanding the Revaluation of Gold in the Face of Fiat Currency Debt Implosion and Gold-Backing the US Dollar

In This Article:

  • Gold’s Path to $27,000

  • The Underlying Analysis: Why Gold Could Surge

  • Historical Precedents and Lessons

  • The Supply and Demand Dynamics

  • Doing the Math

The intrinsic value of gold is set to revalue significantly against the fiat currency system, particularly the US Dollar.

As global economic uncertainties rise, gold’s stability offers the only safe haven.

Here’s why one globally recognized financial expert believes that gold would exceed $27,000 per ounce in the near future.

Gold’s Path to $27,000

A rather straight forward and simple analysis now indicates that gold might surpass $27,000.

This forecast isn’t speculative but grounded in historical data and economic models.

While no forecast guarantees certainty, the tools and methodologies applied here have proven accurate across various contexts.

The Underlying Analysis: Why Gold Could Surge

The analysis starts with a crucial question: What’s the implied non-deflationary price of gold under a new gold standard?

Central bankers currently control fiat currencies and have little interest in a gold standard. However, should confidence in fiat currencies collapse due to factors like excessive money creation, Bitcoin competition, or a new financial crisis, a return to gold will become necessary.

Under such a scenario, determining the proper price for gold becomes essential to maintain economic equilibrium.

Historical Precedents and Lessons

Historical events provide valuable lessons. The UK’s return to the gold standard at an unrealistic price in 1925 led to an early entry into the Great Depression.

Conversely, the US devalued the dollar against gold in 1933, spurring commodity price rises and aiding economic recovery.

The key policy goal is to find the “just right” price to balance gold and dollars, something the US is well-positioned to achieve with its substantial gold reserves.

The Supply and Demand Dynamics

The supply side of gold shows a significant decline in new mining output.

Despite rising gold prices, US mine production has decreased by 28% over seven years.

This trend suggests that while output could potentially expand, current conditions support higher prices.

On the demand side, central banks, ETFs, hedge funds, and individual purchases drive demand. Notably, central bank gold demand has surged by 1,000% from 2010 to 2022, with no signs of slowing down in 2024.

This scenario of flat supply and rising demand supports the forecast of higher gold prices.

The Bottom Line

The revaluation of gold against the US Dollar is not just a possibility but a plausible outcome based on rigorous analysis.

As economic conditions fluctuate and confidence in fiat currencies potentially wanes, gold stands to gain significantly.

The recent discussion that BRICS is creating a new currency based on 40% gold-backing, the math for the same gold-backing of the US Dollar.

Doing the math for gold reaching $27,374 per ounce

  1. Current M1 Money Supply: The U.S. M1 money supply today is $17.9 trillion.

  2. Gold Backing Ratio: Assume a 40% gold backing for the money supply (historical precedent from 1913–1946).

  3. Gold Required for 40% Coverage: Calculate 40% of $17.9 trillion, which equals $7.16 trillion.

  4. Total U.S. Gold Reserves: The U.S. Treasury holds 261.5 million troy ounces of gold.

  5. Implied Gold Price Calculation: Divide the required gold value by the total gold reserves: $7.16 trillion divided by 261.5 million troy ounces equals approximately $27,374 per troy ounce.

Thus, based on these calculations, the implied non-deflationary equilibrium price of gold under a new gold standard could exceed $27,000 per ounce.

Supporting article: https://dailyreckoning.com/27000-gold/

© GCR Real-Time News

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Monday Morning 5-20-2024


Tishwash:  The impact of the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on the Iranian currency

The Iranian currency witnessed a major collapse following the killing of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian. The currency fell by more than 8 percent as of last night, reflecting the profound impact of political events on the Iranian economy.

On Sunday, as news of the fate of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi spread after his plane crashed in East Azerbaijan Province, the dollar exchange rate witnessed a noticeable increase against the Iranian riyal in the unofficial market. The price of the dollar rose from the level of 57 thousand riyals per dollar to more than 62 thousand riyals in Monday morning trading.

This increase came after the official death of President Ebrahim Raisi and the Minister of Foreign Affairs was officially confirmed on Monday morning, as their helicopter crashed in the East Azerbaijan region, northern Iran. As a result, the Iranian currency exchange rate reached 60.6 thousand tomans against the US dollar, knowing that the Iranian toman is equal to 10 riyals.


Tishwash:  The impact of the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on the Iranian currency

The Iranian currency witnessed a major collapse following the killing of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian. The currency fell by more than 8 percent as of last night, reflecting the profound impact of political events on the Iranian economy.

On Sunday, as news of the fate of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi spread after his plane crashed in East Azerbaijan Province, the dollar exchange rate witnessed a noticeable increase against the Iranian riyal in the unofficial market. The price of the dollar rose from the level of 57 thousand riyals per dollar to more than 62 thousand riyals in Monday morning trading.

This increase came after the official death of President Ebrahim Raisi and the Minister of Foreign Affairs was officially confirmed on Monday morning, as their helicopter crashed in the East Azerbaijan region, northern Iran. As a result, the Iranian currency exchange rate reached 60.6 thousand tomans against the US dollar, knowing that the Iranian toman is equal to 10 riyals.

The Iranian rial had witnessed a slight recovery against the dollar after a period of increasing tensions with Israel, as the dollar exchange rate reached about 70 thousand riyals per dollar. With the decline in tensions, the dollar exchange rate began to gradually decline, reaching 57 thousand riyals in parallel market trading on Sunday morning.

It is worth noting that the Iranian government has set an official exchange rate for the dollar at 42,000 rials to one dollar since 2018. However, the rial is suffering from great pressure due to high inflation sparked by the ongoing US sanctions. These sanctions, imposed during the administration of former US President Donald Trump, reduced sales of some of Iran's main exports, especially oil and its products.

This incident comes at a time when the Iranian economy is suffering from major challenges, as political fluctuations make it more difficult to predict the future of the currency and stabilize the economy. This rapid decline in the value of the Iranian rial reflects the fragility of the economic situation and the great pressures that the country faces in light of the sanctions and political turmoil.  link


Tishwash: Iraq declares one day of public mourning for the death of the Iranian president and his companions

 Today, Monday (May 20, 2024), the official government spokesman, Bassem Al-Awadi, announced a one-day public mourning for the passing of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions.

Al-Awadi said in a statement received by “Baghdad Today” that “in standing with the Iranian people and their leadership, in these difficult times, and in solidarity with the feelings of sadness and pain, with the passing of the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, and their companions, in the painful incident, the government announced Iraqiya: Public mourning throughout Iraq, for one day, tomorrow, Tuesday.

He added: "We ask God Almighty to inspire the families of the victims and the general Iranian people and their leadership with patience and solace."

On Monday morning, the government and Iranian media sources confirmed the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his Foreign Minister Amir Abdullahian in a helicopter crash in the northeast of the country, yesterday evening, Sunday. link

 And here's what they tweeted

The Iraqi government declares one day of general mourning tomorrow, Tuesday, throughout the country for the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian and their entourage.


Tishwash:  Does "dollar dominance" threaten the global economy?

 In the world of an intertwined economy with multiple competing powers, the dominance of the US dollar remains a pivotal issue that raises many questions, at a time when the dollar plays a major role in the international financial system, as it participates in the majority of international transactions and constitutes a large portion of global reserves, and this situation gives the United States power. tremendous economic and political potential, but it comes with increasing challenges and risks.

With the rise in US interest rates and the strengthening of the dollar, pressures have begun to appear on international transactions that rely heavily on the US currency.

These pressures not only affect emerging markets, but may also lead to radical changes in the global financial system. With increasing talk about alternatives to the dollar by members of the BRICS group, for example, there is renewed debate about the future of the dollar’s ​​dominance and whether it will continue in light of the mounting economic and political challenges.

Sovereign debt

In a related context, Joe Yark, head of the global markets department at Cedra Markets, says that the US dollar represents 58 percent of global reserves, and represents 70 to 80 percent of the volume of global trade, in addition to the pricing of oil and basic commodities in the US dollar, which makes it have an impact. Mainly on the global economy.

Yark points out that the steps taken by the US Federal Reserve, whether tightening or easing monetary policy, of course affect global banks, which is evident with regard to raising interest in recent periods to combat inflation. He explains in this context that:

* The US Federal Reserve is playing a positive role at the present time. It is considered a “tempo officer.”

* The huge US debt and the risks resulting from sovereign debt are the only fear.

* The US Federal Reserve’s decisions due to its excessive debt, and the so-called “global debt bubble” which exceeded $315 trillion, negatively affect the global economy.

* Markets are affected by the Federal Reserve’s decisions to raise interest rates, which hampers the economy in these countries (..), which are forced to pay additional costs to purchase goods.

Dollar dominance

From London, economist Anwar Al-Qassim says, “The dominance of the greenback currently appears more fragile than it seems, given the expected changes in the dollar’s ​​exchange rate system and its eroding international standing in favor of multiple international currencies.”

We are witnessing a clear shift. When most Asian countries follow China, along with countries such as Russia and the BRICS countries, the dollar, which currently represents the base currency for about two-thirds of global GDP, may end up losing approximately half of its value.

During 2023, Russia and China transferred more than 90 percent of trade to the yuan and the ruble, which demonstrates the almost complete elimination of the dollar in economic relations between the two countries.

He added: “China is now considered an economic giant, not only in terms of production and exports, but also in terms of the size of its financial sector, which is currently the largest in the world, with the value of its assets amounting to 60 trillion dollars...while the total American debt to the federal government exceeds 34 trillion dollars.” This is a record number that foretells the upcoming economic challenges and the future of the dollar.

He stresses that while it is not entirely clear that the dollar will be eliminated as the primary means of exchange anytime soon, abolishing “dollarization” has become a strategic option for many countries, led by Moscow and Beijing.  link


Tishwash:  Washington is delaying its withdrawal from Iraq, and Baghdad is “evading”

Despite the many demands from some political forces and the Islamic resistance in Iraq to remove American forces, the government position is not at the required level regarding this issue.  

Recently, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani visited the United States and met with its President Joe Biden, while it was agreed to transform the relationship from military to economic and commercial based on trade exchange in various fields! . 

Regarding the issue of removing American forces from Iraq, Representative Mahma Khalil said in an interview with “Al-Ma’louma” that “the law to remove foreign forces from Iraqi territory falls on the responsibility of the federal government,” stressing that “the law will work to remove every soldier, trainee, and advisor.” 

Khalil called on "the government to work seriously on this issue and to expedite sending the law regarding the removal of American forces from Iraq to the House of Representatives for the purpose of voting on it." 

*An explicit government position

In the same context, political analyst Sabah Al-Ukaili confirmed that the Iraqi government is not serious about the issue of removing American forces from the country. 

Al-Ugaili told Al-Maalouma: “The political forces and the Iraqi government are not sincere in the issue of removing American forces from Iraq,” indicating “the American forces are not serious about leaving Iraq.”   

He added, "The Iraqi government is evading this file despite the resistance factions' mandate to Prime Minister Muhammad al-Sudani," noting that "if the factions do not sense the seriousness of the Iraqi government in this regard, they will have another position "  

He explained that "the method of the American military forces often violates the autonomy of the Iraqi state, most notably targeting the leaders of the Popular Mobilization Forces and other targets," calling on "the government to take a strict and resolute stance on this issue and to stay away from patchwork solutions and procrastination.”  

For his part, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, Karim Aliwi, confirmed in an interview with Al-Maalouma that “the talks taking place between the Iraqi and American delegations regarding ending the tasks of the international coalition forces are among the committee’s most prominent concerns,” noting that “the government asked the committee to be neutral and monitor those matters.” Dialogues.  link

Mot: Ya Knows!!! -- NOT All Boots are fer Walking!!!!

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