Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 5-11-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 11 May 2024 Compiled Sat. 11 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Fri. 10 May 2024: Vice President of a Tier 2 bank: “I was just told by a very high-up that the RV is the 11th.”

Thurs. 9 May 2024 Bruce: Canadian banks said in a conference call that they were in position to begin exchange currencies and redeem Zim on Friday 10 May or Sat. 11 May. Special Forces personnel and Banks in the US say that everything kicks off this weekend. The US Treasury wrote in an email that Tier4b will begin exchanges either Fri. 10 May or Sat. 11 May.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 11 May 2024

Compiled Sat. 11 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Fri. 10 May 2024: Vice President of a Tier 2 bank: “I was just told by a very high-up that the RV is the 11th.”

Thurs. 9 May 2024 Bruce: Canadian banks said in a conference call that they were in position to begin exchange currencies and redeem Zim on Friday 10 May or Sat. 11 May. Special Forces personnel and Banks in the US say that everything kicks off this weekend. The US Treasury wrote in an email that Tier4b will begin exchanges either Fri. 10 May or Sat. 11 May.

Thurs. 9 May 2024 Wolverine: “It’s coming. It is going to happen this week. I’m not allowed to say anymore, but it is going to be a glorious week.”

Wed. 8 May Banker: “Well folks, a banker was provided with a specific date where he would have his trained exchange specialists in position to begin the currency exchanges.  This means a window of scheduling appointments will commence prior to having his staff being in position. While he could not provide me the date he did indicate without any unforeseen issues that could delay it will occur this month. Well Folks, we may in fact enjoy the most memorable Mother’s Day in history. Say your prayers.”

Fri. 10 May 2024: Zimbabwe’s Economic Renaissance: Pioneering the Gold Rush with BRICS Alliance and Gold-backed Currency – American Media Group (

Fri. 10 May 2024: GESARA and UBI Distribution: Exploring the Synergy of GESARA, Quantum Phones, UBI, and Quantum Technology in the Age of Starlink – American Media Group (

Fri. 10 May 2024 The National / Global Economic Security & Reformation Act, NESARA / NESARA is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only the United States of America but the whole planet (thus GESARA) in its entire history.

Strange coincidence?

Fri. 10 May 2024 Catastrophic Solar Storm Threatens Earth: The Biggest Solar Storm in Years Approaches, Threatening Our Electric World! Global Warning Issued for Massive Geomagnetic Storm Today, Disruptions to Mobile Phones, GPS, and Power Systems Nationwide expected. Officials warn that a rare and intense Solar Storm could strike today, marking the first event of its kind in nearly two decades. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued a Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm Watch, the first since 2005, when Earth experienced its most significant radiation surge in fifty years. NOAA indicates that this extraordinary event could interfere with electronic devices, including GPS systems and parts of the power grid. Additionally, it could produce a spectacular aurora, potentially visible across a large portion of the country. Powerful rare solar storm to hit Earth today and could ‘wipe out the internet’ (

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  They cannot tell every single person in the world, 'We're changing the value of our exchange rate tomorrow or the next day.'  They can't do that.  However they've been telling us...they're going to be doing it...We have evidence of it...

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:  International Development Bank opens in Erbil.  FRANK:  Notice how they are preparing your banks in many ways to receive the new exchange rate when Sudani releases it.  They talked to you about the float...the basket... the lower notes...the old lower notes, your history...Now they're going to tell you Iraqi citizens about your banks...they are educating you on the many services that your banks will be offering you once this exchange rate is released.

SILVER ALERT! Silver Is READY to Blow Past $30/oz...Then $50/oz...Then BLUE SKY!

(Bix Weir)  5-10-2024

Silver is READY at any moment to blow by $30/oz and there is very little resistance up to $50/oz after $30/oz is established as a base.

 $50/oz is the next stop which is All Time High resistance even though both 1980 & 2011 crashes were ARTIFICIALLY INSTIGATED!

 It may be that we FLY right past $50/oz into Silver's BLUE SKY territory!

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Weekend News with MarkZ 5-11-2024

Weekend News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome to the weekend.

MZ: Happy Mother’s Day Weekend

MZ: I do have a bank story or two today…

MZ: :” I thought I would let you know this is a backwoods town in Idaho. I made 2 calls on Friday. One to Wells Fargo where the man there said they would not negotiate for foreign currency. When I mentioned Dinar and Dong he said I would have to go to a foreign exchange for that. He was not aware if any other branches were doing the same or not.

Weekend News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome to the weekend.

MZ: Happy Mother’s Day Weekend

MZ: I do have a bank story or two today…

MZ: :” I thought I would let you know this is a backwoods town in Idaho. I made 2 calls on Friday. One to Wells Fargo where the man there said they would not negotiate for foreign currency. When I mentioned Dinar and Dong he said I would have to go to a foreign exchange for that. He was not aware if any other branches were doing the same or not.

MZ: The second call was to a Chase bank close by. I asked the woman if they did currency exchanges? She said “Yes they did”  –and they would be checking to see what the current rate was for that day. I mentioned that I hoped to be exchanging dinar and dong in the near future. She said she knows of a number of clients also waiting to exchange…and that she, herself was waiting for this to happen as well. She also said that her boss-Jaime Dimon is well aware of what is going on and Chase will be part of this when the exchange comes.

MZ: So guys- unless they are participating branches – you will probably get the official line “We know nothing”  If there employees knew differently – they would buy currency and be gone as soon as it RV’s . So this is self- preservation for the banks.

MZ: Other than that-it’s been quiet on the RV front overnight.

​​Member: Mark Z, got instructions from my mandate for bond transaction regarding how to limit spending on items that would raise red flags due to high amount of money & info on no limit on funds for projects

Member: BOA is closing all offices around me, but building new ATMs.

Member: Will BOA be a exchange location?

Member: I believe B of A will be exchanging, they own Merrill Lynch Wealth Mgmt.

MZ: Yes- in certain areas BOA will be exchanging as well.

Member: any idea on the rate for the Rupiah or Pengo?

MZ: No idea on the Pengo- but, I continue to hear $1.47 for the Indonesian Rupiah

Member: I am praying Nesara is real and happens soon.

Member: I believe NESARA will happen... I think it is already happening, just not called that...

Member: Mark how convinced are you that the good guys reset with the QFS and USTN is what we are going to get?

MZ: I am 99% certain we win with the QFS. I am more and more convinced of that .

Member: Per Dr. Scott we already have the QFS it is just not completely turned on yet

Member: My PNC branch was aware of the QFS but said that information was held Back from their clients and staff for their protection

Member: The teller at the Bank yesterday asked me how I wanted my money back ? I told her ,in US Gold Notes!! She said what? I said US Notes. are they out yet?? She smiled and said ,Not Yet

Member: Good morning! Many are saying today May 11th… for notifications..

Member: Franks 26 says A GREEN Iraqi Dinar 1000 dollar note as a "Fill" ...its in the gate ready to be unleashed

Member: Have a great mother's day to all the moms in here

Member:  Happy Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms. Thanks Mark and mods



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )



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Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Friday Evening  5-10-24

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Friday Evening  5-10-24

Economist: The Fluctuation Of The Dollar Is “The Balance Of Speculators”

Time: 05/09/2024 Read: 2,834 times  Economist: The fluctuation of the dollar is “the balance of speculators” Rklhgerlkg-1-61

  {Economic: Al-Furat News} An economic expert attributed the continued fluctuation of the dollar’s ​​exchange rates against the dinar in local markets to the “balance” of currency speculators in the parallel market.

Bassem Jamil Antoine told Al-Furat News Agency, "The main reason behind the fluctuation of the dollar exchange rates between rise and fall is due to speculators, as they own large quantities of dollars."

He added, "If there had been a productive economic situation, the dollar exchange rates would have stabilized, so the financial need of the industry would be estimated and work accordingly."

Antoine stated that "the actual stability of the economy will occur if the local production is activated and the economy is developed and stabilized, which means stability of exchange rates." 

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Friday Evening  5-10-24

Economist: The Fluctuation Of The Dollar Is “The Balance Of Speculators”

Time: 05/09/2024 Read: 2,834 times  Economist: The fluctuation of the dollar is “the balance of speculators” Rklhgerlkg-1-61

  {Economic: Al-Furat News} An economic expert attributed the continued fluctuation of the dollar’s ​​exchange rates against the dinar in local markets to the “balance” of currency speculators in the parallel market.

Bassem Jamil Antoine told Al-Furat News Agency, "The main reason behind the fluctuation of the dollar exchange rates between rise and fall is due to speculators, as they own large quantities of dollars."

He added, "If there had been a productive economic situation, the dollar exchange rates would have stabilized, so the financial need of the industry would be estimated and work accordingly."

Antoine stated that "the actual stability of the economy will occur if the local production is activated and the economy is developed and stabilized, which means stability of exchange rates."   LINK

The Kurdistan Region Demands That The Federal Government Spend 1.1 Billion Dinars.. What Is The Reason?

The Kurdistan region witnesses demonstrations from time to time 

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  The Ministry of Finance of the Kurdistan Regional Government sent the names of university lecturers to the Federal Ministry of Finance to pay their financial dues for three months.

The Ministry requested, in the letter issued on (May 7, 2024), the disbursement of “contract dues for lecturers” working in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Kurdistan Region for the months of February, March, and April, because they were not included in the lists of salaries of permanent professors sent earlier.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Kurdistan Regional Government explained that "the number of lecturers is 1,982 from all public universities." 

According to the book, the total salaries of lecturers for the three months amount to one billion and 198 million dinars per month.  Views 33 05/10/2024 -

Iraq Has The Tenth Worst Economic Growth In The World During The Last 5 Years

Economy  05-10-2024 | 404 views  Al-Sumaria News - Economy

Iraq ranked highly globally among the countries with the least economic growth during the last 5 years, while poor economic growth was concentrated in the countries of Africa and the Middle East due to Corona and then the conflicts that have existed so far.

And solveIraqIt is ranked 10th globally out of 190 countries around the world, as the tenth worst country in terms of economic growth during the years between 2020 and 2024.  LINK

Iraq's economic growth during these last five years reached negative 0.8, ranking tenth globally, and the third worst Arab economic growth afterSudanAnd Yemen.

And she cameSudanIt ranked first as the worst country in terms of economic growth between 2020 and 2024, reaching negative 5.6%.

On the contrary, Albania ranked last on the list of countries with poor economic growth, which makes it first in the world in terms of economic growth during 2020 to 2024, with a growth   LINK

Budget Delay: The Cry For Help For Paralyzed Services And Disrupted Dreams

May 9, 2024  Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: In light of the delay in approving the federal state budget for 2024, Iraq faces major challenges in the field of public services and infrastructure.

The size of the proposed budget is about 228 trillion dinars, and includes more than 1,300 development and service projects.

According to Iraqi law, the budget must be approved three months before the end of the fiscal year. It is expected that the budget items will be voted on in the Council of Ministers soon, and then they will be sent to Parliament for study and a final vote.

In June 2023, the Iraqi Parliament voted on the federal budget law for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025, which is a historic step for the country. However, the budget faces delays due to disagreements regarding the value of projects and the level of investment spending, and also due to disagreements in the allocations of ministries and governorate budgets that are not linked to the region.

The Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament holds the government responsible for the delay in sending the budget to the Council for study and final vote, as the committee needs to know the details of the financial disbursement and the laws that have been added to the budget.

The continuing delays in approving the budget raise fears of irrational spending and corruption in upcoming projects, as some reports indicate that there are parties aiming to benefit from the huge funds through the ministries under their control or through front projects.

Reliable sources indicate that some Iraqi parties are enthusiastic about approving the budget for the current year 2024. This enthusiasm is due to obtaining funding, as some parties control important government ministries, and approving the budget means ensuring the continued flow of funds to these ministries, allowing them to implement projects and programs that serve their interests and bases. Electoral.

Major budget projects, such as infrastructure projects, are used as a tool to distribute benefits to contractors and companies linked to some parties, which contributes to enhancing their influence and influence.

Iraq faces serious challenges in the field of development and improving infrastructure, and delaying the approval of the budget reinforces these challenges and hinders the country’s progress towards sustainable development and the well-being of citizens.

The Iraqi government and parliament must work quickly and adopt appropriate decisions to complete the budget and implement projects. Reuters: Delaying the Iraqi budget hinders the implementation of projects and opens the door to corruption.

JP Morgan Forecasts An Increase In The Oil Capacity Of Iraq And Other Countries In 2025

2024-05-09 Shafaq News/ JP Morgan believes that there are three main countries in the oil alliance that deserve to upgrade their supplies for the year 2025.

Natasha Caneva, an analyst at JP Morgan, said in a recent report that the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan and Iraq intend to increase their total capacity by more than 300,000 barrels per day starting next year, but the planned expansions may represent risks to the cohesion of the alliance and oil prices in general. .

Caneva said: “The main issue for OPEC lies in 2025. Even if the alliance keeps supply restrictions as they are this year, it “does not address the imbalances in 2025.”

The price of Brent crude is expected to remain in the range of $75-90 per barrel in most scenarios, with average prices reaching $82 per barrel in 2025, according to Goldman Sachs.   LINK

Points To Ponder on Character :

A person's reputation is a mixture of what his friends, enemies, and relatives say behind his back. - Anonymous

Always do right. This will gratify some people, and astonish the rest.  - Mark Twain

He's an honest man - you could shoot craps with him over the telephone.  - Earl Wilson

The man whose conscience never troubles him must have it pretty well trained.  - Anonymous

Conscience is a treacherous thing, and mine behaves badly whenever there is a serious danger of being found out.  - Margaret Lane

Too often when conscience tries to speak, the line seems to be busy.  - Anonymous

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Friday Evening  5-10-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Friday Evening  5-10-24

Al Sudani Big Reinstatment Currency Revaluation 2024 USD vs IQD – 3:10

Iraqi Dinar Finally Iraq Currency Exchange Rate – 3:21

WOW Citi Bank Showed IQD New Rate On Bank Screen – 3:08

WOW It's Good Dong Value Big Changed Today 2024 – 3:55

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Friday Evening  5-10-24

Al Sudani Big Reinstatment Currency Revaluation 2024 USD vs IQD – 3:10

Iraqi Dinar Finally Iraq Currency Exchange Rate – 3:21

WOW Citi Bank Showed IQD New Rate On Bank Screen – 3:08

WOW It's Good Dong Value Big Changed Today 2024 – 3:55

Al Sudani Big Reinstatment Currency Revaluation 2024 USD vs IQD – 3:10

Iraqi Dinar Finally Iraq Currency Exchange Rate – 3:21

WOW Citi Bank Showed IQD New Rate On Bank Screen – 3:08

WOW It's Good Dong Value Big Changed Today 2024 – 3:55

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Friday Afternoon 5-10-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Friday Afternoon 5-10-24

Report: Jordanian And Palestinian Banks Swallow The Iraqi Dollar   Reports| 05:53 - 04/30/2024   Mawazine News - Baghdad  Once again, the Central Bank grants Jordanian banks licenses to deal in dollars and restrict foreign transfers to them, which economists see as a “big mistake” that will contribute to losing control over the banking system, which will remain in the hands of the United States and Jordanian banks, warning against exploiting this file politically. In the future.   An informed source reveals to Mawazine News that,  “During the current period, the Central Bank of Iraq granted four new licenses to Jordanian banks, which are the      Union Bank, the     Housing Bank, the     Jordan Bank, and the     Arab Bank.” 

The source adds,  “The Jordanian Capital Bank and the Cairo Amman Bank have strengthened their control over the National Bank of Iraq, by acquiring approximately 72 percent of the bank’s shares, with the former’s share amounting to 61.85 percent, and the latter’s share 9.90 percent,” pointing out that   “The share of the Palestinian Arcadia LLC amounts to 5 percent, bringing the total non-Iraqi shares to about 77 percent.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Friday Afternoon 5-10-24

Report: Jordanian And Palestinian Banks Swallow The Iraqi Dollar
Reports| 05:53 - 04/30/2024   Mawazine News - Baghdad 
Once again, the Central Bank grants Jordanian banks licenses to deal in dollars and restrict foreign transfers to them, which economists see as a “big mistake” that will contribute to losing control over the banking system, which will remain in the hands of the United States and Jordanian banks, warning against exploiting this file politically. In the future.
An informed source reveals to Mawazine News that,  “During the current period, the Central Bank of Iraq granted four new licenses to Jordanian banks, which are the      Union Bank, the     Housing Bank, the     Jordan Bank, and the     Arab Bank.” 

The source adds,  “The Jordanian Capital Bank and the Cairo Amman Bank have strengthened their control over the National Bank of Iraq, by acquiring approximately 72 percent of the bank’s shares, with the former’s share amounting to 61.85 percent, and the latter’s share 9.90 percent,” pointing out that  
“The share of the Palestinian Arcadia LLC amounts to 5 percent, bringing the total non-Iraqi shares to about 77 percent.

This is a very major violation of the Iraqi investment law, which limits foreign ownership to 49 percent of any Iraqi company.”  He reveals,
“The efforts of the Jordanian Housing Bank also recently began to acquire the shares of the Iraqi Al-Mansour Bank, which is controlled by Qatar National Bank by 54 percent,” noting that
“Iraq has had a bad experience in entering foreign banks, as
it had previously entered Iranian banks, all of which were stopped due to sanctions, as well as Enter the
Lebanese banks that declared bankruptcy and seized Iraqi deposits estimated at $20 billion.”
The National Bank of Iraq accounts for a third of foreign currency sales, which is considered the main source of the Iraqi economy.
Since the US Treasury imposed sanctions on Iraqi banks, as a result of dollar smuggling to Iran, foreign banks have dominated the financial arena, as an Arab bank controlled a large percentage of dollar sales in Iraq.
For his part, the expert in banking affairs, Ahmed Al-Tamimi, believes that
“the Central Bank of Iraq made a big mistake when it worked to hand over to Jordanian banks the dollars owned in Iraq, and limited dealing with foreign transfers through those banks at the beginning of next year in accordance with the directions of the US Treasury.”  Al-Tamimi explains,
 “Dollar transactions by Iraqi banks will be non-existent during the new year, and the matter will be limited to the Iraqi Trade Bank and Jordanian banks.
This means that all Iraqi banks will be prohibited from any dealings in dollars, which gives Jordanian banks precedence at the expense of the Iraqi banking system.”.

The expert in banking matters calls on the Central Bank of Iraq to “negotiate urgently and before the end of the current year, in order to reach an understanding with the US Treasury to grant exceptions to some Iraqi banks, and not to limit dollar dealings to Jordanian banks, under the pretext that Iraqi banks do not have accounts in international correspondent banks.”. 
Al-Tamimi warns,
“According to this American decision, the Central Bank of Iraq will lose control over the banking system, and
the system will remain managed by the Americans and Jordanian banks, and
this file may be exploited politically in the future by the Americans or even the Jordanians because foreign transfers will be exclusively in their hands, and
Iraq is not He has nothing to do with it, other than supervision and follow-up.”
The number of banks in Iraq reached 81, while the branches of foreign banks in Iraq reached 21, most of which are from Turkey, Jordan, Iran and the Emirates.
The Central Bank of Iraq pumps dollars to banks through the currency selling window, which it says has several functions, the
     first of which is achieving stability in the exchange rate and the
     second is meeting the requirements of foreign trade,
because “the Iraqi commodity sector is unable to provide the requirements of the local market,” according to the bank, which indicated that
“The window meets 87 percent of Iraq’s merchandise import requirements.” 

Al-Sudani: The Financial And Economic Reform Process Cannot Take Place Without A Banking System
May 7, 2024  Baghdad/Iraq Observer   Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed during his meeting with the delegation of the Union of Arab Banks that the process of financial and economic reform cannot take place without a banking system.
The Prime Minister’s media office stated that “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani received, today, Tuesday, the delegation of the Union of Arab Banks, headed by the Secretary-General of the Union, Mr. Wissam Hassan Fattouh. Al-Sudani welcomed, at the beginning of the meeting, the holding of the Arab Banks Conference in Baghdad, expressing Iraq’s happiness in hosting the conferences.”

Arabic, which confirms the return of Iraq to its natural position in the region and the world.”
The Prime Minister stressed that the process of financial and economic reform, which was adopted by the government, cannot occur without a solid banking system that is in harmony with the world,
indicating that the government has placed this matter within its work of development and reform since its first day, and that
Iraqi banks are proceeding today on a The right path in its transactions regarding financial transfers, and that

coordination of financial and monetary policy with the Central Bank continues, while preserving the bank’s independence.”
The Prime Minister pointed out that the policy of clarity, which was adopted by the government, helped identify the deficiencies in the banking system and worked to fix them, noting that
the Development Road Project is one of the aspects of economic integration in the region.
His Excellency welcomed holding a banking workshop to discuss the role of banks in the project. And in establishing industrial cities on the path of the road.”
For its part, the delegation of the Union of Banks praised the government’s measures to reform the banking sector.
As they are clear measures aimed at strengthening and enhancing the work of this sector,
the delegation also expressed its appreciation for the government’s steps in supporting the private sector and enhancing its role in sustainable development and international and regional partnerships.السوداني-عملية-إلاصلاح-المالي-والاقت/


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit :


Provoking Points To Ponder on Failures and Mistakes

Apparent failure may hold in its rough shell the germs of a success that will blossom in time, and bear fruit throughout eternity.- Frances Ellen Watkins Harper

The causes of mistakes are "I didn't know"; "I didn't think"; and "I didn't care."- Henry H. Buckley

Failures are divided into two classes: those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought.- John Charles Salak

A failure establishes only this, that our determination to succeed was not strong enough.- Christian Bovee

Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failures. They are the weakest, however strong, who have no faith in themselves or their own powers.- Christian Bovee

Defeat is a thing of weariness, of incoherence, of boredom.- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20 Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20



Friday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#


Friday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

Iraqi Dinar - IQD Update - International - Iraq Timing - 2024 Budget Schedule - Speaker of House Vote

Iraqi Dinar - IQD Update - International - Iraq Timing - 2024 Budget Schedule - Speaker of House Vote

MilitiaMan and Crew:  5-10-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraqi Dinar - IQD Update - International - Iraq Timing - 2024 Budget Schedule - Speaker of House Vote

MilitiaMan and Crew:  5-10-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Economist’s “News and Views” Friday 5-10-2024

Fed to Raise Its 2% Inflation Target? Seismic Re-Pricing Across All Asset Classes Coming – McDonald

Kitco News:  5-9-2024

Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, interviews Larry McDonald, Founder of The Bear Traps Report and New York Times bestselling author of 'How to Listen When Markets Speak' and 'Collossal Failure of Common Sense.'

McDonald warns that we are headed into an era of persistent inflation, escalation in global conflict, a multipolar world, a weakening U.S. dollar, a series of sovereign debt crises, and capital fleeing out of financial assets into hard assets.

He sheds light on how the Federal Reserve will approach its 2% inflation target amid sticky inflation. McDonald also explores the coming commodity bull market, going over the top winners. He shares his price outlooks for gold, silver, platinum, oil, and natural gas.

Fed to Raise Its 2% Inflation Target? Seismic Re-Pricing Across All Asset Classes Coming – McDonald

Kitco News:  5-9-2024

Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, interviews Larry McDonald, Founder of The Bear Traps Report and New York Times bestselling author of 'How to Listen When Markets Speak' and 'Collossal Failure of Common Sense.'

McDonald warns that we are headed into an era of persistent inflation, escalation in global conflict, a multipolar world, a weakening U.S. dollar, a series of sovereign debt crises, and capital fleeing out of financial assets into hard assets.

He sheds light on how the Federal Reserve will approach its 2% inflation target amid sticky inflation. McDonald also explores the coming commodity bull market, going over the top winners. He shares his price outlooks for gold, silver, platinum, oil, and natural gas.

00:00 Coming up

 00:44 Introduction: Fed’s Inflation Target

 01:19 Inflation and Economic Shifts

03:15 The Future of Financial Markets and Debt Solutions

 04:57 The Inevitable Shift Towards Higher Inflation Targets

07:55 The Impact of Inflation on Investment Strategies

 15:17 Navigating the Commodity Bull Market and Asset Allocation

 20:25 The Global Economic Landscape and Commodity Demand

23:50 Strategic Outlook on Oil and Natural Gas

28:10 The Current Equity Climate and Market Risks

33:48 Commodity Investments

 34:50 The U.S. Banking Sector’s Troubles

37:52 The Perils of Passive Investing and ETFs

 47:09 U.S. Debt and Dollar Dynamics

52:39 Gold and Silver

 58:59 Platinum

 01:05:59 Potential Threats to the Commodity Bull Market Thesis

Why Warren Buffett Is Raising Cash: Market 'Euphoria' In Final Stage | Bill Smead

David Lin:  5-10-2024

Bill Smead, Chairman of Smead Capital Management, discusses the late stages of market euphoria.

0:00 - Intro

0:50 - Berkshire Hathaway and cash

 4:33 - Markets entering new era

19:20 - Passive investing

22:20 - Valuations and investing

30:55 - Energy sector

36:45 - Inflation and monetary policy

 40:46 - Financials sector

China CHECKMATES Europe’s Economy As Countries Flee Dollar Assets To Buy Gold

Sean Foo:  5-10-2024

China just dropped a bombshell on the EU. While Brussels mulls punishing Beijing with trade barriers, Xi Jinping just upgraded Hungary's relations and announced a big free trade agreement with Serbia.

Meanwhile, countries around the world are progressively exiting US bonds for gold.

This is the effect of the US government's never-ending spending and bond issuance that is flooding the market relentlessly.

Timestamps & Chapters:

 0:00 Xi's EU Bombshell

3:23 Serbia & Hungary Chooses China

 6:46 US Treasuries Hit Brick Wall

8:12 Sponsor: Indigo Precious Metals

9:33 Horrific US Debt Estimates

10:41 Countries Flocking To Gold

 13:28 Narratives Are Collapsing

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 5-10-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 5-10-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

"The U.S. is in a dilemma about whether to upgrade the non-market economy status of Vietnam to that of a market economy."

The U.S. Department of Commerce has until late July to complete this review and decision. A market economy would bring with it significant trade relationship opportunities.

Vietnam would become a country where supply and demand would determine prices on their goods and services.

A shift in a monetary policy such as this would bring more power back to the people and less to the government.

It would move from government intervention powers for the stabilization of their currency to incentives toward supply and demand determined by the people and the industries they promote.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 5-10-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

"The U.S. is in a dilemma about whether to upgrade the non-market economy status of Vietnam to that of a market economy."

The U.S. Department of Commerce has until late July to complete this review and decision.

A market economy would bring with it significant trade relationship opportunities.

Vietnam would become a country where supply and demand would determine prices on their goods and services.

A shift in a monetary policy such as this would bring more power back to the people and less to the government.

It would move from government intervention powers for the stabilization of their currency to incentives toward supply and demand determined by the people and the industries they promote.

A move like this tends to put price pressures on a country's currency. One of the hallmarks of a market economy would be a stronger Vietnamese Dong.

This would make imports cheaper for them and exports more expensive for other countries determining new exchange rates for all parties involved in trade.  Vietnam Briefing   HickmanMills


© Goldilocks


EU Basel 3 Standards Announcement:

"The legislative package to implement the International Basel III Standards is now adopted by the European Parliament Plenary and Council."

This is the signal for banks to move urgently towards CRR3 compliance deadlines. These mandates include Credit Risk, Market Risk, Output floor, ESG Pillar III and Reporting rules.

The new regulations will begin to shift their economy affecting trade relations around the world by these decisions.

The full implementation of EU's Basel 3 has to be completed by January 1st, 2025. This will begin to shift all economies around the world into new price pressures on everything.

"The European Union collectively has $8.1T in circulation, making it the fourth largest in the world, behind Japan ($8.9T)."

As you can see, the changes currently being made by the above two countries will have a significant impact on money flow going forward. These new changes will be in fluctuation for the rest of this year determining new price pressures on all economies around the world.   Wolters Kluwer 1   Wolters Kluwer 2   Bank of America   Linkedin


© Goldilocks


Hong Kong Market Tokenization Announcement:

"Project Ensemble is the HKMA’s new wholesale central bank digital currency (wCBDC) project to render support to the development of the tokenization market in Hong Kong."

Project Ensemble is another digital currency initiative. It is one of many pilot programs that are currently being executed in Hong Kong.

mBridge and Genesis are currently being executed inside Hong Kong. These projects will support the underlying infrastructure of the Hong Kong economy.

Project Genesis and mBridge will provide liquidity and a multi-CBDC platform developed to support real-time, peer-to-peer, cross-border payments and foreign exchange transactions using CBDCs. AFP  Bitcoin News  BIS 1  BIS 2

© Goldilocks


Hong Kong’s Monetary Authority to replace ‘Virtual Bank’ with ‘Licensed Digital Bank’ to Boost Public Confidence | South China Morning Post

Russia court allows seizure of $13 million of JPMorgan and Commerzbank assets | MSN


Ripple and XRPL Labs Join Alliance to Develop Blockchain Recovery Standards – Bitcoin News


Project Genesis 2.0 | Youtube


Project mBridge | Youtube


HK launches Project ‘Ensemble’ to support tokenization with wCBDC | Web3 | 3.0 TV | Youtube


The Global Digital Currency Market is currently in pilot programs that will transition us and our currencies into real values.

This is a digital process and not a date. Stay tuned as new information develops.

© Goldilocks


CFTC Chair Says ‘Another Cycle of Enforcement Actions’ Coming As Crypto Enters New Phase of Asset Appreciation - The Daily Hodl


Research and Analysis - working paper: Evolution of Asia's outward-looking economic policies: Some lessons from trade policy reviews | WTO


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Chats and Rumors, Calls DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Calls DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-9-24

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-9-24 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight is Thursday, May the 9th and you're listening to the big call. Well, everybody's in except Bob he is at a gala event in Tampa tonight

So let's do this. Let’s pray the call in – probably won’t be that long of a call tonight because it’s just the two of us – Sue and I - so we’ll get to the important stuff of the big call – Sue’s segment and my segment – and we’ll go from there

Let's go into the Intel for tonight shouldn't be a real long, long segment but I did get some really good information. So I can tell you guys who we're hearing from - Usually it's banks or redemption centers and sometimes Special Forces. Military will add something to it -

 Today – yesterday - Let's just say it this way, the banks are all up to speed down to the last employee in the bank – and you’ve just got to remember -  I've been invested in this over 20 years now. Okay, but back in the old days, we knew of certain banks that were selling dinar and then they all stopped.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-9-24 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight is Thursday, May the 9th and you're listening to the big call. Well, everybody's in except Bob he is at a gala event in Tampa tonight

So let's do this. Let’s pray the call in – probably won’t be that long of a call tonight because it’s just the two of us – Sue and I - so we’ll get to the important stuff of the big call – Sue’s segment and my segment – and we’ll go from there

Let's go into the Intel for tonight shouldn't be a real long, long segment but I did get some really good information. So I can tell you guys who we're hearing from - Usually it's banks or redemption centers and sometimes Special Forces. Military will add something to it -

 Today – yesterday - Let's just say it this way, the banks are all up to speed down to the last employee in the bank – and you’ve just got to remember -  I've been invested in this over 20 years now. Okay, but back in the old days, we knew of certain banks that were selling dinar and then they all stopped.

I remember - It was like December 15 2012. – There was no more dinar for sale at the bank – That was a long time ago -  12 years ago -  that’s right –

So what the banks told us  years ago -  was ohhhhh  -  there's no such thing -  We will never sell dinar  - a lot of banks sold it and then  turned around and said they never did -  But they did – we knew where they were –  they said well  it’s never going to be worth anything – you are not going to be able to exchange it  - blah blah blah ---  They just told us a bunch of lies –

A lot of banks – even Wells Fargo  when you  called up answering machine giving you a recorded message about currencies that was not true. Now I understand banks  have to protect certain things – they could not come out with the truth back then – I get it -  they were just concerning  to a lot of people – they were just trying to find out what the deal was -  We know what the deal is  because we have been doing the big call for 13 years now  -  So if you've been listening for a while, even 10 or 12 or 13 years, You know what the deal is

So what's interesting about this is yesterday and the day before all banks, as far as we can tell  US Canada, I don't know maybe everyone, brought all of their employees up to speed on the currency transaction protocols.

In other words even tellers didn't know anything about this, if you ask  they would look at you  like a deer in headlights.  you know, you know what I’m talking about – Deny – Deny – Deny --.

Well, guess what? Yesterday and the day before - was Tuesday. Yesterday was Wednesday. They finished the training at 230 in the afternoon for, for banks that use Wednesday to train employees on the new currency protocols  exchange protocols - And what's cool about that is everybody's up to speed. As Mike used to say in the old days “edumacating” everybody.

Everybody is educated on currency/ currencies, the values of them and so on, now you guys know, when we get the toll free number – we’re going to call and set an appointment  for the redemption centers –

People and  I can't believe there are that many - people that are not listening to the big law or haven't heard of redemption centers. They walk willy nilly into a tier  two or tier three bank and say -  Hey, you guys exchange foreign currency. And everybody will say yes, please go to this purchase particular person - she's in charge of doing currency exchange, but they will not get the same rates that we will get at redemption center. it's very important for us to realize that's why we're setting the appointment - that's why we're going in to do.

Do they want the zim?  Yes, badly. That's the first thing that they want to know - is what currencies do you have - do you have the Zimbabwe dollar? Yes we do, we may have a few.

And you'll be telling them that and they should be looking forward to it. I mean, obviously  Zim has preference, but will they treat  anybody that  does have zim differently?  Will they put them – a day or two later?  Will they only take Zim holders  first. I don't know. We'll see what happens I can’t answer that. Don't be surprised though. The Zim holders  are the ones that don't wait.

Let's see what else alright, so we have been in touch with 3 – 4 different banks – that have called us - the good news is that they were getting this out of one or two particular banks. in Canada. we're on a conference call with our US Treasury  from 7 – 9 pm last night. And we're getting some information from one of the banks that is saying that they are (going to try to remember how it was said )  trying to get the wording right -

Maybe they are telling us that we are in position to exchange currencies and redeem Zim Friday and Saturday. Friday, or Saturday.

Now that means Friday is tomorrow. riday is the 10th Saturday is the 11th of May This is what was said to us today. They are prepared for exchanges for us - for everybody Friday or Saturday. Wow.

Okay blown away when I heard that specific information. And we've got banks in the US that  are also saying it kicks off this weekend. - We've got special forces saying everything kicks off this weekend.

So I don’t think I need to say a whole lot of anything else - I'm excited about it. And let me say this guys.

We had heard earlier from one of the sources that took us and said Well, yeah, we could get notified anytime From now through the weekend  - exchange on Monday or Tuesday. We have heard Monday, Tuesday forever, right?

This intel today was so different from that - because it came at a great time saying they are prepared to begin exchanges – not sending out  the number necessarily first, but exchanges. So this is at redemption centers.

So here's the way I look at it. If we're going to start exchanging tomorrow or Saturday – we kinda need to get notified -  kind of need to get the 800 number so we can set appointments - so could it happen tomorrow?  it could happen anytime tomorrow. Could we wake up to it ? possibly -  could we do it tomorrow  during the day?  Yes – Could we get it after 4 pm when the markets close? maybe  so – maybe so -- anytime we get it we should be able to call  and set our appointments and maybe we could start Friday afternoon / evening  or Saturday.

If we get notified tomorrow. If we got notified Saturday morning. You're easily set appointments for Friday for Saturday afternoon.

 So don't be surprised if you don't get it tomorrow. – it could be they go to the very last minute and notify us on Saturday and we start Saturday afternoon evening. But we're supposed to start supposed to commence –exchanges Friday or Saturday - commence means to start

This came from our US Treasury in the form of an email today.

Remember we already had the green light  from military. We got the green light from Treasury and we got the green light from Wells Fargo a couple days ago at 1pm in the afternoon.

So I’m very excited abou t this  - I’m ready to go guys – This has been a long ride -

Now, as always, we have to have a slight caveat. We know the track record for Intel has not come out well for us in the past. But we do believe we're in a new place now. I do believe we've never been here before. I feel like a lot of people like  that concept.

Thank you, Sue. Thank you Bob. Thank you big call universe for listening for so many years, alright.

And you know what you're involved in this is probably I think we're ready to move into a redemption status -  and I'm excited about it. I'm very excited.

So let's pray the call out. and then we'll go along from there. Everybody have a great weekend and look for your emails that come out from Wells Fargo servers in Atlanta.

Let's, let's just believe. Incredible from Friday Saturday. It's just way beyond ready. Let's pray the call out

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-9-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   51:51

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 5-7-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:05:15

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-25-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:13:20 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-30-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   59:25

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-25-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:21:11

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-23-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:05:15

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-18-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  58:58

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-16-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   58:48

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-11-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:01:31

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-9-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:03:30

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Friday Afternoon  5-10-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Friday Afternoon  5-10-24

Iraqi Dinar Latest Revaluation Last 24 Hours – 4:05

Vietnamese Dong Latest Exchange Rate – 3”14

Iraqi Dinar RV News Update – 3:27

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Friday Afternoon  5-10-24

Iraqi Dinar Latest Revaluation Last 24 Hours – 4:05

Vietnamese Dong Latest Exchange Rate – 3”14

Iraqi Dinar RV News Update – 3:27

Iraqi Dinar Latest Revaluation Last 24 Hours – 4:05

Vietnamese Dong Latest Exchange Rate – 3:14

Iraqi Dinar RV News Update – 3:27

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