Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Saturday AM 5-4-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Saturday AM 5-4-24

Finally Iraqi Dinar Set 1.57$ New Exchange Rate – 3:38

WOW It's Time For Changed Your Dinar's – 3:47

There Are Something Positive News About IQD – 4:13

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Saturday AM 5-4-24

Finally Iraqi Dinar Set 1.57$ New Exchange Rate – 3:38

WOW It's Time For Changed Your Dinar's – 3:47

There Are Something Positive News About IQD – 4:13

Finally Iraqi Dinar Set 1.57$ New Exchange Rate – 3:38

WOW It's Time For Changed Your Dinar's – 3:47

There Are Something Positive News About IQD – 4:13

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Saturday 5-4-2024


Tishwash:  American newspaper: The United Nations is “collapsing” and three countries lead a move to form a “new world order”

 The American newspaper The Cradle revealed, in an analysis published today, Friday (May 3, 2024), the existence of what it described as “major movements” being undertaken by three countries to “secure the future of the world” with the imminent expected collapse of the United Nations system as a result of the influence exercised by the United States. On the United Nations and the subsequent “destruction” that befell the world. 

The newspaper said, according to what “Baghdad Today” translated, that China, Iran and Russia are now making actual and unprecedented moves to create a “new world order” based on the BRICS economic system, as an alternative to the American-Western SWIFT system, with the aim of securing the world from the possible collapse of the economic system as a result of... “Corruption” of the United Nations and the influence of the United States on its decisions. 


Tishwash:  American newspaper: The United Nations is “collapsing” and three countries lead a move to form a “new world order”

 The American newspaper The Cradle revealed, in an analysis published today, Friday (May 3, 2024), the existence of what it described as “major movements” being undertaken by three countries to “secure the future of the world” with the imminent expected collapse of the United Nations system as a result of the influence exercised by the United States. On the United Nations and the subsequent “destruction” that befell the world. 

The newspaper said, according to what “Baghdad Today” translated, that China, Iran and Russia are now making actual and unprecedented moves to create a “new world order” based on the BRICS economic system, as an alternative to the American-Western SWIFT system, with the aim of securing the world from the possible collapse of the economic system as a result of... “Corruption” of the United Nations and the influence of the United States on its decisions. 

She continued, "Russia hosted UNRWA and provided it with economic support to continue funding humanitarian efforts in Palestine after attempts by Israel and America to stop its funding. China and Iran also followed Russia's steps by hosting Palestinian parties in ongoing efforts to unify them towards establishing an official Palestinian state." 

The newspaper confirmed that the old world order is now “collapsing” under “the weight of the corruption of the United Nations and the United States’ complete control over its decisions without concern for the rest of the world’s countries, including the continued support and protection of the Israeli regime, which prompted the three countries to move to establish a new system that protects the world from regimes and leaders.” Genocide and their control,” according to her description. 

The United States, according to the newspaper’s description, is “now losing” its influence to China, which is now “questioning the United States and its ability publicly through the international level, such as questioning it regarding its insistence on preventing the establishment of a Palestinian state and its silence regarding the genocide committed publicly by Israel, in addition to the terrorist attack on Nord Stream transmission line in Europe. 

The American Cradle announced that the BRICS system will soon become the “new United Nations” in the world, which will make the United States and its Western allies lose control over the current international system that relies on the United Nations, explaining, “What is also happening is that China, after officially condemning the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy in... Damascus has become close to Tehran following the rapprochement that took place last year with Moscow, as the three countries apparently agreed on an alliance formula based on providing mutual benefit by providing each other’s needs to secure the future of the world away from the United Nations and its corruption. 

The American newspaper also announced an expected visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Chinese capital, Beijing, next month, where an agreement will be made to activate “the new world order on which the idea of ​​the BRICS economic system was based,” where the two parties will agree with Iran on a “unified position” on establishing... “A new global security order is based on the position towards the Palestinian issue and the genocide committed by Israel, which for the West, which supports Israel in any case, is still something far from being described as genocide,” she said. 

The newspaper also pointed out that the United States, which had previously issued “threats of a tsunami wave of sanctions” against China if it implemented its idea to establish a new global security system based on the BRICS economic system as an alternative to the United Nations, is now facing a union between the three major countries and their “civilizations.”

 The ancient countries and their enormous economic and industrial capabilities,” and the countries of Asia and the Global South, something that realistically threatens, as Washington realizes, its “hegemony” at the international level through the entirely Western-oriented United Nations. 

The analysis issued by the newspaper expected that the three countries would succeed in establishing their new world order with the imminent collapse of the SWIFT economic system and the loss of the United Nations’ credibility before the countries of the world after its “complete submission” to the desires of the Americans and Israel and the decisions of the “genocidal regimes,” in reference to the major Western countries and their continued support. For Israel, it is expected that by the end of this year the world will witness the emergence of a “new United Nations” whose center of power will be in the East and South of the world, instead of in the West.  link


Tishwash:  Al-Sudani: We are working to create job opportunities

Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, said that Iraq has begun to move to the stage of production and infrastructure construction.

Al-Sudani added that the government is working to stimulate the economy, create job opportunities, confront challenges, and consolidate sovereignty  link


CandyKisses:  Among them is Iraq. US oil imports from 5 Arab countries exceed $ 3.6 billion

Economy News - Follow-up

U.S. oil imports declined slightly in the first quarter of 2024, with five Arab countries, led by Saudi Arabia and Iraq, accounting for a share of nearly 8% of the world's largest oil consumer imports.

US crude oil imports amounted to about 572.29 million barrels (6.28 million barrels per day) during the first quarter of 2024, compared to 574.25 million barrels (6.38 million barrels per day) during the same period in 2023, according to recent data seen by the Energy Research Unit (based in Washington).

While the volume of US oil imports from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Libya, Kuwait and the UAE reached about 45.2 million barrels during the first quarter of 2024, representing 7.9% of the total US imports during the first 3 months of this year.

The value of US imports from the 5 Arab countries reached about $ 3.68 billion during the first quarter of 2024, according to data collected and analyzed by the Energy Research Unit.

U.S. Oil Imports from Arab Countries

Saudi Arabia, as usual, came in first place in the list of the largest Arab oil exporters to the United States, with the volume of its exports reaching 25.43 million barrels during the first quarter of 2024, with a total value of $ 2.13 billion.

Iraq also ranked second with an export volume of 13.37 million barrels, or the equivalent of $ 1.02 billion, and Libya ranked third with exports reaching 3.67 million barrels, with a total value of $ 318.4 million.

The value of US oil imports from 5 Arab countries in the first quarter of 2024

On the other hand, Kuwait ranked fourth on the list, with exports to the United States amounting to about 1.74 million barrels during the first quarter of 2024, with a value equivalent to $ 126.5 million.

The UAE came in fifth place with exports of 0.99 million barrels during the first quarter, or about $81 million, according to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

The exports of the 5 Arab countries to the United States recorded 235 million barrels, or the equivalent of $ 19 billion, during 2023, equivalent to 10.1% of America's total imports of crude oil, according to annual data collected published by the Energy Research Unit on February 8.

Arab Oil Exports in March 2024

US oil imports from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Libya increased during March 2024, compared to the previous month (February), while imports from Iraq decreased.

The volume of Saudi oil exports to the United States rose to 9.82 million barrels in March 2024, compared to about 6.56 million barrels in February.

Libyan oil exports also rose to 2.06 million barrels during March 2024, compared to about 0.91 million barrels during the previous month.

The following graph - prepared by the Energy Research Unit - shows the volume of US oil imports from 5 Arab countries in the first quarter of 2024:

The volume of US oil imports from 5 Arab countries in the first quarter of 2024

Kuwait's exports to the United States also increased to 0.96 million barrels in March, after its absence from exports during the previous month, which was repeated in the case of the UAE, whose exports in March amounted to about 0.99 million barrels compared to zero in February 2024.

As for Iraq's exports, they fell to 4.06 million barrels during March 2024, compared to about 4.4 million barrels during the previous month, according to detailed data monitored by the Energy Research Unit from the US Census Bureau.

U.S. Oil Imports in March 2024

The volume of US oil imports increased by 2.7% month-on-month to 185.21 million barrels (5.97 million barrels per day) in March 2024, compared to 180.21 million barrels (6.21 million barrels per day) during the previous February.

While another side of the comparative data showed a decrease in US oil imports during March 2024 by 7% year-on-year compared to the same month (199.25 million barrels) of 2023.

The value of imports in March 2024 also decreased to $ 12.85 billion, despite the increase in the average price to $ 69.39 per barrel, compared to about $ 13.42 billion during the same month of 2023, when the average was $ 67.38 per barrel.

On the other hand, the volume of US crude oil exports decreased by 11.2% to 132.91 million barrels (4.28 million barrels per day) in March 2024, compared to 149.68 million barrels (4.82 million barrels per day) during the same month of 2023, according to another aspect of the data analyzed by the Energy Research Unit.

Mot: ...... Powerful Day!!!! May the fourth be with you

Mot: ... cast of the original Star Wars Trilogy

Some of the cast of the original Star Wars Trilogy.

Only two still with us.

Harrison Ford, (Hans Solo), Dave Prowse ( Darth Vader) , Peter Mayhew ( Chewbacca), Carrie Fisher ( Princess Leia) , Mark Hamill ( Luke Skywalker)and Kenny Baker (R2D2)

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Weekend News With MarkZ 5-4-2024

Weekend News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

The CBD Guru’s Join the stream the first 45 minutes…..then Mark with the news.

Member: Good morning everyone Mark, mods, friends, blessings to all.

Member: May the fourth be with you!!!!

Member: May the 9th be with us…lol  Come on Iraq!

MZ: I think there is an excellent shot we will be done by the 9th.

Member: What is special about May 9th?

Member: The 9th is to do with Iraq and WTO accession

Weekend News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

The CBD Guru’s Join the stream the first 45 minutes…..then Mark with the news.

Member: Good morning everyone Mark, mods, friends, blessings to all.

Member: May the fourth be with you!!!!

Member: May the 9th be with us…lol  Come on Iraq!

MZ: I think there is an excellent shot we will be done by the 9th.

Member: What is special about May 9th?

Member: The 9th is to do with Iraq and WTO accession

Member: I hear tomorrow will be. a BIG day

Member: Whatever day it happens on will from then on be known as “RV Day!!! At least in our house.

MZ: I don’t know if it will be tomorrow or not, but there is a tremendous amount of chatter. But, chatter  doesn’t pay the bills.

Member: Frank mentioned last nite that Sudanis financial advisor spoke on IRAQI national TV and said they are ready to float the currency as the parallel market has almost been reached

MZ:  Float= Raise.     here has been debate over the translation and about whether it will be a soft peg, a managed float or whether it will actually be a float at all. I think they have been clear they are going to peg it. But, it is confusing

MZ: “Baghdad signs contract with UAE ‘s ARJ’s to build fertilizer plant.”  This is so they don’t have to import.  For increased food production.  This is big because Iraq is diversifying.

MZ: “ National bank of Iraq uses Temenos for core banking and payments”  They have put into effect a well used banking AP from around the world. And they have gone digital at a record pace in their banking system. We were told this was necessary so they could pull the trigger- BAM.  They want us to know they have updated their banking system

MZ: This is important to the process and here we see that it is done!

Member:  Temenos is a versatile banking software platform that helps institutions enhance operations, customer experiences, and adaptability in the financial industry

Member: Iraq could go alone at $1.00 and it would change my life for the better!

Member: let's pray for a big REER before the "peg"

MZ: I know of some redemption folks that are on call this weekend….but pretty quiet overnight.

MZ: I know a lot of people are expecting it on Sun or Mon….I am not hearing anything negative…everything is positive.

MZ: All my contacts in Iraq are saying the trigger is now with the CBI and they are going to pull it soon. They are informing people …they are educating people and telling Iraqi citizens to be prepared for s change in value.   We just do not know the timing

MZ: Bond folks have been quiet the last couple of days. They are waiting on getting their first 1% down payment on their bond transactions..

Member: If it’s a shotgun start- we would all go together…..imo . .

Member: NDA=Keep your Mouth shut!

Member:  Skye Prince posted a new video last night - it's almost party time. She confirmed that MarkZ will be given a heads up when this goes. This may be our week coming up!!!

Member:  CaptPeggyG  MM just stated Vietnam announced their rate3.60

Member: The worlds changing , 2.5 weeks ago Venezuela said they will sell oil to anyone . In the currency of that country. That is huge . Who takes it from Ven . Guessing Brics . Thats big.

Member:  I do online banking ……last week I got a Notification that on May 8th they will be updated to a new Digital banking system !!!!

Member: ​​Still rumored that Iraq has to change by May 9th for WTO????

Member: I think our time to go to the Redemption Centers is Maybe by the 6th ?

Be happy… Be prepared , You never know when things will happen be ready…. Youve always been ….always will be make the most out of your time. That you can control.

Member:  MarkZ: "May the Fourth be with you" but remember, don't celebrate excessively on Cinco de Mayo or you may experience "The Revenge of the Sixth".

Member: Everyone have a wonderful weekend…..Hope it’s our last weekend broke!!!



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )



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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 5-4-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 4 May 2024 Compiled Sat. 4 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Fri. 3 May 2024 Wolverine:

“The RV actually started around the first of May (that is when the Green Light was given) even though you guys do not hear or see anything. It is a slow process.

“We should get notifications for Tier4B anytime now for you, the Internet group, so you can go to the Redemption Centers. That will be any day now.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 4 May 2024

Compiled Sat. 4 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Fri. 3 May 2024 Wolverine:

“The RV actually started around the first of May (that is when the Green Light was given) even though you guys do not hear or see anything. It is a slow process.

“We should get notifications for Tier4B anytime now for you, the Internet group, so you can go to the Redemption Centers. That will be any day now.

Wolverine Cont….For the bondholders, things are rolling, and I am hoping that actually I will be getting good news as well, for I also have bonds.

I spoke to the director of Mauricio’s Foundation and she is very happy. They have given her certain hours actually for her to receive the funds to come through.

A huge Whale I know, someone I have a relationship with, says they are expecting to be paid.

I received from Asia that we were given a deadline – it will start tonight Fri. 3 May into tomorrow afternoon Sat. 4 May. It will appear in all members’ accounts.

I have also received information from other countries that they received the same news. It means they follow Reno time zone. It looks like this is definitely going to happen.

Other developments: banking accounts have been opened for sellers and loaded with locked funds.

They are testing QFS functionality today and tomorrow Fri. 3 May into Sat. 4 May, and delivering the release by computer, also, assuming there are no problems with the tests.

They will send formal emails to specific sellers during this week inviting them to a TTM next week at certain locations. TTMs will be held throughout the next week. Payments will begin once TTM is completed within five banking days.

They will all fall together in the pattern of Dominos. They will now receive the emails – I ask you guys to wait – The Sovereign committee team is working sincerely without stopping.  We have had no rest at all. If the QFS works perfectly, the banks will test their adaptation. Everything is underway, prepare for payment next week.

Bob Dunn (I do not know if you know him,) he is very highly respected. He says, “The Green Light has been given, and the funds will be dispersed today or tomorrow Fri. 3 May or Sat. 4 May. 

Truth in Transaction in the USA will be settled on Monday 6 May and overseas on Tuesday 7 May. 

All platforms started on May 1st. It is slower than anticipated, however, there appears to be a plan.

Private banker – 10:30  a.m. only one close contract  – Contracts of 1% to be released tomorrow Sat. 4 May with full liquidity.

Someone arrived in Brazil with 50 arrest warrants.

We have been told that Brazil has started, from quite a few sources, obviously everything is behind the scenes right now but I am hoping and praying to get 100% confirmation.  

I want you to have faith. This has started. This will end up going our way and hopefully we will be free to help humanity. Hopefully, tomorrow, I will have something special for you.  Love you guys, Wolverine

Fri. 3 May Unknown Source: “Hi everybody. I wanted to share an encouraging opinion. A friend of mine who has contacts shared some helpful information about the RV with me this evening. I will keep their name private, but here are the encouraging facts. Columbia, Brazil, Chile, all have paymasters that have flown into Bogota. They are RV-ing as we speak. The US is roughly three weeks behind South America, that way any kinks or security issues can be worked out ahead of time before the RV reaches the States. This is wonderful and exciting news. Wanted to share with you lovely people. We’re almost there! God has gotten us here! One love! Getting ready for the switch to USN:

Fri. 3 May Frank: Frank was reading a message that had just came through at the end of his video, but stopped midway. He said “Mission accomplished God and tomorrow is going to be fun.”

Thurs. 2 May Bruce: The Iraqi Dinar has been trading for weeks on the bank back screens. Iraq was tentatively going to celebrate what they call their Financial Inclusion on Fri. 3 May 2024. An email was sent to Bruce that said to be ready on Sat. 4 May.

Fri. 3 May BRICS Announcement, Goldilocks: “According to Anatoly Aksakov, Chairman of the Russian State Duma Financial Market Committee, talks on how the new currency will work have started and an agreement may be reached by the end of this year.” The plan is for this currency to be supported by gold, various precious metals, and other assets. The purpose is for the BRICS Nations to be able to trade with one another and no longer have to deal with US sanctions on their currencies.

Global Financial Crisis:

Fri. 3 May CNBC: Stress Tests Reveal Hundreds of U.S. Banks at Risk Due to Loans and Rate Hikes Hundreds of small and regional banks in the U.S. are under financial stress, with 282 facing significant risks from commercial real estate loans and the effects of higher interest rates.

Fri. 3 May 2024: BOOM! Controlled Collapse: Complete List Of BANKS Owned/Controlled By The Rothschild Crime Family – American Media Group (

Fri. 3 May Vietnam: Vietnam Central Bank to Auction Gold Bars:

Wed. 1 May CNBC: Hundreds of US Banks at risk of failure.

Wed. 1 May Summary of Fed Chair Powell’s Statement: 1. Inflation has eased but remains too high. 2. Further progress on inflation is not assured and path is uncertain. 3. Inflation data this year has been higher than expected. 4. Rate cuts not appropriate until “greater confidence” over inflation. 5. Balance sheet reduction to be lowered by $35 billion per month. 6. Rate cuts are likely to take longer than expected.

Fri. 3 May 2024: BAD NEWS: CRASH has BEGUN! It Will Be a Bad One. GOOD NEWS: CRASHES are the Best Time to Get Rich! Robert Kiyosaki Warns – American Media Group (

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  Question "Will the CBI website be down for hours when they change the rate?"  No when they change  the rate it'll be a push of a button electronically.  Instantly the world will know about it. And it will be global news.     

Militia Man  Think about the money to build a country let alone just the development road itself, all the industrial cities, commercial buildings, residential complexes, infrastructure, it's massive.  It's so far too expensive, it just won't happen at 1310.  They have to have a real effective exchange rate...  

IT BEGINS! Mystery Buyer Takes Action! 10yr Yield CRATERS. MMRI Plummets! BANK BLACK HOLE.

Greg Mannarino:  5-3-2024

Gold & Dollar Trading Signal The End Of Fiat Currency | Francis Hunt

Liberty and Finance:  5-3-2024

The rise in gold is signaling disaster ahead, says The Market Sniper Francis Hunt. The US dollar used to be the main fear trade.

However, real return on US Treasuries is massively negative if you use alternative measures of inflation. Investors are starting to see Treasuries as having a "risk premium of failure," Hunt notes.

 He says the "end of fiat currency" is coming and gold knows it.

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Friday Evening 5-3-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Friday Evening 5-3-24

Specialist: Floating The Dinar Is Economic Suicide

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad   Economist Muhammad Hashem Helou confirmed that the central bank cannot float the dinar exchange rate.

Helu said, "The Central Bank of Iraq cannot think about floating the exchange rate because it will abandon its only influential tool in light of the weakness and disruption of other economic tools."

He added that the exchange rate is the nominal stabilizer of monetary policy in Iraq, and thinking about abandoning it is economic suicide and the bank cannot even think about that.

He continued, adding that floating the exchange rate in the presence of a parallel market and large speculators, and the presence of people who own billions of dinars and others who own billions of dollars, will lead to a sharp decline in the value of the currency, high levels of inflation, and rising prices..

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Friday Evening 5-3-24

Specialist: Floating The Dinar Is Economic Suicide

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad   Economist Muhammad Hashem Helou confirmed that the central bank cannot float the dinar exchange rate.

Helu said, "The Central Bank of Iraq cannot think about floating the exchange rate because it will abandon its only influential tool in light of the weakness and disruption of other economic tools."

He added that the exchange rate is the nominal stabilizer of monetary policy in Iraq, and thinking about abandoning it is economic suicide and the bank cannot even think about that.

He continued, adding that floating the exchange rate in the presence of a parallel market and large speculators, and the presence of people who own billions of dinars and others who own billions of dollars, will lead to a sharp decline in the value of the currency, high levels of inflation, and rising prices.322 views 05/03/2024 -

Economic: The Fixed Dollar Exchange Rate Depletes Iraq's Foreign Currency Reserves

Manar Al-Obaidi   Money  and business  Economist Manar Al-Obaidi confirmed that the fixed dollar exchange rate adopted by Iraq depletes the country's foreign currency reserves.

Al-Obaidi said, “The only thing that is completely under the control of the Iraqi state is the exchange rate, which forcefully drains all foreign reserves to maintain an imaginary fixed price that traders benefit from to increase their profit margin.”

He added, "I never called for following a free-float policy. Rather, I called for a start to follow a compensation policy managed with a small volatility factor and gradually work to increase it until complete liberalization is reached."

He continued, “The alternative to maintaining the fixed exchange rate is to continue depleting the reserves until they run out and the oil market is exposed to very expected future fluctuations. Then, will we be forced, not given the choice, to an absolute floatation of the currency or a shocking reduction in the exchange rate, as happened in 2020, and then the risks will be greater and greater?” 140 views 05/03/2024 -

New Government Talk About The Oil Pipeline From Basra To Jordan

Energy  The Prime Minister's Advisor for Energy Affairs, Falah Al-Amiri, announced that the project to extend the oil pipeline from Basra to Jordan is not currently on the table.

Al-Amiri said, “The project to extend the oil pipeline from Basra to Jordan is not on the table, and the focus is on the Basra port and the Turkish port of Ceyhan,” noting that talk about Jordan having an opponent is incorrect.

He added that this project has great complications and is not easily passed by the government.

142 views   05/03/2024 -

In Financial Inclusion Week, Al-Rafidain Encourages The Use Of Electronic Payment In Citizens’ Transactions

Time: 05/03/2024 10:11:20 Read: 949 times  {Economic: Al-Furat News} Rafidain Bank participated in the activities of the Financial Inclusion Week, in the presence of a wide range of financial and banking institutions.

During the participation of its special pavilion in commercial centers, gatherings and other places, the bank reviewed its services and products, including opening bank accounts, adopting electronic payment and collection, encouraging the use of electronic cards to reduce cash transactions, and introducing the importance of citizens saving their money in the bank instead of hoarding it at home.

In addition to the presence of a specialized team to answer citizens’ inquiries about other services.

Participation aims to educate the public about the importance of financial inclusion and the spread of banking culture to the furthest reaches of the country to include all segments of society.   LINK

A Slight Rise In Oil Prices Amid OPEC+ Efforts To Extend Production Cuts

Economy   Friday, May 3, 2024 9:23 AM  Follow-up / National News Center  Oil prices witnessed a slight rise on Friday as OPEC Plus considers extending production cuts. However, the general trend for the week indicates a decline amid concerns about the US economy and the impact of rising interest rates on growth.

Brent crude futures prices for July delivery rose by 16 cents to reach $83.83 per barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate crude for June delivery rose by 19 cents to reach $79.14 per barrel.

Despite this rise, both oil benchmarks were poised to suffer weekly losses, with Brent crude heading for a decline of 6.3% and US West Texas Intermediate crude falling by 5.6%.


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit :

Provoking Thoughts and Points to Ponder on Wealth

He that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.  - Bible

I glory more in the coming purchase of my wealth than in the glad possession.- Ben Jonson

I'll fares the land, to hastening ills of prey Where wealth accumulates, and men decay.  - Oliver Goldsmith

It is the wretchedness of being rich that you have to live with rich people.  - Logan Pearsall Smith

One cannot both feast and become rich. - Ashanti proverb

Poor men seek meat for their stomach, rich men stomach for their meat.  - Old saying

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Friday Evening 5-3-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Friday Evening 5-3-24

US Treasury Confirmed IQD RV And New Exchange Rate – 5:01

Chase Bank Confirmed IQD New Exchange Rate – 4:02

US President Joe Biden Approved Iraqi Dinar RV, RI, RD Announced – 4:03

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Friday Evening 5-3-24

US Treasury Confirmed IQD RV And New Exchange Rate – 5:01

Chase Bank Confirmed IQD New Exchange Rate – 4:02

US President Joe Biden Approved Iraqi Dinar RV, RI, RD Announced – 4:03

 US Treasury Confirmed IQD RV And New Exchange Rate – 5:01

Chase Bank Confirmed IQD New Exchange Rate – 4:02

US President Joe Biden Approved Iraqi Dinar RV, RI, RD Announced – 4:03

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Chats and Rumors, Video DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video DINARRECAPS8

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Late Friday Evening 5-3-24

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Late Friday Evening 5-3-24

Iraqi dinar new rate 1 To 1 – 2:29

Iraqi dinar 25000 Notes cashing as forex that the big one – 2:30

Iraqi Dinar Expectations Implementation New Exchange Rates – 2:27

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Late Friday Evening 5-3-24

Iraqi dinar new rate 1 To 1 – 2:29

Iraqi dinar 25000 Notes cashing as forex that the big one – 2:30

Iraqi Dinar Expectations Implementation New Exchange Rates – 2:27

 Iraqi dinar new rate 1 To 1 – 2:29

Iraqi dinar 25000 Notes cashing as forex that the big one – 2:30

Iraqi Dinar Expectations Implementation New Exchange Rates – 2:27

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Friday Evening News with MarkZ and Zester

Friday Evening News with MarkZ and Zester

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening everyone. Welcome to another weekend

​​Member: Is this our weekend?! Let's hope and pray it's go time!

Member: I always thought a good time to release the RV was on a Friday after markets close or Sat, Night when all the banks are closed…….wishful thinking?

Member: I cannot wait to see the smile on Mark z's face when he announces it is time!!!

Friday Evening News with MarkZ and Zester

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening everyone. Welcome to another weekend

​​Member: Is this our weekend?! Let's hope and pray it's go time!

Member: I always thought a good time to release the RV was on a Friday after markets close or Sat, Night when all the banks are closed…….wishful thinking?

Member: I cannot wait to see the smile on Mark z's face when he announces it is time!!!

MZ: We have a little chatter tonight. But one of you sent me this article to share: “ Kuwaiti Dinar to US Dollar-Top 10 highest valued currencies in the world in 2024”  This article was in the Indian Express. And the Iraqi dinar used to have that number one spot.

Member: I would expect Iraq to be worth more that Kuwait

MZ: Absolutely. And when Iraq was the most valuable currency in the world they had not yet developed their natural gas reserves….and were not pumping nearly as much oil as they are now. Every part of Iraq is now in better shape than when they had the most valuable currency in the world.

MZ: I do have some redemption center contacts on call this weekend. But, there is plenty of rumors about going this weekend or the first of the week. But nothing I can verify and my sources are keeping things close to the vest. But that is a good thing.

Member: ​​Just listened to TNT tony and he said by Monday for Iraq ... We will see? Fingers crossed

Member: In some of Franks bank stories –bankers are confirming IQD and VND to revalue!

MZ: I have a bank story to share with you this evening from one of our community: “ This is my own personal bank story. It’s a few weeks old at this point but still good. I went in to deposit money at a small local Chase in Orlando. While waiting for my receipt I asked if there was a wealth manager available to speak to?. They said no, and offered to make me an appointment. I declined. I got my receipt and said have a nice day and left.

 I kid you not- a couple days later the branch called me (They had to look me up) and it was a Chase wealth manager calling me back to ask how he could help me. I went in a couple days later and he knew about the IQD and was aware of what was going on. He had done his own research he told me. He said something like this only comes around once in a lifetime and this is an amazing opportunity. “

MZ: Its finding the right location with the right educated individual. I love that story.

Member: I’m looking forward to proving to my family that I’m not crazy for believing all of this.

Member: ​​All these people look at me like I’m crazy when I talk about this. But my thought, why not? If I lose some money and this doesn’t happen, oh well. At least I’m trying. Better than starting an MLM

Member: Mark, thanks as always for all you bring to this

Zester joins the stream tonight. Please listen to the replay for his opinions and information



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )



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KTFA, News Dinar Recaps 20 KTFA, News Dinar Recaps 20

KTFA Members “News and Views” Friday 5-3-2024


Clare:  The Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund warns: Is there a possibility of the collapse of the global monetary system?


The Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund, Alexei Mugin, said on Friday that he does not rule out the possibility of the collapse of the current global monetary system.

In an interview with the "Novosti" agency, Mogin asked: "Is there a possibility of the collapse of the global monetary system? It seems to me that such a possibility actually exists."

The expert pointed out that the current system relies on confidence that dollar assets are safe, but central banks, institutions, and even families have already begun to sell dollar assets and buy gold, due to growing lack of confidence in their safety.

Mougins warned of chaos in the global economy, noting that "once this confidence is lost, a period of chaos will occur in the global economy."


Clare:  The Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund warns: Is there a possibility of the collapse of the global monetary system?


The Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund, Alexei Mugin, said on Friday that he does not rule out the possibility of the collapse of the current global monetary system.

In an interview with the "Novosti" agency, Mogin asked: "Is there a possibility of the collapse of the global monetary system? It seems to me that such a possibility actually exists."

The expert pointed out that the current system relies on confidence that dollar assets are safe, but central banks, institutions, and even families have already begun to sell dollar assets and buy gold, due to growing lack of confidence in their safety.

Mougins warned of chaos in the global economy, noting that "once this confidence is lost, a period of chaos will occur in the global economy."

Reports issued by the International Monetary Fund warned last April that the debts of the United States and China pose a threat to global finances.

The rise in US public debt and the dependence of global trade on the dollar raises concern among experts and a number of countries around the world.

Data issued by the US Treasury Department earlier this month revealed that the US budget deficit exceeded one trillion dollars in the first six months of the fiscal year, partly paid for by the rise in interest on public debt.   LINK

Alicia2015:  Is there a possibility of the collapse of the global monetary system?

IMO yes. All debt base monetary systems eventually collapse. Once taken off a gold standard Fed-R kept printing dollars at a phenomenal rate. Now...Every 3 months interest on our debt increases 1 trillion dollars, that's 4 trillion a year.

 It's mathematically impossible to pay it down so printing more money and feeding the machine is the Fed R only option. Every dollar printed draws value from existing dollars, weakening the purchasing power, creating inflation (too many dollars chasing too few goods).

 IMO a global monetary collapse is in the horizon, which explains why Global World banking institutions are purchasing gold at a higher rate than ever before. The smart money is running to gold and silver!


Clare:  Specialist: Floating the dinar is economic suicide

 5/3/2024- Baghdad

Economist Muhammad Hashem Helou confirmed that the central bank cannot float the dinar exchange rate.

Helu said, "The Central Bank of Iraq cannot think about floating the exchange rate because it will abandon its only influential tool in light of the weakness and disruption of other economic tools."

He added that the exchange rate is the nominal stabilizer of monetary policy in Iraq, and thinking about abandoning it is economic suicide and the bank cannot even think about that.

He continued, adding that floating the exchange rate in the presence of a parallel market and large speculators, and the presence of people who own billions of dinars and others who own billions of dollars, will lead to a sharp decline in the value of the currency, high levels of inflation, and rising prices.. LINK 

Paulette:  IMO.....As Saleh was stating but only stronger wording

 Clare:  Al-Sudani: There is no alternative to upholding the state’s word, protecting the constitution, and enforcing the law in Iraq


Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani stressed, on Friday, the necessity of what he called “upholding the word of the state, protecting the constitution, and enforcing the law” in Iraq.

This came in a speech he delivered during the celebration held today in the capital, Baghdad, on the occasion of the anniversary of the founding of the Asaib Ahl al-Haq movement.

Al-Sudani said in the speech, “The government is moving, supported by broad parliamentary and popular will, towards achieving sustainable development.”

He continued by saying: Our country is moving today to the stage of production, building infrastructure, stimulating the economy, creating job opportunities, confronting challenges, and consolidating sovereignty.

Al-Sudani also stressed that “we all bear the task of enforcing the law, and building the edifice of justice, equality, and institutional stability,” stressing that “there is no alternative to upholding the word of the state, protecting the constitution, and enforcing the law in the country.”   LINK

CalandLQ:   IMO, the buzz words that keep appearing each day now are everything! Words like, upholding, protecting, enforcing and my favorite celebration!! When I imagine as an American being in their shoes and salaries have not been paid and purchasing power is weak the only way I see any leader in Washington giving a celebration speech in public (in said conditions) would be with the National Guard and no civilians allowed within 100 yards of the speaker. Yet, these guys are celebrating…celebrating what?!?!?! IMO we will soon find out. It is my understanding based on our study and as pointed out by Frank last night the requirements for the SAP and WTO are the same which means is they MUST have a REER! Also, if I’m not mistaken, the WTO meeting is scheduled for May 9th


Clare: Economic: The fixed dollar exchange rate depletes Iraq's foreign currency reserve 


Economist Manar Al-Obaidi confirmed that the fixed dollar exchange rate adopted by Iraq depletes the country's foreign currency reserves.

Al-Obaidi said, “The only thing that is completely under the control of the Iraqi state is the exchange rate, which forcefully drains all foreign reserves to maintain an imaginary fixed price that traders benefit from to increase their profit margin.”

He added, "I never called for following a free-float policy. Rather, I called for a start to follow a compensation policy managed with a small volatility factor and gradually work to increase it until complete liberalization is reached."

He continued, “The alternative to maintaining the fixed exchange rate is to continue depleting the reserves until they run out and the oil market is exposed to very expected future fluctuations. Then, will we be forced, not given the choice, to an absolute floatation of the currency or a shocking reduction in the exchange rate, as happened in 2020, and then the risks will be greater and greater?”  LINK

 Paulette:  IMO.....AGREE!!!!!     Managed prior to Free

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KTFA, Frank26 Dinar Recaps 20 KTFA, Frank26 Dinar Recaps 20

KTFA Fri. Night CC: FRANK26….5-3-24….EXCHANGE RATE


Friday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#


Friday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday PM 5-3-2024

Excerpt from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 3 May 2024 Compiled Fri. 3 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

The Forex Market, Ariel:

The Zim 2008-2009 printed Trillions [and Billion] Series aren’t FIAT money, they’re “Promissory Notes”.

Each and every note says “Promise to pay the bearer on demand” [as seen above]. Therefore it is illegal in every country per UCC Law [Uniform Commercial Code] not to honor.”

This means once Zimbabwe reinstate their new currency on the Forex Market, you will be able to redeem them at the new value.

Same for Iraqi Dinar.

Excerpt from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 3 May 2024

Compiled Fri. 3 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

The Forex Market, Ariel:

The Zim 2008-2009 printed Trillions [and Billion] Series aren’t FIAT money, they’re “Promissory Notes”.

Each and every note says “Promise to pay the bearer on demand” [as seen above]. Therefore it is illegal in every country per UCC Law [Uniform Commercial Code] not to honor.”

This means once Zimbabwe reinstate their new currency on the Forex Market, you will be able to redeem them at the new value.

Same for Iraqi Dinar.

Same for Vietnamese Dong.

You cannot do anything with either currency until they are officially on the Forex.

What country just announced they are ready to intervene into the Forex? Vietnam.

What country also announced they are preparing to reintegration back on the Forex Market? Zimbabwe.

This is where the rubber meets the road for all of us. So please understand this basic point of this entire process. Any demonitized paper currency in their country is to pave the way for new redesigned currency with better security features and a new modern application for new value added for the citizens in that particular country.

Participating in the global forex market would allow for increased liquidity of the Zimbabwean dollar, making it easier for individuals and businesses to buy and sell the currency.

A gold-backed currency could help stabilize the value of the Zimbabwean dollar, especially if the country maintains sufficient gold reserves and manages its monetary policy effectively. This stability could be further enhanced by participation in the forex market.

A more stable and globally traded currency could make Zimbabwe a more attractive destination for foreign investment, which could help stimulate economic growth and development.

Rejoining the forex market would make it easier for Zimbabwean businesses to engage in international trade, as they would have access to a more widely accepted currency for transactions.

Participating in the global forex market would require Zimbabwe to adhere to international standards and best practices, which could help improve transparency and accountability in the country’s financial system.

By having a presence in the forex market, Zimbabwe could potentially gain better access to global financial markets, making it easier to borrow funds and access other financial resources.

This goes for all countries rejoining the foreign exchange markets with new gold backed currency.

Read full post here


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  Article quote:  "The dangers of the exchange rate fluctuations in the event that demands for floating the dinar are met..."  This is a topic that's been out there...fixed exchange rates...They're talking about a new exchange rate...fixed exchange rate or floating exchange rate.  They're talking about it for one reason, because a new exchange rate is coming...A. Are they going to float the currency?  B.  Are they going to peg it to a currency or a basket of currency and fix it?...

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:  Saleh is on the television right now...saying that the parallel market is almost at the official exchange rate and that is the rate they're seeking.  He calls on a floatation of the dinar saying to us this will get the rate where it needs to be.  FRANK:  Oh my goodness it doesn't get any better than that...This is a deeper explanation to you Iraqi citizens on the next steps of the monetary reform the CBI is accomplishing with you.  All of this was the result of the agreement from the CBI meeting at the US Treasury...

URGENT NEWS Old News Yet Urgent CBI Meeting

Edu Matrix:  5-3-2024

In March the CBI had a meeting w/the Finance Minister. Stay Until the End Read the Silent Message

LIVE! Are ATM's Running Out Of Cash? IS SOMETHING BIG ABOUT TO GO DOWN? Let's Talk...

Greg Mannarino:  5-3-2024

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