Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-2-24

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-2-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, May 2nd  and you're listening to the big call. Thank you satellite team for connecting everybody all over the globe. I know last Tuesday we heard that that we had to call out throughout Iraq. They were your confirmation that they got it there, and were listening. So that was kind of cool.  Of course, we think getting out to anywhere from 190 to 200 countries on every call with as many as 18 - 18 and a half million listeners. So we're really thrilled about that.

And thank you for listening big call universe for being here. Sue’s here – Bob’s here – I’m here - and we're ready to start a call. So let's do this. Let's all get into the attitude  of prayer and let's pray the call in.

All right, we're in the month of May  - May 2. Wow. Well, we're here. And the good news is that I have some good news for you.  What's, what's happening right now and of course, we're always basing this on modified shot gun start with our tier three bond holders that have been told they were getting their emails today and have not yet received them. So they haven't gone yet. We haven't gone yet.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 5-2-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, May 2nd  and you're listening to the big call. Thank you satellite team for connecting everybody all over the globe. I know last Tuesday we heard that that we had to call out throughout Iraq. They were your confirmation that they got it there, and were listening. So that was kind of cool.  Of course, we think getting out to anywhere from 190 to 200 countries on every call with as many as 18 - 18 and a half million listeners. So we're really thrilled about that.

And thank you for listening big call universe for being here. Sue’s here – Bob’s here – I’m here - and we're ready to start a call. So let's do this. Let's all get into the attitude  of prayer and let's pray the call in.

All right, we're in the month of May  - May 2. Wow. Well, we're here. And the good news is that I have some good news for you.  What's, what's happening right now and of course, we're always basing this on modified shot gun start with our tier three bond holders that have been told they were getting their emails today and have not yet received them. So they haven't gone yet. We haven't gone yet.

But what we are hearing  as of today is -  first let’s talk about Iraq - Iraq is tentatively -  based on acute education we received before this morning, Eastern Time. They are tentatively going to celebrate what's called financial inclusion – tomorrow –

Now, financial inclusion, to me sounds like they're part of the world system again - They're part of being a trading entity with a currency, the Iraqi dinar -  that has been revalue and is about to be put out with an international rate for everybody to see –

Now remember, we have the Iraqi dinar trading on the screens for weeks now. Or what the rates have been -  Are we know  -  we know that they've been  - today's bank screens and redemption center screens are showing the currencies flickering, the rates flickering on the screens.

That means they're changing. They're trading up or down and they're about to be tradable for us - so tentatively tomorrow, celebration for Financial Inclusion  to start in Iraq   That's good news.

Then we got some other information. - And this is about what -- remember we talked last Tuesday about the idea of the global takedown.

These were arrests that were occurring. I said that should take at least two or three more days. Hopefully none. But it should not affect our start. At least that's what I was told Tuesday.

Hopefully it does not affect our start. But what's interesting is one of the three letter agencies that begins with C was one of the ones that they are really doing their best to clean up.

This is a cleanup like I said, and President Trump is still a commander in chief CIC is doing what President Kennedy JFK had attempted to do, but was not able to complete - Trump has taken over that and is following up on that responsibility.  Still very much in the picture, and I heard I think yesterday that Arizona had overturned their election results from 2020.

( Small portion political not allowed)

The other thing I told you guys was we're waiting for three green lights.

Green light from military, green light from the Treasury, and green light from Wells Fargo, and then the email notifications  go out and we move through  the exchanges. Well, I didn't realize until yesterday – either I was not told – or it ws not clear to me - that the military gave the green light on Monday

So we have the Military green light -  that’s one down and two to go -  those.

We need treasury and we need Wells. And that is boom boom. Here we go  -- 800 numbers received – set appointments – and then do exchange

The same person who brought that information about that timing also said in a very short text very short.  All it said was  five / four, which is May 4  which is Saturday – 5/4  “Be Ready” - and that was it -  short and sweet. What does that tell us? I don’t  know  but its telling me I better be ready on Saturday --  we got to be ready for something –

Maybe that is when everything  is unleashed -  we get the other two green lights – and these emails come out -

So  that’s what I hoping – that;s what I hope it means -  5 / 4  BE READY!!

So intel looks good -  from Iraq”s perspective -  they are going to celebrate financial inclusion – starting tomorrow – if we’re getting action on the  global  takedown – on the third day of that -  like that started early, very early Tuesday morning – and it’s now Thursday night.  So we are in it to win it - and we're looking good  at as far as that goes. And guys, I think we are just about hopefully to hear about  the start of the emails.

Oh and the other thing about  the bond holders when they get  those emails  they will have access to 100 – 200  million dollars  of their account  - some of the bond holders  will have way more than that -  but that is their initial  amount  - maybe that 30 day  - I don’t know how many days -  but that is good news - they will have liquidity – we will have liquidity -  and as I mentioned earlier,  if we’re exchanging  - which we are -  redeeming zim  -  our Restitution and  Reclamation allowance is to be added on top of our exchange  - should be given - . Oh, by the way, here's your R & R - They should give some  explanation for it. And this is this amount. And that's  thrown on the pile and go on our total

 And the same thing could be true. I understand. If you're in prosperity and getting the prosperity package that also if you'd let them know, by the way  I’m  in prosperity, they should know that about you and then be able to add that amount to your total at the time of our exchange.

So that's  really everything I've got to  give you guys tonight  - there was a little piece of intel I was hoping to get  during the call that did not manifest. And there's a little bit more tonight but  it is late tonight

So I'm gonna say we’ve got enough to say grace over – it is national prayer day – so let’s pray this call out -  with a prayer for national prayer day for all of us . Okay.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-25-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:13:20 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-30-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   59:25

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-25-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:21:11

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-23-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:05:15

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-18-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  58:58

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-16-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   58:48

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-11-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:01:31

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-9-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:03:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-4-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:05:40

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 5-3-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 5-3-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

From Iraq:

"...of floating to achieve a homogeneous equilibrium exchange rate..."

This article talks about utilizing supply and demand to create a higher exchange rate to meet the demands for their currency currently taking place.

The global standard for raising a currency's price is 3 months. Iraq has reached a higher level of money velocity for the last 16 months.

This is putting price pressure on their currency. Currently, they are seeking more bilateral contracts to secure a position that would allow them to change their monetary policy.

Currently, "The General Directorate for Industrial Development (GDID), part of the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals, has granted 219 preliminary licenses for new industrial projects."

An industrial project is an investment to create, expand, and develop facilities that will increase the production of goods and services in a country.   Mawazin News   Iraq Business News

© Goldilocks


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 5-3-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

From Iraq:

"...of floating to achieve a homogeneous equilibrium exchange rate..."

This article talks about utilizing supply and demand to create a higher exchange rate to meet the demands for their currency currently taking place.

The global standard for raising a currency's price is 3 months. Iraq has reached a higher level of money velocity for the last 16 months.

This is putting price pressure on their currency. Currently, they are seeking more bilateral contracts to secure a position that would allow them to change their monetary policy.

Currently, "The General Directorate for Industrial Development (GDID), part of the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals, has granted 219 preliminary licenses for new industrial projects."

An industrial project is an investment to create, expand, and develop facilities that will increase the production of goods and services in a country.   Mawazin News   Iraq Business News

© Goldilocks

"New OTC Derivatives Reporting Regime Goes Live in the EU"

The European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) is an EU regulation programmed to reduce systemic counterparty and operational risk has gone live in Europe.

The Derivatives Market is now being required to be more transparent than ever before in the reporting of the assets they exchange between parties.

The OTC Derivatives Market does include foreign currency exchanges. Our exchanges will be more transparent going forward and much safer.  Mondo Visione   EY  
© Goldilocks


MICA is currently giving us a digital framework by regulating current prices on the new digital economy. They are also securing our new digital economy as well as many other facets of the QFS.

It is a Government Intervention on assets across all sectors of the market. Below is a brief summary of the overall picture.

Some of our assets are overinflated while others are way undervalued such as foreign currencies in the eastern half of the world. Regulations will help level the playing field going forward.

Governments can regulate the price of assets such as fiat currencies through buying and selling actions (supply and demand) in international markets.

And, they can create regulations as we are seeing now to control excessive enthusiasm for an asset class that correlates with the cost of doing business.

Price controls keep assets from being pushed up in price through a group of people manipulating its price pressures through speculation.

The overall purpose of regulating the new digital economy will be to allow utility to drive the price through supply and demand bringing our assets into real values across every sector of the market.
Esma Europa   Investopedia

© Goldilocks

We are beginning to see more projects coming into play that focus on the infrastructure needs of countries.  Base22

This will create sustainable financing for the new digital economy.

© Goldilocks


New Challenges for the Bering Strait | USNI 


"There’s so much going on in the international currency markets right now. I stopped riding the guru roller coaster a while ago because it’s just not healthy. But you have to be blind not to see what even the mainstream media is revealing about issues central to our speculation in currencies. We are close. But no one knows the day. So spend this time preparing yourself so that when you get to your appointments you are ready for them, and your life to follow. "  Bob Lock  Bob Lock Telegram room 


Russia Finalizes Draft Law on Cryptocurrency Mining Regulation | Coin Market Cap


FIA urges CFTC to regulate use cases rather than AI itself - FinanceFeeds


Aif Regulations: Sebi allows AIFs to pledge shares in invested cos in infra sector |  ET BFSI


What Is Infrastructure? | Youtube





Gold paper & physical markets finally disconnect - here's why Youtube


100% CERTAIN: Huge Gold & Silver News from China & Russia - Simon Hunt | Youtube


Project Raven, launched by the BIS Innovation Hub Nordic Centre, aims to create a new solution to help authorities comprehensively assess the cyber security and resilience maturity readiness of their countries' financial systems. | BIS


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Friday Afternoon 5-3-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Friday Afternoon 5-3-24

Donald Trump Take Action About IQD RV – 3:14

Iraqi Dinar Latest Exchange Rate – 4:12

Iraq President Announce IQD Rate – 3:42

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Friday Afternoon 5-3-24

Donald Trump Take Action About IQD RV – 3:14

Iraqi Dinar Latest Exchange Rate – 4:12

Iraq President Announce IQD Rate – 3:42

Donald Trump Take Action About IQD RV – 3:14

Iraqi Dinar Latest Exchange Rate – 4:12

Iraq President Announce IQD Rate – 3:42

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Economist’s “News and Views” Friday 5-3-2024

Will Higher Taxes Crash Markets? Is The Fed Losing Independence? Economist Steve Hanke Answers

David Lin:  5-3-2024

Steve Hanke, Professor of Applied Economics, addresses a supposed 10-page document outlining a "secret" plan to curtail the Federal Reserve's independence, as well as rising inflation concerns and monetary policy outlook.

Will Higher Taxes Crash Markets? Is The Fed Losing Independence? Economist Steve Hanke Answers

David Lin:  5-3-2024

Steve Hanke, Professor of Applied Economics, addresses a supposed 10-page document outlining a "secret" plan to curtail the Federal Reserve's independence, as well as rising inflation concerns and monetary policy outlook.

0:00 - Intro

0:38 - the Fed

13:24 - Capital gains tax increases

31:16 - Inflation and monetary policy

35:58 - Cantillon Effect

 42:17 - Argentina's budget surplus

EXPECT BANK RUNS: HUNDREDS of US Banks WILL FAIL and Face Bank Deposit Runs Soon

Lena Petrova:  5-3-2024

BRICS - who’s behind the curtain - LFTV Ep 171

Kinesis Money: 

In this week’s episode of Live from the Vault, Andrew Maguire guides viewers through the community’s inquiries regarding the short, medium and long-term prospects for physical gold prices.

The seasoned precious metals expert unveils the behind-the-scenes manoeuvres influencing gold and silver markets, providing insights into the forthcoming BRICS currency, and offering a glimpse into what lies ahead.


 00:00 Start

02:05 BRICS currency update

 08:15 Forced Basel III NSFR compliance coming to a head?

14:30 How has the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) viewed the recent price breakout? 19:50 The physical market is driving these changes

 24:40 What Andrew is seeing in the markets for the short-term

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Friday 5-3-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 3 May 2024 Compiled Fri. 3 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:  (RUMORS)

Thurs. 2 May Wolverine: “I just received great news from Brazil. It’s going to be the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. We will soon be crossing the finish line. Get ready. A lot of things are happening. There are a lot of people under NDAs. My sources, which include the Central Bank of Brazil, say it’s looking good. I have absolute faith we will have good news by Fri. 3 May. Everything is ready to go. Everyone is happy. I’m very confident that this is our week.”

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 3 May 2024

Compiled Fri. 3 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:  (RUMORS)

Thurs. 2 May Wolverine: “I just received great news from Brazil. It’s going to be the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. We will soon be crossing the finish line. Get ready. A lot of things are happening. There are a lot of people under NDAs. My sources, which include the Central Bank of Brazil, say it’s looking good. I have absolute faith we will have good news by Fri. 3 May. Everything is ready to go. Everyone is happy. I’m very confident that this is our week.”

Thurs. 2 May MarkZ: “Iraq has been quiet since they told us to expect a rate change in their markets …and it’s now up to the CBI as to “when”. …then they went quiet…Quiet is not a bad thing right now…They did let us know recently that they have a new banking system prepped and ready to go. And they have distributed millions of cards to people to use for banking.”

Thurs. 2 May Bruce: The Iraqi Dinar has been trading for weeks on the bank back screens. Iraq was tentatively going to celebrate what they call their Financial Inclusion on Fri. 3 May 2024. On Mon. 29 April the Military was given the Green Light (to begin Operation Storm). An email was sent to Bruce that said to be ready on Sat. 4 May.

Thurs. 2 May Iraq is allowing the Dinar to float to close the gap between the official exchange rate and the parallel market rate.

Thurs. 2 May JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, “Bitcoin is a fraud. There is no hope for Bitcoin as a currency.”

Thurs. 2 May Ariel: Gold is the basis for a good backed currency. Unlike fiat currencies, which can be printed by Central Banks, gold has a finite supply. The scarcity of gold means that its value is not as easily eroded by inflation. Gold has intrinsic value due to its rarity, durability, and universal acceptance. This intrinsic value helps gold maintain its purchasing power over time, even in the face of rising prices. This is why 43+ states are adopting the Gold Standard. Hold on to those Zim-Bonds because the next step is rejoining the Forex market.

Iraqi Dinar RV/RI: The Central Bank of Iraq on Iraqi Dinar Currency Exchange. Dr. Shabibi responds to a Revaluation and Redenomination questions back in 2011:

Thurs. 2 May: Basel III: The End! Redemption News – Currency Revaluation and Redemption in a Surveillance State – American Media Group (


Thurs. 2 May 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#, 667-770-18

Tier 3 Bond Holders have not yet recieved their emails.

The Iraqi Dinar has been trading for weeks on the bank back screens.

Iraq was tentatively going to celebrate what they call their Financial Inclusion on Fri. 3 May 2024.

We are waiting for the Green light for Military, Treasury and Wells Fargo, then the email notifications for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will go out. On Mon. 29 April the Military was given the Green Light.

An email was sent to Bruce that said to be ready on Sat. 4 May.

Tier4b R&R funds will be given at your exchange.

Read full post here


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:  Saleh is on the television right now...saying that the parallel market is almost at the official exchange rate and that is the rate they're seeking.  He calls on a floatation of the dinar saying to us this will get the rate where it needs to be.  FRANK:  Oh my goodness it doesn't get any better than that...This is a deeper explanation to you Iraqi citizens on the next steps of the monetary reform the CBI is accomplishing with you.  All of this was the result of the agreement from the CBI meeting at the US Treasury...

Mnt Goat    In what they have already accomplished just in the last 16 months, it would be silly to turn back now. Amazing progress in such a short period of time compared to 30 years. They have come further than ever before. I say this not for hype or for the sake of being overzealous. Instead, I stick to the FACTS of what the news has been telling us recently and what my CBI contact has been telling us...Iraq has kicked the proverbial can down the road long enough and it is time...time to go global...Iraq will not survive unless they do something BIG with their currency soon and I mean very soon!

The Debt Bubble Crisis Is HERE

Lynette Zang:  5-2-2024

The debt bubble crisis is upon us.

Rising delinquencies and skyrocketing household debt could be signs we are heading toward another Great Financial Crisis like in 2008. Let's talk about it....

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 05/03/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 05/03/2024

Member: Happy FriYay everyone

Member: Are we there yet??????? sigh

​​Member: Who says Iraq has to go first? These other countries may be tired of them dragging

Member: I know we are all tired of it

Member: Mark do you feel they are doing this in pieces ….or will it be a shotgun start?

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 05/03/2024

Member: Happy FriYay everyone

Member: Are we there yet??????? sigh

​​Member: Who says Iraq has to go first? These other countries may be tired of them dragging

Member: I know we are all tired of it

Member: Mark do you feel they are doing this in pieces ….or will it be a shotgun start?

MZ: I think they may be preparing different parts piecemeal so there can be a shotgun start. Meaning they get funded at the same time.

MZ: I do have an update from some redemption folks. They are on call this weekend…but not scheduled to work.

MZ: We are hoping for more news this weekend….or maybe they could just go ahead and give us the rate.

Member: Bu May 9th- the rumor is they could ascend to full member of the World Trade organization.

MZ: Nader put out a good video last night during our podcast. About financial inclusion and getting paid out- meaning they have started paying their retirees and disabled, welfare ect…they finally have money moving where it is supposed to on all those fronts. And all the progress they have made getting CBI salaries to people.

MZ: They are competing everything they need for  world trade and ascension , and all the settlements they have made to get out of chapter 8 after the invasion of Kuwait.  Phenomenal progress has been made.

Member: (Dinar Guru) Mnt Goat    In what they have already accomplished just in the last 16 months, it would be silly to turn back now. Amazing progress in such a short period of time compared to 30 years. They have come further than ever before. I say this not for hype or for the sake of being overzealous. Instead, I stick to the FACTS of what the news has been telling us recently and what my CBI contact has been telling us...Iraq has kicked the proverbial can down the road long enough and it is time...time to go global...Iraq will not survive unless they do something BIG with their currency soon and I mean very soon!

MZ: I couldn’t agree more. Progress over the last 16 months has been stunning

Member: Can you explain Tiers I keep hearing about 1, 2, 3, 4? In reference to the Dinar

Member: I had saved this from last year:  There are 5 Tiers of folks Exchanging. Tier 1-governments and royalty Tier 2-whales-elite with platforms of currency, corporations, etc. Tier 3-Admirals Group, American Indians, CMKX, large church groups (like the Mormons), etc. Tier 4-all the hundreds of thousands paying attention to intel - internet groups(all of us). Tier 5- those who never paid attn - the general public.

Member: It sure would be nice to have the RV this weekend

Member: Keep those positive thoughts flowing!

Member: Thanks Mark, Mods and Mr. C!

Mr. Cotterell and CBD Gurus join the stream today. Please listen to the replay for their information and opinions.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

7 Surprising Money ‘Rules’ Most People Don’t Know (But Should)

7 Surprising Money ‘Rules’ Most People Don’t Know (But Should)

Sarah Bourassa   Thu, May 2, 2024

You’ve probably heard common financial advice like keeping a budget and trying not to spend more than you make. But other tips aren’t as well-known that can help you save a lot of money and create a financially healthy life.

From daily hacks to long-term tips, we talked to financial experts about not-so-obvious money advice they follow. Here’s what to know:

1. Sometimes you have to spend more to save more.

“A low price on a lousy product is actually a terrible deal because you will end up spending more, in the long run, to replace cheaply made items that break easily,” Andrea Woroch, a consumer-finance and budgeting expert, told HuffPost. “Focus on quality and spend more if it means it will last.” 

7 Surprising Money ‘Rules’ Most People Don’t Know (But Should)

Sarah Bourassa   Thu, May 2, 2024

You’ve probably heard common financial advice like keeping a budget and trying not to spend more than you make. But other tips aren’t as well-known that can help you save a lot of money and create a financially healthy life.

From daily hacks to long-term tips, we talked to financial experts about not-so-obvious money advice they follow. Here’s what to know:

1. Sometimes you have to spend more to save more.

“A low price on a lousy product is actually a terrible deal because you will end up spending more, in the long run, to replace cheaply made items that break easily,” Andrea Woroch, a consumer-finance and budgeting expert, told HuffPost. “Focus on quality and spend more if it means it will last.” 

Woroch tries to save on quality merchandise by shopping second-hand for name brands. For big-ticket items, she recommends taking advantage of retail sales events (like Amazon Prime Day) and buying seasonal items (like patio furniture and winter clothing) at the end of the season. Other tips: Participate in free loyalty programs and search for online coupons before making a purchase.

2. Don’t be too restrictive with your budget, and don’t try to change it all at once.

“Although a detailed budget keeps you on track to meet your financial goals, one that is too restrictive will actually backfire quickly due to burnout,” Woroch explained. “[And] if you try to change all your spending habits overnight, it will be difficult to stick to the plan.”

Instead, she suggests making a few small changes to your spending and savings habits — and then building on these once they become routine.

She said it’s also important to make room in your budget for expenses that matter to you. For example, if a dinner date with a friend or partner is a priority, keep this in your budget. Find other ways to cut down on spending, like canceling unused subscriptions and unplugging gadgets to decrease energy bills.

3. Beware of convenient methods of payment, like auto-renew.

“It’s extraordinarily easy now in our society to spend money without thinking about it,” said Anne Lester, author of “Your Best Financial Life.” “You can sign up for auto-renew … you see something cute on Instagram, you go tap and boom, you bought it.”

But being able to buy things too easily can lead to unconscious spending. Instead, Lester advises slowing yourself down to make spending money more of a conscious decision.

One way she does this is to always create a shopping list before she goes into a store or buys items online. For online shopping, she suggests setting aside a specific time once a week to make purchases. When reviewing your list, ask yourself: Do I really need this? Is there a tangible moment when I know I’ll use this? Just making the list will give you time to reflect on whether the purchase is worthwhile.

For subscriptions, it can be easy to forget ones set to “auto-renew.” Lester suggests doing a “subscription cleanse” periodically, reviewing all your subscriptions and canceling the ones you’re no longer using.

Being too restrictive with your budget may actually backfire.

4. Automate saving money instead of letting it sit in your checking account.

To Read More:

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Friday Morning 5-3-2024


Tishwash:  Specialist: Floating the dinar is economic suicide

Economist Muhammad Hashem Helou confirmed that the central bank cannot float the dinar exchange rate.

Helu said, "The Central Bank of Iraq cannot think about floating the exchange rate because it will abandon its only influential tool in light of the weakness and disruption of other economic tools."

He added that the exchange rate is the nominal stabilizer of monetary policy in Iraq, and thinking about abandoning it is economic suicide, and the bank cannot even think about that.

He continued, adding that floating the exchange rate in the presence of a parallel market and large speculators, and the presence of people who own billions of dinars and others who own billions of dollars, will lead to a sharp decline in the value of the currency, high levels of inflation, and rising prices  link


Tishwash:  Specialist: Floating the dinar is economic suicide

Economist Muhammad Hashem Helou confirmed that the central bank cannot float the dinar exchange rate.

Helu said, "The Central Bank of Iraq cannot think about floating the exchange rate because it will abandon its only influential tool in light of the weakness and disruption of other economic tools."

He added that the exchange rate is the nominal stabilizer of monetary policy in Iraq, and thinking about abandoning it is economic suicide, and the bank cannot even think about that.

He continued, adding that floating the exchange rate in the presence of a parallel market and large speculators, and the presence of people who own billions of dinars and others who own billions of dollars, will lead to a sharp decline in the value of the currency, high levels of inflation, and rising prices  link

Tishwash:  Economic: The fixed dollar exchange rate depletes Iraq's foreign currency reserves

Economist Manar Al-Obaidi confirmed that the fixed dollar exchange rate adopted by Iraq depletes the country's foreign currency reserves.

Al-Obaidi said, “The only thing that is completely under the control of the Iraqi state is the exchange rate, which forcefully drains all foreign reserves to maintain an imaginary fixed price that traders benefit from to increase their profit margin.”

He added, "I never called for following a free-float policy. Rather, I called for a start to follow a compensation policy managed with a small volatility factor and gradually work to increase it until complete liberalization is reached."

He continued, “The alternative to maintaining the fixed exchange rate is to continue depleting the reserves until they run out and the oil market is exposed to very expected future fluctuations. Then, will we be forced, not given the choice, to an absolute floatation of the currency or a shocking reduction in the exchange rate, as happened in 2020, and then the risks will be greater and greater   link


Tishwash:  Al-Sudani: There is no alternative to upholding the state’s word, protecting the constitution, and enforcing the law in Iraq

 Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani stressed, on Friday, the necessity of what he called “upholding the word of the state, protecting the constitution, and enforcing the law” in Iraq.

This came in a speech he delivered during the celebration held today in the capital, Baghdad, on the occasion of the anniversary of the founding of the Asaib Ahl al-Haq movement.

Al-Sudani said in the speech, “The government is moving, supported by broad parliamentary and popular will, towards achieving sustainable development.”

He added, “Our country is moving today to the stage of production, building infrastructure, stimulating the economy, creating job opportunities, confronting challenges, and consolidating sovereignty.”

Al-Sudani also stressed that “we all bear the task of enforcing the law, and building the edifice of justice, equality, and institutional stability,” stressing that “there is no alternative to upholding the word of the state, protecting the constitution, and enforcing the law in the country.”    link


Tishwash:  In Financial Inclusion Week, Al-Rafidain encourages the use of electronic payment in citizens’ transactions

Rafidain Bank participated in the activities of the Financial Inclusion Week in the presence of a wide range of financial and banking institutions.

During the participation of its special pavilion in commercial centers, gatherings and other places, the bank reviewed its services and products, including opening bank accounts, adopting electronic payment and collection, encouraging the use of electronic cards to reduce cash transactions, and introducing the importance of citizens saving their money in the bank instead of hoarding it at home. 

In addition to the presence of a specialized team to answer citizens’ inquiries about other services.

Participation aims to educate the public about the importance of financial inclusion and the spread of banking culture to the furthest reaches of the country to include all segments of society.   link

Mot: ..... Just Saying!!!!

Mot: ... the learning Never Stops fer Sure!!!! 

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan:Iraq Dinar Update - Expectation - Implementation - Activation - New Exchange Rate Fixed or Float -

Iraq Dinar Update - Expectation - Implementation - Activation - New Exchange Rate Fixed or Float -

MilitiaMan and Crew: 5-2-2024

The Crew: Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraq Dinar Update - Expectation - Implementation - Activation - New Exchange Rate Fixed or Float -

MilitiaMan and Crew:  5-2-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Thursday Evening 5-2-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Thursday Evening 5-2-24

Away From Oil.” The Iraqi Prime Minister Calls For A Diversified Economic Transformation

Economy     Iraq     breaking     Oil     Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani   2024-05-01 04:24  Shafaq News/ Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani stressed, on Wednesday, the necessity of shifting from dependence on oil to a diversified economy.

 This came during the opening of the continuous casting factory/first phase, at the General Company for Steel Industries, in the Taji area, north of the capital, Baghdad, after it was rehabilitated, modernized and operated, with a production capacity of up to 600 thousand tons annually.

 According to a statement issued by the Prime Minister’s Office and received by Shafaq News Agency,

 the casting factory specializes in “melting and casting piles of scrap and converting them into iron billets (bilt) as a primary product ready for rolling, by investing in iron scrap, as it contains smelting furnaces and giant casting machines from the latest origins.” Global, and

 this project will work to meet the country’s need for various iron products, provide job opportunities, and provide financial inputs to the General Company for Steel Industries, as a free share of revenues.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Thursday Evening 5-2-24

Away From Oil.” The Iraqi Prime Minister Calls For A Diversified Economic Transformation

Economy     Iraq     breaking     Oil     Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani   2024-05-01 04:24  Shafaq News/ Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani stressed, on Wednesday, the necessity of shifting from dependence on oil to a diversified economy.

 This came during the opening of the continuous casting factory/first phase, at the General Company for Steel Industries, in the Taji area, north of the capital, Baghdad, after it was rehabilitated, modernized and operated, with a production capacity of up to 600 thousand tons annually.

 According to a statement issued by the Prime Minister’s Office and received by Shafaq News Agency,

 the casting factory specializes in “melting and casting piles of scrap and converting them into iron billets (bilt) as a primary product ready for rolling, by investing in iron scrap, as it contains smelting furnaces and giant casting machines from the latest origins.” Global, and

 this project will work to meet the country’s need for various iron products, provide job opportunities, and provide financial inputs to the General Company for Steel Industries, as a free share of revenues.

 The ceremony included the signing of a partnership contract to establish a complex fertilizer production project in Baiji, Salah al-Din Governorate, with the Emirati company (ARJ Holding LLC), with a production capacity of (249) thousand tons annually of types of complex phosphate fertilizers, which will contribute to supporting the agricultural sector and meeting the local need for fertilizers. Fertilizers, in addition to employing labor.

 During the opening ceremony, the Prime Minister saluted the working class in Iraq on the occasion of International Labor Day, and affirmed the commitment of the state and the government to caring for workers’ economic and social rights, stressing that the working class was part of the construction process at various stages, and at all levels in the sectors. Private, government and mixed.

 He stated that the continuous casting factory came in partnership with the private sector, appreciating the role of the Ministry of Industry and the Minister and the capabilities of its workers, stressing the importance of moving strongly towards partnership with the private sector. To break out of previous traditional contexts.

 Return of life to the steel industries

 Al-Sudani explained that the continuous casting factory is the backbone for moving towards securing the needs of the rest of the industries and what the local market needs, stressing the return of life to the General Company for Steel Industries, through this factory, and we are waiting for the rolling mill project to be completed and to provide the types of iron that the local market needs..

 Al-Sudani said, "We welcome our brothers and friends from the private sector in Iraq, and I applaud their step to invest with the companies of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals." He added,

 “We have made important strides in guaranteeing the rights of workers at the level of legislation, the most important of which is the Labor Law, and the Retirement and Social Security Law for Workers, which was voted on in 2023,” explaining that

 “The Social Security Law represents a qualitative leap in the level of guaranteeing rights in accordance with the standards of the International Labor Organization.” And the Arab Labor Organization. Al-Sudani also said,

  “His government has set industry as a goal in economic reform, based on several facts. Iraq is an industrial country just as it is an oil and agricultural country,” adding,

 “All the industrial components are available in Iraq, from raw materials and infrastructure to the industrial base to which the state has contributed significantly.” big".

He continued,   "We have a market that needs all products, goods and services," stressing that

 "the government is continuing to support the industrial sector, and the important investment opportunities announced by the Ministry of Industry are reaping their fruits today." He pointed out,

 "We previously opened the rolling mill at the General Iron and Steel Company after stopping since 2003, and we are preparing to open the steel factory after completing its rehabilitation in the company itself." He added,


 "We opened the Dab fertilizer line factory, which secures the needs of the agricultural process in Iraq, as well as the urea fertilizer line," declaring

 "reaching the stage of self-sufficiency in securing the fertilizers needed by the official agricultural plan." The Prime Minister continued,

  “Within the current contracts, we are heading to the production of complex fertilizer, which will provide the fertilizer needs of farmers,” noting that

 “several measures have been taken that contributed to the start of the localization of the pharmaceutical industry, after conducting a review with producers in the private sector.” Al-Sudani said,

  “We described this year as a year of achievements, and we implemented it in word and deed by opening many projects,” noting that

 “a large number of projects returned to work, after they had been idle for years, due to mismanagement, neglect, or failure to make decisions in projects.” a task". He stressed,

 "We have no choice but to support industry, agriculture, trade, and tourism to achieve the transition from a country dependent on oil revenues to a diversified economy." He pointed out that

 "the readings of international financial institutions on the high growth indicators in Iraq are evidence of the correctness of the government's path in following this policy," adding,

 "Without the private sector, which is financially and technically capable, we will not be able to accomplish the tasks in the planned manner."اقتصـاد/بعيدا-عن-النفط-ر-يس-الوزرا-العراقي-يدعو-لتحول-اقتصادي-متنوع          

Rentier-Seeking" Hits Iraq's Economy Despite Trillion-Dollar Revenues

Economy     Iraqi economy     Rentier economy     Oil revenues     Non-oil revenues

2024-04-29 01:37  Shafaq News/ The Federal Ministry of Finance revealed, on Monday, that the volume of Iraqi revenues in the budget exceeded 20 trillion dinars within two months, while confirming that the

 oil contribution to the budget had risen to 91%. Shafaq News Agency followed the

data and tables issued by the Ministry of Finance in April for the January and February accounts of the current fiscal year,

 which showed that oil is still the main resource for Iraq’s general budget, reaching 91%, which indicates that the rentier economy is the basis of the country’s general budget..

 The financial tables showed that the total revenues in January and February amounted to 20 trillion, 465 billion, 480 million, 278 thousand and 344 dinars.

 They also indicated that the total expenditures with advances amounted to two trillion, 752 billion, 731 million and 419 thousand dinars.

 According to the financial tables, oil revenues amounted to 18 trillion, 678 billion, 903 million, and 892 thousand dinars, which constitute 91% of the general budget, while non-oil revenues amounted to 1 trillion, 786 billion, 576 million, and 385 thousand dinars.

 In this regard, economic expert Muhammad Al-Hassani told Shafaq News Agency,

 “Iraq cannot get out of the cycle of rentier economy due to the lack of infrastructure for the industrial and agricultural economic sectors and the absence of a real investor,” adding that

 “the surplus funds in the general budget are not directed towards... Investment, but rather towards expenditure.

 The Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed in March 2021, in an interview with Shafaq News Agency, that the

 reasons for the economy remaining rentier are due to wars and the imposition of the economic blockade on Iraq during the past era and the political conflicts we are witnessing today, which led to the dispersion of... for economic resources.

 The Iraqi state’s continued reliance on oil as the sole source of the general budget puts Iraq at risk from the global crises that occur from time to time because oil is affected by them,

 which makes the country tend every time to cover the deficit through borrowing from abroad or within, and   thus indicates the inability to Managing state funds effectively, and the inability to find alternative financing solutions.اقتصـاد/الريعي-يضرب-اقتصاد-العراق-رغم-ال-يرادات-التريليونية   

 Through Electronic Payment... Sales Of Petroleum Products Exceed The Trillion Dinars Barrier

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  The Petroleum Products Distribution Company announced today, Thursday, that it has crossed the trillion dinars barrier through its sales through electronic payment devices.

A statement from the company received by Al-Eqtisad News stated, “After a full year has passed since the launch of the electronic collection project at the Petroleum Products Distribution Company, and with the efforts of the team responsible for the project and its management, the company’s sales for the month of April reached a total amount of approximately 415 billion dinars, achieving a noticeable increase.” 67 percent over sales in the previous March.

He added, "The total sales of the Petroleum Products Distribution Company since the start of the electronic collection project exceeded one trillion dinars." Views 183   Added 05/02/2024 -


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Provoking Thoughts and Points to Ponder on Wealth

He that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.  - Bible

I glory more in the coming purchase of my wealth than in the glad possession.- Ben Jonson

I'll fares the land, to hastening ills of prey Where wealth accumulates, and men decay.  - Oliver Goldsmith

It is the wretchedness of being rich that you have to live with rich people.  - Logan Pearsall Smith

One cannot both feast and become rich. - Ashanti proverb

Poor men seek meat for their stomach, rich men stomach for their meat.  - Old saying

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Thursday Evening 5-2-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Thursday Evening 5-2-24

Celebrating Wells Fargo & Citibank Windows Open – 4:16

WOW $3.60 to $3.90 USD For The Dinar Fully Revealed – 2:10

Massive Announcement From CBI Governor – 2:32

Chase Bank BIG Announcement On IQD New Exchange Rate – 4:08

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Thursday Evening 5-2-24

Celebrating Wells Fargo & Citibank Windows Open – 4:16

WOW $3.60 to $3.90 USD For The Dinar Fully Revealed – 2:10

Massive Announcement From CBI Governor – 2:32

Chase Bank BIG Announcement On IQD New Exchange Rate – 4:08

 Celebrating Wells Fargo & Citibank Windows Open – 4:16

WOW $3.60 to $3.90 USD For The Dinar Fully Revealed – 2:10

Massive Announcement From CBI Governor – 2:32

Chase Bank BIG Announcement On IQD New Exchange Rate – 4:08

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