Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Late Tuesday Evening 4-30-24

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Late Tuesday Evening 4-30-24

Iraqi dinar holders hold tight rate at $3.22 – 2:16

Iraqi dinar Big Rate On Screen Now – 2:28

Iraqi Dinar Starting Pay Off It’s Big Time – 2:33 

Vietnam Dong Holders Celebrate Your Time – 1:23

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Late Tuesday Evening 4-30-24

Iraqi dinar holders hold tight rate at $3.22 – 2:16

Iraqi dinar Big Rate On Screen Now – 2:28

Iraqi Dinar Starting Pay Off It’s Big Time – 2:33 

Vietnam Dong Holders Celebrate Your Time – 1:23

 Iraqi dinar holders hold tight rate at $3.22 – 2:16

Iraqi dinar Big Rate On Screen Now – 2:28

Iraqi Dinar Starting Pay Off It’s Big Time – 2:33

Vietnam Dong Holders Celebrate Your Time – 1:23

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday Afternoon 4-30-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday Afternoon 4-30-24

An Economist Explains The Reason For The Decline In The Price Of The Dollar Against The Iraqi Dinar

Political | 30/04/2024   Mawazine News - Baghdad,  economic expert Nabil Jabbar Al-Tamimi, on Tuesday, attributed the reason for the decline in the price of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar to the increase in sales of the Central Bank, noting that most traders went to the official market for the dollar.

Al-Tamimi told Mawazine News, “The drop in prices came as a result of the Central Bank selling more than 270 million dollars a day,” pointing out that “the Sudanese visit to Washington has nothing to do with the matter.”

He continued, "The increase in sales at the Central Bank indicates that many traders left the parallel market and headed towards the official market, which led to a decrease in its prices in the local market."

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday Afternoon 4-30-24

An Economist Explains The Reason For The Decline In The Price Of The Dollar Against The Iraqi Dinar

Political | 30/04/2024   Mawazine News - Baghdad,  economic expert Nabil Jabbar Al-Tamimi, on Tuesday, attributed the reason for the decline in the price of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar to the increase in sales of the Central Bank, noting that most traders went to the official market for the dollar.

Al-Tamimi told Mawazine News, “The drop in prices came as a result of the Central Bank selling more than 270 million dollars a day,” pointing out that “the Sudanese visit to Washington has nothing to do with the matter.”

He continued, "The increase in sales at the Central Bank indicates that many traders left the parallel market and headed towards the official market, which led to a decrease in its prices in the local market."

Economist: The Central Bank Committed A Massacre Against Private Banks At The Expense Of Foreign Ones

Political |  04/30/2024   Mawazine News - Baghdad.. Economic expert Mustafa Akram Hantoush was surprised, on Tuesday, by the Central Bank’s continued granting of dollar licenses to foreign companies and the neglect of Iraqi banks.

Hantoush said to Mawazine News, “The Central Bank of Iraq is required today to reveal the list of dollar sales on the platform that He supervises it, so that the Iraqi people know which banks are holding the dollar.”

He pointed out that “the Central Bank of Iraq, instead of strengthening the work of Iraqi banks, went towards supporting foreign banks, which are Jordanian, which swallowed up the Iraqi banks and confused the market,” pointing out that “Jordanian banks will control 95 percent of the market compared to 5 percent for Iraqi banks, and this is competition.” unfair".

Hantoush concludes, “There is a major campaign undertaken by Jordanian banks to acquire human resources in Iraqi banks, and this is due to the policy of the Central Bank.”

The United States intervened in the movement of the dollar in Iraq to limit its smuggling, and more than once imposed sanctions on private Iraqi banks and removed them from the currency window, which led to a decline in the Central Bank’s sales. The Central Bank also took several measures and opened an electronic window for merchants.

In the middle of last month, the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, revealed meetings with the US Treasury to reconsider the sanctions on Iraqi banks, pointing out that these sanctions should not be issued in the future except after discussing and informing the Central Bank of Iraq, as it is concerned with monitoring their activity.

Al-Sudani Chairs A Meeting To Follow Up On The Outcomes Of The Washington Visit

Tuesday 30, April 2024 23:02 | Political Number of readings: 143  Baghdad / NINA / Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired, this evening, Tuesday, a meeting that included a number of his advisors, to follow up on the outcomes of his recent visit to Washington.

The meeting discussed, according to a statement by the Prime Minister’s Office, the file of the Washington visit, and the follow-up of the implementation of the agreements and understandings concluded by the official Iraqi delegation, headed by the Prime Minister, with the American side, during the last visit, based on the government’s approach to closely following up on all the files it is working on, including “What is related to foreign relations and understandings with the governments of countries, the latest of which is the file of the relationship with the United States.”

The meeting witnessed a discussion of the results of the meetings of the Supreme Coordination Committee (HCC), concerned with activating the framework agreement between Iraq and the United States with its seven axes, as well as a discussion of the file of the important economic partnership held by the private sector.

Al-Sudani stressed the importance of following up on the understandings reached between Iraq and the United States in many areas, in order to arrange the bilateral relationship, in a way that serves the highest interests of Iraq.

Al -Sudani stressed the need to benefit from the competencies that the Iraqi communities abound in Reconstruction campaigns and service provision, and in implementing the priorities of the government program, and described these competencies as idle wealth.

The Prime Minister directed the advisors to arrange priorities in following up on the outcomes of the Washington visit, and that each advisor should follow up on a specific file, along with the relevant ministry and the Iraqi embassy in Washington, and raise the number of priorities in following up on the outcomes of the Washington visit.

What has been achieved, he also directed to appoint a special secretariat for the Higher Coordination Committee (HSS), and to emphasize the continuation of periodic meetings, to follow up and review what has been accomplished./End 9

The Government Hires An External Auditor For The Trade Bank Of Iraq

Economy | 04/30/2024   Mawazine News – Baghdad  The Council of Ministers announced, today, Tuesday, the approval of contracting with an external auditor for the Trade Bank of Iraq; For the purpose of auditing the bank accounts.

A statement from the Prime Minister’s Media Office received by Mawazine News stated, “Within the framework of financial and administrative reform decisions, and what is related to reforming the banking sector, the Council approved, according to the statement, what was recorded in the letter of the Prime Minister’s Office on April 3, 2024, regarding contracting with an auditor.”

 External to the Iraqi Trade Bank, for the purpose of auditing the bank’s accounts, as the bank deals with a network of reputable international banks.”

Today, Tuesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired the eighteenth regular session of the Council of Ministers.


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit :


 Provoking Thoughts and Points To Ponder on Character:

The great hope of society is individual character.  - William Ellery Channing

 You must look into people as well as at them.  - Lord Chesterfield

Human improvement is from within outward.  - James Froude

Talent is nurtured in solitude; character is formed in the stormy billows of the world.  - Goethe

 Only what we have wrought into our character during life can we take away with us.  - Wilhelm von Humboldt

Every man has three characters - that which he exhibits, that which he has, and that which he thinks he has.  - Alphonse Karr

Not in the clamor of the crowded street, Not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng, But in ourselves, are triumph and defeat.  - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 4-30-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 4-30-24 Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Department at the Central Bank of Iraq and the Association of Private Banks organized the activities of the Arab Financial Inclusion Week at Al-Muthanna University - College of Management and Economics, in cooperation with the International Labor Organization. The events included a seminar to introduce financial inclusion, a lecture on electronic payment and digital inclusion, as well as various lectures on financial stability, financial education, and the green economy project, in addition to concessional financing services for young entrepreneurs and businessmen. It is noteworthy that these activities come within the Financial Inclusion Week, which began on April 27 and continues until May 2, with the aim of enhancing financial awareness and promoting financial inclusion in Iraqi society.   Central Bank of Iraq   Information Office   30 - April - 2024


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 4-30-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Department at the Central Bank of Iraq and the Association of Private Banks organized the activities of the Arab Financial Inclusion Week at Al-Muthanna University - College of Management and Economics, in cooperation with the International Labor Organization.

The events included a seminar to introduce financial inclusion, a lecture on electronic payment and digital inclusion, as well as various lectures on financial stability, financial education, and the green economy project, in addition to concessional financing services for young entrepreneurs and businessmen.

It is noteworthy that these activities come within the Financial Inclusion Week, which began on April 27 and continues until May 2, with the aim of enhancing financial awareness and promoting financial inclusion in Iraqi society.   Central Bank of Iraq   Information Office   30 - April - 2024


Emerging Markets Banking Announcement:

Burke joins MarketAxess as Global head of Emerging Markets

29 April 2024

Dan Burke will be responsible for the development and execution of business strategy for the EM business in both hard currency and local markets.

MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (MarketAxess) is an international financial technology company that operates an electronic trading platform for the institutional credit markets,[2] and also provides market data and post-trade services.[3] It enables institutional investors and broker-dealers to trade credit instruments, including corporate bonds, and other types of fixed income products.[4]  Asset Servicing Times  Market   Axess   Wikipedia


Crypto ETF Announcement:

Hong Kong begins trading ETFs tomorrow.

Bitcoin ETF and Ethereum ETF

They expect to have better trading volumes than the US on the first day.


"FIATA International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations announces the release of the Key Trade Documents and Data Elements (KTDDE) report, by the International Chamber of Commerce Digital Standards Initiative (ICC DSI), to which FIATA was a key contributor."

Freight Forwarders are intermediaries between companies who make products and the final destination for those goods. Freight Forwarders direct various transport options such as sea/ocean freight, rail freight, road transport, and air freight shipment.

We learned yesterday that the digital standardization of what we are talking about in this brief article has been completed. Today we learn, there are 36 key trade documents that are needed to be standardized inside the international trade ecosystem.

This includes the cross-border paperless trade tool kit. It is a tool kit providing information for the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law.

This gives the World Trade Organization who is currently deciding weighted percentages on trade values for the Global Nation. This information will go a long way in determining exchange rates for countries around the world.

Digitizing and Standardizing the new Global Trading mechanisms for the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) will go a long way in leveling the playing field for Global trade.   AJOT   DVS   Tax - Thomson Reuters


© Goldilocks


"As China's big banks pull back from financing Russia-related transactions, some Chinese companies are turning to small banks on the border and underground financing channels such as money brokers - even banned cryptocurrency - the sources told Reuters."

In order to keep some of China's very profitable institutions afloat. China and Russia are going underground with Brokers and small banks near the border utilizing digital payments as their source.

Crypto payment exchange is part of this new shift in trade with Russia and China because of the sanctions that are being placed on Russia by the US.

This is only driving the push toward a new digital economy forward at a rapid pace. These new avenues of payment sources are giving more reasons for China and Russia to de-dollarize their financial system and move toward a Level Playing Field in trade with each other.  TBS News

© Goldilocks


Mass adoption for the XRP Ledger has begun in Japan. This move will give Japan much more breathing room for the Yen.

XRP will provide a liquidity source that can replace the dollar in currency exchange for that country going forward and others who trade with them using the new digital asset-based trading system.

A move like this will give them less reliance on Swift and more reliance on The XRP Ledger and XRP Stablecoin to move their money digitally.

Now, we can expect the dedollarization process to speed up in Japan as they begin the process of selling their dollars for gold.  Coin Telegraph

© Goldilocks


LONDON (Reuters) - "Regulators must equip themselves with tools such as "bail-in" bonds to deal quickly with a failed clearing house for stocks, bonds or derivatives without having to call on taxpayers for cash, the G20's risk watchdog said on Thursday."

We have never seen this in our lifetime. The danger of Clearing Houses, those who move our money, failing to do so because of a lack of money on both sides of a trade.

And, we are being told that it will not be taxpayers that make up the difference in these losses, even though, inflation is a form of tax that has been confiscated from people around the world to probably make up the difference in these losses.   😉

Ripple and Ripple Ledger is beginning to be activated in some major countries at this time that will move some of these Clearing House transactions to The XRP Ledger.

This is why we will see challenges in the movement of money for a period of time as Clearing Houses transition some of the movement of money into Wire (Digital) Houses going forward. Finance Yahoo Investopedia

© Goldilocks


Electronic Transfer Vs Wire Transfer: How They Work | Stax Payments

We are transitioning from the movement of money through wirehouses to electronic transmissions of money.

This is where the new digital economy will be taking over the traditional ways of moving money.

Electronic movement of money is far more efficient and faster than traditional modalities.

Part of the transition into this new transmission of money will create some backup logs in the old system.

My understanding is the QFS has been running side by side with the old system to coordinate and catch the inevitable snags that may come our way.

© Goldilocks


French Hill, a prominent Republican member of the US Financial Services Commission, has expressed his willingness to support combined legislation linking cannabis banking to stablecoin regulation, pending negotiations. | Cryptodnes


New Research from Material and NewtonX Reveals Shifts in Digital Ad Spending and Social Media Strategies

New insights show how advertisers and agencies are succeeding and spending in an era of advertising targeting, social media and AI    BusinessWire


Dollar Dominance: America's Power Pivot | Youtube


Russia gives mixed signals about common BRICS digital currency - Ledger Insights - blockchain for enterprise


Bank of Japan launches CBDC API Sandbox, publishes digital yen report - Ledger Insights - blockchain for enterprise


URGENT & BREAKING NEWS Iraq Vietnam  How to Buy ZiG Zimbabwe | Youtube


Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Explained | Youtube


Ripple and Hashkey DX Partner to Boost Blockchain Supply Chain Solutions in Japan – News Bytes Bitcoin News


Uphold Fees & Limits | Uphold Help Center

Hi yeah I know it is sad ,

We wanted to let you know that we’ve increased the deposit and withdrawal limits that apply to your Uphold Wallet.

Don’t worry, there’s nothing for you to do. Please see the changes below:

Deposits (Daily and monthly limits have been removed)

ACH Micro-deposits:
Weekly deposit limit: $2,000 
Limit per deposit: Increased from $500 to $2,000

ACH Plaid:
Weekly deposit limit: $10,000 
Limit per deposit: Increased from $500 to $10,000

Maximum limit per deposit: $15,000
Weekly limit: $15,000

Withdrawals (Monthly limits have been removed)

ACH Plaid & ACH Micro-deposits
Daily withdrawal limit: Increased from $10,000 to $25,000

Debit Cards:
Weekly withdrawal limit: $5,000 
For more details, please refer to our FAQs.

Thank you,   Team Uphold


👆Something has changed...


Why Do Banks Have Limits and Holds? - Grasshopper

These regulations not only help to keep the bank financially safe but protect you as well. For example, if you were to experience fraud, withdrawal limits are in place to prevent hackers from being able to remove all the funds from your account. 


This is just a speculation and don't hold me to it, but I suspect new regulation security measures have just been placed on the QFS to allow such freedoms.


Stellar Development Foundation Quarterly Review: Q1 2024 | Youtube


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Tuesday Afternoon 4-30-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Tuesday Afternoon 4-30-24

US Treasury & American Bank's Fix 25,000 IQD equal$25,000 USD – 4:11

WOW Latest News About Exchange Rate Released – 4:41

Iraqi Dinar The Rate 3.90 Dinar to $1 – 3:03

Emergency announcement  Latest NEWS Iraq Vietnam Dong How to Buy ZiG Zimbabwe – 3:59

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Tuesday Afternoon 4-30-24

US Treasury & American Bank's Fix 25,000 IQD equal$25,000 USD – 4:11

WOW Latest News About Exchange Rate Released – 4:41

Iraqi Dinar The Rate 3.90 Dinar to $1 – 3:03

Emergency announcement  Latest NEWS Iraq Vietnam Dong How to Buy ZiG Zimbabwe – 3:59

 US Treasury & American Bank's Fix 25,000 IQD equal$25,000 USD – 4:11

WOW Latest News About Exchange Rate Released – 4:41

Iraqi Dinar The Rate 3.90 Dinar to $1 – 3:03

Emergency announcement  Latest NEWS Iraq Vietnam Dong How to Buy ZiG Zimbabwe – 3:59

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Chats and Rumors, Militiaman, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Militiaman, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Evening News with MarkZ and Militia Man. 04/30/2024

Evening News with MarkZ and Militia Man. 04/30/2024

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decision

MilitiaMan joins the stream tonight,. Be sure to listen to replay  for all the information and opinions

MILITIA MAN & CREW:Follow Militia Man & Crew Link



Evening News with MarkZ and Militia Man. 04/30/2024

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decision

MilitiaMan joins the stream tonight,. Be sure to listen to replay  for all the information and opinions

MILITIA MAN & CREW:Follow Militia Man & Crew Link



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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Andy Schectman: Russia Responds With $440 Million Sanction On JP Morgan Assets

Andy Schectman: Russia Responds With $440 Million Sanction On JP Morgan Assets

Arcadia Economics:  4-30-2024

There’s a growing chance that a few decades from now we’ll look back at what happened on March 11, 2022, when Russia was kicked out of the SWIFT system, as one of the major turning points of our modern financial system.

At that point the US had already frozen over $300 billion of Russian assets after Russia’s invasion into Ukraine. And following the decision to remove Russia from SWIFT, we’ve seen an acceleration of the de-dollarization movement, as other countries have wondered whether they could be next.

 Now the US is considering sanctions against China, while moving legislation forward to confiscate the frozen Russian assets, and Russia has responded by sanctioning $440 million of JP Morgan assets.

Andy Schectman: Russia Responds With $440 Million Sanction On JP Morgan Assets

Arcadia Economics:  4-30-2024

There’s a growing chance that a few decades from now we’ll look back at what happened on March 11, 2022, when Russia was kicked out of the SWIFT system, as one of the major turning points of our modern financial system.

At that point the US had already frozen over $300 billion of Russian assets after Russia’s invasion into Ukraine. And following the decision to remove Russia from SWIFT, we’ve seen an acceleration of the de-dollarization movement, as other countries have wondered whether they could be next.

 Now the US is considering sanctions against China, while moving legislation forward to confiscate the frozen Russian assets, and Russia has responded by sanctioning $440 million of JP Morgan assets.

To find out more about this disconcerting escalation, Andy Schectman checks in for his weekly report, and you can click here to watch it now!

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon 4-30-2024


Clare:  Financial inclusion organizes various events in Muthanna Governorate


The Financial Inclusion Department at the Central Bank of Iraq and the Association of Private Banks organized the activities of the Arab Financial Inclusion Week at Al-Muthanna University - College of Management and Economics, in cooperation with the International Labor Organization.

The events included a seminar to introduce financial inclusion, a lecture on electronic payment and digital inclusion, as well as various lectures on financial stability, financial education, and the green economy project, in addition to concessional financing services for young entrepreneurs and businessmen.

It is noteworthy that these activities come within the Financial Inclusion Week, which began on April 27 and continues until May 2, with the aim of enhancing financial awareness and promoting financial inclusion in Iraqi society.


Clare:  Financial inclusion organizes various events in Muthanna Governorate


The Financial Inclusion Department at the Central Bank of Iraq and the Association of Private Banks organized the activities of the Arab Financial Inclusion Week at Al-Muthanna University - College of Management and Economics, in cooperation with the International Labor Organization.

The events included a seminar to introduce financial inclusion, a lecture on electronic payment and digital inclusion, as well as various lectures on financial stability, financial education, and the green economy project, in addition to concessional financing services for young entrepreneurs and businessmen.

It is noteworthy that these activities come within the Financial Inclusion Week, which began on April 27 and continues until May 2, with the aim of enhancing financial awareness and promoting financial inclusion in Iraqi society.

Central Bank of Iraq
Information Office
30 - April - 2024

Don961:  Optimism to attract more customers to the field of banking operations

Economical  04/30/2024

  The Financial Inclusion Week activities were launched in cooperation between the Central Bank, the Association of Private Banks, and a number of financial and banking institutions. Executive Director of the Association of Private Banks, Ali Tariq, told Al-Sabah:

The Central Bank and the Association of Banks have been working for a long time to launch Financial Inclusion Week throughout the country, as it continues for a week, and its activities are implemented in commercial centers, universities and other institutions, in coordination with the Arab Monetary Fund. And his supervision.

He added that financial inclusion aims to reach all segments of society and seek to integrate them in order to obtain banking services such as credit, deposits, and others.

He explained that there is a significant growth in the rate of financial inclusion, and this is due to the efforts of the government and the banking sector, as well as the launch of the Central Bank’s inclusion strategy. 

Tariq continued that inclusion contributes to reducing poverty and creating new job opportunities by enabling individuals to start their projects, and this reflects positively on enhancing economic stability as well as supporting small and medium-sized companies, in addition to the fact that inclusion also focuses on women and attempts to improve their economic conditions by empowering them.

During Financial Inclusion Week, banks, electronic payment companies, and financial companies provide free bank account and prepaid card opening services, in addition to answering inquiries about other services such as loans, deposits, financial transfers, and others.

In turn, international financial inclusion expert Professor Sadiq Al-Shammari told Al-Sabah: Financial inclusion represents an important dimension in the comprehensive and sustainable development strategy because of its impact on improving growth opportunities and financial and social stability.

He added that banking mechanisms and the advantages resulting from the use of electronic payment methods closely linked to banking will help expand the phenomenon of financial inclusion to become double what it is today, indicating that the number of banking operations will increase at acceptable rates commensurate with the targeted plans in this regard.

As for the advisor to the International Smart Card Company, Ghazi Al-Kinani, he told “Al-Sabah”: Electronic payment companies and private and government banks, in cooperation with the Central Bank, have made great efforts to interact citizens with banking products and enhance trust between the two parties. 

Financial inclusion means disseminating financial and banking products and services at reasonable costs to the largest segment of society, institutions, and individuals, especially low-income segments, in contrast to financial exclusion, which excludes these segments.   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

PompeyPeter  Sudani has said on several occasions talked about commencement of the reconstruction of Iraq in the month of April.  Salih the economic advisor talked about them spending 50% of GDP in April.  Well he said within two weeks which would take us to the end of April...In order for those things to happen it means the investment side of the budget has got to be opened.  They're not going to be doing all these things at 1310.  We know the contracts cannot be written in dollars anymore.  They're in IQD.  Again these things are not going to be done at 1310.

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]    FIREFLY:  No word yet on the budget thus we thinking it will never get there first without the CBI popping the rate first then goes to parliament.  FRANK:  Yes, 100%...You cannot launch a rocket without fuel.  You cannot launch this budget without the exchange rate...

BRICS Currency, END of US DOLLAR Hegemony & Why Central Banks are STOCKPILING GOLD| Andy Schectman

Lena Petrova:  4-30-2024

STOCK MARKET: (Caution Advised). Gold, Silver, Crypto SMACKDOWN! Important Updates.

Greg Mannarino:  4-30-2024

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday AM 4-30-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday AM 4-30-24

Finally Chase Bank IQD New exchange rate – 3:03

There Are Something Big Happening – 3:29

Iraqi Dinar Massive Exchange Rate – 3:16

Iraq Budget Approved IQD Exchange Rate – 3:03

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday AM 4-30-24

Finally Chase Bank IQD New exchange rate – 3:03

There Are Something Big Happening – 3:29

Iraqi Dinar Massive Exchange Rate – 3:16

Iraq Budget Approved IQD Exchange Rate – 3:03

 Finally Chase Bank IQD New exchange rate – 3:03

There Are Something Big Happening – 3:29

Iraqi Dinar Massive Exchange Rate – 3:16

Iraq Budget Approved IQD Exchange Rate – 3:03

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Settling the Gold Versus Crypto Debate

Settling the Gold Versus Crypto Debate

Notes From The Field by James Hickman   April 24, 2024

In 1972, while excavating to build a factory on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, a backhoe operator noticed gold objects glimmering in the bucket of his machine.

The construction worker had accidentally discovered the Varna Necropolis.

Dating back to around 4500 BC, the jewelry found in this ancient burial site is the earliest evidence of the use of gold by humans, and archeologists believe that they were considered a status symbol in ancient burial rituals.

Thousands of years ago, gold was likely collected from the earth’s surface in the form of nuggets or river dust.

It wasn’t until about 3500 BC, on a hilltop located in the modern-day country of Georgia, that a group of people from the prehistoric Kura-Araxes dug the oldest known gold mine.

Known as Sakdrisi-Kachagiani, the gold mine predates Ancient Egypt and even Mesopotamia.

Settling the Gold Versus Crypto Debate

Notes From The Field by James Hickman  April 24, 2024

In 1972, while excavating to build a factory on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, a backhoe operator noticed gold objects glimmering in the bucket of his machine.

The construction worker had accidentally discovered the Varna Necropolis.

Dating back to around 4500 BC, the jewelry found in this ancient burial site is the earliest evidence of the use of gold by humans, and archeologists believe that they were considered a status symbol in ancient burial rituals.

Thousands of years ago, gold was likely collected from the earth’s surface in the form of nuggets or river dust.

It wasn’t until about 3500 BC, on a hilltop located in the modern-day country of Georgia, that a group of people from the prehistoric Kura-Araxes dug the oldest known gold mine.

Known as Sakdrisi-Kachagiani, the gold mine predates Ancient Egypt and even Mesopotamia.

By around 2000 BC, commercial transactions involving gold were being recorded on cuneiform tablets in modern-day Turkey. Materials like tin and textiles were traded for a particular weight of gold, because the first known gold coins weren’t minted until around the 6th Century BC.

King Croesus of Lydia in modern-day Turkey, used these coins to standardize the weight and purity of gold.

After that, gold coins were used directly in commerce for thousands of years, until the United Kingdom formally adopted the gold standard in the early 1800s. This was the first monetary system where a country’s paper money had a value directly linked to gold.

And even today, over 50 years since the US abandoned its own gold standard, central banks around the world still hold vast quantities of gold as a reserve to store value.

Individuals and large financial institutions do the same. And gold jewelry is still extremely valuable.

That’s quite a track record. For over 6,000 years, humans have valued gold.

Fifteen years ago, Bitcoin was created. And today there are countless millions of people who believe crypto has value too.

Now, gold and crypto are completely different and seldom belong in the same sentence. But for some reason there are often heated debates between proponents of each who argue bitterly over whether Gold or crypto is better.

No other asset classes attract such conflict or controversy. You don’t see passionate oil investors engaging in riotous debates with natural gas speculators. There is no heated argument over wheat vs. soybeans.

But gold and crypto are sometimes positioned as diametrically opposed, and this is just silly. Each asset has its function.

Gold has an enormous amount of value— and I have actually argued that it is still undervalued, even at its all-time high.

I’ve written extensively about the US government’s financial woes; the national debt is closing in on $35 trillion, and that figure is set to grow by $20+ trillion over the next decade according to the government’s own financial forecasts.

In addition to the new debt, the amount of debt the US government has to refinance over the next 5-7 years is staggering— literally tens of trillions of dollars. And all of it will be refinanced at a higher interest rate.

This means that interest payments on the national debt will keep growing like a malignant tumor.

In fact this year the amount of interest paid on the national debt will exceed defense spending for the first time in US history. And it will only keep rising.

Gold will most likely do very well in that scenario. But more importantly, foreign governments will likely move away from the US dollar as the global reserve currency over the next 5-10 years… and gold is the most likely asset to replace the dollar.

Central banks are already buying more gold as a reserve. And when the dollar loses its dominant global reserve status, countries are likely to turn to gold as a stable alternative that they can trust… because they already own it.

Simultaneously, crypto also has a lot of benefits. If you hold 100% of your savings in the financial system— whether at a bank, brokerage, etc., you might be surprised to find how easily it is to lose access to your funds.

Government agencies can seize your account (without due process) even by mistake. Banks can fail. They can freeze your account and force you to prove that you’re not doing anything wrong.

Plus even the most mundane bank transfers these days are heavily scrutinized. I had an exasperating conversation with a bank not long ago when I tried to send money to my sister… and they required all sorts of paperwork and justification to send my own money to my family.

Crypto is a great way to bypass that mess… to simply send money from point A to point B directly, without any middleman whatsoever.

Crypto exists digitally, so it can be moved across borders easily and at no cost. And if you know what you’re doing, you can hold it yourself, without any third party or even special security equipment… and this is an incredibly unique feature.

The idea behind a Plan B is to figure out what you want to accomplish and figure out which tools are available to help you achieve your goals.

Well, it’s a pretty smart goal to want to have protection against the declining currency of the world’s most heavily indebted nation. It’s also a reasonable goal to want to own some assets that are completely beyond the financial system.

Crypto and gold are two completely separate tools for completely separate purposes. There’s no sense in debating crypto vs. gold. To me the answer is both.

To your freedom,  James Hickman  Co-Founder, Schiff Sovereign LLC

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Tuesday 4-30-2024


CandyKisses:  Government official reveals the actual date of the start of the implementation of the development road project

 {Local: Euphrates News} The General Company for Iraqi Railways in the Ministry of Transport set early next year 2025 as a date to start the actual implementation of the "Development Road" project, after seven governorates approved its route, confirming the achievement of 66% of railway designs on this road.

The general manager of the company, Younis Khalid Al-Kaabi, said in a press statement that "the project (development road) is large and gigantic, and the Ministry of Transport is the incubator for it, both rail and land," noting that "the project is in the process of progress in the initial designs, as the percentage reached more than 66% of railway designs, and 50% of the land road designs, and the soil investigations exceeded nearly 1,000 kilometers, with a completion rate of 89% for the areas north of Baghdad to the border, and 85% from south Baghdad to Faw."

"The soil investigation and topographic survey teams are continuing their work, and the Italian designer continues to complete this project according to the set time, which is one of the world's leading consulting firms," he added.


CandyKisses:  Government official reveals the actual date of the start of the implementation of the development road project

 {Local: Euphrates News} The General Company for Iraqi Railways in the Ministry of Transport set early next year 2025 as a date to start the actual implementation of the "Development Road" project, after seven governorates approved its route, confirming the achievement of 66% of railway designs on this road.

The general manager of the company, Younis Khalid Al-Kaabi, said in a press statement that "the project (development road) is large and gigantic, and the Ministry of Transport is the incubator for it, both rail and land," noting that "the project is in the process of progress in the initial designs, as the percentage reached more than 66% of railway designs, and 50% of the land road designs, and the soil investigations exceeded nearly 1,000 kilometers, with a completion rate of 89% for the areas north of Baghdad to the border, and 85% from south Baghdad to Faw."

"The soil investigation and topographic survey teams are continuing their work, and the Italian designer continues to complete this project according to the set time, which is one of the world's leading consulting firms," he added.

"The General Railways Company has all the documents reviewed and approved regarding the (Development Road) project in cooperation with experts and designers in the Italian company, and communication with all the governorates through which the road passes and the ministries concerned with it," al-Kaabi said.

Tishwash: The Iraq Stock Exchange receives the shield of the Arab Financial Markets Union in Doha

The Iraq Stock Exchange received the shield of the Arab Financial Markets Union in Doha.

A statement from the Securities Commission, received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), stated that “the Iraqi Stock Exchange participated with the Arab financial markets in the work of the meeting of the General Authority for Arab Financial Markets, and the opening of the trading session of the Qatar Stock Exchange, in addition to the annual conference of the Arab Financial Markets Federation sponsored by the Qatar Stock Exchange.” , which was hosted by the Doha Stock Exchange / State of Qatar for its 2024 edition.

He added, "He also participated in financial market discussions with financial technology experts and the future of trading in financial instruments and ongoing financial market experiences, and discussed the performance of Arab financial markets that are members of the Arab Federation AFCM and joint cooperation plans," pointing out that "the Iraqi Stock Exchange won the position for the second year." First in average daily trading volume for 2023 indices, and won the Arab Capital Markets Federation shield in Doha.”

He continued: “While the Saudi Tadawul market achieved the best position in the number of contracts executed and in the trading value achieved for the indicators of the year 2023,” noting that “the Egyptian Stock Exchange achieved the best return on trading and the best number of new investors for the year 2023, along with the stock exchanges of Jordan (Amman), Bahrain, and Abu Dhabi.” As the best stock exchange in ESG indicators and PE ratio.  link


Tishwash:  Budget schedules postpone the House of Representatives' recess

The Parliamentary Finance Committee expects the general budget schedules for the year 2024 to arrive at the beginning of next May.

The tripartite budget tables need to be reviewed periodically every year, to adjust project costs and salary bills and include new projects. This means that the budget is past and does not need to be approved in full, since it was approved last year.

The 2024 budget is at a standstill between the government and the House of Representatives, despite the approval of a tripartite budget for the first time in the country’s history, and despite the fact that the Ministry of Finance sent the tables more than a month ago to the Council of Ministers, at a time when the Parliamentary Finance Committee demanded that the government send the final accounts of the previous budgets.

The Finance Committee is awaiting the arrival of the budget schedules, according to a previous statement by its Chairman, Atwan Al-Atwani, to “correct the path of the budget by maximizing non-oil revenues, encouraging the private sector, and reducing operational spending,” while the House of Representatives decided to extend its legislative term, which will end next May 9, “until it is approved.”

Budget tables.” Representative Kazem Al-Fayad told Al-Sabah: “We in the House of Representatives are waiting for the general budget that the government will send after approving its schedules,” and added, “The schedules were supposed to arrive no later than the second month of the current year.”  link


Tishwash: Al-Fateh: Washington is fighting for its continued presence inside Iraq

 On Monday, a member of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Mahmoud Marei, confirmed the falsity of the American administration regarding the issue of removing combat forces from the country after the Dutch ambassador’s statement of the continuation of the international coalition’s mission in Iraq, while he stressed that Washington is fighting for its continued presence inside Iraq.  

Mar'i said in a statement to the Al-Ma'louma Agency, "Washington continues to create crises and raise security, economic, and societal problems, to use them as an excuse to stay in Iraq," noting that "targeting Iraqi military and security symbols is one of Washington's malicious plans." 

He continued, "The Iraqi Islamic Resistance's rejection of the foreign presence is the most prominent obstacle that America has failed to overcome," noting that "the continued foreign presence in Iraq represents the largest military operation compared to the many victories of the resistance that were achieved against them in the previous period." 

Mari concluded his speech: “Foreign embassies work through many malicious plans that they spread within society in order to gain public opinion’s support for the military presence,” pointing out that “the United States of America is fighting for its continued presence inside Iraq.” 

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Iraq, Hans Sande, had confirmed in a statement that his country would take over the leadership of the NATO mission in Iraq in mid-May, indicating that it would be the largest in the world at the level of institutions outside the Dutch borders. 

The State of Law Coalition, in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, described the formation of joint committees to remove foreign combat forces as a blatant American game, while stressing that the exit of American forces will not take place through diplomatic means or political negotiations.  link

Mot ... Oooooooh Deeeeeeeer!! -- Waats Next???? 

Mot: . Ya Gots to Love ole ""Earl""

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

“Coffee With MarkZ” Tuesday Morning Chat 4-30-2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

​​Member: Good morning Mark, mods and patriots

Member: What’s up dreamers? Are we still dreaming?

Member: Ready for a new month to start …….Guess we hope for a May RV now.

Member: Could today be the day?

MZ:  I’m not looking for it today….but it’s a possibility

Member: anytime they tell u its gonna be this day ….go ahead and count on it not going

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

​​Member: Good morning Mark, mods and patriots

Member: What’s up dreamers? Are we still dreaming?

Member: Ready for a new month to start …….Guess we hope for a May RV now.

Member: Could today be the day?

MZ:  I’m not looking for it today….but it’s a possibility

Member: anytime they tell u its gonna be this day ….go ahead and count on it not going

Member: Lots of stuff lined up for mid May

Member: People, don't be that child in the back seat asking  repeatedly are we there yet/? this is annoying to the driver. Look out the window and admire the beauty. The driver knows the way

Member: But who is the driver????? Noone seems to know.

MZ: There is a lot of misinformation floating around….hard to find the real news….but there is a lot of anticipatioas  from the bond side about this week. A lot of final appointments are expected this week. Hope we final go through the finish gates.

MZ: On the banking/redemption  side they are in and working….and also out in the field. They are prepared and do not think they will have any more protocol changes to their process. So that was one beneficial update from a redemption contact.

MZ: “Russia prepares for total crypto ban as geopolitical tensions rise”  The reasons  they are  giving  is they want to support the asset backed value of the Ruble . Cryptos could derail all their efforts.  If Russia wants their sovereign currency to do well….This tells us we are close to the reset.

MZ: But remember Cryptos are kinda like Kryptonite for Central Banks.  They are not currency yet….but some will – it’s that technology.

Member: Russia says no the crypto, but brics is ready for a digital ledger financial system

Member: What about CBDC’s ,George Gammon says they are (CB) are forecasting 12 to 24 months from now.

Member: I’ll say it again. If the govt tells you to fear something, embrace it. If they tell you something is safe, RUN!

Member: Did Kuwait revalue over night?

MZ: I believe they revalued mid morning. Around 10:30 or 11:00. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.  I am confident it was daytime because the very same day it revalued…..they had ran articles in the papers  that they were not ready to RV for months. …maybe years. Then “BAM” they released it.

MZ: That’s why I warn you guys about all the smoke and mirrors…..Don’t jump off a cliff when you see stories like that.  Just wait.

Member: Strange coincidence—building across the street from 2 banks in my neighborhood “Wealth Management Services”, what are the odds?

MZ: There are too many coincidences for this not to be close- right?

Member: We are all poor, not sure why wealth management is popping up

Member: Maybe they are preparing for us to exchange? Hope so.

Member: My wife works in the operations department at a bank. And they can take no vacation time the months of May and June-because they are doing operation changes.

Member: On Recaps yesterday- i saw a recent video on youtube posted by Forbes  talking about the gold standard and it looked recent. wonder if that could be a hint we are close in main stream

MZ: It probably was recent and they are probably talking about the article that the Philidelphia Fed office released.

Member:  Mark, do you see May 8th rumor that (the WTO entrance) as a hard date that Iraq cannot go past without announcing their new rate?

MZ: I hate to give dates…but there is a good chance it could go before then.

Member: What does your gut say.

MZ: My gut is pretty mad we are not done already….but I feel that there is a good chance before the 9th of May. There is a lot expected  to happen over the next few days.

Member: I would like to know at what point does the defunct US Corporation actually die and go away?

Member: It cannot happen soon enough- imo

Membeer: If Nesara is real… would happen at that time .

Member: Anything new about the rate of the dong or bolivar?

MZ: I am hearing the dong rate could be in the $3+ range now. I hope this is accurate.  When  I first got in this I was hoping for .31-.36 cents. Then I was consistently told it could be in the low $2 range…which would be spot on for a reinstatement.  Now I am hearing it could be as high as $3.60 or so…..That is what I am hearing. That is what is showing on bank screens. I do not know  it’s a place holder rate….but it is showing up a lot.

Member I hate the word “soon” now. Can we use the word imminent instead?  Lol

MZ: I really hate that word as well……

Member: Buckle up buttercups the next two weeks are about to get crazy

MZ: MilitiaMan may join us this evening….


Member: Thanks Mark for being here for us….We know you are just as frustrated as we are…..I beet all the intel providers wish it was post RV right now and all this was behind us.

Member: See everyone tonight  

Member: The best is yet to come.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



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