Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

Here’s How I Learned (And Built Wealth)

Here’s How I Learned (And Built Wealth)

I Knew Nothing About My Own Money — Here’s How I Learned (And Built Wealth)

Andrew Lisa  Wed, April 24, 2024

Financial literacy is the foundation of financial success.

You don’t need a graduate degree in finance to avoid overdrafting your checking account or going into credit card debt, but avoidable mistakes, unhealthy borrowing and missed opportunities are all but certain if you don’t understand the basics of credit, interest, budgeting, banking, taxes, saving and investing.

The good news is that if your financial knowledge isn’t up to par, it’s not too late to learn your way into prosperity — and a new GOBankingRates study of more than 1,000 people is proof.

Can Financial Literacy Cure Money Mismanagement?

Nearly half of the study’s respondents — about 44% — said they never struggled with money due to a lack of financial literacy. On the other end of the spectrum, 36% say inadequate knowledge has held them back and that their finances are still in disarray because of it.

However, nearly one in five — about 19% — had previously struggled but have since recovered after gaining a better understanding of personal finance.

Here’s How I Learned (And Built Wealth)

I Knew Nothing About My Own Money — Here’s How I Learned (And Built Wealth)

Andrew Lisa  Wed, April 24, 2024

Financial literacy is the foundation of financial success.

You don’t need a graduate degree in finance to avoid overdrafting your checking account or going into credit card debt, but avoidable mistakes, unhealthy borrowing and missed opportunities are all but certain if you don’t understand the basics of credit, interest, budgeting, banking, taxes, saving and investing.

The good news is that if your financial knowledge isn’t up to par, it’s not too late to learn your way into prosperity — and a new GOBankingRates study of more than 1,000 people is proof.

Can Financial Literacy Cure Money Mismanagement?

Nearly half of the study’s respondents — about 44% — said they never struggled with money due to a lack of financial literacy. On the other end of the spectrum, 36% say inadequate knowledge has held them back and that their finances are still in disarray because of it.

However, nearly one in five — about 19% — had previously struggled but have since recovered after gaining a better understanding of personal finance.

Young and youngish people between 18 and 44 were more likely than older people to have righted a faltering ship through improved financial literacy, and men were more likely than women to say the same.

However, one overarching theme prevails across all demographics: If you’re struggling financially, committing yourself to learning more about the ins and outs of money is the surest way to improve your chances of cutting spending, eliminating debt, building savings and creating wealth.

Another incentive to learn as much as possible about money is that personal finance knowledge transfers seamlessly to business pursuits. GOBankingRates spoke to a successful entrepreneur who applied what he learned about personal finance to his company’s bottom line.

An Entrepreneur Turns Personal Finance Knowledge Into Business Acumen

Daniel Meursing is the CEO of Premier Staff on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood, Los Angeles. When he founded the luxury event staffing agency in 2018, he had plenty of industry knowledge, high-level connections and no shortage of ambition — but upon going into business for himself, he realized that his commitment to financial literacy might have been his most important asset of all.

His company has worked with everyone from automotive giants like Bentley and Ferrari to entertainment powerhouses like Netflix and The Oscars — and Meursing’s efforts have helped him build a comfortable amount of wealth along the way.

But he wouldn’t have been able to manage his business’s finances so successfully had he not taken ownership of his personal finance self-education. Although, that’s not to say his journey from monetarily ill-informed to financially savvy was easy.

“I understand that becoming financially literate can be overwhelming, but I believe it’s a crucial step toward achieving financial success,” said Meursing.

It Can Be Hard To Know Where To Begin, but Just Take That First Step

As with anything, the first steps toward financial literacy are the hardest. With so many complex subjects, potential sources of knowledge and conflicting information, it can be hard to even know where to begin.

“For those who are just starting their financial literacy journey, I recommend seeking out reputable sources of information, such as well-established financial publications, educational resources provided by trusted financial institutions, and books written by experienced professionals in the field,” said Meursing, who leveraged his real-world network while also leaning on academic sources.

To Read More:

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Evening 4-25-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Evening 4-25-24

The Most Difficult Option.. Warnings Of The Danger Of Floating The Iraqi Dinar Without Achieving An “Important Condition”

 Economy | Baghdad today – Baghdad   Economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi warned today, Thursday (April 25, 2024), of the dangers of floating the Iraqi dinar, noting that

 such a step could lead to the dinar witnessing a violent collapse and rampant inflation that would jump prices to insane levels.

Al-Marsoumi said in a post on the social networking site “Facebook”, followed by “Baghdad Today”, that

 “some are proposing a solution to address the double price of the dollar against the dinar and the existence of a large gap between the official and parallel prices through a free float of the Iraqi dinar,” indicating, “i.e. Turk.”

The dinar is in the market to find its price against foreign currencies through the interaction of the forces of supply and demand.  Al-Marsoumi added,  “Such a decision has some economic positives,” adding,

 “But the economy should not be taken in its abstract aspect, but rather insofar as it relates to people, especially the poor.”

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Evening 4-25-24

The Most Difficult Option.. Warnings Of The Danger Of Floating The Iraqi Dinar Without Achieving An “Important Condition”

 Economy | Baghdad today – Baghdad   Economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi warned today, Thursday (April 25, 2024), of the dangers of floating the Iraqi dinar, noting that

 such a step could lead to the dinar witnessing a violent collapse and rampant inflation that would jump prices to insane levels.

Al-Marsoumi said in a post on the social networking site “Facebook”, followed by “Baghdad Today”, that

 “some are proposing a solution to address the double price of the dollar against the dinar and the existence of a large gap between the official and parallel prices through a free float of the Iraqi dinar,” indicating, “i.e. Turk.”

The dinar is in the market to find its price against foreign currencies through the interaction of the forces of supply and demand.  Al-Marsoumi added,  “Such a decision has some economic positives,” adding,

 “But the economy should not be taken in its abstract aspect, but rather insofar as it relates to people, especially the poor.”

He continued,  "In light of Iraq's lack of a national private sector that could contribute to increasing the supply of dollars in the Iraqi market, and

 because of the large volume of imports, which reach 67 billion dollars annually, the only party that owns the dollar is the government," explaining that

 "in the event that the government decides not to intervene." In the exchange market, it is expected that the dinar will witness a violent collapse and rampant inflation that will cause prices to rise to insane levels that will cause severe damage to citizens’ living standards, and the poor will become more miserable, and will later lead to social tensions and a major rift in the social peace.”

It is noteworthy that the floating exchange rate or currency float is the currency exchange rate that has been floated so that it has become completely liberalized, so the government or the central bank does not interfere in determining it directly,

 but rather it is released automatically in the currency market through the supply and demand mechanism that allows the price to be determined. Exchange the national currency against foreign currencies.

 It is worth noting that the price of the dollar in the local markets is still experiencing a state of instability between rises and falls, even though the official price in the Central Bank of Iraq is 132,000 dinars per 100 dollars,

 but in the local markets it is witnessing an increase of more than ten points and may at times reach double this.

 The number is despite the numerous measures and packages launched by the Central Bank of Iraq, where

 some attribute that the reason for this confusion in prices is the result of smuggling operations and speculation in the black market for currency.الخيار-الأصعب.-تحذيرات-من-خطورة-تعويم-الدينار-العراقي-دون-تحقيق-شرط-مهم.html   

Economist: Travelers' Dollars Are Leaking Into The Parallel Market...And This Is What The Central Bank Should Do

 Time: 04/24/2024 Read: 2,925 times   {Economic: Al-Furat News} The economic expert, Safwan Qusay, revealed the leakage of travelers’ dollars to the parallel market.  Qusay said {to Al-Furat News} that:

  “The current policy of the Central Bank of Iraq goes towards auditing the cash dollar, which was marred by many failures in the first periods, especially its leakage through travelers to the irregular market, and this issue needs a new and clear mechanism.” 

He added,  "It is assumed that travelers are dealt with through tourism and airline companies, and

 the travel ticket is not allowed to be canceled unless the traveler returns the amount he purchased from the exchange outlets or banks."  Qusay stressed,

 “This measure will restore confidence in the cash dollar and the possibility of facilitating the mission of real tourists and filling the gaps that accompanied the process of establishing the electronic platform for the cash sale of foreign currencies.” He stated that

 "the Central Bank will not hesitate to provide the dollar to those entitled to it, whether at the level of Hajj or other windows," noting that

"the Central Bank's emphasis on procedures for granting citizens the cash dollar ensures that it reaches those who need it."  Qusay added,

“The Central Bank’s official sales during the previous 10 days rose to $270 million per day, which is an indication of the activation of the electronic platform,” adding,

 “The more we reduce imports and analyze the irregular demand for the dollar, the more stable the dollar’s ​​exchange rate will be.”

 Meanwhile, travelers expressed their surprise at the Central Bank’s decisions to prevent government banks from selling dollars to travelers.

Travelers said, via {Al-Furat News}: “We are surprised by the Central Bank’s decisions to prevent government banks from selling the dollar to travelers and monopolizing it only with financial transfer and exchange companies.”

 Travelers called on Parliament and members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee to “intervene and solve the problem and allow government banks to carry out the process of selling the dollar, especially in conjunction with the delegation of pilgrims to the Holy House of God, and they need to buy the dollar at the official price.”خبير-اقتصادي-دولار-المسافرين-يتسرب-للسوق-الموازي-وهذا-ما-على-المركزي-فعله   

Parliament Talks About The Mechanism For Recovering Smuggled Funds And Hints At The Next Stage

 Politics |Today, 14:07 |  Baghdad today – Baghdad Today, Thursday (April 25, 2024), the Parliamentary Integrity Committee confirmed that there is ongoing work to recover all Iraqi funds smuggled abroad, while indicating that the

 next stage will witness the recovery of funds and more fugitives on charges of corruption and others.

 Committee member Ghareeb Al-Muradli told “Baghdad Today” that

 “there are real efforts by the Iraqi government in addition to the Federal Integrity Commission to recover Iraqi money smuggled as a result of corruption operations, and

 this is very possible because of international cooperation in this file.” Al-Muradli stated,

 "Iraq has good international relations, and through these relations it is able to track its money and follow up on those wanted by it on corruption charges," adding,

 "For this reason, it was able during the last period to arrest a number of fugitives." He stressed that

 "the next stage will witness the recovery of funds and more fugitives on charges of corruption and other charges."

 It is noteworthy that the Parliamentary Integrity Committee commented, Thursday (March 28, 2024), on the activities of the Iraq Assets Recovery Fund and the slowness in recovering that money and some of those accused of fleeing on corruption charges or belonging to the previous regime.

Committee member Duraid Jameel told “Baghdad Today” that

 “there is great and important work for the Iraq Money Recovery Fund and

there is a noticeable increase in the activities of this fund,” adding:

 “But the slowness is not on the part of the Iraqi side, but rather on the part of countries, some of which are procrastinating in Implementing what Iraq demands.” Jamil stated,

  “There are major legal and technical procedures undertaken by the Iraq Assets Recovery Fund, in order to recover smuggled funds or recover some of the fugitive defendants on corruption charges and others,

 but the routine procedures by those countries are what delayed the resolution of many of these activities.”

 A member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee added,

 "There is no accurate figure for the sums of money smuggled from Iraq abroad, whether through corruption operations or other funds of the former regime,

 but there are government efforts being made to recover all that money, and there are practical steps in this regard."

 Estimates indicate that the funds smuggled abroad amount to approximately $350 billion over the past twenty years, while

the Integrity Commission is working to recover some of the funds from other countries or recover the accused, but

some countries refuse to recover some of the corruption funds smuggled over the past years because they have entered into the economic cycle or Existing projects in those countries, according to observers.البرلمان-يتحدث-عن-الية-استعادة-الأموال-المهربة-ويلمح-الى-المرحلة-المقبلة.html  

Parliamentary Integrity Reveals An Agreement With Interpol To Recover Fugitive Corrupt People

 Political| 04/23/2024   Mawazine News – Baghdad   Member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Abdul Amir Al-Mayahi, revealed  new moves to proceed with amending the election law again, noting that  Parliament is coordinating an agreement between the Iraqi and international Interpol to arrest fleeing corrupt people.     Al-Mayahi said in an interview followed by Mawazine News:

 “There is an agreement between the Iraqi Interpol and the International Interpol, to pursue any wanted person in any country, in an effort by the Iraqi Interpol to arrest the wanted persons and hand them over to the Iraqi government, and there is effective coordination with Interpol in this regard.”  He added.

 “The Integrity Committee works independently and seeks to collect the required documents regarding those accused of corruption, and  upon obtaining proof, the committee will work to request hosting the concerned official if he is present inside the country, while submitting recommendations to the relevant authorities.”   He continued, “The committee is not responsible for prosecuting the wanted individuals.”

 On charges of corruption outside the country, it is the responsibility of the Federal Integrity Commission and the Iraqi and international Interpol if there are arrest warrants for certain figures of state employees who have committed corruption and of the Integrity Commission or the Public Prosecution.”   

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit :


 Provoking Points To Ponder on Failures and Mistakes

Learn to see in another's calamity the ills which you should avoid.- Publilius Syrus

A man is fortunate if he encounters living examples of vice, as well as of virtue, to inspire him.- Brendan Francis

The line between failure and success is so fine that we scarcely know when we pass it; so fine that we are often on the line and do not know it.- Elbert Hubbard

A series of failures may culminate in the best possible result.- Gisela Richter

Failure is that early morning hour of darkness which precedes the dawning of the day of success.- Leigh Mitchell Hodges

People fail forward to success.- Mary Kay Ash

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Thursday Afternoon 4-25-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Thursday Afternoon 4-25-24

WOW Praise Every Vietnamese Dong $5.29 US Dollars – 3:55

RV Reached at Final Stage Wait is Over – 3:33

WOW Chase Bank Display On Screen IQD New Exchange Rate – 4:03

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Thursday Afternoon 4-25-24

WOW Praise Every Vietnamese Dong $5.29 US Dollars – 3:55

RV Reached at Final Stage Wait is Over – 3:33

WOW Chase Bank Display On Screen IQD New Exchange Rate – 4:03

WOW Praise Every Vietnamese Dong $5.29 US Dollars – 3:55

RV Reached at Final Stage Wait is Over – 3:33

WOW Chase Bank Display On Screen IQD New Exchange Rate – 4:03

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 4-25-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 4-25-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

China's Payment Regulations Announcement: On December 9, 2023, Chinese Premier Li Qiang signed Decree No. 768 of the State Council. The People's Bank of China is giving us a look at their implementation rules for their new payment regulations. It covers risk management, e-commerce, faster mobile and computer payments, connections between central depository institutions, banking systems, monetary policies, guidelines, management of payment rules between Financial institutions, and various types of accounts. After implementation, these new regulations will be sent to Clearing House Institutions for Network inclusion and compliance directives to enforce this new payment system.  This decree is China's regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Non-Bank Payment Institutions.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 4-25-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

China's Payment Regulations Announcement:

On December 9, 2023, Chinese Premier Li Qiang signed Decree No. 768 of the State Council.

The People's Bank of China is giving us a look at their implementation rules for their new payment regulations.

It covers risk management, e-commerce, faster mobile and computer payments, connections between central depository institutions, banking systems, monetary policies, guidelines, management of payment rules between Financial institutions, and various types of accounts.

After implementation, these new regulations will be sent to Clearing House Institutions for Network inclusion and compliance directives to enforce this new payment system.  This decree is China's regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Non-Bank Payment Institutions.

A non-bank entity provides similar services to a bank, but they do not hold a banking license. This merges the new Digital Economy with the Traditional Markets and Banking System inside our new digital economy.   Peoples Bank of China

It will go into effect on May 1, 2024.

© Goldilocks


Japan is the fourth-largest export market and trading partner of the United States with a 68 billion trading deficit.

Why this partnership is so important comes of its connection to US Dollars held within their accounts to support the Yen.

Japan is giving an imminent warning that they are going to have to prop up their currency by intervening into the markets.

This means they will be selling their dollars that they have bought over the years to support the Yen from continuing to fall in its price.

As the yen begins the process of leveling the playing field between the price of the dollar against the yen, it will begin to affect the global markets as well.

This move will cause trading deficits and appreciation with other countries around the world as the Yen begins to rise in its price.

Eventually, the move toward more reliance on their Basel 3 compliant policies over the dollar will stabilize the Yen as these temporary measures go into effect.

As we have spoke of recently in this room, we are moving into credit valuation adjustments. This is going to be a big one because of so many trading contracts take place between the US and Japan.

Volatility in the currency markets are about to begin, and they will end with the stabilization of all currencies based upon real values connected to them through gold.

If you think the recent actions to regulate and place laws on Stablecoins is a coincidence, you might want to look again.   Reuters 1   Reuters 2   Trade

© Goldilocks


This Louisiana Man Collected Over Half a Million Pennies in 45 Years | ABC News

I wish he would have sold it to an exchange center instead of a bank. Can you imagine how much he really lost on this exchange.

Copper is now a critical mineral and a global shortage metal. Know what you hold my friends. Know it's worth.

A wise investor explores exchange options.

👆4.49 per lb×2800 lb of copper= $12,572

The above is copper's current actual worth. The bank gave this man...$5,136. He lost over $7,000 on this deal.

Do your own research my friends.

© Goldilocks


👆 Can you imagine how much this man would have had if he waited until next year to sell his copper? So sad.


Nonbank Financial Institutions: What They Are and How They Work | Investopedia


Stablecoin News: Top Democrat Predicts Imminent Deal On Stablecoin Regulation | Coingape


Stablecoin Bill Could Be Ready for the U.S. House Soon Says Top Democrat Maxine Waters: Bloomberg


Venezuela demands oil purchases to be paid in #USDT to Bypass U.S Sanctions 🤨 | Twitter


What are the Bretton Woods 3 institutions? | UN

* International Monetary Fund (IMF)
* International Finance Corporation (IFC)
* Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
* The World Bank.
* The World Trade Organization (WTO)


Ripple to Use Stablecoin for US ODL Customers, Not XRP | The Crypto Basic


A new web3 network is being built right now that wants to end Big Tech’s control of your data | Tech Crunch


Navigating The Generative AI Divide: Open-Source Vs. Closed-Source Solutions | Forbes


Mannarino Market Risk Indicator

The Dow Index has lost over 3.82% the past 4 weeks. We talked about the Markets moving down for the next three to five weeks almost a month ago. How am I doing so far?

© Goldilocks


China's March net gold imports via Hong Kong up 40% from Feb | Zawya


Book of Zephaniah Summary: A Complete Animated Overview | Youtube


👆 Sound familiar? It should, what we are going through is a Biblical prophecy


Meaning: Hidden by God.

Zephaniah is a masculine name of Hebrew origin that means "hidden by God." This is a biblical name shared with minor prophets in the Hebrew Bible and its meaning is symbolic of God's protection.


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ, Militiaman Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ, Militiaman Dinar Recaps 20

Thursday Evening News with MarkZ, Militia Man, and Dr. Scott Young

Thursday Evening News with MarkZ, Militia Man, and Dr. Scott Young.


MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

The next scheduled stream is 10:00  AM EST Friday

Please listen to the replay for all the details and their information and opinions

Thursday Evening News with MarkZ, Militia Man, and Dr. Scott Young.


MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

The next scheduled stream is 10:00  AM EST Friday

Please listen to the replay for all the details and their information and opinions

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KTFA, Frank26 Dinar Recaps 20 KTFA, Frank26 Dinar Recaps 20

KTFA Thurs. Night CC: “FRANK26….4-25-24……A SLEW OF ARTICLES”


Thursday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#


Thursday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

U.S. Debt Crisis to Make the Fed ‘Irrelevant,’ Watch These Hard Assets Get ‘Unleashed’ — Tavi Costa

U.S. Debt Crisis to Make the Fed ‘Irrelevant,’ Watch These Hard Assets Get ‘Unleashed’ — Tavi Costa

Kitco News:  4-25-2024

Jeremy Szafron, Anchor at Kitco News, interviews Tavi Costa, a macro strategist from Crescat Capital, to discuss the pressing issues facing the 2024 economy.

They discuss the implications of high sovereign debt, the Federal Reserve's response to inflation, and the rising geopolitical tensions.

Costa shares his insights on why he believes the Fed will become "irrelevant" due to unsustainable debt levels and highlights which hard assets are poised to benefit in this turbulent financial landscape.

U.S. Debt Crisis to Make the Fed ‘Irrelevant,’ Watch These Hard Assets Get ‘Unleashed’ — Tavi Costa

Kitco News:  4-25-2024

Jeremy Szafron, Anchor at Kitco News, interviews Tavi Costa, a macro strategist from Crescat Capital, to discuss the pressing issues facing the 2024 economy.

They discuss the implications of high sovereign debt, the Federal Reserve's response to inflation, and the rising geopolitical tensions.

Costa shares his insights on why he believes the Fed will become "irrelevant" due to unsustainable debt levels and highlights which hard assets are poised to benefit in this turbulent financial landscape.

0:00 - Introduction & Global Economic Overview

1:21 - Federal Reserve's Policy Impact

2:44 - Credit Markets & Recession Risks

 3:39 - IMF Growth Projections vs. Reality

4:38 - Fiscal Policies & Inflation Dynamics

5:34 - Stagflation Threat & Market Mispricing

6:58 - Hard Assets & Investment Opportunities

10:36 - Debasement of Fiat Currencies

18:34 - Global Economic Shifts & Opportunities

25:05 - Final Thoughts on Economic Outlook

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 4-25-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 4-25-24

Economist: There Is Serious Work To Lift US Sanctions On Iraqi Banks

Economy | 04/25/2024 Mawazine News – Baghdad The expert in economic affairs, Safwan Qusay, confirmed that there is a joint committee between the US Federal Reserve and the Iraqi Central Bank in order to lift sanctions on some banks.

Qusay said, in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News, that “the joint committee is working to study the activities of the banks sanctioned by the US Federal Reserve.”

He added that “banks that have worked to purchase equipment or tools from sanctioned countries will have sanctions imposed on these banks.” A fine, indicating that the government must work to rehabilitate the banking sector so that it is internationally accepted.”

He pointed out that “the government of Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani directed the formation of a joint committee between the US Federal Reserve and the Iraqi Central Bank in order to move towards lifting sanctions on Iraqi banks and restoring the status of the Iraqi banking sector. ” to its global stature.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 4-25-24

Economist: There Is Serious Work To Lift US Sanctions On Iraqi Banks

Economy | 04/25/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The expert in economic affairs, Safwan Qusay, confirmed that there is a joint committee between the US Federal Reserve and the Iraqi Central Bank in order to lift sanctions on some banks.

Qusay said, in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News, that “the joint committee is working to study the activities of the banks sanctioned by the US Federal Reserve.”

He added that “banks that have worked to purchase equipment or tools from sanctioned countries will have sanctions imposed on these banks.” A fine, indicating that the government must work to rehabilitate the banking sector so that it is internationally accepted.”

He pointed out that “the government of Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani directed the formation of a joint committee between the US Federal Reserve and the Iraqi Central Bank in order to move towards lifting sanctions on Iraqi banks and restoring the status of the Iraqi banking sector. ” to its global stature.

American Threats Close The Iraqi Stock Exchange At A Loss

Market   Economy News – Baghdad  The Iraqi Stock Exchange closed the weekend session, losing by 0.35%, as a result of security developments in northern Iraq after the United States threatened to launch strikes inside Iraq.

The main index of the stock exchange reached 1006.5, with 890 million shares traded, worth 1.1 billion dinars, through 817 transactions, on the shares of 40 companies.

As for the most active companies in terms of traded shares, the Middle East Bank led with 200 million shares, worth approximately 243 billion dinars, and the Iraqi Islamic Bank with 182 million shares.

Views 169 04/25/2024 -

The Central Bank Warns Of The Dangers Of Misuse Of Electronic Payment Cards

Economy  Thursday, April 25, 2024 Baghdad/National News Center

The bank explained in a statement received by the National News Centre, that “reports of misused cards are referred to the Supreme Judicial Council, to take the necessary legal measures in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law No. (39) of 2015 and the instructions issued pursuant thereto.”

The statement indicated that “the bank’s efforts in this field resulted in the issuance of judicial rulings against violators, which included sentences of imprisonment and confiscation of cards.” The Central Bank called on

The Iraqi Central Bank Sold More Than $270 Million At Auction Today

Economy News – Baghdad  Today, Thursday, the Central Bank of Iraq's dollar sales amounted to more than $270 million in the currency auction.

In its auction today, the Central Bank sold 270 million, 897 thousand and 422 dollars, which it covered at a base exchange rate of 1,305 dinars per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements for electronic cards, at a price of 1,310 dinars per dollar for external transfers, and at a price of 1,310 dinars per dollar in cash.

Most of the dollar sales went to strengthen balances abroad in the form of transfers and credits, which amounted to 264 million 37 thousand and 422 dollars, an increase of 97% over cash sales amounting to 6 million and 860 thousand dollars.

The number of banks that purchased cash dollars reached 6 banks, while the number of banks that responded to requests to enhance balances abroad reached 14 banks, and the total number of exchange and brokerage companies participating in the auction was 58 companies.

Views 104 04/25/2024 -

The Bank Of Baghdad Is Moving To Increase Its Capital To 400 Billion Dinars

Bank of Baghdad  The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Baghdad, Majid Al-Saadi, announced that the meeting of the bank’s general assembly will be held next May 18 in Baghdad.

Al-Saadi said that the next general assembly meeting of the Bank of Baghdad will decide to increase the bank’s capital from 300 billion dinars to 400 billion dinars in response to the Central Bank’s decision, and the increase will be free shares.

He added that the meeting will also discuss concluding a management agreement between the Jordan Kuwait Bank and the Bank of Baghdad.  04/25/2024 -

The Price Of Gold Rises And Brent Crude Falls Below $87 Per Barrel

Economy | 12:53 - 04/25/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The price of gold ended its decline in recent days, and rose to $2,313 per ounce at the opening in the Asian markets, this morning, Thursday (April 25, 2024), while the price of Brent crude fell below $87 per barrel.

The price of gold fell by about $100 per ounce during the last three days, but it received support from the anxiety prevailing in global stock exchanges.

Gold is a safe haven for investment and demand for it increases when anxiety prevails in the markets.

Financial markets analyst at FX Street, Zwane Mehta, believes that the US growth data for the fourth quarter that will be released on Friday “will have a significant impact on gold prices,” as any slowdown in the US economy will lead to a rise in the price of the yellow metal.

A slowdown in the US economy is prompting the US Federal Reserve to cut interest rates faster, providing further support to gold prices.

On the other hand, oil prices fell this morning amid concerns about the slowdown in the US economy and the future monetary policy of the US Federal Reserve.

Brent crude fell 9 cents to $86.95 per barrel, while the price of Texas Light, Light crude fell 7 cents to $82.74 per barrel.

Dollar Prices Fall In Baghdad With The Stock Market Closing

Economy  Thursday, April 25, 2024 Baghdad/National News Center  The exchange rates of the US dollar decreased today, Thursday, against the Iraqi dinar in the markets of the capital, Baghdad, with the stock market closed.

The National News Center correspondent said, “Dollar prices fell with the closure of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad, recording 146,300 dinars for every 100 dollars, as prices recorded 146,600 dinars this morning.”

He added, "Prices decreased in banking shops in local markets in Baghdad, where the selling price reached 147,000 dinars for 100 dollars, while the purchase price reached 146,000 dinars."


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 Provoking Points To Ponder on Failures and Mistakes

Through failure, we learn a lesson in humility which is probably needed, painful though it is.- Bill W.

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.- Auguste Rodin

From the errors of others, a wise man corrects his own.- Publilius Syrus

Learn from the mistakes of others - you can't live long enough to make them all yourself.- Martin Vanbee

The entire history of science is a progression of exploded fallacies.- Ayn Rand

Don't use the conduct of a fool as a precedent.- Talmud

Wise men learn by other men's mistakes, fools by their own.- H. G. Bohn

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Thursday Afternoon 4-25-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Thursday Afternoon 4-25-24

Finally CBI Show ON Screen IQD New Rate – 2:59

World Bank Confirmed IQD RV  - 3:38

Vice President Statement iqd dinar Exchange Rate – 3:05

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Thursday Afternoon 4-25-24

Finally CBI Show ON Screen IQD New Rate – 2:59

World Bank Confirmed IQD RV  - 3:38

Vice President Statement iqd dinar Exchange Rate – 3:05

Finally CBI Show ON Screen IQD New Rate – 2:59

World Bank Confirmed IQD RV – 3:38

Vice President Statement iqd dinar Exchange Rate – 3:05

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

Some “Thursday News” Posted by TNT Members 4-25-2024


CandyKisses:  US threats close the Iraqi stock exchange at a loss

Economy News - Baghdad

The Iraqi stock exchange closed the weekend session, losing 0.35%, as a result of security developments in northern Iraq after the threat of the United States of America, strikes inside Iraq.

The bourse's main index reached 1,006.5, trading 890 million shares, worth 1.1 billion dinars, through 817 deals, on the shares of 40 companies.

As for the most active companies in terms of traded shares, the Middle East Bank topped the list with 200 million shares, worth about 243 billion dinars, and the Iraqi Islamic Bank with 182 million shares.


CandyKisses:  US threats close the Iraqi stock exchange at a loss

Economy News - Baghdad

The Iraqi stock exchange closed the weekend session, losing 0.35%, as a result of security developments in northern Iraq after the threat of the United States of America, strikes inside Iraq.

The bourse's main index reached 1,006.5, trading 890 million shares, worth 1.1 billion dinars, through 817 deals, on the shares of 40 companies.

As for the most active companies in terms of traded shares, the Middle East Bank topped the list with 200 million shares, worth about 243 billion dinars, and the Iraqi Islamic Bank with 182 million shares.

Tishwash:  Analyst: Al-Sudani is the first prime minister to work around the clock

 Political analyst Alaa Al-Azzawi confirmed today, Thursday, that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is considered the first prime minister to work around the clock, and his closeness to citizens increased his popularity, and Iraq has never seen a prime minister this close.

Al-Azzawi told the Iraq Observer Agency that the Prime Minister was on an official visit last week in the United States of America, and the world saw how he wandered here and there and the meetings and agreements that were concluded, as well as the meetings with senior officials in the United States of America, and when he returned to Iraq at the beginning of this week, he received On Monday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in addition to holding intensive dialogues, and not least, Al-Sudani’s visit to Anbar Governorate yesterday, Wednesday, and his meeting with department directors.

He pointed out that this feeling and belonging in closeness to the citizen raised the level of trust that the citizen lost during two decades, in addition to the presence of general satisfaction with the general policy of the ministerial cabinet, which is considered the first government close to the people.  link


CandyKisses:  Deputy: The development road will reduce the transport of goods from Basra to the heart of Europe by 72 hours

Deputy: The development road will reduce the transport of goods from Basra to the heart of Europe by 72 hours

Information / Baghdad

MP Mudar Al-Karawi confirmed on Thursday the existence of 3 advantages of the Iraqi development road. 

Al-Karawi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma that "the development road is a strategic development project that will start from the ports of Basra towards Turkey and from there to the heart of Europe with land tracks, railways and investments that may reach $ 18 billion."

He added, "The road is characterized by 3 important points, most notably reducing the extent of transporting goods from Basra to the heart of Europe in 72 hours, while all similar projects in the region have a double trip in terms of time, cost and logistical challenges, which makes the development road the most important genealogy."

He pointed out that "many countries have expressed their desire to have significant investments in projects on the development road, which will be implemented in 2025."

The development road is one of the strategic projects in Iraq, which will launch its first phase during 2025.


Tishwash:  Will the agreements signed with the US Treasury reflect positively on the exchange rates?

Today, Thursday, economic expert Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani stated the possibility of Iraqi getting a green light to contract with Iranian companies that are not sanctioned by the United States, while anticipating the impact of the Central Bank’s agreement with the US Treasury on exchange rates.

Al-Mashhadani said, in an interview with Al-Iqtisad News, “The visit of the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, to America is very positive, but so far the results of what was agreed upon in Washington have not appeared.”

He added: “It is hoped that the Central Bank of Iraq will announce the measures that were agreed upon in Washington, which could have a positive impact on the exchange rate,” pointing out that “the real problem of exchange rates has not yet been solved, which is dealing in trade with banned countries.” .

The economic expert explained, “The economic aspect was the main focus of Sudanese’s visit to Washington, and it became clear through the meetings and discussions held by the Central Bank of Iraq, with the US Treasury regarding the sanctions imposed on Iraqi banks or even the issue of financial transfers to Iran, in addition to the required investments, which "It is possible to sign in the energy field."

He stressed, "Iraq got the other light by contracting with unsanctioned Iranian companies, which allowed the Ministry of Electricity to sign a contract to recover Iranian gas for a period of five years, at a time when the government is heading to end this file after 3 years, according to what was announced  link

Tishwash:  The most difficult option.. Warnings of the danger of floating the Iraqi dinar without achieving an “important condition”

Economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi warned today, Thursday (April 25, 2024), of the dangers of floating the Iraqi dinar, noting that such a step could lead to the dinar witnessing a violent collapse and rampant inflation that would jump prices to insane levels.

Al-Marsoumi said in a post on the social networking site “Facebook”, followed by “Baghdad Today”, that “some are proposing a solution to address the double price of the dollar against the dinar and the existence of a large gap between the official and parallel prices through a free float of the Iraqi dinar,” indicating, “i.e. Turk.” The dinar is in the market to find its price against foreign currencies through the interaction of the forces of supply and demand.

 Al-Marsoumi added, “Such a decision has some economic positives,” adding, “But the economy should not be taken in its abstract aspect, but rather insofar as it relates to people, especially the poor.”

He continued, "In light of Iraq's lack of a national private sector that could contribute to increasing the supply of dollars in the Iraqi market, and because of the large volume of imports, which reach 67 billion dollars annually, the only party that owns the dollar is the government," explaining that "in the event that the government decides not to intervene." In the exchange market, it is expected that the dinar will witness a violent collapse and rampant inflation that will cause prices to rise to insane levels that will cause severe damage to citizens’ living standards, and the poor will become more miserable, and will later lead to social tensions and a major rift in the social peace.”

It is noteworthy that the floating exchange rate or currency float is the currency exchange rate that has been floated so that it has become completely liberalized, so the government or the central bank does not interfere in determining it directly, but rather it is released automatically in the currency market through the supply and demand mechanism that allows the price to be determined. Exchange the national currency against foreign currencies.

It is worth noting that the price of the dollar in the local markets is still experiencing a state of instability between rises and falls, even though the official price in the Central Bank of Iraq is 132,000 dinars per 100 dollars, but in the local markets it is witnessing an increase of more than ten points and may at times reach double this.

The number is despite the numerous measures and packages launched by the Central Bank of Iraq, where some attribute that the reason for this confusion in prices is the result of smuggling operations and speculation in the black market for currenclink


Tishwash:  Will the US withdraw from Iraq?

For the Biden administration, the primary concern regarding Iraq is to avoid a recurrence of the chaotic scenes witnessed during the withdrawal from Afghanistan

 It is being speculated that Israel's ongoing attacks on Gaza since October have prompted a reassessment of the United States' regional policies, sparking discussions within the Joe Biden administration about the potential withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria and Iraq.

Allegations initially raised by major media outlets like Reuters earlier in the year have resurfaced in light of recent developments in the region.

While these claims have not been officially verified, conflicting statements are emerging from official sources regarding the matter. It is widely recognized that the U.S. Department of Defense (Pentagon) has been the most resistant to the notion of ending the "endless wars," a concept often debated during the tenure of former President Donald Trump but never actualized. However, this issue transcends mere institutional sovereignty; arguments such as the ongoing fight against Daesh no longer suffice to convince the American public to support the expenditure of their tax dollars beyond their borders.

 Furthermore, the consistent support for withdrawal in Trump's stance, coupled with his rising popularity in polls leading up to the upcoming elections, adds pressure on the Biden administration to address this matter decisively.

According to reports in the international press, the issue of U.S. withdrawal from Syria has not yet been addressed. The current focus lies on the U.S. presence in Iraq. Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed S. Al Sudani has repeatedly stated that the mission of the U.S.-led coalition forces in the country has concluded and they should withdraw.

Additionally, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry has announced an agreement between Baghdad and Washington to establish a commission aimed at initiating discussions about the future of the U.S.-led military coalition in Iraq. This commission will be tasked with determining a timetable for the gradual withdrawal of troops and the eventual termination of the coalition's presence.

Iraq vs. Afghanistan contexts

For the Biden administration, the primary concern regarding Iraq is to avoid a recurrence of the chaotic scenes witnessed during the withdrawal from Afghanistan. As Trump emphasized, such "ineptitude" not only undermined U.S. hegemony in Afghanistan but also had repercussions extending from the Gulf to Eastern Europe. The resulting power vacuum led to new regional alliances, such as the Saudi-Iran rapprochement, which excluded the U.S. Moreover, it emboldened China and Russia in their pursuit of expanding spheres of influence.

Hawks in the U.S. assert that a scenario akin to the "apocalypse" witnessed in Afghanistan would unfold should they withdraw from Iraq. However, the contexts of the two nations differ significantly. Despite enduring years of U.S. occupation, Iraq maintains a functional state apparatus and an integrated democratic political system, setting it apart from Afghanistan. Moreover, its economy is self-sustaining.

The impediments to normalization in Iraq include not only the presence of the U.S. and proxy groups like the PKK but also Iran's military presence in the region. 

In this context, Türkiye's role proves invaluable. Ankara boasts seamless political, commercial and cultural ties not only with Iraq's central government but also with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in the north. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's recent visit to Iraq unequivocally underscored Türkiye's pivotal role in fostering stability in the country.

Should the mutual occupation by the U.S. and Iran in Iraq cease, Türkiye could naturally assume a significant role as a mediator in the transitional phase. Such dialogue would serve as a crucial cornerstone for regional peace.  link

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Afternoon 4-25-2024


RMF: Probably just another coincidence but same date as ascension to WTO:

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Haitham Al-Zahwan, announced on the 21st of this month, “There is a possibility to send the 2024 budget and approve it before the legislative recess of the House of Representatives begins next May 9.

RMF:  Just another reason to believe the rate is about to change:  Wonder if it will be retro ? President Biden has formally proposed the highest top capital gains tax in over 100 years

The proposed Biden top capital gains tax rate is more than twice as high as China’s rate.


RMF: Probably just another coincidence but same date as ascension to WTO:

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Haitham Al-Zahwan, announced on the 21st of this month, “There is a possibility to send the 2024 budget and approve it before the legislative recess of the House of Representatives begins next May 9.

RMF:  Just another reason to believe the rate is about to change:  Wonder if it will be retro ?
President Biden has formally proposed the highest top capital gains tax in over 100 years

The proposed Biden top capital gains tax rate is more than twice as high as China’s rate.

Clare: Urgent... Source for Al-Furat News: The Council of Ministers holds a session this afternoon


An informed source revealed that the Council of Ministers will hold a session this afternoon, Thursday

The source told {Al-Furat News} agency, "The Council of Ministers will hold at one o'clock this afternoon a make-up session for a session that was missed due to Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani's travel to Washington last week."

The Council of Ministers holds regular sessions every Tuesday of the week.

It is noteworthy that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani visited Washington on April 14, lasting for about a week, during which he met with US President Joe Biden and officials in his administration, including the Minister of Defense, as well as businessmen, heads of companies, Iraqi communities in the United States, and foreign media.  LINK


Clare:  Al-Sudani will visit Saudi Arabia at the end of this month


An informed political source said on Thursday that the Iraqi Prime Minister will pay a visit to Saudi Arabia at the end of this month.

The source told Shafaq News Agency: “The visit comes to participate in the special meeting of the World Economic Forum, which will be hosted by Riyadh on April 28 and 29.”

Last week, the Iraqi Prime Minister made a visit to the United States of America that lasted for several days.   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:  They are telling us on TV news about Iraq accession to WTO May 9th.  FRANK:  There you go.  Iraq [will be] part of WTO as of May 9th.

Mnt Goat   The reinstatement is coming, it won’t be years anymore and I firmly believe from what we already know and what we are now witnessing, the writing is on the wall, but just not yet. Do you hold large sums of Iraqi dinar? Are they the larger three zero notes issued after 2003?  If so, you just might be a millionaire sooner than later.  In the month of April, Iraqi reforms has made monumental leaps and bounds even since 2023. Folks, it’s about to EXPLODE!  It is now openly evident...It would be foolish to turn back now. Full speed ahead, choo-choo.


Greg Mannarino:  4-25-2024

Peter Schiff on 50% Gold Allocation, Economy Crash Landing, Intrinsic Value & Bitcoin Regrets

Natalie Brunell:  4-25-2024

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