Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Tuesday Evening 4-9-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Tuesday Evening 4-9-24

President Trump fully New Value Fully Cames Out At $4.22 USD Decided 3:48

$3.22 Believeable Value Of Iraqi Dinar Decided – 3:15

Massive News JP Morgan Chase Bank Announced New Exchange Rate – 3:43

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Tuesday Evening 4-9-24

President Trump fully New Value Fully Cames Out At $4.22 USD Decided 3:48

$3.22 Believeable Value Of Iraqi Dinar Decided – 3:15

Massive News JP Morgan Chase Bank Announced New Exchange Rate – 3:43

 President Trump fully New Value Fully Cames Out At $4.22 USD Decided – 3:48

$3.22 Believeable Value Of Iraqi Dinar Decided – 3:15

Massive News JP Morgan Chase Bank Announced New Exchange Rate – 3:43

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Tuesday Evening 4-9-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Tuesday Evening 4-9-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Al-Sudani: Today We Are Moving Towards Economic Construction And Comprehensive Reform

Economy News – Baghdad  Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed today, Tuesday, that the National Service Government is moving towards economic construction and comprehensive reform.

Al-Sudani said, in a statement received by “Al-Iqtisad News”: “April of this year will return to us, and Iraq will regain its health and historical civilizational launch, and will enjoy security and stability, proceeding with development and reconstruction.

These are gains that were achieved through a long process of sacrifice, patience, and jihad against tyranny. Our people sacrificed precious lives, and caravans of martyrs were among the finest men and women.”


He added: "The dictatorship fell after it delved into injustice and plunged the country into bloody wars and conflicts, causing isolation and hostility and sowing hatred in the region. Our people reaped death, destitution, backwardness and disease, and lost on the path to freedom an elite group of martyrs of the Islamic and national movement, whom we remember in this regard."

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Tuesday Evening 4-9-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Al-Sudani: Today We Are Moving Towards Economic Construction And Comprehensive Reform

Economy News – Baghdad  Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed today, Tuesday, that the National Service Government is moving towards economic construction and comprehensive reform.

Al-Sudani said, in a statement received by “Al-Iqtisad News”: “April of this year will return to us, and Iraq will regain its health and historical civilizational launch, and will enjoy security and stability, proceeding with development and reconstruction.

These are gains that were achieved through a long process of sacrifice, patience, and jihad against tyranny. Our people sacrificed precious lives, and caravans of martyrs were among the finest men and women.”

He added: "The dictatorship fell after it delved into injustice and plunged the country into bloody wars and conflicts, causing isolation and hostility and sowing hatred in the region. Our people reaped death, destitution, backwardness and disease, and lost on the path to freedom an elite group of martyrs of the Islamic and national movement, whom we remember in this regard."

 Especially today, on the anniversary of his ascension as a martyr, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr, whose execution represented a disgrace to the black Baathist regime.”

The Prime Minister continued: “Our people chose their own fate after the fall of the regime, through persistence and determination, which created a bright picture for their future, resisted terrorism, wrote their permanent constitution, and elected their parliamentary representation and national governments.

Then the forces of evil returned to appear in the guise of the mythical ISIS, and the Iraqis pulled together their ranks once again.” They showed a commitment to the land and life that was rarely matched.”

He stated: “The journey of the past twenty-one years has been the best document of the cohesion of Iraqis and the confirmation of common living for all fraternal sects, and today, we are moving together, under the National Service Government, towards an advanced stage of economic construction, comprehensive reform, social and civil service, and consolidating Rights and stability are on the rise, expressing a vision developed by our government’s program, in light of the needs of citizens, their aspirations and their wishes for their country.” Views 37 04/09/2024 -

Al-Araji: The Prime Minister's Visit To Washington Will Establish A New Era In Relations Between The Two Countries

Tuesday 09, April 2024 14:39 | Political Number of readings: 96  Baghdad / NINA / National Security Advisor Qasim Al-Araji confirmed that the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to Washington will establish a new era of relations between the two countries.

The National Security Advisory stated in a statement: “Al-Araji met in his office today with the US Ambassador to Baghdad, Alina Romanowski, and the two sides discussed the latest developments in the political and security situation at the regional and international levels, and the prospects for cooperation and partnership between Iraq and the United States of America.”

During the meeting, the two sides discussed issues and files of common interest, including the Al-Hawl camp file and continued cooperation in the field of combating terrorism.

During the meeting, Al-Araji expressed his optimism about the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to Washington, noting that the visit will establish a new era in relations between the two countries.

He pointed out that the strategic framework agreement between Iraq and the United States of America is important and comprehensive and does not concern only the security aspect, but rather includes all fields, stressing the importance of countries withdrawing their nationals from Al-Hawl camp and drying up the human, financial and media sources of terrorism.

For her part, the American Ambassador confirmed that the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington is very important and that the two countries are moving towards the bilateral security agreement, and that the committees of the two countries are continuing meetings regarding the international coalition’s mission.

Financial Advisor: Government Measures Put Iraq At The Forefront Of Countries In Foreign Investment

Local | 11:04 - 04/09/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  Today, Tuesday, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, revealed government measures that put Iraq at the forefront of countries with foreign investment, while noting that the development path and the Al-Faw port have strengthened the government’s vision in encouraging foreign investments.

Saleh said in a statement seen by Mawazine News: “The Iraqi economy is characterized by two basic features that help give it preference in foreign investment.

First, cash flows in foreign currency are reflected in the current account of the balance of payments relative to the gross domestic product, which is estimated by international economic and national centers at a surplus estimated at approximately ( Positive 7%) Iraq also ranks second in OPEC oil production and fifth in the world in that production.”

He added: “As for the second advantage, there is a wide range of available investment opportunities provided by transportation, digital communications, housing and construction activities, and it ends with encouraging partnership between the state and the private sector in the manufacturing industry and various technological fields, the latest of which was the Cabinet’s adoption of the facilitating instructions in its last meeting that encourages the existing partnership between...

The state and the private sector, which is based on the principle of mutual win-win and is an attractive signal for foreign direct investment,” pointing out that “the investment law frames the provision of an attractive investment environment for investors, especially the economic surplus trends of the countries of the region and their orientation towards profitable investments in Iraq in the industrial, agricultural and other fields, which...

It gives a positive signal to international investment in general to be attracted to Iraq and investigate promising opportunities there.”

He stressed that “the Development Road Project, as a development strategy that adopts the idea of ​​development-leading projects, constituted the central call for international companies to participate, starting from the port of Al-Faw and ending with the Turkish border, for economic connection with Europe, which... This means that the state's economic vision is based on encouraging direct foreign investments in development activity in Iraq, whose natural resources are abundant in the ground.

He explained, “Iraq is ranked ninth in the world in terms of natural resources in the ground, and ranked first in reserves per square kilometer of investable natural resources such as (phosphate, sulfur, and other important reserves).

A study conducted by the FDI Intelligence website, which specializes in foreign direct investment affairs, stated that “Iraq was ranked fourth among ten countries in the latest classification, and this classification was evaluated based on several criteria, including growth in gross domestic product, the inflation rate, growth in capital spending in foreign direct investment, and the growth rate in foreign direct investment projects.”

The study indicated that “the growth rate of Iraq’s gross domestic product reached 2.9%, while the inflation rate reached 3.6%, and the growth rate in capital spending in foreign direct investment witnessed an increase of 371%, and the growth rate in foreign direct investment projects reached 95 percent.” %”, indicating that “these numbers reflect the noticeable improvement in the investment climate in Iraq and the efforts made to strengthen the economic sector and attract more foreign direct investments.”

Sudanese Issues Several Directives To Stimulate The Activity Of The Private Banking Sector

Economy |  04/09/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad   A government source revealed, today, Tuesday, that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani issued a set of measures and steps to revitalize the private banking sector, while directing a study of the possibility of strengthening the needs of private bank branches abroad in foreign currency.

The source told the official agency, followed by Mawazine News: “As part of the Iraqi government’s efforts to formulate a strategy that stimulates the activity of the private banking sector during the next stage, allowing it to engage more in efforts to diversify the economy and strengthen its foundations, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani directed the adoption of a set of measures and steps.” In this regard, including: -

1 - The Ministerial Council for the Economy studies the proposal to increase deposits of government institutions and the central government with private banks, enabling them to provide more banking operations and contribute to the development of various vital sectors and increase their ability to provide various financing services inside and outside Iraq.

2- The support of the Iraqi government and the Central Bank of Iraq to private Iraqi banks through foreign institutions and banks, taking into account the credit rating of each bank.

3- Studying the possibility of strengthening the needs of private bank branches abroad in foreign currency for the purposes of financing foreign trade - the private sector and in accordance with the applicable contexts.

4- The Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq determines the contribution of foreign capital to Iraqi banks and evaluates the reality of the situation in a way that benefits the Iraqi economy and in accordance with what is stated in Banking Law No. 94 of 2004.

5- Participation of representatives of the private banking sector when discussing relevant issues in all state institutions. Including meetings of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq.

6- Studying the reactivation of the financing initiative presented by the Central Bank of Iraq and in accordance with the contexts proposed by the Central Bank in this regard.

7- The Competition Affairs and Monopoly Prevention Council shall take the necessary measures under Law No. 14 of 2010 to prevent monopoly in banking services, provided that the Council shall submit reports to the Central Bank of Iraq and in coordination with it periodically and in accordance with the aforementioned law.


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit : 


Provoking Points To Ponder On Failures and Mistakes

I try to extract something positive from [every] situation, even if it's just learning not to make the same mistake twice.- Claudia Schiffer

He who is shipwrecked twice is foolish to blame the sea.- Publilius Syrus

He who is shipwrecked the second time cannot lay the blame on Neptune.- English proverb

He that's cheated twice by the same man is an accomplice with the cheater.- Thomas Fuller

If you would not have affliction visit you twice, listen at once to what it teaches.- James Burgh

You can beat the Bear once, but never the same way twice.- John McKay

Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error.- Cicero

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Wednesday Morning 4-10-2024


CandyKisses:  Al-Khazali: There should be no complacency on the issue of the withdrawal of foreign and US forces from Iraq

Shafaq News / The Secretary-General of the "Asaib Ahl al-Haq" Qais al-Khazali, on Wednesday, stressed the need not to tolerate the exit of all foreign forces, including the United States, from Iraqi territory, as the success of the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to the United States of America depends on this exit.

Khazali said in his Eid prayer sermon among a gathering of worshipers in Baghdad, that "the issue of the exit of foreign forces, especially the US forces, is a fundamental and strategic importance that must not be tolerated," adding that "this presence is illegal and illegitimate."

He added that "there are some politicians who defend the foreign presence and they only represent themselves," adding that the position of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani and the framework and the Iraqi resistance is clear in not agreeing to the survival of this illegal and illegal presence.


CandyKisses:  Al-Khazali: There should be no complacency on the issue of the withdrawal of foreign and US forces from Iraq

Shafaq News / The Secretary-General of the "Asaib Ahl al-Haq" Qais al-Khazali, on Wednesday, stressed the need not to tolerate the exit of all foreign forces, including the United States, from Iraqi territory, as the success of the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to the United States of America depends on this exit.

Khazali said in his Eid prayer sermon among a gathering of worshipers in Baghdad, that "the issue of the exit of foreign forces, especially the US forces, is a fundamental and strategic importance that must not be tolerated," adding that "this presence is illegal and illegitimate."

He added that "there are some politicians who defend the foreign presence and they only represent themselves," adding that the position of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani and the framework and the Iraqi resistance is clear in not agreeing to the survival of this illegal and illegal presence.

Khazali stressed that "there is no room for the survival of these forces," addressing them, "and if you do not preach and understand this message, then the full justification to resist this illegal and illegal presence in all ways, foremost of which are military operations," stressing that "the American exit is inevitable."

Tishwash:  Details of a “new” meeting to end the international coalition’s mission in Iraq

The spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Major General Yahya Rasoul, announced this evening, Tuesday, the details of the meeting of the Supreme Military Committee of the International Coalition in Iraq.

Rasoul said in a statement, received by Al-Youm Al-Akhbariya, that “yesterday, the eighth of this month of April, in the capital, Baghdad, the Iraqi Supreme Military Committee held a meeting with the Supreme Military Committee of the International Coalition in Iraq, and the two committees are concerned with ending the mission of the International Coalition in Iraq.” 

He added, "During the meeting, the work of the subcommittees was discussed since their launch in January 2024, and the assessment of the threat of ISIS terrorist gangs, the operational environment, the current security situation, and the capabilities of the Iraqi security forces." 

According to Rasoul, members of the two military committees praised “the achievements and sacrifices made in the battles to defeat ISIS, and the continuing efforts to prevent the return of these terrorist gangs, as well as supporting Iraq’s sovereignty, unity, and stability.” 

The spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief indicated that the two sides “confirmed the capabilities and capabilities of the Iraqi security forces to defeat ISIS, and they also confirmed that the subcommittees will continue their work to present evaluations to the Supreme Military Committee to submit recommendations in order to make a decision regarding the timetable for the transfer of the international coalition in Iraq to... Establishing a bilateral security partnership between Iraq and the United States, which contributes to raising the capabilities of the Iraqi security forces and working to develop them, which enhances the stability and security of Iraq and the region.”   link


Tishwash:  Al-Khazali calls for Iraq's freedom to dispose of dollars: America is not kind to us and this is our money

The Secretary-General of the "Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq" group, Qais Al-Khazali, on Wednesday called on Prime Minister Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani to emphasize the issue of Iraq's freedom to dispose of its US dollar funds during his upcoming visit to the United States of America.

Al-Khazali said in an Eid prayer sermon that he delivered to a gathering of worshipers in Baghdad, “The issue of economic sovereignty, and Iraq’s ownership of its decision-making and sovereignty regarding its disposal of its US dollar funds, is important and complex.”

He added, "America is not favoring us, and this is our money," stressing the importance of "Iraq having the freedom to dispose of this money according to its interests."

Al-Khazali continued by saying, “Iraq has demonstrated - despite the unfair, unrealistic and exaggerated conditions set by the US Treasury on disposing of the dollar - great compliance with these conditions,” considering that the United States is trying “to exploit the economic card to maintain the current military status of its forces in Iraq, and this is what we do not accept.” link


Tishwash:  Eid morning in Iraq...stability, security, and long queues at the “Al-Kaahi and Al-Qaymar”

Iraqis live the atmosphere of Eid al-Fitr in a completely stable and safe atmosphere, and while millions of Muslims performed Eid prayers in mosques and Husseiniyas, they were keen to eat the most famous “ryok” dish after the month of fasting, “kahi and qaymar.”

Most of Baghdad's streets were characterized by calm and lack of traffic on the morning of Eid, while many popular restaurant areas witnessed crowding with thousands of citizens who rushed to buy Iraqi ryokan supplies.

Today is the first day of Eid al-Fitr, and most Islamic countries and religious authorities have agreed that today, Wednesday, is the first of Shawwal.

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani met with a number of citizens in the center of the capital, Baghdad, on the eve of Eid Al-Fitr  .

The Prime Minister’s Media Office stated in a statement, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani conducted a field tour in the center of the capital, Baghdad, in which he met a number of Iraqi families on the eve of Eid Al-Fitr, where he offered his best congratulations to the citizens on this happy occasion, asking God Almighty to "He will bring it back to the Iraqis with Yemen, goodness, love and stability."

According to the statement, the Prime Minister listened to "the opinions of citizens regarding the service projects implemented and others being implemented in Baghdad, where they expressed their support for the current government efforts, and their aspiration towards more work and achievements that meet the demands and needs of citizens, and advance the country for the better link

Mot: ... Poor Kid! -- Maybe Next Year!!

Mot: New Body Wash

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 4-10-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 10 April 2024

Compiled Wed. 10 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset (RUMORS)

On Wed. 3 April Morning the redemption center leaders and bank managers throughout the United States, entered the access codes for the Global Currency Reset and sent them to the US Treasury at about 11:30 p.m. …Wolverine

On Fri. 5 April the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) injected gold-backed digital tokens (GBDT) known as Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG). Banks now have the new Forex rates…Wolverine

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 10 April 2024

Compiled Wed. 10 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset (RUMORS)

On Wed. 3 April Morning the redemption center leaders and bank managers throughout the United States, entered the access codes for the Global Currency Reset and sent them to the US Treasury at about 11:30 p.m. …Wolverine

On Fri. 5 April the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) injected gold-backed digital tokens (GBDT) known as Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG). Banks now have the new Forex rates…Wolverine

It was rumored that Tier 3 Fines, Sanctions, Farm Claims, CMKX payments and Bond Holders started Fri. 5 April.

On Fri. 5 April Zimbabwe announced it is replacing it’s collapsing local currency with a new one backed by gold:

  Mon. 8 April MarkZ: “There are a lot of rumors that banks have the new US gold-backed Currency Notes in their bank vaults ready for the GCR….On Mon. 8 April Zimbabwe introduced their new gold-backed currency, the ZIG Notes to the World…I have more confirmations of Bond Holder appointments and there were some big deals made with Bond Holders over this last weekend. …Of course Zimbabwe is going gold backed. Russia has the gold backed ruble, China internationally has a gold backed–oil Yuan. I think we will see more countries do the same thing.  Denmark is actively looking at doing the same…..It is coming.”

Tues. 9 April  Banker: “Pay attention to any announcement which may be forthcoming tonight or tomorrow Wed. 10 April. Things are looking very positive at this point in time. …Everything I had heard was repeated with one exception, those holding ZIM will have a 10 day window to redeem.”

Tues. 9 April Wolverine: MarkZ said the 15th. I think this week will be a good week for the bonds, but for the currency, I am looking at the 15th of April.

Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) could go at any time.

While some Bond Holders have received emails that notified of liquidity to their accounts, actual payments were said scheduled to begin on Wed. 10 April.

Brazil Banks report Tier4b liquidity release to be on Tues, Wed, Thurs. 9, 10, 11 April.

While some New York banks were told announcement of the Global Currency Reset would happen by Mon. 15 April, most believe the General Public announcement will be on Sun, Mon, 21st or 22nd April.


Tues. 9 April 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#

We are hearing from top people at Wells Fargo that this is ready to go.

By Wednesday or Thursday 10, 11 April we should have the numbers and be able to act on them.

The word is tomorrow Wed. 10 April through Friday 12 April.

There was a Conference Call on Sat. with all the Redemption Centers and they threatened everybody that anybody leaked any information – they’d call it treason from the people in the RC staff  – then they backed away from that and what we are going to do is  – keep you from receiving any commission so those doing the exchanges receive .025% and that will be removed from them.  

I really think tomorrow or Thursday – and might be a CW Thursday and they are again waiting upon the Release codes from Treasury and I don’t think there is any reason for this to be delayed further.  

We are also looking for Nesara and Gesara to kick in this month  – wasn’t week one, we think increase in SS is still in April though but as far as anything else information is limited and we really have to wait and see what happens in the next couple of days.

Some people saying Friday and Monday but I think we really just have to wait and we are looking for everything to show up and us to move forward between now and Friday.

Sources are drying up and all is quiet.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  Executive order 13303 was not resigned therefore Iraq is now completely free.  They are totally sovereign.  They are a sovereign country with the total sovereign right to do anything they want with their banking structure...currency...currency rate.  They have the prerogative to do so.

Militia Man  Article:  "Dinar and dollar"  This piece was from March 4th, 2024 and is redone again fresh today. By stating they are going to overthrow the dollar very soon will be making it hard for the citizens to want to let their dinar go. Al-Sudani stated as we noted before to keep the dinar, as it will return to its lofty economic value, as it was before.  From, what we know, there is a lot of issues on the table that are exchange rate oriented. This is a good sign.. imo. They are not letting the idea or the expectations  of increased value to the dinar go away.

U.S. Debt Explosion To Trigger Currency Crisis, The Fed Is 'Trapped'

David Lin:  4-9-2024

A monetary reset is underway, according to John Butler, Investment Director of Southbank Research and Matthew Piepenburg, Partner of Von Greyerz AG.

This is what it means for the world of investing.

0:00 - Intro

2:05 - Monetary reset

10:00- Debt/deficit vs. markets

 16:26 - Market valuations

 18:35 - Hyperinflation

27:26 - Monetary policy

 33:24 - Record treasury issuance

 38:30 - Long-term interest rates

 41:48 - Gold

52:55 - Southbank Research

 53:39 - Von Greyerz AG

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

 Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic Tuesday Evening 4-9-24

 Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic Tuesday Evening 4-9-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Credit valuation adjustment is a change to the market value of derivative instruments to account for counterparty credit risk. It represents the discount to the standard derivative value that a buyer would offer after taking into account the possibility of a counterparty's default."

With so many companies and countries going into bankruptcy these days, I have to look at credit valuation adjustments in order to make some of my trades.

Foreign currency is a part of the Derivatives Market. I will know when these actual changes take place.

© Goldilocks


"This bank, on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, will offer bonds under the name ( Injaz Bonds ) to the public starting from 4/15/2024 until 5 / 15 / 2024"

Public bonds help to build the infrastructure of a country's businesses, and they go a long way in supporting a country's currency.

Getting public involvement in increasing the value of their own currency will help Iraq maintain a sustainable economy going forward.

 Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic Tuesday Evening 4-9-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Credit valuation adjustment is a change to the market value of derivative instruments to account for counterparty credit risk. It represents the discount to the standard derivative value that a buyer would offer after taking into account the possibility of a counterparty's default."

With so many companies and countries going into bankruptcy these days, I have to look at credit valuation adjustments in order to make some of my trades.

Foreign currency is a part of the Derivatives Market. I will know when these actual changes take place. Risk

© Goldilocks


"This bank, on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, will offer bonds under the name ( Injaz Bonds ) to the public starting from 4/15/2024 until 5 / 15 / 2024"

Public bonds help to build the infrastructure of a country's businesses, and they go a long way in supporting a country's currency.

Getting public involvement in increasing the value of their own currency will help Iraq maintain a sustainable economy going forward.

Public bonds like these help to establish and secure a country's Sovereignty. This is a part of the process of Iraq reclassifying their currency.

Not long ago the CBI revealed to us that it would begin March 31st, 2024. They said it would be a gradual change. I copied the article for your review again on this matter.

"Based on the of the Board of Directors of this Bank number (191) of 2003 it was decided to give the mediation companies buying and selling foreign currencies under category (C) a period of time to merge to be classified as (A) or (b) until 3-31-24."   CBI   IMF

© Goldilocks


"The HKMA has been researching CBDCs since 2017 to understand their benefits and potential applications. As part of the “Fintech 2025” strategy announced in 2021, the HKMA has placed increased emphasis on strengthening its research work to increase Hong Kong’s readiness in issuing CBDCs at both wholesale and retail levels."

Hong Kong is currently exploring industry standards for their digital money. They are currently on Phase 2 of HKMA's e-HKD testing initiative.

Currently, Hong Kong is in process of developing standards on their ability to exchange information through smart contract designs. A smart contract ensures money is available on both sides of a trade.

These new mechanisms and protocols include sensitive and private information that needs to be protected on the retail side of a transaction.   HKMA

© Goldilocks


"Bitcoin halving countdown: Crypto expert discusses opportunities and challenges" | Investing

Ripple CEO: Crypto market to double in size to $5 trillion in 2024 | CNBC


Bitcoin and Ripple. Pairing the assets together. What? Not going to zero now.  MacroAxis  AvaTrade


China is about to enable currency swap with 29 other countries and they will use their local currency instead of the US dollar. | Reuters

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this article


[I uploaded the following pds attached to this email  - If they are easily uploaded - please add otherwise just leave them off.  I added the link to the room if they want to see them. Please delete this  message] 

 Goldilocks posted 5 pdfs in their telegram room today:

1.  Final_Report_on_certain_technical_standards_under_MiCA_First_Package



2. MiCA_Consultation_Paper_-_RTS_market_abuse_and_GLs_on_investor_protection_and_operational_resilience



3. openFile.pdf


👆In line with the Group of 20 (G20) commitment to reform over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) have been working with the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and relevant stakeholders on implementing a regulatory regime for the OTC derivatives market in Hong Kong.  OTC derivatives reporting is an important component of the OTC derivatives regulatory regime.
We have implemented two phases of mandatory reporting, covering OTC derivatives
transactions in five key asset classes — interest rates, foreign exchange, credit, commodities and equities. The use of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) has also been mandated and is applicable to all entities on the reporting entity’s side of a transaction.


4.  20240322e3a1.pdf


👆Hong Kong is currently working on their reporting measures for their over-the-counter derivatives (OTC) Market that includes foreign currency exchanges.

© Goldilocks


5.  ESMA74-2119945925-1959_Feedback_statement_of_the_Call_for_evidence_on_shortening_the_settlement_cycle.pdf


👆EU shortening the settlement cycle.


👆The above PDFs give you an idea of how Global Regulatory guidelines are in process of being reviewed and working towards implementation by the end of May.

These drafts will be reviewed and updated for new Protocols in the Banking and Market system.

© Goldilocks


Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen wrapped up four-day trip to Beijing without much to show for it, acknowledging an unsure future for relations between the U.S. and China.

After a series of economic meetings, it was at least agreed that more communication would take place.

"There is much more work to do," Ms. Yellen said at a Monday news conference. "And it remains unclear what this relationship will endure in the months and years ahead."   Fox Business



UK's FCA and Bank of England launch consultation for Digital Securities Sandbox - FinTech Futures: Fintech news    Bank of England

What Jamie Dimon Said about Long-Term Inflation, Fed Interest Rates (“2% to 8% or even more”), and QE/QT (it’s Risky) | Wolf Street


TSMC to make state-of-the-art chips in US after multibillion subsidy pledge | Technology sector | The Guardian


Gold is rapidly becoming the World Reserve Asset.

© Goldilocks


Gold. Tradable foreign currencies, such as the USD or euro (EUR). Special drawing rights (SDRs) to obtain foreign exchange or reserve assets from IMF members.   Jan 8, 2024 | Investopdia


XRP: The best 21 minutes of your life is contained inside this video...

It just came out today. Something many of us have known for a long time.

It will change your life.  |  

Lummis: Crypto Will Erupt as Big Issue in U.S. Senate Races Including Banking Chair Brown's | CoinDesk


Stablecoins Are Seeing Adoption as a Cross-Border Settlement Mechanism: Bernstein | CoinDesk via @coindesk


Gold rallies to new records on worldwide tensions, central bank buying | Axios


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Chats and Rumors, Vn Dong, Wise Words DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Vn Dong, Wise Words DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Tuesday Afternoon 4-9-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Tuesday Afternoon 4-9-24

Congratulations Wait Only 10-12 Hours Only Released – 2:44

Its Massive Iraqi dinar Realized and revaluation date – 4:11

CBI Reinstated Iraqi Dinar Value at Pre War Exchange Rate $3.22 – 3:19

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Tuesday Afternoon 4-9-24

Congratulations Wait Only 10-12 Hours Only Released – 2:44

Its Massive Iraqi dinar Realized and revaluation date – 4:11

CBI Reinstated Iraqi Dinar Value at Pre War Exchange Rate $3.22 – 3:19

 Congratulations Wait Only 10-12 Hours Only Released – 2:44

Its Massive Iraqi dinar Realized and revaluation date – 4:11

CBI Reinstated Iraqi Dinar Value at Pre War Exchange Rate $3.22 – 3:19

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday Afternoon 4-8-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday Afternoon 4-8-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

What Is The Economic Feasibility? An American Website Monitors The Flow Of Billions Of Gulf Dollars Towards Iraq
Economy     Iraq     breaking     Gulf investments  2024-04-07 07:09
Shafaq News/ Al-Hurra website highlighted the trend of Gulf funds towards investing in various Iraqi sectors during the past two years, indicating that this trend raises many questions about its economic feasibility.  The website mentioned in a report seen by Shafaq News Agency:
Gulf capital has been going to Iraq at an accelerated pace over the past two years, which reflects the attractiveness of Baghdad as a new investment destination for the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.
After decades in which Iraq suffered from the scourge of wars and internal violence, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE entered forcefully through massive economic investments in a country where Iran was able to gain a foothold after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003.
Last Friday, the Iraqi Ministry of Planning announced the signing of 12 memorandums of understanding with Saudi Arabia for “specific investment projects,” according to a statement received by Shafaq News Agency.
The ministry said that the signed memorandums of understanding "came with the aim of enhancing cooperation in a number of qualitative investment projects in Iraq."

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday Afternoon 4-8-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

What Is The Economic Feasibility? An American Website Monitors The Flow Of Billions Of Gulf Dollars Towards Iraq
Economy     Iraq     breaking     Gulf investments  2024-04-07 07:09
Shafaq News/ Al-Hurra website highlighted the trend of Gulf funds towards investing in various Iraqi sectors during the past two years, indicating that this trend raises many questions about its economic feasibility.  The website mentioned in a report seen by Shafaq News Agency:
Gulf capital has been going to Iraq at an accelerated pace over the past two years, which reflects the attractiveness of Baghdad as a new investment destination for the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.
After decades in which Iraq suffered from the scourge of wars and internal violence, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE entered forcefully through massive economic investments in a country where Iran was able to gain a foothold after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003.
Last Friday, the Iraqi Ministry of Planning announced the signing of 12 memorandums of understanding with Saudi Arabia for “specific investment projects,” according to a statement received by Shafaq News Agency.
The ministry said that the signed memorandums of understanding "came with the aim of enhancing cooperation in a number of qualitative investment projects in Iraq."

Financial And Political Returns
But this great Gulf demand for Iraq opens the door to questions about the economic feasibility of these huge investments in a country that has suffered from political and security instability over the past years.
Analysts who spoke to the Al-Hurra channel website believe that Iraq has promising investment opportunities that enable the GCC countries to achieve financial and political returns from these projects that flowed in various fields.
Middle East Policy Research Fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Hassan Al-Hassan, told Al-Hurra website that
Gulf countries often use investments as a tool to achieve financial and political returns at the same time.” He added,
"Through their increasing investments in the energy and real estate sectors in Iraq, the Gulf states are seeking to benefit economically from the developing Iraqi market and expand their influence in Baghdad to compete with Iranian influence."
The Iraqi government is looking forward to attracting more investments from countries in the region with the aim of treating the country's economy, which has been damaged by decades of wars and unrest, according to Reuters.
In this context, Ihsan Al-Shammari, professor of public policy at the University of Baghdad, said that
“Iraq is a fertile land for foreign investment,” especially in light of a significant decline in the investment sector, which was affected by several factors, including security unrest, internal violence, and the war against ISIS, according to the report. His expression.
Speaking to Al-Hurra website, Al-Shammari continued, saying:
“Iraq has great investment opportunities, and these are most of the proposals of Iraqi officials during foreign visits, because the state needs the entry of foreign investment companies at all levels of public life.”
The Gulf states withdrew from Iraq after their invasion of its neighbor, Kuwait, in 1990, and this continued until the past few years, before relations gradually improved significantly during the era of the former Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, specifically after he moved in the Gulf capitals.

Billion investments
In 2022, the Saudi sovereign wealth fund announced the establishment of a new company with a capital of $3 billion to invest in Iraq, which is part of a Saudi program to invest in 5 Arab countries.
These investments cover various fields, including infrastructure, mining, agriculture, real estate development, and financial services.
The UAE, which recently strengthened its investments in Iraq, said that it is “keen” to strengthen its strategic partnerships with Baghdad “in all fields.”
Thani Al-Zeyoudi, who holds the position of Minister of State for Foreign Trade in the Emirates, said:
“There is a mutual keenness to develop economic relations in a way that serves common interests and provides more opportunities for the business communities and the private sector in both the Emirates and Iraq, which was reflected positively in the trade data.” Non-oil infrastructure and mutual investment flows,” the official Emirates News Agency (WAM) reported.
In 2021, Abu Dhabi announced the pumping of investments worth $3 billion into Iraq as part of “a new effort to strengthen economic and investment relations between the two brotherly countries,” according to a joint statement issued by the two countries.
For its part, Qatari funds flowed into Iraq after a visit by the Emir of the country, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, to Baghdad in June 2023.
Hours after that trip, 3 Qatari companies and the Iraqi National Investment Authority agreed to develop projects worth $9.5 billion in Iraq, including building two electricity generating plants with a total capacity of 2,400 megawatts, according to Reuters.
In July 2023, Qatar entered into a huge deal launched by Iraq with Total Energy Company, worth $10 billion, in a project aimed at generating electricity from solar energy and gas burned in oil fields.
Visiting fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, Hamza Haddad, who follows Gulf investments in Baghdad, believes that there is “political acceptance” on both sides to pump this money.
Haddad told Al-Hurra website that the Gulf countries, for their part, finally accepted the idea of ​​the Iraqi Shiite political system that was formed after 2003, adding that
"the Sunnis and Kurds (inside the country) also accepted that and are dealing with it." He explained that
these factors contributed to achieving internal security stability in Iraq, which reflected on it as an attractive destination for Gulf investments, especially since the country has a large population.

Competition with Iran
Iraq suffers from dilapidated basic infrastructure and rampant corruption throughout the country, which has a population of 43 million people, a large segment of whom live below the poverty line.
Iraq is ranked 154th among 180 countries suffering from corruption in the world during the year 2023, after advancing 6 places compared to 2022, according to a report issued annually by Transparency International.
According to the United Nations, a third of Iraqis live below the poverty line despite their country's large oil resources, which have membership in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
In this regard, the Saudi writer and political analyst, Saad Al-Hamid, said,
“The influx of Gulf capital into Iraq came after suffering from the interference of neighboring countries inside Iraq, which affected the economic and development situation there.” He continued his speech to the Al-Hurra website that
 “any economic success must come through a stable political situation,” noting that
“in light of the relative stability in Iraq now, there are many qualitative opportunities that benefit from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.”
Also, Saudi Arabia is looking forward to achieving a good climate for investment in neighboring countries so that it is reflected throughout the region, which will also help Riyadh achieve the outcomes of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, according to Al-Hamid.
Al-Hamid also said that through these investments, which amount to billions of dollars,
“the Arab Gulf states are trying to a great extent to restore Iraq to its normal state and stop Iranian interference inside Iraq,” especially in light of the good relations between Tehran and Riyadh now, he said.
Al-Shammari goes in a similar direction, saying that
these Gulf investments are “part of the competition for Iranian political and economic expansion in Iraq.”
Economically, Baghdad depends on Tehran to import a third of its natural gas needs to operate various power plants in the country, which is considered unable to achieve self-sufficiency in the field of energy. Haddad cited
Doha's entry into the huge Total Energy deal as evidence of the Gulf's desire to invest in Iraq, especially since Baghdad "burns the same amount it buys from Iran in its fields," he said.

(He said that  this deal "reduces Iranian pressure (on Iraq) regarding its threats to cut off gas supplies."

Gulf “Ocean Insurance”.
But the extent to which the Gulf states are able to compete with Iranian influence politically and economically is still unclear, given that these investments are in their infancy.
Al-Shammari, who is also head of the Center for Political Thinking in Baghdad, believes that the
Gulf states' ability to influence Iraqi policies "will be gradual, not direct." He continued by saying that
"some of the parties in charge of the political decision still have a different vision, which may be the continuation of Iranian influence at the expense of returning to the Arab environment," adding that
investments "will gradually affect when governments change and the influence of Iran's allies inside Iraq weakens." Here, Al-Hassan pointed out that
"the spread of deep Iranian influence in Iraq hinders the attempts of the Gulf states to change the balance of power." However, he said that the
Gulf states "cannot completely abandon their efforts to find a state of closer rapprochement with Iraq economically and politically in order to secure their strategic surroundings."اقتصـاد/ما-الجدوى-الاقتصادية-موقع-امريكي-يرصد-تدفق-مليارات-الدولارات-الخليجية-نحو-العراق

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit : 


Provoking Points To Ponder On Failures and Mistakes

The man who can own up to his error is greater than he who merely knows how to avoid making it.- Cardinal de Retz

A man may fall many times, but he won't be a failure until he says that someone pushed him.- Elmer G. Letterman

Do not be afraid of mistakes, providing you do not make the same one twice.- Eleanor Roosevelt

To stumble twice against the same stone is a proverbial disgrace.- Cicero

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.- Chinese proverb

There is no reason to repeat bad history.- Eleanor Holmes Norton

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Tuesday Night Chat with MarkZ 4-9-2024

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Evening Mark and the gang!

Member: good Tuesday Evening…hope everyone had a good day

Member: I know something that would have made it a really good day…lol….Whats new MarkZ?

MZ: Been quiet on the RV front…quiet from Banks, bonds, Iraq and redemption centers.

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Evening Mark and the gang!

Member: good Tuesday Evening…hope everyone had a good day

Member: I know something that would have made it a really good day…lol….Whats new MarkZ?

MZ: Been quiet on the RV front…quiet from Banks, bonds, Iraq and redemption centers.

MZ: I do have one Iraqi contact that is convinced we are in a day or two. I think he may be premature…but he is convinced it is this week. He does work in the Iraqi government so he may know more than I do. I am hoping he does.

MZ But  I am keeping an eye on it.

MZ: Bond folks are still looking between the 15th-22nd of April.

MZ: There is some interesting news from Zimbabwe.”Zimbabwe’s new ZIG currency strengthens on the second day of trading. “ It gained .2% overnight . It is gaining strength….and it should being gold/asset backed.

MZ: “The US dollar is doomed-Americans praise Zimbabwe for launching new gold backed currency”  This is from an African publication…..and they are talking about Americans on social media. But yes- the US dollar is doomed without changes. And many economists believe this too.

MZ: “ Oil Market to get extremely tight in second quarter Citadel says”  They are looking for oil to go to $100 dollars a barrel. Now why is this a good thing ?  Iraq. …It is good for the revaluation of the dinar. But we will all feel pain at the gas pump if they do not cross the finish line.

Member: How much more can kicking will it take before they release this thing?

Member: Charlie Ward has always said a Thursday, so cross those fingers for the 11th.

Member: Gotta remember everyone, we’re watching one Hell of a movie! Wish it was over with. I’m tired of this popcorn

Member: Lord, we are so weary, strengthen our resolve to help make this the world you wanted for us! Lift us up & bless your faithful to go out & be beautiful examples of unconditional LOVE! We are ready!!



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )



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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon 4-9-2024


Iraq ranks fourth as the best emerging market for investment in 2024 (infographic)


Iraq ranked fourth in the foreign direct investment rankings and the best emerging markets for investment in 2024.

A study by the FDI Intelligence website, which specializes in foreign direct investment affairs, indicated, “This classification is evaluated based on several criteria, including the growth of the gross domestic product, the inflation rate, the growth in capital spending in foreign direct investment , and the growth rate in foreign direct investment projects.”

He pointed to "a noticeable improvement in the investment climate in Iraq and the efforts made to strengthen the economic sector and attract more foreign direct investments."

The study explained, “This classification highlights the importance of Iraq as an important investment destination in the region.” 


Iraq ranks fourth as the best emerging market for investment in 2024 (infographic)


Iraq ranked fourth in the foreign direct investment rankings and the best emerging markets for investment in 2024.

A study by the FDI Intelligence website, which specializes in foreign direct investment affairs, indicated, “This classification is evaluated based on several criteria, including the growth of the gross domestic product, the inflation rate, the growth in capital spending in foreign direct investment , and the growth rate in foreign direct investment projects.”

He pointed to "a noticeable improvement in the investment climate in Iraq and the efforts made to strengthen the economic sector and attract more foreign direct investments."

The study explained, “This classification highlights the importance of Iraq as an important investment destination in the region.” 

See all charts at link:   LINK

Clare:  Sudanese government spokesman announces a 50% reduction in external debt


The Iraqi government announced, on Monday, a 50% reduction in external debt, renewing its determination to continue creating a qualitative shift in the Iraqi economy. 

Government spokesman Bassem Al-Awadi said in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, “As an emphasis from the government on transparency in economic work, and informing public opinion and national and international media of Iraqi economic performance, and in light of the Council of Ministers’ approval of the recommendations of the Diwani Order Committee 23942, related to regulating borrowing.” The government took a series of executive measures and adopted a package of financial decisions that resulted in reducing the external public debt by more than 50%, bringing the debt down from $19.729 billion in late 2022 to $15.976 billion in 2023. “Righting to approximately $8.9 billion this year.”

He added, "These financial steps (which included stopping a number of borrowing operations due to their delay and unproductivity, organizing and managing debts and auditing them, and restructuring some debts and directing them to create strategic projects) aim to prevent the Iraqi economy from mortgaging obligations that may affect the political decision in the future." Or in the path of national development, which coincides with an urban renaissance and infrastructure reconstruction, which opens the way to a promising future and a revitalized economy, in which our current and future generations perform best and obtain the greatest opportunities.”

Al-Awadi continued, “The government organized the process of financing cooperation with the international community in specific contexts, including direct productive borrowing, providing sovereign guarantees to ensure the production of projects undertaken by the private sector for the benefit of the government, and sovereign guarantees provided by the government for the benefit of institutions that finance the Iraqi private sector importing production lines for Building factories inside Iraq.

He pointed out that "these steps pave the way towards further integration of our country into the international economic cycle, and for the government to adopt the principle of productive borrowing only, which effectively leads to an increase in the domestic product, and the financing of national service and productive projects with economic returns, in a way that ensures their completion and is not delayed." .

With these firm steps, Al-Awadi explained, “The government renews its determination to continue making a qualitative shift in the Iraqi economy, in parallel with tangible development in the services, infrastructure, and social care sectors, which are all the pillars required to meet the aspirations of our people throughout Iraq, and implement the government program with its priorities and goals.” ".   LINK

Ryan1216:  Powerful article! Bring this home for us all Sudani!


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  From the 9th to the 13th I consider that to be a very serious study window for us to pay attention.

Militia Man  Iraq is getting ready to go international and they are going to become a powerhouse in the world because they have a lot of value.  They have a a lot of assets.  They have natural resources to the extent...they're 1st, 2nd, 5th, 10th in the world of having the biggest deposits in the world.  They also have one of the youngest populations and growing populations...The WTO and the World Customs Organization are probably chomping at the bit waiting for Iraq to do what? Give themselves a Real Effective Exchange Rate and to move forward...

IMPORTANT News ZiG New Currency & OPEC QUOTA RISK USD/IQD Exchange Rate

Edu Matrix:  4-9-2024

Zimbabwe First County to Have a Gold Backed Currency

Lynette Zang:  4-9-2024

She has been studying currency lifecycles since 1987 and discovered similar social, economic, and financial patterns that occur throughout the stages of a currency’s lifetime

. She believes that recognizing these patterns enables people to see what’s coming and make well-informed choices that put their best interest first.

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Zig’s Place Chatroom Tuesday AM 3-9-24

Zig’s Place Chatroom Tuesday AM 3-9-24

NORV   great article the other day..this is big news...

NORV   Advisor to the Association of Banks: The Central Bank is following a consistent approach to achieving banking reform

NORV   Economy News _ Baghdad

Advisor to the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, Samir Al-Nusairi, explained today, Wednesday, that the Central Bank is following a consistent approach to implementing its strategy for banking reform, with the cooperation and support of the Prime Minister and the government, as the management of the Central Bank of Iraq plans to gradually cancel the window for selling foreign currency during the year 2024, until it leaves it completely.

NORV   "the management of the Central Bank of Iraq plans to gradually cancel the window for selling foreign currency during the year 2024, until it leaves it completely."

Zig’s Place Chatroom Tuesday AM 3-9-24

NORV   great article the other day..this is big news...

NORV   Advisor to the Association of Banks: The Central Bank is following a consistent approach to achieving banking reform

NORV   Economy News _ Baghdad

Advisor to the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, Samir Al-Nusairi, explained today, Wednesday, that the Central Bank is following a consistent approach to implementing its strategy for banking reform, with the cooperation and support of the Prime Minister and the government, as the management of the Central Bank of Iraq plans to gradually cancel the window for selling foreign currency during the year 2024, until it leaves it completely.

NORV   "the management of the Central Bank of Iraq plans to gradually cancel the window for selling foreign currency during the year 2024, until it leaves it completely."

NORV   this is huge news

 NORV   Iraq cannot end the auctions unless they have an alternative to the auctions. which means they plan to float the dinar by the end of the year.

NORV   The reason if two fold, the auctions provide the method the maintain stability with the dinar to the dollar.

NORV   the auctions provide a source of dollars to pay for imports

 NORV   with either of these, the dinar exchange rate could get out of control

NORV   and they would not be able to pay for goods outside Iraq.

NORV   That is why they will float the dinar. floating the dinar will give them a new mechanism to maintain the dinar, the CBI will buying and sell blocks of dinar like other central banks do to maintain their currency.

NORV   They will also have to use dinar to pay for goods and services which will make the dinar internationally traded

NORV   These are all steps that other central banks currently use. so the CBI is trying to become a big boy with the world.

NORV   Here is another quote...

NORV   "in an effort to enable Iraqi banks to establish and establish solid banking relationships with the global and regional banking sector in order to achieve the sobriety of the Iraqi banking sector and full compliance with international banking standards and their requirements."

NORV   Confirmation of what I just stated above that they want the banks and Iraq to establish relationships around the world with International standards and full compliance which means that means IMF Article XIV.

NORV   Another quote...

NORV   "He said that the strategy of the Central Bank of Iraq for this year is to gradually cancel the electronic platform in line with its procedures and negotiations with the US Federal Reserve and international banks to regulate foreign trade financing. "

NORV   "The advisor to the Iraqi Private Banks Association concluded his speech by saying that the regulatory and reform steps that he is working on this year are to control the exchange rate of the cash dollar in the parallel market and return it to the equilibrium price in the cash trading market.

And to open dealing in local currencies to countries with which Iraq has important trade exchange, such as China and Turkey.

The UAE and India in light of special agreements concluded with them and currently being implemented."

NORV   This seems pretty clear and excellent news. We very well see that Iraqi dinar float on the global market at the end of this year or early next year.

Again it all depends on Iraq to get their decks in order, get the spread of the dinar in line and hold it for 90 days or longer, Etc in order to make that transition but it sounds like they are announcing that that is the plan.

The plan to use the dinar to start paying for things globally which would end the auction and they would need an alternative which would be floating the currency allowing it to rise based on the success and growth of their own economic situation. I think it's very promising


NORV I don't think people understand the significance of those statements in that article. For them to want to end the auctions this year, how it ties in with monetary policy. I tried to explain it in my comments but I don't know if I emphasized it enough. But it definitely is very good news

Zig   So NORV are you saying that it's  :Awesome: news???

Zig   Should we be :Joyous:  woooowhoooo   ??

NORV   It's not very often that you get tidbits that have a significant impact on monetary policy. This is this was a very clear statement on what their plan is to do with the auctions over the next several months. And anyone who understands how the auctions work knows that what they intend to do can't happen without something to take his place. Therefore, yes, it is huge news.

NORV   :Floating:

NORV   And more importantly another step in the direction of what I've been saying would happen for years.   :Yes:

 Sah:   NORV I am excited as it means they need to go international to get rid of the auctions. Besides floating they will also be able to dock onto the basket of currency for a more stable environment for their currency while also being able to float their currency to raise the value.

NORV   Of course anything that would get buyers of dinar excited. Just because this article came out doesn't mean it's going to happen, it means that's a step in the plan.

NORV   People need to remember, just because they're making monetary policy changes doesn't mean the dinar is going to go up significantly. In fact just the opposite in my opinion until Iraq passes the laws to encourage investment the dinar will remain weak. So it could still be several years before it raises to a level that people are encouraged about.

NORV   An exchange rate is a reflection of the economy. Iraq's economy is still very very weak

Maybe more here later – stay tuned and check back to Recaps Blog ………

 Zig   If you access this chat via   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday AM 4-9-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday AM 4-9-24

Finally Iraqi Dinar Huge Revaluation April 2024 – 3:17

Chase Bank Huge Announcement About IQD 2024 – 3:01

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday AM 4-9-24

Finally Iraqi Dinar Huge Revaluation April 2024 – 3:17

Chase Bank Huge Announcement About IQD 2024 – 3:01

 Finally Iraqi Dinar Huge Revaluation April 2024 – 3:17

Chase Bank Huge Announcement About IQD 2024 – 3:01

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