Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Thursday Afternoon 4-4-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Thursday Afternoon 4-4-24

CITI Bank And Wells Fargo Set A New Exchange Rate Of Iraqi Dinar – 4:00

Most Important RV Announcement Dinar & Dong Investor – 4:03

WOW New Rate & Date Set by Finance Minister of IRAQ – 2:43

Zim Dollar & VND Dong Revaluation Gets Green from Chase Bank& Wells Fargo – 4:22

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Thursday Afternoon 4-4-24

CITI Bank And Wells Fargo Set A New Exchange Rate Of Iraqi Dinar – 4:00

Most Important RV Announcement Dinar & Dong Investor – 4:03

WOW New Rate & Date Set by Finance Minister of IRAQ – 2:43

Zim Dollar & VND Dong Revaluation Gets Green from Chase Bank& Wells Fargo – 4:22

 CITI Bank And Wells Fargo Set A New Exchange Rate Of Iraqi Dinar – 4:00

Most Important RV Announcement Dinar & Dong Investor – 4:03

WOW New Rate & Date Set by Finance Minister of IRAQ – 2:43

Zim Dollar & VND Dong Revaluation Gets Green from Chase Bank & Wells Fargo – 4:22

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

Thursday "Iraq News" " Posted by TNT Members 4-4-2024


Tishwash:  Iraq is no where on this list  but in their news they added themselves hahaha are they trying to tell their citizens something? Hahaha

Topped by the Kuwaiti dinar... Iraq is among the strongest currencies in the world

The strength of a currency is determined based on various factors, including interest rate differences and terms of trade. What will be the strongest currencies in the world in 2024?

The Techopedia website published a classification of the world's strongest currencies against the US dollar, and the site stressed the importance of various economic indicators and geopolitical tensions in determining the currency exchange rate.

Currency strength is the relative purchasing power of the currency compared to other currencies, and the US currency was adopted in the classification as a standard. According to the site, 3 Arab currencies topped the rankings.


Tishwash:  Iraq is no where on this list  but in their news they added themselves hahaha are they trying to tell their citizens something? Hahaha

Topped by the Kuwaiti dinar... Iraq is among the strongest currencies in the world

The strength of a currency is determined based on various factors, including interest rate differences and terms of trade. What will be the strongest currencies in the world in 2024?

The Techopedia website published a classification of the world's strongest currencies against the US dollar, and the site stressed the importance of various economic indicators and geopolitical tensions in determining the currency exchange rate.

Currency strength is the relative purchasing power of the currency compared to other currencies, and the US currency was adopted in the classification as a standard. According to the site, 3 Arab currencies topped the rankings.

Below are the 10 strongest currencies in the world (based on data from March 27, 2024): link

CandyKisses:  Dollar falls again against the dinar in Baghdad and Erbil

Shafaq News / The exchange rates of the US dollar fell, on Thursday, in the markets of Baghdad, and in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region.

The correspondent of the Shafaq News Agency said that the dollar prices fell with the opening of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithia stock exchanges to record 147,100 dinars for every 100 dollars, while it recorded on Wednesday 147,650 dinars for every 100 dollars.

Our correspondent pointed out that the selling prices in exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad fell, as the selling price reached 148,000 dinars, while the purchase amounted to 146,000 dinars per 100 dollars.

In Erbil, the dollar also recorded a decline in exchange shops, with a selling price of 146,900 dinars against the dollar and the purchase price of 146,800 dinars against 100 dollars.


Tishwash:  Al-Sudani informs the framework of the reasons for his visit to Washington

 Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani informed the Shiite coordination framework of the reasons for his visit to Washington, most notably the arrangement of the bilateral relationship between Iraq and the United States, according to what a leader in the framework said on Thursday.    

The leader of the framework, Amer Al-Fayez, told Shafaq News Agency that the coordination framework held a meeting yesterday, Wednesday, in the presence of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, during which the latter’s visit to the United States of America and the file of electing the Speaker of the House of Representatives were discussed.

He added that the Sudanese presented during the meeting the reasons for his visit to Washington, and that the purpose of the visit was to arrange the bilateral relationship between Iraq and the United States after the departure of the coalition forces, as discussions are now taking place between the joint military committees to arrange and discuss the mechanism for the exit of forces from Iraq.

Al-Fayez explained that Iraq is keen, at the same time, to maintain a friendly relationship with the United States, which is in the interest of both countries in the political, economic and security aspects, as well as in the field of training and military expertise.

He stressed that the visit comes for cooperation between Iraq and the United States, and that Al-Sudani will accompany with him during his visit a number of ministers, members of the House of Representatives, and businessmen for the purpose of making this visit a success, and arranging the bilateral relationship between Iraq and the United States.

He stated that during his visit to Washington, Al-Sudani will focus on developing economic relations between Iraq and the United States.

Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani is scheduled to visit Washington to meet with US President Joe Biden on April 15, in his first visit since assuming office in October 2022. ink


Tishwash:  Adviser to the Prime Minister: Iraq is within the safe range countries in terms of paying foreign debts

Today, Thursday, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, revealed the reasons for reducing annual allocations to pay off foreign debts, while noting that Iraq is among the countries in the safe range in terms of debt repayment.

Saleh said to the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “According to international standards in calculating the ability of the national economy to bear the burden of external debt, Iraq is among the group of countries in the safe range in terms of the global standard for the ratio of the external debt stock,” indicating that “the gross domestic product According to estimates, it does not exceed 20 percent, while the global measure of the debt-to-GDP ratio allows up to 60 percent.

He explained, “Given Iraq’s regularity in repaying its external debts due annually, of which only approximately 20 billion dollars remain, the annual allocations to pay external debts through the federal general budget allocations have begun to show a clear decline and decrease in the amount of external debts due, and this has been reflected.”

 This is in the 2024 budget tables regarding allocations for external debt payments, compared to the 2023 budget tables, with a difference of decrease that may exceed a billion dollars.

He added, "This matter is reflected in Iraq's high creditworthiness in repaying its debts to external creditors and its commitment to repayment since the Paris Club Agreement in 2004 until the present. These are annual financial allocation mechanisms whose installments and interest are paid on a regular basis through the annual general budget, and they are decreasing. This means that the external debt gap is heading towards shrinking and then almost disappearing.”

He noted that "the Paris Club Agreement in 2004 dropped more than 100 billion dollars of Iraq's pre-1990 debt after Iraq obtained a discount on its debts at that time, which was 80 percent and more, and only a little of the remnants of those debts remained after it was removed." The remainder of it has been scheduled and is paid annually according to a precise and regular accounting mechanism on the part of Public Finance and the Central Bank of Iraq, and the continuous decrease in its allocations is demonstrated by the amount of the decrease in the annual allocation of external receivables from the debts that must be paid and their waiver annually   link

Tishwash:  The Sudanese directs to reject any delay or delay in the development road project.. and an Iraqi delegation visits Europe

Today, Thursday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired the sixth meeting of the Supreme Committee for the Development Road, during which the latest executive steps were followed up and the procedures related to the project continued to be completed, and ways to resolve controls and instructions related to customs, tax and transit tariffs were discussed, within Project management and operation system.

The meeting also witnessed discussion of the tasks of the diplomatic delegation that will visit the European Union countries, in coordination with the Turkish side, within the route of the stations related to the project. The current position of expropriations related to the route of the road was also reviewed, and ensuring the removal of any technical or legal conflicts from all sections.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister stressed the importance of continuous coordination between the relevant authorities, ministries, relevant formations and governorates, on the path of the road, and that these parties as a whole deal with the development road project as a special priority for the Iraqi economy, and that they work to reduce time, overcome routine obstacles and bypass Obstacles. 

Al-Sudani also renewed his previous directives to reject any case of delay or delay, given the exceptional importance posed by the path of development, its pivotal position and its connection to all economic development sectors, and the government’s plans to achieve a comprehensive future economic renaissance.

The meeting also reviewed the progress rates achieved in the Al-Faw Grand Port project, its five berths, and the conformity of the work progress with the implementation schedule.   link

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Afternoon 4-4-2024

US States are starting to turn to gold to protect State holdings

Colin Plume:  4-4-2024

Many US States are messing up. They are allowing crime rates to go up, shooing away investors, and spending on things that aren’t helping their residents. Then there are states like Utah that are looking into the future and putting their residents' welfare at the forefront. 

Their first move? Buy gold. 

On Thursday, Utah Governor Spencer Cox signed a bill into law granting authority to the state Treasurer to safeguard state funds by allocating a significant portion to physical gold and silver.

Championed by Rep. Ken Ivory, House Bill 348 enables the Treasurer to allocate up to 10% of certain state reserve accounts to precious metals. This move aims to mitigate the risks of inflation and financial instability, as well as potentially generate capital gains when measured in Federal Reserve Notes.

US States are starting to turn to gold to protect State holdings

Colin Plume:  4-4-2024

Many US States are messing up. They are allowing crime rates to go up, shooing away investors, and spending on things that aren’t helping their residents. Then there are states like Utah that are looking into the future and putting their residents' welfare at the forefront. 

Their first move? Buy gold. 

On Thursday, Utah Governor Spencer Cox signed a bill into law granting authority to the state Treasurer to safeguard state funds by allocating a significant portion to physical gold and silver.

Championed by Rep. Ken Ivory, House Bill 348 enables the Treasurer to allocate up to 10% of certain state reserve accounts to precious metals. This move aims to mitigate the risks of inflation and financial instability, as well as potentially generate capital gains when measured in Federal Reserve Notes.

Utah's Treasurer faces limited options for managing state funds, making this legislation essential. Currently, the state's reserves are predominantly invested in various debt instruments, such as treasuries, municipal bonds, corporate bonds, and agency debt. However, these investments carry risks, particularly due to their vulnerability to inflation and negative real interest rates.

The legislation specifically applies to several state accounts, including the State Disaster Recovery Restricted Account, General Fund Budget Reserve Account, Income Tax Fund Budget Reserve Account, and the Medicaid Growth Reduction and Budget Stabilization Account.

Jp Cortez, executive director of the Sound Money Defense League, emphasized that enabling the Treasurer to invest in precious metals strengthens Utah's ability to protect taxpayer funds and residents against inflation and counterparty risks.

Allocating funds to gold and silver aligns with Utah's goal of safeguarding against financial risks. It’s considered a safe and liquid investment option. Historically, precious metals have served as a hedge against inflation, debt defaults, and stock market downturns, while also enhancing overall investment returns and reducing portfolio volatility.

Advocates like the Sound Money Defense League and Money Metals Exchange have been advocating for states to hedge reserve and pension funds with gold and silver, often requiring enabling legislation.

Utah joins states like Texas and Ohio in acquiring gold reserves. Similar legislation, such as HB 348, has recently passed in Tennessee and is being considered in Missouri, Idaho, and West Virginia.

Globally, Central banks have been increasing their gold reserves amid growing concerns about the U.S. dollar's stability.

Moreover, HB 348 mandates the Treasurer propose additional legislative measures by October 2024 after conducting a study on the role of precious metals in enhancing economic security and prosperity for the state, its residents, and businesses.

Utah, ranked seventh on the Sound Money Index, has been at the forefront of promoting sound money policies since passing the Utah Legal Tender Act in 2011, also sponsored by Rep. Ivory.

The enactment of HB 348 follows Wisconsin's recent decision to eliminate sales taxes on gold and silver purchases, making it the 44th state to do so.

This is just the beginning. More states are either increasing their gold holdings are starting to buy. Ask yourself, if even state governments are using gold to protect the state’s wealth, why aren’t you? LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq clarifies the mechanism for depositing oil revenues abroadDFI was part of something called Executive order 13303.  President Bush signed executive order 13303...Clinton... Trump...Biden...resigned it.  Guess what, executive order 13303...has not been resigned...

Mnt Goat  ...we read in the articles today that the post-war DFI fund and its process is also no longer in effect. WOW! This means that oil revenues no longer have to be placed under US Treasury accounts in NYC...These remaining dollars will now be transported from the Federal Reserve Bank in NYC  to the Baghdad, Iraq CBI...Yet more signs of full sovereignty not just on paper but tangible evidence we can see by events. The sovereignty of their currency is also coming and on the near horizon... WOW! WOW! WOW!  We have waited so long to hear this good news.

IQD REER/NEER Exchange Rates at $1.00 USD

Edu Matrix:  4-4-2024

What are the REER and NEER Exchange Rates and Why Some YouTube Channels are Reporting a Much Higher Exchange Rate for the IQD.  These rates are NOT official, and the formulas for them only provide insight into the currency value as it relates to other countries.

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Coffee with MarkZ. and Mr. Cottrell. 04/04/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ. and Mr. Cottrell. 04/04/2024

Member: Good Thursday Morning to Mark, mods and patriots

Member:  on this day April 4th 1968 Assassination of Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Member: Hello everyone! Would someone please slip some Exlax in the 7 or 8 peoples food who knows when this thing is to go so we can get a move on this. Please

Member: Exciting day with Mr. C this morning and Sheila and Dr. Scott this evening

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ. and Mr. Cottrell. 04/04/2024

Member: Good Thursday Morning to Mark, mods and patriots

Member:  on this day April 4th 1968 Assassination of Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Member: Hello everyone! Would someone please slip some Exlax in the 7 or 8 peoples food who knows when this thing is to go so we can get a move on this. Please

Member: Exciting day with Mr. C this morning and Sheila and Dr. Scott this evening

Member: Thirsty on Thursday, thirsty for good news

Member: Sounds like no RV news yet today…..hope there is some tonight with Shiela a guest

Member: Who is Sheila?

MZ: She is a well connected CMKX, and currency source. Has been here since the beginning.

Member: Glad I’m not a historic bond holder as many trips as they have made to Riño and told to stay for a week or 2 at a time

Member:  Mark...28 Iraqi bank "ban" to be free'd would be the trigger for fines and penalties paid and then boom!!!... Iraq re-instates-imo

MZ: It very well could be!

Member: Possible announcement today or tomorrow of our new GCR/gold backed currency along with the new USN currency . Was told the announcement would be by the MSM. Lets see what happens. Is it real of another deep state fake by the White Hats?

MZ: I am hearing that as well. But I have not heard anything would be announced by Main stream media…..but have heard there could be an announcement.

Member: Monkey Werx says security planes over Reno!!!

​​Member: Do we know if there were tax implications when Kuwait RVd?

Member: I heard from someone who exchanged back then that there was no taxes owed. Hope it still holds true.

Member: In the end times good would be called evil…and evil would be called good.

MZ: Bam- we have arrived.

Member: It feels like some big dominoes have fallen & shift is lightening up right in this present moment moving forward

Member: Every challenge you face today makes you stronger tomorrow. The challenge of life is intended to make you better, not bitter.

Member:  I hope we all have a Great RV Day. See everyone this evening with Sheila and Dr. Scott Young on Nesara/Gesara.

Mr. Cottrell joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions.




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday AM 4-4-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday AM 4-4-24

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

Zimbabwe has set its sights on joining the New Development Bank (NDB), an institution established by the BRICS economic bloc. Persistence Gwanyanya, a prominent economist and member of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s monetary policy committee, confirmed the country’s application in a recent interview with The Herald.

“We have applied to join the New BRICS Development Bank,” Gwanyanya said. He expressed optimism about Zimbabwe’s application, citing support from BRICS members Brazil, Russia, and South Africa.

Gwanyanya clarified that Zimbabwe’s pursuit of NDB membership does not preclude its aspirations to join the BRICS alliance itself. “Zimbabwe, like many African nations, is committed to achieving sustainable economic growth and transformation through continental integration,” he explained. “We value our collaboration with BRICS partners in fulfilling our market integration goals.” Daily News Egypt


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday AM 4-4-24

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

Zimbabwe has set its sights on joining the New Development Bank (NDB), an institution established by the BRICS economic bloc. Persistence Gwanyanya, a prominent economist and member of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s monetary policy committee, confirmed the country’s application in a recent interview with The Herald.

“We have applied to join the New BRICS Development Bank,” Gwanyanya said. He expressed optimism about Zimbabwe’s application, citing support from BRICS members Brazil, Russia, and South Africa.

Gwanyanya clarified that Zimbabwe’s pursuit of NDB membership does not preclude its aspirations to join the BRICS alliance itself. “Zimbabwe, like many African nations, is committed to achieving sustainable economic growth and transformation through continental integration,” he explained. “We value our collaboration with BRICS partners in fulfilling our market integration goals.” Daily News Egypt


The BRICS alliance may be preparing a big announcement at the upcoming summit. In fact, with more interested nations awaiting invitations, all eyes will be on which nations will receive formal invitations to join the newly expanded BRICS+.

Nations looking to ditch the US dollar and join the growing bloc hope the summit will also include talks on enlargement.   Slobodenpecat


MOSCOW, April 3 2024

"Russia's finance ministry said on Wednesday that it would more than double its purchases of foreign currency and gold in the month ahead, thanks in part to higher than expected income tax receipts."

Gold is an indicator of the health in a countries' economic system. In a free market system, gold is seen as a currency.

Through accumulating foreign assets, a central bank can level off the contraction in consumption following a sudden stop in capital flows.

If you have been paying close attention to what we have been talking about the last few months, you know what this article is talking about and what it means.

Russia is preparing for a currency intervention, but they are not the only country doing the same. Currency interventions are on the way, and countries are preparing for this shift.

Countries utilize this particular mechanism in resetting the values of world currencies.

Governments often try to influence their exchange rates through the buying and selling of their currencies among other countries.

Governments and Central Banks participate in these exchanges to determine a manageable exchange rate.

The accumulation of gold by various countries' Central Banks will create new values as they are exchanged to justify new price actions going forward.  Market Screener   Open Lib   Oreilly

Look out. Here we come.

© Goldilocks


When a country buys gold, they are adding net worth to the value of their own currencies.

Through the act of trading currencies with added value to their own currencies (revenue) inside the central bank backed by gold, exchanging them with other foreign currencies solidifies new price patterns.

Foreign currency exchanges become a way of securing these new price patterns on the market and inside the banking system.

© Goldilocks


Everyone wants to know when an RV will take place. ASK THE MARKETS.

© Goldilocks


Just a reminder my friends. There may be higher sources out there beyond Isaac, but we don't go until he does.

© Goldilocks


Chase Launches Chase Media Solutions, a New Digital Media Business, Connecting 80 Million U.S. Consumers with the Brands They Love | Chase Media


When MICA completes regulations on May 28th, 2024, the new Digital Economy will begin moving into real values.

© Goldilocks


The global bitcoin mining company will harness wind and solar energy from West Texas to expand its operations. | Bitcoin Magazine


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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Wednesday Evening 4-3-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Wednesday Evening 4-3-24

This is Huge RV Announcement – 2:51

WOW IQD 1 To 1 Exchange Rate – 3:20

Vietnamese Dong Excited Exchange Rate – 2:52

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Wednesday Evening 4-3-24

This is Huge RV Announcement – 2:51

WOW IQD 1 To 1 Exchange Rate – 3:20

Vietnamese Dong Excited Exchange Rate – 2:52

 This is Huge RV Announcement – 2:51

WOW IQD 1 To 1 Exchange Rate – 3:20

Vietnamese Dong Excited Exchange Rate – 2:52

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday Morning 4-4-2024


Tishwash:  Benni defines the main point as Washington's economic hegemony

A member of the Nebna Alliance, Ali Al-Zubaidi, confirmed that ending American economic hegemony lies in the government’s move towards ending the deposit of oil selling money in the Federal Bank, adding that it will enable the government to choose the currency in which it is sold.

Al-Zubaidi said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “Freedom from the restrictions of the dollar will give confidence to the Iraqi currency, in addition to tighter control over the economic movement,” noting that “the main problem is imposing the deposit of oil money in the American bank.”

He continued, "The number of members of the BRICS system has reached approximately 30 countries, and this constitutes a threat to the US dollar in itself," pointing out that "its new currency will be circulated in all these countries that constitute a large part of the global economy."


Tishwash:  Benni defines the main point as Washington's economic hegemony

A member of the Nebna Alliance, Ali Al-Zubaidi, confirmed that ending American economic hegemony lies in the government’s move towards ending the deposit of oil selling money in the Federal Bank, adding that it will enable the government to choose the currency in which it is sold.

Al-Zubaidi said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “Freedom from the restrictions of the dollar will give confidence to the Iraqi currency, in addition to tighter control over the economic movement,” noting that “the main problem is imposing the deposit of oil money in the American bank.”

He continued, "The number of members of the BRICS system has reached approximately 30 countries, and this constitutes a threat to the US dollar in itself," pointing out that "its new currency will be circulated in all these countries that constitute a large part of the global economy."

Al-Zubaidi concluded his speech: “Washington’s hegemony will not last long in light of the global estimates of economists,” noting that “the end of American economic hegemony lies in the government’s move towards ending the deposit of funds for selling crude oil in the Federal Bank.”

In an interview with the Maalouma Agency, a member of the coordinating framework, Ali Hussein, called on the government to seek to find alternatives and take the step of liberating the country from the dominance of the dollar and the continuing American sanctions, while he stressed that Iraq’s move towards lifting the restrictions of the US Federal Bank is a must. link

Tishwash:  When will Iraq get rid of the restrictions of “Uncle Sam”.. Washington shackles Iraq to the federation and a “BRICS” bomb is coming

Popular and political calls are escalating to end the American hegemony it imposes on the Iraqi economy by enforcing the deposit of funds from the sale of crude oil in the Federal Bank on the one hand, and continuing the dollar crisis through sanctions issued on banks, which have reached more than 30 banks.

The first stage of getting rid of the restrictions imposed on Iraq is to strive to achieve two basic points, the first of which is to end the deposit of money in the Federal Bank and send it directly to the Central Bank. The second is to seek to join the BRICS countries that will issue a currency that will be like an atomic bomb for Uncle Sam’s currency. . 

*Editing step!

Speaking about this file, a member of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Ali Hussein, calls on the government to seek alternatives and take the step of liberating the country from the dominance of the dollar and the continuing American sanctions, while stressing that Iraq’s move towards lifting the restrictions of the US Federal Bank is a must. 

Hussein said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “It will be a bold step, but it will succeed if the atmosphere is created and contracts are made with alternative international banks,” noting that “it is necessary to bring in companies from international countries that do not deal in the US dollar.” 

He continues, "Entering into the Shanghai system and other global organizations will be the first stage of liberation from the dollar," adding that "the movement to end the dollar's hegemony over the world, led by major countries, has greatly succeeded." 

He adds, "Contracting from companies from Eastern countries and bringing them to work inside Iraq will avoid the economic blockade," pointing out that "the government is required to seek to find alternatives and take the step of liberating the country from the dominance of the dollar and American sanctions." 

The economic expert, Nasser Al-Kanani, confirmed that the number of Iraqi banks affected by US sanctions has reached 26 banks so far. 

*End American hegemony!

In addition, a member of the Nebna Alliance, Ali Al-Zubaidi, confirms that ending American economic hegemony lies in the government’s move towards ending the deposit of oil selling money in the Federal Bank, adding that it will enable the government to choose the currency in which it is sold.

Al-Zubaidi said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “Freedom from the restrictions of the dollar will give confidence to the Iraqi currency, in addition to tighter control over the economic movement,” noting that “the main problem is imposing the deposit of oil money in the American bank.”

He continues, "The number of members of the BRICS system has reached approximately 30 countries, and this constitutes a threat to the US dollar in itself," pointing out that "its new currency will be circulated in all these countries that constitute a large part of the global economy."

Al-Zubaidi concluded his speech: “Washington’s hegemony will not last long in light of the global estimates of economists,” noting that “the end of American economic hegemony lies in the government’s move towards ending the deposit of funds for selling crude oil in the Federal Bank.”

The United States of America continues to impose its influence on Iraq in many vital files, including depositing the money from the sale of Iraqi oil in the US Federal Bank, amid clear blackmail by passing many files, most notably the dollar bill, which puts great pressure on the government.  link


Tishwash :  Finance announces the launch of a new issue of government bonds for public subscription

● Version details:

Bond type: Government bonds denominated in Iraqi dinars.

● Categories offered:

- A bond denomination of (500,000) thousand dinars, with a maturity of two years, with an annual interest of 6.5%, paid every six months.

- A bond denomination of (1) million dinars, for a period of 4 years, with an annual interest of 8.5%, paid every six months.

● Subscription date: period from April 15, 2024 to May 15, 2024.

● Subscription method: Purchase applications are submitted to one of the bank branches approved by the Central Bank of Iraq, accompanied by the original identification documents. The bank then sends the application with the purchase amount to the Central Bank via the RTGS electronic payments system on the same day of purchase. In return, the buyer will receive a receipt for the purchase amount he paid until the bond is prepared, and after a period not exceeding a week, the buyer brings the receipt to the same bank to receive the bond.

● We invite all citizens, investors and companies to participate by subscribing to this issue of government bonds.

● The bonds offered are tradable on the Iraq Stock Exchange.

● Advantages of subscribing to government bonds:

Guaranteed return: The government is committed to paying the annual interest and the value of the bond when it matures.

Safe investment: Government bonds are considered one of the safest investments, as investors enjoy the government's guarantee.

Contribution to the development of the national economy: The subscription funds contribute to financing economic development projects and achieving financial stability in the country.  link


CandyKisses:  Warning of a strong earthquake hitting Iraq

Baghdad - Iraq Today:

Iraqi seismologist Watheq Abdul Nabi warned of the exposure of the seismic fault on the border with Iran to an earthquake he described as strong, although he confirmed that the activity surrounding Iraq falls within the normal.

Abdul Nabi said in a press interview that "the seismic movement in Iran and Turkey is normal and does not cause concern, as there are strong earthquakes that hit the two countries every 10 years and some every 100 years."

Iraq recorded many earthquakes with low magnitude on a monthly basis, he said, "and we may witness earthquakes this month that we do not know the extent of their strength".

"Any scientist who claims to predict an earthquake at a specific place and time should not be believed, because this has not been achieved by seismology yet," Abdul Nabi said

He stressed that "the competent agencies monitored the presence of activity in the fault (Mandali - Badra - Tayeb) border with Iran, where the last earthquake was recorded in 2014 with a force exceeding 6 degrees, and recently these areas are witnessing seismic activity," adding, "It is expected that we will witness an earthquake in these areas with a magnitude exceeding 5 degrees, but we cannot determine the time and time."

Earlier in the day, a magnitude 4.5 earthquake struck the southern Turkish province of Malatya, as seismologists warned of a devastating earthquake in the city of Istanbul.

The border strip between Iraq and Iran is seismically active, and tremors are usually recorded at different levels.

Mot: :  in Trouble Now!!  

Mot: .. OK - You Get One Wish !!!!!!

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 4-4-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 4 April 2024

Compiled Thurs. 4 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Wed. 3 April MarkZ: For the first time in quite some time –from 2 different sources was told that there are expectations for “Fines and Penalties” to be paid as early as Thursday late afternoon 4 April. There are still some Iraqi contacts that are giddy about today Wed. 3 April. Could they be right? Well possibly –especially after the news of the oil revenue account closed here in the US. Bond folks today Wed. 3 April – I am still going straight to voicemail for the contact who told me he signed an NDA on Monday 1 April.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 4 April 2024

Compiled Thurs. 4 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Wed. 3 April MarkZ: For the first time in quite some time –from 2 different sources was told that there are expectations for “Fines and Penalties” to be paid as early as Thursday late afternoon 4 April. There are still some Iraqi contacts that are giddy about today Wed. 3 April. Could they be right? Well possibly –especially after the news of the oil revenue account closed here in the US. Bond folks today Wed. 3 April – I am still going straight to voicemail for the contact who told me he signed an NDA on Monday 1 April.

MarkZ Cont…….There are a lot of bond contacts expecting solid updates today Wed. 3 April. Then there is the F&P possibly being paid tomorrow Thurs. 4 April to Farm claims, CMKX ect. With all this going on- My expectations are getting high again.

Tues. 2 April 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#: Tier4b can expect emails to set appointments anywhere from Wed. 3 April at around 11 am EST to Fri. 5 April morning. A Wells Fargo Executive said the emails would be sent out sometime from Thurs. 4 April to Fri. 5 April morning. An encrypted message to Bruce from a big Source said the emails should go out within 1-2 days. Bond Holders were expecting emails to make them liquid anywhere from Wed. 3 April to Thurs. 4 April. Tier4b should go 12 hours after Bond Holders were liquid.

Tues. 2 April “Just heard that someone who normally gets about $2k social security just got an extra $5k for a total of $7k. She called them and they said they just sent her normal amount to her.” …We Rise on Telegram Tues. 2 April

On Thurs. 4 April an important Event will happen at Colombia Bogota, New York, Singapore, Hong Kong, Zurich, Reno, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Shangai, Texas. Delegates will be at a Big Event. They will be talking about the QFS and how to open accounts, and other topics like how to help the environment. A NESARA lawyer named Roy F. Sturdis will be there to help ID all Paymasters, guests, Pentecostal Groups and others. All countries will be there to help smooth all others process and will be done at a lever cover the whole world. This will be involved financiers, humanitarians, all paymasters of all countries, government, World Court, and the Alliance.

On Thurs. 14 March 2024 Ginger of the Liberty Lounge on Telegram: As we await the The Event, these are definitive markers we are looking for: Historical Bonds (Golden Dragon Bonds, German Bonds, Super Pechelli Bonds – way too many to name, etc) go first, then:
1. Fines and Penalties are paid
2. Adjudicated funds are paid
3. Farm Claims are paid
4. CMKX recipients funded
5. Church groups (large) funded
6. The Admiral funded
7. T1-4a – funds liquidated
8. Then Tier 4b gets to go….
Above, many can “see” the $ in accounts, but there’s no liquidity. It’s not usable money until it’s liquid and they can actually spend it. We’re waiting for this liquidity, still. The positives are, most if not all the paymasters have been funded and have signed NDAs. Now we’re hearing reports of some group members signing NDA. This is extremely encouraging! Until all of these things happen, then it’s not happened for us yet, regardless of what ANYONE says, Guru or otherwise. These items listed are non-negotiable for the GCR/RV roll out. Period. Keep this is mind as you measure your expectations. We’re getting there and the news is good.

Tues. 2 April: Central Bank of Iraq opens bonds in all Iraqi banks. This is the withdrawal of the Iraqi Dinar from the street and the Central Bank’s goal.

Sun. 31 March Frank 26: “The Iraqi Minister of Finance is in Washington DC, but he’s not there to see the president of the United States.  He’s there to deal with the exchange rate of their country, not with the American dollar.”

Global Financial Crisis:

Tues. 2 April: Bombshell! JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon’s $140 Million Stock Sell-off Unveiled as Bombshell Plot Twist! – American Media Group (

US lifts sanctions against former European branch of Russia’s VTB Bank. The U.S. has removed the former European subsidiary of the Russian VTB Bank from its sanctions list, the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control said on April 2.

Wed. 3 April: BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard have a Monopoly on Everything! – American Media Group (

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  Many things are waiting for the new exchange rate.  I sincerely believe that the very first domino that allows everything else that is waiting for the new exchange rate is the budget that allows everything to live and function.

Militia Man  Article: "The United States has closed the account through with the Iraq collects revenue from its oil sales"   The DFI fund was closed on March 18th...Big change.  We have not seen this before.  Is it a smoking gun? ...If they were going to stop an account that had protection for all their oil money and they just now relinquished a couple weeks ago I think that's pretty big...They must have felt comfortable in a sense they could handle recourse on that debt...I'll tell you this, if they change the value from 1310 to a previous era, it'll become a lot cheaper to pay off their debts...

Salah adviser to the prime minister

Nader:  4-3-2024

A VERY Disturbing PARADOX... Without MUCH More Easy Money, THIS ENTIRE THING ENDS!

Greg Mannarino:  4-3-2024

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Wednesday Evening 4-3-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Wednesday Evening 4-3-24

Vietnam Economy Boom RV Is Processing – 3:17

Chase Bank Revaluation Done – 3:23

Finally Going To New Exchange Rate – 3:25

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Wednesday Evening 4-3-24

Vietnam Economy Boom RV Is Processing – 3:17

Chase Bank Revaluation Done – 3:23

Finally Going To New Exchange Rate – 3:25

 Vietnam Economy Boom RV Is Processing – 3:17

Chase Bank Revaluation Done – 3:23

Finally Going To New Exchange Rate – 3:25

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Wednesday Evening 4-3-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Wednesday Evening 4-3-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The Central Bank Sells More Than A Quarter Of A Billion Dollars During Today's Auction

Economy News – Baghdad  The Central Bank of Iraq announced, on Wednesday, its sales of hard currency, amounting to about 256 million dollars in today’s transactions, according to the official rate of 1310.

The bank’s data showed that the total internal cash withdrawals amounted to 11,710,000 dollars, while the total amounts of transfers abroad, which include remittances. The credits amounted to $244,703,014, while the total sale amounted to $256,413,014.

The Central Bank Is Moving To Lift The Ban On 28 Iraqi Banks

Economy | 11:54 - 04/03/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee revealed, today, Wednesday, steps by the Central Bank to lift the ban on 28 banks, while indicating that the private sector will participate with the public sector in many strategic projects.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Wednesday Evening 4-3-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The Central Bank Sells More Than A Quarter Of A Billion Dollars During Today's Auction

Economy News – Baghdad  The Central Bank of Iraq announced, on Wednesday, its sales of hard currency, amounting to about 256 million dollars in today’s transactions, according to the official rate of 1310.

The bank’s data showed that the total internal cash withdrawals amounted to 11,710,000 dollars, while the total amounts of transfers abroad, which include remittances. The credits amounted to $244,703,014, while the total sale amounted to $256,413,014.

The Central Bank Is Moving To Lift The Ban On 28 Iraqi Banks

Economy | 11:54 - 04/03/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee revealed, today, Wednesday, steps by the Central Bank to lift the ban on 28 banks, while indicating that the private sector will participate with the public sector in many strategic projects.

The head of the Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee, Hassan Al-Khafaji, said in a statement followed by Mawazine News: “The committee proposed to the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, to ​​support private private banks and involve them in loans,” explaining that “the governor confirmed his support after lifting minor violations against some banks.” ".

He pointed out that "the governor of the Central Bank promised to submit a report to the US Treasury to lift the ban on Iraqi banks, which number 28 private banks," expecting "the ban on those banks to be lifted during the coming period."

Chairman Of The Investment Authority: We Are Keen To Strengthen Relations With Various Countries

Economy News – Baghdad  The head of the National Investment Commission, Haider Muhammad Makkiya, confirmed on Wednesday Iraq's keenness to strengthen its economic and investment relations with various countries.

The authority stated in a statement, seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “The Chairman of the National Investment Authority, Haider Muhammad Makkah, received the Malaysian Ambassador to Iraq, Muhammad Shahir bin Sabruddin, and they discussed developing economic relations between the two countries.”

The head of the authority stressed - according to the statement - that "Iraq is keen to strengthen its economic and investment relations with various countries, including Malaysia, and to encourage Malaysian companies towards major and vital projects in Iraq."

For his part, the Malaysian Ambassador, Muhammad Shahir bin Sabruddin, thanked the Chairman of the National Investment Authority, Haider Muhammad Makkiya, for his interest in developing the investment process, opening horizons with reputable international companies, and activating purposeful activities that achieve common interests between Baghdad and Kuala Lumpur.

Views 32 04/03/2024 - 5:58 PM

Iraq Stock Exchange: The Launch Of A New Stock Trading Index Is Near

Market  Economy News – Baghdad  The Iraq Stock Exchange announced today, Tuesday, the imminent launch of a new stock trading index.

A statement from the authority received by Al-Iqtisad News stated, “The Securities Authority and the Iraqi Stock Exchange, after studying, analyzing and measuring the market index for traded stock prices, are preparing to launch a new index that operates under the title ISX15.”

The statement added, “The work and analysis team at the Securities Commission and the Iraqi Stock Exchange focused on measuring the new index and testing it on the experimental environment, and then starting the test on the real environment according to the most important principles, the most important of which is selecting a sample of companies for the best 15 companies in terms of continuing daily trading, as well as choosing the company’s weight.”

Based on the market value of the free float shares, provided that the effect does not exceed 20% at best for a single company as a maximum, and adopting the same prevailing base session for the ISX60 index after adjusting its weight based on the free float shares, as well as other additional variables that will be presented in the index guide.

The statement indicated that “the launch of a new index, ISX15, aims to adopt free stocks in dealing and trading for the purposes of measurement and influence, and the interest of the financial markets in launching a total index and a partial index to measure the impact on the movement of continuously traded stock prices, and to attract new investors and national and foreign investment portfolios,” indicating that “The Authority and the market continue to issue indicators and updates, in addition to positive follow-up and disclosure.”  Views 113  04/02/2024 -

Infographic: The Central Bank Of Iraq Reveals A Decrease In The Percentage Of Non-Performing Loans

  April 03, 2024  The Department of Statistics and Research at the Central Bank of Iraq revealed a decrease in the ratio of non-performing loans to total credit.

 The Department of Statistics and Research said that the  ratio of non-performing loans to total cash credit witnessed a decline, reaching  (6.3%) during the year 2023, compared to (7.2%) in 2022, while in 2021 it recorded (8.8%) and in 2020.

It reached (8.9%), and the department added that the ratio of non-performing loans to total deposits for the year  2023 recorded a rate of (3.2%) compared to the last three years, as it was recorded in 2022 (3.4%), while in 2021 it reached (4.9%) while It was (5.2%) in 2020.

     The Central Bank of Iraq emphasizes that this ratio is an indicator of the efficiency of the Iraqi banking sector in its endeavor to       develop its products and      adopt new methods and      advanced systems for granting credit and reducing the risks of default in accordance with global contexts.   

     Central Bank of Iraq       information Office       4/3/2024    

Infographic: The Central Bank of Iraq reveals a decrease in the percentage of non-performing loans  Clip_image004

A Digital Platform To Enhance E-Governance Programs

The first 04/04/2024  Baghdad: Israa Al-Samarrai The Communications and Media Commission has identified the advantages of the digital platform that it launched a few days ago, for reserving the Iraqi domain ( and (, which aims to  enhance Iraq’s national identity and   introduce modern digital technologies into its commercial dealings with the aim of   enhancing its international standing.

The authority’s official spokesman, Haider Najm, said in an interview with “Al-Sabah”:

The authority was keen to launch a digital platform to reserve the Iraqi domain ( and (, and thus  companies can now reserve their own domain, indicating that the authority has approved the use of The latest technologies in the Iraqi domain digital platform. He added that the  platform will provide its services for management and financial payment, and will also enable companies to choose the name they wish to reserve and pay the financial costs for the domain through DNS control, to which the domain that has been reserved will be linked through a specific website designated by the Authority for that purpose.

Najm considered the platform for the Iraqi domain to be one of the most important programs that his department was keen to implement and make available to users, as it enhances the work of electronic governance.

It will also provide a digital platform for reserving the Iraqi domain without any problems.

It will also create a qualitative breakthrough for companies operating in the country through my website ( And ( He stated that payment of fees for the Iraqi domain has been made available to every user through digital technologies, and the  cost of each digital domain varies from one person to another or from one company to another, and is according to its size, capacity and number of characters, noting that domain reservation has been activated for companies first, while the coming period will witness the availability of reservation.  The Iraqi digital domain is officially available to citizens.   

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit : 


Provoking Points To Ponder On Failures and Mistakes

The errors of great men are venerable because they are more fruitful than the truths of little men.- Friedrich Nietzsche

There is something distinguished about even his failures; they sink not trivially, but with a certain air of majesty, like a great ship, its flags flying, full of holes.- George Jean Nathan

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error.- John Kenneth Galbraith

In a great mistake. - Nathalia Crane

Any man whose errors take ten years to correct is quite a man.- J. Robert Oppenheimer

If you have made mistakes, even serious mistakes, there is always another chance for you.- Mary Pickford 

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Wednesday Afternoon 4-3-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Wednesday Afternoon 4-3-24

US Treasury Confirmed New Rate – 3:54

Chase Bank & Wells Fargo IQD Currency Rate – 3:04

US Bank Approved Iraqi Dinar Revaluation 2024 – 3:04

Iraqi Dinar Currency Going To Change – 3:02

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Wednesday Afternoon 4-3-24

US Treasury Confirmed New Rate – 3:54

Chase Bank & Wells Fargo IQD Currency Rate – 3:04

US Bank Approved Iraqi Dinar Revaluation 2024 – 3:04

Iraqi Dinar Currency Going To Change – 3:02

 US Treasury Confirmed New Rate – 3:54

Chase Bank & Wells Fargo IQD Currency Rate – 3:04

US Bank Approved Iraqi Dinar Revaluation 2024 – 3:04

Iraqi Dinar Currency Going To Change – 3:02

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