Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

"Coffee with MarkZ" Wednesday Morning Chat 4-3-2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Wednesday Morning.

Member: Let's all hope we'll have a good news day. It's been a strange week so far.

Member: Such a mess. Stock market. Everything.

Member: Did Iraq get their bank accounts and money back from the US?

MZ: YES. This is huge. This is enormous. Iraqs money for oil sales is no longer going through the United States. I was told this is what Iraq has been waiting on before they forced things to fruition.

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Wednesday Morning.

Member: Let's all hope we'll have a good news day. It's been a strange week so far.

Member: Such a mess. Stock market. Everything.

Member: Did Iraq get their bank accounts and money back from the US?

MZ: YES. This is huge. This is enormous. Iraqs money for oil sales is no longer going through the United States. I was told this is what Iraq has been waiting on before they forced things to fruition.

Member: Does closing the account means they have sovereignty? Not dependent on the dollar any more?

Member: I believe that is exactly what it means.

Member: Mark do you think this will happen before 2025?

MZ: Yes I do…I don’t think we will get anywhere close to 2025 before it happens. But, nobody knows the exact timing.

Member: MM was good last night felt it was going this month before Saudi Arabia conference

MZ: Yes- he absolutely knocked it out of the park. He talks about how they are accelerating quickly on the economic reforms. And about an important event- The closed DFI account is huge….And one of the things I was consistently told from government contacts in Iraq is how hard it has been for them with oil revenues going through the US . This has enormous repercussions for Iraq and their economic sovereignty. This is an important key piece that we just saw occur. Be sure to go watch MM’s video and like and share it.

Member:  Executive Order 13303 has been lifted: The lifting allows movement from that account to an Iraqi2 account allows Iraq to trade their oil revenue payments in the Iraqi dinar, instead of, the dollar.

MZ: Now we need the announcement on the HCL front, which I believe has already happened- we just need the announcement.

Member: I believe there is already a rate and it will become known by next week. It’s done imo.

Member: I've always heard the RV is event driven & we have plenty of events knocking on our door

Member:  What more could possibly need to be done before the RV?

MZ: There are a few rumors today. For the first time in quite some time –from 2 different sources was told that there are expectations for “Fines and Penalties” to be paid as early as Thursday Late afternoon. This has me kind of excited.

MZ: That would mean we are completely off of “stuck” and moving forward.

MZ:  There are still some Iraqi contacts that are giddy about today. Could they be right? Well possibly –especially after the news of the oil revenue account closed here in the US.

Member: I wonder is the closing of that account and opening of IRAQ2 account proof positive of ARTICLE 8?

MZ: Bond folks today – I am still going straight to voicemail for the contact who told me he signed an NDA on Monday. . There are a lot of bond contacts expecting solid updates today.

MZ: Then there is the F&P possibly being paid tomorrow to Farm claims, CMKX ect…..With all this going on- My expectations are getting high again.

Member: Watch Iraq- not bonds.

MZ: You could be right. They could be doing their best to keep bonds and the rest quiet right now.

Member: I hope Iraq just does it….Even if they go alone- I would bet the rest of the world will be close behind.

MZ: Would be easier if they all go at once though.

Member: Just 5 days until the end of Ramadan and the start of Eid El Fitr…..Would be a great time to RV!

Member:  I think this kicks off on the 9th - Eid al Fatr - a time of gifting and celebrations

Member: Got a call to Chase for the Wealth planner to call me back. I’ll let y’all know what I hear.

Member: Will the fiat dollars work with the new gold-backed QFS system until the new USTN is released???

Member: We all sure hope so

MZ: Some world news: “Sweden’s Central Bank has asked the government for $4.1 Billion to restore its equity”  All central banks continue to show losses. They are bleeding right now.

Member: RV coming, I can smell it in the air or is it that I'm standing downwind of the chicken coop? LOL!

MZ: Tomorrow we will have Mr. C in the morning and Sheila in the evening. Will be a star studded day.

Member: Thanks Mark and Mods…..very encouraging today……Iraq “Just do it”

Member: Everyone have a great day, see yall this evening.




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



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Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Wednesday AM 4-3-24

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Wednesday AM 4-3-24

The Central Bank is preparing a report to lift the ban on 28 Iraqi banks

Economy News – Baghdad   Today, Wednesday, the Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee revealed steps by the Central Bank to lift the ban on 28 banks, while indicating that the private sector will participate with the public sector in many strategic projects.

The head of the Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee, Hassan Al-Khafaji, said in a statement followed by “Al-Iqtisad News”: “The committee proposed to the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, to ​​support private private banks and involve them in loans,” explaining that “the governor confirmed his support after lifting minor violations against some banks.” .

He pointed out that "the governor of the Central Bank promised to submit a report to the US Treasury to lift the ban on Iraqi banks, which number 28 private banks," expecting "the ban on those banks to be lifted during the coming period."

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Wednesday AM 4-3-24

The Central Bank is preparing a report to lift the ban on 28 Iraqi banks

Economy News – Baghdad   Today, Wednesday, the Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee revealed steps by the Central Bank to lift the ban on 28 banks, while indicating that the private sector will participate with the public sector in many strategic projects.

The head of the Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee, Hassan Al-Khafaji, said in a statement followed by “Al-Iqtisad News”: “The committee proposed to the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, to ​​support private private banks and involve them in loans,” explaining that “the governor confirmed his support after lifting minor violations against some banks.” .

He pointed out that "the governor of the Central Bank promised to submit a report to the US Treasury to lift the ban on Iraqi banks, which number 28 private banks," expecting "the ban on those banks to be lifted during the coming period."

The Chairman of the Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee affirmed “his committee’s support for the private sector as it is the strategic partner and ally of the public sector, and a country cannot progress and prosper without the private sector,” pointing out that “the private sector will participate with the public sector in many important strategic projects, electrical, industrial, and others.”

Views 44 04/03/2024 -

Collecting Parliamentary Signatures To Reject The Government’s Decision To Raise Gasoline Prices

Information / Baghdad...A parliamentary source reported, today, Wednesday, that a signature campaign had been collected within the House of Representatives to reject the government’s decision to raise gasoline prices.

The source, who preferred to remain anonymous, told Al-Maalouma, “The campaign will be launched when the House of Representatives sessions resume.”

He added, "Parliament representatives are convinced that raising gasoline prices did not come at the right time, and that it will constitute an economic crisis for citizens."

The Council of Ministers decided in a session on the 26th of last month to increase the price of improved gasoline to 850 dinars per liter and premium gasoline to 1,250 dinars per liter, starting from the first of next May. Ended 25 BC  LINK

Gasoline Prices Chant

Economical  04/03/2024  It is certain that the consumer is not concerned with the reasons that called for the government to increase the prices of improved gasoline and premium gasoline. Rather, he is concerned with always reducing prices, and usually the groups affected by any decision express their dissatisfaction and unacceptance, by trying to influence the decision maker in the hope of Retreat,

 but who are the groups affected by this decision in light of the data? And who are the parties that benefit from the implementation of the decision?

A liter of regular gasoline is sold in all governorates, except for the governorates of the Kurdistan Region, at a price of 450 dinars, improved gasoline at a price of 650 dinars, and premium gasoline at a price of 1,000 dinars, while regular gasoline is sold in the governorates of the region at a price of 900 dinars per liter, a price of 1,250 dinars for improved gasoline, and 1,500 dinars per liter of premium gasoline. .

Which confirms that all types of gasoline sold in the governorates other than the governorates of the region are government-subsidized, and through this difference in the selling price, Iraq was known as a source of gasoline smuggling to neighboring countries, so that daily consumption became 31 million liters of gasoline, according to government sources,

while Turkey consumes For example, 11 million liters per day, knowing that the population of Iraq does not exceed 41 million people, while the population of Turkey exceeds 85 million people, at a time when Iraq needs more funds in order to support the reconstruction file and rehabilitate the infrastructure of cities.

In the same context, the huge influx of modern cars every morning in the streets of Iraqi cities does not only indicate an unprecedented consumption of gasoline, but also indicates a defect in the public transportation system and an inability to address this defect, as this system cannot match the movement of vehicles.

Walking in streets crowded with wheels, in addition to the huge environmental pollution these vehicles cause, is a phenomenon that deserves study to find out the secret behind people’s insistence on going out to work individually, as you see huge numbers of modern vehicles stuck in traffic every morning, empty except for the vehicle’s driver.

According to government sources, daily regular gasoline consumption constitutes about 81 percent of the quantity of gasoline sold, which amounts to 31 million liters, meaning that about 25.11 million liters of the quantity sold daily are not included in the increase, and 18 percent of the quantity sold, amounting to 5.89 million liters, is covered by the increase to an extent.

It does not rise to its selling price in the governorates of the Kurdistan region, and without referring to the group affected by the price increase, we first acknowledge the importance of having mass transportation systems that can contribute to eliminating traffic congestion, reducing pollution resulting from car exhausts, and reducing consumption. Before this and that, it is necessary to highlight Efforts on road systems and their rehabilitation to support the mass transportation system.

High Gasoline Prices Ignite The Iraqi Street...The Political Mood Controls Government Decisions

Posted On2024-04-03 By Sotaliraq   Blessed be Abdul Majeed   The Iraqi street was abuzz after the Council of Ministers’ decision to raise the price of gasoline and remove street vendors’ “baskets,” as everyone began to wonder about the motives of these sudden steps, especially in light of the government’s claims to improve the economic reality.

Gasoline And Oil

The decision to raise the price of improved gasoline to 850 dinars per liter, and super gasoline to 1,250 dinars per liter, comes despite the recent entry into service of a number of oil refinery factories, and the resumption of the work of other factories.

News presenter Elham Al-Jadi asks, via Al-Mada, “Why are decisions issued to change commodity prices every time without warning? Are these decisions due to increasing employees’ salaries and improving their purchasing power?!”

Al-Jadi says, “Today, instead of... If gasoline and other oil derivatives are provided free of charge to the Iraqi citizen, prices will be raised further.”


Economic affairs researcher Ahmed Eid said in an interview with Al Mada: “The government is trying to take revenge on the people through multiple means and methods.

 Starting with not amending the salary scale, not legislating laws criminalizing the spread of uncontrolled weapons outside the framework of the state, and limiting the smuggling of petroleum derivatives to neighboring countries and re-importing them as imported derivatives, passing through the recent agreement with Iran to sign gas import contracts for the next five years, and ending with imposing taxes and raising... The price of automobile fuel,” (according to him).

He adds, “The step to raise automobile fuel prices appears unjustified in terms of economic feasibility, especially with the continued disruption of economic sectors and high inflation rates in Iraq, in addition to low salaries that are not commensurate with high inflation rates, in addition to high unemployment and poverty rates.”


Eid continues, “The Sudanese government must address the problem of importing petroleum derivatives, and support local production with regard to refining and filtering petroleum derivatives by raising the production capacity of the Iraqi refineries represented by the Karbala refinery and the North Refinery (Baiji), most of whose production lines were stolen.”

He calls on the federal government to “Investing Iraqi gas instead of importing it from Iran for the next five years,” noting that “the country is incurring major financial losses related to the exit of hard currency for the benefit of the Iranian economy,” indicating that “the cost of importing gas for one year is sufficient to establish Iraqi gas investment projects without the need to import from abroad.”

 Eid concludes his speech by saying, “The increase in fuel will lead to an increase in the prices of other sectors, and will be reflected in the service sectors, which will negatively affect the public life of the citizen, and this is what the Iraqis cannot bear at the present time.”

“Moods” And Costs

In the same context, political analyst Muhammad Zangana said, in an interview with Al Mada, that “raising fuel prices is not in the interest of the current stage, given the presence of a large number of citizens who depend on transportation as a source of income, such as taxi owners and transportation companies, and that The rise in the price of improved gasoline will lead to a very major crisis, including an increase in transportation costs.”

Zangana adds, “Taxes in Iraq depend on political moods and what each government decides, and this means that the matter is far from legal regulation.” Last week, the Council of Ministers decided to study increasing customs duties for importing cars, on the condition that the Iraqi Kurdistan region adheres to this increase.


For his part, the spokesman for the Ministry of Oil, Asem Jihad, said in an interview with (Al Mada), that “the refineries sector receives special attention from the current government and the ministry,” noting that “there are plans prepared to improve the quality and conform it to international standards in addition to increasing production.”

He adds Jihad said, “The Ministry is striving to bring Iraq to the stage of self-sufficiency and stop imports.” He continues, “The Ministry has prepared plans to reconstruct the damaged refineries and resume work in them, and new units related to improving oil and gasoline have also been added.”

 He continues, “The Ministry recently brought the Karbala refinery into service, with a capacity of 140,000 barrels per day,” adding that “the refinery supplies large quantities of petroleum derivatives, especially high-octane gasoline.”

 It is noteworthy that last week, the Council of Ministers decided to raise the prices of automobile fuel by about 30% for improved gasoline, and by 25% for super quality, as part of a plan taken by the government “to reduce traffic congestion.”  LINK


Provoking Points To Ponder on Failures and Mistakes:

In the past, few women have tried and even fewer have succeeded.- Rosalyn Sussman Yalow

A mistake is not a failure, but evidence that someone tried to do something.- Anonymous

Man must strive, and in striving, he must err.- Johann von Goethe

The person interested in success has to learn to view failure as a healthy, inevitable part of the process of getting to the top.- Dr. Joyce Brothers

Failure after long perseverance is much grander than never to have a striving good enough to be called a failure.- George Eliot

The sight of a cage is only frightening to the bird that has once been caught.- Rachel Field

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 4-3-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 3 April 2024

Compiled Wed. 3 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (Rumors)

On Thurs. 14 March 2024 Ginger of the Liberty Lounge on Telegram: As we await the The Event, these are definitive markers we are looking for: Historical Bonds (Golden Dragon Bonds, German Bonds, Super Pechelli Bonds – way too many to name, etc) go first, then:

1. Fines and Penalties are paid
2. Adjudicated funds are paid
3. Farm Claims are paid
4. CMKX recipients funded
5. Church groups (large) funded

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 3 April 2024

Compiled Wed. 3 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (Rumors)

On Thurs. 14 March 2024 Ginger of the Liberty Lounge on Telegram: As we await the The Event, these are definitive markers we are looking for: Historical Bonds (Golden Dragon Bonds, German Bonds, Super Pechelli Bonds – way too many to name, etc) go first, then:

1. Fines and Penalties are paid
2. Adjudicated funds are paid
3. Farm Claims are paid
4. CMKX recipients funded
5. Church groups (large) funded

6. The Admiral funded
7. T1-4a – funds liquidated
8. Then Tier 4b gets to go….

Above, many can “see” the $ in accounts, but there’s no liquidity. It’s not usable money until it’s liquid and they can actually spend it. We’re waiting for this liquidity, still. The positives are, most if not all the paymasters have been funded and have signed NDAs. Now we’re hearing reports of some group members signing NDA. This is extremely encouraging! Until all of these things happen, then it’s not happened for us yet, regardless of what ANYONE says, Guru or otherwise. These items listed are non-negotiable for the GCR/RV roll out. Period. Keep this is mind as you measure your expectations. We’re getting there and the news is good.

Tues. 2 April: Central Bank of Iraq opens bonds in all Iraqi banks. This is the withdrawal of the Iraqi Dinar from the street and the Central Bank’s goal.

Sat. 30 March Ginger: “We’re hearing that the revaluation of the rate is currently underway inside the border of Iraq. The Parliament committee has instructed Iraqi merchants and retailers to adjust their prices of goods and services, effective this weekend, to reflect the changes of their new rate for the Iraqi Dinar. My crystal ball is broken but I have a hopeful hunch they will do like Kuwait did, all those years ago. Kuwait wanted to change their rate inside the country first, privately, for the citizens to enjoy and celebrate their advancement onto the international stage. After several days, the new rate went live, internationally on the FOREX for the whole world to see!”

Sun. 31 March Frank 26: “The Iraqi Minister of Finance is in Washington DC, but he’s not there to see the president of the United States.  He’s there to deal with the exchange rate of their country, not with the American dollar.”

Wed. 27 March Banker: The latest message to all Regional Currency Exchange Managers is to advise their specialists to be available for duty in the week following Easter Weekend. All requirements have been satisfied Globally and announcements will occur in the forthcoming week.

Tues. 2 April 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#:

Tier4b can expect emails to set appointments anywhere from Wed. 3 April at around 11 am EST to Fri. 5 April morning. A Wells Fargo Executive said the emails would be sent out sometime from Thurs. 4 April to Fri. 5 April morning. An encrypted message to Bruce from a big Source said the emails should go out within 1-2 days. Bond Holders were expecting emails to make them liquid anywhere from Wed. 3 April to Thurs. 4 April. Tier4b should go 12 hours after Bond Holders were liquid.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  Divide 1 by 1320 = .00075758.  If you take the decimal point and you move it over three spaces they you have .76 cents.  3 zeros = $0.76 ...This is the easiest formula you can use.

Walkingstick  There's nothing like the facts. Everything they're telling the Iraqi citizens is a fact because it's coming from the right sources.

Militia Man   When Iraq adjusts their exchange rate...all boats rise with the tide.  All those boats that own Iraqi dinar are going to rise.  The United States is going to be part of that process with the Development Road project.  See how cheap it's going to be to build that country by raising the value because they have a real effective exchange rate?  You can see where the deals are going to be made.  It's going to be phenomenal.

We’re On the Cusp of Civil War and WW3; “Facing Real Risk,” Warns Pentagon Advisor

Daniela Cambone:  4-1-2024

“We're on the cusp of either a civil war or World War III. We don't have to go there, but that is what we're facing as very real risks,” warns Kevin Freeman, host of Economic War Room.

In the conversation with Daniela Cambone, Freeman lays out five undeniable truths from his book "Pirate Money.,” including our perilous national debt and the fading dominance of the U.S. dollar.

 "The currency has a date and an expiration date on it... other nations are working toward that end as we speak."

 He also advises every individual to have the option of having transactional gold and silver in addition to their physical holdings of U.S. dollars in the bank.


 00:00 National debt

 3:14 Could Americans handle debt?

4:50 BRICS

9:20 The possibility of China and Indian currencies

 12:34 Inflation

15:16 How far are we from riots?

17:00 Election

 20:11 CBDC

25:50 Crisis looming

 28:33 Money is changing

 29:50 Gold/silver

34:11 Gold confiscation

 37:27 WW3

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: Iraq Dinar - Economic Reform - Accelerate - World Bank Support - Development Fund - Closed Account

Iraq Dinar - Economic Reform - Accelerate - World Bank Support - Development Fund - Closed Account

MilitiaMan and Crew:  4-2-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraq Dinar - Economic Reform - Accelerate - World Bank Support - Development Fund - Closed Account

MilitiaMan and Crew:  4-2-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news…….


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Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Late Tuesday Evening 4-2-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Late Tuesday Evening 4-2-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps

The US Closes Iraq's Oil Revenue Account - The Details | Youtube

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this article

More on this tomorrow...


Executive Order 13303 was issued on May 22, 2003, by United States President George W. Bush to protect the Development Fund for Iraq for the rebuilding of Iraq from any legal attachments or liens. Wikipedia

👆 this executive order 13303 is being lifted.


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Late Tuesday Evening 4-2-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps

The US Closes Iraq's Oil Revenue Account - The Details | Youtube

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this article

More on this tomorrow...


Executive Order 13303 was issued on May 22, 2003, by United States President George W. Bush to protect the Development Fund for Iraq for the rebuilding of Iraq from any legal attachments or liens.

👆 this executive order 13303 is being lifted.


Trump and the Gold Standard (Updated 2024) | Investing News


Gold FOMO | Youtube


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 4-2-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 4-2-24
Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

FEDNOW Announcement:

“The Fed has definitely piqued the interest of the banks and the credit unions,” Brown said. 

FEDNOW has two banking rails up and running in the United States that are capable of doing instant payments, and they expect more to follow in the coming months.

FEDNOW has some financial institutions that have functional status inside an instant payment mechanism. They're still looking for mass adoption after a period of testing it's capabilities.

Marketing for this functional service is just beginning to happen, and they do expect more companies and banks to adopt this much-needed service.

This service is expected to reach all community Banks in the United States and begin competing with other services that will see its benefits including healthcare.

Healthcare has much to gain by adopting this service due to a patient's need for instant information data sharing that is safe and secure during times of emergency.   Pymnts

© Goldilocks


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 4-2-24
Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

FEDNOW Announcement:

“The Fed has definitely piqued the interest of the banks and the credit unions,” Brown said. 

FEDNOW has two banking rails up and running in the United States that are capable of doing instant payments, and they expect more to follow in the coming months.

FEDNOW has some financial institutions that have functional status inside an instant payment mechanism. They're still looking for mass adoption after a period of testing it's capabilities.

Marketing for this functional service is just beginning to happen, and they do expect more companies and banks to adopt this much-needed service.

This service is expected to reach all community Banks in the United States and begin competing with other services that will see its benefits including healthcare.

Healthcare has much to gain by adopting this service due to a patient's need for instant information data sharing that is safe and secure during times of emergency.   Pymnts

© Goldilocks


"Japan’s government will issue 20 trillion yen ($133 billion) in transition bonds over the next decade, throwing the emerging global market wide open. Such exponential growth is huge compared to the $7 billion raised since 2020."

Japan is quickly moving into a transitional strategy through cutting emissions in the air and reducing fossil fuel. This will require investor confidence which is well underway by many whales and institutions surrounding these new ventures.

And, Japan intends to scale energy options research, comparative analysis, and measurements of various forms of energy.

These green initiatives in the form of green bonds and other tokenized assets will provide much needed liquidity to shape our world inside a new clean environment and digital processes that will allow us to walk into a new world.

Here, we are getting a first look at what is taking place to shape our new world.

© Goldilocks
Study Smarter


What are Real-Time Payments (RTP)? - Modern Treasury


Introducing Digital Inheritance with Vault12 | Youtube


Coal consumption in the US plunged another 17.4% in 2023 from the prior year, to 426 million short tons, the lowest since 1963 (red line in the chart), according to data from the Energy Department’s EIA today. Coal consumption by tonnage peaked in 2007. But by energy content, coal consumption peaked in 2005 at 22.79 quadrillion Btu.   WolfStreet


Saudi Arabia targets historic green bond sales for projects | Retail – Gulf News



Gold is currently consolidating at an all-time high price. And consolidation means that it is solidifying the support and justifying the support of where it is now, recognizing that future trades will come at a much higher demand going forward. These demands will increase the price of gold.

 It is also known at this time that it is the transition into the next economy, one of which that will be a transition into a gold standard through a digital asset protocol. These moves in and of themselves justifies the move into the tokenized asset digital economy. And because of these moves, the adoption and the support of gold to make this transition not only will become necessary, but inevitable.

So many of these institutions and companies and governments are continuing to buy gold because they see that as an asset of transitory nature, but they also see it as an asset of power going forward.

So you're going to see some competition between governments moving forward. This will cause the price of gold to continue to climb, and at some point it will carry silver along with it, as we especially move into more solar power for all countries around the world.

In fact, you're seeing less use for fossil fuel, and it seems to be that we are starting to leave behind the necessity of fossil fuel and moving into a transitional phase of more electric power.

 So, as we go forward, we're going to continue to watch the price of gold and its demand and its new use case scenarios in this new world. The digital world is bringing forth many clean initiatives around the world that will be placing green bonds and opportunities for countries to grow into new jobs and new opportunities that will surround these new green initiatives. as our society continues to grow into a new dimension of living that we have never seen before in history.

It is a time of which change and openness to change is going to demand what is highest in us, to become creative creators in this new age of creativity. I hope you have a wonderful day. This is my take on it this week in hopes that you will understand why the importance of gold for the new liquidity inside our new economy is the bridge to what we've been looking for, but it is also the bridge into future hopes and dreams of all of us.


Introducing Digital Inheritance with Vault12 | Youtube


Climate bonds toward achieving net zero emissions and carbon neutrality: Evidence from machine learning technique - ScienceDirect


Transition Finance | Youtube


Japan Bank Launches First Deposit-Backed Stablecoin ‘Tochika’

This stablecoin is secured by deposits and can be utilized for spending convenience at participating merchants. Furthermore, the move is groundbreaking as Japan is a country where cash still reigns supreme.

Hence, Hokkoku aims to entice retail businesses by offering a competitive merchant rate of just 0.5% for cashless transactions through the app.

Additionally, the bank seeks to persuade companies issuing paper gift certificates to transition to the digital realm by embracing point-based transactions facilitated by the app.   CoinGape

Singapore, 2 April 2024… The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) today introduced amendments to the Payment Services Act (PS Act) and its subsidiary legislation to expand the scope of payment services regulated by MAS, and to impose user protection and financial stability-related requirements on digital payment token (DPT) service providers. These amendments will take effect in stages from 4 April 2024. [1]

2  The amendments will bring the following activities within the scope of regulation under the PS Act:
(i) Provision of custodial services for DPTs;
(ii) Facilitation of the transmission of DPTs between accounts and facilitation of the exchange of DPTs, even where the service provider does not come into possession of the moneys or DPTs; and
(iii) Facilitation of cross-border money transfer between different countries, even where moneys are not accepted or received in Singapore.

3  The amendments will empower MAS to impose requirements relating to anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism, user protection and financial stability on DPT service providers.

4  Transitional arrangements will be provided for entities currently conducting activities under the PS Act’s expanded scope. Such entities must notify MAS within 30 days, and submit a licence application within six months from 4 April 2024, if they wish to continue the activities on a temporary basis while MAS reviews their licence applications.

The licence application must be accompanied by an attestation report of the entity’s business activities and compliance with anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism requirements, duly completed by a qualified external auditor, within nine months from 4 April 2024.

5  Entities that do not fulfil the requirements above are required to cease the activities when the amendments come into effect.

6  The amended Payment Services Regulations on safeguarding of assets belonging to customers of DPT service providers [2] ( will take effect six months from 4 April 2024. These include segregating customers’ assets and placing them in a trust account for the benefit of customers, maintaining proper books and records, and ensuring that effective systems and controls are in place to protect the integrity and security of customers’ assets.   Monetary Authority of Singapore


Navigating Regulatory Change: An Insight into PRA’s Policy Statements on Basel 3.1 Standards | Insights | UK Finance


The cryptocurrency market is witnessing a significant migration of investors from the recent Green Bitcoin presale sold out to BlockDAG’s (BDAG) presale, which indicates the evolving preferences and strategies among digital asset investors.   TimesTabloid


5 Reasons Why: Gold is Green | The Assay

15 Awesome Uses of Gold [Definitive List] | PhysicalGold


"Gold Futures Soar to Historic Highs: Eyes on Inflation, GDP Data for Next Move" | Investing


We are heading into a huge tailwind at any moment. A full-blown liquidity crisis will be met with the implementation of green bonds and releasing the caps on gold.

© Goldilocks


We are starting to see green initiatives being implemented along with the tokenization of gold. These two assets will provide liquidity for us inside the new digital asset based trading system.

© Goldilocks


"Sentiment and positioning indicators are near highs, JPMorgan warns" |  Investing

7:35 PM  Tuesday, April 2, 2024 (GMT+3)
Time in Baghdad, Iraq

Rate from  1310.00   No changes..


Just a reminder, no one has access to your name in my telegram room, and anybody on my list in this room will not be sold after the RV.

© Goldilocks


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Chats and Rumors, Vn Dong, Wise Words DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Vn Dong, Wise Words DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Tuesday Evening 4-2-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Tuesday Evening 4-2-24

Its Massive  US Treasury Set New Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate News – 5:14

This is very Massive News CBI Set IQD New Exchange Rate – 4:42

It's Time to Get Very Excited  Latest RV News Exchange Rate – 2:46

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Tuesday Evening 4-2-24

Its Massive  US Treasury Set New Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate News – 5:14

This is very Massive News CBI Set IQD New Exchange Rate – 4:42

It's Time to Get Very Excited  Latest RV News Exchange Rate – 2:46


Its, Massive  US Treasury Set New Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate News – 5:14

This is very Massive News CBI Set IQD New Exchange Rate – 4:42

It's Time to Get Very Excited  Latest RV News Exchange Rate – 2:46

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Here’s How Much Cash You Need Stashed If a Recession Happens

Here’s How Much Cash You Need Stashed If a Recession Happens

Nicole Spector   Tue, April 2, 2024

For months economists have been predicting that a recession will strike. And Americans are paying attention. According to Finder’s Consumer Confidence Index, which gathered information in January and February 2023, 76% of respondents say it’s likely the U.S. will enter a recession in the next 12 months. And right now, the average American is saving $692 a month.

Is that enough money? How much cash do you need stashed away if a recession happens?

Finance Experts All Say the Same Thing

GOBankingRates consulted quite a few finance experts and asked them this question. They all said the same thing: You need three to six months’ worth of living expenses in an easily accessible savings account. The exact amount of cash needed depends on one’s income tier and cost of living.

Trending Now: How Much Money You Should Have in Your 401(k), According to Expert Humphrey Yang

“For two-income families, you could be closer to the 3-month side,” said Ted Braun, CFP, SVP financial advisor at Wealth Enhancement Group. “For a single-income family, I would be a little closer to the 6-month side. What this does is prevent the need to dip into 401(k)s or brokerage accounts if someone unexpectedly loses their job.”

Here’s How Much Cash You Need Stashed If a Recession Happens

Nicole Spector   Tue, April 2, 2024

For months economists have been predicting that a recession will strike. And Americans are paying attention. According to Finder’s Consumer Confidence Index, which gathered information in January and February 2023, 76% of respondents say it’s likely the U.S. will enter a recession in the next 12 months. And right now, the average American is saving $692 a month.

Is that enough money? How much cash do you need stashed away if a recession happens?

Finance Experts All Say the Same Thing

GOBankingRates consulted quite a few finance experts and asked them this question. They all said the same thing: You need three to six months’ worth of living expenses in an easily accessible savings account. The exact amount of cash needed depends on one’s income tier and cost of living.

Trending Now: How Much Money You Should Have in Your 401(k), According to Expert Humphrey Yang

“For two-income families, you could be closer to the 3-month side,” said Ted Braun, CFP, SVP financial advisor at Wealth Enhancement Group. “For a single-income family, I would be a little closer to the 6-month side. What this does is prevent the need to dip into 401(k)s or brokerage accounts if someone unexpectedly loses their job.”

Doing the Math

Here’s how to quickly calculate exactly what a six-month cash cushion should be.

“To calculate your number, you need to add up your monthly essential expenses (what does it cost for you to live/exist), add in a small buffer, and then multiply that total number by 6,” said Michela Allocca, financial analyst, entrepreneur and the founder of Break Your Budget. “For most people, this is $20k in cash +/- $5k.”

Businesses and Entrepreneurs Should Set Aside More

If you’re in charge of a business and want to keep it afloat during a recession that threatens it, you’ll need to set aside more cash.

“I advise entrepreneurs and small business owners to strive to set away one year’s worth of business expenses since there is more economic uncertainty,” said Sarah Sharp, attorney and partner and founder of SK&S Law Group. “Several of our client business owners who followed this advice avoided having to close their doors due to the pandemic.”

Investments Matter Too

When prepping for — or riding out — a recession, a cash reserve isn’t the only thing you’ll need. You’ll also need a sound investment strategy.

“When it comes to investing, the key is diversification,” said Scott D. Nelson, founder of Thrive Wealth Strategies. “Make sure to spread your investments across different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate and commodities.”

Nelson adds to be sure to look into low-risk options like certificates of deposit or bond funds, which offer higher yields than traditional savings accounts but with less fluctuation in returns.

This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.comHere’s How Much Cash You Need Stashed If a Recession Happens

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Keith Weiner: Will Gold & Silver Prices Soar in a 2008-Style Economic Collapse?

Keith Weiner: Will Gold & Silver Prices Soar in a 2008-Style Economic Collapse?

Palisades Gold Radio:  4-2-2024

Tom welcomes back, Keith Weiner, to the show. Keith is the President & Founder of Gold Standard Institute USA and CEO of Monetary Metals.

 Keith discusses his 2024 gold outlook report which focuses on cause and effect in markets and economy, analyzing the impact of rising interest rates on GDP components like consumption and wages.

Higher interest rates reduce the burden of paying wages but also decrease credit availability, affecting businesses' ability to operate.

 Consumers may sell assets as wages and other expenses tighten up.

Keith Weiner: Will Gold & Silver Prices Soar in a 2008-Style Economic Collapse?

Palisades Gold Radio:  4-2-2024

Tom welcomes back, Keith Weiner, to the show. Keith is the President & Founder of Gold Standard Institute USA and CEO of Monetary Metals.

 Keith discusses his 2024 gold outlook report which focuses on cause and effect in markets and economy, analyzing the impact of rising interest rates on GDP components like consumption and wages.

Higher interest rates reduce the burden of paying wages but also decrease credit availability, affecting businesses' ability to operate.

 Consumers may sell assets as wages and other expenses tighten up.

Keith discusses the use of lagging indicators like employment and yield curve inversion to predict economic trends.

Employment is said to be a lagging indicator because it reacts to changes in the economy with a delay, and its predictive value is reduced due to the Feds influence on employers.

 Yield curve inversion, where long-term interest rates are lower than short-term ones, has historically signaled an upcoming recession. However, Keith argues that this indicator should be interpreted carefully because the Fed only controls short-term rates.

The low interest rate environment of the past 40 years has driven businesses to take on more risk and leverage to achieve returns. This has resulted in the creation of "zombie companies" that have profits less than their interest expense and cannot survive without artificially low interest rates.

A recent study found that 20% of corporate debt was zombie debt before interest rates started to rise. The impact of hiking interest rates on these companies is uncertain, but it has not yet resulted in widespread issues.

 It seems that the current economic situation, with high inflation and rising interest rates, is leading to a process of supply destruction in many industries. This means that in order for companies to maintain or increase their return on capital, they will need to destroy a significant amount of supply, which will likely result in job losses, bankruptcies, and a lot of pain for entrepreneurs and investors.

 The market will only reward the best and luckiest actors in this situation, as those who got loans earlier or have lower cost structures may be better positioned to survive.

Keith believes this rise is due to physical demand in the East and not speculation as seen before.

Gold may drop less during a crisis compared to other assets and could make new highs soon after. There's less leverage in the gold market now, leading to less price drop during liquidation and potentially higher prices post-crisis.

Gold's future price should be higher than spot due to carry costs, primarily interest rates. Dubai sees high demand for physical gold, with an estimated 500-700 tons a year being unofficially exported through retail purchases by tourists.

Time Stamp References:

0:00 – Introduction

 0:36 - Spending & Wages

 5:07 - Consumer Squeeze

7:36 - Lagging Indicators

10:48 - Yield Curve Inversion

 14:40 - Returns, Risks, & Zombies

22:02 - GDP & Gov't Spending

23:23 - Credit Tightness

24:37 - Supply/Demand Issues

29:12 - Fed & Capital Costs

37:07 - 2024 Gold Performance

41:28 - Next Crisis & Fed Cuts

43:54 - SOFOR & LIBOR

48:12 - Jewelry Trade & Dubai

50:47 - Wrap Up & Gold Report

Talking Points From This Episode

- The impact of rising interest rates on GDP components and their role in creating "zombie companies."

- Employment acts as a lagging indicator influenced by the FED and cautioned against overinterpreting yield curve inversion as a sign of an upcoming recession.

- Current high inflation and rising interest rates, could result in supply destruction, bankruptcies, and job losses in various industries.

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Tuesday Evening Chat with MarkZ 4-2-2024

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Looks like another quiet day on the RV Front.

Member:  ​​it's the calm before the storm

MZ: I think you are right.

MZ: It’s a nothing burger this evening. This is not a negative thing at all. It would be more fun if we had some real solid news like when to go, who to call and what bank to attend.

Member: The deep breath before the plunge.

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Looks like another quiet day on the RV Front.

Member:  ​​it's the calm before the storm

MZ: I think you are right.

MZ: It’s a nothing burger this evening. This is not a negative thing at all. It would be more fun if we had some real solid news like when to go, who to call and what bank to attend.

Member: The deep breath before the plunge.

Member: Jester said there has never been redemption centers

MZ: I know a person in banking that helped to set up 3 redeeming locations. Now whether you want to call them redemption centers or redeeming banks …these are locations that have trained their personnel and has the equipment to handle the process. You can call it whatever you want.  One location in N. Carolina borrowed my currency and me to help make certain their staff was trained. For me they are very real.

MZ: Seems like everyone wants to call them something different .

Member: No word from your bond contact had a meeting at 3 pm today?

MZ: I tried to call and went straight to email.

Member: I wonder what day of the week do they usually like to RV?

Member: Have they already decided on a rate and date?

MZ: My contacts in the ministry in Iraq told me they have set the rate. We are just not privy to that or the date.

Member: Rumor is it's going this weekend. already increased rate in country?

Member: There is a dinar investors video saying it already revalued and a possible release this weekend? This would correlate with walking sticks report

Member: Melanie seems to believe, through her contact that Iraq RV'd mid March and we go end of the week???

MZ: My contacts on the ground in Iraq have told me the rate has not changed there- yet Officially the rate is still 1310.

Member: Remember Sudani is coming to the US on April 15th. I believe it will be a post RV victory lap.

MZ: A lot of my contacts believe that as well.  Some contacts think tomorrow may be the day. We will see. It’s not coming from enough sources to put a lot of stock in it though.

Member: Ramadan ends April 9th or 10th….they 3 days of Eid El Fitr….where they like to give each other gifts…..

Member: It would make sense for Sudani to give it to the people of Iraq before Eid El Fitr

MZ: That would make sense.. that is the celebration at the end of Ramadan. It would make a lot of sense for Sudani to release it about then.

Member:  April 9th is the 159th anniversary of the end of the US Civil War. That would be a good date...

MZ: I found this interesting “After BRICS, 3 new countries ready to launch own currency”  These are some of my favorite African countries rich in mineral wealth… Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso. They are filthy in oil , minerals and gold deposits.   They are banding together to form their own currency. Completely untethered to the US dollar.

Member: hello mark !!! do you hear about Zimbabwe just found 13 trillion tons of diamond and hope that will have enough gold to back Zim par 1:1 in USD

Member: It is starting to look like we are going to have to pay our Federal Income Taxes on April 15th

Member: I thought the white hats would not want billions of tax payer dollars going straight to the bad guys….guess I was wrong….and they don’t care.

Member: They gonna have to do something soon or all of us investors are gonna go on strike lol or riot (kidding)

Member: It will happen when we least expect it-BOOM

Member: ​​I thoroughly appreciate all the work mark puts into vetting his sources and withholding until he can fact check before he tells us things. Thank you for all you do mark z

Member: Thanks to all the mods as well…..have a great evening everyone.




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )



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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday PM 4-2-2024


Tishwash:  Russian Ambassador: America does not want to leave Iraq and will resist through blackmail

The Russian ambassador to Iraq, Elbrus Kutrashev, confirmed on Tuesday that there are no real American intentions regarding the American withdrawal from Iraq.

 Kutrashev said in an interview followed by Mawazine News: “The number of members in the media department of the American Embassy is many times greater than that of the entire Russian embassy.”

He added, "America does not want to leave Iraq and will resist at every opportunity, including resorting to blackmailing the Iraqi government, while the presence of foreign forces negatively affects the security and stability of Iraq and the region."


Tishwash:  Russian Ambassador: America does not want to leave Iraq and will resist through blackmail

The Russian ambassador to Iraq, Elbrus Kutrashev, confirmed on Tuesday that there are no real American intentions regarding the American withdrawal from Iraq.

 Kutrashev said in an interview followed by Mawazine News: “The number of members in the media department of the American Embassy is many times greater than that of the entire Russian embassy.”

He added, "America does not want to leave Iraq and will resist at every opportunity, including resorting to blackmailing the Iraqi government, while the presence of foreign forces negatively affects the security and stability of Iraq and the region."

He pointed out that “Al-Hawl camp in Syria is one of the American “blackmail” methods, and the American presence cannot continue because the Iraqi army is “strong” and capable of filling the void of foreign forces.”

 He explained that "the volume of Russian investment in Iraq amounts to 19 billion dollars, and that Russia is the largest "foreign investor" inside Iraq and its spokesperson."  link

Tishwash:  Parliamentary Defense: The decision to end the truce depends on the results of the fourth round between Baghdad and Washington

The head of the Security and Defense Committee in the Iraqi Parliament, Karim al-Muhammadawi, confirmed that the fourth round of dialogue between Baghdad and Washington is more important than the previous ones, indicating that this round will determine the nature of the support that Iraq needs during the next stage.

For his part, the head of the Security Committee said And Defense in the Iraqi Parliament, Karim Al-Muhammadawi, said in an interview followed by Mawazine News: “The fourth round of dialogue between Baghdad and Washington is more important than the previous ones, during which the reports of the security and technical committees will be discussed.” He added, “This round will determine the nature of the support that Iraq needs during The next stage.”

Al-Muhammadawi stated that “this tour is important because it will be close to the Sudanese’s expected visit to Washington,” adding that “it is certain that the reports of those four rounds and all the reports of the security committees will be the subject of research and discussion with the American side.”

He continued: “It will be There is an Iraqi emphasis on the necessity of setting a declared and clear timetable (for withdrawal), and not leaving the matter unresolved, and this is what the forces of the (ruling) Coordination Framework Alliance stressed during their ongoing meetings with the Sudanese.”

He added, “All political forces in the coordination framework and outside it, and even The armed factions strongly support the government’s diplomatic efforts seeking to end the tasks of the international coalition and remove all American forces, and there is confidence in the Sudanese.”

He pointed out, "For this reason, the factions' operations (against the American forces) were temporarily stopped to prevent any obstruction to the progress of these negotiations, but any American procrastination will certainly restore the factions' operations, whose statements were clear and public."  link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Fnu Lnu  [Response to Pimpy's HCL non-revenue sharing post from 3-31-2024 ]  The notion of revenue-sharing is nothing new in the Middle East.  Bruni and Kuwait both do it...Revenue Watch Middle East Director Yahia Said recently returned from several months in Iraq working on the International Compact with the UN...This USIPeace Briefing summarizes the discussion.  Many Iraqi citizens look to the law for what it can contribute to reconciliation, security, and welfare. The three parts of the agreement will deal with the issues of 1) revenue sharing; 2) restructuring of the ministry of oil; and 3) establishing the Iraqi National Oil Company (INOC).   [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Fnu Lnu  It is quite clear that the HCL has intentions to codify the issue of welfare (not for government) and the number 1 issue is REVENUE SHARING. To be more specific; Section 1314 of the FY2007 Supplemental Appropriations Act [P.L.110-28] specifically identified the enactment and implementation of legislation “to ensure the equitable distribution of hydrocarbon resources of the people of Iraq without regard to the sect or ethnicity of recipients” and “to ensure that the energy resources of Iraq benefit Sunni Arabs, Shia Arabs, Kurds, and other Iraqi citizens in an equitable manner” as benchmarks.  [Post 2 of 2]

LOOK OUT! Full-On CRISIS! Multiple WARNINGS From Blackrock, JPM, And THE FED!

Greg Mannarino:  4-2-2024

Monetary WWIII Starting; Asset Confiscation | Alasdair Macleod

Liberty and Finance:  4-1-2024

The West is seizing & weaponizing Russian assets, including U.S. dollars, in an economic war. It turns out that assets that Russia thought they owned are actually controlled by other interests.

“The Great Taking” is underway, says Alasdair Macleod and Russia is the first guinea pig.

As this asset confiscation continues, the whole world will wake up to the need for hard assets like gold. Eastern buying of gold is already pushing the yellow metal to record high prices, and Russian/Chinese adoption of gold and commodities as a new monetary foundation is poised to launch the next stage of monetary world war against the US.


0:00 Intro

1:30 Gold’s strength

8:57 Interest rates

14:30 Economic warfare

 26:09 End of financial system

 33:30 Values destroyed

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