Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Friday AM 3-29-24

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Friday AM 3-29-24

Iraqi dinar big official announcement – 2:19

Iraqi Dinar RV Approved Date Announced – 1:39

Vietnam Dong big fall against USD – 1:09

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Friday AM 3-29-24

Iraqi dinar big official announcement – 2:19

Iraqi Dinar RV Approved Date Announced – 1:39

Vietnam Dong big fall against USD – 1:09

 Iraqi dinar big official announcement- - 2:19

Iraqi Dinar RV Approved Date Announced – 1:39

Vietnam Dong big fall against USD -- - 1:09   

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Friday Morning 3-29-2024


Tishwash:  Mandalawy: Achieving security, stability and progress is achieved through complete sovereignty of Iraq

The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandlawi, stressed today, Thursday, that achieving security, stability and progress is achieved through complete sovereignty of Iraq.

"The cadres of Badr were still making sacrifices and striving for Iraq," said Mandalawi, in a speech he delivered on the occasion of the 43rd anniversary of the founding of the Badr organization، The Iraqis stood before many attempts to drag the country into sectarianism, and they responded to the great call of the fatwa of the highest religious authority against terrorism, and victory was the ally of the Iraqis on every occasion".

He added that "Iraq is going through many and great challenges represented by corruption and drugs that ravage our children, as well as achieving security and stability, and these challenges require a spirit of jihad that is supported and shared by Iraqi society".


Tishwash:  Mandalawy: Achieving security, stability and progress is achieved through complete sovereignty of Iraq

The Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandlawi, stressed today, Thursday, that achieving security, stability and progress is achieved through complete sovereignty of Iraq.

"The cadres of Badr were still making sacrifices and striving for Iraq," said Mandalawi, in a speech he delivered on the occasion of the 43rd anniversary of the founding of the Badr organization، The Iraqis stood before many attempts to drag the country into sectarianism, and they responded to the great call of the fatwa of the highest religious authority against terrorism, and victory was the ally of the Iraqis on every occasion".

He added that "Iraq is going through many and great challenges represented by corruption and drugs that ravage our children, as well as achieving security and stability, and these challenges require a spirit of jihad that is supported and shared by Iraqi society".

I drew that " Iraqis are looking for an integrated sovereignty for our country, and this is done by ending the presence of the international coalition in Iraq, and turning to an external relationship based on mutual respect and in the interest of our country، We cannot enjoy stability, security, or progress without the full sovereignty of the country".  link

CandyKisses:  Parliamentary Finance hopes to reach the current year's budget tables before the end of next week

 Baghdad - Iraq Today:   2024/03/29 10:34 

The Parliamentary Finance Committee clarified the most important priority sectors in the 2024 budget, and while expressing its hope to send the budget tables to Parliament next week, it clarified the size of the amounts disbursed by the governorates last year.

The head of the committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, stated that "the Finance Committee and the House of Representatives support the governors, and this was embodied through the necessary financial allocations in the emergency support law and in the 2023 budget, which reached the financial allocation to the governorates with the reconstruction funds of the liberated areas up to 10 trillion," noting that "the number of projects reached about 5,500 projects in all governorates at a total cost of 49 trillion dinars."

He added that "the total spent of the 2023 budget of the 10 trillion is 3 trillion and 300 billion distributed by 1 trillion and 300 billion dinars as completed work arms and 2 trillion and 200 billion to finance projects until the end of 2023," noting that "our recent meeting with the governors came to embody the support of the Finance Committee and the House of Representatives for the governorates to study the obstacles that prevent the completion of these projects."

He stressed that "the Finance Committee is waiting for the budget tables from the government, and we expected the government to vote on them in its last meeting last Tuesday."

He pointed out that "there are two tracks that the budget takes in approving it, which is its approval by planning and financing by the Ministry of Finance," pointing out that "the 2024 budget will focus on the sectors of health, education, electric power and housing according to priority."

He stated that "the mechanism for distributing budget amounts between governorates is through population ratios and poverty," explaining that "in the 2023 budget, specific amounts were added to all governorates, regardless of the criteria adopted by the Ministry of Planning, feeling that the governorates need support and allocate sufficient funds to promote the services sector."

He pointed out that "the tables determine the course of spending and allocation in the budget," pointing out that "the House of Representatives has the right to make transfers between ministries in the budget law."

Al-Atwani expressed his hope that "next week will be the date for sending the budget to the House of Representatives," explaining that "there are some provinces and ministries that stop funding and are waiting for the approval of budget tables."


Tishwash:  Sudanese: Financial and administrative corruption has crippled the country and wasted wealth

Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, confirmed today, Thursday, that financial and administrative corruption has crippled the country and wasted wealth.

Al-Sudani said in a speech he delivered on the occasion of the 43rd anniversary of the founding of the Badr Organization, that “the Badr Organization presented its best men and leaders as martyrs in the war against terrorism in order to consolidate the gains achieved within a pluralistic democratic system that guarantees freedoms and rights.”

He added: "We have devoted our efforts to preserving these constants and gains since we assumed our responsibility to form the government, following a political impasse, and we have been keen for our government to be representative of all components and sects, without discrimination or bias, and to work to serve all Iraqis, as we called our government." Naming the National Service Government, because our people have been very patient while waiting for us to improve their service and living conditions.”

He continued, "We have set a set of priorities in our government program, which are the same basic needs of every Iraqi. We will continue to work to achieve comprehensive reforms in all sectors, and fight financial and administrative corruption that has disrupted projects and wasted wealth."

He stressed: "We have fulfilled many of the objectives of our commitment to providing comprehensive services and completing the projects that were stalled and delayed. We completed the governorate council elections in a stable atmosphere and safe conditions. We hope that all the forces that formed the local governments will work in the spirit of one team and reject the ongoing political disagreement."

He pointed out that "provincial councils are an important link in the transformation of the administrative system towards administrative decentralization, based on the constitution. Our government has worked to eliminate internal and external crises, move the relationship with the international coalition to a new form, and end its presence among the most important files that we worked on, and confirmed in the Government programme.

He pointed out that "the challenges we face today require all political forces to join hands and cooperate in order to cross the shores of security and development, as our government has launched major economic and development projects, and political and security stability make Iraq an attractive environment for reconstruction and investment by major international companies, and maintaining stability is important." In Iraq, it is the responsibility of all political forces.”

He noted that "the Palestinians in Gaza have been subjected, for months, to the most horrific killings and destruction at the hands of the occupation forces, in the face of shameful international silence and an abandonment of moral responsibilities by the major powers." link

Mot:  .. UH OH -- ole ""Fred"" da Bunny – siiggghhhhhh

Mot: .... did that really Happen

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 3-29-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 29 March 2024

Compiled Fri. 29 March 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington,

Judy Note: The military’s impending activation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is not a drill, or a benign test of capabilities. It represents an extraordinary measure for extraordinary times. The military stepping into the limelight to manage the EBS signals an end to the era of hidden agendas and half-truths.

The concept of enduring 10 Days of Communication Darkness is not about isolation or fear mongering, but it is about rejuvenation and the reclamation of truth.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 29 March 2024

Compiled Fri. 29 March 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington,

Judy Note: The military’s impending activation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is not a drill, or a benign test of capabilities. It represents an extraordinary measure for extraordinary times. The military stepping into the limelight to manage the EBS signals an end to the era of hidden agendas and half-truths.

The concept of enduring 10 Days of Communication Darkness is not about isolation or fear mongering, but it is about rejuvenation and the reclamation of truth.

These 10 days afford us a rare opportunity to break free from the incessant noise and distortion that have characterized our information landscape. The promise of receiving unfiltered truths through the EBS broadcasts is a clarion call to awaken from our collective stupor. Exclusive! Military’s Secret Training for (EBS) Emergency Broadcast System Activation! | Alternative | Before It’s News (

The World As We Know It Is on the Verge of Transformation. The Grand Finale of this Epic Battle is Upon Us

To take them down, a Global Military Alliance coalition of ten countries has scheduled certain Events to transpire over the days leading to Easter. It starts with a worldwide activation of the Emergency Broadcast System to ensure a truthful and transparent coverage of Events.

The world of crypto currency will undergo a radical transformation. The vast majority of crypto currencies will vanish into obscurity, including Chinese Coins. In their place, ISO20022 coins backed by precious metals will emerge, bringing stability to the financial world.

The Quantum Leap: Amidst the turmoil, the Quantum system will come to life, enabled by the Odin Project. NESARA, GESARA, and the RV (Revaluation) will take center stage.

The Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection advises that all residents take preparedness steps. People are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food, water, toilet paper, generators etc. for this great awakening reveal.

Sources For The Above:

Wed. 6 March URGENT! MILITARY INTEL: Quantum Financial Systems, Project Odin, and the Inevitable Call for the Emergency Broadcast System – American Media Group (

Sat. 23 March PROJECT ODIN + Military GESARA = EBS: A Formula that Will Change the Course of History Forever! – American Media Group (

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Thurs. 28 March MarkZ: “Bond folks are still looking at early next week for final contracts and receipt of 1% of their funds – right around Mon. 1 April 2024.”

Thurs. 28 March Bruce:
*The Central Bank of Iraq has set their new Iraqi Dinar Rate.
*The International Iraqi Dinar Rate will be announced Easter Sun. 31 March.
*Super Whales and Whales received their appointments last Fri. 22 March. Some have been given access to their funds.
*Regular Bond Holders will complete their exchanges around noon Easter Sun. 31 March.
*Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will receive notification to set appointments on Mon. 1 April and start exchanges on Tues. 2 April.
*If you want the Contract Rate on the Dinar you will need to exchange at a Redemption Center, not a Bank. The Dinar Contract Rate is based on the barrel price of oil.
* The Rodriguez Trust that funds North and South America will be released on Sun. 31 March.
* The St. Germaine Trust that funds GESARA will be released on Sun. 31 March.
* In the US the R&R funds will be released the first week in April.
* Increases in Social Security will begin in April.
* The General Public will be able to exchange Mon. or Tues. 8,9 April.

Thurs. 28 March Wolverine: “There is a lot happening right now. People are getting called. We were to have our beautiful week this week, but the process has started, and we WILL have a beautiful week coming up. The whales are paid. They need the liquidity/spendable money, and that will be in a few days. Stay focused on this happening. We will be blessed. We need the notifications for Tier4B, and we are sure to get that this weekend, In My Opinion, on getting the notifications for Tier4B so we can exchange.  Fingers crossed so we can get blessed and praying I can release that opera, We are THAT close!”


Thurs. 28 March: GESARA Redemption Centers Information: GESARA Matrix Revealed as Your Golden Ticket to Instant Millionaire Status! – American Media Group (

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]    FIREFLY:  My bank guy says the only way they would stop funding the budget and stop everything is to make a rate change in the budget...the new rate will produce excess funds to cover the reform projects...He says when that budget gets done this weekend and if it is amended the rate change will come real close in his opinion...  FRANK:   I agree 100%...once we see the budget amended and released it will expose a new exchange rate.  I don't think that a simple rate of 1 to 1 is what Sudani is looking for anymore.

Militia Man  Article quote:  " addition to the possibility of achieving a significant increase in its Financial incomes that would raise the purchasing power of the Iraqi individual..."   To me that's massive because...they're talking about raising the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar.   How do you raise the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar without changing the exchange rate?  Obviously...they can't.

Salah speak

Nader:  3-28-2024

De dollarization: 21 countries ditches US dollar

Fastepo:  3-28-2024

The global economic landscape is witnessing a transformative shift as several countries and regional alliances progressively move toward abandoning the US dollar in their trade settlements.

This strategic pivot aims to diminish reliance on the US dollar, fostering a diversified approach to international trade and finance that embraces a variety of currencies. These developments signify a growing trend of de-dollarization as nations seek to diversify their trade and financial practices away from the US dollar.

This shift, driven by the desire to mitigate geopolitical risks and promote local economies, heralds a significant transformation in the international trade and financial landscape, potentially reshaping the global economic order and the future role of the US dollar.

 In this video, we explore key developments in this trend, highlighting significant movements across the globe.

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Evening 3-28-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Evening 3-28-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Electronic Payment Is Sustainable Growth

 Economical 03/28/2024  Muhammad Fadel Al-Khafaji  Electronic payment is one of the modern innovations that enhances economic growth in the country, as it allows individuals and companies to conduct financial transactions with ease and safety, by  supporting the growth and sustainability of the local economy while  maintaining its stability and economic standing.

 The electronic payment process contributes significantly to enhancing government resources and collecting them in a reliable, secure and transparent environment, relying on the infrastructure of payment systems and their platforms through central control managed by the Central Bank of Iraq, banks, and payment service providers, as it is an important link in a major goal that seeks to achieve Reducing the phenomenon of cash economy.

  Electronic payment reduces momentum within banks and facilitates the process of e-commerce and online shopping.  Thanks to this technology, companies can  reduce costs,  increase productivity, and  drive transactions through banking and financial channels, which enhances sustainable economic prosperity in the country.

Electronic payment contributes to improving flexibility and speed in payment processes, allowing individuals and companies to execute transactions immediately and without delay.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Evening 3-28-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Electronic Payment Is Sustainable Growth

 Economical 03/28/2024  Muhammad Fadel Al-Khafaji  Electronic payment is one of the modern innovations that enhances economic growth in the country, as it allows individuals and companies to conduct financial transactions with ease and safety, by  supporting the growth and sustainability of the local economy while  maintaining its stability and economic standing.

 The electronic payment process contributes significantly to enhancing government resources and collecting them in a reliable, secure and transparent environment, relying on the infrastructure of payment systems and their platforms through central control managed by the Central Bank of Iraq, banks, and payment service providers, as it is an important link in a major goal that seeks to achieve Reducing the phenomenon of cash economy.

  Electronic payment reduces momentum within banks and facilitates the process of e-commerce and online shopping.  Thanks to this technology, companies can  reduce costs,  increase productivity, and  drive transactions through banking and financial channels, which enhances sustainable economic prosperity in the country.

Electronic payment contributes to improving flexibility and speed in payment processes, allowing individuals and companies to execute transactions immediately and without delay.

 Electronic payment can also be used at any time and in any place, which makes it the ideal choice for individuals, by purchasing all their needs through the electronic payment method, through electronic cards that allow you these services.

The electronic payment method enhances transparency and financial inclusion in the country, as

it reduces the rate of tax evasion and financial fraud and facilitates international money transfers.

 In this way, electronic payment makes significant progress in achieving economic development and enhancing financial stability in the country.

The Minister Of Finance Is Following Up On The Field The Progress Of The Newly Implemented ASYCUDA System

Thursday 28, March 2024 14:22 | Economical Number of readings: 170  Baghdad / NINA / Today, Thursday, the Minister of Finance, Taif Sami, conducted a field visit to the headquarters of the General Authority for Customs, during which she was briefed on the workflow mechanism during a tour she conducted within the corridors and departments of the Authority, and learned about the procedures of the customs modernization team according to the automation system (Global Asycoda).

The United Nations experts gave a brief explanation about the nature of the technical processing of materials and goods in customs centers.

Minister Sami noted some observations related to the work of the program and expressed directions regarding it and the necessity of accelerating its implementation so that it can be circulated in the rest of the customs centers. She also praised the efforts made that contributed to the implementation of the (ASYCUDA) program at the air cargo customs and the large welcome yard in the port of Umm Qasr, stressing the provision of full support and overcoming... Obstacles facing the work team responsible for automating customs procedures.

The Minister of Finance praised the efforts of the Authority’s employees and its general administration and urged them to make more efforts by developing functional capabilities and skills, especially in the field of working on the customs automation and modernization system./End 5

Ismaik: Iraqi Youth Are Qualified For The Labor Market Because They Are “Tremendous Energy”

 Time: 03/28/2024 12:39:37 Read: 910 times  {Local: Al-Furat News} The economic expert and businessman, Hassan Ismaik, stressed the need for young people in Iraq to invest in the labor market.  Ismaik told {Al-Furat News}, a copy of which:

“50% of the Iraqi population are young people, and   investing in them leads to achieving economic goals, and Iraqi youth must be relied upon to implement projects inside Iraq.”

He added, "While the current government, headed by Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, is moving forward to achieve comprehensive development in the country's various sectors,

it must employ young energies and benefit from their potential, by supporting them and developing their local communities, and making them a major partner in the government's investment and strategic projects."

He stressed the importance of "relying on Iraqi youth to implement investment projects inside the country," adding that "youth have important roles in developing the economy of Iraq, as they are a great economic force that can be exploited for comprehensive development, and in all sectors, and  by motivating them to be creative in various fields, it is possible to obtain... On  creative entrepreneurial ideas, and  increasing production and income for themselves and those working in those fields, which ensures success and progress.” 

In the same context, Ismaik pointed out that Iraqi youth are known to  have a high percentage of educated people,   have scientific achievements inside and outside their country, and     are qualified to be at the helm of leadership towards development. He stated that"the Iraqi young man is  qualified for the labor market and is  able to build his country because he has the basis for that, as the Iraqi people have a tremendous energy in their nature."إسميك-الشباب-العراقي-مؤهل-لسوق-العمل-كونه-طاقة-جبارة      

Forming A Council For “Competition And Preventing Monopoly”

 The first 03/28/2024  Baghdad: Omar Abdul Latif  The current government efforts to control the market and inflation in general have escalated recently, after the announcement of the first steps to form the Council for “Competition Affairs and Monopoly Prevention.”

 Council Advisor Dr. Ikram Abdel Aziz, in an interview with Al-Sabah, said,  “The government formed this council from the public and private sectors to reinforce this principle and carry out its work in accordance with what was stated in the Competition and Monopoly Prevention Law No. 14 of 2010.”

 Abdel Aziz added that “the Council will work to enhance the movement of production, trade and services, without giving any room for monopoly, economic concentration and marketing abuse,” noting that  “there are certain lines that must be studied and monitored to limit these practices,” indicating that  “the Council will be a supervisory and controlling body.”

To move prices and prevent commercial fraud, as the law will include many provisions that prevent oral and written monopolistic practices.”  Abdel Aziz continued,  “The issue of competition and preventing monopoly is important, and there is a need for awareness and cooperation of all relevant ministries and authorities,” noting the necessity of “joining efforts to support this trend, as this council will monitor and follow up on imported products and what can be produced locally.”  

The council's advisor indicated that "the prospective council will cooperate with security agencies such as economic security and organized crime in order to take legal measures against violators," noting that "the council will permanently submit its reports to the Prime Minister regarding the tasks for which it was established."    


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit : 


Provoking Points To Ponder On Failures and Mistakes

Imagine a congress of eminent celebrities such as More, Bacon, Grotius, Pascal, Cromwell, Bossuet, Montesquieu, Jefferson, Napoleon, Pitt, etc. They would be an Encyclopedia of Errors. - Lord Acton

Flops are a part of life's menu, and Eve never been a girl to miss out on any of the courses.- Rosalind Russell

Every man's got to figure to get beat sometime.- Joe Louis

Who thinks it just to be judged by a single error?- Beryl Markham

Man errs as long as he struggles.- Johann von Goethe

Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life.- Sophia Loren

Mistakes are the usual bridge between inexperience and wisdom.- Phyllis Therous

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Thursday Evening 3-28-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Thursday Evening 3-28-24

IQD New Latest Exchange Rate -- 3:27

This is Good news For IQD Holder's – 3:05

WOW Iraqi Dinar Amazing RV Done – 3:11

Vietnamese Dong Oficially Announce New Rate Today – 3:30

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Thursday Evening 3-28-24

IQD New Latest Exchange Rate -- 3:27

This is Good news For IQD Holder's – 3:05

WOW Iraqi Dinar Amazing RV Done – 3:11

Vietnamese Dong Oficially Announce New Rate Today – 3:30

 IQD New Latest Exchange Rate-3:27

This is Good news For IQD Holder's – 3:05

WOW Iraqi Dinar Amazing RV Done – 3:11

Vietnamese Dong Oficially Announce New Rate Today – 3:30

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 3-28-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 3-28-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Parliamentary Expectations That The Dollar Exchange Rate Will Reach 140 Thousand Dinars

Economy | 03/28/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  MP Mudar Al-Karawi confirmed today, Thursday, that the parallel market decreased by 10% within 3 months in Iraq.

Al-Karawi told Mawazine News, “The efforts of the Central Bank and the actions of the Ministry of Finance reduced the influence of the parallel market and led to a reduction in the exchange rate by 10% within 3 months.”

He added, "The exchange rate reaching 140,000 dinars per $100 is very likely in the coming weeks."

He pointed out that "reducing smuggling, automating procedures, and controlling the movement of money and payments are all reasons that contributed to creating financial stability and pushing the parallel market to decline, albeit very slowly."

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 3-28-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Parliamentary Expectations That The Dollar Exchange Rate Will Reach 140 Thousand Dinars

Economy | 03/28/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  MP Mudar Al-Karawi confirmed today, Thursday, that the parallel market decreased by 10% within 3 months in Iraq.

Al-Karawi told Mawazine News, “The efforts of the Central Bank and the actions of the Ministry of Finance reduced the influence of the parallel market and led to a reduction in the exchange rate by 10% within 3 months.”

He added, "The exchange rate reaching 140,000 dinars per $100 is very likely in the coming weeks."

He pointed out that "reducing smuggling, automating procedures, and controlling the movement of money and payments are all reasons that contributed to creating financial stability and pushing the parallel market to decline, albeit very slowly."

Fluctuations in the exchange rates of the US dollar in Iraq have raised fears that the dinar may suffer a new shock in the coming days.

In building the financial budget, Iraq depends on the revenues generated from the sale of crude oil by up to 96%, as the volume of Iraq’s oil production currently amounts to more than 4 million barrels per day according to OPEC Plus specifications, and its export capacity reaches more than 3 million barrels per day.

The Stock Exchange Announces The Launch Of Trading On “Emaar Bonds”

Iraq Stock Exchange  Market   Economy News – Baghdad  The Iraq Stock Exchange (the Stock Exchange) announced, on Thursday, the launch of trading on the third issuance of “Emaar bonds” at the deposit center.

The stock exchange said in a document received by Al-Eqtisad News, “Based on the decision of the Securities Commission and the decision of the Board of Governors to list and deposit the trading of Emaar bonds (the third issue), and on the occasion of the completion of technical procedures in the market, deposits of the third issue (Emaar bonds) will begin at the deposit center.” By owners of bonds of all categories as of Thursday 3/28/2024.”

The stock exchange added, “The bonds will be launched for trading starting from the Sunday session, 4/21/2024, on the bond platforms.”

The stock exchange pointed out that “two-year bonds of (500) thousand dinars mature on 12/30/2025, with an annual interest rate of (6%), paid every six months.”

She added that "four-year bonds of one million dinars mature on 12/30/2027 with an annual interest rate of 8% paid every six months."

The stock exchange confirmed that "trading is according to the bond category on the bond platform, and the rate of change is 5% up and down from (the price calculated for the bond on that day during the issuance period) according to the table received from the Central Bank of Iraq."

She stated that “the minimum commission for the brokerage company is 1,000 dinars, and the commission rate is 0.003 of the value of the bond when trading,” noting that “the bond trading session lasts from 10 a.m. until 12 noon.”126 views  -

Oil Prices Fell For The Second Day With An Increase In US Inventories

Economy | 10:27 - 03/28/2024   Mawazine News – Baghdad  Oil prices fell for the second day in a row after a report on a rise in crude inventories in the United States, the world's largest oil consumer, and indications that major producers are unlikely to change production policy at a technical meeting scheduled for next week.

Brent crude futures for May fell 74 cents, or 0.9%, to $85.51 a barrel by 04.20 GMT. The May contract is scheduled to expire on Thursday, and the most actively traded June contract fell 68 cents, or 0.8%, to $84.95.

US West Texas Intermediate crude futures for May delivery fell by 64 cents, or 0.8%, to reach $80.98.

Oil prices fell this week after rising to their highest levels since October last week, and remained about 3% higher than the average closing price in the first week of March.

John Rong Yip, a market strategy analyst at IG in Singapore, said, “The sharp rise in US crude inventories and expectations about the possibility that the OPEC+ alliance will not change production policy next week led to a further decline in oil prices in today’s session.”

Decrease In The Dollar Exchange Rate On The Baghdad Stock Exchange

Economy  Thursday, March 28, 2024  Baghdad/National News Center  Today, Thursday, the dollar exchange rates recorded a decline against the Iraqi dinar on the Baghdad Stock Exchange.

Dollar prices fell with the opening of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges to record 147,350 Iraqi dinars for every 100 dollars, while yesterday, Wednesday, they recorded 148,200 Iraqi dinars for every 100 dollars.

Selling prices in exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad reached 148,250 dinars, while purchasing prices reached 146,250 dinars for every 100 dollars.

Iraq Begins Building Two New Tankers To Transport Petroleum Products

Reconstruction and building  Economy News – Baghdad  The Iraqi Oil Tanker Company (National Carrier) announced today, Thursday, that the rate of transportation of oil products produced in Iraqi refineries has increased to 65% after the two tankers, Akkad and Sumer, entered work.

While it confirmed the imminent announcement of the construction of two new tankers to transport the products, it revealed a plan to enter into real partnerships. With major companies to own giant tankers.

The company's general manager, Ali Qais, told the official agency, followed by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "the Iraqi Oil Tanker Company previously owned 29 tankers of different sizes, but as a result of the wars and conflicts that the country went through, this fleet was completely destroyed, and Iraq began to sell oil in bulk and not... And that is why the Oil Tanker Company sought after 2003 to restore its position.”

Qais added, “The company owns 4 tankers, which are oil product tankers only (Tigris, Euphrates, Shatt al-Arab, and Baghdad) with a capacity of 13 thousand tons. In 2019, it signed a contract to build two tankers according to international specifications, namely (AKD and Sumer) to transport oil products.”

He continued: “We are now in the process of negotiating with international companies to enter into major partnerships for the purpose of owning tankers, as well as restoring the activity of transporting Iraqi crude oil, as the rate of transport of petroleum products produced in refineries reached 65% after the entry of the two tankers (AKKD and SUMMER),” stressing: “

We are now in the process of announcing the construction of two new tankers to transport products, and we will try to reach 100% of product transport.”

Regarding the percentage of exported quantities of crude oil, Qais explained, “The exported quantities of crude oil are sold through the oil marketing company, that is, the purchasing companies are the ones that transport the oil because we sell it subtracted and not in the form of a liquid. However, the Minister of Oil stressed the necessity of restarting the activity of transporting Iraqi crude oil.” By Iraqi tankers.

He pointed out that "the company's future plan is to build two tankers for oil products and enter into real partnerships with major companies for the purpose of owning giant tankers to transport Iraqi crude oil."    222 views 03/28/2024 -

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit : 


Provoking Points To Ponder On Failures and Mistakes

Imagine a congress of eminent celebrities such as More, Bacon, Grotius, Pascal, Cromwell, Bossuet, Montesquieu, Jefferson, Napoleon, Pitt, etc. They would be an Encyclopedia of Errors. - Lord Acton

Flops are a part of life's menu, and Eve never been a girl to miss out on any of the courses.- Rosalind Russell

Every man's got to figure to get beat sometime.- Joe Louis

Who thinks it just to be judged by a single error?- Beryl Markham

Man errs as long as he struggles.- Johann von Goethe

Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life.- Sophia Loren

Mistakes are the usual bridge between inexperience and wisdom.- Phyllis Therous

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Dinar Recaps Archives, Post RV Info Dinar Recaps 20 Dinar Recaps Archives, Post RV Info Dinar Recaps 20

Possible Bank Perks to ask for at your Exchange Appointment .

Occasionally Dinar Recaps will be posting Exchange Tips and information from our archives for our newest readers that may be helpful for you at our exchange appointments and Post RV. Not all information may apply to you and your personal situation…..Take what you like and leave the rest:  Some you may want to save for your own personal records! We hope all our dreams come true very soon ~ Your Dinar Recaps Team

From Recaps Archives:

Possible Bank Perks to ask for at your Exchange Appointment .
AUM - Assets Under Management

1. No fees ever for foreign currency exchanges

2. Provide a Private Banker/Wealth Manager at the time of exchange to initially park the funds in an non-interest-bearing account overnight and sweep those funds into other non-interest bearing accounts within your bank the following day; until I meet with bank advisers and other financial professionals and make some general guidelines for the management of these funds and the distribution of a portion of these funds through your bank, trust, and LLCs.

Occasionally Dinar Recaps will be posting Exchange Tips and information from our archives for our newest readers that may be helpful for you at our exchange appointments and Post RV. Not all information may apply to you and your personal situation…..Take what you like and leave the rest:  Some you may want to save for your own personal records! We hope all our dreams come true very soon ~ Your Dinar Recaps Team

From Recaps Archives:

Possible Bank Perks to ask for at your Exchange Appointment .
AUM - Assets Under Management

1. No fees ever for foreign currency exchanges

2. Provide a Private Banker/Wealth Manager at the time of exchange to initially park the funds in an non-interest-bearing account overnight and sweep those funds into other non-interest bearing accounts within your bank the following day; until I meet with bank advisers and other financial professionals and make some general guidelines for the management of these funds and the distribution of a portion of these funds through your bank, trust, and LLCs.

3. Family Office Services


4. Perks can be based on AUM (Assets Under Management) in a tier grid

5. Discounts on AUM fees

6. No fees ever - no fee to deposit/wire transfer money

7. No Broker fees ever

8. Free Safe Deposit Box, Certified Checks, Notarized, Courier Services

9.Provide Excess Deposit Insurance (i.e. Lloyds of London and/or Travelers) or Abbott Downing

10.Provide Senior Wealth Managers/Investment Bankers for selection

11.Tax/Business/Estate Attorney & CPA

12. Private transactions representation –assistance in buying a house/car/anything ( my trustee will purchase through my bank) 13.

Free Due Diligence Services provided for outside investment opportunities(research on any person or service) they will get it

14.100% funding availability (immediate Funds) before we leave

15. Unlimited Platinum or Black Visa Signature Debit & Credit Card with no ATM fees

16. Line of Credit available

17. Group Health Insurance - to cover the signers and families of depositors

18. Guarantee 12-15% interest per year on deposits

19. Bank Trading Platforms & Repurchase Agreement Sweep Accounts

20. Short Term/High Yield Interest Rates

21. Assist in opening an offshore bank account with affiliate bank for foreign investments

22. Access to information on great investment opportunities

23. Pre-IPO deals

24. Provide free Executive Privacy Plus subscription with

25. Sports tickets in suites and on the floor (Football, Basketball, Baseball, Boxing, Tennis, Golf, NASCAR & etc.) Also, special events like the Super Bowl, NBA Finals, College Bowls, NCAA Final Four, World Series &the Olympics. Based on AUM in a tier grid

26. Entertainment & Concert tickets in suites and on the floor (Music Concerts, Entertainment Awards Shows, Premier Movie Screenings, TV Show tickets & etc.) Based on AUM in a tier grid

27. Limousine & VIP transportation based on AUM in a tier grid

28. Private Jet Travel (5-25 flight hrs. per mo.) based on AUM in atier grid on flight hours per month

29. First Class seats/commercial airlines based on AUM in a tier grid

30. Private Yacht access/usage (40 hrs. annually) based on AUM in a tier grid on access/usage hours per year

31. Donations to our favorite charities (Banks matching a certain percentage)

32. Prime seats at charity events

33. Suites at Luxury Hotels & VIP Dinners at Restaurants based on AUM

34. Membership fee & Annual fees to Inspirato Core resorts & residences

35. Membership fee & Annual fees to Exclusive Resorts & Residences for 60 days with Priority Holiday Access annually


36. ClubCorp Private Membership based on AUM

37. Spa & Massage Club Membership based on AUM in a tier grid

38. Concierge Services 24/7 based on AUM

39. Provide a free cell phone & concierge subscription service for  members with $1 million and over AUM

40. Free Family Financial Education provided for group family members

41. Provide any and all other perks that was not mentioned

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Economist's "News and Views" Thursday 3-28-2024

Gold’s Rise Signals a “Major Paradigm” Shift in Global System, Be Prepared Warns Billionaire Kaplan

Daniela Cambone: 3-28-2024

Could history repeat itself, ushering in a new era of gold-backed currencies? Or is gold's meteoric rise signaling a paradigm shift in the global monetary system?

Join Daniela Cambone for an exclusive conversation with Dr. Thomas Kaplan, Chairman of NOVAGOLD and Chairman and CEO of The Electrum Group at the New York Stock Exchange.

They delve into a range of topics, from the geopolitical landscape to how FOMO — the fear of missing out — influences investor behavior, market dynamics, the potential for gold and gold equities, and beyond.

Gold’s Rise Signals a “Major Paradigm” Shift in Global System, Be Prepared Warns Billionaire Kaplan

Daniela Cambone: 3-28-2024

Could history repeat itself, ushering in a new era of gold-backed currencies? Or is gold's meteoric rise signaling a paradigm shift in the global monetary system?

Join Daniela Cambone for an exclusive conversation with Dr. Thomas Kaplan, Chairman of NOVAGOLD and Chairman and CEO of The Electrum Group at the New York Stock Exchange.

They delve into a range of topics, from the geopolitical landscape to how FOMO — the fear of missing out — influences investor behavior, market dynamics, the potential for gold and gold equities, and beyond.


 00:00 Gold price phrases

02:40 Why gold?

7:32 Bitcoin

10:41 Crypto

11:55 FOMO

13:55 Novagold

21:41 Gold

23:17 The power of luck

28:22 Legacy


Greg Mannarino:  3-28-2024

US Scolds China For Record Industrial Growth As Argentina Plans Mass Layoffs Amid Wage Collapse

Dean Foo:  3-28-2024

The US Treasury is now targeting China over growing their industrial capacity. China is dominating the renewable energy market and the US is warning Beijing to stop growing and there's a dark reason why.

 Meanwhile, Argentina is also planning something crazy with Milei planning to slash 70,000 jobs while wages are collapsing.

Here's what you must know!

Timestamps & Chapters:

0:00 US Warns China Against Industry Growth

3:19 China's Industrial Dominance Freakout

7:10 Argentina Massive Layoff Coming

10:05 Inflation Soaring & Wages Crashing

 13:03 China Argentina Decoupling

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Afternoon 3-28-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Afternoon 3-28-24

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,

"The collapse of a major bridge along a crucial trade corridor outside Baltimore idled shipping at one of the East Coast’s busiest ports, tied up coal shipments, and pushed retailers, truckers, and industrial firms to reroute shipping volumes to contain the economic fallout of the catastrophic event."

An event of this magnitude does take a toll on an already fragile Market. We have to remember Market shifts such as these do not happen right away.

The market lags behind a good 4 to 5 days before events like this begin to show up. We will have a choice to add liquidity to the market inflating it more, or we will witness it go to a real value.

The Dow is at its maximum price ever, and there is not another referencing price to match it.

This has the potential to cause an aggressive movement downward to its 200-day moving average. And, an event like this in the shipping industry could take months to years to recover.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Afternoon 3-28-24

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,

"The collapse of a major bridge along a crucial trade corridor outside Baltimore idled shipping at one of the East Coast’s busiest ports, tied up coal shipments, and pushed retailers, truckers, and industrial firms to reroute shipping volumes to contain the economic fallout of the catastrophic event."

An event of this magnitude does take a toll on an already fragile Market. We have to remember Market shifts such as these do not happen right away.

The market lags behind a good 4 to 5 days before events like this begin to show up. We will have a choice to add liquidity to the market inflating it more, or we will witness it go to a real value.

The Dow is at its maximum price ever, and there is not another referencing price to match it.

This has the potential to cause an aggressive movement downward to its 200-day moving average. And, an event like this in the shipping industry could take months to years to recover.

Is history repeating itself? Although the circumstances are different, we have the same scenario at play whereby the shipping industry is disrupted. This happened on a much grander scheme when Donald Trump was our president. His administrative team brought us back by the end of the year. Ironically, it was about the same time of the year. It was just before an election too.

This gives everyone an idea just how events such as these can create havoc among the markets. At that time, we considered a currency intervention as we neared the end of the chaos.  WSJ

© Goldilocks


"In Baltimore warehouses registered with the London Metal Exchange, there are 756 metric tons of nickel, 150 tons of tin and 50 tons of copper, LME data shows."

The measurements above were reported about 2 days ago. The movement of metals supports the banking system. It also supports the dollar.

This gives us an idea of what we may be facing in the banking system as well. When the movement of metals is slowed down, it will have a corresponding effect on the banking system that supplies it's liquidity.   Reuters

© Goldilocks


"A Basel 3 compliant bank = your Redemption Center, this is where you can choose to exchange."

© Freedom Fighter

"All roads lead to Gold, and Gold will set us free."

© Goldilocks

"Top smelters agreed the spot market had become disconnected from true market fundamentals, one meeting participant told Reuters."

“It is meaningless to set a guidance price in the current market,” the source added, speaking on condition of anonymity."

Copper derives its prices from mining production, global demand, currency exchange rates, inventory levels, and much more.

Copper is decoupling from the dollar. I really hope you still have those copper pennies and nickels we have talked about for years.

A decoupling event of copper from the dollar would allow both monetary systems to find their real values.    Mining

© Goldilocks


Did you know that copper tells you how well an economy is doing?

© Goldilocks


"Post-Covid correlation patterns between commodity prices and the US dollar will become more common in the future. There is a robust and significant long-run relationship between the US dollar and the US terms of trade. In the past, when the United States was a net commodity importer, higher commodity prices corresponded to a lower US terms of trade and a weaker US dollar. Now that the United States is a commodity exporter, higher commodity prices raise the US terms of trade and strengthen the US dollar."

It may not take long for other Commodities to start decoupling from the market fundamentals as copper is doing now.

Then, we will have the freedom of our gold and silver markets to go to their real values.

As our commodity markets are released to real values and real fundamentals, our ability to formulate prices on global currencies based on these new values will become possible.  BIS

© Goldilocks


"India's payments landscape is on the brink of a major transformation as NBBL prepares to roll out interoperable bill payments network. The goal is to establish standardized rules and design the system for seamless interoperability across various banking platforms."

This will allow The Reserve Bank of India's money to move on to an interoperable system for internet banking transactions.

This new payment system will go through the National Payments Corporation of India the (NPCI).

Interestingly, this is showing up as the MICA rollout of crypto regulations is coming to their final conclusion at the end of May 2024. Will we see a FedNow announcement soon? One-Percent Club Linkedin

Time will tell.

© Goldilocks


Trains, planes, container ships and now bridge's.

Did you know a second bridge had an incident today also?

A “spontaneous combustion situation” with raw wood products at a landscaping supply center caused a massive fire underneath the Valley View Bridge in Ohio early Tuesday morning.

Remember this is just a coincidence.

The FBI and Joe Biden have stated nothing unusual is happening.

Community notes and mainstream media fact checkers will not allow any debate.
Twitter @DarkIILight


SEC Adopts Reforms Relating to Investment Advisers Operating Exclusively Through the Internet | SEC


Hong Kong Monetary Authority - HKMA and SFC further consult on enhancements to Hong Kong’s OTC derivatives reporting regime | HKMA


Ripple Vs. SEC Update: Judge Torres Weighs Extending XRP Lawsuit Fairly - Forex News by FX Leaders | FX Leaders


I hope everyone has a peaceful and reflective Easter weekend. I really enjoy this time of the year as it gives me an opportunity to discern just how grateful I am and can be for viewing the world around me through the eyes of the very one who came to save us.

Please keep your focus here as I have word from my banking sources that the RV is not going to happen around Easter. We are just not simply there yet my friends.

© Goldilocks


"Over $1B in U.S. Treasury Notes Has Been Tokenized on Public Blockchains.

Tokenized Treasuries are digital representations of U.S. government bonds that can be traded as tokens on the blockchain."   

By Omkar Godbole


I just wanted to update everyone on the CBI contact Dee, Sam, and I speak to on occasions. We are so proud of him.

He has a new role. Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) Investment AND Foreign Remittances Directorate of Iraq. 

© Goldilocks  😉



~~~~~~~~~, Ocean Protocol and SingularityNET Unite to Create Artificial Superintelligence Alliance | Business Wire


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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Thursday Afternoon 3-28-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Thursday Afternoon 3-28-24

WOW Vietnam Dong New Value 3.82$ - 3:18

JP Morgan Chase Bank Big Exchange Rate Today 2024 – 3:27

WOW RV Processing Happening – 3:32

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Thursday Afternoon 3-28-24

WOW Vietnam Dong New Value 3.82$ - 3:18

JP Morgan Chase Bank Big Exchange Rate Today 2024 – 3:27

WOW RV Processing Happening – 3:32

 WOW Vietnam Dong New Value 3.82$ - 3:18

JP Morgan Chase Bank Big Exchange Rate Today 2024 – 3:27

WOW RV Processing Happening – 3:32

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Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 3-28-24

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 3-28-24

A Deputy Expects The Dollar Exchange Rate To Reach 140 Iraqi Dinars

Today 10:32   Information/Baghdad  Representative Mudar Al-Karawi confirmed today, Thursday, that the parallel market decreased by 10% within 3 months in Iraq.

Al-Karawi told Al-Maalouma, “The efforts of the Central Bank and the measures of the Ministry of Finance reduced the influence of the parallel market and led to a reduction in the exchange rate by 10% within 3 months.”

He added, "The exchange rate reaching 140,000 dinars per $100 is very likely in the coming weeks."

He pointed out that "reducing smuggling, automating procedures, and controlling the movement of money and payments are all reasons that contributed to creating financial stability and pushing the parallel market to decline, even if very slowly."  LINK

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 3-28-24

A Deputy Expects The Dollar Exchange Rate To Reach 140 Iraqi Dinars

Today 10:32   Information/Baghdad  Representative Mudar Al-Karawi confirmed today, Thursday, that the parallel market decreased by 10% within 3 months in Iraq.

Al-Karawi told Al-Maalouma, “The efforts of the Central Bank and the measures of the Ministry of Finance reduced the influence of the parallel market and led to a reduction in the exchange rate by 10% within 3 months.”

He added, "The exchange rate reaching 140,000 dinars per $100 is very likely in the coming weeks."

He pointed out that "reducing smuggling, automating procedures, and controlling the movement of money and payments are all reasons that contributed to creating financial stability and pushing the parallel market to decline, even if very slowly."  LINK

Al-Yasiri: The American Administration Is Working Hard To Destroy The Iraqi Economy

Information/Baghdad...  The political and security analyst, Muhammad Al-Yasiri, today, Thursday, accused the American administration of continuing its hostile policy to destroy the Iraqi economy.

Al-Yasiri told Al-Maalouma, “The US Treasury Department continues to restrict the flow of dollars to the Central Bank of Iraq and reduce cash liquidity.”

He pointed out that "the American administration is working hard to restrict the Iraqi government and discourage it from demanding the removal of its occupying forces from the country."

He continued, "The American restrictions on Iraq regarding the dollar clearly confirm the lie of the so-called friendship of the United States of America with Iraq."

The US Treasury Department recently imposed economic sanctions on eight Iraqi banks, preceded by sanctions on fourteen others, and prevented them from dealing in the dollar currency, as the reasons behind the imposition of such sanctions were not explained.   LINK

Parliamentary Integrity Presents A File Related To Kuwaiti Violations Of Iraqi Oil

Information/Baghdad...  Today, Thursday, the Parliamentary Integrity Committee presented the file of Kuwaiti violations on oil lands in Basra Governorate and within the administrative borders of Iraq.

Committee member Intisar al-Maliki told Al-Maalouma, “Parliamentary Integrity held a meeting with the head of the Integrity Commission to discuss a number of files and issues related to financial and administrative corruption.”

She added, "The most important issues, news, and rulings were discussed, while the files of lagging projects, financial waste, transfer of funds, distribution of land, and social benefits were presented."

Al-Maliki indicated that "the meeting focused on the issue of Kuwait's violations of Iraqi oil lands."

Kuwaiti violations are still continuing, and this time they included the border oil fields shared with Iraq according to a plan prepared by Britain, as historical maps confirm the right of Iraq, which owns 224 miles of oil fields towards the Arabian Gulf and Khor Abdullah, amid silence from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding these violations.    LINK

“Tough” Comments On Interest Rates Raise The Dollar Globally

Money  and business  Economy News - follow up  The dollar received a boost against its major currency counterparts, during trading today, Thursday (March 28, 2024), as a Federal Reserve official said that they are not in a rush to lower interest rates amid stubborn inflation, at a time when traders are awaiting major economic data.

Meanwhile, the yen maintained its position against the dollar after Japan's top monetary policy officials indicated on Wednesday that they were ready to intervene. The Japanese currency is still not far from the level of 152 against the dollar.

Federal Reserve Governor Christopher Waller said that the latest inflation data, which was disappointing, confirms the need for the US central bank to refrain from reducing the target interest rate in the short term.

The dollar index, which measures the performance of the US currency against major currencies, rose in the wake of Waller's comments and saw little change, settling at 104.41 points. It has increased about three percent so far this year.

Waller's speech is "evidence that the Fed is more cautious about stubborn inflation and perhaps even accelerating price growth again," said Kyle Rodda, a financial markets analyst at

Traders are awaiting key US inflation data to be released tomorrow, Friday, after a larger-than-expected jump in US durable goods orders on Tuesday, which has already strengthened the dollar against the yen.

The dollar reached 151.975 yen yesterday, Wednesday, its highest level against the Japanese currency since mid-1990.

But the yen rose slightly after the Japanese authorities held a meeting, on Wednesday, regarding the currency’s decline, and chief currency official Masato Kanda said that he “would not rule out taking any steps to respond to erratic movements in the foreign exchange market.”

Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki said authorities could take "decisive steps," language he has not used since Japan's last intervention in 2022.

In one of the transactions, the yen reached 151.37 against the dollar.

As for cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin rose in the latest trading by 1.14 percent to $69,648.86.

Views 64 03/28/2024 -

After It Was 63 Trillion In 2023... The 2024 Budget Deficit Will Rise To 80 Trillion Dinars

Baghdad Today – Baghdad  Today, Wednesday (March 27, 2024), the Minister of Planning, Muhammad Tamim, revealed that the budget deficit has risen to 80 trillion dinars.

A statement from the office of the Chairman of the Finance Committee, received by Baghdad Today, stated that “the committee, headed by Atwan Al-Atwani, hosted today the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, Muhammad Tamim, to discuss ways to overcome obstacles to listing and financing projects, and to discuss the reasons for the delay in sending the 2024 budget schedules to the committee.”

Al-Atwani stressed during the meeting that, “The goal of approving the tripartite budget was to give the government flexibility to implement its program.”

He pointed out, “Yesterday, in its meeting with the governors, the committee discussed simplifying the procedures for listing and financing service and strategic projects undertaken by local governments, and therefore today it is reviewing the proposals and proposals of the governors to the Minister of Planning regarding ways to overcome the obstacles to listing and financing projects.”

Al-Atwani asked the Minister of Planning about the reasons for the government’s delay in sending the 2024 budget schedules, and the latter replied, “The government committee responsible for reviewing and auditing those schedules is working to reduce the deficit of 80 trillion dinars because it is considered a large deficit.”

The Chairman of the Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, “The committee is looking forward to sending the 2024 budget schedules as quickly as possible, because its continued delay has greater negative repercussions on the financing and implementation of projects, in addition to its impact on the productive sectors.”

Al-Atwani revealed that "the total budget for 2024 amounted to about 228 trillion dinars."

The Minister of Planning said that his ministry relies on an advanced electronic program to fulfill the project listing requirements, and that it has come a long way in terms of simplifying procedures. LINK

Provoking Points To Ponder On Chance and Fortune

I make the most of all that comes, And the least of all that goes. - Sara Teasdale

If you do not expect it, you will not find the unexpected, for it is hard to find and difficult. - Heraclitus

Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference.  - Robert Frost

Unless a man has trained himself for his chance, the chance will only make him ridiculous.  - W. Matthews

Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast. In the pool where you least expect it, will be a fish.  - Ovid

Chance is the pseudonym of God when he did not want to sign.  - Anatole France

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