TNT, Frank26, Pimpy and more Saturday Morning 7-4-2020
Tishwash: The Iranian riyal marks a new historic collapse in today's transactions on the black market
The Iranian riyal recorded a new historical collapse in today's transactions on the black market at 207,000 riyals per dollar.
The Iranian riyal scored the lowest level in the country's economic history, against the US dollar on the black market, despite the central bank pumping millions of dollars into the market.
Our correspondent in Tehran said that the dollar was traded on Saturday morning transactions at 207 thousand, while Thursday the end of last week was 189.5 thousand riyals, while the official price for it on the website of the Central Bank is 42 thousand riyals for the dollar.
There are several reasons for the recent decline of the Iranian currency, among them the shortage of foreign currency, due to the sharp decline in oil exports, and the suspension or decline of exports with neighboring countries, due to the partial closure of the borders due to the Corona virus, and the recent decision of the International Atomic Energy Agency also contributed to condemning Tehran's cooperation with the inspectors Internationals in the decline of the national currency.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and the governor of the central bank say that the recent instability in the currency market is temporary and transitory.
Tishwash: The Iranian riyal marks a new historic collapse in today's transactions on the black market
The Iranian riyal recorded a new historical collapse in today's transactions on the black market at 207,000 riyals per dollar.
The Iranian riyal scored the lowest level in the country's economic history, against the US dollar on the black market, despite the central bank pumping millions of dollars into the market.
Our correspondent in Tehran said that the dollar was traded on Saturday morning transactions at 207 thousand, while Thursday the end of last week was 189.5 thousand riyals, while the official price for it on the website of the Central Bank is 42 thousand riyals for the dollar.
There are several reasons for the recent decline of the Iranian currency, among them the shortage of foreign currency, due to the sharp decline in oil exports, and the suspension or decline of exports with neighboring countries, due to the partial closure of the borders due to the Corona virus, and the recent decision of the International Atomic Energy Agency also contributed to condemning Tehran's cooperation with the inspectors Internationals in the decline of the national currency.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and the governor of the central bank say that the recent instability in the currency market is temporary and transitory. link
This video is in Frank’s opinion
IMWright: Just because businessmen are meeting doesn’t create an light switch on this invest, logically thinking from them borrowing for three more months tell more about Iraq time frame...imo
Popeye7: Iraq needs instant liquidity to pay their people... They received the monies from those who expect action from an economic standpoint... The only way this country was granted a loan was because of what we have been waiting for... This money is basically to stave off bankrupting the country... But they must take action NOW in order to take care of the months beyond these next few months... In order for them to actually have companies from other nations come in to truly get the proverbial ball rolling, they have to raise the value of their currency... That is the deal! So things are looking quite bright, and lets just sit back, and observe this as it continues to roll out...
Don961: Parliamentary Integrity: We have information about all Iraqi money smuggled abroad, in numbers and names!
Policy , 03/07/2020 12:00 Baghdad - Iraq today:
The Parliamentary Integrity Committee confirmed that it possesses complete information regarding the smuggled funds, pointing out that lists have been prepared to recover these funds from outside Iraq.
"The committee has a complete list of the smuggled funds, in which the names of the people and the funds are located outside Iraq," the committee's rapporteur, Abdul Amir al-Mayahi said, adding that "Iraq has a lot of money abroad, part of which is frozen and the other is in dishonest hands."
Al-Mayahi indicated that “the Corona pandemic prevented movement on those funds,” noting that “the Integrity Committee summoned the head of the money recovery department outside of Iraq to find out what before and after 2003 of the funds, and after the end of the pandemic, the file will be fully followed up.” LINK
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Breitling ...We're in a very very good spot...Our window just got bigger. The value of the dinar - they need to take care of the budget - just got bigger. They just told us that it will be within 3 months that they're going to completely redo this thing and have a plan to implement all this. We've learned a lot in the last month. Probably more than the entire time we've been watching. They're putting the value on the table. They are telling you they need $66 per barrel and they're telling you the oil prices are never going to get there for the next few years. They are telling you ...they are going to put this stuff together and implement it within 3 months...they need to be able to afford to be in international markets, protect their reserves and have value added to their currency. That's the only way...
Frank26, Pimpy and Santa Surfing Monday PM 6-29-2020
Frank26: 6-29-20....THE EXCHANGE RATE.
Tonights call with Delta, MilitiaMan and Petra
Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank26: 6-29-20....THE EXCHANGE RATE.
Tonights call with Delta, MilitiaMan and Petra
Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#
Oval Office NESARA Clues and so much more - Talks about JFK Jr.
Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast: June 29, 2020
Yes, President Trump is definitely wrapping things up! He may have a few more things to get done. This weekend, he is supposed to be at Mt. Rushmore and some chatter is that the left is trying to prevent this event from happening. President Trump is making a huge announcement with fireworks at Mt. Rushmore.
Transcript: https://beachbroadcast.com/whats-happening/f/oval-office-nesara-clues-and-so-much-more
TNT, Frank26, Pimpy and more Wednesday AM 6-24-2020
Tishwash: Report: Al-Kazemi's 'white' paper includes 4 themes ... and its success needs a 'revolution'!
On Wednesday, parliamentarians and economic experts unveiled the features of the "white reform paper" launched by Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, and set conditions for its success.
The official newspaper stated in a report by Nass (June 24, 2020), "The paper supports the gradual departure from the rentier economy of the state and maximizing its non-oil resources to support the budget, as well as operating the factories that have been idle since 2003 and creating an appropriate environment for investment away from financial corruption."
Tishwash: Report: Al-Kazemi's 'white' paper includes 4 themes ... and its success needs a 'revolution'!
On Wednesday, parliamentarians and economic experts unveiled the features of the "white reform paper" launched by Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, and set conditions for its success.
The official newspaper stated in a report by Nass (June 24, 2020), "The paper supports the gradual departure from the rentier economy of the state and maximizing its non-oil resources to support the budget, as well as operating the factories that have been idle since 2003 and creating an appropriate environment for investment away from financial corruption."
According to the report, a member of the Economy and Investment Committee, Mazen Al-Fili, said, "The committee's meeting with the Prime Minister touched on the need to gradually move away from the rentier economy and go to the multiplicity of state resources to support the budget, including operating factories that have been idle for years and supporting the local agricultural product, and the need to close borders to products. Importing, and how to create an appropriate investment environment in which there is fair competition for reducing red tape, which closes the doors of bribery and the coming of many investors.
Al-Fili added, "The Prime Minister wishes to serve the people of the people and get out of the economic and health crises that the country is experiencing at the present time, despite the pressures exerted on it, whether by the political blocs or from the street," noting that "the seriousness and the will to implement the white reform paper are from They will make it obligatory to apply to all institutions, "criticizing" the previous policies that caused inflation in the number of employees, who numbered 4 million due to electoral compliments and propaganda. "
Al-Fili stressed that "the prime minister should be given an opportunity to reform without objecting to the steps he is taking, whether it is on the economic, financial or health level."
Committee member Saad Al-Khazali stated that "the House of Representatives has stipulated that the Prime Minister, from the beginning of his assumption of office, treat the economic and health crises in the country," noting that "the government has started taking such measures at this time."
Khazali added, "Reliance on oil in support of the budget has been going on for 17 years," noting that "governments have forgotten the existence of revenues for border ports and customs and the revitalization of other economic sectors."
He stressed that "the current government announced earlier that it will go towards internal borrowing despite the absence of any liquidity in banks, and it remains before it except external borrowing, which will cause the collapse of the Iraqi economy because of its negative effects, including high interest rates and the state's restriction of many things with Inability to open appointments or confirm contract holders.
In addition, the economist, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani, stated, "The white reform paper will be binding for everyone, as it is one of the conditions of the International Monetary Fund for Iraq since 2016."
Al-Mashhadani added to the official newspaper, "The Monetary Fund contributed to the development of this paper, as it indicated at the time that it is necessary to address the conditions of 250 thousand people who earn more than 3 salaries, the majority of whom are of special grades and cost the state annually more than $ 18 billion."
Al-Mashhadani stressed, "Iraq does not need the fund’s loans, which amount to about 3 - 5 billion dollars, granted over five years, with periodic reforms, and then release about 600 - 700 million dollars every six months when implementing these reforms. Rather, it needs to sign an agreement with The fund provides guarantees that allow Iraq to borrow about $ 20 billion from major countries such as Britain, which has promised loans of up to $ 14 billion in addition to France, Canada, and Italy, to go to the investment fields and not to the salaries, noting that "Iraq needs these guarantees and with which the application requires Those reform conditions. "
As for the head of the Asia Center for Economic Studies, Diaa Al-Mohsen, he stated, "Iraq needs a major revolution to reform its economic system."
Al-Mohsen added, according to the report, that "Iraq needs to hit the big corruption heads that have wasted public money over 17 years, and legislate laws that can support the investment side in it, reduce unemployment levels, and take advantage of the economic experiences that exist in the country and that can give solutions And guarantees to reform the economic system during the next stage. "
Al-Mohsen emphasized that "this paper cannot be applied unless it is accompanied by decisive decisions towards the economic mistakes that were committed during the last stage and put the economic reality in the country on the correct track." link
Courtesy of Dinar Guru https://www.dinarguru.com/
Jeff Article "Al-Kadhimi reveals the details of the 'white paper" This is very important. The White paper is the roadmap for the rate change. For the economic reform. And the brand new economy they're preparing to launch...
Frank26 ...the CBI has introduced something that was in those meeting two months ago...it's called "white paper". It's a report. It's a guide. It's a definition of an agreement...White paper is extremely important. It's an authoritative report. It comes from the authorities of the Fab 4. It's important for the structure of Iraq and it's important for the international structure of Iraq. This white paper is extremely crucial...it's been introduced from the CBI to the GOI. What's it for? Mainly it's for the budget. What's in the budget? The economic reform. I told you they need the financial reform first in order to have the economic reform...these white papers are the passport for the new Iraqi dinar...
Walkingstick [via Frank26] ...these white papers are the end result of when they have pulled the trigger of the monetary reform...the white papers have the rate and the date... [
Frank26 ...my broker called me around 3:00 in the afternoon yesterday to say to me, 'Frank, we're putting a freeze on the selling of the Vietnamese dong.' And I said, really? We already have a freeze on the Iraqi dinar...the liquidity of this currency was accomplished as a benchmark in order for them to come out with the Real Effective Exchange Rate of the Iraqi dinar...the Iraqi dinar...exchange rate for it is .000869741 somewhere in that ball park...so when you take that decimal point and move it over to the right 3 places...rounds out to about .86 cents and the goal is to get it to 1 dollar...
Frank26: 6-23-20...DINAR AND DONG
This video is in Frank’s opinion
Iraqi Dinar News update for 06/23/20 - (things are looking great)
Pimpy’s Investment Chat:
There definentely is a Global Currency Reset Coming
TNT, Frank26, Pimpy and more Monday Evening 6-22-2020
Tishwash: Iraq will face "irreversible shocks" without urgent economic reforms (Finance Minister, AFP)
Iraqi Finance Minister Ali Allawi warned in an exclusive interview with Agence France-Presse on Monday that the Iraqi economy may face "shocks that we will not be able to deal with" unless reform measures are adopted in less than a year.
"Reform is necessary," said Allawi (73 years), who was assigned to stabilize the Iraqi economy after the collapse of crude oil prices, which cut the state revenue by half.
He added, "If we do not adjust matters during this year, we may face shocks that we will not be able to deal with," while expectations indicate that the Iraqi economy will face a shrinkage of 10 percent during the year.
Tishwash: Iraq will face "irreversible shocks" without urgent economic reforms (Finance Minister, AFP)
Iraqi Finance Minister Ali Allawi warned in an exclusive interview with Agence France-Presse on Monday that the Iraqi economy may face "shocks that we will not be able to deal with" unless reform measures are adopted in less than a year.
"Reform is necessary," said Allawi (73 years), who was assigned to stabilize the Iraqi economy after the collapse of crude oil prices, which cut the state revenue by half.
He added, "If we do not adjust matters during this year, we may face shocks that we will not be able to deal with," while expectations indicate that the Iraqi economy will face a shrinkage of 10 percent during the year.
Allawi, who was also finance minister during the transitional government’s period between 2005 and 2006, indicated that the situation today is "worse" because Baghdad faces an "existential economic situation".
At that point, the price of a barrel of oil was approximately $ 35, but the number of state employees was less than a million.
Today there are more than four million employees, and many other Iraqis who are paid salaries and pensions. This means a monthly sum of between four and five billion dollars.
And with one in five Iraqis receiving government aid, the bill becomes heavier for the country that depends on paying all its expenditures on oil whose prices collapsed months ago with a severe shortage of demand for it.
- An empty safe and "aliens" -
According to Allawi, the government must pay the salaries of the months of June and July, on time, by borrowing from government banks.
But he warned that these measures are possible for a short period, otherwise "they will affect the price structure, and consequently on inflation, which will in turn affect the exchange rate and the reserve in the central bank."
He added that, in the face of the expenses that have increased over the years, the government found the treasury empty, after 17 years of the American invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein's regime and established a new political system that was riddled with corruption and cronyism, and put Iraq in the high ranks among the list of the most corrupt countries in the world.
"The government is supposed to have one and a half months of expenses before it faces crises," Allawi told France Presse inside his home in Baghdad.
He added, "We were supposed to have liquidity between ten to 15 trillion dinars, but the treasury contained only two trillion dinars."
Experts today, including Allawi, believe that the entire financial system of Iraq, the second largest oil producer in OPEC, must be reviewed.
Allawi said that 40 million Iraqis will have to submit to a strict austerity policy that may last for "two years."
In addition, the authorities will address gaps in the spending schedule, especially with regard to multiple salaries or "aliens" as they are called, and they are registered in the payroll without working.
- Oil and confidence -
At the government level, long-awaited promises to diversify the economy, not to make the country's fate dependent on global crude markets, and start discussions with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund will have to be implemented.
Allawi stressed that "if the price of oil continues at this level for a year, and spending remains the same, undoubtedly we will collide with a wall. We cannot run a country, especially from the economic side, with only hope that the oil prices will rise to cover the expenses."
The question is: Can a transitional government, formed during the most serious social crisis in the country, undertake a complete reform of the economy?
Although Allawi experienced a similar crisis in the year 2005, this time he recognized that the crisis of trust between citizens and the authority widened, after six months of an unprecedented popular uprising that was forcibly suppressed by the previous government of Adel Abdul Mahdi.
Indeed, at the beginning of this June, when pensions were deducted in the first steps of the government austerity policy, the protest was unanimous against Allawi and Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, even within the parliament in which he is usually entrusted with approving reforms, especially the fight against corruption that led to more evaporation. Of $ 450 billion in public money since 2003. link
Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank26: 6-22-20..... EVEN A DOG KNOWS BETTER
Samson: Deputy: Iraq loses $ 147 million a day in hard currency
22nd June, 2020
The MP revealed the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Muhammad Sahib Daraji, today, Monday, that Iraq lost 147 million dollars a day in hard currency.
Daraji said in a tweet to him via “Twitter”: (Iraqi News Agency / followed) that “in one day, the currency sale window sells $ 207 million, and the average daily oil sales is $ 60 million, according to the price of $ 40, after the quality discount is $ 6 added to it.” The production value is nine dollars and the export rate is 2.4 million barrels per day.
And he added: "If the difference between the dollar entering the country and abroad to import it is 147 million dollars in one day," noting that "if this situation continues, it means 53 billion dollars a year.
A new revelation on Kim Clement prediction and video from the IFEX
Pimpy’s Investment Chat: Jun 22, 2020
Iraqi Dinar News 06/22/20 - You know they talked about the rate
Pimpy’s Investment Chat: Jun 22, 2020
Frank26 Video, MilitiaMan and more Friday Night 6-19-2020
MilitiaMan: They are not talking about devaluation. They are talking valuation. WOW!! Get ready.. Alak is talking on a FRIDAY!!!!! Whooo whoooo. imo This is HUGE!! imo ~ ALAK talked on the holy day.. think about it..MM
Samson: : Al-Alaq: The devaluation of the dinar should not be the first line of defense to confront the financial crisis
19th June, 2020
The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, stressed that the devaluation of the dinar against foreign currencies should not be the first line of defense to confront the financial crisis and bridge the budget deficit
In a letter addressed to the former Assistant Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Legal Adviser to the Prime Minister, Dr. Fadel Muhammad Jawad, and obtained by Al-Iqtisad News, Al-Alaq said that “by virtue of the central bank’s responsibility for monetary policy, the study and review of the exchange rate is an ongoing matter from Before formations of the bank and its board of directors based on in-depth studies that take into consideration all factors and variables, indicating that" the exchange rate is not a sacred matter so that it cannot be compromised
MilitiaMan: They are not talking about devaluation. They are talking valuation. WOW!! Get ready.. Alak is talking on a FRIDAY!!!!! Whooo whoooo. imo This is HUGE!! imo ~ ALAK talked on the holy day.. think about it..MM
Samson: : Al-Alaq: The devaluation of the dinar should not be the first line of defense to confront the financial crisis
19th June, 2020
The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, stressed that the devaluation of the dinar against foreign currencies should not be the first line of defense to confront the financial crisis and bridge the budget deficit
In a letter addressed to the former Assistant Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Legal Adviser to the Prime Minister, Dr. Fadel Muhammad Jawad, and obtained by Al-Iqtisad News, Al-Alaq said that “by virtue of the central bank’s responsibility for monetary policy, the study and review of the exchange rate is an ongoing matter from Before formations of the bank and its board of directors based on in-depth studies that take into consideration all factors and variables, indicating that" the exchange rate is not a sacred matter so that it cannot be compromised
He added that "the devaluation of the dinar against foreign currencies should not be the first line of defense, nor should it be a means to bridge deficits, shortcomings and failures in the performance of other financial, commercial, investment, tax and customs policies", explaining, "easy solutions that achieve a financial value must not be used Limited at the expense of damage to all segments of society caused by inflation, especially the fragile and poor segments
He stressed that "we note the inaccuracy of the (some) account of the dinar reduction achieved from resources to the public budget, as the correct calculation is that we subtract from the total dollar revenues the share of oil companies, which amounts to 14 billion dollars annually and the payment of debts, interest and external liabilities amounting to more than 5 billion Dollars, in addition to the supplies and materials imported by the government, such as oil derivatives, ration materials, etc., the net of this amount hits the new price of the dinar, ”noting that if the dinar’s value is reduced to 1500 dinars for every dollar, the difference that the Ministry of Finance obtains from the difference is 5 trillion dinars
He noted that "the devaluation of the dinar against the dollar will lead to protection and stimulation of the local product is something that many notes suffer because this measure is used by some countries to encourage exports and in the case of Iraq the goal is to provide ingredients to stimulate domestic production and protect it from dumping policy practiced by exporting countries, especially neighboring countries, This goal will not be achieved by reducing the value of the dinar because the price difference is because of the dumping policy or because of the depreciation of the currency of these countries in a very large way
Al-Alaq called for controlling random imports and stopping dumping policy by controlling border crossings, as the number of informal border crossings is more than official and strict application of customs duties is an effective application of laws to protect the producer, consumer and anti-dumping LINK
Chappy86: I like the blatant use of "the net of this amount hits the new price of the dinar. Telling us a new rate is coming.
Clare: WOW! ...........COME ON SOMEBODY!!
Edna: Yeah, I must agree this a "sneekey powerful" article. What I get from is Alak saying to the citizens and the world " No! we will NOT raise the value of the Dinar because doing so would Contribute to Inflation and cheep exports, this is the opposite of what we are trying to achieve, We want to attract Imports and domestic growth while meeting our annual expenses, hence, The New Value of the Dinar. He went on to say: We Not following the policy of Dumbing exports into the world economy which has a negative effect on our exchange rate, but seek to increase investment and imports. IMO
BearCinnabar: KTFA, remember this chart brought to us by Newshound Samson, it helps to look at the numbers from Iraq and the numbers from the United States: IMO
When we finally see the IQD listed on FOREX you won't see it as a dollar amount. You'll see a "factor" and it requires a simple math step to get to what we want to know - how many $'s we get for each Dinar.
All FOREX listings are listed in pairs - comparing the USD to some other currency. They will all show a different numerical factor against the USD. USD/CAD, USD/EUR, USD/IQD
Using the program rate of 1190 you would divide $1 by 1190 = .00084
So you will see it on FOREX listed as USD/.84 $1 divided by .84 = $1.19
USD/0.537 = $1.86 ($1 divided by .537 = 1.86)
USD/0.400 = $2.50 ($1 " " .400 = 2.50)
USD/0.333 = $3.00 ($1 " " .333 = 3.00)
USD/0.243 = $4.11 ($1 " " .243 = 4.11)
Also ....$ RATE = WHAT YOU WILL SEE ON FOREX….WHEN IT RI’S / RV’S… (Reinstates / Revalues): See: the #'s decrease, but with gained value as the exchange rate in american dollars:
$.86 = 1.162……..
$1.00 = 1.000………
$1.17 = 0.854……….
$1.86 = 0.537……..
$2.00= 0.500………
$2.50 – 0.400……..
$3.00 = 0.333……
$3.22 = 0.310…..
$3.46 = 0.289……..
$3.50 = 0.285 ………
$3.86 = 0.259……..
$4.00 = 0.250………
$4.10 = 0.243……..
$4.40 = 0.227………
$5.00 = 0.200……..
Frank26: 6-19-20....THEY GAVE NOTICE
This video is in Frank’s opinion
Special Report from MilitiaMan
Frank26 Video "The CBI Has a Surprise" Tuesday PM 6-16-2020
Frank26: 6-16-20....THE CBI HAS A SURPRISE
F26-Who is the Author of this plan? Shabibi……and this budget will not be covered by a program rate!!!
They need the new rate. And they can do it now…safely.
Frank26: 6-16-20....THE CBI HAS A SURPRISE
F26-Who is the Author of this plan? Shabibi……and this budget will not be covered by a program rate!!!
They need the new rate. And they can do it now…safely.
Article Frank talks about tonight……
DELTA: Parliamentary finance is drafting proposals to save Iraq economically and financially
June 15, 2020
Baghdad / Iraq News Network - Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Jamal Kujer, confirmed on Monday that his committee presented a financial plan that includes ways to address the economic crisis, which the country is going through to the new government, while pointing out that a new plan is being prepared and will be presented to the government as well.
"The Presidency of the Finance Committee held a meeting with the Ministers of Planning and Finance, during which the most important ways to overcome the financial crisis in which the country was passing were discussed," Cougar said in a press interview.
He added, "The plan presented by the Finance to the government of former Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi was resubmitted to the new government," noting that "the Parliamentary Finance is in the process of formulating a number of points and solutions to be submitted to the government as well.
"And, “The government’s going to tackle the crisis without returning to the financial committee is dangerous and massive, given that it is governments that have caused corruption and waste of money, and then government reforms have enacted laws and need to amend, repeal, or new legislation, because the government is obliged to return to the legislature To complete her mission.
” The country is beset by a financial crisis, against the backdrop of low oil prices, the invasion of the Corona virus, and the consequent decisions that exacerbated the crisis, from preventing travel, stopping flights, and closing some border points.
The appearance of Muhammad Salih, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, Monday (8 June 2020), revealed government measures to tackle the financial crisis, including the preparation of a new salary scale to be presented within three to four months, while he revealed a surprise regarding the currency sale auction that the bank valued Iraqi Central.
Frank26, MilitiaMan and more Sunday Evening 6-14-2020
Samson: “We will implement a package of reforms in the financial and banking sectors, and will restructure state-owned banks” says Deputy PM and Minister of Finance @AliH_Allawi as he lays out the broad outlines of the new @IraqiGovt reform programme: pic.twitter.com/9TDATsocHn — Government of Iraq -(@IraqiGovt) June 14, 2020
Ryan1216: Hurry Iraq lets go!
Samson: “We will implement a package of reforms in the financial and banking sectors, and will restructure state-owned banks” says Deputy PM and Minister of Finance @AliH_Allawi as he lays out the broad outlines of the new @IraqiGovt reform programme: pic.twitter.com/9TDATsocHn — Government of Iraq -(@IraqiGovt) June 14, 2020
Ryan1216: Hurry Iraq lets go!
Don961: Al-Shami provides a set of economic solutions that enhance production and services
Saturday 13 June 2020
Baghdad / Hussein Thagab
A set of immediate solutions to address the economic problems that move the country to safety, bypassing the number of challenges that have occurred in the productive and service sectors during the past period, provided by an expert in the economic affairs, which contributes to the transition to the path of real economic development.
The head of the advisory board of the Baghdad Chamber of Commerce Salah Abd al-Mahdi al-Shami said: "The first step in which we must stand is to choose the management of the national economy from honest national experiences, especially the private sector that has successful experiences and possesses field expertise and financial solvency."
Integrity and experience
"We suggest that there be a careful and accurate choice for a group of Iraqi businessmen who enjoy competence, integrity and experience with good reputation and have proven merit and success in their own business inside Iraq and from various sectors, as the reality requires a direct meeting between the group and officials in the Iraqi state and on top of them The Prime Minister and Chairman of the Council of Advisors to develop an integrated coordination work program aimed at activating the role of the private sector to participate in making and amending its own decisions and obtaining the required support to bring about change and positive shock to investors even foreigners with a correction movement in the previous economic platform and this is what is required in the beginning and regain the previously lost confidence".
Cash block
And between "the importance of establishing a large joint stock company (holding) by Iraqi businessmen and others and seeking the expertise required from various nationalities and focusing on purposeful and intelligent media focused on attracting the huge monetary mass that exists with citizens, which is estimated at a minimum of 45 billion dollars to convert the saved hard money into investment money Mobile serving the country to contribute to the existing public and private sector projects (hospitals, major industrial plants, agricultural fields, dairy plants, oil industry, etc.) in exchange for the shareholding company obtaining shares in those institutions in agreement with the state or according to the developer system with details to be developed later.
private sector
He pointed out that "the management of these projects will be joint between the private and public sector, if possible, and preferably at the very least, choosing the CEO of the relevant institutions from the private sector and according to the required jurisdiction, and it is possible to create projects for the major joint-stock company if the opportunities and conditions are appropriate for that." "Putting forward the idea of the citizens' contribution to the big company indirectly by deducting part of their salaries for a certain period.
In return, these amounts are in the form of debts on the state that can be dealt with later by increasing the proposed shares in the mentioned institutions or in the form of buying certain lands or Other emerging matters that help reduce the state’s need for the cash needed to pay salaries, and this is what is required.
Bank accounts
He pointed out, "The possibility of using the frozen bank accounts of the state represented in its various institutions (the pension fund, the trust fund ... etc) for the purpose of obtaining the public benefit through the large joint-stock company or putting forward the idea of cooperation between the public and private sector in accordance with a vision that includes the management of the private sector for business With careful monitoring of the funds by the state, all the company's accounts, payments and contracts are monitored by a competent government committee or any trusted regulatory body. "
He pointed out that "the success of this plan requires focusing on the workers of successful honest and purposeful media with the presence of a legal committee that works to establish true Islamic controls that correspond to the fatwa of the rational authority and that are among the most attractive factors and persuasion to the public and increase awareness and national responsibility for them, because they have become decision-makers And king in state institutions. " LINK
MilitiaMan: They are literally telling us they are going to a market economy. They have been hammering it home for months now.. But, now they are not only talking about it they are doing it.
They have immediate solutions to facilitate the cohesion of the public and private sectors! The are going to use the private sector professionals that have proven tract records of success, reliability and integrity.
They are to choose a CEO and management personnel from the private sector to gain the confidence of the citizens to the get the Chunky money = $45 billion into the market place to grow the market economy. This is exactly what they have been working on for many years. Now they have to act and are acting accordingly.
They are even telling us they have intentions to bring about change through t a positive shock to investors. Let that sink in. Negative shocks are what they have been going through. Positive shocks are to the good.
It is my belief they are telling us that a correction from the previous economic platform is required and that the correction will regain the lost confidence. If we use the Stock Market as a platform for economics, we know that negative shocks relate to pricing of share going down and confidence is lost.
When times are good then prices go up. They even mention not only will local investors gain, so will foreigners..
By raising the value of their stock exchange by increasing their exchange rate will be a positive shock. One where we all should agree is to be a good thing.. !!!
It looks as though the confidence in the beginning is needed to then launch a joint stock holding company with various trusted nationalities to help get the chunky money into the private sector to steam the monetary engine to re build the country.. Which is the goal for all of Iraq, not just a few!
It is all Iraqis responsibility to help make their country a better place to be and live in. The have the all the resources needed natural and human.. The citizens can contribute to the holding company out of salaries for future benefits and profits as they re build and grow.. I suggest they do! It can or will be a large venture for them that can be very profitable and with a national sense of pride and honor in being apart of it.
The video above is short and sweet by Ali Allawi. It is the cutting of red tape to allow for this venture to take place. There is an urgency to bring in the new. There are many articles referencing the “new”. New PM, new reforms, new holding company, new small category notes, new e-commerce, new e-government, etc.. imo..
The information to date is extremely powerful, as it shows they are doing now what they have been trying to do for many years, as noted by the letter fron Nasserry to the new PM, just this time they are listening to the road map alternatives, and are seriously on the path to go live with the new social market economy.. imo Wow.. lol ~ MM
ALLAWI TWITTER: Ali Allawi @AliH_Allawi · 13m “We will implement a package of reforms in the financial and banking sectors, and will restructure state-owned banks” says Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Ali Allawi as he lays out the broad outlines of the new @IraqiGovt reform programme:
Don961: Al-Halbousi affirms the readiness of the legislature to overcome all obstacles in preparation for the implementation of joint decisions between Iraq and Kuwait
Localities 06/1420 2020 17:27 222 Editor: ht
Baghdad today - Baghdad
On Sunday (14 June 2020), Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohamed Al-Halbousi, confirmed that the legislature is ready to remove all obstacles in preparation for the implementation of joint decisions between Iraq and Kuwait.
The media office of the Speaker of Parliament said in a statement received (Baghdad today), "Al-Halbousi received the Kuwaiti Foreign Minister, Sheikh Ahmed Nasser Al-Muhammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, in the presence of the Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein, and affirmed Iraq’s keenness to strengthen and continue cooperation and rapprochement with the State of Kuwait, and in all fields in a way that serves The interest of the two brotherly peoples. "
The statement added that "the Kuwaiti foreign minister congratulated on the occasion of completing the formation of the Iraqi government, wishing it success in facing the challenges."
He pointed out that "the meeting during which a number of files and challenges of common concern between the two brotherly countries and countries of the region were discussed, including the Corona pandemic challenges, the economic crisis in light of the deterioration of oil prices, security cooperation to eliminate extremist thought, as well as a discussion on activating the outcomes of the International Donors Conference to restore Reconstruction of Iraq, promotion of mutual trade between the two countries, cooperation in the field of energy and electrical interconnection.
The Kuwaiti Minister of Foreign Affairs pointed out that "there are clear paths between the two countries and a road map discussed with the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs to activate the work and decisions of the joint committee between the two countries."
The Speaker of Parliament confirmed, according to the statement, that "the legislature is ready to overcome all obstacles, in order to resume this cooperation and in high coordination with the Kuwaiti legislative authority represented by the esteemed National Assembly."
Ahmed Nasser Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah reiterated his country's keenness to establish strong relations with Iraq and support it in all fields, in order to achieve stability. link
MilitiaMan: Look at the language we are seeing today in articles. The Donor Conference was recently mentioned by the World Bank in the video from the 11th. Spoke about the money from the Donor Conference may be on the table in the tune of over $30 Billion.
I am sure that Iraq is keen on getting that fired up now with the New PM and his New Deputy PM who is the FM on the ground running!!!
They are discussing restoring what was on hold. That too was mentioned by the World Bank. There were reasons they put the money on hold. One imo being they were not ready to raise the rate just yet.
Post 137 (above) suggests in my opinion they just told us they will have a positive shock in the beginning. Well, that shock will have the Kuwaitis and the Saudis imo happy campers , as will we (as we are foreign investors too.) and will be willing to bring in the Donor monies.. So imo we are about to get SHOCKED and AWED very soon by the looks of it.. imo ~ MM..
Frank26: 6-14-20...... A SET OF IMMEDIATE SOLUTIONS
Mon. Night KTFA CC Replay and MilitiaMan Tuesday AM 6-9-2020
Frank26: 6-8-20.....LAUNCH
This video is in Franks opinion
F26: I will talk for the first 30 minutes then our news analysts will come on. Delta is sick tonight and will not be here.
PLAYBACK : 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank26: 6-8-20.....LAUNCH
This video is in Franks opinion
F26: I will talk for the first 30 minutes then our news analysts will come on. Delta is sick tonight and will not be here.
PLAYBACK : 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Don961: Hiring a shrinkage predicament
Tuesday 09 June 2020
Mohammed Sharif Abu Maysam
We are facing a financial crisis caused by low oil prices, and about treatments that target the pressure of government spending, an economy that suffers from structural imbalances that limit the movement of the market in light of reliance on imports to finance domestic demand, and talk about the intention to reduce the salaries of employees - which is the privilege of the first financier of the offer Cash, after declining rates of investment budgets over the years - along with the consequences of the Corona pandemic's repercussions of the available economic activities, which withdrew to the activities of the shadow economy.
The macroeconomic landscape has become a candidate for further deflation in light of these pressing data, which means that consumption rates must decrease at the expense of the commodity supply that is flooding the markets, which filters low inflation rates within the limits of total supply and demand, above all.
Here, two opportunities may arise at the monetary level that many enthusiasts demanded to liberalize the exchange rate, claiming the fear of depleting the reserves of the central bank in the currency auction, and limiting what is said about suspicions of corruption in the money-flowing operations out of the country:
The first relates to the low demand to buy dollars Due to the low rates of cash flow to finance foreign trade, in conjunction with a decrease in the income of the middle class, which will contribute to reducing exchange rate fluctuations, and consequently the possibility of the exchange rate to remain stable or fluctuation at initially acceptable rates, when following the “managed float” method that requires central intervention accordingly To supply and demand in the parallel market, in conjunction with pressure government expenditures.
Frequently, the demand to reconsider the auction of the currency sale or stop it permanently is repeated on the tongues of politicians and observers, so that it has become among the reform steps that have been talked about the intention to apply in the current stage, and the opportunity now appears favorable if the leaks that talk about pressure of government spending in the budget Half yearly to be presented in the coming days.
The second opportunity that can be filtered from this contraction relates to the possibility of raising the interest rate, with the aim of withdrawing the chunky cash block estimated by the Central Bank at about 70 percent of the issued cash. However, in light of the deflationary pressures, this measure can redistribute the monetary mass issued by the central bank between the banking trading scene and the local markets in conjunction with the introduction of modern banking technologies and systems that reduce slack rings and encourage the public to trade online towards reducing cash circulation within the framework of applying Serious to the program of financial inclusion, which means and necessarily the exit of monetary policy from the predicament of hoarding that it has suffered over the years and the liberation from the burden of financing foreign trade, which the liberals consider responsible for the total demand in the local market. LINK
MilitiaMan: When they speak of liberalization of the exchange rate they are talking about going into a market economy.This is good for the public welfare. They again are pointing out the pros and cons of what they can or can not do.
We can tell by actions of late with all the educational articles in regard to exchange rates, interest rates, investment, imports, exports, secondary markets, etc. that they are leaning to the below as the end to the financial crisis and will be somewhat painful at first for local goods, but in the medium to long term they will benefit.
All the countries that have arrived on the scene today, along with those that arrived over the last few weeks, show that they are going to have permission for their currency to be exchanged with other foreign currencies with international acceptance.
They have been very vocal about it lately and i sure like to see them pointing things out. Getting the chunky back into the system, will be beneficial in the re investment of their own country.. Very good sign.. imo ~ MM
"The exchange rate liberalisation is a major ingredient of economic liberalisation. The
exchange rate liberalization means the permission for the currency to be exchanged with foreign
currencies for economic transactions that promote the economy and economic welfare of the
general public (Adam et al., 2010). The exchange rate liberalization is the route to link the
domestic economy with the global economy in pursuit of economic benefits advocated by
principles of international economics."
Don961: The agricultural sector needs promising investment plans
Friday 05 June 2020 Baghdad / Al-Sabah
The reform paper presented by the Iraqi Institute for Economic Reform, prepared by a specialized team of economists, addressed all the problems faced by the national economy, as it stood at the agricultural sector, which is a permanent oil when it finds promising investment plans that make it a real supporter of the sustainable development process.
A member of the paper preparation team, Kazem Al-Oqabi, said: "The agricultural sector is an important axis in the economic development process that Iraq seeks, as it suffers from weak protection measures for the agricultural product, control and control over imported agricultural products, as well as high production costs for agricultural crops."
He pointed out that «the reformist paper focused on the importance of imposing a tax on imported agricultural crops and their products provided that the tax rate is calculated on the basis of the cost of the local product inside Iraq to achieve a competitive advantage with the local agricultural sector, and the approval of the import license only to enter crops and agricultural products and prevent irregularities, and the adoption of electronic governance And the completion of the institutional linkage between the state ministries and the formations concerned with this activity to ensure that the products allowed to be entered are properly entered, as well as to stop working with the exceptions granted contrary to the laws on plant and animal wealth and not to give any other exception ».
National products
And he stressed «the necessity of obligating all government ministries and institutions that have a feeding program for their affiliates to purchase national plant and animal products, and to support farmers, farmers and investors who support the agricultural sector with oil derivatives in terms of quantity and price as well as electrical tariffs to contribute to reducing production costs, and provide full support to establish agricultural areas on Like the industrial zones, the foundations of their establishment are available through the availability of large areas and water in the country, including groundwater, as well as providing great support to farmers and farmers in providing them with greenhouses, sprinklers, watering pumps, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. at subsidized prices that are exempt when achieving abundant production and also when Export ».
Dairy products
He pointed out that «the reform paper showed the importance of providing significant support to establish feed production factories for livestock and poultry, which are a basis for making dairy products and canning meat through raising livestock, cows and poultry, and providing subsidized loans to farmers, preferably without interest and incurred by the government in exchange for the output that farmers will provide And also for investors in the field of livestock, poultry and food industries dependent on agricultural products such as packaging factories and others, up to the establishment of penalties for farmers, farmers and investors in the event that they do not use the loans for the purpose for which they were granted with a comprehensive follow-up to those projects ».
Export box
Al-Oqabi asserted that “the preparation team stopped at the importance of preventing the import of crops and agricultural products to ensure the protection of local agricultural products, which will result in expanding the production of these crops locally or by imposing large fees on crops entering the country with a high rate to encourage farmers to cultivate and emphasize the benefit of a fund law. Exporting, encouraging handicrafts, domestic and timber industries especially in the southern regions and introducing modern technologies in manufacturing and providing the necessary support for that, as well as recovering the amounts of agricultural initiative loans that deserve to be recovered before the year 2020 and recycling them to other beneficiaries, and establishing a project of agricultural complexes to market agricultural products to encourage farmers to focus in Increasing agricultural production
By facilitating marketing, reducing its cost and encouraging food industries that depend on agricultural products such as tomato paste production factories, juices, dairy and dairy products.
Industrial projects
In another axis, the paper focused on adopting the principle of partnership between the public and private sectors in the implementation of medium and large industrial projects to establish joint-stock companies offering their shares in the Iraq Stock Exchange, and that is possible within the available laws (21) and (22) for the year 1997 as well as starting a transformation program ( 2) A public company or factory to a contribution according to Articles (35-38) of the Public Companies Law No. 22 of 1997 in the light of its success, preparing and implementing a long-term transformation program.
The reform paper also stood at the adoption of the idea of the industrial dinar because it would open the door to re-exportation, which is the most important in the matter of industrial development, because without it, the money used in importing in non-Iraqi currencies, no matter how they will not be recovered and will be wasted locally, will also encourage the main global suppliers to enter into The participation of the Iraqi industrial establishments for marketing in the surrounding markets first and then global according to the need because of the real competition for international prices. LINK
MilitiaMan: This sure sounds good to me.. industrial Dinar? Which is said to be the most important in the matter of industrial development is openly being talked about!!
It will encourage global suppliers to enter into and participate in establishing surrounding markets.. Re-exportation seems to be bringing business home and not only that, but that their currency apparently will be repatriated to her shores along with other foreign currency to support her foreign reserves
It is late... I lol sleep on this one.. lol -MM
Frank26 Saturday Night Video 6-6-2020 "Dr. Shabibi"
Frank26: 6-6-20 .....DR SHABBI
We have been saying for the last year that when the Iraqi dinar was entering its stages of completion that the Central Bank of Iraq would come out and start explaining to all the citizens exactly what is going on. They would explain to their citizens why they are adding value to their currency now. They would explain why they are stopping the Central Bank auctions and no longer using the US dollar…..
This is something we have been waiting to hear for a very long time. It’s very important that they get this right with the citizens. They are the ones that will be using it.
They will no longer be under a program rate but under a new exchange rate. We have seen all these things in articles…..one after another.
Frank26: 6-6-20 .....DR SHABBI
We have been saying for the last year that when the Iraqi dinar was entering its stages of completion that the Central Bank of Iraq would come out and start explaining to all the citizens exactly what is going on. They would explain to their citizens why they are adding value to their currency now. They would explain why they are stopping the Central Bank auctions and no longer using the US dollar…..
This is something we have been waiting to hear for a very long time. It’s very important that they get this right with the citizens. They are the ones that will be using it.
They will no longer be under a program rate but under a new exchange rate. We have seen all these things in articles…..one after another.
We taught you what happened in Kuwait from 1990-99. Donald Trump is about to do it again. You are about to see a new Wealth Transfer. Citizens in Iraq are being prepared.
Do you remember about 10 years ago one of our team members named Bluestar? He was in Washington DC because Dr. Shabibi was there giving a lecture…..many have seen that video……….
Well, Bluestar submitted his questions and he was chosen….He got picked….When it was Bluestars turn he asked Dr Shabibi “ As the Governor of the CBI, when do you plan to raise the value of your currency?”
He said a very long ahhhhhhhhh,,,didn’t know how to answer that question. ,,Finally he said “When we have security and stability in our country”
At that time Iran was dominating Iraq and all the money we sent to Iraq was siphoned off to Iran through the auctions to be used for terrorism.
You know they have stability and security now…don’t you. And in my opinion they are about to raise the value of their currency.
Now there is a new government and corruption charges are being brought against the people who stole from Iraq. It has been an agonizing process.
The Kurds are arriving Monday for Article 140, and imo, The HCL (Hydorcarbon Law) is signed and being delivered……The HCL is so important and is one of the key steps of the Monetary Reform…...
Tonight you will get our FF report that is not in articles yet……
Please listen to the video for all the news……..
Dr Shabibi answering questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol8wve53-ME
Frank26 Video "Pompeo Says Immediately" 6-4-2020
Frank26: 6-4-20........POMPEO SAYS IMMEDIATELY
This video is in Franks opinion
Some highlights:
We told you that the CBI is ready. We also suggested that the GOI was needed to be ready so it could pass what the CBI has. Which is the Monetary Reform plan……which has been completed.
They are Article 8 and by now it’s pretty obvious. And lately the things we have been hoping for has really been coming out. In the last 4 or 5 days it’s been a meteor shower of statements from the Prime Minister Kazemi. We believe he has the same game plan that the President of the US has……
An article came out today that they would stop the currency auctions. ..Ladies and gentlemen, that was the first step that Donald Trump wanted to accomplish. By doing so….they were not going to use the American dollar anymore. .
Frank26: 6-4-20........POMPEO SAYS IMMEDIATELY
This video is in Franks opinion
Some highlights:
We told you that the CBI is ready. We also suggested that the GOI was needed to be ready so it could pass what the CBI has. Which is the Monetary Reform plan……which has been completed.
They are Article 8 and by now it’s pretty obvious. And lately the things we have been hoping for has really been coming out. In the last 4 or 5 days it’s been a meteor shower of statements from the Prime Minister Kazemi. We believe he has the same game plan that the President of the US has……
An article came out today that they would stop the currency auctions. ..Ladies and gentlemen, that was the first step that Donald Trump wanted to accomplish. By doing so….they were not going to use the American dollar anymore. .
An article came out yesterday saying they were going to pay their salaries….and this time they would be paid in dinars….not American dollars. Why?
Because they stopped the auctions.
Pompeo, as we told you, went over there as a representative of the US as part of what we call “The Fab 4”. (IMF, World Bank, US Treasury, and President Trump.) Today Pompeo said something that was rather powerful. (Frank reads the article posted below)
To recover “Instantly” there is only one way…..there were many articles posted in our forum today….and they were all talking about the fact that they are going raise the value of their currency…they are going to change the exchange rate/value. These are things we have dreamed about.
To see these articles in front of us now is because the monetary reform is really progressing.
The CBI , with the Fab 4 already have the Monetary Reform set. The printing of the currency, The new rate calculated, and recalculated until they found the one they are going to use.
They are not going to float (right away) and they are going to be on par with the American dollar. Articles talk about how the dinar has to be on the same level. By decreasing the Us dollar and raising the dinar-look at what happens- 1 to 1.
Be sure to listen to the replay for all Frank’s news.
Don961: Warmly welcome Al-Kazemi ... Pompeo pledges financial support for Iraq to recover "instantly"
Free – Washington June 04, 2020
Thursday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo congratulated Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi for his assumption of the new Iraqi government.
"I would like to begin by warmly welcoming Prime Minister Al-Kazemi and congratulating him on the new Iraqi government and the peaceful transfer of power on behalf of the entire coalition. We are all committed to your success in support of the permanent defeat of ISIS," Pompeo said, according to the State Department statement.
Pompeo also praised during his speech Thursday, at the ministerial meeting of the International Alliance to Combat ISIS, held in the American capital, Washington, on the peaceful transfer of power in Iraq.
"We participate in the financial burden that ensures an immediate Iraqi recovery," Pompeo added, adding that the United States pledged last year $ 100 million to the coalition's main stabilization program in the liberated areas.
The US Secretary of State expressed his aspiration to "deepen the partnership with the people and the Iraqi government, through a series of discussions, especially through the strategic dialogue between Iraq and the United States," which will begin later this month.
Pompeo added that accomplishing the victory over ISIS demonstrates the value of the alliance "and stresses the commitment of the United States to lead its allies and partners towards shared victories."
"But our battle against ISIS will continue in the foreseeable future. We cannot rest. We must continue to get rid of ISIS cells and networks and provide stability assistance to the liberated areas of Iraq and Syria," Pompeo added.
The US Secretary of State referred to the massacre perpetrated by ISIS at the Children's Hospital in Afghanistan last month, as it chose to target mothers who had given birth to lost their babies. link
MilitiaMan: Interesting choice of words. Fairly sure all the things in the news of late support that the USA will be glad to help out and support iraq for trillions or reasons, no burden at all. . I like the way he congratulates him again on his new government... lol ~ MM
. ""We participate in the financial burden that ensures an immediate Iraqi recovery,"...
Frank26 and KTFA Monday Night CC and more......6-1-2020
PLAYBACK : 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank26: 6-1-20.....IRAQI TELEVISION TALKS
This video is in Franks Opinion……
PLAYBACK : 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank26: 6-1-20.....IRAQI TELEVISION TALKS
This video is in Franks Opinion……
Samson: Legal expert: Iraq has the right to recover smuggled money outside the country
1st June, 2020
Legal expert, Ali Al-Tamimi, confirmed today, Monday, that Iraq has the right to recover smuggled money outside the country
Al-Tamimi said in a statement received by "Gilgamesh Press", that the "International Anti-Corruption Agreement of 2005 signed by Iraq 2007 allows Iraq to request the United Nations to recover the smuggled money as money laundering and corruption is financial
He added that "according to Article 50 of the Charter of the United Nations, states that fight terrorist organizations under Chapter Seven of the Charter of the United Nations may request economic assistance from the United Nations, and it is known that ISIS was placed under Chapter VII under UN Security Council Resolution 2170 of 2014
He continued, "Various countries have announced their willingness to provide economic assistance to Iraq, including Britain, so Iraq can request assistance from the international community, the United Nations, to rebuild liberated cities, face the consequences of the war against terrorism, according to the foregoing, and recover the smuggled money estimated at $ 500 billion
He noted that "according to Article 27 of the 2008 Iraqi-American Strategic Agreement, Iraq can request economic assistance from America, as this article required
He pointed out that "the current situation and the lack of health facilities to face the Corona pandemic and the decline in oil prices, Iraq had to move in this direction LINK
9 Hours ago
SULAIMANI — The federal Ministry of Finance said on Sunday (May 31) that it will not release any additional money to the Kurdistan Region until Baghdad and Erbil fully resolve their budget dispute.
The ministry said in a statement that it is committed to following the law and official procedures for spending money, stressing that a recent disbursement of 400 billion Iraqi dinars ($335.3 million) to the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) was specifically to pay the April salaries of public sector employees.
It reiterated that it had transferred the funds under the terms of an interim agreement outlined in letters exchanged between the two capitals, which promised that they would hold intensive meetings in June to finalize a comprehensive agreement within thirty days.
Under the terms of the 2019 Federal Budget Law, Baghdad is expected to send 12.67 percent of the entire budget to the Kurdistan Region, in return for 250,000 barrels of crude oil per day for export.
However, the KRG abrogated the agreement immediately, never sending any oil to Baghdad.
Nevertheless, the federal government continued to send funding to pay for public sector salaries, as it was required to under the budget law.
In April, after tolerating the KRG’s failure to follow the law for fifteen months, it froze all budget transfers.
Negotiating teams began meeting at that point, but so far have been unable to reach an agreement.
Historically low oil prices have exacerbated the dispute by putting both governments under increased financial pressure, given their reliance on oil exports.
(NRT Digital Media) link
Samson: Trump's adviser : Washington will cut Iraq funding in one case
1st June, 2020
The American professor and member of the advisory board of US President Donald Trump, Gabriel Soma, confirmed on Monday that the United States does not want to remove its forces from Iraqi lands, while noting that Washington will stop its financial support for Iraq if this happens.
"The United States of America does not want to be a confirmation by the Iraqi government to remove American bases at the present time," adviser Gabriel Souma told Shafaq News.
He added, "Removing the forces from the Iraqi territories will cause inconvenience to the United States that would make Washington suspend its financial support for Iraq."
There are still about 5,000 US soldiers in Iraq, most of them in an advisory capacity, as part of a broader international coalition that has been formed to help Iraq counter and defeat ISIS fighters.
Washington accuses armed groups backed by Iran of carrying out missile attacks and bombing regularly for bases hosting American forces and the area surrounding the American embassy in Baghdad. LINK