Frank26 Video "We Were Ordered To Do It" and more Friday Night 12-13-19
Frank26: 12-13-19......WE WERE ORDERED TO DO IT
F26: IMO about 10 million people in the United States of America have dinars. That's a lot of people. It's gonna make quite a difference for the economy of the United States of America.
F26: What are you going to do after you exchange your dinar? Most will invest and give some to family and friends and they are going to invest and our country is going to explode in a way you cannot imagine…..
F26 IMO our President is in the process of helping the Iraqi dinar join the international world..
Frank26: 12-13-19......WE WERE ORDERED TO DO IT
F26: IMO about 10 million people in the United States of America have dinars. That's a lot of people. It's gonna make quite a difference for the economy of the United States of America.
F26: What are you going to do after you exchange your dinar? Most will invest and give some to family and friends and they are going to invest and our country is going to explode in a way you cannot imagine…..
F26 IMO our President is in the process of helping the Iraqi dinar join the international world..
Don961: Withheld money from Iraq ... Baghdad seeks to recover $ 87 billion in 55 countries
- 10 Hours Ago
The Iraqi authorities recently revealed the total value of their debts owed to 55 countries, dating back to before 1990, during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, and the economic blockade and international sanctions that it had left over Baghdad. While economists and legal experts emphasize the difficulty of recovering these funds, noting that some of them need courts or settlements that require years to settle them, while others offer other options by replacing them with infrastructure and reconstruction projects.
The Funds Recovery Department at the Integrity Commission estimated the money owed at more than $ 87 billion, pointing out that Iraqi laws authorize the Funds Recovery Fund and the Recoveries Department, which was formed in 2011 at the Integrity Commission, to work to recover them.
And the recovery department indicated, in its statements, that the Iraqi funds, whether they were official or persons related to the previous regime, were frozen abroad by Security Council resolutions 660 and 661 after the invasion of Kuwait.
An Iraqi official told Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed that the value of the funds that were actually confiscated requires understandings, grievances and courts in order to recover them or implement the contract, meaning that the second party implements its obligations towards Iraq, and this matter needs several years of work and effort.
The official added that most of the Iraqi debts arise from European and other countries of the Soviet Union, as well as countries in Latin America, and there are problems in recovering difficult dues, such as those registered in Yugoslavia, which have no effect today.
Among the contracts concluded by Iraq, the contract with Italy at the end of the eighties, to establish a naval war fleet of 11 ships valued at $ 1.35 billion, and the Italian side was delivered value in the form of oil shipments and cash, while Iraq did not receive the ships, and then they were sold by Italian companies Specialized to another party, according to the data of the Department of Integrity in the Integrity Commission, which was published, last Monday, the government newspaper Al-Sabah.
The authority indicated that the Italian side, despite receiving the value of the contract, filed a suit for damage after Iraq in 2003, adding that there is another contract with Spain worth $ 11 million with the Ministry of Industry, to provide Iraq with various industrial materials that were not implemented, and there is an understanding about their willingness To pay the value of the debt in the form of goods for Iraq.
According to the government official who spoke to the "new Arab", "the file as a whole is postponed to the next government and depends on the stability of the Iraqi situation, but several countries like Spain, France and Brazil have expressed their cooperation, and others like Jordan and Lebanon are moving diplomatically with them, while legal procedures are being followed with others." Such as Greece, Pakistan and India. ”
He said: "The file is thorny and not easy, and Iraq is seeking to obtain its right, whether by returning money or implementing what was agreed upon in time or replacing Iraq with dues determined by projects and not by the debtor countries."
He added: “Iraq’s debt to these countries requires long-standing and influential law firms in the West, which are usually found in New York and London. The Adel Abdul Mahdi government (which resigned early December) has not moved in this regard, so we are counting on the next government.
Iraq needs, according to government reports, between 80 to 90 billion dollars to rebuild 180 cities, counties, towns, and districts distributed over the areas invaded by ISIS in northern and western Iraq in mid-2014 and liberated in 2017, while it represents 49 percent of the total The area of the country.
Jamal Cougar, a member of the Finance Committee in Parliament, told Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed that the previous governments, despite their knowledge of the huge debt owed by other countries, have not moved to recover these funds.
Cougar added that "a mini committee was formed earlier within the Finance Committee in Parliament, to follow up the file and limit the actual money and dues to Iraq," noting that part of the debts or dues also is Iraqi investments in several countries that were profitable, which are balances, deposits, companies and assets Real estate is different, which means that there are financial accumulations for it.
On the other hand, Mohsen Omar Al-Fadhli, a financial expert and a member of the Baghdad Economists Association, said, "The outstanding debts need a strong government and a great effort to recover them, which is not currently available."
Al-Fadhli added, “Some countries have granted themselves the right to confiscate Iraqi money, such as Saudi Arabia, which confiscated the Iraqi oil pipeline. A floating port was built with Iraqi money, on the pretext of compensating Iraq’s bombing of the capital Riyadh and the occupation of the Khafji Iraqi army. Or Syria, which considered the Assad regime itself harmed by Iraq and confiscated the Iraqi oil pipeline destined for Banias, or Turkey, which placed its hand on several Iraqi investments, and the list goes on. ”
He continued: "These funds would solve the financial crisis in Iraq, or go to end the housing and infrastructure crisis, through settlements with those countries, and we hope to recover the funds despite our knowledge of the difficulty in this negotiation, so there is a need to call experts and officials in the Iraqi regime a year ago. 2003, they are more knowledgeable and experienced than the current government staff in this particular file. ”
According to data issued by the Ministry of Planning, the poverty rate in oil-rich Iraq reached 22.5 percent during the current year 2019, equivalent to 8.6 million people.
New Arab LINK
Judy, TNT, KTFA, Frank26 and more Thursday Night 12-12-19
.Thank you Judy
(Excerpt) Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Dec. 12 2019
Compiled by Judy Byington,
The below was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
Judy Note: This morning Thurs. 12 Dec. MarkZ said that after four days of deafening silence, now Redemption Center personnel were in place, Zurich was on call at the drop of a hat and his contacts in Iraq felt that we should see something before next Tues. 17 Dec. Bruce: I’ve been told that it is going down this week and that we have a back wall of Sat. 14 Dec. Delta: IMO based on what the Central Bank of Iraq told us on the interview, we are waiting for announcement and nothing more.
Thank you Judy
(Excerpt) Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Dec. 12 2019
Compiled by Judy Byington,
The below was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
Judy Note: This morning Thurs. 12 Dec. MarkZ said that after four days of deafening silence, now Redemption Center personnel were in place, Zurich was on call at the drop of a hat and his contacts in Iraq felt that we should see something before next Tues. 17 Dec.
Bruce: I’ve been told that it is going down this week and that we have a back wall of Sat. 14 Dec.
Delta: IMO based on what the Central Bank of Iraq told us on the interview, we are waiting for announcement and nothing more.
Bix Weir, RoadToRoota: Alert! The Fed to announce huge Repo (QE4) schedule today 12 Dec. Today is a big day for the Fed. because they are going to announce a mega repo operation over the next month. Last night they again bailed out the banks. Just to survive last night the banks needed $366 billion dollars. It’s the Fed’s job to lie and print money like it’s going out of style.
Evidently there was a high level bank mtg. late Tues. 10 Dec. where bankers were told “It would be a little longer, but we were very, very close.”
Last week it was announced that a date for the Global Currency Reset had been programmed into the Quantum Financial Computer, nothing could change it and when that date came to be, the computer would automatically spit out emails to Currency and Zim Bond buyers worldwide. It would be a daytime event where the 800#s for each country would be released, along with information on how to exchange and redeem.
On Friday 6 Dec. US Attorney General Bill Barr indicted eight people including top witnesses in the Mueller investigation, for illegally funneling foreign money to top Democratic Senators. Leading Democrats were implicated: Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, Cory Booker, Ted Lieu, George Nader and Jon Tester.
By Wed. 11 Dec. the World Trade Organization – controller of the fiat global financial system – had lost their legal ability to function, having only five of seven judges needed to hold court. Trump had refused to fill the open slots as part of the Alliance’s overall Plan to bring down the Central Banking System and implement the Global Currency Reset.
President Trump’s ability to revise International Trade Deals was another way to bring down the Cabal and their Central Banking System. It was alleged that US Presidents the Bushes, Clinton and Obama signed Trade Agreements with various countries and then ensured that the US military on bases in those countries guarded Cabal corporation assets as they plundered the countries’ resources. This was one reason why such a big deal was made about Biden (and other political elite’s sons) being placed on corporation boards in China and the Ukraine.
On 22 Nov. President Trump said on Fox and Friends that in the next few weeks names of those charged with Treason, Crimes Against Humanity and Sedition would be made public by the World Court, plus William Barr, John Huber, Rudy Giuliani and the Benghazi investigation reports would be released. (The John Durham investigation on Obama, Clinton and Comey’s ties to Spygate won’t be made public until the Spring of 2020).
On Fri. 13 Dec. Congress would be out of session for Christmas Vacation – giving legal entities the authority to arrest members of Congress charged with major crimes.
Deep State History:
Since the end of World War II when the CIA, IMF, Federal Reserve, IRS, World Bank/US Inc/Queens Bank of London/Vatican Bank/Central Banking System were put together, Satan worshipping Cabal members implemented through use of various mafias and an international Child Sex Trafficking, Drug and Gun running Ring, a Nazi researched Mind Control program on children funded through US Taxpayer dollars and run by the CIA, Royals and Vatican. In a quest for power through Satanic rites of pedophilia, Child Sacrifices and money laundering, the media and global, political and Hollywood elites have been bribed, drugged, extorted and brainwashed into doing the Cabal’s bidding – the very reason for The Plan by the BRICS Alliance, Interpol and White Hats to bring down this Deep State and bring back our freedoms: http://beforeitsnews.com/contributor/pages/243/590/stories.html
A. Dec. 12 2019 Morning Chat with MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz
1. After four days of deafening silence, now Redemption Center personnel were in place, Zurich was on call at the drop of a hat and Mark’s contacts in Iraq felt that we should see something before next Tues. 17 Dec.
2. Bank personnel were concerned that we were entering into deflation.
Courtesy of Dinar Chronicles
See Full post here: https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2019/12/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_12.html
Harambe: CNBC: US reaches a phase one trade deal with China in principle pending Trump's approval https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/12/trump-getting-very-close-to-a-big-deal-with-china-they-want-it-and-so-do-we.html?
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
RVAlready I think [Article] 140 is smoke and CBI is fast tracking the RV. If the protestors do not see the RV soon, things will get uglier for the government.
Jeff I have found something HUGE that no one else has caught on to or noticed. History right now is repeating itself. Article "Parliamentary Finance: Iraq will enter a temporary budget in 2020" Iraq is approving and putting in place a temporary budget...IMO what this temporary budget is gonna do is cover their government operating expenses through Q1. What that does is gives them time to approve the permanent budget that I told you IMO would be implemented Q2...this article right at the end is telling you the reforms are inside the 2020 budget. This is huge...
Radience: Here is some positive news. Fox news is saying the US reaches a Deal in Principal with China. They are waiting for Trump's signature.
Don961: Report: Washington, Beijing agree in principle on partial trade deal
December 12, 2019 11:14 PM
Mubasher : According to a press report, the United States has tentatively reached an agreement with China regarding the first stage of the trade deal
The network "CNBC" quoted unnamed sources on Thursday that the White House had offered to cancel the next round of tariffs on Chinese goods that will come into effect on Sunday
The report added that the United States proposed cutting current tariffs on Chinese products by $ 360 billion
Another report by "Bloomberg" agency also indicated that the United States and China reached an agreement on the partial trade deal in principle and awaiting the approval of President Donald Trump
The report added that Trump is scheduled to meet with top trade advisers later in the day to determine the final position on imposing 15 percent tariffs on Chinese goods worth $ 160 billion
Earlier in the day, US President Donald Trump said that Washington was very close to concluding a trade deal with China
Samson: Chief energy company chief in the Middle East: Iraq reserves may exceed Saudi Arabia
13:57 - 12/12/2019
The chief of energy companies in the Middle East in the region confirmed that the Iraqi oil reserves have the ability to exceed Saudi Arabia's reserves and that many areas in the country are still unexplored.
And the website of (Arab News) newspaper quoted in his translation of the information / report of the CEO of Al-Hilal Majed Jafar as saying in the first “Salt” conference that, “Despite years of corruption, lack of infrastructure, and the five-year war on ISIS in Iraq, it succeeded. The country is increasing its oil production from 1.5 million barrels per day to 5 million barrels.”
He added in a discussion session on the dynamics of power in the energy sector in Abu Dhabi that "this gives some indications of the reserves potential in Iraq , which I believe can exceed Saudi Arabia," noting that "parts of the country are still unexplored."
He continued, "In order to take advantage of the country's full potential in the energy sector, the investment climate must be improved as a necessary."
The report pointed out that "the oil and gas industry in the Middle East recently abandoned a large amount of market share to its American counterparts," noting that "with the United States becoming one of the largest producers in the world, its economy in terms of GDP will be better." If oil prices are higher, this changes all accounts.”
Frank26: 12-12-19......MY GOD.....THE BUDGET IS FULL OF STARS
Bix, TNT and KTFA Members Tuesday Afternoon 12-10-19
.Bix Weir
Bank Bailouts Hit $362B...Second Highest!
RoadToRoota: Dec 10, 2019
On Sept 11, 2019 the Banks got attacked by the Good Guys AGAIN!
This time it was in the all important Repo Market and NOW they are on their last legs.
End of Year this time may mean End of Game!
Bix Weir
Bank Bailouts Hit $362B...Second Highest!
RoadToRoota: Dec 10, 2019
On Sept 11, 2019 the Banks got attacked by the Good Guys AGAIN!
This time it was in the all important Repo Market and NOW they are on their last legs.
End of Year this time may mean End of Game!
Jmtranquil: As it turns out, the CBI has been telling the citizens since September they are indeed increasing the rate of their Dinar! Confirmed last night via Frank. This thing is about to go!
Cutebwoy: So now we see article 140 issue coming up again….If article 140 is not implemented this time kiss the RV good bye till mid to late next year these Iraqis are a piece of work they do anything to not complete the process sorry to say…..history has shown everytime the RV is near to completion this article 140 issue comes up its like clockwork and then they debate and debate and nothing then RV process gets pushed out again ......watch if im wrong ...time will tell ..
VinterV: Hopefully some more Smoke & Mirrors
KaseyKo1: I think it is smoke & mirrors. Keep in mind that VP Pence just had another conversation with Iraq this past Sunday night. Also, the UN has flat out told them if things don't get done ASAP, they will be put back into Chapter 7. This would certainly be disastrous for Iraq with all they have accomplished to date.
Charlieok: There were also articles that payments were made per oil revenues within the past several days or weeks (can't remember). I seriously doubt those payments would have been made if the agreement was going to be vetoed. lol. Proving again that "articles out of Iraq" are a joke.
KaseyKo1: Also, Iraq has put out in the news that their economic reforms were completed, but they were keeping this info from the public until everything was accomplished. They also just put out info that they would be voting on the new PM in the coming days, implying by the end of the week.
KaseyKo1: Let us also not forget about how Maliki uses his influence with Iran & the media & the shenanigans he's pulled to thwart the RV process.
Yada: The RV is in riev2019 budget waiting for the release and it will fund the reforms in the 2020 budget. The banks in Iraq are biting at the bit for the CBI to release them after the rate increased. All before 1-1-20
Courtesy of Dinar Guru:
Gurus Frank26 & Walkingstick ...the currency of Iraq against the American dollar - the exchange rate is about to go up. It's now in print!...why do you think Kurdistan is going ape-kaka! They can't wait to start making money. It's now in print ladies and gentlemen...the value is changing, they said it! ...It stops short of one thing...the pictures and descriptions of the new small category notes...
Monday Night CC with frank, Delta and Walkingstick 12-9-19
PLAYBACK : 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Iggy: what i get out of all this is the iraqi people will be forced (tricked) to trade for lower denoms just to continue on with life...this will happen quickly...this will pull in most 000 notes, all done in country and nothing to do with us...once the 000's are off the streets they can RI...that is when we can hopefully step up...IMO
Suzie: The last couple of years it's looked like we were going to have the "best Christmas" ever based on the news, hype and intel at the time but it actually LOOKS like this could be the year if it goes like Frank, Delta and teams are saying. Last nights' call was encouraging but Iraq has let their people....and us, down so often, that after a dozen plus years, well we just HOPE!!
Ryan1216: Time after time Iraq and the CBI have said they were going to do this and nothing happened but it is completely different this time. I just pray that this is a great Christmas for us all this time around and the RI happens. Thank you Frank, Delta, all teams as well as the forum for keeping me uplifted. God bless the Iraqi people. Please let the CBI release the rate now!
ChrisC: Who cares about all the Christmas' before where we were lied to because it was NEVER going to happen while Obama was President. Throw all the partisan BS aside and face the truth. That sorry sack was NEVER going to see this fulfilled baby because he is playing for the other team, not ours.
Trump took over and there was so much sugar in the gas tank and nuts screwed off the wheels that it took awhile to get it ready to go.
ISIS will eventually be shown as a construct of the Cabal, IMO, which O and the Witch are major players in and they had to get them under control. It is just like Spectre in a James Bond movie, they have agents in all governments and in all entities working for a common evil goal and that is the total eventual enslavement of humanity.
This RV is going to break the locks off the gates and the whole world is going to be set free, and especially the US.
I don't know if anybody remembers what one of my buddies that is fairly connected in a certain 3 letter agency told me when O got elected. He said he was allowed to make it so that all the roaches could show themselves and that we would go through a rough time but in the end we were planned to be the Shining City on the Hill and have tremendous prosperity.
This has been planned out by the good guys for years and just as planned out to fail by the enemy. However, I can't remember when Spectre ever beat James. They always think they can, but in the end, they aren't as smart as their arrogance leads them to believe.
Iobey777: It does not matter to me about the value of the money *inside * Iraq! What matters to me from last night's CC is the FACT that FF Eddie said to Frank that the CBI and the Gov't were telling the citizens on TV that they were going to Open the 2020 budget on JAN 1!!!
We must have a new rate before they open this budget! IMO!
Why? Because, we have been told through articles and Walkingstick, that this budget is DIFFERENT from all the others! It holds a rider in it that will give the citizens what they are asking for, it will make them happy! Kurdistan has finally(after 16 years) reached an agreement on the HCL! Praise God!
They are happy! It appears the citizens are beginning to wake up and see that things are moving towards their favor since Trump came in with his teams to help! IDK if it will be before Christmas or if it will happen on December 30-31, but I am expecting to see the new and shiny rate by then! Like everyone else, I am praying for before Christmas!!
Either way, we are very close to seeing our blessing come forth..not only for us, but mostly for those poor citizens of Iraq! May God have mercy on them and deliver them from the darkness which has been holding them down for so long! Like someone said recently, IT. IS. TIME!
Mr. Harfax: The following is strictly in my opinion…..
The change in narrative has begun. The release of the FISA report was not an end game play. It was a stepping stone as you can see by the objections from Durham and Barr. The time has come for them to carry this story forward.
What I think is truly interesting is how deep the swamp runs on BOTH sides. There is a reason why certain Senators are not pushing for Ukraine to be exposed as many parties are recipient to money laundered through these foreign office scams and like crabs in a bucket ALL will get pulled in.
I do somewhat fear for Daddy as he is a threat to this entire process and those involved will not be content to sit back and let their “institutes” or “foundations” lose out on valuable funding. How will they continue to live their existence without their constituents hard earned dollars?
What's worse is that I fear party lines will prevent Joe Public from supporting the right thing do (i.e. clean this mess up) as we can see with the current impeachment. IMO - this isn't a right vs left issue but rather a top vs bottom issue and those struggling on the bottom should want all this to end.
Interesting times indeed. Enjoy the show
ChrisC: In the end, IMO, it isn't a left vs right or a top vs bottom, but in reality, good vs evil. That is why it is everywhere. The enemy corrupts all areas equally, some are more willing to take the bait than others and that is why it looks more pervasive in those groups, but it is everywhere. I believe Trump is about to swing that hammer and just like Sauron couldn't imagine anybody actually destroying the Ring, the enemy has not seen what is about to happen. IMO, the poop is about to hit the fan with the banks and once they are all on their backs, we can safely do this.
Frank26 Video and KTFA News Monday PM 12-9-19
Samson: Iraq will shut down official hours tomorrow
9th December, 2019 The caretaker government in Iraq announced the suspension of official working hours tomorrow, Tuesday, to commemorate the defeat of ISIS militarily, and liberate the city of Mosul, the local capital of Nineveh, from its grip.
In a statement today, resigned Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi said, "On the occasion of the anniversary of the victory day over the terrorist group ISIS and the liberation of Mosul and all Iraqi soil, we extend our sincere congratulations and blessings to all of our Iraqi people."
He called for "recalling the heroism and sacrifices of the fighters, the sons of our armed forces, in all their forms and formations, from the army, the police, the popular crowd, and the Peshmerga, who defeated the enemy and liberated the land. .
Samson: Iraq will shut down official hours tomorrow
9th December, 2019
The caretaker government in Iraq announced the suspension of official working hours tomorrow, Tuesday, to commemorate the defeat of ISIS militarily, and liberate the city of Mosul, the local capital of Nineveh, from its grip.
In a statement today, resigned Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi said, "On the occasion of the anniversary of the victory day over the terrorist group ISIS and the liberation of Mosul and all Iraqi soil, we extend our sincere congratulations and blessings to all of our Iraqi people."
He called for "recalling the heroism and sacrifices of the fighters, the sons of our armed forces, in all their forms and formations, from the army, the police, the popular crowd, and the Peshmerga, who defeated the enemy and liberated the land. .
Abdul-Mahdi continued by saying, "A salute to the martyrs and wounded who made the victory and their generous families, and to the heroic fighters from the armed forces and the security services who are still confronting the remnants of ISIS and defending their country and their people and their peaceful protesters and making dear sacrifices once again, and they have our gratitude and respect."
The caretaker head announced that "on this occasion, as we did last year, it was decided to suspend official working hours tomorrow, Tuesday, in celebration of Victory Day." LINK
Samson: The Stock Exchange stops its activity for tomorrow
9th December, 2019
The Stock Exchange decided, on Monday, to suspend its activities for tomorrow to coincide with an official holiday
The Stock Exchange said in a statement seen by the "Economy News", that on the occasion of the anniversary of the victory over the ISIS gang and the liberation of all Iraqi soil that falls on Tuesday 10/12/2019 , it was decided not to organize the trading session on this day as an official holiday in Iraq
"The sessions will be organized from Wednesday 11/12/2019 according to their official timing," the statement added
Samson: Why do some countries print their currency in others?
9th December, 2019
The currency represents the national façade of any country along with its economic importance, and a number of symbols and objects that suggest the history of the country are often printed on these currencies, whether paper or metal
Many countries of the world resort to printing their local currency in other countries, which calls into question about this. Why can't we print our local currency ourselves? What are the risks of this matter
A small number of countries print their currency within the country's borders. For example, India prints its currency on its territory, while a law in the United States of America requires that the currency be printed within American territory
A number of international companies specialize in currency printing, perhaps the most famous of which is the British company De La Rue , which prints 11 percent of the currency in the market
Where you print about 140 currencies of central banks in the world, and ironically, if we want to accumulate the currencies that you print within a week, you will reach an increase equivalent to the height of the Everest summit
It is mentioned that the major companies specialized in currency printing are distributed in North America and Europe
Why countries do not print their currency
The process of printing currencies is considered expensive and complicated, and companies that do this work have done it for hundreds of years and have acquired great experience in this field, where they have the necessary equipment in addition to the safety standards that follow
Fsharkp De La Rue began producing leaves cash since 1860, and was Muruiius the first country to ask the company to print its currency, Kamal company produces new plastic banknotes for the Bank of England from class 5 and 10 pounds
It makes sense for small countries to print their currency abroad. For example, the United States of America prints approximately 7 billion banknotes annually
How dangerous is the printing of currency outside the country?
The 2011 incident in which Britain detained 1.86 billion Libyan dinars is an example of the seriousness of such matters, as this led to a lack of cash in the last days of Muammar Gaddafi's rule
De La Rue had a share of 140 million banknotes printed by the company
The Russian "Guznak" company is considered one of the largest international companies in this field, as it has customers in more than 20 countries in Asia, Africa and Europe, in 2014, the company produced 1.1 billion banknotes, in addition to the production of passports and coins
For example, the Russian company issues and prints the Lebanese currency, "the lira", as printing a package containing 1000 Lebanese banknotes costs Lebanon 60 euros, and therefore printing ten packages of the smallest Lebanese paper money category costs 10 percent of its value. As for knowing the amount of Lebanese money printed in Russia, it is difficult, given the existence of a strict secret
According to Russian company sources, the printing of Lebanese funds in Russia dates back more than 10 years. Lebanon is not the only country that prints and imports its money from Russia. There are countries like Syria, Laos, Malaysia, Belarus, Guatemala and other countries
Dealing in cash with technology
The use of cash in its various forms is diminishing by the day, especially in the developed countries, where the technology sector witnessed a great revolution, which led to the introduction of payment techniques via mobile phones
In a 2016 statistic of the Chinese Central Bank, only 10 percent of commercial transactions were made in cash, and the rest were electronically via smartphones
But despite new technologies, the demand for banknotes all over the world continues to grow globally, growth is 3.2%, and the market is estimated at $ 10 billion LINK
Don961: 7 events awaited by investors in global markets
Monday 09 December 2019
Capitals / agencies
This week, eyes are focusing on the major central banks around the world, which are preparing for the last monetary policy meetings this year. After the global markets moved last week under the control of trade conditions and the OPEC and allies meeting, more developments are scheduled on both issues this week. .
Federal meeting
The Federal Reserve is holding its last monetary policy meeting this year, today and tomorrow, Wednesday, amid expectations of interest stabilization at its current level, and is scheduled to announce its economic forecasts for the next two years, while clarifying its vision about the future of monetary policy.
The Fed had cut the interest rate in the October meeting to a level between 1.50 and 1.75 percent, while hinting a temporary halt in interest rate cuts.
Investors have more than 99 percent odds that the Fed may stabilize interest at its current level, with a very small rate of 25 percentage points hike.
European Central
This week also marks the last meeting of the European Central Bank this year to announce its monetary policy stance, but it will be the first under the leadership of its new president, Christine Lagarde.
There were no changes in the European Central Bank’s policy during the last meeting of its former president, Mario Draghi, before he took over to Lagarde at the end of October.
Christine Lagarde is scheduled to hold a press conference after the meeting, which is widely expected to witness fixed interest rates.
International banks
In a week filled with monetary policy meetings by the two largest central banks around the world, there are many decisions in other countries.
The central bank will hold its meeting in Turkey next Thursday after it cut interest by 10 percent in the last three meetings.
However, changes in monetary policy in Turkey are not expected after positive economic signs, as Turkey's economy continues to recover during the third quarter, recording the first annual growth.
On Thursday, the Swiss National Bank is also holding its meeting on expectations of a fixed interest rate of -0.75 percent. With the fact that Powell and Lagarde will hold press conferences in the wake of the monetary policy meetings on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively, attention is turning to statements by other central bankers.
Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Philip Lowe is scheduled to deliver a speech while attending a summit in Sydney on Tuesday.
The Australian central bank decided last week to hold the benchmark interest rate at an all-time low of 0.75 percent, after cutting 3 times its interest rate this year.
Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz will also share the country's economic outlook for 2020, next Thursday.
OPEC report
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries discloses its monthly report on the production levels of the 14 OPEC member states from November, tomorrow, Wednesday.
OPEC production increased last October to reach 29.65 million barrels per day. OPEC and its allies agreed to deepen the agreement to reduce production levels by about 1.7 million barrels per day instead of the current 1.2 million barrels per day starting in January 2020.
Meanwhile, this week is witnessing the announcement of oil inventories in the United States for the past week, with the disclosure of American crude production levels, which stands at a historical level.
Completion of the Brexit
Britain will accept ballot boxes next Thursday to participate in the early general elections called by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in an effort to complete the Brexit process.
Opinion polls show that the governing Conservative Party headed by Johnson comes at the forefront with a marked majority of the party following him represented by the opposition led by Jeremy Corbett.
A Conservative victory would enable Johnson to pass the Brexit deal agreed with the European Union in the British Parliament and thus ensure that the will of the people is implemented - as Johnson described - who voted in favor of leaving the European Union membership in the 2016 referendum.
Trade developments
After conflicting statements and signals about the trade relations between the two largest economies around the world last week, investors are closely watching what is new in this regard.
The importance of monitoring these developments stems from the approaching deadline for a round of US tariffs that will enter into force on December 15, unless there is a trade deal.
The United States and China reached a partial agreement on trade conditions in early October, but so far this expected deal has not been signed. LINK
Frank26: 12-9-19......500 MORE FOR SOMETHING SHORT
PLAYBACK : 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Delta, Frank and more Sunday Night "The Order to Release the M.R." 12-8-19
THIS DEPARTMENT JOB IS ....implementing the monetary policy of the Central Bank of Iraq.
FROM DADDY ............ HEY FAMILY ................. I TOLD YOU SO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THIS DEPARTMENT JOB IS ....implementing the monetary policy of the Central Bank of Iraq.
FROM DADDY ............ HEY FAMILY ................. I TOLD YOU SO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CoCo: Now the question is how long is the implementation of the monetary policy of the CBI; "Process of Lifting Zeros and New LDs"? During the 9-30-19 interview they state it has already been launched. Hopefully by January 2, 2020 it will be completed.
Doc.K: Didn't TURKMENISTAN make a similar announcement in the month if August prior to them revaluing their currency on Jan 1.
Parliamentary Finance Committee intends to raise the price of the dinar against the dollar and give it strength among other currencies
19th August, 2019
A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee Abdul Hadi Saadawi said in a statement on Monday, August 19, 2019, that the Finance Committee will work to raise the price of the dinar against the dollar and give it strength among other currencies in the Arab world, or at least maintain the current exchange rate to have monetary power within Local market
Samson: Hundreds of wheels and armored vehicles went to Baghdad
12/8/2019 17:06
Hundreds of military wheels and armored vehicles went to the capital, Baghdad, on Sunday afternoon.
Eyewitnesses said (for the Euphrates News) that "hundreds of military wheels and armored vehicles go extensively to Baghdad now from the west side coming from Anbar province and from the south side coming from the southern provinces." LINK
Samson: Anbar crowd: 500 American wheels arrive in Ain al-Assad from Jordan
20:27 - 07/12/2019
A security source in the leadership of the Anbar Provincial Mobilization Command revealed, on Saturday, that some 500 American wheels had arrived at Ain Al-Assad Air Force Base, west of Anbar.
The source said to the "information" that "an American convoy consisting of 500 four-wheeled armored four-wheel drive coming from Jordanian territory, passing through Al-Rutba district, and settled in Ain Al-Asad air base in Al Baghdadi district, Heat district, west of Anbar, without knowing the reasons."
He added, "The arrival of the convoy coincided with the precautionary measures imposed by the American forces on the airbase after targeting it with three missiles."
And that "American security companies are neglecting to deliver this equipment while the soldiers are transported by warplanes to Ain Al-Assad Air Force Base and from there to the areas where the American forces are present." LINK
JJimmyJJ: Staging people and equipment to provide security in the capital? For what?
A couple options come to mind:
Drive out foreign influences from the govt and capital?
Provide security during a time of change (such as am ri/rv)?
IMO, of course.
Ourcoin: My thoughts as well. Also add to your list - Protection against Iran if the US and allies
decide to have their very short war with them.
Tommy17: Security for the green zone and banks in imo. Sadr’s up to his old tricks again hopefully the demonstrations Monday are mild imo
Frank26 Video: " Shut Down, Shut Up, CBI Website" 12-7-19
Frank26: 12-7-19 ........SHUT DOWN....SHUT UP......CBI WEBSITE.
Greetings family – Welcome to another one of Frank26’s UB2B’s
Frank26: Go back into your notes…When did I say I favor …imo….for the Central Bank of Iraq to make their move……to add value to their currency???
What day of the week do I favor???
Arlene: Sunday into a Monday
F26: Yeah I like that……It can be any day….but in my opinion…..I pay attention to a Saturday into a Sunday. But I would look more into a Sunday to a Monday .
Notes sent to us by “Anonymous”
Thank you Frank!!!!
Frank26: 12-7-19 ........SHUT DOWN....SHUT UP......CBI WEBSITE
Greetings family – Welcome to another one of Frank26’s UB2B’s
Frank26: Go back into your notes…When did I say I favor …imo….for the Central Bank of Iraq to make their move……to add value to their currency???
What day of the week do I favor???
Arlene: Sunday into a Monday
F26: Yeah I like that……It can be any day….but in my opinion…..I pay attention to a Saturday into a Sunday. But I would look more into a Sunday to a Monday .
IMO a Sat into a Sun is more internally. The things they are doing inside their country.
For example, what happened today with the CBI……and their website.
IMO A Sunday into a Monday is more externally…..On Sundays Banks across the world are normally closed. But, on Monday the rest of the world internationally catches up with the Iraqi banks.
That is why I look at that time frame but it could be anyday.
I asked myself this question today: Frank why did the CBI website shut down early this morning? This was in a Saturday into a Sunday time frame, and it attracted my attention.
What are the 2 things I told you my teams were looking for? 1: Iran throwing a tantrum and 2: the CBI to talk.
I believe the CBI talked through their website today. I’d like to point out some things on their shutdown this morning.
It occurred at 9:30 AM est today …which was 5:30 PM Baghdad time ….the CBI website was simply shut down.
I’m not going to blow this up or exaggerate what happened with the CBI today. Their website is for the purpose of communicating, teaching ,telling and describing. .
What is the CBI doing right now? A monetary reform and a reinstatement of their currency.
So, the thing that I found interesting is 1): when it occurred…a Saturday into a Sunday.
2): They were shut down for a loooong time….6 and ½-almost 7 hours. Have you ever seen it shut down that long before? They shut down communication with the international community and outside world. ..I think the longest we have seen it shut down previously was under 3 hours.
Did you know that 70% of the 3 zero notes have been collected in Iraq? That’s a lot of work if they aren’t going to raise the value of their currency …imo
What do I say about patterns? If they break a pattern- it means something and it draws my attention.
IMO The CBI is doing maintenence on their website. . and we have seen different numbers show up on currency counter sites… This has happened about 4 times in the last 2 years of our studies over the last 14 years
IMO they did something in those 7 hours….relating to their monetary reform.
It wasn’t a glitch. So, whatever they are doing must be for a purpose. What we saw today was not a mistake….in fact it was so loud it screamed.
I asked my teams: “What kind of work are they doing?” Find out
IMO …what we are looking for is any differences on the CBI website. Scan every page…are there any new pages? Are there any new numbers? Any new words, any new pictures?
Delta is looking at it very closely. We are looking for anything new after VP Pence arrived in Iraq.
What did Pence do? IMO…….He gave orders and because of the rider activated in the budget by Pence IMO. …which is causing a domino effect with other things.
On the CBI website its going to say the rate is 1190…but then its going to have a comma, with 3 zeros. Understand that the comma is actually a dot. In Arabic the comma is a dot.
So to me a 7 hour shutdown means there is work being done ,,,and my teams are tearing it apart right now in English and Arabic.
Q: Frank could this be the first Nothing, Nothing, Nothing and then Suddenly? (From Kim Clement prophecy)
F26: My opinion on Nothing, Nothing, Nothing and then Suddenly is : The CBI along with the banks have to do recalculations, and testing of the exchange rate. And they tested it with many different multiple exchange rates. IMO everytime they did this they came very close to reinstating their currency.
One time is when the former US President decided to pull our troops out and let Isis and the Taliban destroy all the work we had dqne since 2003
The second time is just last year around this same time . ….I guess “Daddy” (Trump) didn’t think they were stable enough and they shut it down. . And it was because of Maliki.
Now this last year they have been removing terrorism from the streets of Iraq. Securing the borders…cleaning up corruption.
Those are 3 nothings and I think we are about to see a “Suddenly”
Please watch the replay for the entire Q&A
Zenopec: Fiat Panic? … I believe Iraqi Dinar will be the starting gun that begins the race for All fiat currencies to be converted into the GOLD backed QFS, or nations on them will fail... ISAIAH 60:12
Frank26 Video "One Dollar" And more from KTFA Friday Night 12-6-19
Samson: America reveals its reasons: There is no intention to leave Iraq
6th December, 2019
US Assistant Secretary of Defense John Rudd declared, "There is no intention of American soldiers leaving Iraq." According to the military official, "The American presence there comes at the request of the Iraqi government and there is no intention to change this reality at present.
Rudd considered that the American forces are helping the Iraqi forces to develop their capabilities in addition to helping to confront ISIS," he said. LINK
Samson: America reveals its reasons: There is no intention to leave Iraq
6th December, 2019
US Assistant Secretary of Defense John Rudd declared, "There is no intention of American soldiers leaving Iraq."
According to the military official, "The American presence there comes at the request of the Iraqi government and there is no intention to change this reality at present.
Rudd considered that the American forces are helping the Iraqi forces to develop their capabilities in addition to helping to confront ISIS," he said. LINK
Samson: The US Treasury Secretary expects the economy to recover in the coming quarters
5th December, 2019
The US Treasury Secretary said that he expects a marked acceleration in the growth of the US economy in the coming seasons
"There is no doubt that Americans see the benefits of tax cuts," Stephen Mnuchin added during his testimony before the House Financial Services Committee on Thursday
Mnuchin pointed out that the only American economy in the world that has shown continuous growth, expecting a recovery in growth in the rest of this year and next year
The US Treasury Secretary stressed that the slowdown in GDP growth compared to strong growth in the first quarter of this year, was a result of problems related to the "737" model in "Boeing", as well as the strike of workers at "General Motors" in addition to slowing global growth
The US economy grew by 2.1 percent in the third quarter and 2 percent in the second quarter, after growing by 3.1 percent in the first quarter LINK
Samson: TV: US sanctions ahead of Iraqi officials
6th December, 2019
With the increase in violence against demonstrators in Iraq, especially in the southern provinces where dozens have fallen within one day, American sources indicated that Washington intends to impose sanctions on Iraqi officials, indicating that it will be announced within hours. According to Al Arabiya TV.
The US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, said that his country would use its legal powers to impose "sanctions on corrupt personalities that steal the wealth of Iraqis, and on those who kill and injure civilian protesters."
The US Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs, David Schenker, has hinted at sanctions that Washington may soon impose against those responsible for what he described as "atrocities in Iraq", denouncing the appalling and heinous use of force against demonstrators. LINK
Samson: US Delegate to the United Nations: We will have an emergency session on Iraq
5th December, 2019
On Friday, the US delegate to the United Nations, Kelly Kraft, considered that the Iraqi authorities cannot "use violence" against peaceful demonstrators in the country.
"We will have an emergency session on Iraq, and we will not accept any violations against the demonstrators," Kraft said at a news conference, according to the "Al-Hadath" channel.
She noted that "the Iraqi authorities cannot use violence against peaceful demonstrators."
In a related context, the American delegate refused to answer about imposing sanctions on some Iraqi officials. LINK
Don961: Including senior leaders in the Popular Mobilization .. US sanctions on four Iraqis for "violations of human rights"
Baghdad: Yassin Iraq
Today, Friday, the US Treasury imposed penalties on 4 personalities, including 3 in the PMF.
According to Arab media, the "US Treasury Department has imposed sanctions on 4 Iraqi officials for violating human rights and corruption."
She added that “3 of the four Iraqis covered by the sanctions are leaders of“ factions ”supported by Iran, and they are (Qais Khazali, Laith Khazali, Khamis Al-Issawi and Farhan Al-Khanjar). link
Don961: Dr.. The appearance of Mohammed Saleh *: The political economy of the Framework Agreement on Cooperation between Iraq and China
Boot 1
As part of the Belt and Road Initiative launched by the People's Republic of China since 2013, Iraq entered for the first time with a series of memorandums of understanding and agreements signed by the Iraqi and Chinese governments in Beijing on September 23, 2019, representing a new economic phase in the reconstruction of Iraq's infrastructure in a program that can be called oil for reconstruction.
Iraq is one of the most important sources of supply of crude oil to the People's Republic of China and the export of between 750 thousand barrels to 1 million barrels per day, and the trade balance between the two countries at least $ 30 billion annually due to the momentum of commodity imports from China.
China's desire to develop economic relations with Iraq comes from the framework of its global program called the Belt and Road Initiative referred to above and inspired by the idea of the ancient Silk Road, which paves the way for enhancing communication, investment, trade and capital flows between China, Asia, Africa and Europe.
The "Belt" consists of projects linking China to Europe via Asia and the Middle East by road, while "Road" refers to projects linked to sea routes linking China with Africa and the Middle East through Southeast Asia, South Asia and the signatories of the initiative with all Beijing.
The international community, which is linked to the Belt and Road Initiative, now accounts for about 66 percent of the world's population and nearly a third of global GDP.
To continue reading click on the following link
The appearance of Mohammed Saleh - the cooperation agreement between Iraq and China - editor
Don961: Sistani distance himself from the formation of the Iraqi government
- 4 Hours Have Passed
BAGHDAD - Ali al-Sistani, the supreme Shiite religious authority in Iraq, on Friday distanced himself from the process of choosing a new prime minister in Iraq, as political consultations intensified under the auspices of Tehran, which the street accuses of being the godmother of the existing regime accused of corruption and cronyism.
He said that the new prime minister should be chosen without external interference, in a country that witnesses protests denouncing Iranian power and influence, after Adel Abdul-Mahdi resigned last week under street pressure and the Marjaiya’s call to parliament to withdraw confidence from the government.
Al-Sistani said in his Friday sermon, which was read by his representative, Sheikh Abdul Mahdi Al-Karbalai, "We hope that the head of the new government and its members will be chosen within the constitutional period and according to what citizens are looking for, away from any external interference."
Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi submitted his resignation to Parliament last week, under street pressure and the Marjaiya's call to parliament to withdraw confidence from the government.
Al-Karbalai added, "The head of the new government must be chosen within constitutional frameworks, and that the popular movement, if its scope widens, will be an effective way to pressure those in power to carry out real reforms."
The reference has long been seen as having the last word in choosing a prime minister, similar to what happened when Abdul Mahdi was named at the end of 2018, after obtaining a green light from Sistani to succeed Haider al-Abadi.
Thus, part of the street holds the authority responsible for that choice and how things have turned out.
Therefore, the reference confirmed Friday that it is "not a party to any hadith in this regard and has no role in it in any way."
After it was limited to calling for job opportunities and public services, the demands of the protesters still controlling the demonstration areas escalated, to include reforming the entire political system.
The change of the political class accused of corruption and the evaporation of the equivalent of twice the GDP of Iraq, which is among the richest countries in the world in oil, has become a basic demand for the protesters who repeat in all cities their refusal to keep the "corrupt" and the current "all politicians".
Consultations are intensifying in Baghdad in search of an alternative from Abdul-Mahdi, in light of the efforts being fought by the Tehran-Beirut alliance to persuade the Shiite and Sunni political forces to walk with one of the candidates amid continuing violence in the south of the country, according to a political source.
The source close to the decision-making circles in the Iraqi capital said that the commander of the Quds Force in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Qassem Soleimani, was in Baghdad to push for the nomination of a figure to succeed Abdul Mahdi.
The same source indicated that "the official of the Iraq file in the Lebanese Hezbollah, Sheikh Muhammad Kawtharani, also plays a big role in the matter of persuading the Shiite and Sunni political forces in this direction."
Even before parliament announced on Sunday its formal approval of the resignation of Abdul-Mahdi and his government, political parties began meetings and "continuous meetings" to discuss the next stage.
Tehran has devoted the hypothesis of "the difficulty of finding the alternative" in the Iraqi political scene, to preserving Abdul-Mahdi, who gave her the dreams that she could dream of exercising her hobby of quarrelsome Americans.
But the street pressure and fears expressed by the Shiite Supreme Leader Ali al-Sistani that the government crackdown on the demonstrations would "lead to the demise of the Shiite rule in Iraq", led Abdul Mahdi to submit his resignation without consulting the Iranians, according to several sources.
Abdul-Mahdi repeatedly waved that he was "carrying his resignation in his pocket," referring to his asceticism as prime minister, but he was intransigent in the face of protesters who demanded to leave and issued orders that led to the killing, wounding and arrest of thousands of them.
The sources say that Abdul-Mahdi's resignation spread turmoil in Iraqi political circles, who feared that the fallout stage had already begun, which necessitated Soleimani's presence quickly to remedy the situation.
The Iranian plan to confront the Iraqi demonstrations aimed at protecting the political regime loyal to Tehran consists of two parts, the first relates to the practice of deadly repression and the second relates to long self-reliance, without entering the tunnel of government resignations, which does not end without the departure of the entire political class.
The Arabs link
Frank: 12-6-19 .......ONE DOLLAR
This video is in frank26 opinion only
Atlantis Report, X22, and Frank26 Part 1 and 2 Wednesday Night 12-4-19
.More & more Countries Repatriating their Gold and Ditching The Dollar 4K
The Atlantis Report: Premiered 69 minutes ago
In recent years we have seen Germany, Austria, Belgium, Venezuela, and the Netherlands each repatriate their gold from various locations.
The pace appears to be picking up since Venezuela decided to repatriate 180 tonnes of gold in 2011
Over the past few months 100 tons or some 8,000 gold bars were secretly transported from the Bank of Englands’s vaults in London to Poland.
Inspired by Poland’s example Slovakia considers repatriating gold from the UK
Serbia later on joined Slovakia in this sudden Eastern European gold repatriation trend.
Countries across the globe are trying to shake off their dependence on the dollar by buying up the yellow metal .
More & more Countries Repatriating their Gold and Ditching The Dollar 4K
The Atlantis Report: Premiered 69 minutes ago
In recent years we have seen Germany, Austria, Belgium, Venezuela, and the Netherlands each repatriate their gold from various locations.
The pace appears to be picking up since Venezuela decided to repatriate 180 tonnes of gold in 2011
Over the past few months 100 tons or some 8,000 gold bars were secretly transported from the Bank of Englands’s vaults in London to Poland.
Inspired by Poland’s example Slovakia considers repatriating gold from the UK
Serbia later on joined Slovakia in this sudden Eastern European gold repatriation trend.
Countries across the globe are trying to shake off their dependence on the dollar by buying up the yellow metal .
Trade Deals Negotiated, Trump Preparing For The Economic Transition - Episode 2037a
X22 Report: Dec 4, 2019
Did You Catch It, It Needs To Go Mainstream First, Then We Bring Down The House - Episode 2037b
X22 Report: Dec 4, 2019
Frank26: 12-4-19 ......... BANK SHOT
Tonight we have our bank expert with us…Angel1…and the banks are talking.
Angel1: Mike Pence came to Iraq last week and delivered the rider….This is HUGE!!!!!.And he didnt come alone….with him were big people with big credentials…
And all my banking contacts are so excited because the banks of Iraq all agreed to no loans for the next 30 days……this is giving them a runway for the take-off!!!! ALL THE BANKS AGREED TO THIS because they know its coming…..and we are in an incredible window!!! The banks if Iraq are in unity and they are all listening to the CBI!!!
Frank26 And where did Pence go?
Angel1: He went to the Kurds….to Kurdistan….he came bearing gifts…he brought the rider to the budgetand the HCL…and the gift he brought is what we have been waiting for … America is ready and the UST is ready and we are pushing this along
Angel1: The UN was there and they said they were thinking of putting sanctions on…..but they didn’t do it…because the UN has dinars and they are going to fund themselves with the reinstatement of the Iraqi Dinar…….The Fab 4 is the UN, The WB, the IMF and the UST which is Donald Trump. …
Angel1: Not only are the Banks in Iraq in unity but the Fab 4 is also in unity….They all say go ahead and raise the value…My contacts are in HIGH ALERT right now because of the speed in which this is happening
There is much more………….
Please listen to the replay for all the news……
Frank26: 12-4-19 ...Part 2
Iran is the reason we have not seen the revaluation yet……imo
Frank26 and Angel1 Video "Bank Shot" and more.....Wed. Night 12-4-19
Mr.Harfax: I’m as optimistic as anyone that good things are coming. However, I try to take a level approach to events as they occur. As such here is my question regarding the announcements of “the receipt of all credit transactions for loans will be suspended”… was any further information released regarding this change?
I unfortunately know nothing about the Iraqi Commercial Bank but is it possible the change could relate to any of the following factors:
A re-examination of lending policies. We are seeing banks fail somewhat regularly these days is it possible this bank is having issue given its current environment?
A large volume of lending requests (i.e. new loans) was received/issued previously raising a possible flag?
Fears related to possible future asset bubbles or inflation
Mr.Harfax: I’m as optimistic as anyone that good things are coming. However, I try to take a level approach to events as they occur. As such here is my question regarding the announcements of “the receipt of all credit transactions for loans will be suspended”… was any further information released regarding this change?
I unfortunately know nothing about the Iraqi Commercial Bank but is it possible the change could relate to any of the following factors:
A re-examination of lending policies. We are seeing banks fail somewhat regularly these days is it possible this bank is having issue given its current environment?
A large volume of lending requests (i.e. new loans) was received/issued previously raising a possible flag?
Fears related to possible future asset bubbles or inflation
Is it possible this could be or will be discussed tonight?
MilitiaMan: I recall and posted what I think may have been reasoning in the matter in respect to loan suspensions.
That is, the CBI told banks to be prepared to modify contracts. Loans are contracts. Just as salaries are. All are in the news of recent too.
So if there is a rate change so no one gets an unfair deal or shorted in anyway, they may have suspended the loans payment wise for the month in anticipation of a rate change, fair is fair.
There even in today's article on insurance supports that they are gearing for investors. They state for instance they will have the highest insurance payout in the world.
Here in the USA FDIC is $250,000. If that article above in respect to insurance and the relationship to capital. It m be may be suggesting they are telling us by using "in Billions" when they know the 3 zeros are going away when they raise the value, thus, may mean millions.
Thus , they may mean the are to be willing to pay out $1.5 million in insurance. That would be the highest in the world and would support investors safety or risk requirements far better in Iraq that in the USA..
Attractive it may very well be.. Just thinking out loud.. ijmo..
So we shall see what comes of it tonight.. ~ MM
Samson: The start of the Nineveh Investment Forum with the participation of the Association of Iraqi private banks in Erbil
4th December, 2019
The Nineveh Investment Forum, which will bring together companies operating in Nineveh with international, regional and local investors, business leaders and other stakeholders with the participation of the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, kicked off on Tuesday 3-5 December 2019 in Erbil
The forum will discuss the possibilities of investment in the Kurdistan region and provide exciting opportunities in the sectors of agriculture, manufacturing, services and technology
The Nineveh Investment Forum, funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), will announce the expansion of its ongoing efforts to support regional development by opening additional business development centers at the upcoming Nineveh Investment Forum, which will help revive the private sector in Nineveh
"Shortly after the launch of the EIPI program in Nineveh six months ago, we established the first business development center in Erbil and are now assessing the location of additional facilities in Nineveh province," said Sahl al-Annabi, a private sector team leader in the Nineveh Investment Facility program. - With the expected opening of our second facility during the first quarter of 2020
For his part, the facilitator of the Nineveh Investment Facilitation Program team, Aaron Hsu, pointed out that “Business Development Centers will provide access to knowledge, tools and financial facilitation services to companies operating in Nineveh. To help her On revitalizing and mobilizing finance and growth, special programs will be offered to support women entrepreneurs and startups
The event, organized by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), brings together experts and speakers in international investment and development, a unique collaboration between the United States and the public and private sectors in Iraq to support communities in Nineveh by creating investment opportunities
Institutions supporting the Nineveh Investment Forum include: the American Chamber of Commerce in Iraq, the Kurdistan Regional Investment Commission, Yazda Organization (an international Yazidi organization), the Federation of Iraqi Industries - Nineveh Chamber of Industry, the Iraqi Intermediate Market Development Corporation, the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, and the Nineveh Investment Commission. And the American-Iraqi Business Council LINK
Samson: Washington shows support for the Baghdad-Erbil understanding on the 2020 budget
4th December, 2019
President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Masroor Barzani received in his office on Wednesday, US Ambassador to Iraq Matthew Toller.
During the meeting, which was attended by the US Consul General in Erbil, Stephen Wagen, discussed the latest developments on the Iraqi arena and the region in general, and stressed the importance of stability and security in Iraq.
The Prime Minister pointed out that the Kurdistan region is fully prepared to continue its positive role for the stability of Iraq.
The US Ambassador expressed support for the mutual understanding between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Federal Government, especially with regard to the draft budget for 2020. During the meeting, the US ambassador also reiterated US support for the Kurdistan Region. LINK
Samson: Pentagon: New evidence of Iran's threat to America in the Middle East
4th December, 2019
New evidence of an Iranian threat to US forces and interests in the Middle East, state media reported on Wednesday, citing the Pentagon.
The media quoted the ministry as saying that Iran has moved troops and weapons in a manner that raises US fears of a possible attack if ordered by the Iranian regime, while stressing that there is no evidence of an Iranian threat to US officials.
Pentagon spokeswoman Rebecca Rebric told Sky News Arabia that we continue to monitor the Iranian regime's military and proxies. "We are very ready to defend American forces and interests if we need to." "It is not clear whether the potential threat will come from the central government or the Iranian Revolutionary Guards," CNN quoted a Trump administration official as saying.
The head of US military operations in the Middle East recently pointed out that the United States expects some kind of Iranian action in response to US sanctions and pressure, which are trying to get the regime to abandon its nuclear program. "I expect that if we look at the last three or four months, they are likely to do something irresponsible," said Gen. Kenneth Mackenzie, commander of US Central Command.
The United States confirmed that the Iranians had made several provocations against commercial shipping in the Gulf earlier this year and were also responsible for a massive drone attack on Saudi Arabia's oil infrastructure.
Several weeks ago, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper said that "the administration is pleased to see a decline in Iranian public actions in the region and the administration wanted to send a signal that the way forward is through diplomacy but the military is ready to act as needed." Earlier, the Pentagon said Trump had agreed to send US troops of a defensive nature, focusing mainly on air and missile defense.
The Pentagon said that an additional 3,000 US troops will be deployed in Saudi Arabia, pointing out that the troops to be deployed, including air defense and combat groups. In May 2018, Trump announced his country's withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran and reimposed tough sanctions on Tehran for its role in destabilizing the Middle East. LINK
Frank26: 12-4-19 ......... BANK SHOT
Tonight we have our bank expert with us…Angel1…and the banks are talking.
Angel1: Mike Pence came to Iraq last week and delivered the rider….This is HUGE!!!!!.And he didnt come alone….with him were big people with big credentials…
And all my banking contacts are so excited because the banks of Iraq all agreed to no loans for the next 30 days……this is giving them a runway for the take-off!!!! ALL THE BANKS AGREED TO THIS because they know its coming…..and we are in an incredible window!!! The banks if Iraq are in unity and they are all listening to the CBI!!!
Frank26 And where did Pence go?
Angel1: He went to the Kurds….to Kurdistan….he came bearing gifts…he brought the rider to the budgetand the HCL…and the gift he brought is what we have been waiting for … America is ready and the UST is ready and we are pushing this along
Angel1: The UN was there and they said they were thinking of putting sanctions on…..but they didn’t do it…because the UN has dinars and they are going to fund themselves with the reinstatement of the Iraqi Dinar…….The Fab 4 is the UN, The WB, the IMF and the UST which is Donald Trump. …
Angel1: Not only are the Banks in Iraq in unity but the Fab 4 is also in unity….They all say go ahead and raise the value…My contacts are in HIGH ALERT right now because of the speed in which this is happening
There is much more………….
Please listen to the replay for all the news……
Frank26 Video and KTFA Members Monday Afternoon 12-2-19
Ryan1216: I'm keeping the month of December in prayer
Frank26: IMO ............. AFTER TONIGHT'S MONDAY CC .................. MANY WILL...........AMEN.
Frank26: 12-2-19....... NO SOUP AND NO LOANS FOR YOU
Ryan1216: I'm keeping the month of December in prayer
Frank26: IMO ............. AFTER TONIGHT'S MONDAY CC .................. MANY WILL...........AMEN.
Frank26: 12-2-19....... NO SOUP AND NO LOANS FOR YOU
Doc.K: Dec 20. …..USA runs out of $$$
Don961: Al-Hadithi: The cabinet will send the budget law to parliament in the coming days
Prime Minister Saad al-Hadithi's office confirmed on Sunday that the cabinet is continuing to complete the federal budget bill for 2020 despite the acceptance of the resignation of Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi.
Al-Hadithi said in a statement followed by "Trend Press", that "the transfer of the government to conduct a daily business does not hinder the completion of the draft federal budget law for 2020 as a fundamental part of the work of the government," pointing out that "the Council of Ministers in the process of completing the budget law during the coming days and send To the House of Representatives. ”
He added that "the Council of Ministers is committed to complete the budget quickly because of the existence of financial commitments can not be stopped for any reason."
He explained that "the Council is about to complete the law fully in the coming days." link
Doodlebug: So we have the Kurdish "delegation" in Baghdad right now, without Barzani doing last minute dotting of the "i's" and crossing of the "t's" and Mahdi's office is announcing that the Budget will go to Parliament in the coming days. LOL yeah okay... "Tell them what they've won, Johnny!" The Citizens have won an agreed upon deal between Baghdad and Kurdistan! Come on Salih, make the announcement (Kurdistan/Bahgdad Deal), I know you want to! All IMOO.
Pete2001: "cant be stopped for any reason"....certainly like that!!
MilitiaMan: In essence imo this will expose the 2018-2019 (rider) that may have been or was used to keep the 2020 Budget under wraps to date.. And this is all to happen within the coming days.. So they say they need to do it quickly, as there is an existence of financial commitments that can not be stopped, thus, they merely suspended the financial commitments (loans / cotnracts) for the month ending 01/02/2020, as noted in the article Delta posted. - ..imo.. ~ If that is the case then, shut the front door Alice! lol ~imo~ MM
MilitiaMan: The data sure seems to suggest that many fronts are converging.. All good too. imo..
Samson: Parliamentary Finance: The budget of 2020 almost complete and the resignation of the government will not hinder its access to Parliament
09:25 - 02/12/2019
The decision of the Parliamentary Finance Committee Ahmed al-Saffar, on Monday, that the budget of 2020 is almost complete and left only sent to parliament, indicating that the resignation of the government will not hinder the arrival of the budget to the House of Representatives, as the budget was prepared before the resignation of the government.
Saffar said in a statement to the information, that "the 2020 budget is almost complete and it was hoped that the government sent to the parliamentary Finance Committee this week, but the resignation of the government will delay the arrival of the budget."
He added that "the government will send the budget to parliament and that does not conflict with the law, although it is a caretaker government, because it has prepared the budget before resigning."
He explained that 'the budget and if not approved during the current year, the Financial Management Law stipulates that the government operates a budget 1/12 and operating only the same paragraphs and items of the 2019 budget, until the adoption of the new budget.'
He pointed out that "the delay in the 2020 budget has seen a lot of changes in addition to the inclusion of the demands of the demonstrators in its items, where almost daily changes in paragraphs." LINK
Giants: Thought this may interest some. I've been tracking the daily exchange rate from some time now and this is the first time they are only showing monthly exchange rate averages, with December being empty.
Things that make you go hmmmm... A break in pattern or a change to something else???? Also for those who care, the link will show the historical value of the IQD from 1974. Just adding to your study for the newbies. https://cbi.iq/news/view/1128
Samson: Masoudi: The interim government is much more important than it will follow for these reasons
09:15 - 02/12/2019
The deputy of the alliance of Sairon Riad Masoudi, on Monday, that the interim government is very important in order to establish a good atmosphere for the holding of fair early elections, pointing to the importance of choosing a strong prime minister gives everyone the freedom of choice.
"The interim government is much more important than the future government," he said.
He added that "the interim government, which will be established to hold early elections, it will take into account the principle of empowerment, participation, transparency and availability, where these Muslim women will increase the rate of participation in power, and who will come to parliament is elected from the people."
"The next prime minister should be strong to provide freedom of choice, in order for all voters to be equal in terms of ability, competition and running," Masoudi said. LINK
Samson: Minister: Most of Kurdistan's constitutional rights and demands are decided by the federal budget
2nd December, 2019
The Minister of Planning in the Kurdistan Regional Government Dara Rashid said on Monday that most of the constitutional rights of the region were fixed in the draft federal budget law for 2020.
"Our delegation is still in Baghdad and I think the budget has been finalized and there are no problems left around it," Rashid told reporters in Arbil.
He added that "has been installed and most of the demands and rights of the Kurdistan region legal and constitutional in the budget in 2020." LINK
Samson: Saleh discusses with three delegations achieving security and reforms in Iraq
2nd December, 2019
President Barham Salih received on Monday at the Peace Palace in Baghdad, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General in Iraq, Jenin Hennes Blaskhart, and the European Union and Russian Ambassadors to Iraq Martin Huth and Maxim Maksimov separately.
During the meeting, they discussed international support to enhance security, stability and reforms in the country, as well as ways to improve bilateral relations and achieve common interests.
They also reviewed the latest political developments on the regional and international arenas. LINK
News, Rumors and Opinions Late Sat.PM/ Early Sun.AM
A few highlights from Frank Saturday night video
FireFly 77/Eddie : in Iraq: all senior officials have fled to the airport….no more immunity from crimes…….they are trying to leave…… They RAN……..just like RATS!!
It's on TV…...they are trying to leave but citizens are blocking the roads to airport..
Iran agents are fleeing……..Isis and the Taliban are gone..
Thousands of citizens are in the streets celebrating..
The 2020 budget had a rider in it..for the post RV rate
A few highlights from Frank Saturday night video
FireFly 77/Eddie : in Iraq: all senior officials have fled to the airport….no more immunity from crimes…….they are trying to leave…… They RAN……..just like RATS!!
It's on TV…...they are trying to leave but citizens are blocking the roads to airport..
Iran agents are fleeing……..Isis and the Taliban are gone..
Thousands of citizens are in the streets celebrating..
The 2020 budget had a rider in it..for the post RV rate
Frank26: 11-30-19.... LET MY PEOPLE GO !!!
In less than 24 hours a major change just occurred
Q&A of about 36 questions then the Iraq news/update
The following is strictly Frank26’s opinion.
(Call starts about minute 14:00 of video)
Samson: Hadithi announces new provisions against senior officials
30th November, 2019
Prime Minister Saad al-Hadithi's press office announced on Saturday that new orders had been issued against senior officials on suspicion of corruption.
"There is a central special court for corruption crimes, which was formed in coordination between the executive judiciary," he said.
He pointed out that "the court issued a decision to the investigative bodies in the courts of appeal in all the courts of Iraq to issue arrest warrants and recruitment and seizure of funds to anyone found guilty of suspicion of corruption."
Al-Hadithi revealed that dozens of recruitment, detention, arrest and even prison sentences were issued against senior officials at the level of ministers, governors, members of parliament and members of provincial councils, noting that "work is continuing in this regard and other decisions will be issued in succession in the next few days." LINK
Samson: These are the provinces that have disrupted official working hours in Iraq
30th November, 2019
Wasit and Dhi Qar have joined the provinces, which announced the suspension of official working on Sunday.
The heads of the provincial government in the province of Babil and Diwaniya announced the disruption of official working Sunday to mourn the lives of the victims of the demonstrations that took place in the past few days.
Al-Muthanna, Diyala and Karbala provinces also announced the suspension of working hours tomorrow for the same purpose. The local government in the province of Najaf announced the suspension of working hours on Sunday.
Governor Louay al-Yasiri said in a statement today that Sunday 1/12/2019 is an official holiday throughout the province, with the exception of the security, service and health departments, to mourn the lives of the victims of the demonstrations in the city. Dozens of people have been killed and wounded in the past two days in clashes between security forces and protesters in Dhi Qar province, Najaf and Karbala. LINK
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Frank26 …In my opinion the CBI will be coming out and talking probably tomorrow. Because IMO they’re [CBI and the new Finance Committee] talking right now tonight.
Frank26 …the citizens of Iraq when they found out this morning what was going on [Mahdi resigning] they flooded the streets…but this time it was everybody, men, women, children, dogs, cats, birds and camels. Everybody… they were recognizing the United States of America…the people are going crazy because they now have everything they dreamed of…this is a Ta-da moment for me and my teams. I mean we’re looking at 7 events that we have been talking about with our files study giving our opinions on it that today on this day the 29th it all came to fruition.
Tishwash: The cabinet is holding an extraordinary session
The Council of Ministers held an extraordinary session on Saturday to discuss the resignation of the prime minister and members of the government.
The Prime Minister's Media Office, which announced yesterday its intention to submit his resignation to parliament, said in a statement received by Alsumaria News, "The Council of Ministers held, on Saturday morning, an extraordinary session called by Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi to present the subject of his resignation and the government and submitted to the Council MPs, and to discuss the duties of the government to conduct daily matters in accordance with the Constitution. "
The statement added that "the Prime Minister stressed the principle of peaceful transfer of power in the democratic system, and that the achievement of the interests of the people is an easy goal before him everything, noting that the government has done everything possible to respond to the demands of the demonstrators and to provide reform packages, appointments, plots of land and important bills like Elections, the Commission, the Federal Service Council, the Acting Positions, Preparing the Federal Budget, and Working Under an Integrated Government Program. "
The statement pointed out, "The Prime Minister called on the House of Representatives to find appropriate solutions at its next meeting, and also called on members of the government to continue their work until the formation of the new government."
He continued, "The Prime Minister reviewed the complex circumstances in which the government was formed and the challenges faced and the achievements made in the past period at the internal level and external relations."
The statement pointed out that "the Council of Ministers voted at the end of the special session, the resignation of the Director of the Office of the Prime Minister and the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers."
Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi announced on Friday that he would submit an official letter to the House of Representatives requesting his resignation. link
How Much Cash Does Your Bank Really Have? Only 9% Of Americans Can Answer Correctly
Silver Report Uncut: Dec 1, 2019
How does fractional reserve banking work? Today we cover a survey done by Genesis Mining to determine what average Americans believe the fed does, who owns the Fed, how much money do banks need to hold in reserve.
The crazy part is 91% of respondents didn't know banks are only required to hold 10% of deposits in reserves.
Also not surprising 30% of Americans believed the Dollar is still backed by gold many just answered "I don't know".
The results reveal the solution to our current problem begins with education about our economy