Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 1-11-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 1-11-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday January 11th and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in all over this beautiful marble globe – Thanks for listening whether it’s live or on the replay – I’m excited and let’s have a great call tonight
Let’s get into some of the intel and see what’s going on – I know you see things out there – or you read things – and I know that sometimes you simulate what you’re reading and I know a lot of it is not what’s going on – some of it is just artificial – Let’s go back and talk a little bit about Iraq – since Iraq seems to be the lynchpin to everything that’s going on – yeah they are sort of the lynchpin – like sort of – very important but Iraq has been doing what they are supposed to do for a long time –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 1-11-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday January 11th and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in all over this beautiful marble globe – Thanks for listening whether it’s live or on the replay – I’m excited and let’s have a great call tonight
Let’s get into some of the intel and see what’s going on – I know you see things out there – or you read things – and I know that sometimes you simulate what you’re reading and I know a lot of it is not what’s going on – some of it is just artificial – Let’s go back and talk a little bit about Iraq – since Iraq seems to be the lynchpin to everything that’s going on – yeah they are sort of the lynchpin – like sort of – very important but Iraq has been doing what they are supposed to do for a long time –
They do have a new rate – they had it a week ago last Sunday and then supposedly they were going to bring out a new rate this past Sunday but then their banks were closed Monday and then they were going to bring it out today –
Well – the latest information we got from one of our sources in Fallujah today was the big screens are there – they are going to announce their new rate and bring it out tomorrow – (Wednesday) the 12th - that’s very interesting –
Other things about Iraq – have they done everything they were supposed to do – I don’t care if they seat their government completely or not – that’s not something that’s going to affect what we’re doing with the Iraqi Dinar
The other thing – the information that some people have heard or read about Dr Shabibi having passed away –is greatly exaggerated and incorrect - He is NOT dead - he is in a very safe place - He is in the United States and has been here for several days and is alive and well - I can report – so that’s good news
So Iraq is obviously happy to be out of Chapter 7 Chapter 8 – they are a Sovereign Nation – they are not going ahead without us or on their own - they are very closely linked to what we are doing and there’s no separation there that seems to be talked about –
Did they in fact peg to the Chinese Yuan – if they have it’s only for the purpose to trade with oil from Iraq – it’s not like they have completely depegged – if they depegged from anything – they depegged from the USD which is the fiat dollar – right? Federal Reserve Note – the fiat dollar is dead and they don’t want to be pegged to that but are they about to be pegged to the USN? Yes - our new dollar USN – US Note - we sometimes called it US New – a longer version is United States Treasury Note – USTN – you might have heard that term – I’ve used it for years –
The USTN is the United States Treasury Note that is our currency – our money – our folding paper money that goes in our wallets or pocket ok - that USTN currency has been in the redemption centers and in some banks for months now – it’s been in the vaults and in certain safes and it has been packaged in shrink wrap and just this past Saturday redemption centers staff were able to unwrap it and look at it for the first time – to get familiar with the notes –
It is slightly colorized so I would not call it rainbow currency but I would say it does have different shades to it – it’s a very secure currency and it is something that should be if it’s not in the drawers ready to put at the teller windows and in our ATM’s – it is very close to having that happen -
I think they will bring that out – they might not bring it out right away but I don’t know – I think they will bring it out sooner rather than later –
Do we need an announcement about gold backed dollar – a USTN as opposed to a Federal Reserve Note – I don’t know that we will get an announcement about – but I think that when NESARA really kicks in in a bigger way which may not be till the end of this month or maybe even in February we get a bigger launch of NESARA and GESARA internationally – but when that happens and they decide to bring us information about what is involved with NESARA – why are we going to be receiving this – why do we get our income tax money back - why do we get our birth certificate funds /bond funds that were traded on our birth certificates – why do we get all of these things that we know about we are going to receive back – at that time they may be bringing out a gold standard and talk about us being back on a gold or an asset backed currency –
Hard to say exactly when that’s going to occur – it doesn’t really matter when that happens – we know that it is going to happen and we know that a lot of things are going to happen that will be very good for us in the near future
Now let’s talk a little bit about the bond holders- we had been told from some very good sources that the bond holders were to have received emails that would say that they had access to their accounts as early as today – we were expecting that to occur - It did not happen as far as I can tell –
But what has happened is there are things called super whales – bond holders that are really big bond holders with their funds eventually handled out of Zurich, Switzerland - and we had information that said if everything goes right over night last night things would get started in Australia – New Zealand and early morning for us in the United States which we’re on a 7 hour time difference from Zurich to the East Coast - that early morning like in the 2-3 am range Eastern time that the bond holders would those super whales would have their accounts activated and they would begin to have liquidity
And remember I reported I think a week ago that first in first out bondholders transacted would be the first to be paid out - that’s not true -- what we did find out and this was from Simon Parks was that actually all the bond holders will be paid out at the same time hence – the shotgun start – applying to all bond holders receiving access to their accounts – they can see their accounts now – if they have their codes that were sent to them and enter those properly they could see their accounts on their computers but they cannot get access to the funds y et - ok that’s requiring an extra email with green light that will give them the access to that with a different access code –
But in the meantime we have also heard that not only will the super whales be paid out essentially and have access to funds but all bond holders that we’ve talked about in the past should all receive access to their funds at the same time –
Now I’ve contended for a long time that we in tier 4 – more specifically tier 4B - will be notified probably pretty close to the time that the bond holders can get access to their funds - pretty close – maybe we’re actually in a very real sense going at the same time as everyone in tier 3 gets access to their funds – we’ll see
The latest information we have heard is pointing – and we are getting this out of our source in Zurich - tells us that they are prepared to pay out the bond funds – like we’ve talked about – tomorrow out of Zurich which – let’s look at that as 7 hours ahead of us on the East Coast – right now –
If that occurs which we fully expect and believe this time it will – tomorrow – it didn’t today - but guess why it didn’t? they had a little clean up to do even in Zurich with a paymaster involved with these super whales – there was some clean up – alright – they have that taken care of now and now so we have the ability for them to start and get that done for the bond holders -
Now along with that what we’re hearing – I am going to give you two versions of this - the first version is – if that occurs which it should tomorrow morning Zurich time – it should mean that we will be notified for our exchanges anytime between Wednesday and Saturday –
Now – some recent information from this evening – right before the Big Call – is indicating that when these bond holders get that green light to go ahead in the morning from Zurich that we should receive our notifications at least this is what we’re getting - we could receive our notifications even as early as tomorrow afternoon –
Now if we get it tomorrow afternoon then boom we set our appointments and maybe we don’t start exchanges Wednesday but maybe Thursday –
So – if that happens and we get our notifications - remember they have the capability to send out a million emails at one time and we’ve got about 1.424 million at last count – emails going out from Wells Fargo and they’re going to release them at the same time in each time zone so that even though 1.424 million they can do all of those because they are not all going out at the same time but at the same time in each time zone – Eastern – Central – Pacific – Mountain – Alaska – Hawaii - That’s how we believe we’re going to be notified with those –
Now my job is to make sure the people that don’t have emails for out found out about the 800 numbers to call in to set their appointments and that’s why we’re going to post that on the front page of Big Call Universe
We expect to have 2 toll free numbers – for the call centers - One for those who do not have zim and one for people that have zim and whether they have other currency or not is fine too – You will use the one that applies to you
The people that are zim holders – because of the value of that they want those people to call in and then get transferred from central call centers to the individuals at the redemption center that are there to physically set the appointments for you – your connection will be made to someone who will actually be working with you at the redemption center
Certain of our sources are talking about us getting started as early as tomorrow afternoon – it could be hit and miss – between now and Saturday but I know the Chinese wanted it to go today – was what I heard – so maybe if it does go tomorrow they will be happy with that
I feel like we really are there – Iraq is ready to go – remember they’ve got the jumbo truant and big screens up in all the cities to post their new rate tomorrow – to put it out to be international and to show their sovereignty – they are celebrating for that and I think that says a lot right there – if they do bring that rate out like we hear it will probably be after morning prayer – and I think we could get our notification –
Really I think the bonds being out – those transactions it’s possible they happen overnight cause they could do that cause they are going to advise those bond holders by email but then again it could start at 9 am in Zurich –
So whatever happens it will all be good for us – I hope we do get notified tomorrow (Wednesday) and if so this is our final Big Call -
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:17:35
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-6-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-6-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday January 6th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody all over the globe – wherever you’re tuning in from whether it is live or on the replay – Thanks for listening – I’m excited about what I have to bring to you tonight
Ok now this is an interesting night because this is sort of like a pre celebration thing that I want to bring out to everybody tonight –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-6-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday January 6th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody all over the globe – wherever you’re tuning in from whether it is live or on the replay – Thanks for listening – I’m excited about what I have to bring to you tonight
Ok now this is an interesting night because this is sort of like a pre celebration thing that I want to bring out to everybody tonight –
First of all let me thank Sue for having researched and found what might be a very important part of Rebuild America – I say might be because this is a company that Sue has found that we’re going to be contacting about helping be a major force in leadership and in so many different areas of Rebuild America –
it seems like from the information that Sue has found and researched and brought to me that she may have found a verifiable gold mine in this company –
I’m excited because I think that it could be a really good fit for what we’re going to do and I will be reporting on that in a future podcast as we get those meetings and make that scenario come together
Beyond that – what we know that is happening now – is that – I told you we knew an individual that was actually taking care of the linking of all of the countries of the world’s treasury banks – I called it - they are no longer using the term “central banks” – so we’re going to call it right now – their treasury banking system – all of those have been thoroughly tested and all of the information and coding has been uplinked to the StarLink Satellite System – and all of these countries have been tested 3 different times to make sure their codes correspond with the countries are completely functioning in the new financial system – that was accomplished and completed last night about 8:30 Eastern Standard time –
So what came from that has been very positive for us and we’ve come to find some good information that I will let you know in a minute –
The bond holders I believe we told you Tuesday night that certain of the bond holders had started – we came to find out that those that were facilitator’s to the bond holders was a term that was used – introducers was another term that was used for those that had bonds – those introducers started to be paid as well as bond holders and the introducers are the ones that catch the 1% - that’s the commission which I believe is 1% of the gross and is a lot – much more than you would think s an introduction fee or introductory commission –
Those funds are continuing to flow and that means they are actually seeing the funds over the last couple of days and they’re actually able to spend and get access to them – now the bond holders also started about 2 days ago and they are working on a system called ?? FIFO – First In First Out - meaning that the bonds that were first put up for sale and transacted – table top meetings – those bond holders that were the very first ones to do that are the first ones to be paid and the first ones to gain access to those funds –
Remember – I said on Tuesday night that these bond sellers get 20% of their total to last them for the first 90 days and then after that they get whatever they need of the remaining 80% of their balance
So that is a lot different than it had been reported and even to me because I did not get the truth on that until last Tuesday – so that’s really good news – in other words – those are tier 3 players – bond holders primarily – bond and asset holders – those guys are moving through and you know what – it may take a little while to pay them all out completely – it will take them another 3 months to pay out – that does not mean that we are not going now – because that will take a while to pay them out sufficiently – that is a lot they are getting and they are taking care of those people – so don’t worry about that – and finally getting started – it will just take a while because there are thousands of those bond holders –
But we are getting good solid information really from all three – Reno – New York – and Miami –are active at getting this done –
Now let’s cut to where we are – we know that the funds that are supporting our transactions – our exchanges and redemption of zim – are coming from the Rodriquez Trust – based in the Philippines is a large Trust that has already been starting to disperse funds to North America to our Treasury and from our treasury to the various member banks that are doing exchanges and to the redemption centers for our exchanges – for our access to funds – that is happening as of yesterday and today and I’m sure that will continue to happen as they need to move these funds from the treasury to these various banks - Now this is really positive because that money is in place –
So money is flowing like never before – Iraq is in a position for as forming a new government – they are about to bring out their new rate on Sunday again – they had one last Sunday – I don’t know if it will increase – I suspect it might go up – they have a nice in country rate – I told you last time that the rate they are showing for us on our screens exceeds what Dr Shabibi projected for us at the Chamber of Commerce meeting - where our own friend Blue Star attended and asked him that all important question “What will the Dinar Be Worth?”
He got that answer that said several times on the call in the past – so that’s really moving along in that direction very nicely –
Now when it comes down to us and our timing we had been told that we would go shortly after the bond holders started receiving access to their funds - we are still in that arena and there is other information that also may come into play but we do have it on very good authority that our side of the RV is how it was put – will start this weekend –
Now that is referring to Saturday or Sunday – and to be completely safe – one additional source is saying it could be Sunday / Monday - just saying …… so we don’t – we obviously do not have it in our hands now but I believe this information is very strong based on the sources where originated and I feel that this will finally be our opportunity to set our appointments and start our exchanges
So I feel excellent about that – I feel like this is finally getting to the point where we have something solid as far as our start – and when it said “our side of the RV” and I think that is referring to tier 4 as opposed to tier 3 with all the bond holders being paid out now – tier 4A & 4B – which Wells Fargo refers to simply as “tier 4” - our side of the RV will start this weekend –
So I think that is tremendous and I love that and realize I’m only telling you what I’m hearing and these are from very highest of sources – so I feel this is really good information for us – I’m excited about it but as always – do not quit your day job – stay with your Plan A - we cannot move off from Plan A until our toll free numbers are emailed from Wells Fargo – Once those come to us and we can take those numbers and set our appointments that is when you have something that is absolutely rock solid –
I feel really good about maintaining an even strain as they said in Top Gun pertaining to the fighter pilots – Maintain your Plan A – you can be thinking and use your imagination as we all do about what your Plan B looks like
That’s pretty much what I wanted to bring to you tonight – the point is we are that close - finally and we have on the best authority that we can get that we are looking at the weekend for us to get notified – So everybody hang in there and stay positive
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:03:20
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 1-4-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 1-4-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday January 4th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody thanks for tuning in I hope everybody had a wonderful and safe New Year’s – our last call was on the 30th of December so that now we’re in 2022 off and running – and I think we’re going to have a really fun call tonight – I’m excited about it –
So – let’s go to our intel segment - this is very good – this is very interesting because we know some things that are just not out there – we know some people that are just not known – and I am going to say this – we always have a way to take a look back and say – oh I see what they are doing – I see why that could not go then – because this needs to happen – oh and then there was this that needed to happen –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 1-4-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday January 4th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody thanks for tuning in I hope everybody had a wonderful and safe New Year’s – our last call was on the 30th of December so that now we’re in 2022 off and running – and I think we’re going to have a really fun call tonight – I’m excited about it –
So – let’s go to our intel segment - this is very good – this is very interesting because we know some things that are just not out there – we know some people that are just not known – and I am going to say this – we always have a way to take a look back and say – oh I see what they are doing – I see why that could not go then – because this needs to happen – oh and then there was this that needed to happen –
Alright – so let’s go all the way back to 2021 – the last day – New Year’s Eve – gosh it seems like a long time ago – but no not that long ago was it - the last call we did was on the 30th of December and then New Year’s eve was the next day - well that day we didn’t have this information for Thursday’s call - I’ve got it for tonight
So what happened on New Year’s Eve Day was very impressive – there was a conference call with President Trump and Steven Mnuchin – our Treasury Secretary – ad Judy Shelton – Remember Judy Shelton was appointed by the President to help in getting the RV done - just helping putting the pieces together and make it happen –
The three of them are on a conference call with 78 Nation’s Financial Leaders – and I am going to tell you these were 70 of the most prominent of our 206 or 209 Nations – across the globe – we’ve heard 206 – 209 - whatever - it’s in that range –
Well on that day the call was 1 hr 18 mins 42 seconds – and it was a really important – informative call that of course was bringing these countries’ leaders up to speed on what was happening with the new financial system and essentially the launch of the global currency reset –
Now what was interesting to me was – they discussed the concept of trade between all of these Nations now on par with one another – on par - that means that a USN new dollar would be worth the same as a you pick it - Zimbabwe dollar - a Chinese Yuan – a Russian Ruble etc etc – Pick a currency – pick a country –
So that concept we understand is being rolled out or taking place – now it doesn’t mean that all of the rates that we have currencies for will be that way but it will come to that eventually - ok – we’re not there yet but that’s where we’re going – I think fairly soon – ok – I don’t know the time frame on it but it’s pretty quick
Now the next day which was January 1st Saturday – last Saturday – seems like weeks ago to me now – the remaining countries of the world - take your 209 – 78 – would be 131 countries – they were on the second call –that was held on Saturday - and it probably had to do with time zones and administration trying to coordinate certain countries on similar time zones to make it to the call – and that’s what they did – and it was a very effective call that needed to take place because of this information that had to be put out to all of these individuals for their country - and so that’s a very positive thing –
And we heard it reported that Putin of Russia told after that call told all of his people in his country that the wording was not GCR has started but he said that we are under a new financial system – did he say GCR? In Russian? I understand he did not use that term but he basically told everybody in Russian that we are under a new financial system – I do not know if he went into detail or whatever on that – and we know that all currencies in the globe under the global currency reset are valued based on the assets of each individual country –and they all are essentially backed by gold – other precious metals – oil – properties – etc etc other assets -
That is the basis for the whole thing to begin with – to get that – now eventually – I don’t know how long it will take – we are not that far away from it –though - we will have a level playing field for everyone across the globe – the same opportunity for housing – food – water – education – job creations – etc etc etc - and a lot of that is what we’re all about – that is what our job is – to help get it out there – with these projects –
Ok let’s go back to where we are now – that was only 3 days ago - it seems like weeks ago to me – so here we are today (Tuesday) and what we know is we know an individual who has been chosen – selected as “the individual” that is contacted electronically all countries – individual treasury banks – the term central banks is NO LONGER being used –
We are using the term Treasury Individual country’s Treasury or make it easy – Treasury Bank - now every country has been tested 3 times to see if they can be reached – to test the new system – with a “ping” that is sent – a “ping” that is received another “ping” that it is sent - 3 different tests on every country on the globe – it started a little while ago – I think I even mentioned this on Thursday’s call – and if it started prior to that and guess when it finishes?????
We understand it should be completed by midnight tonight (Tuesday) – so the additional information that I’m going to bring you is lining up beautifully with finishing the testing of all 209 countries financial system so that everybody is on the new financial system –
Now – beyond that we look at what’s the status of the accounts that the bond holders / bond sellers have now – we’ve talked about it at least last Tuesday maybe last Thursday – that they can see the funds in their account – meaning they can see an account balance and a lot of them are very very large –
Now – what have they not been able to gain access to? THE MONEY - they have not been able to get access to these funds so it’s not about pay outs or being paid - it’s about liquidity being in the account and getting access to it so that you can spend it – so that they can spend it – do whatever it is in tier 3 that they were going to do –
So here’s another clarification - you remember for at least a year or two - we talked about them getting 1% or 1 ½ % of their funds for the first 90 days etc – remember? We talked about that – well guess what? That was not true – that was conceived and brought up by the Deep State – How much do they really get access to? 20%
When that liquidity becomes available – like available funds in your checking account – when those funds are available – they get 20% of the total – the mother lode - 20% of it to last them for the first 90 days
Beyond the 90 days it’s Carte Blanche - they can get access to every bit of it – and let’s face it a lot of these accounts are quite large and there’s no way they are going to use 20% of their total in 90 days – no way in this world – but – they have the option to take as much and use as much of the 20%
I think our limitations are not going to be quite the limit as we thought either – we need to think in terms of what we need for the first 90 days or maybe let’s go to 6 months – let them know which ever you are comfortable with - I need this much personal for the first 90 days or 6 months and I need this much to start my projects for the first 6 months or 90 days - However you decide to do it – Either one would be helpful and I think either one would work
So – let’s go back to where we were - the bond holders / bond sellers will have access based on getting notifications by email and they should receive those notifications on 2 different times – after midnight tonight giving them access to funds access to that 20% liquidity tomorrow - or email notifications tomorrow night (Wednesday night) giving them access to funds on Thursday –
Now why the 2 opportunities? One versus the other? There are probably several factors one of which would have been the completion of this gentleman who has worked all the nations on the globe and has worked by uploading code and information to the StarLink System - ok – and contacting the various countries -- what we’re saying is ---- there is an opportunity – we are talking bond holders – now the people that are overseeing the codes going out to the bond holders they have to enter to get access to their accounts – ok where that’s coming out of and in Reno – Miami – Zurich -
We know specifically some people that are involved in that position – and so that information its coming out to say that we in tier 4 A & B – we are supposed to be notified with our emails coming from Wells Fargo which would contain our 800 numbers - we are supposed to be the day after the bond holders gain access to their funds –
So that brings if the bond holders are in business tomorrow or Thursday it’s possible that we are in play as early as tomorrow but quite possibly Thursday or Friday – I don’t want to write off tomorrow (Wednesday) yet for us – but realistically we may have a full day to wait after the bond holders are notified –
Could they be notified after midnight tonight? Very much so – it is looking like it – could they defer after midnight Wednesday night? it is possible – so be open to possibility of either one - open to the fact we are very close to receiving our notifications as well
There is another time line that has been put out that is pretty well received that came from a person of a lead bank – in the United States – and the suggestion is this needs to be done with tier 4 between the 5th and 8th of this month – the 8th is Saturday –
Now – part of the reason of this is that Iraq is supposed to bring out their new rate again – they’ve already brought one out last Sunday – and it’s already in excess of what Dr Shabibi said our value would be on the Dinar – and you remember we’ve talked about that over the years - you remember what that rate was -
They are coming out with either an updated version of that Sunday as well as the introduction of their new government – that is supposed to take place Sunday – Iraq time –
So we are supposed to be launched prior to that – that means realistically – we should be there Wednesday – Thursday – Friday – or Saturday – in the next 4 days - and it might be tomorrow but it could be Thursday – and we start Friday - you know what I’m saying - we can’t absolutely pin it down but things are moving through and the guy that was supposed to complete the testing with all of these countries financial systems projected that he would be done at 11:30 am tomorrow (Wed) – that was the earlier projection today –
The latest projection he gave was he would have it finished by midnight tonight – so that moved us up a half day - in effect - which is a good thing
We know the rates are going to be very strong – we are not going to be concerned about that – we know that we have the ability to earn a little bit less on our money that we had previously thought but that does vary up and down – no reason to be set on any one number – it was a little bit under 7% that we would be able to earn on our structured pay outs -
I think the structured pay outs for zim holders are optional but you might as well put the money to work a little bit and go 25 -50 – 100 years with it – whatever you feel comfortable with – and realize if something were to happen someone else would have to be appointed to take over your accounts and your projects – You will most likely get several pages of bank perks to consider –
Do not discuss anything with anyone that is not on your list –
I think we are down to the part right now where we are at a very short waiting time – this could be our last call – we could have one Thursday – we don’t know – We could get numbers before then - but – let’s see what happens – this is a little bit of a waiting game as everybody knows – so let’s stay positive – be thankful in all things
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:16:25
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-30-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-30-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday December 30th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody thanks for tuning in - this is the first call of our 1th year of The Big Call – and hopefully this will be our “last” – and I will give you some information to support that during the intel segment – but we did cross the barrier last Tuesday night on our 10 year anniversary call – we are breaking in on our 11th year tonight and thanks everybody for tuning in –
Alright it’s getting late but we do have some intel that will update us from Tuesday night’s call and remember Tuesday we talked a little bit about everything – why this is sort of finally making sense to us – how we can sort of see some logic in all of this – it’s been tough to pin down – let’s face it – all of the intel - the good sources and not so good sources - you know we just do the best we can to find out what is really going on – and that is what I try to bring you - and that is what I’ve tried to do over the last 10 years - well this night is no different
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-30-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday December 30th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody thanks for tuning in - this is the first call of our 1th year of The Big Call – and hopefully this will be our “last” – and I will give you some information to support that during the intel segment – but we did cross the barrier last Tuesday night on our 10 year anniversary call – we are breaking in on our 11th year tonight and thanks everybody for tuning in –
Alright it’s getting late but we do have some intel that will update us from Tuesday night’s call and remember Tuesday we talked a little bit about everything – why this is sort of finally making sense to us – how we can sort of see some logic in all of this – it’s been tough to pin down – let’s face it – all of the intel - the good sources and not so good sources - you know we just do the best we can to find out what is really going on – and that is what I try to bring you - and that is what I’ve tried to do over the last 10 years - well this night is no different
Where we stand right now – let’s talk about where the bond holders are – they can see funds in their account – they can see balance total - they know that they have that money – just not available to them to spend yet – They also have dates in the screen that they can see when their approximate date is they should have access to those funds –
I’ve talked about pay outs - liquidity – now my big thing is about access to funds – it’s one thing to have in your account but to access it - can you spend it? Can you get to it? That is what we’re talking about – Getting access to these funds –
Now – some of the dates vary a little bit – but not more than 2-3 days difference – the ones that we know about – ok – we know for example in Reno and in Miami – where they are processing a lot of bond holders – paymasters of these bonds have been coming in at the rate of 8 flights an hour in Reno and 10 flights an hour into Miami – and that is as of 4 PM Pacific time today which would be 7 PM Eastern Standard Time tonight
So we know there is high traffic coming in that are paymasters coming in to oversee the final paying out of these bond funds – we’ve talked about different types of bonds – yellow dragon bonds – red dragon bonds – railroad bonds - German bonds - a number of others – and some I am not even cognizant of that are being processed and being put into an exchange into these accounts
So my theory – especially in the last few months has been that the bondholders seemingly were going to get paid way before us are actually going to get access to their funds approximately the same time that we get notified with our toll free number – emails – and when we set our appointments to go do our exchanges –
So we heard today through our sources is that the bond activity is ramping up and actually moving maybe a little quicker than they anticipated so that the bond holders liquidity or access to the funds might be as early as a day or 24 hours earlier than they heard – or maybe that was put on their account as a pay date – an availability date
So if that’s the case that’s really good news for them – now we know that the new form of our restored republic – constitutional republic starts on Saturday – January 1st - we know that the old USA Corporation Government ends on the 31st of December - we are definitely moving into a brand new form of 2022
We should have a new gold backed USN dollar – we should have some NESARA / GESARA things kicking in or maybe taking affect as of the 1st
We may ---- and I have a source that indicates that we’ll have the EBS – Emergency Broadcasting System – utilized by the 1st - New Years Day - we’ll see if that comes through – In a way that makes sense because there’s a lot of things that need to be brought out and disclosed starting the first of the year and I think we are going to have a lot of that
Now I’m not looking for just 10 days of 24 hrs a day disclosure – but I am looking for some forms of NESARA brought out for us and I’m also looking for this to be a continuing thing as – let’s put it this way – our history and some things that we learned that have been projected onto us are found to be untrue and therefore they need to be corrected –
Now I don’t know how that’s going to come about - exactly but I do think we are not looking at a 10 days of darkness – that 10 days of darkness was something that was to affect the Deep State – the Cabal - was not designed to affect us – so we’ll see what happens but I’m not looking for future disruption of internet or cell service anything - however when the EBS does take over – if it does - it would affect main stream media and broadcast bands - so beware of the possibility –
I am not saying it has to start on the 1st or will start but it’s a very good possibility – it’s a real good possibility that it could start on the 1st of January – the New Year
Now as a result of this scenario I brought to you tonight – I always ask what does it mean for us – and I’m thinking tier 4 A & B – what does it mean for us??
Does it mean that could change our start time for notifications and make them a little bit sooner – Well let’s let you know what I have that might support that –
Tomorrow is Friday the 31st and Saturday is the 1st - we know that redemption centers are staffing people that could set appointments tomorrow – Saturday and Sunday – that have staffing lined up at the redemption centers to set the appointments using the call centers and relay calls to their phones especially designed for that purpose –
Now with the people in the redemption centers that are capable of setting those appointments does that mean that we could possible get notified by our Wells Fargo emails? With the toll free numbers included to call to set our appointments? I think it brings - I think it certainly brings Saturday and maybe Sunday into play – for notifications but in my opinion – and it’s just my opinion – even if we did get notified Saturday - or Sunday – we would not start our exchanges until Monday or Tuesday the 3rd and 4th of January - I think I mentioned that to you on Tuesday –
So my point on this is to be open for the possibility to receive the email notifications from Wells Fargo the lead bank in all of this in North America –
Now the lead bank in the rest of the world – internationally is HSBC - so for us here in the states we should receive these emails and my theory of the same time in each time zone was also confirmed - so if it were 11 or 11:30 let’s say – in one time zone it would also have 11 or 11:30 let’s say in Central time or Mtn time – etc –
So we know they’ve got this in batches – we know approximately 1.42 million emails loaded and tested and everything is ready to roll - the satellites are being fully uplinked and uploaded with code and that was supposed to be completed by 6 PM today but we don’t know exactly if that occurred so that may still be in process but overall I think they’re gearing up to be completely ready for us to start
So the possibility I mentioned Tuesday I thought we’d be notified Monday or Tuesday and that could still be true but the possibility of this of us being notified a little sooner is also true – so I am saying keep an eye on your emails over the weekend and all the way into the new year Saturday – Monday we could have a really beautiful start to 2022 and I’m excited about it –
I really think it’s been a long time coming and we really have a lot to be thankful for if you are involved in this and if you’ve been in it for 17 years – and I transition in to 18 years pretty soon - but I do not want to go to the full 18 years I am finishing up my 17th year as being a part of this not just reading about it - not just knowing about it but being in it – and that’s a long time for anybody – and some of you have been in for 17 years – it’s hard to say anybody within before 2003 because that is when the new dinar currency was even printed - and some of the military got it early heads up and may have picked up some of the new dinar when they were serving in Iraq for example – that’s cool and they brought a lot of it back and they are in good shape – for sure -
I want to wish everyone happy and safe New Year
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK: Intel Begins 1:10:55
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-28-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-28-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday December 28th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in yet again - on this 10 year anniversary of The Big Call - that’s right 10 years ago today with the first Big Call
This is an interesting time because – and I don’t like treading water and going back in time too much – but we did get good information that appeared reliable that was saying we were going to get this before Christmas – remember - yes you remember - I remember – and then we thought well we’re going to get this right after – we’re going to get this right after Christmas and then here we are on the 28th with 3 days left to go in the year –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-28-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday December 28th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in yet again - on this 10 year anniversary of The Big Call - that’s right 10 years ago today with the first Big Call
This is an interesting time because – and I don’t like treading water and going back in time too much – but we did get good information that appeared reliable that was saying we were going to get this before Christmas – remember - yes you remember - I remember – and then we thought well we’re going to get this right after – we’re going to get this right after Christmas and then here we are on the 28th with 3 days left to go in the year –
And then we find out – wait a minute – there are things that need to be completed that are NOT completed yet – and let me let you know where we stand –
Let’s talk first about the bond holders because bond holders have been getting communications – emails from banks – trying to give them an idea when they are going to have access to their funds that they have already hypothecated these bonds months and months ago – alright –
So – in their case – they’re getting emails even today that are saying okay – with these codes you can look into your account – you can see your funds - BUT – you cannot get access – and this is kind of a “do not open until” scenario – because they have a date flashing – but they have no month or day with the year – it’s not there –
It doesn’t exist - it’s pending – pending – pending – well guess what? I think it is going to be pending until the time when we start our exchanges and our redemption of Zim – I’d almost even bet you money on it right now –
Here’s where I believe we are and why we’re here – we know of individuals personally that are working to get the StarLink Satellite System – Military version is called ProLink – getting it completely – fully activated – and we thought it was fully activated in the past – but it’s not – and it’s still not – and we have more things – more sequences that need to be entered in but should be complete by Thursday night - Should be !
We sort of know how these are being done - where they are being done – we know why it’s taking it’s time – it has to do with having a window of time – opportunity to put the information up to the satellite in a certain window of time –based on the orientation of the satellites around the earth – ok- so – that is going on – ongoing - right now – and is continuing – and will continue – until it is DONE
What else is going on is that our United States of America Corporation – the corporation that we’ve been under all of our lives I bet over 109 years now – ENDS on December 31 – 2021
The corporation itself will come to an end – that is terrific news – they thought it was already over – but this is the final ending of it –
Now – as a result – we do go into our Restored Constitutional Republic form of government –it’s a constitutional republic and it’s restored because we’re going back to what we had before the US was incorporated as a corporation – and I am not going into super depth with all of that – trust me to say that what we’re looking at is the NEW Financial System which uses the QFS – that new system will start as far as we can see it right now – in its completion starting January 1 2022
Now what happens by January 1st ?? We get the USN as a true gold and asset backed currency as our currency - the fiat dollar goes away - now our money here in the states will not be useless - it will be used for a few months – possibly as long as 3-6 months until the new USTN currency that we’ve talked about for years is out – meaning out to us – out in the stores - out at the banks – all of that – so don’t worry about if you have any cash – don’t spend every nickel you have before the end of the year
It will have a 1-1 value anyway for months after this goes with our new system – so that’s why really – not only do these codes and sequences need to be entered to the satellites but we need a 2 day gestational period to take place afterwards because of the fact that it has to happen globally all the way around the globe – right now sequences are being entered so that each country around the globe can be completely part of the StarLink System and the new financial system globally – its far more complicated I’m sure than I’m making it – right now
There’s that 2 day period - that is going to take place on the first and second of January which is Saturday and Sunday – we are not going to go on a holiday – January 1st - not going on Sunday - BUT – Monday 3rd is very much in play – that’s when our true window opens up – and I have from another reliable source that we should be absolutely (tier 4) notified between a window of before lunch time on Monday and setting appointments and exchanging all the way up to in other words start up to January 9th
So the 3rd through the 9th is our next window that we believe is a legitimate opportunity for us to get started – we had all of this that we did not know about even last Thursday – we did not know any of this – in fact we had other time lines and time frames that I was going to bring tonight – until I found this out last night and today –
So this is how much this is changing –and this is how much information finally has revealed itself to us – I feel very good about it –it makes perfect sense now – that we would start when we have the new financial system completed – ok – by the end of the year or by the beginning of the new year which is Saturday – the gold standard revisited – the new form of government – as a Restored Republic – starting on the 1st of January -
NESARA and GESARA could be kicking in a little more heavily starting on the 1st and everything looks like a clean break from the old and letting the old year go 2021 and the old system go - and letting the USD go – and letting the old financial system and old system of government we’ve been under – let it go big time – and look forward to the resurrection of and the re-instatement of our restored republic – constitutional republic – a new form of law – I think you’re going to see certain things in NESARA that should be announced –
I think you’re going to see a lot of interesting things start – now we don’t know when they’re going to utilize – if and when the EBS - we know there are certain things that are about to be disclosed – several different things very interesting and so we’re really setting up for a beautiful start for 2022 – and we are very much a part of that –
So I hope that information rings true to you and resonates with what I received today when it all sort of came together and made sense why we have not gone before now - why haven’t the bond holders been paid yet – Why hasn’t some of these other things why haven’t they been paid out -
All of this is beginning to really make sense and believe me – are there still pick ups and drop offs and clean up - oh yeah – big time – big time – so all of this is part of the plan - all a part of the plan – and you are a part of the plan too – The Big Call in a sense is a part of the plan because of what we’re doing in the way of our projects –
I am excited about it – I hope you’re excited – I want everybody - yes – I think it means we will have a call Thursday - and that should do it - that should take care of it – so now we know the reason behind the timing – we know what the time line is – roughly - and why it’s that way – and lets all just pray that everything gets completed according to this plan -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 1:12:04
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-23-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-23-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday December 23rd and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in wherever you are all over the globe and we look forward to putting out what we certainly hope is our final live call and I have evidence to project that – Let me put it that way – I’ve got some good stuff that I think will put a final nail in the wall on this – so we’ll see –
Ok let’s jump right into the intel - where we stand right now is in an interesting place for us because there had been some discussion and I think I was one that brought this out – that is there a possibility that we could actually receive this and get started with our exchanges before Christmas –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-23-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday December 23rd and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in wherever you are all over the globe and we look forward to putting out what we certainly hope is our final live call and I have evidence to project that – Let me put it that way – I’ve got some good stuff that I think will put a final nail in the wall on this – so we’ll see –
Ok let’s jump right into the intel - where we stand right now is in an interesting place for us because there had been some discussion and I think I was one that brought this out – that is there a possibility that we could actually receive this and get started with our exchanges before Christmas –
This is I believe what I heard was going to be doable – Well – It’s no longer doable – unfortunately our Christmas is going to happen AFTER Christmas - for us in the sense that our notifications my best understanding for that is that they are going to come out either Sunday or Monday after Christmas –
Let’s go back and discuss where we are and what is actually happening to put us where we are – We had a treaty of 72 nations had met in Singapore – to put together final details – and this is a GESARA type treaty – it GESARA event and they completed that 2 days ago and they initiated or implemented that treaty yesterday with the release of the green light emails to the bond holders that we have been talking about for quite a while – those are tier 3 – now we had a group of a little over 200 in New York – over 400 in Miami – and 300 in Reno waiting for things to happen - waiting for them a lot of these were paymasters – some were whales – some were group leaders – these were all people involved with bonds and assets waiting to receive that final email for their payment – their notification of liquidity –
Well as it would happen – yesterday evening 5 PM Reno time – 8 PM Eastern Standard Time the notifications were sent out by email and received by these various bond sellers – Over 900 today have received that information and they are essentially in line in various of these 3 cities – primarily some of the business that was going to be handled in New York was essentially moved and flown down to transact “today” in Miami –
These are with Wells Fargo and this is what they are doing – there is still one final communication coming from the overseers of the paymasters and that is an email to say how much liquidity they can have right now – right away – and when can they actually touch it – spend it ??? Gain access to it – and do something with it - ??
That is something that has been received by some and should be received by others tonight – very closely if not already tonight - that is part of what is happening – I told you that we were tied to the bond holders in the sense that they needed to get that email of liquidity and access seemingly before we received our notification – and it may be they don’t really have full availability of funds in their accounts even though they can see them – they can’t get full access until we’re notified – we still don’t know that – yet – that’s only a a presumption on my part
So – we’ve got the treaty that went into effect – we got the green light turned on for the bond holders to get those final documents of the many funds that are transacted through these bonds will be used to make America great again and build out infrastructure – I mean in Big numbers - Large numbers – not millions and billions but more like quad trillions – etc – which is pretty serious - pretty good money – to do all of this with - so that is a very positive move – that is what is occurring now –
Also what is to occur overnight – this is what really affects us in tier 4 – remember from the banks point of view tier 4A and tier 4B is seen just as tier “4” – they just want us in together - but what is happening overnight tonight is the money – funds to support tier 4 for our exchanges and redemption of zim – that is being sent overnight tonight into what I believe what we’re going to call a QFS Treasury Account so that will be able to be utilized as we open our accounts which will be our large mother lode account will be considered part of the QFS Treasury Account -
We’ll each have one that will be essentially backed by the assets that we have as a country in the United States Treasury and believe me there is plenty there to back up our deposits that we make for making them through Wells Fargo but they’re actually held by a treasury account a QFS treasury Account
Now all of that language is a little bit difficult to conceive of at this time but I’m sure we’ll get a good explanation when we’re in the redemption center on how that works and how we access it and so on –
One thing I found very interesting yesterday that was sort of a last minute move – was that wells Fargo has taken over the control and execution of the redemption centers throughout the united states – so that if you had a redemption center that was going to be tied to or connected to Bank of America or a Citi Bank or Chase – they’re all being taken over by Wells Fargo –
So in other words Wells Fargo is the only bank and therefore the auspices of the redemption centers are under Wells Fargo for the purpose of the redemption of our zim notes ok - all that means is that any time you are setting an appointment you will be going to a redemption center which is under the authority of Wells Fargo –
It doesn’t mean you can’t open an account – future accounts with other banks – you will be able to do that but your initial accounts will be a QFS treasury type account through Wells Fargo at the redemption centers – that is brand new – that is yesterday news – effective for today –
So where do we stand based on this information – like I said so far the best information we have suggests – and this is coming from several banks – that those of us tier 4 especially our group tier 4B – the internet group – should be notified Sunday or Monday –
Now why do I say Sunday – remember Christmas is on Saturday – the redemption centers are open tomorrow but some are only stay open till 3 PM – and I am talking banks and redemption centers – I do not think they are going to stay late tomorrow – I think they are going to go – shut down somewhere around 3 pm for Christmas Eve Day –
Then Christmas Day on Saturday – none of the redemption centers that I am aware of are open – none of the banks we know are open but then Sunday comes around and we have on good authority that redemption centers staff will be going in for about 11 – 12 hr day on Sunday – why would they go in on Sunday? That is right after Christmas – I am talking about redemption centers being staffed to have personnel there to set our appointments on Sunday
Now it doe not mean we are going on Sunday – don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that – I’m saying it is very possible that we’re going to receive our emails / notifications Sunday or Monday – If we get them Sunday could we start Monday? Yes possibly - If we get them on Monday would we start Tuesday? Yes quite possibly – I believe that is the scenario we are looking at – but the reason I feel good about Sunday is we know the redemption centers are being fully staffed –
Why would they send staff in on a Sunday? Unless we could utilize them to set our appointments – remember zim holders – when you give the zip code – that takes you / connects you to the redemption center in that area and you will talk to a person – a live individual at that redemption center that will be setting your appointment - and telling you any last minute information they want to give you –
They may very well be the ones working with you when you get there – so that is not happening before Christmas but could be happening for us right after - and that’s where we feel good now – listen – I would have felt great if we had been notified today or tomorrow and had an appointment Monday or Tuesday – I think everyone would have breathed a little easier and - well we don’t have money for Christmas – but we know it’s coming – cause we have an appointment – well that was a good theory – a good thought – they did not use it – they didn’t take advantage of it - for one reason or another – I think the main reason is they are trying to get these bond holders fully taken care of before they switchgears to tier 4 - I think that is all it comes down to –
So that is the majority of what we have to look forward to ad yes it’s exciting – I mean one of my banned phrases for the Big Call is “ money is moving” – I am so tired of hearing that - I know its moving – the money that’s coming in for our tier 4A exchanges and redemptions is 37 zeros and that is following a number like a 1 or 5 or whatever it is in front – that’s a pretty big number – that is the amount that’s coming in overnight tonight to position itself with our treasury for us for tier 4A and tier 4B –
This is it guys – I want to wish everybody a very very Merry Christmas
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 1:05:25
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-21-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-21-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday December 21st and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in wherever you are all over the globe and I think we’re going to have a pretty good call tonight – I wasn’t sure I would have a lot of “good” information to report but I’m kind of excited about what I have now - I am excited about everything we’re going to do tonight –
Let’s see where we are - Well - where we are is not where we thought we would be either yesterday or today – However - there are things happening behind the scenes – fortunately I’ve got some good information to report to you when today looked like today was going to be a very slow news day – so to speak for the intel – It turned out to be a little better than we thought
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-21-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday December 21st and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in wherever you are all over the globe and I think we’re going to have a pretty good call tonight – I wasn’t sure I would have a lot of “good” information to report but I’m kind of excited about what I have now - I am excited about everything we’re going to do tonight –
Let’s see where we are - Well - where we are is not where we thought we would be either yesterday or today – However - there are things happening behind the scenes – fortunately I’ve got some good information to report to you when today looked like today was going to be a very slow news day – so to speak for the intel – It turned out to be a little better than we thought
So – yes we did not go in yet - we don’t have numbers yet – But – we are seemingly tied to the bond holders notification of their liquidity and they were supposed to be notified this afternoon that they had access to their funds - They can see funds or at least their paymasters of the bond holders can see money in their account but they cannot touch it – they cannot get to it - cannot get access – Why??? They need access codes to be able to enter to get into those accounts and actually use the money
Alright – they thought they would get that this afternoon – I understand more recently that they will be notified or they are going to email those bondholders overnight tonight – so that they wake up to those emails in the morning that will give them their access codes to access their accounts for liquidity
So now how are we inexplicably tied to them? Which was a thought I had months ago when they were not getting paid and kept getting pushed – we kept getting pushed – and they were pushed – they are tier 3 – we are tier 4B – ok – But – tier 3 – these bond holders – German bonds – yellow dragon bonds – red dragon bonds - boxes of bonds - sheet bonds zim bonds - not the same currency that we’ve got – the same idea in a sheet form – like an 8 ½ x 11 type of sheet - right –
We are tied into that in the sense that once they receive those emails and lets hope they do go over night tonight as we’ve been told from some very high up sources – ok – should that occur - then – if then – if that occurs overnight then we are supposed to be notified for our emails tomorrow – I don’t have a time – recently we’ve been told 10am – 10:30 – before noon – noon – it could be in that timeframe –it could very well be that we get notified in that timeframe – but I believe we are going to go and do this and receive our notifications by email ok – after the bond holders have received their access to their accounts which they are notified by email and we are going to be notified by email
Now remember what has been happening to get everything ready – one thing that’s taken place is there is still more clean up going on – it seems ongoing – I did mention a masjor sting operation on Thursday nights call that had taken place the previous Sunday – we had more pick ups ad drop offs last Thursday in 5 different countries UK France – Australia – South Africa and one other – so there is continual work but its still moving through very beautifully - It’s happening - and it needs to happen –
Now let’s talk a little bit more about the timing of things – we heard today that the USN is supposed to come out around Christmas Day – ok so we’re still what ?? 4 days away from Christmas – I can’t believe we are that close – 4 days boy – so that’s something that may or may not be predicated on the 24th Christmas Eve – On Christmas Eve we are supposed to have the release of the St Germaine Trust –
Remember the St Germaine Trust was to be released on Easter and or around Christmas - well it’s going to be released and this is – heres your math lesson – its going to be quattuordecillion (?????) (not sure I heard exactly)
Meaning - And I’ve been told it’s 45 – quarto obviously is 4 x decillion - 10 – 40 zeros following a 1 or whatever the number is – but I’ve been told 45 zeros – so close enough – so 45 zeros following a number as part of the St Germaine Trust – that is to be released Christmas Eve / Day - the 24th right –
Now there’s another Trust which is even bigger than that and that is the The Rodriguez Trust and that Trust is supposed to be released on Christmas Day -
So we’ve got that happening – now do we have to wait for that to go? No we do not have to wait for the Christmas Eve or Christmas Day to get our notifications and get started –
Now one other thing - one other change that may – they will no longer have cash meaning USTN currency – our money at the redemption centers – no more 3,000 5,000 14,000 - the numbers have been all over the board - we’ve had 9,000 9,500 - we’ve had 14,000 – 5,000 they want you to take 3,000 no more than 5,000 -forget it !!!!! It’s gone – no more cash at the redemption centers – you can get all the cash you want in the following days through your bank or ATM -
The ATM amounts are being increased - do we have to authorize this increase or is it automatic? I think we’ll want to make sure that it is something we have a say about – but if you are somebody that uses the ATM you’ll be able to take up to 5,000 per day from the ATM and that is a nice piece of change if you need some cash – I think previously we had a limit of 3,000 in the ATM – This will give you a chance to get 5,000
Now if you want more I’m sure you can call your wealth manager contact and arrange for a larger amount of cash with some advance notice - not a big deal –
We are going to have credit and debit cards issued to us on the day of our exchange – so you will have immediate access to funds as you leave the redemption center – and again you’re going to want to let them know how much you’re going to want to have access to in the first 90 days – maybe the first 6 months – especially regarding y our projects –
You have your project amount you need to project and then you have your personal amount for y our own personal use personal needs – to purchase items for self and family – housing – cars etc - that amount is for your personal use so you will want to let them know that – at the redemption center
So what we’re hearing is that they are going to try to release this to us before Christmas – we’re getting awfully close – we did get a heads up today that one of the redemption centers wanted to be open Christmas Day and were not give a permit to do so - so I don’t know how many redemption centers will be open on Christmas Day – personally I hope none of them are open Christmas Day - I hope we keep that Holiday sacred and holy and we don’t exchange on Christmas
Now as a result a lot of redemption centers will be open on Christmas Eve – the 24th and some have been given extended hours to be able to be open on that day – and do exchanges on that day – so – something to be aware of –
As far as the so called Public is concerned - what we refer to as tier 5 – I believe the Public start is scheduled for somewhere in the neighborhood of the 3rd of January – so we shall probably be available to do exchanges probably in some cases till the redemption centers close by the end of the year – but obviously currency could be exchanged not zim – but other currencies easily through the end of the year
Now I know everybody listening to the Big Call will use the toll free numbers which come with the email and also if you don’t get an email I’ll have the toll free numbers to put out with our emails coming from Big Call Universe – and then of course you will be able to set your appointments and go in –
Now one other thing regarding the email release – we heard something that may be true and it make sense that it might happen this way - they may release the emails to the zim holders first - they want to get appointments for the zim holders immediately – Get those appointments set so that the zim holders have sort of a first priority – to use the redemption center – so if that happens we could look at it like the first wave of these emails – maybe targeted to the zim holders – they know who the zim holders are by email and they know so much about you that it’s almost like you don’t even have to bring ID to the appointment
Now I am not saying not to - obviously bring picture ID to the redemption center – however we’ve been told under pretty good authority that they pretty much know who everybody is –
Now if you’ve been gifted zim they don’t know who has been gifted - some people may have been able to find that info out - but I would say the majority they do not know – and there is a certain percentage that they have projected that will be zim holders that have been gifted zim -
In fact when y ou go in and you’re under a NDA in your redemption center appointment - they will ask you – have you gifted anyone the zim – y ou do not have to tell them the names or the amount but just that you have to one person – 2 or 3 etc - whatever it’s been – Just the number of people – they want to try to get a feel for how many actual zim holders have been gifted and they will enter that and keep a record to have some idea – of how that’s going to work
So what we’re looking at is hoping that the emails to the bond holders / bond sellers go out tonight overnight and they wake up to it and that we as a result of that - we next would be notified by our emails some time tomorrow - I don’t have a time – I know they were trying to notify us between 10 and noon today and that did not happen so maybe we’re still looking at roughly the same time frame –
Now remember my theory of the same time of release in each time zone was verified as y es that is how we’re going to do - so the theory is we would receive the email between 10 and noon same time frame in each of the 5-6 time zones
So that’s pretty much what I liked to bring to you tonight – I know that we are about to receive a lot of new information on technology – obviously the Med Bed – free energy - 6 G – with the Star Link System – There’s gping to be a lot of things happening that will probably take place – I’ve even heard the EBS may kick in on Christmas Day - so we will see how that works out –
We are looking to get some announcements – things are really moving behind the scenes – a lot of things are happening that we need to be aware of -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 1:03:15
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-16-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-16-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday December 16th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in wherever you are all over the globe
Ok let’s talk a little bit about where we are from an intel point of view – I will try to remember as much as I can that I can bring you tonight –
First of all - let me say from a redemption point of view – they are staffed – and they are staffed heavy duty – from morning to night every day - from now on – to receive the emails – notifications to start us – They have been on an any day now or any minute now status for the last 2-3 days –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-16-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday December 16th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in wherever you are all over the globe
Ok let’s talk a little bit about where we are from an intel point of view – I will try to remember as much as I can that I can bring you tonight –
First of all - let me say from a redemption point of view – they are staffed – and they are staffed heavy duty – from morning to night every day - from now on – to receive the emails – notifications to start us – They have been on an any day now or any minute now status for the last 2-3 days –
Now they have been on audio conference calls - yesterday and today – and I’m going to give you an example – these were 2 hr calls - in the afternoon – and giving you an example of who might have been on this call :
All tier 1 banks – all redemption center staff – and associates – major bank executives – also the treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin – also we had Dr Shabibi – representing the Central Bank of Iraq – on yesterday and today’s call – also the head of the Bank of Zimbabwe on today’s call – and other countries – many other countries were participants –
Now what I find very fascinating is – they did discuss some things that not everybody had access to or were supposed to hear – and it had to do with our actual start dates for our exchanges – and so the information I am giving you did not come from those calls –
However – from other sources – very high up – I was able to determine that we do have some timing – will tell you about - but before I get to that – while Dr Shabibi was speaking – today – the new Iraqi Dinar and the new USN – which is our new dollar - the Unites States Note – our new dollar were on par 1 to 1 –
Now – when all of our exchanges are done and I don’t know exactly when but over a period of time we will see a true level playing field internationally with rates coming to become on par – which is a 1 to 1 relationship – meaning 1 USN dollar equals 1 of another currency – like the Iraqi dinar – you can pick all of the other currencies that we know of and eventually – not immediately – they will be on par – 1 to 1
That levels the playing field for trade – for anything else we are going to do globally – and no longer will you have third world countries with a currency that’s virtually worthless – that’s why some of these countries that we would maybe think of second world or third world countries like Zimbabwe - is going to be worth so much –It is just amazing –
So I wanted to bring that – while he was speaking – Dr Shabibi today during that conference call – the Dinar – the new Iraqi Dinar and the USN our new digital gold backed currency came on par – 1 to 1
So let’s go beyond that – we were able to get information about the timing that you and I are looking forward to – and we believe from our sources – that this is going to go for us with notifications in the next couple of days and exchanges to start on the same day –
Now – I want to say it this way without “quote” “unquote” calling it – My understanding is we should get this Saturday morning and by that I mean – talking numbers – emails – should have them Saturday morning – if everything is going according to plan - have it by Saturday morning and start Saturday afternoon on our exchanges - this Saturday – in 2 days –
I was told this – if that it does not occur and we do not get notified Saturday - I am going to paraphrase this - “we dang well should go on Monday” or “we dang well better have this Monday morning and start Monday”
Now if we do start Saturday we know the redemption centers will be open on Saturday - and power all the way through the week – all the way through it including at least a partial day on Christmas Eve – could be 6 hrs – or 8 hrs - some places if their region is complete – they have all the zim in before then - they will probably close at a normal time on Christmas Eve and then be closed for Christmas -
They are prepared if they need to – some may be open on Christmas Day – I hope they aren’t – I hope they are closed Christmas Day and then resume afterwards – but they are prepared to take us all the way through the end of the year with exchanges and they are prepared to start tier 5 the public - on January 2 I believe it was – or the 3rd
So we have a great opportunity – we do believe and I’ve been told this will be the best Christmas that we’ve ever had – we know the St Germaine Trust opens up twice a year – it can open up either on Easter or Christmas Day but we know many many funds have been put in place
Let’s talk about the bond holders a moment – this is what makes Saturday very interesting - we know of bond holders that have been told on a conference call with them today – individually – not a big one - just individual – that they would get a call at noon on Saturday – these are bond holders which are tier 3 – and that they would be able to get access to funds at 1 PM afternoon - on Saturday –
Don’t you find that a little bit coincidental - which by the way we don’t believe in coincidents – don’t you find that a little bit coincidental that they would have access to the funds when we are theoretically starting our exchanges - because I see us getting notified “if this happens” IF this happens – on Saturday morning – we should be notified set our appointments and start Saturday afternoon –
That would be the true version of the shot gun start ok – with tier 3 bondholders getting access to their funds we got access to our exchanges and our funds starting at virtually on the same day –
Now that’s what I - the main part of what I wanted to bring as far as the timing for this – we will see –how it transpires – this is giving you the best and latest information that I could on this call tonight – that’s why I believe that this will be our final public Big Call - because if this works out whether it’s Saturday or Monday we are golden - that’s it – game over –
It’s been a long ride and I am excited for all of us with everything that we plan to do – and so I wanted to being that to you and let you know there have been other things that have been going on behind the scenes – it’s like there is a huge curtain – that we cannot see behind - but every once in a while we get a glimpse of what is really happening – really happening and one of those things is another sting operation and that was able to bring almost 200 people in on the so called cleanup - this was in a very remote location – and mission accomplished –
So if you are out there reading stuff about the rest of the world is going to go but we are not – I am going to call NOT TRUE – I have heard that from a few people – my sources are saying that is not the case that “yes” we do believe this is starting in the East – and moving West = we heard that 00 years ago that was the way it would start – start in the East and come to the West – and so where the rest of the world may start on exchanges a little before us – it’s not designed for us to not go –
The design is very much – why do we have Dr Shabibi – the guy from Zimbabwe – sorry do not know his name - and the rest of these other representatives – Mnuchin - on these calls yesterday and today - in various locations - it’s amazing –
So – part of the reason they were on the call today was to discuss the two start dates – 2 possible start dates - those happen to be from our view point the same that I just talked to you about - the two dates that I just talked about –
S0 ---- let’s say this – remember one number is for zim holders and any other currency they may have - the other number – as I understand it - and I do not have them yet – but the other number is supposed to be for currency holders that are NON ZIM – dinar – dong – rial – rupiah – etc - not zim - that’s the number you will call to set your appointment –
Bu t if you are a zim holder PLUS other currency there is the separate number for that – ok that is what we should see in these 1.42 million emails that Wells Fargo Servers have –
So what will we do afterwards? Besides celebrate very quietly - remember you are going to be under NDA for at least 30 days probably more like 90 days to 6 months probably – you can exclude your people that you are doing projects with – possible family members - type up a list of those people you would like to exclude from y our NDA - realize that is anybody messes up and starts spouting off or bragging about all of this or talking about the rates – (you do not talk about any of that – even your appointment – NONE of it) it will get your money pulled back – brought back where you lose – Game Over –
I do not want that to happen to anybody – I don’t want them clawing your money back because you violated the NDA – ok – so be aware of that – let’s make sure we do the right thing on that -
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:07:07
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-14-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-14-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday December 14th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in wherever you are all over the globe – we look forward to everyone having a wonderful Holiday Season you’re listening from we thank you for it –
Now it’s my turn to bring some intel and this shouldn’t take too long – but I understand that uhh you know – you have to understand that most of the contacts that we’ve had – most of the sources – are drying up due to non-disclosure agreements – or due to gag orders – something that is keeping it very very quiet – and it’s been that way for weeks now – but certain days we notice it more than others
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-14-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday December 14th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in wherever you are all over the globe – we look forward to everyone having a wonderful Holiday Season you’re listening from we thank you for it –
Now it’s my turn to bring some intel and this shouldn’t take too long – but I understand that uhh you know – you have to understand that most of the contacts that we’ve had – most of the sources – are drying up due to non-disclosure agreements – or due to gag orders – something that is keeping it very very quiet – and it’s been that way for weeks now – but certain days we notice it more than others
Today was kind of a quiet day – there hasn’t been much brought out – at all that we’ve been able to hear – but yesterday was a little better - yesterday’s information I think is what is valid for us today – and to break it down you know we’ve talked about the bond holders – we’ve talked about the sellers of the bonds that are still waiting on their notifications of liquidity so it is really a notification of “access” to funds because many of the bondholders have funds that they can see in their accounts but they can’t get – to it – they do not have the new password to access those accounts to be able to access those funds and get the money they have –in those accounts
Now – that is still the case - there has been some money paid out but the large part of it is still waiting for us to be notified to set up our appointments before they go – this is the idea of a shotgun start – they are trying to get and coordinate everybody so that nobody gets access to their funds way before anyone else does – even if they’re tier 3 like the bondholders are - and then you’ve got tier 4 A – which we call the Admirals Groups - then tier 4B is the internet group which is the largest group - of course because we have somewhere in the vicinity of 1.424 million emails loaded on the Wells Fargo Servers to be sent out with the call in information with the 800 number information –
So those have been loaded – we knew a couple days ago – I am going to say Saturday or Sunday - we knew that there were 4 countries who had not yet tested their opening rates for us – for tier 4B redemption - exchanging - We had 24 currencies that are all going up in value that we are aware of – we call it the “first offering”
Four had not yet come forth with their starting rate or opening rate - and it’s almost like horses coming into a starting gate on a race they literally check in ad then they wait and everybody starts at the same time – well that’s what is going to happen with these currencies – ok – we’re all going to get them at the same time but the horses going into the gate are coming in at slightly different order and slightly different timing
The timing may be now but I haven’t gotten this confirmed – I would think that we have all of those currencies in with their starting rate – ok – so we should be good to go from that aspect – which we were – even at last Sunday – it looked like it was going to spill over into yesterday (Monday) to get all of that done –
I do not like to assume anything – because we know what that means - but – I feel as though we should be there on the various currencies ready to go with opening rates - 24 of them – ok – and you and I have maybe 4 maybe 3 maybe 2 maybe 6 of them we don’t know because a lot of them we knew about – we knew which would be the biggest movers – in terms of increase in value – so we’ve got that one pretty well covered I think
So where we do stand – other than waiting for the bondholders to get access to funds is what we heard that passed through the grapevine on – from a conference call was held yesterday from the treasury is that we were to be notified either today (Tuesday) or by tomorrow (Wednesday 15th) by noon – a day and half window that is starting to close a little bit because here we are – within the 24 hr period –
So this is very specific information and if we go back to redemption center staff we can talk about the fact that they are in as of yesterday on full days – starting very early and ending very late to receive the information with the toll free numbers that they are going to know that we have been released –
The 1.424 million emails have been sent - we still think those are going to come out at approximately the same time in each time zone across the country so that at 10 o’clock on the East Coast for example – under Easter Standard Time – would be the same effect as 10 o’clock Pacific Time – same day even though obviously it would be later in the day –
So that is the good news in terms of the timing – I do believe they want to get this done with adequate time to complete us – most of us - before Christmas – they’ve talked about 10 or 12 days for tier 4B to complete our transactions – recently – yesterday I believe I heard that we were going to be able to take tier 4B all the way to January 2nd which is more than 10 or 12 days and then the so called John Q Public would start after the 2nd of January - - that is not us - we’re tier 4B -
Now the idea of tier 4A 4B going together was also one because Wells Fargo does not designate it between tier 4 A or B – they just call us all tier 4 - so they are super prepared – they may have had their final conference call yesterday afternoon - it was an hour call and it could very well be that we are on track to be notified tomorrow – and start tomorrow – is the plan –
if our notification period begins tomorrow and we’re notified by noon we should very well start a couple of hours later – and the staff is in redemption centers to set those appointments –because they want the zim holders – they call into the call center - you will get routed by the information you provided – directly or by your zip code information – you will be routed directly to the redemption center close to where you are going to redeem your zim – and that would be talking to second or third party at the redemption center that very well will probably handle your exchange and your redemption of zim
Now if you are not a zim holder and you have dinar or dong or rupiah – etc you may get routed – even though you called the toll free number - you may be routed to a tier 1 or tier 2 bank – which is fine – they will be able to take care of you - but they want the zim holders specifically to go to either Wells Fargo redemption centers or Chase or I believe Bank of America also has redemption centers as well as ??? the other one I’m forgetting - any tier 1 banks should be able to handle us –
Now my understanding is they want the zim to go to the Wells Fargo redemption centers since Wells in the United States and in North America – let’s call it Canada – and United States and maybe including New Mexico – although I can’t be really sure of this – they want since Wells is the lead bank on North America and every other country internationally – the lead bank is HSBC – so if you’re in another country other than the United States - or Canada – which Canada also has the Scotia Bank which is merged with the National Bank of Canada – you know – then you will probably be looking for and HSBC bank or redemption center if you’re for example – if you are in the Far East – South America or wherever else you are – if you have an HSBC more than likely they will be able to handle your zim and other currencies as well –
Here in the states and in Canada we have some options but Wells Fargo is the one that is in charge of the release – so we have some really good things to look forward to and we’ve got some really cool things – now what if we have NESARA and GESARA – those two my understanding is – those two agreements will be released in more detail supposedly at the same time or shortly after we get notified to set our appointments – so that if we get that information like I’m suggesting tomorrow - - if we did get notified to go in and set our appointments tomorrow that we should get something regarding the GESARA and NESARA – either at that time or shortly thereafter – and that would bring a lot of us up to speed
One of the things I did learn about increases that are coming in January starting on the 2nd – in Social Security Benefits - of course this is for the older population – 62 and older – if you filed for early Social Security – and this is going to be an increase of sort of a cost of living increase - 5.7% at a minimum all the way up to something over 80% increase in Social Security benefit if you’re older American - - the higher - the older you are – the higher the increase for you - and it’s very possible somebody in their 60’s or upper 60’s could see an increase in their Social Security Benefit –
Now I just bring this up because it is something we learned here just in the last few days and it could be of help to some people – realistically --- is it going to matter for us – that have these currencies – especially zim holders? No probably not but it is information just that I wanted to bring to you so consider it gas money – fuel money or whatever fyou want to look at it as –
That is the majority of what I’m saying is important for us right now – is to stay vigilant by watching because we are in this morning one of the overseers of the bonds that we are in an “any minute” now basis – we’ve heard that a couple of times before – but when somebody says any minute now - it means we are sort of in a high red alert – We should be able to go to our emails and receive that when they come out - not before they come out but when they come out - when they are released - we should be able to move and set our appointments rather quickly – that should be our goal -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 50:15
Highlights From the Sunday Night "Miracles Call" 12-12-2021
.Some Highlights from the Sunday Night Miracles Call:
Scott Mowry : There's still an ongong effort to get RV done before Christmas.
People in Reno have an adamant mandate to get it done. We've been told the back wall is the 15th, but even if not, then by Christmas. Only 13 days left.
Big meeting in Reno this weekend, including the Chinese elders. There is an absolute feverish attempt to get this done as soon as possible. We hope and pray they are finally ready.
This has been delayed because it is such a complex all-encompassing. They are going back into everyone's bank records to see what fraud has been committed. What people are owed. We all need to be compensated. This needs to be addressed.
Some Highlights from the Sunday Night Miracles Call:
Scott Mowry : There's still an ongong effort to get RV done before Christmas.
People in Reno have an adamant mandate to get it done. We've been told the back wall is the 15th, but even if not, then by Christmas. Only 13 days left.
Big meeting in Reno this weekend, including the Chinese elders. There is an absolute feverish attempt to get this done as soon as possible. We hope and pray they are finally ready.
This has been delayed because it is such a complex all-encompassing. They are going back into everyone's bank records to see what fraud has been committed. What people are owed. We all need to be compensated. This needs to be addressed.
You will receive money back from the illegal fraudulent charges that have been levied against you.
Every 100 years or so there is a changeover in the world reserve currency. The cabal had wanted to do the Great Reset instead of the Global Reset. Wanted to take us into the special drawing rights. Bretton Woods.
The cabal was supposed to do some things in response to managing this including addressing the bankruptcy of the U S including giving us free electricity for the .... to come out of bankruptcy. We are going to get free Tesla energy now !!
Now they are being constructing all over the U S. In add, Starlink is coming on board. Internet service is about to be activiated. Starlink quantum internet.
In Reno, intense effort to institute the global reset, the currency reset. In Iraq they just celebrated the 100th anniversary of their country. The fact that their currency is ready to exchange. ?? The end of the corporation and it's funding and the possible beginning of the collapse of the U S corp and the politicians.
Maybe Biden will resign. Mandate to get this done because Zurich, Switzerland is the headquarters for the bankers. They have a holiday on the 14th and going on vacation.
This is where we are at right now.
We hope and pray they get this done if not this week, next week. Things are extremely close. We've never been in this position before. Things are really coming down to the wire right now.
The Federal Reserve in the year 2013, the U S Treasury and the .... put out a 100 dollar bill...a purple blue band...was all in gold, including the Declaration of Independence written in script on the right hand side. On the back there is a great big gold 100. Supposed to come out in 2009. Delayed.
That was the year the U S military got ahold of the U S corp ??? We were to switch from the Federal Reserve system to a gold-backed system. It took another 8 years to get us to this point.
We are about to see the quantum system. Patriots put out this bill. "Ths is our Declaration of Independence into a sovereign..." Dramatic events happening under the radar totally out of view of public.
We give you hope and faith that our military is saving our country and the world. It's all about ready to come to fruition in Christmas 2021. That is our hope.
There's purple and gold lights at the White House. St. Germain. On Christmas the St. Germain trust wlil open. Put together by St. Germain in the 1600s. Money set aside for humanity to be distrubuted at the right time.
I think the White House lit up in gold and purple is a sign that the St Germain trust is going to be opened on Christmas. --- There is a mandate and nothing can stop what is coming now.
This is a mission of God and great awakening of a 1000 years of peace... The truth must be presented to the people. ...there is so much more happening than what is being reported to you. ... What we've been hearing about for 20 years is about to be presented ot the people. ...
It really and truly is about to become true.
Supposed to be a fantastic Christmas. That's what I've been told by high level sources.
Scott Mowry Replay Number: 712-770-5402 Access code: 767664# / followed by #
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-9-21
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-9-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday December 9th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – from all over the globe “welcome” wherever you’re listening from we thank you for it – we’re looking forward to having a very good call – probably about a one hour call tonight -
Alright – let’s get into it and talk a little bit about where we are right now –
Now – what is very interesting to note is that we have been told by several sources that this could go at any minute and whereas we thought we would be in the area where we would be notified with our emails with our 800 numbers either yesterday or today – it looks doubtful that it may come in today –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-9-21
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday December 9th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – from all over the globe “welcome” wherever you’re listening from we thank you for it – we’re looking forward to having a very good call – probably about a one hour call tonight -
Alright – let’s get into it and talk a little bit about where we are right now –
Now – what is very interesting to note is that we have been told by several sources that this could go at any minute and whereas we thought we would be in the area where we would be notified with our emails with our 800 numbers either yesterday or today – it looks doubtful that it may come in today –
However – it does look good and we have a window – people have used a 72 hr window that really started yesterday at 4 PM - that would take us theoretically take us to 4 PM on Saturday – I think that is reasonable – I think we could extend this all the way to Sunday or it may just plain happen tomorrow (Friday) – because it’s soooo close - Let’s talk about what’s happened to move it to this point –
First of all Iraq started their revaluation of their new Iraqi Dinar last Monday – they moved it and migrated the rates from something that was just over the rate they left it with – the so called $3.22 rate - They started above that and then they moved that all they way through where it’s all over doubled that now – as an in country rate – meaning in the country of Iraq –
Now to correspond with that the value of the Dinar for us that the bankers have seen on the screens is showing much more than that with continuous growth all the way up to where by now it should be at or exceeded what Dr Shabibi said it would be worth and many of you remember that - what it would be worth as he addressed the International Chamber of Commerce meeting in Washington DC _ I believe it was Dec 15 2012
And you remember what he said – and you remember Blue Star made the question inquiry to him live at that meeting – and fortunately he asked him what do you believe the value of the Iraqi Dinar will be worth after it is revalued? And in the words of Dr Shabibi he believed that the Iraqi Dinar could support $XX dollars – which was a tremendous increase - a tremendous rate and that is pretty much where I believe we are – or exceeded now –
Now – why do I say that? Because information that we were able to gain from certain sources has no longer been able to be confirmed today – In other words things tended to dry up after 4 PM Eastern Standard time yesterday (Wed) with banks and redemption centers
So – we’re not really getting anything – banks and redemption centers staff have been told with a very serious gag order - not to talk to anyone – that is outside of their work place – or they could have some serious ramifications - they won’t go into those but we’ll just take that at face value
The other thing is the redemption center staff was told to come in early yesterday morning (Wed) and work all the way through the night to what would be considered way past banker’s hours - like around 8:30 / 9:00 PM and this is designed so that they could literally be paid while awaiting for this to manifest – waiting and being paid a very fair wage to wait this out – just lie we are doing - we’re waiting it out – they are waiting it out and they were told to come in like this – like 8/8:30 something to that effect – yesterday – today and tomorrow –
I cannot speak for Saturday and Sunday yet - BUT – we hope that this manifests and comes in – doesn’t look like it’s today – but tomorrow is definitely in play and I think realistically it’s in play through the weekend – Alright – so we have to be open to receive that –
Let’s talk a little bit about when it does happen – When we get notified – when that release of the 1.42 million emails from Wells Fargo Servers come out – and we have the toll free numbers to call to set our appointments – at the time that release takes place - we are to be fully involved and entrenched in NESARA and GESARA with an announcement about the gold backed dollar – the USTN – United States Treasury Note - it’s been shortened to USN – United States Note – that is gold backed –
Now we will get that new announcement – if you will – of the currency – our USTN – the fact that it is gold backed and any other things that need to be brought out as part of NESARA when we get our notifications and when we start our appointment setting and exchanges –
That is the latest I have heard of the timing for the gold backed dollar - the USN – the start of NESARA and GESARA to occur at that time for us in a much bigger way that has started so far - so be aware of that – be on the lookout for that
I think what has happened in Iraq this week with the Dinar they do have a term they use which is “Golden Dinar” and this is a currency that is going to be shared with Iraq and Kuwait – so those 2 countries – may be the only 2 – in the Middle East – but they are using – what they’re calling the “Golden Dinar” – because the dinar is backed by gold –
Now there are plenty of other assets that Iraq could use such as oil – precious metals – gems – and so on that they could use to back it but they do have the gold to back it up – so that is why it is called the Golden Dinar –
We do have 24 currencies that have made their way into the first offering – may be the only offering that’s made in a way that we could take advantage of it – once this happens for us we will no longer be able to do anything else in a similar thing in terms of further currencies down the road – just be aware of that – this is your shot – this is it – ok -
So – as I mentioned – I believe on Tuesday and I will reiterate tonight – both India and Russia are no longer taking our fiat dollar – and they made a decision – this was done I believe 2 days ago – to take currency from each of those countries - the India Rupee - and the Russian Ruble – ok so those 2 currencies are the way that we – and anyone – has to transact in those currencies with those countries - I think that was making a big statement – that they did that – on last Tuesday –
I believe everything – the sovereignty and the freedom that Iraq is enjoying now was to be announced today – we also heard that the dinar – and I cannot confirm this – but I’ve also heard that the Iraqi Dinar would be on the Forex as of midnight last night -
So if you are a Forex trader and you see that theoretically you’re able to trade in the new Iraqi Dinar as of midnight Eastern Standard time last night –
One more thing that might be time sensitive is we understand that certain currency dealers have been given notice by the Treasury that they would be seeing the change in the values of these currencies in the next couple of days – I think that would take us through Saturday – maybe Sunday - maybe – but probably through Saturday – and they will be given a notice when and they will key in a few keystrokes and make those changes so that all the currencies that they have that they are still going to sell – will have new rates and ones that they will no longer sell – like for example – the Zimbabwe dollar (Zim) will no longer sell and that will be removed from their offerings – I think that we can see that happening – and remember weeks ago not even recently - but I think a couple to 3 weeks ago we lost one of the largest currency sellers in the airports – Travelex - they closed shop on all their airport locations and business locations throughout the world – that is because of the impending change that was taking place with all of these currencies –
So that is really what I wanted to bring out to everyone today – We are on a minute by minute basis – this could happen at any time on any day - so we wanted to get this call out to you so you could be prepared for the “possibility” of this happening over the next 3 days – I don’t have anything saying that this has to wait till the 15th – till next year – there is nothing that we have that is telling us that and we do have sources that normally can get some information from but have all clammed up – they have all been told to stay quiet or else -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 48:08