Chats and Rumors, Calls Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Calls Dinar Recaps 20

Highlights From the Sunday Night "Miracles Call" 12-12-2021

.Some Highlights from the Sunday Night Miracles Call:

Scott Mowry : There's still an ongong effort to get RV done before Christmas.

People in Reno have an adamant mandate to get it done. We've been told the back wall is the 15th, but even if not, then by Christmas. Only 13 days left.

Big meeting in Reno this weekend, including the Chinese elders. There is an absolute feverish attempt to get this done as soon as possible. We hope and pray they are finally ready.

This has been delayed because it is such a complex all-encompassing. They are going back into everyone's bank records to see what fraud has been committed. What people are owed. We all need to be compensated. This needs to be addressed.

Some Highlights from the Sunday Night Miracles Call: 

Scott Mowry : There's still an ongong effort to get RV done before Christmas.

People in Reno have an adamant mandate to get it done. We've been told the back wall is the 15th, but even if not, then by Christmas. Only 13 days left.

Big meeting in Reno this weekend, including the Chinese elders. There is an absolute feverish attempt to get this done as soon as possible. We hope and pray they are finally ready.

This has been delayed because it is such a complex all-encompassing. They are going back into everyone's bank records to see what fraud has been committed. What people are owed. We all need to be compensated. This needs to be addressed.

You will receive money back from the illegal fraudulent charges that have been levied against you.

Every 100 years or so there is a changeover in the world reserve currency. The cabal had wanted to do the Great Reset instead of the Global Reset. Wanted to take us into the special drawing rights. Bretton Woods.

The cabal was supposed to do some things in response to managing this including addressing the bankruptcy of the U S including giving us free electricity for the .... to come out of bankruptcy. We are going to get free Tesla energy now !!

 Now they are being constructing all over the U  S. In add, Starlink is coming on board. Internet service is about to be activiated. Starlink quantum internet.

 In Reno, intense effort to institute the global reset, the currency reset. In Iraq they just celebrated the 100th anniversary of their country. The fact that their currency is ready to exchange. ?? The end of the corporation and it's funding and the possible beginning of the collapse of the U S corp and the politicians.

Maybe Biden will resign. Mandate to get this done because Zurich, Switzerland is the headquarters for the bankers. They have a holiday on the 14th and going on vacation.

This is where we are at right now.

We hope and pray they get this done if not this week, next week. Things are extremely close. We've never been in this position before. Things are really coming down to the wire right now.

 The Federal Reserve in the year 2013, the U S Treasury and the .... put out a 100 dollar bill...a purple blue band...was all in gold, including the Declaration of Independence written in script on the right hand side. On the back there is a great big gold 100. Supposed to come out in 2009. Delayed.

That was the year the U S military got ahold of the U S corp ???  We were to switch from the Federal Reserve system to a gold-backed system. It took another 8 years to get us to this point.

We are about to see the quantum system. Patriots put out this bill. "Ths is our Declaration of Independence into a sovereign..." Dramatic events happening under the radar totally out of view of public.

We give you hope and faith that our military is saving our country and the world. It's all about ready to come to fruition in Christmas 2021. That is our hope.

There's purple and gold lights at the White House. St. Germain. On Christmas the St. Germain trust wlil open. Put together by St. Germain in the 1600s. Money set aside for humanity to be distrubuted at the right time.

I think the White House lit up in gold and purple is a sign that the St Germain trust is going to be opened on Christmas. --- There is a mandate and nothing can stop what is coming now.

This is a mission of God and great awakening of a 1000 years of peace... The truth must be presented to the people. ...there is so much more happening than what is being reported to you. ... What we've been hearing about for 20 years is about to be presented ot the people. ...

It really and truly is about to become true. 

Supposed to be a fantastic Christmas. That's what I've been told by high level sources.

Scott Mowry Replay Number: 712-770-5402 Access code: 767664# / followed by #

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-9-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-9-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday December 9th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – from all over the globe “welcome” wherever you’re listening from we thank you for it – we’re looking forward to having a very good call – probably about a one hour call tonight -

Alright – let’s get into it and talk a little bit about where we are right now –

Now – what is very interesting to note is that we have been told by several sources that this could go at any minute and whereas we thought we would be in the area where we would be notified with our emails with our 800 numbers either yesterday or today – it looks doubtful that it may come in today –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 12-9-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday December 9th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – from all over the globe “welcome”  wherever you’re listening from  we thank you for it – we’re looking forward to  having a very good call – probably about a one hour call tonight -

Alright – let’s get into it and talk a little bit about where we are right now –

Now – what is very interesting to note is that we have been told by several sources that this could go at any minute and whereas we thought we would be in the area where we would be notified with our emails with our 800 numbers either yesterday or today – it looks doubtful that it may come in today –

However – it does look good and we have a window – people have used a 72 hr window that really started yesterday at 4 PM - that would take us theoretically take us to 4 PM on Saturday – I think that is reasonable – I think we could extend this all the way to Sunday or it may just plain happen tomorrow (Friday) – because it’s soooo close - Let’s talk about what’s happened to move it to this point –

First of all Iraq started their revaluation of their new Iraqi Dinar last Monday – they moved it and migrated the rates from something that was just over the rate they left it with – the so called $3.22 rate - They started above that and then they moved that all they way through where it’s all over doubled that now – as an in country rate – meaning in the country of Iraq –

Now to correspond with that the value of the Dinar for us that the bankers have seen on the screens is showing much more than that with continuous growth all the way up to where by now it should be at or exceeded what Dr Shabibi said it would be worth and many of you remember that -  what it would be worth as he addressed the International Chamber of Commerce meeting in Washington DC  _ I believe it was Dec 15 2012

And you remember what he said – and you remember Blue Star made the question inquiry to him live at that meeting – and fortunately he asked him what do you believe the value of the Iraqi Dinar will be worth after it is revalued? And in the words of Dr Shabibi  he believed that the Iraqi Dinar could support $XX dollars – which was a tremendous increase -  a tremendous rate and that is pretty much where I believe we are – or exceeded now –

Now – why do I say that? Because information that we were able to gain from certain sources has no longer been able to be confirmed today – In other words things tended to dry up after 4 PM Eastern Standard time yesterday (Wed) with banks and redemption centers

So – we’re not really getting anything – banks and redemption centers staff have been told with a very serious gag order -  not to talk to anyone – that is outside of their work place – or they could have some serious ramifications - they won’t go into those but we’ll just take that at face value

The other thing is the redemption center staff was told to come in early yesterday morning (Wed) and work all the way through the night to what would be considered way past banker’s hours - like around 8:30 / 9:00 PM and this is designed so that they could literally be paid while awaiting for this to manifest – waiting and being paid a very fair wage to wait this out – just lie we are doing -  we’re waiting it out – they are waiting it out and they were told to come in like this – like 8/8:30 something to that effect – yesterday – today and tomorrow –

I cannot speak for Saturday and Sunday yet -  BUT – we hope that this manifests and comes in – doesn’t look like it’s today – but tomorrow is definitely in play and I think realistically it’s in play through the weekend – Alright – so we have to be open to receive that –

Let’s talk a little bit about when it does happen – When we get notified – when that release of the 1.42 million emails from Wells Fargo Servers come out – and we have the toll free numbers to call to set our appointments – at the time that release takes place - we are to be fully involved and entrenched in NESARA and GESARA with an announcement about the gold backed dollar – the USTN – United States Treasury Note - it’s been shortened to USN – United States Note – that is gold backed –

Now we will get that new announcement – if you will – of the currency – our USTN – the fact that it is gold backed and any other things that need to be brought out as part of  NESARA when we get our notifications and when we start our appointment setting and exchanges –

That is the latest I have heard of the timing for the gold backed dollar - the USN – the start of NESARA and GESARA to occur at that time for  us in a much bigger way that has started so far - so be aware of that – be on the lookout for that

I think what has happened in Iraq this week with the Dinar they do have a term they use which is “Golden Dinar” and this is a currency that is going to be shared with Iraq and Kuwait – so those 2 countries – may be the only 2 – in the Middle East – but they are using – what they’re calling the “Golden Dinar” – because the dinar is backed by gold –

Now there are plenty of other assets that Iraq could use such as oil – precious metals – gems – and so on that they could use to back it but they do have the gold to back it up – so that is why it is called the Golden Dinar –

We do have 24 currencies that have made their way into the first offering – may be the only offering that’s made in a way that we could take advantage of it – once this happens for us we will no longer be able to do anything else in a similar thing in terms of further currencies down the road – just be aware of that – this is your shot – this is it – ok -

So – as I mentioned – I believe on Tuesday and I will reiterate tonight – both India and Russia are no longer taking our fiat dollar – and  they made a decision – this was done I believe 2 days ago – to take currency from each of those countries -  the India Rupee - and the Russian Ruble – ok so those 2 currencies are the way that we – and anyone – has to transact in those currencies with those countries - I think that was making a big statement – that they did that – on last Tuesday –

I believe everything – the sovereignty and the freedom that Iraq is enjoying now  was to be announced today – we also heard that the dinar – and I cannot confirm this – but I’ve also heard that the Iraqi Dinar would be on the Forex as of midnight last night - 

So if you are a Forex trader and you see that theoretically you’re able to trade in the new Iraqi Dinar as of midnight Eastern Standard time last night –

One more thing that might be time sensitive is we  understand that certain currency dealers have been given notice by the Treasury that they would be seeing the change in the values of these currencies in the next couple of days – I think that would take us through Saturday – maybe Sunday -  maybe – but probably through Saturday – and they will be given a notice when and they will key in a few keystrokes and make those changes so that all the currencies that they have that they are still going to sell – will have new rates and ones that they will no longer sell – like for example – the Zimbabwe dollar (Zim) will no longer sell and that will be removed from their offerings – I think that we can see that happening – and remember weeks ago not even recently -  but I think a couple to 3 weeks ago we lost one of the largest currency sellers in the airports – Travelex -  they closed shop on all their airport locations and business locations throughout the world – that is because of the impending change that was taking place with all of these currencies –

So that is really what I wanted to bring out to everyone today – We are on a minute by minute basis – this could happen at any time on any day  - so we wanted to get this call out to you so you could be prepared for the “possibility” of this happening over the next 3 days – I don’t have anything saying that this has to wait till the 15th – till next year – there is nothing that we have that is telling us that  and we do have sources that normally  can get some information from but have all clammed up – they have all been told to stay quiet or else -


 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  48:08

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-7-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-7-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday December 7th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in tonight – The interesting thing about this is (and welcome everybody by the way all over the world where ever you are listening from) a special day – do you realize that 80 years ago – “Pearl Harbor Day” took place – 80 years ago to the day – December 7 1941 –

We have to think bigger – We were forced to think bigger because our zim holders with what is available to us are going to have more than we ever thought was possible - when we first started 17 years ago with the dinar / dong / rupiah etc with everything else - we thought oh ok if we could get back to $3.22 on the dinar – if we could get to $3.00 in the dinar - we would be golden - Well – as I will tell you in the intel segment of the call we are way beyond that now – its already happened –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 12-7-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday December 7th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in tonight – The interesting thing about this is (and welcome everybody by the way all over the world where ever you are listening from) a special day – do you realize that 80 years ago – “Pearl Harbor Day” took place – 80 years ago to the day – December 7 1941 –

We have to think bigger – We were forced to think bigger because our zim holders with what is available to  us are going to have more than we ever thought was possible -  when we first started 17 years ago  with the dinar / dong / rupiah  etc  with everything else -  we thought oh ok if we  could get back to $3.22 on the dinar – if we could get to $3.00 in the dinar -  we would be golden - Well – as I will tell you in the intel segment of the call we are way beyond that now – its already happened –

So we’ve already far exceeded what we thought 17 years ago – and of course the Big call started 10 years ago – and many of you have been with us that long – and I’ll tell you we’re seeing this come to pass now –

12:25 breaking up unable to understand clearly to transcribe accurately -

34:10 – Bruce:  I know that redemption centers were staffed today – I know they had an hour and half conference call yesterday and I believe we are in position to take advantage of this from this point on –

We are in an any minute now time frame – I would say we won’t get notified today but I think tomorrow (Wed) or Thursday is very much in play and I hope it makes all the difference in the world in  our lives –

I believe the plan is for this to go – and to not have to wait later – not after Christmas – not by the 15th but I believe we’re actually ready to go!!

Remember tomorrow is the 8th of December and “8” is still a very very  important number to the Chinese Elders and it may be just  that is when everything goes for us –

We know it is already done in Iraq - we know they are declared a sovereign nation - we know they have a new rate in country and throughout the region of the Middle East – it’s known –

It will be traded on the Forex tomorrow night (wed) starting midnight Eastern Standard Time

So with that I am going to pray the call out – hopefully you have been able to hear this –


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:   11:11 with intermittent interference

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-30-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-30-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday November 30th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in tonight – we did not have a call on Thanksgiving but here we are tonight - - we hope everybody had a wonderful time at Thanksgiving with family and friends – I am excited to say that we are back tonight to hopefully bring very good information and good news to you

Let’s get into some intel - this is a good time for us – I mean – what is happening right now - remember we have not done a call for a week – so we have had some information that’s come in this last week and it gave us the “impression” that we were to be notified – the latest info that came in – late last night – was talking about us being notified either later this afternoon or tomorrow morning (Wed am) if certain things occurred throughout this morning – today (Tuesday) - ok good – we have a pretty good chance to get it today or tomorrow –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-30-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday November 30th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in tonight – we did not have a call on Thanksgiving but here we are tonight - - we hope everybody had a wonderful time at Thanksgiving with family and friends – I am excited to say that we are back tonight to hopefully bring very good information and good news to you

Let’s get into some intel - this is a good time for us – I mean – what is happening right now -  remember we have not done a call for a week – so we have had some information that’s come in this last week and it gave us the “impression” that we were to be notified – the latest info that came in – late last night – was talking about us being notified either later this afternoon or tomorrow morning (Wed am) if certain things occurred throughout this morning – today (Tuesday) - ok good – we have a pretty good chance to get it today or tomorrow –

Now what I relate to you - what I say to you – on the Big Call – is the best representation I can give you of what I’m getting – compiled – glean through – sometimes it’s only a couple of things – sometimes it’s 8-10 different things – you know you listen to the call - somedays are richer than others and others are a bit lean because we haven’t heard – or it’s quiet =- everyone is under gag orders – or NDA’s

What is happening is the bond holders even last night late – I mean they’re still getting paid out – so this is something that is on going and supposed to be ongoing through the first week of December for the bondholders which are tier 3 - we know the liquidity is starting to show up in some of their accounts and access to funds – certain bond holders that we track – have been told today they would have access to funds tomorrow (Wed)

Now remember we were told for months I think that bond holders would be paid and they have been paid most of them - we still have more to go – and I think that they are doing is leaving the very biggest whales for last - for the most part –

They took are of a lot of the smaller bond holders first but I don’t know if everybody is going to get full access to funds tomorrow or bondholders or not – but I find it very interesting that they’ve been told tomorrow – and they are excited about it – why would it be exciting to them and to us – well – if we go back to the shotgun start concept - nobody’s really got any funds yet – even though exchanges have been done for years really – especially if you were part of the admirals group  - you know you put up that currency years ago and you haven’t had any results from it yet even though you already turned it in -  whatever – right – so the rest of  us tier 4B who have our currency – and are waiting to do the exchanging and redemption of the zim – we are waiting on the green light to go –

Now what we have heard today and this was actually late this afternoon – is that yes tomorrow is looking very good for us – we have certain Treasury sources that are indicating that tomorrow will be our day –

Now I’m doing my best to not call it for tomorrow cause that’s going to tough to try to do - and come back from if it doesn’t happen – but I’ll say this – I was told last night that we were looking at either later this afternoon or tomorrow – well – tomorrow would be good – so I would say it is very strong for us – very strong possibility that they have come far enough along -  now what are they waiting for now -  what were they waiting for?

What I found out this afternoon is they were waiting for Iraq to make the announcement about their new government – new prime minister – that has been put in place – and I  understand that they had a dead line to do that by the last day of this month (Nov) which is today –

They actually did it on Sunday and the first business day - they did put out an international rate on the dinar that was known throughout the Middle East –

They also paid Kuwait the reparations that they owed Kuwait for the war early on – I do not remember the amount – it’s been so long ago – and they paid them in a dinar equivalent to meaning on par with the Kuwait dinar -  in other words at the same rate that the Kuwait dinar was so it would be a one to one – not $1 dollar but dinar – not saying that – don’t get it wrong – get it right - I’m saying the equivalent of the value of the current rate for the Kuwait dinar –

Now what’s interesting is it was lower by quite a bit -  I would say by 45% below what the current rate on the dinar is – and we don’t go into rates on the call – we don’t put them out – they change – they don’t want me to do – so I don’t do it – so I’m just going to tell you  that in the Middle East at least at this point and maybe somewhat outside the Middle East – but the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar has taken place and it is currently actively being traded in that region –

Now remember the Iraqi dinar is being known as the Golden Dinar now -  It is the golden Dinar because it’s a currency that is truly backed by Gold – Now Iraq has so much in the ground - they’ve got diamonds – unbelievable diamonds down at about 6 feet below the level of the sand – when they went to drill for oil they went through this crust of diamonds to get there – there are other precious gems – obviously oil – and I believe they probably got silver and gold – look at that whole area – it’s full of minerals – precious metals – and so that’s why Iraqi Dinar is worth 6-7 times more than the US dollar right now

Now eventually – I don’t know how long it’s going to take  but eventually most of if not all of the world’s currency will come in line and be n par – a one to one relationship – ad they will trade that way -  we will see how long that takes - some currencies will come in on par with the USN  our new US dollar – and all of the banks – remember we talked about this over a week ago – all the banks now have our new notes USTN  in the bank – (United States Treasury Note)

They are probably in the vaults or back drawers - but they are already there and have been there – ok so we’re going to make that transition soon – whenever that is - I don’t know exactly when that is - it may wait till the public starts – and the public may not go too far out in the future before we go – in other words the public may come in 3-4 days or 6 days after we get started –

The public will not be using the redemption centers – they will be using tier 1 tier 2 tier 3 banks – remember all the banks all the top banks tier 1 2 3 and 4 are how we rate our banking system – they all have the currency – our new money our new USTN – our spendable money – and so those will be coming out soon –

So what are we hearing is the treasury is very positive – it shows that – yeah we did not get notified of the Iraqi dinar rate and new government here in North America – remember North America includes Canada – US  and Mexico  - it’s been kept from us publically  but it should be known tomorrow (Wed)  and if it is known tomorrow – then it should reflect on us with notifications – we should get notified – set our appointments  - if we get them early enough we would be able maybe to go and exchange tomorrow (Wed)  if later in the day maybe we can set appointments and start exchanges on Thursday –

So we don’t know that yet I am just giving you  for example - a possibility  - what we do know is this thing is obviously as close as we have ever been – and I believe that things are working in our favor to get this blessing to manifest – in fairly short order –

Obviously we need for things to work according to plan – I don’t believe we have to wait on the bondholders – I find it interesting that the bond holders liquidity for some of them is set for tomorrow to have access to those funds – and we should be in good shape if they go we go – if we go they go –

So that’s what I wanted to bring primarily to you – obviously it is not a ton of intel but it is I think what we are waiting for and looking for now so without me saying absolutely – I believe that is what is happening – I believe it is good information that we are getting -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:   1:04:35

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 11-18-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 11-18-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday November 18th and you’re listening to the Big Call – glad everyone could find their way in with our new numbers that we had last week – hopefully everyone has adjusted

Well we’ve had our challenges tonight – so I’m going to make the assumption that you can hear me okay and hopefully I can get this intel segment out without interference - hard to say what it is that was causing that of course - and I’m going to say this much – let’s go ahead and get this intel out to the people that might still be live on the call – and hopefully anybody that’s listening to the replay is hearing it continually without breakages that we’ve had

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 11-18-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday November 18th  and you’re listening to the Big Call –  glad everyone could find their way in with our new numbers that we had last week – hopefully everyone has adjusted

Well we’ve had our challenges tonight – so I’m going to make the assumption that you can hear me okay and hopefully I can get this intel segment out without interference - hard to say what it is that was causing that of course - and I’m going to say this much – let’s go ahead and get this intel out to the people that might still be live on the call – and hopefully anybody that’s listening to the replay is hearing it continually without breakages that we’ve had

So – I wanted to tell everybody that what we’re getting now is some of the most definitive information we have had at all – over the last 10 years – and the reason I’m saying that is that we know – for example from 4 confirmations out of Zurich that the bond holders funds are being made liquid or their accounts are being hydrated –

That means that the accounts that are based in Zurich are being made liquid as of 10 am this morning Eastern time – we understand that the remaining bond holders and this is in groups of bond holders – these groups will be paid out over night tonight and tomorrow -

So  it seems that they are finally going to get access to the liquidity that they can actually see but not touch yet in their accounts – starting tomorrow for the United States – that is a very positive move

We know that yesterday there was a very important meeting in the afternoon in Reno – that was temporarily halted due to some improper activity with one of the attending’s there that had improper access code and that was remedied yesterday and then it was resumed - the planning and scheduling meeting was resumed and we believe the Chinese Royals were paid out yesterday afternoon and the things moved forward to where the remaining intermediaries that needed  to be paid out are not only scheduled but hopefully have been started  -

This is a hard thing to get confirmation on but we believe the process itself is moving forward even though there was a stoppage in the activity yesterday – for a while – definitely –

So where do we stand now? We know the bondholders are moving through but we have very good information suggesting that the rates for the currencies that we know will be changing for some of the dealers that are left or the currency sellers will be getting notified or have been notified of a rate change for this weekend – which may take certain currencies out of the mix for them to continue to sell – because the pricing at the new rates would put that over the top and unaffordable to purchase – and that is very good and it looks like we’re getting confirmation of that timing for late Saturday into Sunday – but I am referring that to change because we heard out of Iraq that they have 2 sets of ATM machines – they have the older machines and they have brand new machines  installed - 

The new machines have the new lower denominations notes – The IQN refers to the new Iraqi Dinar Notes – those denominations are similar to ours in the sense of 5’s/10’s/20’s 50’s/100’s  - so they have their new notes – their new currency in those ATM’s loaded but they have not been turned on yet

What we understand is the new currency in Iraq – new ATM’s will be turned on Monday morning Iraq time

What does that mean? It means that revalued dinar will have been made available to them with their new currency in Iraq starting Sunday – That means that their rate for their dinar in their country and their international rate should be out and useable internationally – we believe starting Sunday - 

Now we believe for tier 4 A & B that our notifications based on that information and the other information about rates changing in the selling dealers that are currently selling currency – that change to take place Saturday night – into Sunday – this weekend – should allow for us to be early next week – either Monday or Tuesday with exchanges starting with Monday or Tuesday we hope – and that’s what we believe – so that we do get this exchange process started before Thanksgiving

Now the redemption center staff they are obviously like us have been through this time and time again –and they are on call this weekend - on a 1 hr call  - meaning in one hour they have to respond to a call and be in the redemption center in one hour – ok that is the status they are on for this weekend –

The f ull schedule which would be about a 12-16 hour day – in redemption centers is to start on Monday – and Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday we’ll see if we have an opportunity to go Mon or Tues – for exchanges and redemption of zim and then Thursday a week from tonight - is thanksgiving Day - they have already made provision at the redemption centers to work a - ½ day on Thanksgiving –

We do not know which ½ of the day (am or pm) it will be but I believe it will be the morning half that they will work and the afternoon and evening half they will be off -  so probably scheduled just enough redemptions appointments for a morning session going only til 2 PM – or so let’s say – I don’t know this – only projecting what I think  - now once Thursday happens and so called Black Friday – they should continue doing exchanges and redemption of zim right on through to the end of the month with no problem –

So we are highly anticipating a notification by email and the toll free numbers to come out starting as early as Sunday or Monday or Tuesday – so this weekend is sort of in play for us and we can’t completely disregard the weekend -  something could happen – because of what’s happening in Iraq Saturday night our time - Sunday morning their time –

So that is very exciting and I know we’re going to see a lot of rates change on any remaining sellers  - some currencies will just be removed to keep from being sold – they will be gone – will not exist anymore – because the rates would be way too high to buy into them as you could imagine –

So that’s primarily what I wanted to bring to you tonight in terms of where we are and where we have been – and a lot of interesting things that have come in pointing toward this happening for us before thanksgiving –

Let’s hope and believe and pray that is the case – that we get this prior to thanksgiving and we have a short celebration before thanksgiving and then of course we’ll have the rest of our lives to enjoy and celebrate this great blessing  - Have a great night and a great weekend


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  1:04:30

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-16-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-16-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday November 9th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in once again wherever you are all over the globe

This is interesting – because – you know – what we’re getting as you know changes from day to day – sometimes it’s good – sometimes it’s quiet and – let’s just say the big part of it – without dragging this intel out – the big news – and you guys want to cut to the chase anyway – usually – is that Reno is a major hub of activity right now – and you ask why is that? What is different about Reno now?

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-16-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday November 9th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in once again wherever you are all over the globe

This is interesting – because – you know – what we’re getting as you know changes from day to day – sometimes it’s good – sometimes it’s quiet and – let’s just say the big part of it – without dragging this intel out – the big news – and you guys want to cut to the chase anyway – usually – is that Reno is a major hub of activity right now – and you ask why is that? What is different about Reno now?

Well – let me put it this way – this afternoon at 2 PM Pacific – in Reno – there was a big Pow Wow – get together meeting between heads of state - and financial leaders from many, many countries – also our Treasury Secretary  Steven Mnuchin was there – representative from the UK – from Spain – France – from Zimbabwe – from North & South Korea – Iraq – Iran – Venezuela – because the bolivar is one of the currencies that is moving up – and many other countries –

I bet you there were at least 15 to 20 countries represented and also the Chinese Elders – these are Chinese Whales – the Chinese Royals were there – and the whole idea was to complete the scheduling of everything coming out which could include and supposed to be on tap today was the intermediaries as groups that were set between tier 3 & 4 –

Remember we are a part of tier 4 we call ourselves tier 4B the internet group but the intermediaries which would include fines/interest penalties – adjudicated settlements – CMKX – Ranch claims / Farm claims and if there is any lose groups of the church groups ---- all of those fit into the intermediary category  - those were on tap – was the wording – On tap – for today –

Now that tells me those were being paid out – today – and I don’t know how long that is going to take – but we are supposed to go on the heels of the bond holders and I guess also on these intermediary groups – so what we are getting from one of our banking sources – a lot of these guys are under pressure – gag orders or NDA’s and it’s difficult to get a true time line for us –

But what we do have from one banker is suggesting is that there is a 90 – 95% chance oif us being notified in tier 4  - that’s  us – tier 4B -  either tomorrow or Thursday – so we are at a 90% or 95%  chance of being notified either tomorrow or Thursday

Now we just take that and as you know – with a grain of salt – it’s not absolute and it could be true in now and in 10 minutes it could morph / change –

And  you have noticed even on Thursday’s call – the information that I put out Thursday – after that call – it morphed -  it changed – and I thought --- If only I had known that - … you know …… an hour ago  it would have changed the direction of the intel –

Alright – sooo this thing is constantly moving - but the indication is very good – we know that things are rolling in Iraq – we know that they’ve got plenty of assets backing their gold and dinar (golden dinar – which is the term used for it) because it’s not just to be used for Iraq – but it’s also being used as a regional currency over the Middle East – a lot of countries will use that term Golden Dinar – with regards to the Iraqi Dinar –

So they are moving through on that as well -  we have heard – that the Emergency Broadcasting System could be used at any time – I noticed last night there was a test on a channel that I was tuned into  of the EBS – and also the EAS – the Emergency Alert System –

All I can tell you is – there is a lot of activity behind the scenes – we know that bondholders are supposed to have been paid at least their 1-1.5% on the zim sheet bonds and 100% on the finds on all of the other bonds – which would be everything from the Chinese Dragon Bonds – Yellow/Red Dragon bonds as well as another category of bonds - 

So we don’t know if they had access to funds but we believe they needed to sign the NDA’s so that they could receive access to those funds – it‘s like – okay we’re going to give you access to these funds now but before you get access you need to sign your NDA - I think that’s where we are with the bondholders – that’s why this huge get together in Reno is so important –

What we hope were final video conference calls on Friday – of this past week – and you know the intention is to get this done before Thanksgiving –

We hope it’s this week – not next week - which is Thanksgiving week – next week – and so far I’m not going to say it’s next week - as it is now – on this Tuesday night – things are looking very good – especially the fact that these guys are meeting in Reno with such intensity and drive and purpose - - I don’t think they’re meeting today for something that’s happening ten days from now –

We could be wrong – as you know – intel is tough – fleeting – and hard to nail down – they don’t want us to know when – I can tell you that the IRS computers that were down yesterday at noon and that is a good thing - we think it’s a part of the IRS being absorbed – what’s left of it – absorbed and rolled into the US Treasury – which was the intention anyway through NESARA –

We also had – let’s see what else happened that changed – it’s hard to come up with these dates and things - things that are coming in the future but we did hear that the funds that are funding the current form of our government - is the old USA INC – the corporate United States of America that you are aware of – that USA INC should run out of money and should run out as a form of government for us by December 2nd  so that is quick –

That is like 9 days after Thanksgiving - so maybe that won’t turn things around quickly – We know the Restored Republic form of government is being put into place – and restored – and there’s a lot of things politically that can tie into that as well – that we’re looking to hear from - they may be using that EBS bringing a lot of information out - or at least we certainly look forward to that –

So I think that is all that I’m planning to bring tonight for the intel segment – we believe they are setting up the schedule – that is what the meeting in Reno was about – to set up the schedule for the remainder of the groups that are to go – and we of course in tier 4B at least one banker is suggesting a 90 – 95 % chance of  us receiving our notifications either tomorrow or Thursday – we’ll stay tuned and see if that occurs  and of course if it does not we’ll be back Thursday night for another Big Call  - hopefully it happens -

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins: 40:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 11-11-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 11-11-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – and Happy Veteran’s Day - it’s Thursday November 11th and you’re listening to the Big Call –thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe – I’m excited – we’re going to have a really good call tonight

Alright let’s see - where are we now – we had a call Tuesday night – some information had come in over the weekend and a little bit of trickle in on Monday and not too much on Tuesday – so we structured that together - - at the time we had the impression that we would be notified by the middle of the week or so – and then at the last minute on Tuesday we heard – it should be by Veterans Day – well here it is Veterans Day and we have not been notified –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 11-11-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – and Happy Veteran’s Day - it’s Thursday November 11th and you’re listening to the Big Call –thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe – I’m excited – we’re going to have a really good call tonight

Alright let’s see - where are we now – we had a call Tuesday night – some information had come in over the weekend and a little bit of trickle in on Monday and not too much on Tuesday – so we structured that together - - at the time we had the impression that we would be notified by the middle of the week or so – and then at the last minute on Tuesday we heard – it should be by Veterans Day – well here it is Veterans Day and we have not been notified –

Why is that?  Why does this intel come in so strong and all of a sudden we don’t get it – What’s happening? Well I can tell you today that I found out why – this week at least - why we have not yet received it but there is good news – so stay tuned for it –

Alright – so we find out that the QFS is finding and making determinations on who is white hat – a gray hat – and a black hat – It knows – or it’s in the process of knowing that and finding it out and it allows for removal of black hats and gray hats so only the white hats essentially are involved in the system - ok – and that’s primarily banking for international institutions – trading – could include – talking about paymasters – talking about people that are recipients of bonds and CMKX – all of that stuff is being determined very strongly by this Quantum computer the QFS –

That is why we have not gone yet – the good news is that as of 9:30 Pm EST last night (Wed) the official stop was there for what I have called for years clean up on aisle 3 & 4 -  so in other words the clean up finished up last night by 9:30PM – that is global by the way –  not just here – that’s a really good sign – and when I heard that yesterday it gave me pause to think – well this is looking really solid then for today – Veterans Day –

Even though we don’t have it yet – I think personally one of the reasons is that all the banks are closed today – Wells was – and all the tier one banks were closed –

If your Mom & Pops was open – good on you – because I thought well – it’s not that we couldn’t do redemption centers activity on a day where the banks were closed – they could have -  and they did – actually but it wasn’t exchanges and it wasn’t us being notified –

But what it was was between 9:30 and 11:30 this morning redemption center staff was checking and testing the link that came from the call centers that were going to use with our toll free number from that call center number to the redemption center hard line phone number –

In other words when we call in on the call center most of us will get routed to directly to the redemption center that is the one in the zip code that we have indicated at the beginning of that call – when we were prompted for that or if we happen to get a live person we tell them what zip code we want to exchange in – it could be our own zip code or it might be a zip code where an area we believe a redemption center is located –  and we don’t know where all of these centers are located – we might know where a few of them are – but we don’t know where most of them are – because some of them will be attached to or adjacent to an existing tier 1 bank or it could be completely separate – a completely separate office / redemption center type building - ok – and it is in a lot of cases – so be aware of that -  that is really good news that everything was theoretically wrapped up –

Hello, World!

Now ---- since then – today – remember the QFS tests were done and they had to get a certain number like 60 or so calls – test calls – between the call center / redemption center – ad we understand that went very well and they passed the tests – everything is looking good for us

Now – as far as what else has been going on we have to defer to the bond recipients – because we do have strong evidence that the bond holders /bond recipients – are being paid out from basically 4 centers – one in either Hong Kong or Singapore – could be both – but we heard the last was either of them – Zurich – Miami – and Reno - those are the main 4 –

Now – we know this afternoon in a 4 ½ hr period until about 8:30 PM about 2,000 bond holders were paid out – in that last flurry of activity – now they don’t stop and start over again the next day – this is going 24x7 through the end of the month – is what they anticipate for paying out these bond recipients – and this includes what happened today - included the Zimbabwe sheet bonds  and they are quite valuable  and that is included as well as they are still paying out groupings  of the Chinese Red Dragon – Yellow Dragon Bonds – the German bonds – all of the other bond category types and actually when the bonds are completed then they will pay out on the certificates for precious metals – so called assets – boxes of assets and they are referring to certificates for gold – silver – palladium – platinum  and the like – those are so called hard assets categories and those will be paid out I guess last – after the bonds are all done – so that’s ongoing through the end of the month

So – where does that put us?  – let’s put in one more bit of information – and it’s very important – I mentioned to you over a week ago – probably a couple weeks ago that the tier 1 tier 2 tier 3 tier 4 banks have all received the new USN currency – that is the United States Treasury Note – our new money – our folding money that would go in a wallet or purse - our “cash” –

That has already happened – they are in the banks – already there – have been there – for a little while – they will be at the redemption centers for us – all the denominations from 100’s all the way down – including singles – same denominations but different – and these will not say Federal Reserve Note - they will say United States treasury Note – USTN alright – So that’s going to be … plus the look of our money I think is different – there’s so much – so many security features in the new bills that we have it’s going to be amazing –

Alright – so Today they wanted to make sure all of the Mom & Pop banks and the credit?? can’t remember that one word  (maybe credit union?)  when you try to get a loan on a car or a boat or something it is a bit cheaper usually than going to the banks – at these particular locations - I have not used one – it is like a federal credit union - ha ha hello I got it - Credit Union -- this is what I was trying to say –

Credit Unions had been left out of the new money  - they finally got all the credit unions to have the new USTN by 7PM tonight – so they wanted to make sure that happened - by then – so what does that tell you?

Does it tell you we are close? It should – Does it tell you we have a possibility of going between now and the weekend? I would say so and the redemption centers staffing is prepared for a full day tomorrow – meaning a 12 hour day – at least -

So that has not happened this whole week -  oh they might have gone in today for 2 hours to do that testing  may have had a conference call - which they did have – last Friday – do you see what I’m saying? They had off days – but that changes tomorrow – with full days staffing – at the redemption centers – so that’s a good sign – a good indicator that maybe we will get notified in the morning – maybe we will set appointments and maybe we will start as early as tomorrow afternoon

Soooo – if we started on a Friday which is conceivable - we would continue on Saturday –Sunday – right through next week – they are prepared to do that – if we are to start tomorrow –

So --- there is an “IF” in place and it doesn’t mean we know absolutely anything that we are “there” for that but there are some very good signs that are pointing to the possibility that we could be and should be notified between now and Sunday

So that is the gist of the information that I wanted to bring to everybody tonight because I think it’s very positive and I think the bond holders- we had 2000 bond holders paid in 4 ½ hours and that’s going to continue – that doesn’t stop and start over next week – it starts and continues on a 24 hr cycle – I’m sure there’s a little time for a reset but beyond that it is ongoing –

So let’s talk about when the bond holders are to gain access to their funds – our belief is – we don’t know absolutely - but we believe that the bond holders will be able to get access finally to those funds that they can see in their account – just can’t touch it – we understand that tomorrow they should be able to gain access to those funds in their accounts –

Now – they have been pushed like we’ve been pushed for weeks – maybe even months – let’s call it months – on getting started – gaining access –

I’ve been of the opinion that we tier 4A & B will get notified ad set appointments and start about the same time as the bond holders receive access to their funds – so if they receive access to the funds tomorrow it’s a good indicator for us - a very good indicator – and we should be coming right along side

Remember we were supposed to go on the heels of the bond holders being paid and we still believe there’s some adjudicated settlements and fines and penalties and all of that that still needs to be paid – but again we’re thinking a lot of that would probably be paid out along with us going in for our exchanges and redemption of zim

So – we’ll see how that plays out – I am not too concerned about that but more concerned about when we’re getting notified and how that’s going to go - and I believe we are just about there – hopefully we don’t have to wait until next week – Our people – what we’re getting from our limited bank sources and other sources is indicating this possibility as early as tomorrow – so we’ll see –

I feel like we are closing in on this guys – they do not want us to know the exact timing of it – obviously – but we’ve got some hints and right now the hints are really good – so let’s just stay with it – stay in faith


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  1:16:40

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-9-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-9-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday November 9th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in once again wherever you are all over the globe

Ok lets’ talk a little bit about where we are – now it’s always so strange when I come on the call Tuesday night and it’s been 5 days since we did a call last Thursday – and sometimes I have to refresh my memory a little bit on what we’ve talked about and the beauty of tonight is that even though today is relatively quiet we did get maybe more information Saturday and Sunday than we normally would get on a weekend –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-9-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday November 9th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in once again wherever you are all over the globe

Ok lets’ talk a little bit about where we are – now it’s always so strange when I come on the call Tuesday night and it’s been 5 days since we did a call last Thursday – and sometimes I have to refresh my memory a little bit on what we’ve talked about and the beauty of tonight is that even though today is relatively quiet we did get maybe more information Saturday and Sunday than we normally would get on a weekend –

It’s just the strangest thing you cannot predict exactly what you’re going to get and all of a sudden you get the mother lode of information – or it’s dry for a day or two – you have virtually nothing new – today was a slow day but the weekend was good – and where we stand now is I think a very good position –

First of all Iraq did what they were supposed to do and that was they had been trading their Dinar on the screens and getting it to a level where they wanted it – they’ve got it trading internationally now as of Sunday night – they put a new rate up Sunday and then they had it brought to around 9 o’clock – that is when they needed to have it on the bank screens for trading with South East Asia - and that’s about the time that South Eastern Asian markets open – which is their Monday morning at 9 or 9:30 am – in the same time frame – that’s when the rates needed to be together –

Remember we’ve got a lot of countries now that have – I don’t know the latest tally that have assets backing their currencies – their new currencies – so they’re trading and that’s moving along nicely –

Now – when it does get quiet like today it means that bankers are under NDA , gag orders – or hush orders and  you’ve got a few sources here and there that you can glean a little bit of information from – so we know – even though there’s nothing live right now on the CBI website – they’re not going to put anything like a national rate on the CBI website until we’re ready to go – they just have this agreement not to put that rate out – even though they are actively using it – they are actively using lower denominations of their new currency in their ATM’s in Iraq – ok –

So –it’s like things are happening sort of behind the scenes – we can’t really see it all unless you are privileged to be looking at a bank screen and fortunately we can sort of do that in a way – because the people – some that we talk to are looking at those screens and can relate what’s going on to us –

The next step really is these bonds that are paying out – the paymasters of the bond recipients – have been paying out for a while now and they’ve worked their way from the German bonds through the yellow dragon bonds – red dragon bonds – and other types of bonds – but they still have not paid out on the Zimbabwe sheet bonds – and similar to our Zimbabwe currency which is a bond - they have sheet bonds that have not yet been paid out on – yet – that is going to be the last ones to get paid out

We heard they were supposed to pay out on the zim sheet bonds – not us – but the zim sheet bonds tomorrow – I don’t know if that will hold up – we’ll see - if it does maybe I’ll hear about it – but the good news is - the bond holders can see the account balance in their account but they still do not have access to the funds – they see the liquidity in their account but they can’t get to it – they can’t spend it yet - why is that?

Well, are they waiting for them to be able to get access to funds about the same time that we get access to our toll free numbers to set our appointments for our exchanges?  I think it could be that they are trying to create a true shotgun start – even though it might be staggered a little bit – so that even the bond holders which are tier 3 – we are tier 4 – that they may not get access until we are set to get access at our first appointment – and by the way – if you’ve got currency whether it’s dinar – dong – rupiah – etc you will be able to get access to those funds on day 1 –

There is no settling of funds when it comes to these currencies – it is considered a currency exchange and if you have a million Dinar you would be able to gain access to the rate x 1 million that you will get on your Dinar in USN dollars – on the day of your exchange appointment – that same day – in fact you will have a debit/credit card tied to whatever account you want that you can use – ok

Now – let’s talk about 3 basic types of accounts that I am going to try to set up – the first one is the so called Master Account or Mother Lode Account – this is the one they are going to want to combine all of your currencies that they exchange including the zim bonds – that you redeem in one master account – not necessarily how I want it set up but that’s what their intent is – at the redemption center – they just want to throw the whole thing into one master account – so we get a structured pay out account on that but let’s say we want to get access to some funds – my intention is to set up a secondary account that the interest from the master account earns -  will spill over into the secondary account – at the same bank - So Wells for the exchange – Wells for the secondary account ok – in my case -  my situation –

So I do that and the main / master account earns interest but it pays out – say I have the choice and I choose quarterly- do it pays out every 3 months – every quarter – and so I have something in that secondary account – my spill over account – that I can use to do Humanitarian things with – and do my projects –and fund and just go nuts with that – ok –

Now I want to set up a 3rd smaller account which would be a bill paying account for just household – kind of like you have now already – and that would cover your bills and all of that stuff – your bills and small expenses – you’re not going to buy a home out of that account or boats or cars - out of it - that would be coming out of the mother lode  or secondary spill over account – but you could put a debit card on if you choose and it would not be the biggest  - just a small account like you have now

For me personally I don’t really want a debit card tied to the mother lode account obviously or the secondary account which would be the spill over account – I would prefer to use one or two credit cards and just have them automatically paid off every month – 2 days before the due date - that is what I am going to try to set up

So I am looking at three – and that third account called the household account – it does not necessarily have to be at the same bank – and you may want to diversify beyond just 2 banks and go to 3 or 4 banks –

We’re just going to have to see – the biggest thing we’re doing differently – is our banks like Wells and Chasse – Bank of America - and Citi - those are exchange portals – those are bank account portals – because our accounts are going to be held by the Treasury in a QFS Treasury account – in other words there’s no more FDIC 100 – 150,000 insurance on our accounts – are you kidding? – Accounts in the Treasury are larger

No one could insure that - even Lourdes of London – there is no sense in it – the insurance that we would have on the safety of the account is the fact that it is backed by the US treasury that has the gold that has the assets - that has what backs up the USN dollar – the USTN United States Treasury Note - they have to under Basel 4 and Basel 5 is compliance have physical assets to back up the deposit and that’s why everything’s going to change – it’s going to morph into the QFS Treasury account –

Now we’ll gain access to that with our own account name and number – and a password – and when we want to go take a look at our balance on our mother lode account we enter  acct name – password – and then it will ask for a secondary password –

Now in the past we thought we’d use a biometric finger or thumb print reader to gain access – I am not sure they haven’t done away with that for us – even for the mother lode account – so it might be as simple as acct name and 2 passwords - if we have the debit / credit card we might have a card reader that we could use to swipe the card in front that will read the info – we’ll see what they finally come up with –

Our mother lode card that would gain us access is supposed to be a titanium card meaning made out of titanium – they were supposed to get our initial card that we can use to spend from on day 1 at our appointment

Now will the titanium card be available on that same day – I don’t know – we’ll see – we’ll see what happens – but what we want to let them know is – let’s say they want to throw all of our money into one national account – that’s fine – but we want to tell them how much do you need or do you want to have access to – to spend - or give away – to tithe with – whatever you need – how much do you need for the first 6 months – let them know that amount –

What I’m going to do is take that because remember there is no interest yet – there is nothing in the spill over acct – it’s brand new – I am going to “seed” the spill over account with that amount that I would like to have in there for the first 6 months – that is where I can get access and spend from – ok initially – like on day 1 ok – ok – that’s the plan that’s what I’m going to do – if you want to do something similar that’s great –

Remember I am going to use  the proceeds essentially from the zim to be my so called “God Account” ok – and that means for all kinds of humanitarian projects – and humanitarian purposes – and the God account will be the master account – the mother lode account and I’m not going to have to worry about really tapping into that but the interest that it generates will fund the projects  and if for some reason I need a really large amount and I needed to go to the master account “fine” – but really the master account is going to be what the structured pay out would be using to pay from - so we’ll see how all of that comes together 

This thing has morphed in more than a few times – over the last 10 years so we never know what might happen in the future as well – but we’re ready to -- let’s see where we’re going now –

Remember we talked about the adjudicated settlements – the CMKX – the fines – interest and penalties – the farm claims the ranch claims – the church group paid outs – the CMKX and adjudicated settlements payout was started paying out yesterday –and they were paying and then we had a bad apple or two stop it – until they could take those bad apples out of the basket – and then continue on with the pay outs on CMKX and they find another bad apple they have to pull that out – and I’m referring to people when I say bad “apple” you know that -  These are people that not supposed to be recipients – let’s just say it that way – and so that continued on  and should have continued through the night – I don’t know if it finished –

Fines interest and penalties were supposed to be paid out today - I don’t know and don’t have the status of that yet – of course I’ll hear more things after this call is over but it will be too late for tonight’s call

So where do we stand? We’ve heard about bond holders – we’ve heard about some of the other groups like CMKX and the rest of these groups are being paid now –

Bond holder money is being extremely active in terms of getting these funds out to tier 3 from Reno – Miami – Zurich and Hong Kong – they have been very active – but as far as we’re concerned we are supposed to go on the heels of the bond holders – but not have to wait till all of them are paid out – because it may take a while - to get all of them completely hydrated – so we had a time line that talked about us being underway meaning with exchanges before or by Veterans Day – Nov 11 -        

Guess what? Veterans Day is November 11th  Thursday – this week – sooooo –that means that we are in the heart of what should be getting notified – by the Wells  Fargo email and by the 800 number that I will receive 2 of them –1 for zim holders and 1 for everybody but zim holders that I will put out on our website

Now that is as close as I can say to the timing that we have been told – and this has been told to us by 3 separate banks – the lead bank a not such a big bank  and another bank that is international – let’s just say it that way – and they are all saying the same thing - or did say the same thing Sunday - Saturday and Sunday - 

They said Tuesday and or Wednesday for notifications well guess what>? I don’t think we’re getting notified by then now - We didn’t today – so it makes tomorrow look very keen – now the idea of us getting this underway  on or before Veterans Day was part of the plan - so let’s see if “the plan”  - which is to get this done and to get this started – now –there is also a possibility that the EBS will be utilized from several purposes and I’ve heard this date last week  that the date may be “tomorrow” - Wednesday –

And I’ve been told as late as a half hour before this call that we should be in for a surprise -  they did not describe what it was – but we should be in for a surprise tomorrow - so let’s hope that we get one – two or three types of surprises tomorrow –

I’m not like most guys – not too big on surprises I would rather have an idea what the heck is going on than to be surprised by something – and we know what we’re looking for –

We know we’re looking for notifications – we know we’re looking for the toll free numbers and we’re looking for this blessing to come in to finality but all the information that we have right now is triangulating and pointing toward the time we are in right now – and we’ll see

Remember – all I can do is bring what I hear and that is what I do every Tuesday and Thursday night - bring to you the best information that I can and make the best of what I get –and make sense of where we are –

So the rock is on board – everything is good – tier 3’s are paid out – bond holders are being paid out -  everything is moving forward – QFS is fully integrated with the banks – tiers 1 -2 3 – 4 banks – financial institutions here and around the world  - if they are slow to hook up it’s on them - everybody is pretty much good to go  - countries that have currencies that are going to be exchanging in the first basket 27 of them - are all solid and good to go –

There is always a little last minute parlay – between the treasury and the countries I.m sure everything basically is line up – and I hope there’s nothing else that we need to wait for – I don’t believe there is and if there is I have not heard of it  at this point –

So with that being said I would like for everyone to continue believing for this outcome to pray in this blessing – individually – corporately if you have a small group of believers and that’s what we’re going to do -            


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK      Intel Begins:   1:11:50

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-4-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-4-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday November 4th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe

Let’s see where we find ourselves tonight because there has been a lot of information over the last few days since actually Tuesday night’s call – learning more and more about what’s happening now – usually we cut to and talk about other people being paid – I know that is not a lot of fun unless you are a bond holder – but the bonds are continuing to be paid out – it is seemingly a slow roll out – there have been no stoppages – since they’ve started back up – was that Monday they started back up? I think it was - and that is good news –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-4-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday November 4th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe

Let’s see where we find ourselves tonight because there has been a lot of information over the last few days since actually Tuesday night’s call – learning more and more about what’s happening now – usually we cut to and talk about other people being paid – I know that is not a lot of fun unless you are a bond holder – but the bonds are continuing to be paid out – it is seemingly a slow roll out – there have been no stoppages – since they’ve started back up – was that Monday they started back up? I think it was - and that is good news –

So – we got the green light out of Zurich – which was at 9 am EDT this morning – that the remaining bonds like the red dragon – and other bonds would continue to pay out now – so that is happening today – and we believe that the so called sheet bonds of the Zimbabwe would be paid out on Saturday – those are the highest in denomination like our zim currency is / zim bond currency is – and these sheet bonds are high denomination also –

So those are going to be paid out Saturday and I think that point is the last category of bonds that I’m aware of – unless there are other boxes of assets or boxes of something else beyond that – but I think that’s probably going to be about it – does not mean the bond holders will get all of that – they will only get like 1% of the sheet bonds – because they are so high in value – down the road they will get more – up to 20% then finally – probably get that in stages –

That is probably no different than for us whole hold zim that are going to be using the structured pay out because the zim does – it is such a large denomination whether 50 billion or 100 trillion notes or something in between these at a fair rate which I believe we can obtain based on projects –

These are large – large – large numbers and we will earn that large number if we have projects that warrant – longevity – sustainability – great job creation – and so on – put that in our projects and make sure that’s part of  what we’re doing –

Redemption centers are not going to be blown away when we talk about projects that will go 200 and 300+ years – they are aware of the existence of Med Beds – they may not know that much about them but  maybe not as much as we do – but it is something that will extend the lives of many many of us – and so the actual opportunity to be able to do projects with that kind of longevity and be around to see and witness – okay and affect them – we quite possibility be here to do that – and sooner than we think –

So I am pretty excited about that –and I think we should be aware of the technology that has been there and is now coming to the fore – the fact that we get this thing started and we do kick it off and go for us and we do go to our exchanges that is really sort of like pulling the switch for all of the technologies to come out – all of the suppressed patents to come out – and so on – and I think we’re going to see a lot of that

That’s why we keep saying that this is a new paradigm that we’re going into – because it is going to show quite a bit of change and Sue is right to be speaking futuristically about her projects and about the leadership because that is where we are going - we are going into something that is what seemed like science fiction is our new reality -  so that’s pretty cool

Alright, let’s get back to where we are – so we are looking for the bond holders to continue getting paid out – and they will be paid out long beyond Saturday – alright – so they’ll go but that does not mean that we’re not going to get started

Now let’s talk about Iraq – It was said that they will revalue their currency again – they already have something in country that’s pretty strong but they are going to revalue again  - either Saturday or Sunday – I think it will  maybe Saturday but they will have it available on the screen for international trading probably Sunday night –

Remember Sunday in Iraq is their first business day – so it’s a lot different way to look at the “weekend” for them than normally for us -  Our banks are closed and we  go on Monday morning – so that is going to be interesting to see – I don’t know that we’ll – again – until we get started here we probably won’t see the new Iraqi dinar rate here – Our bankers can see it – they will have it – they have had it – and they have had it –

We’ve got – oh gosh we had 147 countries a week ago that were asset backed – already -  and we’re going to keep climbing – I don’t have the latest number on that but I’m sure it’s higher than that now – So there are countries coming together under just GESARA that are getting their currencies completely lined up – asset backed and so on –

The QF System is being connected to more international banking commercials and more international corporate groups – in other words all our banks are connected to the QFS – most of our businesses are connected here already and financial institutions – but there’s a few more that probably need to be connected that will over this coming weekend – and whereas we thought we would have a good shot at getting notified this week – unless you count the weekend it does not look like that to me –

We were told today by certain bankers that we would be looking very good either to be notified possibly over the weekend Sat – Sun but more likely by Monday which is the 8th of November – now whether we would start on the 8th or not – or start on the 9th which is Tuesday – realize this – if it’s early enough in the day say by Mon morning we probably could start exchanging Monday afternoon – or get notified Monday afternoon we probably would start Tuesday – We would set appointments Monday probably start exchanges on Tuesday

Sort of the latest information that we’re getting as far as that goes –on the notifications – we will wait for this call that I’m getting in my ear to go away and I will continue - - The main thing is that there are several green lights that we had talked about that we are getting – some are political – one in particular that we are not going into  - one other one is for the bonds to resume with new types of bonds – that was this morning – like I said at 9 am EDT –

And the other thing would be looking at the green light for Iraq to revalue – I think when we say this – they have already revalued “in country” – but to put that new rate which will be above where they are now which is a decent rate – but when they get to that new rate – what we see – we do not go into rates much on this call but when we do see that here which should theoretically by Monday morning in our banks we should have the type of numbers here for a period of time – not forever – but a period of time – that Dr Shabibi suggested at the International Chamber of Commerce  meeting in DC in 2012 – 9 years ago

Alright – so – everything is coming around – does see slow from our perspective – just when we think it’s our week we get pushed to the weekend or to early next week – I understand – I get it -  but this is all part of what is happening – there are certain things happening that we really are not supposed to know about and can’t talk about and there are other things that we can only imagine that are happening out there – very positive news out of Virginia yesterday – for that governor and for the common wealth of Virginia and I think that is the first fruits of what we should be witnessing nationwide I hope – I think many of you are excited about what you seeing and hearing now and I’m excited about the possibility of this going – I’m not giving it too much of a chance for  us to be notified over the weekend – they say don’t write it off yet – ok let’s not write it off –

Certainly if it happens Sat or Sun we will be more than willing to receive it – however I think there is something  about the number 8 and the idea of new beginnings and the idea of financial prosperity for the Chinese that we can possibly take part of on Monday –

So I think that is the majority of what I wanted to talk to you about tonight - realize that things are happening behind the scenes in many ways and we’re not to really know much about it but it is happening for our benefit – so everybody take heed – stay in faith like you have been – stay with plan A –remember the blessing is considered our plan B – let’s all enjoy the weekend and keep our eyes open – we never know what might come through for us – but right now I’m focusing more on Monday for notifications -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:10:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-2-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-2-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday November 2nd and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in once again wherever you are all over the globe

Ok let’s go into some intel and see where we stand today – this being Tuesday and 5 days since last Thursday’s call – a lot of things have happened – since last week – we were under the impression that we could look for our toll free numbers and email release here pretty soon – we kinda thought we would be looking for them today – at least we had 2 different banks give us their opinion about that – unfortunately things are moving along but not quite that fast for us –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 11-2-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday November 2nd and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in once again wherever you are all over the globe

Ok let’s go into some intel and see where we stand today – this being Tuesday and 5 days since last Thursday’s call – a lot of things have happened – since last week – we were under the impression that we could look for our toll free numbers and email release here pretty soon – we kinda thought we would be looking for them today – at least we had 2 different banks give us their opinion about that – unfortunately things are moving along but not quite that fast for us –

Let me tell you what’s happening – we’ve got bond holders that we know of that have received their funds starting last Friday – that means they were paid out – bonds were paid and made liquid Friday – Saturday –Sunday – and Monday - With the last bonds that we know of that some people have – are these Zimbabwe sheet bonds – these are full sheet bonds of Zimbabwe that have not yet been paid out but we understand they may just get paid out tomorrow (Wed) – or at least if the accessibility or availability of funds are not there we hear that they are supposed to pay out tomorrow –

So that could be well for us – now all of the other bonds that have paid out have paid 100% out – except the zim sheet bonds which have not paid anything yet – but will - but the holders of these are the recipients of them now – will receive 1% of those zim sheet bonds – whereas they have received 100% of all of the other classifications of bonds or types of bonds –

The German bonds paid out – the yellow dragon – red dragon - and god knows how many other types of bonds are in process right now –

So ---- what does that say for us? It should say that we are on the verge of being notified – it could be in the next couple of days – I’m looking strongly at tomorrow but obviously it’s not wise to “call it” – we don’t have verification that it is definitely going to be tomorrow – or I would tell you that – but the way things are moving – it could be very possible that we get started with notifications either tomorrow and then maybe get started on Thursday – It’s hard to say – This week is looking good though

Because of the bond movement – because of the movement in other areas too – we had verification that the church groups have been paid out – I can’t tell you every church group but the ones we know and have tracked have been paid out and have access to funds and another group is supposed to be paid out and have access tonight – They are in the process of moving those along

The other thing is where we stand on the Ranch Claims – that they may go when we go – we had I think as of Saturday or Sunday – we had 50% of the Ranch Claims paid out – they had not started on the farmers claims yet – but that’s coming –and it may be that some of these adjudicated settlements which would include – CMKX – fines & penalties and some of the other groups like the Farmers Claims – that may go when we go as sort of part of tier 4 – because everything so far that’s paid out with the bond holders and who has been paid so far is tier 4B – so they may continue and pay out tonight and tomorrow and consider that tier 4B before we get notified

I think we are very close to getting our notifications now – I know I had dates when the public was supposed to start – and the public start was looking more like the 9th and 10th of November – which is next Tues or Wed – so we’ll see if that holds up – and we do not have to be through – meaning our time as tier 4B does not have to be complete before the public or tier 5 would start – we use to think we’d have 10 days to 2 weeks by ourselves -  and then the public would go – I’m not so sure that the public won’t start – and I call them tier 5 – possibly 5 or 6 days after we get started –

And of course there’s nothing easier than moving the public back to accommodate us moving through – so we’ve had the public time frame so many times and of course we have not even started yet – so it just goes to show that the timing is not been accurate either

So we’re looking at – you know today is election day for some states – governors and some state government positions – that hopefully is going well –without problems – we’ll see how those results come out later tonight or tomorrow – and see what has been established on that –

I think we are looking at some pretty interesting stuff and we had heard a week ago or so that NESAR just might get cranked up more like starting tomorrow – I don’t know if that will hold up necessarily or not but we do know that the new US Treasury notes currency – our spending money that we would put in our wallets or the cash money is in the banks and I don’t know when they are going to release that to us – I thought it might be at least when we get notified and get started – so that may be the case – it could be this week – could very well be this week that we get access to the US Treasury notes or USTN currency - which is asset backed –

We had 135 countries that moved to 147 countries with asset backed currency by last weekend – and now there are probably more than that already that certified as asset backed currencies –

So we’re moving forward in that GESARA realm of trying to level the playing field throughout the world with a lot of currencies that would come up in value and some currencies will adjust slightly downward and some currencies will move back up – for example I believe the  Canadian dollar will move up and be at some point – maybe not immediately  but will be on par with the United States dollar and the same thing would be true with the Aussie dollar – and I believe the for the time being –

The Euro will come down in value to match our currency but then eventually – and I don’t know how far in the future – I think those individual countries that made up the Euro will go back to their own individual currencies – I believe that is in the future and it may not be too far out – it may be actually a condition to GESARA

So – a lot of things are moving in the way of funding to the way of monies that are quite large moving in our direction and I think that we are that close to being notified ourselves – and it could be as early as tomorrow – I hope it is and if not – we’ll just hang in there – could be a one day at a time type of thing –

Anyway – it’s not a whole lot  but there is a lot going on behind the scenes – a lot of things politically that I am not going to get into – and some other things that are happening behind the scenes that we will become aware of – and I really want everybody to move forward together with staying in touch –

I think we are very very close  Maybe we will get a nice  pleasant surprise tomorrow – So everybody have a wonderful evening tonight


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK    Intel Begins 1:03:10

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 10-28-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 10-28-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday October 28th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe

Chuckle Ha Ha This is … ha ha remember Tuesday night’s call you probably thought –“When is it going to end”? “When is it going to be over”? I think I went 40 minutes or so with intel if I remember right – so tonight is the exception to the rule – tonight is going to be relatively short –and the reason is because it has been very quiet since Tuesday – We had a few things to bring Tuesday –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 10-28-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday October 28th  and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in all over the globe

Chuckle Ha Ha This is … ha ha  remember Tuesday night’s call you probably thought –“When is it going to end”? “When is it going to be over”?  I think I went 40 minutes or so with intel if I remember right – so tonight is the exception to the rule – tonight is going to be relatively short –and the reason is because it has been very quiet since Tuesday – We had a few things to bring Tuesday –

We are hearing that the bonds holders we’re sort of following received one of two emails – the first email last night around 7 PM that was to inform them they would receive another email sometime today – quite possibly in the noon – 4 pm window – that we were looking for and talked about on the call – and we do not know at this time whether or not that secondary email has been received today –

My feeling is that had that gone out we would have heard something about that – so my theory is probably it didn’t happen this afternoon for them –

Now one thing to realize about these bond recipients – these are previous owners of bonds and became sellers of those bonds and now they are recipients of the funds the bonds were to generate –

We know that there are many types of bonds – German – Chinese yellow dragon - red dragon – railroad – etc etc – they go way back – a giving those bonds down generation to generation sometimes sold – or handed down that is allowing for right now the so called German bonds  are the ones that paid out first  -

Now – why is that? What is significant about the German bonds being paid out – compared say to the yellow dragon or red dragon? the amounts that are being paid out are still quite significant but they are lower – so what they are trying to do I believe is pay out the lower value bond holders/recipients first – because remember what we’ve talked about in the past was the bond holders would receive 1% or 1.2% of their totals

It ends up that is not exactly true – the 1 or 1.2% is only referring to zim sheet bonds – sort of like our zim currency bonds but in full sheets of these – and …… the regular bonds – German and others – those even though quite valuable are being paid out in 100% of their value – whatever that value deemed to be by the buyer – a winning seller and a winning buyer – coming together – putting a deal together – when that happened that changes the story a little bit

So now 100% of most of the bonds are being paid out not just 1% or 1.2% so what’s cool is they started doing this last Sunday at 10:30 AM – here it is Thursday – so they’ve been ongoing without stopping and only pausing to do one phase at a time – then resume – and it is probably well into the 40 or 50 of those phases so far –

So what I am being told is that we in tier 4 the internet group - which start with our notifications on the heels of these bond holders being paid out – and I checked to see …. Wait a minute – do you mean just these bonds that were supposed to pay out today between noon and 4:30 PM today ……. on the heels of those?????? Or on all the bond holders being paid out?  I would say no it is not for all the bond holders it’s just up to so many like maybe would have included this group I was talking about today –

So it makes it a little difficult from that to know exactly where we stand as tier 4B as to when our start is – now one of our bank sources said that we had a good call on Tuesday night – everything was good there – and said that this would be the grand finale – meaning tonight’s call  - right now – this would be the grand finale  _ I HOPE SO – I perceive that  - I’ll say yes let it be as you have spoken – laughing – let’s get this show on the road – Let’s get our start -  which is our numbers – set our appointments and GO  -

It’s Thursday night – hey – it’s Friday in play – it’s Saturday in play – I would say “YES” – is Sunday in play? Only if we start Friday or Saturday would Sunday come into play – I think – do we skip to the 1st of November – which is Monday?  I don’t know – I just don’t know – I was told that this past Monday – 4 days ago – was the last Monday of “business as usual” we’ll be done – meaning – you know nothing has ever happened on a Monday we use to say – nothing is going to happen on a Monday – well supposedly this past Monday was the last day that would be the case –

So this Monday November 1st could be a different story all together – I don’t know if we’re going to get this before the weekend – considering tomorrow sort of starts the weekend in a sense –

Ok now here’s one other little piece – we did find out today – remember our USTN - United States Treasury Note – that’s what is going to be printed on our new money – we use to have – remember “Federal Reserve Note” on all of our money – not any more -  the new money does away with the Federal Reserve all together –

It has been absorbed into the US Treasury – just like the IRS has been absorbed under the US Treasury and we have the new currency – our new money – is in all of the banks – tiers 1 2 3 and 4 all the way down I understand from 100’s  - 50’s  - 20’s - 10’s – 5’s to singles – all the way down – all the currencies are new and it’s all in the banks – so that is getting close isn’t it?

That’s telling us they’re just about ready to bring that out – When?  I don’t know – might do it on the 1st of November -  I don’t know -  we’ll see – but it is a good sign – that things are coming together in this

My understanding is that in Iraq the lower denominations are already out – already in use – through their ATM’s and through their banks –

So – remember Tuesday I said we had 136 countries’ currencies that were asset backed and already on screens – available to be traded as of last Sunday night – another good thing that is moving us forward – I told you that NESARA was going to kick in sor of in a bigger way on Nov 3rd and 4th  somewhere in that time –

So we’re getting ready I think to have some major implications coming – to us in the month of November – and will we get this prior to Nov 1st ?  I can’t say we will – I know that things are very quiet – I know the redemption centers staff were off today -  that they go back to a 1 hour on call status starting tomorrow (Friday) – that means they could be called in with an hours’ notice to set appointments and possibly do exchanges – but that is a slightly new time situation they are in now -  when they have been off the past 5-6 days -  in the redemption centers –

So – I see that as positive -  you have to glean the positive from whatever you’re seeing out there – there’s not much out there – right now there’s not a whole lot – and it’s because the sources from the most pasrt are sort of dried up  - the bankers are quiet – they’ve been told to stay quiet – kind of a gag order going  - a lot of them are under NDA’s – some of the other people we talked to are laying low – there is a lot of clean-up going on – behind the scenes – especially in a number of US Cities – like I mentioned Tuesday night – if there is going to be a black-out – a loss of internet or something -  phone service is targeted – and certain cities might be considered hot spots – not supposed to be nationwide -  I think we can feel good about that –

I think there is very little else that we can say right now other than we are very very close – so I am not going to write off the weekend yet – let’s see if something magical happens tonight – I know one of the currency  companies out in California has a sale that ends at midnight tonight and it’s interesting timing – things tend to happen – with funds moving and I believe these bond holders may see their funds moving after midnight tonight and so all we can do is take little information that we have and piece it together and see how it affects the total – the grand scheme of things – the big picture –

That’s where we are now – we have to sort of stay super patient – stay in faith and be ready for this – again – we don’t know when this is going for us – I thought we would have a better feel if we had confirmation that certain bond holders had  been paid out today – but we don’t have that – so therefore our intel is a little bit lacking as to what I would have liked to brought to you tonight – but I am trying to give you what I have – I will give you what I get – and you know what ?  Boy does it ever change –

No sooner than I got off the phone on Tuesday night at 11 PM EDT  that I got information that changed what I said to you about getting notified today – so here I am telling you – this is the nature of the beast – the information is good but only for so long and then it can change – we know that by now – don’t we – we’ve all seen that over the years and I see it and still trust the information that I get until it’s wrong and so that is what we have to do -  we in a very real sense – I hate the wait and see attitude – but we do have to wait and see -  how and when it comes to us –

Stay with your plan A – hang in there with your plan A – A lot of good things are going to be happening very soon and we know more about that than anyone else out there – so be patient as you have been – continue to be patient – steadfast in your faith -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins   1:21:31

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