Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 9-23-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 9-23-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday September 23rd and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody once again which we intend to be our final call – we’ll see if that is the case – will have more about that later

It’s been a beautiful time to reflect on where we’ve been over the last 10 years – it’s hard to imagine in a way that this is about over – but I believe with the intel that I have – that I’m coming with tonight – I believe this should do it –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 9-23-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday September 23rd and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody once again  which we intend to be our final call – we’ll see if that is the case – will have more about that later

It’s been a beautiful time to reflect on where we’ve been over the last 10 years – it’s hard to imagine in a way that this is about over – but I believe with the intel that I have – that I’m coming with tonight – I believe this should do it –

So let’s get into the actual intel that I have received over the last few days- we did have our call on Tuesday and we did have a little we could talk about Tuesday – but tonight we just learned a lot more yesterday and even this morning to clarify –

Let’s go back and talk about Iraq again – we have people in Iraq that we talk to in various cities – and what we know is that ….. and this blew my mind ….. to find this out yesterday afternoon – which was Wednesday afternoon – that Iraq had finally been released from the sanctions that the Central Bank of Iraq was under as a result of the United States of America Corporation -- the old form of government – not the newly Restored Republic which we are under now – so that blew my mind that they were still under sanctions as a result were not allowed to trade their currency openly UNTIL yesterday –

So all of this that we’ve been waiting for a little bit of it had to do still with Iraq – So now that part is clear – good to go – Iraq is free and my personal feeling is we won’t really find out about the rates of the dinar – it won’t be made public maybe until we get started which is right around the corner – But it is exciting to know that occurred and that now Iraq is now a true sovereign nation and they can control their own destiny with their own currency ok … that’s cool

Now, beyond that let’s do a little timeline of where we are and where we’re going over the weekend – tomorrow is Friday the 24th  - the audits from the individual states – all 50 states have done election audits from the 20/20 election – they’re going to focus on 8 of the states – and most of  you know about Arizona and 7 other states -  that this information will come out tomorrow (Friday) Easter time zone – starting  about the reversal of the election results based on the audits at 3 PM

Now I don’t know how it’s going to come out – I don’t know if the main stream media is going to air this  - I hope they will – I know they have been sent a letter – a “final” letter to comply with what is going to be given to them as the results and we will see how that goes –

I think if the main stream media does not comply with this you are looking at their licenses being pulled and I think will probably go to an Emergency Broadcasting System to get this information out –

So tomorrow afternoon is a VERY BIG DAY - 

What happens after this information gets out?  It certainly will be on Breitbart – Bitchute – Rumble – some of these – I don’t know how it is going to be brought out exactly but I know it’s supposed to start by 3 pm Eastern time tomorrow (Friday)

So while that is happening – they are getting ready for a rally – a political rally that President Trump will be attending down in Georgia at the Georgia National Fair Grounds - this will be a very very large event – this is going to feature candidates such as Hershel Walker – a famous football player –- he is running for Senate and others  that will also be candidates that will be promoted and talked about –

What happened here is – this rally which the gates open at 2 pm eastern Friday – they have tickets for 123,410 people – a large event - probably will have 150,000 people there

 We’ve got all kind of security in place and the first speakers are supposed to start between 4-5 afternoon – This is on Saturday – President Trump will speak at approximately 7 PM and you know that sometimes things do not start on time –

Now this is kinda of an interesting piece – they have 8 truckloads of fireworks to set off Saturday night at the rally – why 8 truckloads????? 

The first one is for the state of Arizona – the remaining 7 truckloads are for the other states that they should mention tomorrow – Friday – as having the audit results reversed –

So that is going to be one heck of a fireworks celebration on Saturday night – so what does all of this mean for us?

No 1 – the bond holders who have been told time and time again that they will see their funds - German bonds – yellow dragon bonds and so on are supposed to receive their funds right before the start of the rally on Saturday

There is a contract that is tied to the bond holders and Wells Fargo which is the lead bank – for these exchanges -  that allows for notifications for tier 4B – that’s us - tier 4B to go out once those bond holders have been paid out ---- we are being told that we should receive our notifications and of course our 800 #’s  which is part of the notification  - emails that are coming from Wells Fargo – all of that is supposed to come out “to us” BEFORE the rally starts on Saturday

The understanding is – I am going to say that when that happens that we will set our appointments – for Saturday and Sunday – and start with those appointments on Monday morning

Now if all of this intel holds up and everything goes according to the plan – this is in fact the LAST BIG CALL – this is the last time you’ll hear it on a live call  - so I am very excited about this weekend – not only because of this great information that we are holding faith to believe that it will finally come true for us – which I believe it will –

I am very excited about the intel that came in today – let’s just pray and believe there are no changes in what I have given you and that everything is ready to go - from the perspective – in this case – from multiple sources and I think it’s all looking VERY good for us to get this thing done in the way I have outlined it -

So this is a pivotal weekend next week is a huge week and we’re setting ourselves up for the rest of our lives – this is it -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:   1:20:40

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-21-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-21-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday September 21st and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody once again

Let’s talk about …. First of all .. why are we here tonight? Ha ha Giggle – Why are we here?? You know – this is one of those things where we had information starting at about last Friday and certainly Saturday – we actually heard that on Saturday this was ready to go and was supposed to go – for us Saturday - it came from a pretty strong source – very high up in the Treasury –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-21-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday September 21st and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody once again

Let’s talk about …. First of all .. why are we here tonight? Ha ha   Giggle – Why are we here?? You know – this is one of those things where we had information starting at about last Friday and certainly Saturday – we actually heard that on Saturday this was ready to go and was supposed to go – for us Saturday - it came from a pretty strong source – very high up in the Treasury –

This person said that there were 3 people inside of another agency that held it up – not the treasury – and they found out who these people were and they were subsequently removed

Now you know there has been so much clean up for quite a while now – and I’m going to tell you from what I’m hearing from here most of that is done – most of it is complete and let’s just say the Deep State – the Cabal – is not only on the run but basically in surrender mode - alright – that sounds great - but what does it do for us in terms of getting this to be released?

We believe that even though we did not go today with the notifications we did hear today from a qualified source that everything is ready to go and it could go at a moment’s notice - so whereas at  this time of night I do not expect a release to come to us tonight – however tomorrow could be a completely different subject

What I’ve heard is that even though it didn’t come in for us today that tomorrow is looking very strong for us – certainly at least for notifications and maybe notified and set up appointments and start tomorrow - it is very possible and especially possible if we’re notified in the mid to early morning - certainly – we know the schedule for the redemption centers staff is back on a full day starting 9 am tomorrow – a full day into the evening –

We know that this is probably going to go on – I would say – for us – way past the end of the month – by that I mean even though we’ve got 9 days left in the month – we could be done in that time frame but we might go into October for a few days - that’s okay !!

I believe what is about to take place on Friday morning is also something we are going to want to pay attention to – I am looking for the results of the audits - for Arizona and other states to be made known on Friday – That is going to be a change – that many of us have been waiting for - so we’ll see how that manifests  - I don’t know whether they are going to use -  the EBS – Emergency Broadcasting System –  I think it depends on how main stream media deals with this but beware that is possible as well -         

I think we are really – when we look to see what has been done – we do know that at 8 PM last night (Mon) the bond holders paymasters – were set to pay out to the original bond holders and bond sellers of the bonds -  their 1.2 or 1.5 %  whatever was negotiated  - they were supposed to have started doing that at 8 PM last night 

I don’t know – I don’t have confirmation that occurred over night – it may have started -  but I believe that we can look for everything to go at once – maybe they received funds around the time we are notified – that is very possible that they connect that and because of that we have our modified shotgun start –

I would say this is a perfect time to evaluate your projects and if you are a zim holder – it is going to be too much money for 1 person or 1 family – that is why almost all of us that we know of are zim holders - are doing projects for humanity –

This thing – this blessing we are waiting for us is upon us – we believe that we will have this in the next couple of days- and it may  be that we get notified and don’t start until Thursday but everything I’m hearing right now points to Wednesday 22nd being a very special day for us – and keep in mind Friday is going to be special for different reasons –

So that is what I wanted to say to you tonight – Thanks everyone for listening


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:   59:20

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Chats and Rumors, Calls Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Calls Dinar Recaps 20

Economists Veiws on Debt, Fraud and Hyperinflation Tuesday 9-21-2021

.Fed Has Lost Control; Weight of Debt Will Cause Bonds to Crash, Gold to Soar | Egon von Greyerz

Stansberry Research: Sep 21, 2021

The Federal Reserve is always behind the curve and they cannot afford to tighten in this environment, claims Egon von Greyerz, Founder and Managing Partner of Matterhorn Asset Management.

Stock markets are not reflecting the world economy, he told our Daniela Cambone, with liquidity being pumped in. Von Greyerz believes there's a short-term high risk that investors are not confronting, and is staying firm with his position on gold.

He says silver can outperform gold in the coming months, but must deal with a more volatile nature. "When risk is unacceptable, I'd rather protect that risk," von Greyerz says.

Fed Has Lost Control; Weight of Debt Will Cause Bonds to Crash, Gold to Soar | Egon von Greyerz

Stansberry Research:  Sep 21, 2021

The Federal Reserve is always behind the curve and they cannot afford to tighten in this environment, claims Egon von Greyerz, Founder and Managing Partner of Matterhorn Asset Management.

Stock markets are not reflecting the world economy, he told our Daniela Cambone, with liquidity being pumped in. Von Greyerz believes there's a short-term high risk that investors are not confronting, and is staying firm with his position on gold.

He says silver can outperform gold in the coming months, but must deal with a more volatile nature. "When risk is unacceptable, I'd rather protect that risk," von Greyerz says.

Mike Maloney

I Uncovered a Half-TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD $$$

Premiered 72 minutes ago

“We are approaching a half-trillion dollar accounting fraud…this is just flat-out, bold-faced lying.”

Join Mike Maloney as he uncovers what may be the biggest accounting fraud in history.

It's all about the difference between debt and deficit.

Dr. Michael Burry SHOCKING Prediction on The Collapse Of America via HYPERINFLATION

I Love Prosperity:  Sep 21, 2021

Dr. Michael Burry SHOCKING Prediction on The Collapse Of America via Hyperinflation. In this video, Steve Penny breaks down exactly what Dr. Michael Burry has been discussing about his predictions for hyperinflation. Steve breaks down some of Dr. Michael Burry's exact tweets and draws parallels between right now and Weimar Germany. We discuss Gold, Silver, the macroeconomic system and more.

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 9-16-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 9-16-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday September 16th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody once again

Ok everybody – intel wise – let’s talk about where we are now on the 16th of the month - First of all on Tuesday night – over night – there was 3 major tranches that came in and were distributed – I am thinking they did come in to the Treasury and were distributed the next day to member banks – primarily to tier 1 banks – and that happened – and those were large tranches – 28 euros – so put a number – whatever the number was – in front of let’s call it 27 zeros ok – after the 1 number – so it was a HUGE HUGE tranche – times 3 – that was there to back up the funds that we needed for not only to pay out the bond holders to their 1 – 1.5 % but also to be there as back up for us – in our exchanges

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 9-16-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday September 16th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody once again

Ok everybody – intel wise – let’s talk about where we are now on the 16th of the month -  First of all on Tuesday night – over night – there was 3 major tranches  that came in and were distributed – I am thinking they did come in to the Treasury and were distributed the next day to member banks – primarily to tier 1 banks – and that happened – and those were large tranches – 28 euros – so put a number – whatever the number was – in front of let’s call it 27 zeros ok – after the 1 number – so it was a HUGE HUGE tranche – times 3 – that was there to back up the funds that we needed for not only to pay out the bond holders to their 1 – 1.5 % but also to be there as back up for us – in our exchanges

We had money set aside already for us – this is sort of the icing on the cake – ok - and it’s really a very substantial thing that took place over night Tuesday into Wednesday – and then Wednesday they distributed it and spread that money around to the member banks – so they could be ready for us –

Now in all fairness and honestly we did expect some activity maybe today in the way of notifications and be able to set appointments - that did not happen we thought it could – being a good day for it –

BUT – just as we said last Tuesday – we had information from a source that gave us basically 4 days which was at that time – Tuesday - was  Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat -  now realize we still have 2 days left in that window –

Since then we have information from 2 completely different separate sources - that are talking about our notifications and the subsequent start of our exchanges to take place over the next 4 days – which would be Fri / Sat / Sun / Mon – and we have some information that says this should have all occurred before Monday which is the 20th so maybe we can look at that and consider that –

I think that any of us would readily accept the time frame of that over the next 4 days – I feel good about it – it came to me later this afternoon from 2 different sources and I feel like its substantial – it’s very positive

We do know that the rates for the currencies (now 27) are locked on the screens – we have a solid rate for Dong we do not know what the rate is for the Dinar now but we’ve heard some things in the past what Dr Shabbibi believed the Dinar could support and I think that’s probably still going to be the case – so called front screen rate

Now – I think that at this time it’s important to realize that we could very well be starting here in the next 2- 4 days – and get this notification and emails to us so that we can set appointments and get this exchange party started –

I believe there is a lot going on behind the scenes that we can’t quite see – right now – and I think we’re going to have many things happening regarding the NESARA / GESARA – I think we are going to have a changing of the guard here pretty soon- I think we’re going to have a lot of good information to be very excited and happy about -


Brue’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins:  1:22:32

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-14-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-14-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday September 14th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody once again – we’re glad to have you here again - hoping we pulling enough information for everyone to be satisfied one way or another – we have a nice piece of information to bring to you tonight in the intel segment – we’re excited and looking forward to tonight

Alright everybody let’s talk about where we are and where we’re going - cool thing about this is that even though we have not yet received our notifications we know that there are some very positive things going on sort of behind the scenes – we know for example that even though redemption centers staff has been either sent home or told not to come in yesterday and today – it’s a different status and different story for tomorrow –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-14-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday September 14th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody once again – we’re glad to have you here again - hoping we pulling enough information for everyone to be satisfied one way or another – we have a nice piece of information to bring to you tonight in the intel segment – we’re excited and looking forward to tonight

Alright everybody let’s talk about where we are and where we’re going - cool thing about this is that even though we have not yet received our notifications we know that there are some very positive things going on sort of behind the scenes – we know for example that even though redemption centers staff has been either sent home or told not to come in yesterday and today – it’s a different status and different story for tomorrow –

Tomorrow (Wed) a full day full staffing – starting 9 AM – going all evening – available – that is what is scheduled – doesn’t mean that schedule couldn’t change – sometimes they do – but I believe that for the first time in a few days anyway – that is a positive sign –

We are getting some limited information from a few bankers – most of which is pointing towards notifications tomorrow (Wed) and the possibility of going Wed or Thurs – for appointments –

You know – when we get the notification – emails and toll free numbers we will be setting appointments and then following up with those appointments either the same day or the next day –

We have heard some people believe that we will be going between tomorrow and Saturday -  there’s a 4 day span that may end up happening – you know you’re not going to get absolute confirmation from anybody – they don’t want us to know that – and so we don’t know that – we speculate a little bit based on the intel that we do get -  and I think we’re going to be – tomorrow is supposed to be a BIG DAY – for the RV –

Now – what could happen – What may happen for us? Yes we could get notified – Yes we could get started – we do believe tomorrow is the 15th of the month – that we will get the start of what we expected to be a part of the NESARA and GESARA - 

By that I mean the gold backed – in our place – probably partially gold backed – certainly asset backed currency – which we are calling the USN “N” is for new - a new US dollar – the USN is supposed to be “live” and useable and on the bank screens

We’ve had it on the bank screens already – and it has been there for at least a week but somehow it may go into a more prominent position as our new dollar

Now – we really don’t know exactly when it’s going to be announced – when are the new USTN currency – the 100’s 50’s and 20’s that are at the banks and redemption centers now - when will they be put out – I think when we can say when we go in for our exchanges and zim redemption the new USTN currency – our new dollar – will be available for us to pick up that along with our new debit cards and so on – so that’s going to be something that we should have –

but what about just anybody that goes into the banks – that’s where in my opinion the new currency has to at some point be announced – it may not have to be a big thing but you would think we would get an announcement about the asset backed currency –

We are in a sense going not necessarily going to the gold standard but we are going back to a currency that is backed at least partially by gold and so that’s  not true only for us but every other currency in the world – all of the other currencies assets of one type or another whether precious metals – jewels under ground – in ground – property and other assets – could be oil – natural gas – whatever the country has to back their currency is what would be giving their currency true value and we’re looking forward to that happening and not just having fiat dollars printed out of thin air with only the full faith and credit of the US government backing them – that is what is going to change –

What else could happen on the 15th ? We believe we could get something regarding NESARA  / GESARA  announced – it’s not definite yet – but every time – and you know this – every time we hear there’s going to be an announcement it’s something that’s announced behind the scenes – not something announced openly –and brought out on any main stream media – all of us know the main stream media has been neglect in putting out true information for years and years now – so we’re not sure exactly what is going to happen with that –

So where we are is – we do believe things are happening this week for us – I don’t know if it’s going to be tomorrow / Thurs / Fri / maybe even Sat – BUT – we do believe we’re hearing that everything is ready – everything is set up – we don’t know what the rates are but we know the currencies all 27 – are on the bank screens and actively loaded – locked in – as of yesterday – morning –

So I think everything – don’t want to say everything is ready but “appears” – as one of our bankers said – in his opinion – everything was ready –

Is there still clean up?  Yes – ongoing – quite a bit of it – continues to go –

I wanted to tell you one little thing that I learned today - I think is going to be really interesting – There’s a word – happens to be a German word – it’s called Zelle??  Means cell (?? not sure exactly could not understand pronunciation clearly)  in English and reminds me of  ______  _______ which some of you remember was a wine that had a black cap (cat? Hat?) on the label and it means Cellar Black Hat ?? I thought that was interesting –(Cat??)  (not sure of wording) (could not understand pronunciation clearly) (Listen to call for your own clarification)

“Zelle” is a new way that at least Wells Fargo is going to use to send funds to friends and family etc – starting I understand October 1st – for example if you wanted to send $50,000 to a family member you could do that – if the bank had the listing of who you were planning to send money to they’re sort of pre qualified and the transaction could go through in 30 seconds

I am not sure of all the particulars about it – but for a German speaker Zelle is kinda cool and it might be a way  and I am only assuming what happens when you do that – but I am assuming that this is a bank account to a bank account transaction – it may not be your account to Pay Pal – I don’t know that – just don’t know – BUT

This is kind of a cool thing I think that those of us that will be redeeming our zim through Wells Fargo so that’s just a nice little piece that’s starting on the first of October –

Now I don’t know when we are going to be brought up to speed on everything in NESARA – but as I have said before – it includes a reparation of funds from taxes we’ve paid – interest we’ve paid in on debts / loans / credit cards / etc and we have not only coming to us – between now and the end of September – Birth Certificate money that was traded as a bond –since  you were born – and also for anyone married – marriage certificate treated as a bond -  ha ha ha ha – again I don’t have the specifics on it but it will be something that will be paid out to you at some point – I don’t know when –

There are at least 3 pots of gold there that we’re looking at in addition to our exchanges of course and some of it is not going to be too meaningful to us – but if we’re zim holders we will be off and running to the races – looking forward to everything

I am excited about where we are – I wish I could tell you the “when” and you know they don’t want me to know that or  you or anybody else until it is time to go –

Keep your eyes open between tomorrow and the weekend – because things are coming together – tomorrow is supposed to be a BIG DAY – bond holders – bond sellers you are looking at receiving your 1 or 1.2 – 1.5 % by Thursday morning – at least that is what we’re hearing  in the case of some people –

We should be in good shape for that – I wonder if that is running parallel like I though with us in terms of our exchanges – so I think that is what I wanted to bring tonight -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  1:08:50

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 9-9-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 9-9-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday September 9th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for coming everybody for tuning in once again – we really appreciate and we hope to have a good call for us tonight and I’m looking forward to it

You know .. this is a strange time – because our bank contacts – and we had many – have been dead silent - for the last 3 days – at least - we do have a few contacts outside the banks of course - that give us an indication of what is going on and where we are in the process – we had really good feelings about where we would be today – we had been told they were going to try to get our numbers out today and get our notifications out today – but if they didn’t – if it didn’t go today – we were told by the same individual that they would be pushing it through - I think it was like forcing it through tomorrow – Friday –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 9-9-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday September 9th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for coming everybody for tuning in once again – we really appreciate and we hope to have a good call for us tonight and I’m looking forward to it

You know .. this is a strange time – because our bank contacts – and we had many – have been dead silent -  for the last 3 days – at least -  we do have a few contacts outside the banks of course -  that give us an indication of what is going on and where we are in the process – we had really good feelings about where we would be today – we had been told they were going to try to get our numbers out today and get our notifications out today – but if they didn’t – if it didn’t go today – we were told by the same individual that they would be pushing it through  -  I think it was like forcing it through tomorrow – Friday –

Hey – I am going to hold to that – I am going to say that I hope it is the case since we did not get notified today – I thought we would – I thought at least we would set appointments today and start tomorrow – now I don’t know whether we will get numbers only tomorrow or whether we are going to get numbers early and set appointments and go – But I was told that if they had any resistance to  or shenanigans the term used – anything like that – going on today they would push it through tomorrow –

So that is where we are starting our intel – now let’s see what else  we’re learning -- we know first hand some sources that Japan had started their exchanges already this morning – around noon our time – which is very late – but we understand the exchanges actually began – today in Japan – and in other parts of the Far East

We also heard and I cannot prove this but I have heard that exchanges have begun in Europe as well – I can confirm Japan and I hope we can also confirm the rest of the world – now we had heard years ago the expression of this is going to come to us East to West – meaning start in the Far East and then over to us – and that may very well be the case – I don’t think we’re going more than another 12 to 24 hours from that start before it arrives on our shores here –

Is there a true deadline for this? Is it to be completely started in tier 4 by the 11th of Sept – the 20th anniversary of that day? Some people have put out the 13th – I don’t have that – I would say that there’s a lot that we expected to happen in the next several days but I would say based on the information we have – we should be getting ready to go – and hopefully tomorrow it will come through for us –

Let’s talk about the bond holders – they were all paid out by 4:30 in the afternoon yesterday (Wed) – I don’t know exactly where we stand on the adjudicated settlements like CMKX and others – Fines and Penalties – and so on – I don’t know where they stand on that – but I think our concept of a shotgun start needs to be modified because the bond holders have received funds and they have had access to funds today – that’s a first – have access to their 1% of their bond worth – their bond value – that they exchanged or sold - 

So the bond holders have gone – we’ve not been notified yet – there’s no shotgun start in that is there? So we’re looking at a staggered start it appears

So the bond holders even though they can’t transfer any funds  yet they do have them loaded on their debit cards and can use that money now from their debit card – I would call it limited access to funds – so that cannot go on too much longer – before we get started – I don’t think – I really don’t

Where do we stand on the rest of the other groups – you know there are some other groups that are not a part of tier 3 or tier 4 but I would say now that tier 3 has been hydrated and they have at least limited access to their funds and tier 4 should be next –

Now we do have those intermediate groups like Fines and Penalties – CMKX and all of that I was just talking about – that may still need to go out but our theory was that we would not have to wait on those to go – to start

This is really an interesting time – a time when we need to encourage one another and yet be patient and not be judgmental- it is so easy to read something and just blow up over it – even on the Big Call to say” what are you saying to us Bruce” – I am telling you what I am getting – kinda the good the bad and the ugly sometimes –

I try to put a positive light to you because – was I affected today? Yes – I was – I was totally and fully anticipating being notified today all up to about 6 PM and it didn’t happen – and I doubt very seriously I’m being notified overnight – BUT - tomorrow is a new day – God’s mercy is new every morning – and tomorrow is quite possibly when it’s set for “OUR” time – I certainly hope so - but I cannot promise it – I am believing for it though

I wish I had more to tell you – all I can say is the USN is live – up and running – our new currency the USTN is ready to go at the banks – and redemption centers – all the currencies we are going to be exchanging – we’re at about 23 I believe – all the new rates are there – on the screens since Monday night and locked and loaded – I believe all set and very attractive rates for us – I think we are good to go –

I just hope against hope that this comes to us tomorrow and we exchange right on through the weekend and to the end of the month – we may not go that long we are supposed to go 12 months (? Hours?) don’t know – the redemption center staff said full schedules from early morning to late evenings  and I know that they weren’t all there on Tuesday – went home early  and maybe again yesterday – I would think they probably did go home early –

But once this thing kicks – get these emails out – numbers out -  BOOM – we’re off to the races it’s going to be great – we’ll all look back with fondness to the last 10 years of the Big Call – Ha Ha Ha Ha  - Hopefully we will


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  1:20:10

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-7-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-7-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday September 7th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for coming everybody for tuning in once again –

Let’s talk about where we are it’s time to play a little game – and the game is what we know and what we don’t know - so we always start with what we know ha ha and some people say we know we have not arrived yet - we are not there yet – that’s true – we are not there yet and we thought we would be by now – I absolutely did not think we would have a call tonight – because of the information that we had over the weekend – especially and even before then - like last Friday – so ……..

 Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-7-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday September 7th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for coming everybody for tuning in once again –

Let’s talk about where we are it’s time to play a little game – and the game is what we know and what we don’t know  - so we always start with what we know  ha ha and some people say we know we have not arrived yet  - we are not there yet – that’s true – we are not there yet and we thought we would be by now – I absolutely  did not think we would have a call tonight – because of the information that we had over the weekend – especially and even before then -  like last Friday – so ……..

This target is still moving – however what we do know is – let’s start with this – Iraq has an international rate – the currencies were off the screens Sunday and they came back last night (Monday) – all the currencies came up that we’re interested in – at around 9 pm Monday night – so redemption centers were dark over the weekend including Sunday and today they were scheduled to go in early before normal banking hours –

My understanding is staff  did go in early and sent home around 1 PM – because no notifications had come out and they were there early to set appointments based on us being notified by email and me receiving the toll free number and getting that out –

So… do we have a ground hog day situation where the same thing refers to tomorrow or do we have a situation where notification and emails could generate tomorrow – I think it is very possible that this day was utilized for something else and not for our notification but we believe that things are moving along behind the scenes to where that is possible –

First of all the rates that were off the screens are totally on and my belief was that they would come on the screen last night at 9PM and lock in - and we understand for the people that have seen these – which we don’t know what they are - but the people that have seen them have commented to us that they would be really really good and we would be pleasantly surprised – not knowing what they are we just have to go by faith and get them when we get there –

However the other thing that’s pretty significant I think is the bond holders have been told and pushed like we have for our notifications  they have been pushed by days or weekend at a time back – and what they thought they would have access  to funds this morning at 10:30 am – NO that was not true – the funds for some  bond holders are in their account – so they can see them their supervisory people / overseers can see the account and see  the funds in the account – they have been told they would receive an email about mid morning tomorrow that would give them access to their funds for the first time –

This is not the whole kit and caboodle - this is the 1% or 1.2% or the 1.5% of their gross total value of their bonds they have been waiting for and even 1% or 1.5% in some cases significantly high and a very strong amount for them to have access to

So….. here’s the parallel – this is kind of what we don’t know but believe may be taking place - if they are notified tomorrow mid morning are we parallel with that transaction and do we get notified with the toll free numbers with the emails we’re expecting in a similar fashion that they would be receiving in their emails tomorrow – for their liquidity –

If that happens they have achieved what we call the shotgun start and I believe what goes along with that is we understand this is what we believe we know that the SKR’s (safe keeping receipts) that include a lot of tier 3 people and other exchanges that have taken place that are not really a part of a tier 3 or tier 4 situation – those SKR’s started to be paid out Sunday night

Now those are going to continue and this could also include Fines & Penalties and some of the other adjudicated settlements – CMKX etc – that could also be part of what is talked about paying out from last Sunday night for the next approximately 14 days so that is going to vary obviously may be paying out first in and first out – I’m not sure what the program is going to be on that but we believe that we are looking still very good

We don’t have confirmation about us getting notified tomorrow – that is what we don’t know –but we have some information that’s pointing toward that possibility – I’d like to call it a “likelihood” but I don’t feel that I can do that – honestly - 

I think we are very close – listen – we’ve got all new rates on the screens – the USTN currency for new 100’s – 50’s and 20’s  United States Treasury Notes - are in the banks – and redemption centers for those of us that might want some cash and everything else is just as far as we can tell has been completed – as far as we can tell – that is the big variable – is there more that we don’t know – yes there is more that we don’t know - but is there more that has to take place – I don’t know – we can’t think of anything else – there is going to be some election results in the news I heard tonight that will be coming out shortly – maybe in the next couple of days that will provide some changes for everything - we’ll see how that comes out - and see what happens from that

I do believe their intention is to let this go and release everything – I thought well before the 11th but tomorrow is the 8th – now there you go - that is China’s favorite number – tomorrow is the 8th of September and the 11th is only 3 days behind it – so we are looking good I believe – and like I said - I was caught off guard that we were not notified today so we’re just going to have to ride this one out – we’ve got to ride this wave all the way in  - don’t jump off the board too soon – ride it all the way in –

This is strange because people are clamping up our sources have become silent for the most part – we’re going to need to become silent – we are going to be under NDA’s - we do not want to be in violation of the NDA’s - if we start talking about this – they could easily freeze our accounts and they could be out there trying to trip us after this goes – so we’re going to want to keep it on the straight and narrow -  so don’t talk about this –

Be excited in private – go about normal business -  

I think that is what I wanted to say tonight – the USN is live – we’ve had that for a number of days now and that was HUGE – it’s really important that we have that as an asset backed currency and all of the currencies in the world are going to be asset backed in some form or fashion to give their currencies the value and we should be able to take advantage of the exchanges and redemption of the zim

And know that late in the Fall quite possibly we will be on par with many nations – meaning the rates for the other countries currency will be on par with the USN – our new dollar even Mexico where the peso is worth about a nickel right now is supposed to double when we get this thing started but eventually I don’t know how long the peso will be on par with the US dollar and all the currencies will be – the greatest wealth transfer is about to take place -


Bruce’s Big Call Reply LINK   Intel Begins 1:02:50

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 9-2-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 9-2-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday September 2nd and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in everyone for us again – So let’s see where we can go tonight with intel – it’s – I said before we’re coming down to the wire and I really believe that’s true - and last night I heard that we would be getting information about whether the new US States currency – USN – was to be on our screens – we had been told by a couple of sources that we could look for that this morning - and then it looked like – no – it’s not on the screens yet – maybe we have to wait until the weekend – and I thought – oh noooo – why????

They were testing the USN and it was more not so much testing I think as it was “activation” of the USN in conjunction with the QFS – so it ends up – they did get the USN on the screens shortly after 2 PM according to one of our bank sources and another bank source indicated that SKR ‘s - these are people that have reached an agreement either from currency or some other activity like bonds and so on – those started paying out at 2:15PM Eastern time this afternoon -

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 9-2-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday September 2nd   and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in everyone for us again – So let’s see where we can go tonight with intel – it’s – I said before we’re coming down to the wire and I really believe that’s true - and last night I heard that we would be getting information about whether the  new US States currency – USN – was  to be on our screens – we had been told by a couple of sources that we could look for that this morning - and then it looked like – no – it’s not on the screens yet – maybe we have to wait until the weekend – and I thought – oh noooo – why????

They were testing the USN and it was more not so much testing I think as it was “activation” of the USN in conjunction with the QFS – so it ends up – they did get the USN on the screens shortly after 2 PM according to one of our bank sources and another bank source indicated that SKR ‘s - these are people that have reached an agreement either from currency or some other activity  like bonds and so on – those started paying out at 2:15PM Eastern time this afternoon - 

So that was a real bonus to see that Yes – we have the USN – we have an asset backed currency representing the United States of America – finally - this is a crucial part of NESARA and another crucial part for GESARA was the evacuation of the US troops from Afghanistan – that allowed Afghanistan – their currency – and also with Iranian Rial to both be put on the screens last night and they should have shown up this morning – I did not get verification on that – that was to have occurred last night –

So I believe now that we have the USN as our official currency and that SKR --- see what happened – you have all of these adjudicated settlements – fines and penalties – CMKX – all of the groups – a lot of them have contracts where they – and bond holders too – needed to be paid out in an asset backed dollar - so in a very real sense none of them could have been paid UNTIL we had the USN in place and connected to the QFS –

So the beauty of this – that took place fairly early mid afternoon today (Thursday) such that now we should be able to be in a mode to receive our notifications – and here’s the situation –

We have a 3 day weekend – Labor Day on this coming Monday – tomorrow is Friday – and so it’s conceivable that we will be notified tomorrow – we don’t have it absolutely but we believe it is very possible tier 4 will get notification and if we do – here’s the big 100 trillion dollar question – “Do we start with our exchanges and redemption of zim as early as tomorrow (Friday) or Saturday or ----- do they for some reason defer us till after Labor Day?”

It would seem odd to me if we did get notified tomorrow that we would not start by Saturday –I mean – the idea of being notified is – that’s golden -  we get our notifications – when we get those emails – or get the toll free numbers and we set our appointments – We Are Golden - in like flint – and we’re ready to roll

But – to wait – let’s say we get that on a Friday and they wait all the way till Monday – I’m not so sure that is a wise thing for the banks – now realize this – if we started Saturday – the redemption centers can be open any day from dusk – from dawn to dark -  basically and beyond – they do not have to be – we don’t have to go to tier 1 banks – necessarily – because redemption centers are set up to work Saturdays – Sundays – Mondays – even on holidays  - they could – they may choose not to -  they may choose to not be upon until Monday or Tuesday of next week

We don’t know the schedule yet for that we’ve not gotten the schedule – but the good news is that we can all feel great about is we finally have an asset backed currency on the screens ready to be traded – ready to be utilized for our exchanges –

I can’t tell how big of a deal that is – I am so thrilled that we got confirmation multiple times about this afternoon - now the big question is WHEN? I’ve been told we could get notifications very soon but we’ll just have to wait and see how quickly they do come –

Tomorrow I think is in play – and Saturday could be in play for us as well – there’s a lot that’s going to be happening for  us and one person mentioned that we are going to have a very adventuresome week -  next week – and that will be interesting to see how that does go  - does that mean we start next week? It could be next week but I hope just like you that we get notified  even start the same day - for if not tomorrow we get notified and we can start on Saturday -  we just don’t know – and again – they don’t want us to know – so they will let us know when it’s time for our toll free numbers to come out – our emails to go out  - all the way across the country and then people can set their appointments based on that –

And then we can go in and begin to change the world – one person – one family – one community – one town – one city – one state – one nation at a time –

We know we have the new 100”s in the banks ready to go – we have 50’s by the way the new currency is not a federal reserve note  - everybody gets that right?  The Fed is dead – it is just about that way – because it’s been rolled into the Treasury – just like the IRS has been absorbed by the treasury and we’re now looking at a United States Treasury Note – USTN – that will be on our new currency which we have 100’s – 50’s and now I understand 20’s out – and those will be utilized whenever the banks agree to put those out –

we will have our “new money” if you will – our new foldable currency – and we should be receiving those as well 100’s 50’s and 20’s at the redemption centers if we do want to take some cash – they are going to recommend that you do not take more than $5,000 dollars in new cash – at the redemption centers  and realistically you’re going to have access to your funds on your debit card very quickly and you’ll be able to move funds very quickly so it shouldn’t really be an issue – Unless you are just u se to having cash – I don’t think it is wise to keep too much cash on your person anyway -

Is there anything else we need to bring up about exchanges?  We know you know the process if you’ve listened to the Big Call - and about doing a 5-8 minute presentation if you are a zim holder - ok so that you can use  any portion of those proceeds from the zim that you want for your project – there are no absolutes on that – I personally plan to use virtually all of it – all of the zim for humanitarian projects – that is because I am calling the zim proceeds a God Fund – of course it’s all God’s money anyway – we are to be good stewards of it –

I want everybody to get the fat that we are the closest by a long shot than we’ve ever been before – and we needed this to happen – we need the USN to be there for us to start and finally - finally we get verification it was there this afternoon so let’s keep an eye on everything – see what happens over the weekend – and if everything goes according to the plan then it is not likely that we will have a call on Tuesday – If we don’t get notified by Tuesday then of course we will have a call -   Have a great night and a great weekend -


Bruce’s Big Call Reply LINK   Intel Begins 52:25

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-31-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-31-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday August 31st and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in everyone for us again -

Well – let’s talk about where we stand on the intel side of things – I think …. You know this is an interesting time that we’re in because – with the information that we received from several bank sources – a lot of which was from the lead bank – and you know who the lead bank is for this – was pointing toward us receiving notifications today (Tuesday) and starting exchanges tomorrow (Wednesday) – Well we did not get our notifications today so that did not work out –

In addition Bond holders – what we now call Bond sellers – were to receive their funds today (Tues) and we heard late last night that was going to occur for the Bond sellers – their accounts would be made liquid – they have access to those accounts after 10:30 am Wednesday – Sept 01 –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-31-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday August 31st  and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in everyone for us again -

Well – let’s talk about where we stand on the intel side of things – I think …. You know this is an interesting time that we’re in because – with the information that we received from several bank sources – a lot of which was from the lead bank – and you know who the lead bank is for this – was pointing toward us receiving notifications today (Tuesday) and starting exchanges tomorrow (Wednesday) – Well we did not get our notifications today so that did not work out –

In addition Bond holders – what we now call Bond sellers – were to receive their funds today (Tues) and we heard late last night that was going to occur for the Bond sellers – their accounts would be made liquid – they have access to those accounts after 10:30 am Wednesday – Sept 01 –

Now I thought even if we were notified today which we were not - that we would start on the 1st of Sept which is tomorrow (Wednesday) that would be great – excellent –

Now – as it is now – we don’t have an absolute understanding of anything pointing toward notification happening tomorrow – although if we’re going to have a shotgun start I think that the Bond sellers maybe getting access to 1 1/2% of their overall funds tomorrow late morning or early afternoon then maybe we’re set up to be notified in the same time frame – I don’t know – this is only speculative on my part –

Now we do know that so called “test exchanges” have been occurring over this past weekend and you know that’s good – because that’s getting their staff watching and practicing and seeing the actual practice with real people – not the staff but other people that have been called in to do this – this did occur – and I don’t know how wide spread it was but my thought is that it was probably system wide at least with one of the tier one banks

Now that is significant because I think that the test exchanges would be happening pretty soon to our start – and we believe that the timing for this and we know the no# 1 banned phrase is “this is the week”  -

However – one of these days that will be true – we are hearing some things that are pointing to it all going down this week – yes – and we know that Iraq is done – They’ve got a rate – they’ve traded their rate up internally for the in country rate is reasonable and they were to increase the rate yesterday (Monday) or Sunday really – for trading purposes and have it on our bank screens yesterday morning (Monday) at a new value –

We were not able to obtain that to see whether that occurred but I believe it probably did –

All of this is saying that there may be a few additional things that need to be done for this to begin – for the initiation of our exchanges –

We know that new currency has been printed – we know we’ve got new lower denominations of our monies like 20’s and 50’s that are ready to go out and we think they are going out tomorrow – you know – we believe that it’s for the Bond holders to be paid that the USN our gold backed / asset backed currency would need to be in play at the banks and on the bank screens and on the Forex

We are trying our best to get verification that is the case – we don’t absolutely know but we suspect that we should have it by tomorrow (Wed) if we don’t have it now – in terms of the USN – I think it’s very important – remember a while back – a long time ago - well over 1-2 years ago the settlement for CMKX which is an adjudicated settlement – would need to be paid out in a gold backed or asset backed currency and I believe that is still the case - I think that’s why so many things possibly even Fines & Penalties  - we heard they were paying – now we heard they are not – been paid – no they’re not –

Possibly those have been waiting for the USN to surface – for us to have them on the screens – I know that there are some other things that may need to take place – we know that there’s going to be a clarification and working with our News Media to make sure that the truth is started to be put out – I think that is going to show up here pretty soon or certain licenses may be pulled – FCC licenses -  we will have to watch for that

We are looking for the Arizona election forensics audit results which have been not put out but have been completed for a little while yet – and perhaps that needs to happen

We are looking for the EBBS and 10 days of disclosure to take place – the idea of 10 days of darkness I think you can write that off – the cabal statements – is not going to happen – not going to lose electricity – internet – phone service – all of those things people are in fear of – but over all a huge concern could be getting power back on in Louisiana  basically at least a million households are without power and the latest estimate was it was going to be tomorrow night before some of them are restored – brought back online – I am sure the guys are working as hard as they possibly can to get that restored

I was told that the hurricane had nothing to do with us going – so maybe it’s not a factor but there are a lot of people in the Louisiana and other areas nearby that are affected by this tropical storm which is still blowing 25 miles an hour – so there’s still aspects to that we need to be aware of and we need to pray for those people that are affected in the storm damaged area – there is a rebuild America project – rebuild Louisiana –

If this thing goes like it’s supposed to – this week – then you know we can get help to those people – we can get the rebuild process started – I can’t believe it’s been 16 years since Katrina 

There is a lot going on behind the scenes – let’s call it that – and I wish I could be absolute about this but you know as well as I do – they do not want us to know when this is going – we get indications – very strong indications from certain banks and from people in high positions in the banks -  very high – and yet we did not get notified –

I am very positive about the fact that it is imminent – I don’t have it necessarily having to wait until after Labor Day Weekend which is this coming weekend – I don’t have that – but to be fair – I don’t have it necessarily starting tomorrow either – to be completely candid

You will have NDA’s – they do want to keep the results of this quiet – as long as they possibly can – so expect that – I think we’re in for some amazing changes that should take place here soon – I really do but I think we need to be as prepared as we can – for these exchanges and redemption of zim –

This thing could absolutely be right around the corner – and we’ll probably like every Tuesday night hear more after I get off the phone of this call or tomorrow than I have right now – just always seems to come in that way -  but we are seeing – we are looking forward to the bond holders which are tier 3 okay – to be paid out tomorrow after 10:30 am – and if that occurs and maybe we are looking at notifications and possibly to start – the same day –

I was looking forward to getting notified today and starting tomorrow that would give us a little time to get last minute details in order – but was not the case – we did not get notified today as we were led to believe –

We are very close – Iraq is ready – they’ve been ready – they’ve got their in country rate which is going up – they have a new rate the CBI told us that we would have on our front screens – we don’t know what the Dong rate will be but we think it could be close to the Dinar – everything else is going to be a fun surprise for us – I really think we’re going to be in good shape

You do not have to do all humanitarian work or any of that with the zim proceeds – obviously they want you to use that type of money – that quantity for “good” for humanity – which we’ve all agreed on this call to do – but you do have control of the monies that you exchange for –

I’m sure we’re all going to learn something new the day of our exchanges and shortly thereafter – the banks will be in a different situation because of the QFS – a lot of things will go directly through the system – we will use the banks as a conduit to get there – that shouldn’t change – their attitude toward us should change – so we’ll see how that shakes out –

I think they are still I’m sure doing clean up – but they are I think are winding down – I think it’s winding down and maybe to the point where we can get started – I sure hope so and I know you do too  - I’m excited about where we’re going and hopefully how soon we’re going to get there -


Bruce’s Big Call Reply LINK   Intel Begins 50:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-26-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-26-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday August 26TH and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in everyone – we appreciate that – and we’re going to look forward to having a really good time tonight and give you some pretty good information I think –

This is a really great time for us – I got quite a bit of information yesterday and a little bit more today – so I am going to try to bring this out in a way that we can all consume this and enjoy this –

First of all – let’s talk about Iraq – Iraq has been a player in this as you know – what we heard was yesterday (Wednesday) there was a call between the CBI and Chase bank – why Chase? Because Chase is directly affiliated with Rafidian Bank in Iraq (Rafidain Bank is the largest bank in Iraq) – they are doing the ATM machines in Iraq – in other words they are working very close with not only the CBI but the banks where the ATM machines will be and other locations in Iraq – The other person on the call was the US Treasury –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-26-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday August 26TH and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in everyone – we appreciate that – and we’re going to look forward to having a really good time tonight and give you some pretty good information I think –

This is a really great time for us – I got quite a bit of information yesterday and a little bit more today – so I am going to try to bring this out in a way that we can all consume this and enjoy this –

First of all – let’s talk about Iraq – Iraq has been a player in this as you know – what we heard was yesterday (Wednesday) there was a call between the CBI and Chase bank – why Chase? Because Chase is directly affiliated with Rafidian Bank in Iraq (Rafidain Bank is the largest bank in Iraq) – they are doing the ATM machines in Iraq – in other words they are working very close with not only the CBI but the banks where the ATM machines will be and other locations in Iraq – The other person on the call was the US Treasury –

So you had those three entities with a call – first of all the Dinar in country rate we don’t talk about it but it has been traded up and in a very respectful place right now in Iraq and what CBI did was assure us meaning the Treasury and Chase Bank in particular – that the rate would be at such and such a level between this number and that number in “the coming days” –

And actually in the coming days I believe was scheduled for Saturday –THIS Saturday – so we should have that new rate – they should have a true international Dinar that is known and tradeable out there –

Now – I don’t know exactly when the USN is going to surface – we thought it was there before – we are having difficulty even through certain banks to confirm it – but I believe we are looking for the USN to surface probably around Friday – Saturday – we will see –

Iraq is central in this in that they are a major player and they have finally been able to be allowed to do what they wanted to do with the Iraqi Dinar  ----- In fact they are part of a group of countries in the Middle East that are working with what will be known as the “Golden Dinar”  and that is I believe is an amalgamation (the action, process, or result of combining or uniting) of several countries’ currencies – almost like a regional SDR – special drawing rights  currency – for the middle east region – we will have to watch that and see how that goes –

But I would think this would involve many middle eastern countries that are near – in that area – and that could be interesting as a currency – it could be used as a regional currency in a similar way that the Euro has been used for all of the countries in Europe for the most parts – except Switzerland – they have never gone on the Euro - They do take the Euro in Switzerland but they have their own Swiss franc - as you know

Alright – S0 ….. where do we go from there?  Ok that is showing significant movement for this weekend – We have heard that there would be an earth shattering event between tonight and Saturday and we kind of have an idea that we think that might be – without going right to that – I’m going to tell you about another event that took place yesterday that I think is highly significant for us –

Ok – I just used the term SDR – which is “Special Drawing Rights” in the context of Iraq and other Middle Eastern nations - However there’s another SDR and it’s considered a digital currency that’s made up of between 5 and 7 strong international currencies

In fact – I can’t tell you exactly whose in the SDR now – years ago - I mean I had forgotten the designation it has been so long ago SDR – Special Drawing Rights - it’s a strange term I know – but it included the US Dollar – the Euro – the British Pound – Sterling – it included the Chinese Yuan – and maybe one other currency – at the time – Russian Ruble I believe it was –

Now it may be made up of 5 or 6-7 countries – maybe the same maybe slightly different – and what the point of this is –yesterday was the start of GESARA – the Global Economic Strategic and Recovery Act - that is huge – for what we call the rest of the world internationally – We have our own version of that – which is NESARA – National Economic Strategic And Recovery Act

So what is so significant about it is that the SDR value – we’re going to value it in US dollars just for the purpose tonight – that SDR value of 22 trillion dollars in the hands of the new and improved world bank is being used to pay off the debts of well over 100 countries that we use to use term “third world countries” but now use the term emerging nations -

These emerging nations are being paid out  this should occur over the next 5 days – it started yesterday – so they’re paying out these countries as part of GESARA – that is their Debt Jubilee  - that is their Debt Relief – for the debts between countries and I believe it extends to the people and their own debts in those countries – I wasn’t absolutely clear about that but I know absolutely it absolves the countries of their individual debts –

Remember these are emerging nations – a lot of them had loans that would never get paid off – they did not have the where with all to do it – so this is their debt jubilee – their debt pay off –

Now what else is going to happen with GESARA is that the monies that are received from the currency exchanges and specifically the zim bonds redemption – are going to these nations to rebuild those nations – or not even rebuild necessarily but build them – from an emerging nation to a first world country like the United States – like Europe – so this is where the idea that President Trump brought out a few years ago of leveling the playing field globally around the world is coming to fruition -  through GESARA –

So you had the SDR’s 32 Trillion – in dollar value being distributed by the World Bank to these emerging nations –and the other half of that is GESARA monies from the exchange of currencies and specifically the zim redemption – We have the same basic thing going on here with NESARA -

Now that GESARA has cranked out yesterday now our NESARA is supposed to increase or gain speed - ok and we’re seeing some first fruits of that – there are some people that have received some debt forgiveness -  There are some people that received tax return money  returned back to them – not tax refund – I am talking about tax money that you paid in – getting it back – returned to you  - that is happening

Now there doesn’t appear to be any rhyme or reason for this – it seems haphazard – it seems random – I don’t know if it’s totally random or not – it may be something to a system for it – however you are going to want to keep a watch on your bank accounts to see if you are going to receive and influx from possibly 3 areas –

#1 debt relief – which is reimbursement for interest that you paid in throughout your life time – for loans – car – mortgage - the interest - it would include other types of loans that had been paid – that money is supposed to come back to you and will come back as part of NESARA - Alright that is one little pile of money

#2 - The next pile of money would be the taxes that you have paid in your life time for Federal Income Taxes and State Income Taxes – Those will be refunded to you – or reimbursed to you - that’s another pile of money

The third – maybe the largest of all of them – is your birth certificate money – where your birth certificate was used as a bond to trade on your life – when you were born all the way until now – and that bond is going to pay out – that money will pay you a separate amount and this I’ve heard numbers for these – I think I know the formula for it but not going to say  it on the call because I do not want to make the mistake about it – but I believe you will receive that –

And I believe that refund and of your birth certificate money and your debt forgiveness money – I can’t speak to the tax returns yet - but those two are supposed to be back to us by the first of October - that means we should see a lot of movement in that area during the month of September which we are just about there now -  

September 1st is Wednesday – and some people are saying that they believe that’s when tier 4A & B will start with notifications – It’s possible – however I do have someone whose involved directly with oversight of bond payouts talking about the account access codes will be sent out to bond holder – to access their accounts Saturday at noon -  Saturday could be a very big day

Some people believe that we could receive our notifications at that same time and I’ve got 2-3 people that are agreeing on that - other people talking about Monday/Tuesday – and a couple talking about Tuesday and Wednesday –

The only reason I think that we have to give some credibility to Tuesday / Wednesday – is because you know what? Maybe they want to release this on so that we can start on the first of September – maybe – I don’t know this – I’m telling you that if we get to that day – to me that is why they want a clean month to start –

Now what if we get notified Saturday – if we do – could we start Saturday? I believe we could – depends on what time in the morning emails to come out  - could we set appointments for 2 hours? 3 hrs?  then go in the afternoon?  Yeah – I think so

Remember that is an opinion – we don’t have – they don’t want us to know the “when” – they really don’t – I.m telling you what I have heard – I would rather get them Saturday and get started - we have to realize that a lot is going to happen over this weekend and there may be reason to think we won’t get started until the first part or the middle of next week – It is very possible – There are a few other factors that could add to that –

We are expecting the correct election results from the audit to come out from Arizona I don’t know if it’s going to be tomorrow – should be Friday into Saturday – possibly and there may be some working with the media as well over the weekend – and I will let you figure out what I’m talking about –

So there is quite a bit happening right now from tonight – what is this earth shattering event?? That is supposed to start between tonight and Saturday?  I’ve given you a couple ideas it could be considered –but I think it may be the direct involvement with the media and getting those situations corrected – so that the truth of what we know about the 20/20 election could be brought out - we’ll see

Now if there is some disclosure through EBS starting let’s say over the weekend or beyond – I do not believe it is going to cause – and I got this from our sources – that we will not lose internet or cell service – gasoline -  food supply -  in other words we see no disruption of services

Some of the things you are reading I think are put out as fear mongering and I want you to use discretion – discernment when you read certain things – I am saying that on the one hand and the other is it okay to stock up on a few things – is it okay to have a little reserve on water and other things? Yes I think it’s wise


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins  1:08:30

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-24-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-24-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Tuesday August 24th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in everybody – good to have you here tonight – We look forward to having a good call tonight so thanks for listening wherever you are –

Let’s talk about the intel – what we have learned and what we haven’t learned – I will say this – it has been relatively quiet out there and for a reason – in fact – it’s so quiet that I have been asked to lay low so to speak – when it comes to talking about currency / exchanges / rates / a lot of these things are triggering algorithms with key words and so on - and they’re listening – monitoring and so I don’t want to get in trouble so I am going to be careful about what I choose for words tonight –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-24-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Tuesday August 24th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for tuning in everybody – good to have you here tonight – We look forward to having a good call tonight so thanks for listening wherever you are –

Let’s talk about the intel – what we have learned and what we haven’t learned – I will say this – it has been relatively quiet out there and for a reason – in fact – it’s so quiet that I have been asked to lay low so to speak – when it comes to talking about currency / exchanges / rates / a lot of these things are triggering algorithms with key words and so on -  and they’re listening – monitoring and so I don’t want to get in trouble so I am going to be careful about what I choose for words tonight –

This is something we are getting down to the wire I believe - this is wild when you hear a few things here and there and you have a few random pieces that seem ancillary – (?)  they may be outliers (?) in one way or another  - and you try to bring it in – reel it in –

(What does ancillary system mean?  Ancillary system. A system in which payments or securities are exchanged and/or cleared. Meanwhile, the ensuing monetary obligations are settled in another system, typically an RTGS system. See also real-time gross settlement (RTGS) system (European Central Bank))

(What makes something an outlier?  An outlier is a value in a data set that is far from the other values. Outliers can be caused by experimental or measurement errors, or by a long-tailed population.)

We for example have heard where some accounts will be transferred from USD to USN accounts – were expecting that to happen tomorrow morning (Wed) – Well that tells me ok perhaps our USN – our new gold backed currency is about ready to transition with the banks and is something we have been looking forward to –

We’ve been told that the USN is on the screen – on Forex – we’ve been told a lot of things but realistically – if the banks transitioned over from the old fiat currency and US dollars – I know this is digital – I am still talking digitally on the screens – balances and so on – but when they transition over to a USN designation that’s telling us that those accounts are now gold backed – as part of the QFS and that’s what we’re wanting to see –

Does that mean that tomorrow (Wednesday) is a significant day for us if and when that occurs?  I think it could be – I think it could very well be – when I heard about that I though aww ha – Wednesday is a very good sign if that were to happen tomorrow (Wed) morning –

Now – beyond that we know that certain things have been occurring behind the scenes – we know that certain perimeters have been met – certain quotas may have been met – and now we believe the process is moved along far enough to where we could be looking at notifications -

We had thought last week that this would be an excellent time – Monday and even into Tuesday – yesterday – to be notified – we have not yet been notified but we know based on the activity that is occurring that we are very close – and perhaps tomorrow Wednesday – is the day that we get notified and start

Now – they really don’t want us to know when this is going and that’s why a lot of the time we get hints or a suggestion or some piece of puzzle that we try to make fit – but sometimes it’s like putting that one piece in and it is not the right piece – and you’re pushing on it anyway – trying to make it fit – well that has been the case in the past – we have all been trying to make this puzzle come together to a picture we can really appreciate

We are not quite there - BUT – I believe – and you know the number one banned phrase from the Big Call – “This is our week” – because we have heard that – several times – I’ve said it – come close to saying it – at least twice – on the call and I roll my eyes when I hear “this is the week” – or they think this is the week – or it looks like this is the week –

Same difference – you know ----- one of these times they are going to be right – and that is kind of how we have to look at that phrase - that is why it is a banned phrase – ha ha

I want everybody to realize that we are getting very much down to the wire – we are very close – I believe we’re in this final stretch and we’re running feverishly toward the finish line –

I really really feel like everything – alright let’s go back ----- We had heard that GESARA the global NESARA – is to have started either today or tomorrow -  I’ve heard from one source it was to start today – and I heard from another source it could start tomorrow –

We know that when that occurs our own NESARA - National Economic SARA will accelerate – will increase in speed  - right now for  us – NESARA has rolled out relatively slow  - with some people having received debt reimbursement – some people have received mortgages forgiven – all of this has happened going back even a few months –

But to get the official start which we believe was in August 1st maybe – to catch up and to power this through you have heard that we have money available to us for debt relief – funding of taxes paid – income taxes from the past – a lot of different aspects to NESARA –

One aspect is we should be receiving our so called birth certificate money – ok because our BC’s were traded on the bond market like bonds ever since we were born – and there is a value that has been placed on those BC’s bonds – ok - it is a substantial piece of change –

So I am of the understanding that we should receive those funds for those who are eligible to receive those – by or before October 1st which is just a little over a month away – so that could very well be happening for us in the month of September - that’s nice – and I think what that’s going to do also is give people liquidity who have no part and know nothing about the revaluation – of these currencies - and so on – they are not a part of it – never heard of it – or if they have they did not become involved  like we have – so that is interesting –

I think we are in for quite a bit of change occurring from this week on that we can pretty much look forward to – I would say obviously some of it could be a cover for the exchanges to take place – I am hoping that is what it is and I would think that we should be getting notified – possibly tomorrow  - and setting our appointments and don’t know for sure if when we get notified if we would start tomorrow or Thursday – it’s very possible they would take the day to get appointments set and the next day to start the exchanges – That has been a pattern that we thought would occur with this but we don’t know yet –

We hope this is not a false alarm and everything is rolling like we think – I’ve been told that some things could be rolling out overnight and it makes tomorrow look very good for us -

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins: 1:01:15

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