Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 5-7-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 5-7-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 7th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Ok so let’s talk about where we are tonight – you guys realize Thursday night’s call was giving us a pretty good impression that we were getting really close – Well we are still really close – however – I want to tell you the language I am getting - and the language is saying a lot –

What we received yesterday which was Wednesday – was talking about the “intent” – the intent was to get the emails – the Wells Fargo emails – and the #800 numbers would accompany those – and the #800 I would receive to put out – independent of those emails - though the intent was for those to come out “today” – that was the “intent” –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 5-7-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 7th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Ok so let’s talk about where we are tonight – you guys realize Thursday night’s call was giving us a pretty good impression that we were getting really close – Well we are still really close – however – I want to tell you the language I am getting - and the language is saying a lot –

What we received yesterday which was Wednesday – was talking about the “intent” – the intent was to get the emails – the Wells Fargo emails – and the #800 numbers would accompany those – and the #800 I would receive to put out – independent of those emails -  though the intent was for those to come out “today” – that was the “intent” –

Now – did they make it?  Nope – not by the Big Call they didn’t - Now – here’s the reason why though – First of all there are 527,000+ emails already positioned – ready to go – on Wells Fargo servers – These are to be released in 4 batches – ½ hour apart – the simple math on that would be – 4 x ½ hr = 2 hrs – so in approximately 2 hrs x those 4 batches of emails would be sent out – when is that going to happen? It was supposed to happen sometime today – we did not have a time for it –

Did it happen today? Not yet – could it happen any time? I think it could happen anytime now – but what I’ve heard for quite a while – this would be a day time event – I would think it would happen in the day time – when it is released –

Alright – so – the “intent” – what else happened so the intent was not able to be fulfilled today? We know that the intermediate groups were to have been paid – and some have been – the prosperity packages have been complete - CMKX was to be complete by today sometime - don’t have an update report on that yet – but I think the intermediates are being handled –

The reason that we could not receive our toll free numbers yet are twofold - #1 yesterday – Wednesday – was the day I said the exotics were to be handled – these are Bonds – Boxes of Bonds – Petchilis – super Petchilis – (just for reference info – LINK) there are Zim Bonds and other historical gold bonds – that were to be hypothecated and paid out – out of five different cities today – including Dallas – Miami – London -

Zurich - Hong Kong – all were supposed to start at 2:30 am Eastern in all time zones – at the same – actual time – that – if it did get started around that time – we don’t know how long that was going to take - but the word I had was – when those bonds are complete – the toll free numbers and emails - 527,000+ - would be distributed

So – do we know how long it is going to take for those bonds to complete? No we don’t – Is it a matter of 1 day or days? I don’t have that  - but I do have this -  and this is mainly an opinion – that I have about the subject – and I don’t know if it’s going to be true or not – 

Today is the 7th tomorrow is the 8th - who is it that loves the number 8? And also the number 5? - The Chinese Elders – 5/8 it’s interesting – on the face of it – because if the intention was for us to receive the emails and toll free numbers today would the same intention be there tomorrow? I would think so –

Now – there are one or two little things we have to add to this – here’s one of them – there had been some shenanigans  to try to make this a taxable event – especially on the Zim – I have told you for years – I mean many years – this is NOT a taxable event to us –

I hate to mention names – so I won’t – certain people in Congress had placed a 14% tax in that got removed last night - in other words – they handled it – they took care of it – it’s NOT there – there is NO tax on this currency exchange or Zim redemption

Now – what’s interesting is that precipitated a new rewrite of the protocol and procedures of the currency exchange and Zim redemption that would have started yesterday – Is that is something that is done by now? Maybe – I don’t know that either – but at least they are redoing it so that when we go in it will be clean and easy for us to go through – I look at it as a positive –

Now – what else is out there? You’ve heard me talk about audits before – there are a number of audits – I believe there are a little over 1800 audits that needed to be done as of yesterday evening – When I hear that – I go – ok – who are they auditing?  What’s up?

Guys – what that really means is there are people and globally  - around the world – a little over 1800 people that still needed to be vetted – to see if they were able / ready to receive their funds – could it be a part of the intermediates?  That is my guess – maybe some other group – we don’t know –

The point is those are continuing to be vetted out and probably some clean up on aisle 3 – and it’s an ongoing process – when those audits are complete can we go before they are complete?  Maybe – Will we go after they are complete? Quite possibly –

The other piece that gives me a really good feeling is – we got a very short message today that said that the value dates – which is the date where monies should be available for all was 5 – 11 - 2020 – That’s Monday

Does that mean we go before then? And we get access to our funds? Starting Monday?? Major funds – I’m going to say? I believe it does – Does that put tomorrow or Saturday in the mix? Yes it does -

So if that is a confirmed value date which is 5 / 11 – then that’s looking very good for us – very good – Let’s hope that is exactly what happens and we get started prior to Monday –

Let’s talk a little bit about the redemption itself – we talked last time and it’s made its way back around the net and the web and everything – on the blogs – 140 million dollars available at the first appointment –

Well – guess what? They went up on that number – here’s your new number - between you can ask for 100 - 250 million dollars at your first appointment – so we went from 140 to 250 million availability of funds at our first appointment 

What about the second appointment? Second appointment would be for when you are able to negotiate Your Zim rate and do a really nice presentation for your project and be able to ask for or negotiate a higher rate – I don’t know if there will be a default rate at the first appointment – I’ve been told they did have it - 

They did have a rate for it on the Zim – then it went away  then it went down then it went back – now it’s gone – So I don’t know what  they are going to do for us at the first appointment  on the Zim –

Are they still going to make an advance against our Zim appointment of between 1-25 million on a debit card for example?  I think that is still in the mix - But you know what? The way these protocols can be rewritten – that could even be changed today – and I don’t even know it –

We got to dance with the one who brought it – and so far – the information we have is saying that is still in play but their actual Zim rate we settle on would be done at the second appointment – and we know they want the second appointment completed by the end of the month of May - Today is the 7th - tomorrow is the 8th and the value date is Monday 11th  -

We should be underway and I don’t know about you guys but I want to get that second appointment out of the way sooner rather than later – so we can move on with our projects and the rest of our life – So we will see how that shakes out - and that second appointment is very important – nobody else has this – this is an exclusive for Big Call listeners tonight -

When you go to your second appointment – 5-7 days later – after your first appointment - who will be there – you will be doing it at a Tier 1 bank – or at a Wells Fargo Wealth Management office - so who’s going to be there? You will have your wealth manager – possibly an Abbott Downing representative – and guess what?  Not a UST representative – but a State Treasury representative – for the State in which you live - or do your exchange -  

So why would the State Treasury be there – to let you know what your obligation would be for your future taxes on the “interest” that you earn on your structured pay out of Zim –

Does everybody understand that when you make interest on your own money that is a taxable event currently – it is taxable to State & Federal – I am not talking about Federal though am I? – I am talking about the State Income Tax – the state that you dwell in –

If you live in Texas or Nevada or Florida – there’s about 6 – 8 states that do not have state income tax – I have a feeling if you have a domicile in one of the tax income free states then you are probably in the clear on this -  

Let me just say – I don’t know – but let’s say you do live in a state that does have income tax – that Treasury representative would give you the rules and regulations on how you would remit taxes that you earn on interest - taxes on interest that you earn – Interest earned on income is called Passive Income – it’s not really considered earned income but passive income –

In my case I am going to ask for my structured pay out to pay me every quarter - that money that comes from the motherlode account to my spillover account would be taxable but you are also able to expense against that - I am not getting into a CPA roll – this is going to be the job of your CPA - or tax attorney to advise you on that area – That is a new twist we got yesterday – Please understand that the exchange of the currencies and redemption of Zim is not a taxable event –

We know that in the NESARA legislation from what we know of NESARA – there is to be no more Federal Income Tax – Personal Income Tax – Let’s see how that comes out – when it is implemented – if that is what is to happen – it needs to be brought forward from the Treasury Secretary - and you guys know that the IRS has been rolled into the Treasury – as well as the Federal Reserve - 

 We will be getting our new money which will be UST notes  and our USN are asset backed now has actually been seen on bank screens in other countries – we will see fairly shortly on our own bank screens as a USN - the 3 letter designation use to be USD will now be USN

Also in the news we have Iran has revalued in the past 2-3 days and also Iraq and congrats to Iraq for a newly elected PM who has already started talking to the people – I think that was beautiful timing to have that done right before – and Iraq is still being a little bit quiet on the release of their revalued Dinar – It’s only a matter of time that will be known –

What’s interesting to me is today I find that the Iranian Rial is changed to Toman – and that currency revalued and my understanding is – let’s see if it pans out - will be within 5% of the rate of the Iraqi Dinar – Why? Because they are next door neighbors and trading partners – I believe that is the regulation – since they are close and trading partners – So if you have Rial it is in the first basket – we are going to be able to exchange it – bring it

We have a timing mechanism that is circulating around the pay outs if you will of the bonds – boxes of bonds – the petchilis – the super petchilis – the gold backed historic bonds – the sheet bonds – the Zim – so on and so forth going on – we think now – since early this morning

Everything is moving forward CMKX is finishing up prosperity packages are complete – I think possibly all the intermediates if not complete are due to the audits – but still going through – we know activity is still high out west – and we believe that all paymasters are liquid now – and the codes have been entered – so the cores and admiral groups can be paid out –

One other thing – you no longer need a hall pass to get to the redemption center  - we no longer think that will be an issue – but when you do get your email you should get / have an identification number – for “you” and that you would bring in – printed out – 

Let’s say they do not have your email – and you do not get an email – when you call to set your appointment  you tell them you did not receive an email and would like to have an identification number

We are looking at 25-30 min max at the first appointment – possibly taking a little more time at the second appointment – for presentation and setting up any additional accounts –

Everything is on cruise I believe and if they don’t find something else to slow  us down I believe we are looking good if we do in fact have a confirmation on the value date of Monday 5 / 11  Have a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins at 58:10

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 5-5-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 5-5-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 5th and Happy Cinco De Mayo you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Ok here we go – ok guys where are we? 5th of May – What has been happening over the last few days has been very important – We have seen things with our own USN – our new USN are new asset backed dollar which is going to have United States Treasury Note on it NOT Federal Reserve Note anymore but US Treasury Note – that is why I call it the USTN – is going to be printed on our money – our “new” money – we will get it soon enough don’t worry - it will come when its ready

This digital version of our USN was digitized a few days ago and is actually showing up on some countries bank screens as a USN – an asset backed dollar –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 5-5-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday  May 5th and Happy Cinco De Mayo  you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Ok here we go – ok guys where are we?  5th of May – What has been happening over the last few days has been very important – We have seen things with our own USN – our new USN are new asset backed dollar which is going to have United States Treasury Note on it NOT Federal Reserve Note anymore but US Treasury Note – that is why I call it the USTN – is going to be printed on our money – our “new” money – we will get it soon enough don’t worry - it will come when its ready

This digital version of our USN was digitized a few days ago and is actually showing up on some countries bank screens as a USN – an asset backed dollar –

It’s probably more widespread than I know – it’s showing in Hong Kong – Costa Rico – and I’m sure other countries but what is important to realize is we have it – China has a gold backed Yuan that is digitized meaning in additional form and we know that Iran actually is trying to make an announcement about Iraq because both of them have revalued their currencies – the Iranian Rial and of course the Iraqi Dinar – or new Iraqi Dinar as it’s called

We know that Iraq cannot announce their new currency even though they’ve had it revalued for a while and had it on the CBI website but immediately sort of took it down – they can’t really announce that until we say they can – which is strange – I know – but it is just so closely held until we’re ready to start – and I mean “us” ready – Tier 4A and 4B – when we’re ready to start that is as early as the Iraqi Dinar revaluation is going to be seen

Now we have sources in Iraq and we have sources that are Iraqi Americans – that have what we call the Qi cards – these are their debit and sometimes credit cards / mastercards primarily  -  that are loaded with a certain amount of money – What the Iraqis are able to do is to determine what the rate is compared to the US dollar on these QI cards – and we know the last time we looked since the revaluation of the dinar –

It’s been over a week ago now – week ago Sunday – We’ve seen it kinda go up in value and we’ve seen a rate approaching – but not quite as high as $10.00 – That’s an in country so called rate because it’s there for Iraqi’s and on their QI cards – it’s not necessarily going to be on a bank screen or a CBI website – no it won’t be there yet – so if that rate holds up – is it going to be a front screen rate on our banks – I don’t know – could be

Now, we know the Rial had a place holder rate – like 23 cents – but that’s probably just all it was – it’s not an actual rate for their currency because as trading partners next door to Iraq it should be within 5% - should be – that is where it will ultimately end up - it may start there – but it should end up within 5% of the Iraqi Dinar – So it is something to look at if some of you have the Rial –

Now, the rate for the Vietnamese Dong - we don’t know – that is always a tough one to get – for some crazy reason – but the good news is that since the Vietnamese Dong came off the Travelex currencies – it doesn’t even appear there – you go to look for it to try to get some and it’s gone – It ain’t there –

So there are very few people selling it still and their supplies have basically run out – they have what they have and that’s it - of course when the dealers get the heads up and they will get a heads up - 15 minutes or whatever – before maybe an hour before the rate change takes place officially and they will be able to immediately have a program installed where they can push a button - press a few keys and get the new rate to appear

Now in most cases the rate would be so high that no one would be interested in buying those currencies anymore because we are buying what are so called exotic currencies – they are not traded like the – at least not yet like the euro or the Mexican peso – or whatever – they are not like that – or like the British pound – the sterling as they call it

But we do know that the Chinese currency which we call the Yuan – the official trading term is the Renminbi  - and that has like I said has revalued and of course a lot of this stuff is still kept quiet – until everything  is ready to go –

The term “gold backed” currency – we were using that sometimes – but realistically – it is more “asset” backed – it might be 50% backed by gold – 10% by other precious metals – partially backed by oil and other minerals and even other items -

We are looking for the global currencies to be asset backed – all of them – and they are - or about to be – announced as that –

Now – what else is going on?  We know that tomorrow – Wednesday – the so called exotics are going to be traded – if you will – and this is – places like Zurich – Hong Kong – Miami – London – where Bonds and boxes of Bonds – and Super Petchilis - will be hypothecated and paid out we believe starting tomorrow – they are terming those as “exotics”

What is going on now or tonight?  Starting about 2pm this afternoon Pacific time – we are understanding that the intermediate groups - between Tier 3 and Tier 4 – they are supposed to be in the process now of being paid out – we know that all of the Paymasters accounts are liquid as of 2 pm Pacific - and we understand that these paymasters and trustees are able to pay out all of those intermediate accounts probably starting now tonight and overnight tonight –

So that we are ready for the possibility – I am going to say the next couple of days for Tier 4 and that would include the Admirals groups – Cores – the rest of those groups should be notified and we should get notified – I believe they may go a little bit ahead of us guys they really might – it would not offend me in the least if they did Tier 4A first but we’re hearing we have a good shot at starting either tomorrow or Thursday with emails –

No emails have come out that I know of from Wells Fargo for our group – there were some rumors about that earlier – I did not get any confirmation of that or any proof of that – but I think those will come out at the same time that I’m supposed to get the toll free number that I am supposed to put out so could be a late morning tomorrow thing – possibly – it could be Thursday –

We know that the states need to open up to phase 1 and we had more states to open up and agreed to open  up last night that opened today – like California – Washington – and several others –

Is it an absolute that all have to open up before we start? I’m not quite sure but when I say open up that is to “essential” services – that is phase 1 – “essential” – I think all states hopefully by tomorrow can open up to that state of phase 1 – I would love to see that because if that is required for us to go then we are just about there

Now, this is an essential business and banking is essential -  and what we’re doing which is going to be is to fire up a spark to really rebound our economy – we are going to be the ones to sow those funds in – in a big way by spending – so after you get your first monies on your first appointment I think it would be wise to start spending but spending wisely – if you want to get a new ride – get a new car – You can spend some money – It’s okay – we’re all going to do some of that – and we are going to do it to help rebuild America and our economy –

Now let’s talk about your redemption appointment – when I say redemption that means for redeeming Zim - why are we redeeming Zim and exchanging currency? - Because the redeeming bonds that we have are Zim bonds - and the currency we have like Dinar – Dong – Rupiah – Rial – Yuan – are currencies and will be “exchanged” –

Here’s the latest when you go in for your first appointment – let’s say you have 2 currencies – Dinar and Dong – because you bought them 100 years ago -  no 10-15 yrs ago – and you have some Zim – a couple notes -  When you go in for your first appointment let’s say you do get some form of a default rate on  your Zim – but maybe because of your projects you feel like you might be able to negotiate a higher rate because your projects deserve it –

That is when your second appointment would be necessary – with a representative  - could possibly be from Abbott Downing – it could be a wealth manager - if you’re an employer it could be a US Treasury representative – it depends on the market – the bigger the market – the more chance you will have to have 2-3 people at that second meeting – and that is when you are going to lay in with your project in more depth -  get real on it – more serious – look them in the eye and let them know what you’re doing

Here’s the point – and this is not a word that I like – I don’t like CAP – I don’t even like to wear a ball cap - Here’s the “cap” – if you go in and do your exchange – they will allow you to have up to 140 million dollars on day one from your exchange currencies and from your Zim - $140 million – don’t anybody get that wrong –

They would put that into an account – some on a debit card – basically that is what you’ve got to spend – if you will – until your second Zim appointment – which could be up to 10 days later – however you designate it – whenever you set that up – you’re going to have the $140 million – now you’re going to have as Paul Harvey says – “the rest of the story” because you’re going to give them the rest of your story - with your projects and you’re also going to get the rest of your exchange money – if it exceeds that meaning the currency you exchanged - 

You will also be able to get access to your Zim proceeds and you will be talking about your structured settlement – your structured payout – rather - and how many years you want to go and rate of interest you want to earn on it – how you want to be paid on it – mine is quarterly – every 90 days – do you see what I’m saying? 

All of that will be laid out at the second appointment where you finalize those things – and the goal is to get a rate that is win - win - win situation - Why do I say that?  It’s a win for you because if you negotiate and take the rate up from a default rate to a more reasonable realistic rate that you wanted to get –

It is a win for the bank because the more money the banks have in your account (remember who’s money it is) YOUR MONEY -  NOT THE BANKS – None of it is the banks - It’s all yours

It’s a win for the banker because he is overseeing a structured payout of a gazillion dollars – or whatever it is – right – and who is the 3rd and most important winner?  The project people that you’re helping – You see – the people that you help when you fund projects – like Rebuild America – the veterans you help when you create the veterans retreat –

I’m giving you an example – the people’s lives that you seed these monies into to level the playing field so the people will have a better life style and better opportunity to learn and earn – all of that stuff nationwide and  yes worldwide too – but we start here – at home – we rebuild homes that have been torn down by tornados - that’s our first part of rebuild America and then we go on beyond that – to rebuild cities – towns – and communities all over this great country of ours

My point is – it is a win – win – win situation  all 3 portions – you – the banker – and the people that get the benefit of our projects - they are the beneficiaries of most of the money - you can buy only so many cars -  you can have  only so many homes – you can buy only so many shoes –

But here’s the thing - that stuff will get old after a while – and what is really meaningful is what you are doing with your life to help other people - That is where it makes sense – that is where we find our joy –

Our joy is renewed every morning knowing that we are going to be able to affect people’s lives in a positive manner – every day after we wake up and have our bullet proof coffee – Do you see what I’m saying? Our lives completely change after this – we do a 180 after this thing goes – After our second appointment we come waltzing out of the bank knowing what the deal is – I’m excited – You guys are too – you’re ready –

I’m excited and it looks like we are finally coming down to the wire – we had some false starts – we had a big weekend – it’s all good

I want everybody to be conscious of their safety – their security going forward –will we have a call Thursday – I don’t know yet maybe so maybe not – maybe a celebration call if the NDA allows it – that is presuming that we get started before Thursday or by Thursday  - Let’s see what happens

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins  53:49

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Calls, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Calls, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

Miracles Intel CC Tonight 6:15 PST/ 9:15 EST 5-3-2020

.The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this SUNDAY NIGHT, MAY 3, 2020 beginning approximately 6:15 PM PT/ 9:15 PM ET.


We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to our Sunday & Wednesday night Conference Calls and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support.


The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this SUNDAY NIGHT, MAY 3, 2020 beginning approximately 6:15 PM PT/ 9:15 PM ET.


 We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to our Sunday & Wednesday night Conference Calls and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support. 



In addition, the narrative which has been perpetuated by the so-called “medical experts” from the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control, the National  Institute of Health, Dr’s Anthony Fauci & Debra Birx, etc., is beginning to rapidly implode!

There is a now growing body of evidence emerging BY THE DAY, which clearly demonstrates the entire threat of the Coronavirus pandemic is nothing-more-than a scam perpetuated by the Deep State, and then overblown by the Fake News media all working in collusion with one another.

In addition, “Q” has been posting furiously over the last few days, providing additional factual evidence to prove the Coronavirus pandemic has been one giant Deep State lie, after another, after another. 

 • On Friday, May 1, the CDC magically corrected, then cut their original Coronavirus death projections in the U.S. by more than half to approximately 37,000.

 • In fact, the real number of deaths in America from the Coronavirus is far less than the Fake News media has suggested and is actually being artificially inflated by nearly ANY cause of death during this flu season.

 • At his press conference on Friday, May 1, President Trump openly speculated the Coronavirus pandemic emanated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China and NOT from a bat from the Chinese wet markets as the Fake News media has been reporting since the inception of the disease. 

 • On Wednesday, April 29, the DOJ finally released long-he BOMBSHELL documents which provide conclusive evidence James Comey’s FBI set a perjury trap for General Michael Flynn, and therefore, will make it highly likely Gen. Flynn will be exonerated of all charges by the presiding Judge Sullivan. 

 • If you have not filed federal taxes in the years 2019 or 2018, or do not collect Social Security benefits, then you can apply for the U.S. Government stimulus relief funds through this link at the IRS website.

 • And finally, we continue to request to please keep all of these great, GREAT people of the U.S. Military, “Q” /Military Intelligence, the Earth Alliance and President Donald Trump in your prayers at this most crucial time period in world history. IN GOD WE TRUST AND GOD BLESS AMERICA. 

 Once again, we will have A LOT of breaking news to cover on this very important conference call. We really encourage you to join us this Sunday night!!

 Our conference call line is:

Dial-in number (US): (712) 770-4598   Access code: 767664#

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Online meeting ID: scottm6975
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 Replay Number: 712-770-5402  Access code:  767664# / followed by # again

 Backup Number: 425-535-9162

 If you encounter any issues with our Miracles Intel Calls please reach out to Free Conference Call Technical Support: (844) 844-1322

 Thank you for your support, 

Scott Mowry

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Miracles Intel Conference Call - Sunday, May 3, 2020 at 6:15PM PT / 9:15PM ET

 Miracles Intel Conference Call - Sunday, May 10, 2020 at 6:15PM PT / 9:15PM ET

 Special Miracles Intel Conference Call for Our Patrons & Donors - Let My People Go / Let Freedom Ring!: The Emancipation of the Human Race from Slavery, Bondage & Servitude - Recording of this call now available on replay and on audio CD's

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4-30 -2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4-30-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 30th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Welcome and thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s do this guys – Let’s look forward and not back tonight with the intel we have tonight – I’m going to try to give you the view that I get which is interesting – The first thing I’m going to talk about so I don’t forget it – there has been something that was put out today or yesterday – about taxes – something was said that 50% tax would be levied on our exchange – I have to tell you that was a lie – there is no tax on our exchange – it is a tax free exchange –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4-30-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 30th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Welcome and thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s do this guys – Let’s look forward and not back tonight with the intel we have tonight – I’m going to try to give you the view that I get which is interesting – The first thing I’m going to talk about so I don’t forget it – there has been something that was put out today or yesterday – about taxes – something was said that 50% tax would be levied on our exchange – I have to tell you that was a lie – there is no tax on our exchange – it is a tax free exchange –

Now – will you ever pay taxes?  Yes – because the money that your exchange proceeds earn – if they earn money in a structured payout  for example over 25 or 50 years like I am going for – and let’s say you earn a rate of 4% on that per year – 1% per quarter -  guess what?? You’ll pay taxes on the interest that you earn on that money – its considered passive income -  

Now – that’s the tax you would pay – just like its considered passive income – it’s considered earned income – but called passive income – because your money is earning interest for you and yet that also presumes no change in the tax plan – the tax structure that we will have going forward – which under NESARA  could very much change for us as far as – and remember I am not a tax accountant -  not a CPA -  not anything like that -  by not being a tax attorney or CPA  etc – I do have some experience with taxes that goes back to the age of 16 – but I will say this we expect under NESARA  a new tax plan for us –

Even though I think I know what it might be – I probably should not let you guys know what I think it is – itt’s better for us to just wait and see what comes out – But let me ask  you this –

Why would President Trump several time say that he would recommend that we would have a moratorium on withholding payroll taxes through the end of the year? - for one thing – it benefits employers – they don’t have to withhold as much on you and it would benefit you because the money being withheld from your check would go to you and you would not have to withhold it – that would be a real benefit – it would be like getting a raise –

Now – is that something that could be a precursor to a new tax plan that could be in place by the end of the year? Possibly - don’t know if it’s retroactive to 2020 beginning of this year - we’re just going to have to follow it – wait and see what happens - but the point is – don’t worry – this is NOT a taxable event - we are just going to pay taxes on the income that is generated from your proceeds – not the proceed themselves

Now we’ve got that one out of the way – Let’s go to what else we’re hearing – We’re sitting at a really interesting time – let’s say we’re getting pretty close to 10 o’clock eastern time – do you realize that at  12:01 Eastern Daylight Time – one minute after midnight – everything cuts loose - everything gets released – and what does that mean?  What am I saying?  What does that look like?  

Here’s what it looks like – it looks like the green light is turned on for the intermediates to be funded – the Admiral’s group to be funded – Core – and all the others be funded to receive at least a portion of what they are to receive – and I believe the amounts will be a little lower than anticipated to start but then after we go Tier 4B – I believe the amounts will rise to what they are to receive coming to themselves –

Now – here’s what is really interesting to me – we had at 4 am in the morning yesterday morning – Wednesday – we had a go ahead to go in – however - there were things called audits  that took place and an audit is more of – in this particular place – this was a way  to prevent people that were not supposed to be paid in tier 3 in SKRs and so on from being paid – This has been going on where you guys know I use the analogy  of clean up on aisle 3 - well clean up on aisle 3 has been going on solidly in this area for the last 2 months to well over 11,400 arrests – in that 2 month period – globally –

So – they are really doing an excellent job of preventing people that are not supposed to be getting this  blessing from getting it – and I can tell you clean up on aisle 3 is continuing and will continue but it is really going to be good for  us to get everything started after 12:01 AM Eastern May 1st

Now – what else is important about that time? By midnight tonight Eastern Daylight time – this is a mandate  from the IMF that all debt of all African nations will be forgiven – all debt from IMF to all African nations will be forgiven by midnight tonight (Thursday night) –

That is the start of GESARA – globally – In addition to that President Trump is putting our plan – our national plan – NESARA – in position to run parallel with GESARA –

At 12:01 AM Eastern tomorrow morning – (Friday AM) – we revert back to Constitutional Law – and under Constitutional Law – there are several things that will be changing - one of which is the concept of sanctuary states and sanctuary cities will no longer be acceptable – and you will see about 29 states begin to scramble to get themselves out of that status - because funding to those states and cities will be cut off by the Federal government under the Constitutional Law –

It is also going to affect illegals that are here that are no longer allowed to be here – all green card holders – my understanding is  will be vetted again to make sure they are of good standing – and are able to remain in the US under that status – as a green card holder

There’s a lot going on you know we had heard that Australia started their exchanges under the RV – we heard that yesterday – I don’t know what time or date they started – if in fact they did – but it’s the old east moving west – east coming west on this –

We also heard – and we’ve seen that the Vietnamese Dong is no longer available to buy on Travelex which is a major site and you know if you have traveled that Travelex has a number of Kiosks in a number  of airports globally – throughout the US and in other countries for currency exchange - Travelex does not want to be caught in the middle of a rate change so they no longer have the Dong for sale –

Very few dealers still have dong for sale and I will say this one particular dealer that you guys have heard of out in California is no longer able to get dong or Zimbabwe dollars for sale – they no longer have them being issued from the people they were getting it from – and now there’s kind of a call out to anyone that wants to sell that to them and would be at a way below market rate – they’re trying to buy up some so they can resale it - they are out – That’s a good sign –

When the dealers dry up – which is what we’re talking about - and Travelex no longer has any dong for sale – and we know that Zimbabwe has made their decree that they have a revalued dollar on par with our dollar and is an asset backed currency – that is exactly what we are looking for

My understanding was 12:01 AM Friday morning we will have a digitized USN – or USTN – digital – so we are moving forward with that – Do we expect an announcement to some extent about an asset backed dollar? Yes – and we think it could come as early as tomorrow –

All of this starts tonight – the green light starts 12:01 – for the groups to be paid out – this includes the intermediate groups – Tier 4A begins tomorrow and Saturday – paying out Friday and Saturday -  

Beyond that – when does Tier 4B get a chance to go? 

The best information I have so far today from several sources is talking about 36 – 72 hours later – that 72 hours would put us Monday afternoon at 1:00PM that we could be notified after that time – but more than likely our start would be on Tuesday

Now – notice Tuesday’s date - that’s right – Cinco de mayo - so you’ve got 5-5-2020 - that’s interesting -  we’re just going to have to keep an eye on that – because that is looking likely - we can’t call it - I’m just telling you what I am hearing  - that’s all

Now – beyond that - what will take time from now to then is the pickup and drop off – NESAR and GESARA - and we should see something pretty soon regarding Debt Jubilee or debt forgiveness – We are already in some aspects of Universal Basic Income with the 1200 stimulus – so we are just going to have to wait and see how that unfolds in the next several months –

Yes did I think we had a shot of going by today – and not even being on the call? Yes – but like a moving target the information changed - and actually after Tuesday night’s call I heard from some key sources that at 9 PM start of the Big Call on last Tuesday night everything changed –

As far as our exchange procedures and our redemption of Zim – everything is the same as I said on Tuesday night’s call and with one possible exception – Let’s say you’re a Zim holder that had a few notes -  2-3 notes – a couple  50’s and a couple 10”s – not a whole lot – but the value is great - When you set up your appointment and you say you have zim and you bring it with you – you may be able to get that exchange done at your first appointment – that’s a correction – a change from Tuesday’s information

It appears that if you’re a small player which you would be with just 2-3 notes  that you could get that done and you would have a quite possibly a default rate - its back in again – it’s out – it’s in – it’s out - well for the purpose of this call tonight – it’s back in –

Because it’s changed – I can’t tell you what it is – just know you would have something as a default rate and you would also if you wished – and felt entitled to a larger  amount than what was defaulted – you could set a second appointment to go in and lobby for a higher rate on the zim because of your humanitarian project - because they may be designed to go several generations - a generation being 80 years – so it could go 3-4 generations – and this could happen with or without you - if you’re not around somebody below you  would see the project through – someone that you have designated to take over –

Everything else that I told you  Tuesday still holds – that minimum meaning advance of 1-25 million on a temporary debit card – if you are a Zim holder – that may go away if in fact you do your few note exchange - you may not need that because you have a default rate available – we’re just going to see how they deal with that - it may come down to whether or not you do a second appointment – or just be happy with the default rate on your first appointment

Again – if you have a lot of Zim – more than likely you are not going to do your exchange/redemption on the first visit – so take it with you – they may want to run it through the delarue machine

They are doing their level best to clear the people who are not supposed to be a part of this from being in it – taking advantage of the situation – it is worth the wait – it has been worth the wait – ultimately it is best for us to have the highest level of security – legitimacy  in terms of people that are able to do these exchanges and redemption of Zim  for the right reasons - for humanity – remember we talked Tuesday night about the idea that you’re going to be doing a complete 180 – all your life you’ve been trying to earn money – trying to make a good investment  on something – you have tried to gain – gain – garner -  but you know what? –

After you walk out of that redemption center – especially after your second appointment – should you choose to have one – everything is different – you’re coming out as a philanthropist in the making  – you are coming out as someone who is seeding your funds into humanitarian projects – it is a totally different way of looking at money – you are no longer motivated by profit – but by getting rid of the money responsibly – sowing it into people’s lives – that’s what it’s all about  - it a 180 degree turn and paradigm shift for all of us -

The sooner you see yourself as that individual as that humanitarian – that philanthropist  the easier it’s going to be for you to walk in that new light – I am excited – we are all excited to move into that new paradigm shift – Let’s all stay excited – get your projects ready – and have a great night -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay  LINK  Intel Begins 1:02:23

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 4-28-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 4-28-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 28th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe – we look to giving you the best call we can at this time

Ok, let’s talk about intel and where we are – this is an interesting time for us because here we are 2 days from the last day of the month – Now we had heard – about a week ago that we had sort of a deadline or back wall – it appears that we have had a deadline in place for us to get started – US – Tier 4B – we believe that deadline is Thursday – the last day of the month the 30th of April

Now – here’s the thing – we’ve got confirmation of trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars moving into place – and that means moving into place where they can be disseminated for some of these groups – We are down to where Tier 3 we believe is all been paid at least their 1% - but there may still be some holdouts there –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 4-28-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 28th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe – we look to giving you the best call we can at this time

Ok, let’s talk about intel and where we are – this is an interesting time for us because here we are 2 days from the last day of the month – Now we had heard – about a week ago that we had sort of a deadline or back wall – it appears that we have had a deadline in place for us to get started – US – Tier 4B – we believe that deadline is Thursday – the last day of the month the 30th of April

Now – here’s the thing – we’ve got confirmation of trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars moving into place – and that means moving into place where they can be disseminated for some of these groups – We are down to where Tier 3 we believe is all been paid at least their 1% - but there may still be some holdouts there –

Then of course we’ve got the intermediates which are these large sovereign groups that are sandwiched between tier 3 and tier 4 and that is why they are known as “intermediate” - Those are set with trustees with contracts as I mentioned I believe on Thursdays call – They have contracts – I believe they all have funds in their accounts now to disseminate to the account holder - those individuals – that is where we are  Now – Earlier today – and realize – I know we have heard this for a while – but earlier today we got word that the intermediate groups would be funded overnight tonight and that is pushing it – but I know they know when the deadline is – I know they want to hit it – I know they don’t want to go beyond it – and we believe because of that we heard from one of our Tier 1 banking sources that tomorrow was the date they received information on for us to start –

Now – I obviously can’t call it – or even verify that because it’s still unsure whether it could occur tomorrow or possibly it could occur Thursday – It should not go beyond Thursday – Of course we know in this anything is possible – we already know that - but we also know they do want to get this thing started and we believe they want to get it started by or on Thursday April 30th

Now – going beyond that what else is out there that points to this? Usually our currencies can tell us something – so we know for example – at 7 am Easter this morning Travel X stopped offering Vietnamese Dong for sale on their site -In other words – it disappeared – The Vietnamese Dong is no longer available

That is a great sign for us – and that went away – so why did that go away? It’s going away because the rate change is going to take place - and they don’t want to get caught in the middle of a rate change – so they have simply removed the Dong from the site – that is Big!

What else has happened?  Let’s talk about the Iraq Dinar – We had a reinstated rate – we had a revaluation take place last Sunday and we have a uhhhh – a rate – because the CBI website was up and then was taken down by Iraq on purpose – they did not want us to see what that rate is –

The rate I understand was at $1.00 – the re-instatement rate – which was on par with the US dollar – and we believe it has elevated well above that rate and we should have tomorrow – well we do have the new rate on the bank screens now - it has been there to people that – like our Forex guy – and certain bankers have acknowledged that there is a new rate –

We have some idea as to what it is – but we are not at liberty to say - and we are just going to let that play out –

Now – tomorrow – being Wednesday – it’s a major day – in Iraq for the official newspaper to go out and it could very well be we get a new rate tomorrow as it has been traded up on the Iraq stock exchange – ISX – It should quite possibly be here tomorrow –

Now my personal feeling is - it won’t appear until we get started with our toll free numbers – our exchange appointments – so we’ll see when that actually occurs – I’m not worried about it – I know they revalued – we have people that are directly connected to Iraq that have acknowledged that – so I feel very good about that –

Now – what else about currencies? We know the Zimbabwe Dollar was said to have revalued today and have had an announcement alongside that saying that their Zimbabwe Dollar – New Dollar – is asset backed  - I think that’s a term we’re going to hear globally – this is the first time we’ve heard currency we have used the term “asset backed” and we know that could be gold – precious jewels - any number of things – in our country we know it’s going to be gold – it’s going to be oil – properties – other precious metals – could be a lot of different things –

The term we’re probably looking for instead of gold backed is asset backed – that is probably what we’re going to hear for currencies around the globe – Even though we had a week ago - Monday – we had the GCR – Global Currency Reset initiated when oil dropped and plummeted below $1.00 – below zero! All the way down to minus $37 per barrel –

That precipitated release of the Heritage Trust Funds – to be put in circulation and to be sent out to the central banks globally where that needed to go – So we’ve got the Heritage Funds – The Global Collateral Accounts  - we have the Rodriquez Trust – the St Germaine Trust -  There’s quite a bit that has been flooding – like I said – trillions and trillions  of dollars and today we heard the term so much quintillion  dollars was moving into place – and into the banks that need to have it to pay out these various funds –

Prosperity packages are supposed to go out I believe Thursday and Friday of this week – So not everything every single thing may be paid before we start but I believe we are on track to start either tomorrow or Thursday – as it is now that’s what it looks like – we know that things change – we’ve been pushed back a number of times as things are happening globally but so far as of now – things are very positive for us over the next 2 days – let’s say it that way –

Now let’s talk about something that is relevant to all of us that have the Zim – there’s been some things that have been put out that I’ve heard of – that people have told me about – about various aspects of our Zim redemption - I am here to tell you tonight that I have clarity on what that’s going to look like for us –

This is how I’ve been informed – when it appears to happen for us - we are going to have essentially 2 meetings if you have Zim – Now let’s say that you don’t have any Zim and you have Dong or Dinar – Rupiah – or another like the Yuan – that’s in the first basket –

What  you are going to be able to do is call up the toll free number – set  your appointment – go in and do exchange – literally exchange your currency – they do run it through the delarue machine  to verify it – to count it – and come up with a total -

You will get a rate so you can equivocate that amount of dinar – dong - rupiah – whatever you have other than Zim in US dollars – You will get that money immediately – that day - put on a debit card – if you choose or in my case – I do not want it on a debit card - I want it in an account – it’s going to be digital - I know I’m going to have access to it – if not on day one – by day two – meaning the day after that exchange – because it’s currency – that should be immediately available – So that’s what that looks like as far as the currency exchange - this is if you don’t have Zim

Now – let’s say you DO have Zim – and other currency – here’s the scenario you’re in now – When you call to set your appointment they will ask what currencies you have – you will let them know that you have those currencies and also Zim –

Here’s where it gets tricky – when you go in for your first meeting – you will do the full exchange on your currencies like we just described but they will ask you how much you have – as I envision this you’re going to tell them and they are going to ask you if they can run it through the delarue machine to verify it and to count it and they will be picking up the serial numbers automatically by the delarue machine and laptop computer when they run this –

They will not be settling on a rate on for the Zim on the first meeting – they are not even going to give you a default rate on the first meeting – What they will do is give you an advance on a debit credit card from 1 million to up to 25 million dollars – to hold you over on that until you come in to do your second appointment

Alright – let’s do this – they want to get everybody on that first appointment that you set in and out in 25-30 minutes tops – In and Out – there’s not going to be time at the first appointment to talk about a Zim rate – a structured payout – a rate of interest that you would negotiate for that structured payout - and a number of other things besides setting up an account or two –  

That’s probably as far as you will get -  setting up an account  - maybe setting up an account in another bank – I am planning setting  up one account in a bank for the currency  - one account for the Zim – which realize I might set that account up  - I might not even set it up yet – until I come back ( second appt?)

They want you to come back in within ten days to a Tier 1 bank – not the redemption center but a Tier 1 bank that’s tied to the redemption center – so that you can negotiate – you can do your full presentation on your projects and can lobby for the rate you feel you should have on your zim –

So what I’m saying is – when you go in the first time that Zim – say you have only 2-3 notes – and you’re not exchanging or redeeming – you are giving to them so they can verify it is not counterfeit  - get the serial numbers -  all of that -  You get the Zim back -  you go home with it – you do not leave it with the bank -  You don’t have a rate on it yet - and you sure as heck do not want to put it in a safe deposit box -

When the second appointment comes up - within ten days – you return to do your presentation and to negotiate the rate and set up any new accounts for the Zim that were tied to your structured pay out – and then of course negotiate your rate of interest that you’re offered or negotiate – it depends on what they offer you  - and then – anything else that could do with your Trust – that you either have or want to set up -  any other structures you may want to have - 

In other words it’s more of time for the second appointment and I see it taking up to 45 mins to an hour and maybe longer – depending how sophisticated you are at that time and how much you want to work with them – You’ve got a concept of getting legal help if you haven’t already - you need to look into  and see if they have a family office available for you  - and you all need to look that up – look under Wells Fargo Wealth Management – under Family Offices – That is something you may need and I want you all to look that up – Should be available to us through Abbott Downing – or Wells Fargo – or Chase – any Tier 1 bank

The reason I’m saying this is that second appointment is very important because that’s where the mother lode is – right - if you have Zim – That’s your mother lode – that’s where your setting up your mother lode account - That is where you’re setting up a structured payout account that might go 25 years or more –

In my case I am going to ask for 50 years structured payout -- and I’m going to ask the interest be paid out every quarter – every 90 days at a predetermined annual percentage rate of interest – don’t confuse your APR of return with the rate on your currency

Everything is moving forward – we think the intermediates are being paid out overnight tonight - finally –and we should be there – I think – based on what we have – it’s showing either tomorrow or Thursday - I’m good either way – I hope you are too


Bruces Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins at 54:54 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4-23-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4-23-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 23rd and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe – we look forward to having a great call tonight

Let’s talk a little bit about some intel and see where we are - I think we’re in a really good place and I feel like today (Thurs) in some ways I got the biggest – greatest amount of pertinent intel for us that we’ve had on any one day –

I feel good about what I can bring to you guys – Let’s first start with Iraq – remember that we said Iraq reinstated the Dinar last Saturday – now – they also revalued the Dinar yesterday – Wednesday - so the re-evaluation of the Iraqi dinar became official yesterday – with a “new rate” –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4-23-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 23rd and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe – we look forward to having a great call tonight

Let’s talk a little bit about some intel and see where we are  - I think we’re in a really good place and I feel like today (Thurs) in some ways I got the biggest – greatest amount of pertinent intel for us that we’ve had on any one day –

I feel good about what I can bring to you guys – Let’s first start with Iraq – remember that we said Iraq reinstated the Dinar last Saturday – now – they also revalued the Dinar yesterday – Wednesday -  so the re-evaluation of the Iraqi dinar became official yesterday – with a “new rate” –

Now – I have a window of what the rate is now – ok between this and this - it doesn’t really matter because right now – what happened was - you know- they’ve had it on the website – cbi.q  I think and what happened was – they were kinda getting hits on it but they really did not want it to get knocked down – they did not want it to get hacked – okay - so they took it down themselves Iraq did this morning at 4:30 am – eastern –

They really don’t want it to be seen by the world yet because Sunday is when Iraq’s first day of business  begins in the middle east – it’s like our Monday - they will open the ISX  stock exchange also and the IQD rate will be visible and tradeable through the ISX – starting Sunday - We will actually have the new Dinar rate on our bank websites on Monday morning –

Now – let’s talk further - we talked about a number of currencies globally being gold backed – ok – not just our dollar which is the USN/USTN – the Iraqi Dinar – the Chinese Yuan – all of these different currencies – ok – are going to be or “are” already gold backed –

We believe the gold standard will be introduced at the same time around the globe on Sunday our time – Sometime on Sunday we should be getting some form of announcement that we are back on the Gold Standard and we have a gold backed dollar which we call the USTN – United States Treasury Note –

That is going to take place we believe about the same time or after Iraq has started trading the Dinar – I don’t know which will be first – but I know that Iraq’s gold backed dinar is also going to be reflected by our gold backed dollar –

Why do we need it to come out now? Because remember Tuesday night we talked about the decline in oil prices all the way down where it crashed – zero and below to - $37 per barrel and it actually dropped to -40 and retraced up to negative $37 per barrel - so as a result of that drop that precipitated some bank moves that we talked about – It also put approximately 23 global banks out of business due to the fact they were highly leveraged in oil and oil futures not able to handle the contract – not here in the US this was globally-

This also puts us in a position where no longer do we have the petro dollar with any value to it and that’s that led us to a gold backed dollar - and that is what we expect to happen on Sunday

Oil futures for the month of May settled in today’s trading at $17.50 per barrel – and that is a much better move and we should get all the way up by June or July to $20-$30 and will put us in a better position with oil pricing globally

It is just amazing how everything is moving now – as a result of that crash of the oil market – I told you guys that it released the GCR and it did in the sense that the Heritage Trust was opened half way and funds were pouring out to a number of central banks globally - that happened I can’t remember exactly when maybe Monday –

Where do we stand now?  That first half of the Heritage Trust being released covered the Dubai 1 & 2 – which covered the Tier 1 Tier 2 and Tier 3 payouts – 

Our payouts Tier 4A and 4B are covered by the second half of the Heritage Trust Fund – that is set to release at 2:30 am eastern tomorrow – (Friday)  - The release of those funds also – let’s backup one second -  as a result of what’s happening now – we had the Dept of Defense  contracts for the trustees of the intermediate funds /accounts – you know this is CMKX – adjudicated settlements – fines & penalties – farm claims – Indian claims etc  -

That whole group of funds  have finally been give the go ahead because the contracts have been received in the location they are going to do the payouts by the trustees of those accounts – they have received them finally and they will begin starting at shortly after 2:30 – 3:00 am Friday – paying out the intermediates

Remember we said on Tuesday the intermediates need to pay out before Tier 4 goes – and my understanding is they will pay out starting at 2:30 am approximately and pay out Friday Saturday and Sunday – and be complete by Monday morning – That is what I am hearing and I’m going with it – Let’s believe they will get those off three days and finished by and paid for by Monday –

Now – we’re looking for a gold backed dollar to be announced sometime Sunday – we know the Iraqi dinar is going to have a new rate as it’s traded upwards on Sunday in the ISX – and we know that the dollar if it’s gold backed and announced will be very strong on Monday

We think that everything that we’ve got with those intermediate groups being paid out will lend itself to us getting started with our Wells Fargo emails – over 500,000 – with the toll free number on them – those should go out along with the notification to me at approximately the same time Monday - we are hearing around lunch time - maybe slightly after – If that’s the case – it’s good to go – we should start based on that info  Monday afternoon

We could start Tuesday but there is no reason to not start Monday due to the QFS and the Real Time Payment System that is in place now – because of that there’s no longer the reason not to do something on Monday – that has gone away – we are looking very strong for next week starting Monday – possibly Tuesday – but hopefully Monday afternoon

I’m just saying ----- I’m not calling it – but I’m doing everything I can not to call it -  I think the information we have today is setting us up for everything that we are looking for to begin

We are in the midst of a paradigm shift - we are in the midst of a 10 day paradigm shift right now and we are about 5 days into it - we know that we should get started here next week and we know our 800 number will be good through the 15th of May – so don’t worry about that running out in April – we will get to exchange  using the toll free number in the redemption centers through the 15th of May –

The public will go sometime after – so that’s really good and it could be that our gold backed dollar – the USN physical currency – the new money may come out around the 15th  - the theory was it would be approximately the time that the public would start –

You are going to have 90 days to spend your fiat dollars if you have any and can trade them in for the new gold backed USTN’s – so don’t worry about that – If you have tons and tons of fiat currency stashed somewhere it won’t be any good after the gold backed dollar comes out beyond the 90 days – be thinking about that and where you have it stashed – I feel that most of us do not have that luxury right now –

Soo – that really gives us the idea pretty much of what’s going on – I can tell you that the bond platforms in Monaco and Hong Kong and Zurich are all liquid – ready to go which is new and good for us –

I know the bill to increase the funding for the small businesses – is being passed as we speak or has passed already and President Trump will sign off on that into law and that’s great

On a similar note you guys know we had tornados in southern Oklahoma - parts of Texas and parts of Kansas yesterday and I told you last Tuesday we want to start our Rebuild America Program by finding out where those areas are that have been hit – I  understand 100,000 homes were taken out yesterday – if I heard right – we want to start there with being able to get everybody up to an even kil and rebuild those homes – we want to rebuild them so they can withstand another storm should they come – we are talking concrete blocks – reinforced block with rebarb / concrete – whatever system we use we want it to be something stable and maybe a safe room in the house but really wanting the entire house to be a safe house –

I am excited about where we are based on this information today – we have never been here before – we do have a revalued dinar – the dinar is not the website now because they took it down on purpose this morning at 4:30 am eastern - we are going to end up seeing it basically in the banks on Monday – I do believe it will trade upwards of where it actually valued yesterday – so don’t worry about that – It’s going to be fine –

It’s hard to get a rate on the dong but it will be trailing the dinar but not by a whole lot – it won’t be on par but I think it will be within $.50 and $1.00 of the dinar – that will be great- so really – we have what we have - we are ready in terms – if you’ve been listening to the Big Call for a while you have a lot of information –

I think you guys have everything in the way of information that I have right now – I think that if you paid attention to the call tonight you’ve got everything that you need – What we will do is put the 800 number when I get it on the website front page – we will also do a mass emailing to everybody we have emails for

We will stay in touch with you that way – and to let you know if we are going to do a podcast or any more calls – they may not let us do any more calls after this goes – it may be in my NDA that I can’t – hopefully I can do a celebration call for 20 mins or so – that is my plan - My job is to take you to / through and over the threshold of this blessing

I am about as excited as I can be and thrilled because I know what’s going on is real and confirmed and I know that we are that close – especially after 2:30 in the morning when the remaining Heritage Trust funds get put in the system and then they are able to utilize those to payout the intermediate groups that we talked about – thank you guys -

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins at  59:50

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Calls, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Calls, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

Miracles Intel CC Tonight 7 PM PST/ 10 PM EST 4-22-2020

.The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this WEDNESDAY NIGHT, APRIL 22, 2020 beginning approximately 7 PM PT / 10 PM ET.


We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to our Sunday & Wednesday night Conference Calls and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support.


The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this WEDNESDAY NIGHT, APRIL 22, 2020 beginning approximately 7 PM PT / 10 PM ET.


 We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to our Sunday & Wednesday night Conference Calls and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support. 


 Over the last two weeks, “Q” has given us numerous clues indicating we are about to witness the unsealing of at least six sealed indictments from Special Prosecutor John Durham, which has also recently been confirmed by reporter John Solomon. 

The U.S. Military, the Patriots, the Earth Alliance and President Trump are now preparing to take THE STORM to an accelerated level, which will include a series of escalated, targeted attacks against the Deep State, the Fake News Media, and much more.  

 In addition, over this past weekend on the anniversary Paul Revere’s famous ride through towns of colonial Massachusetts on April 18, 1775, as well as, the start of the Revolutionary War with the Battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, “Q” and President Trump left direct clues indicating America has officially entered into the 2nd Revolutionary War.  

 • As the Coronavirus cases continue to drop, slowly, but surely, America is beginning to open back up for business with many states putting plans into motion. Meanwhile, in at least 21 different states, residents are protesting their Governors more and more vociferously to allow them to go back go back to work and begin living a normal life once again.

 • In fact, the Governors of Georgia and Tennessee have announced plans to open up their respective states by the end of the week, with many more states to follow in short order.

• Soon, it is anticipated the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is going to authorize the use of HydroxyChloroquine as the cure for the Coronavirus, just as President Tump and ‘Q” had endorsed weeks ago. Once the cure of CQ is widely known by the American public, the entire Coronavirus pandemic will begin to rapidly collapse. 

• Then, numerous investigations will ramp up into the Chinese Communist Party’s deliberate misinformation campaign in hiding the facts of the origin of the Coronavirus as coming from the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China and not from a bat in the Wuhan wet markets which have now reopened.

 Eventually, the overwhelming evidence will lead to George Soros, Bill Gates, the W.H.O., the C.D.C., the N.I.H., Dr. Anthony Fauci, among others as co-conspirators in the Coronavirus pandemic. 

 • Many have requested recommendations for YouTube, Twitter and “Q”resources. Below you will find a few recommendations we have given out on our previous calls which will help to broaden your access to timely and important information (subject to change).  


- The White House -

- Joe Masepoes -

- X22 Report -

- MatrixxxGroove Hour -

- Blessed 2 Teach (Gene Decode videos) -

- cirstenw (Gene Decode videos) -


- President Donald Trump -

- The White House -

- Dan Scavino -

- Lisa Mei Crowley -

- X22 Report -

- intheMatrixx -

- ShadyGroove -

- Praying Medic  -

- Julian’s Rum -

- CJ Truth -

- I E T 17 -

- Sun_Q_Tzu -

- ENoCH -

- George The Collect Q -

- M3thods - 

- Sara A. Carter -


-  QMap -

-  QAnon Pub -


- The Gateway Pundit -

- Breitbart News -

- The Epoch Times -

- True Pundit -

- George News -

- Sara A. Carter -

- John Solomon/Just the News -

- intheMatrixxx -

- Starship Earth The Big Picture -

- Out of Shadows documentary film -

• And finally, we continue to request to please keep all of these great, GREAT people of the U.S. Military, “Q” /Military Intelligence, the Earth Alliance and President Donald Trump in your prayers at this most crucial time period in world history. IN GOD WE TRUST AND GOD BLESS AMERICA. 

 Once again, we will have A LOT of breaking news to cover on this very important conference call. We really encourage you to join us this Wednesday night!!

 Our conference call line is:

 Call-in Number: 605-472-5764  Access Code: 810201#

 Playback Recording Number: 605-475-4957  Access Code: 810201# / followed by # again

 Online meeting ID: scottm69756

Download the FCC app:

 Backup Number: 425-535-9162

f you encounter any issues with our Miracles Intel Calls please reach out to Free Conference Call Technical Support: (844) 844-1322

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 4-21-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 4-21-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 21st and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s go into the intel portion of tonight’s call –here we are on the 21st of April on Tuesday night – and we had some really good information late last night – like 11:30 – midnight – and it was pointing to some things that occurred yesterday (Monday) –

So let’s go back and look at what happened – did you guys notice – if you watch any financial news at all how the oil barrel price dropped significantly – it was in around $10 or $11 and then the next thing you know it’s down -$43 and -$37 is where it closed for the day – in other words $37 below zero – I mean….it’s like Unfathomable – so the price of oil dropped precipitously – it crashed – it didn’t drop - IT CRASHED!

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 4-21-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 21st and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s go into the intel portion of tonight’s call –here we are on the 21st of April on Tuesday night – and we had some really good information late last night – like 11:30 – midnight – and it was pointing to some things that occurred yesterday (Monday) –

So let’s go back and look at what happened – did you guys notice – if you watch any financial news at all how the oil barrel price dropped significantly – it was in around  $10 or $11 and then the next thing you know it’s down -$43 and -$37 is where it closed for the day – in other words $37 below zero – I mean….it’s like Unfathomable – so the price of oil dropped precipitously – it crashed – it didn’t drop - IT CRASHED! 

As a result - what happened was it dropped so low that the – since the price of oil was below zero - when it got to zero it triggered some things like the start of the GCR – and when it dropped so low – to zero and below – it also released the Heritage Funds which are huge funds that would normally make up about 100 central banks assets –

So the Heritage Funds were released by the Chinese royals yesterday evening and that went to where ever it needed to go throughout this world with these big funds - We’re talking about a number – Let’s take the number 1 followed by a comma with 100 zeros in a line – We all know a thousand – a million is 6 zeros – a billion is 9 zeros – a trillion is 12 zeros – a quad is 15 zeros - how many can go beyond a quad right? Yeah I know – quadrillion - quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, and decillion.

Quadrillion has 15 zeros

Quintillion has 18 zeros

Sextillion has 21 zeros

Septillion has 24 zeros

Octillion has 27 zeros

Nonillion has 30 zeros

Decillion has 33 zeros

Undecillion has 36 zeros

Duodecillion has 39 zeros

Tredecillion has 42 zeros

Quattuordecillion has 45 zeros

Quindecillion has 48 zeros

Sexdecillion has 51 zeros

Septendecillion has 54 zeros

Octodecillion has 57 zeros

Novemdecillion has 60 zeros

Vigintillion has 63 zeros

Googol has 100 zeros.

Centillion has 303 zeros (except in Britain, where it has 600 zeros)

You know what I mean – you can do it – my point is can you go out 100 zeros??? That’s a bunch of zeros – So that fund – is even larger by quite a bit – that the Rodriquez Trust – which is what we call the bottomless trust –

Ok – so - the point is – that the Chinese Elders released the Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 Funds and the funds basically are in position to take care of not only humanitarian causes like prosperity packages which really – total prosperity packages now total have been isolated are not a part of the farm claims or Indian claims not part of the adjudicated settlements - those represent 377 individuals that’s it – prosperity packages are down to 377 –

Now – some people in the prosperity packages were dequed / disqualified - so that knocks the number down to 377 – When that occurred yesterday – when oil bottomed out – it essentially sank the Petro dollar – the Petro dollar was basically dead –

It is positioning us now – I believe – for the gold backed USTN that should be introduced – alright now – but “when”?  When is the gold standard that we are going to globally going to be introduced? I mean to the public? And I mean our USN dollar – our NEW dollar – when is it going to be acknowledged that we have a gold backed dollar –

This is the kind of thing we are looking for – this is what we are looking for and I keep being told I am going to get an announcement – it’s going to be this day - that day - it hasn’t happened yet –

Alright, while I’m thinking about it – guess what was acknowledged on FOX Business yesterday in the afternoon? That was Universal Basic Income – It was a guest on the show talking about the stimulus check – stimulus direct deposits as UBI - I thought – wow – that is the first mention of that I know of – as it’s laid out and that is part of NESARA – that is a part of that NESARA legislation – I thought that was really cool –

So – it’s all around us - - Now with oil dropping like it did – they are scrambling to find places to store it – we are not using it – obviously we are still making gasoline but the problem is people are not driving very much – yes the truckers are driving – they are using diesel – and there are a few people driving but it’s not like normal – it’s not like it used to be – so we are not using the gasoline – that is why gas price is dropping and do you believe Wisconsin? Gas prices are down to 99 – 98 cents a gallon – and I know there are places like that and some maybe even cheaper

It’s amazing – it’s amazing and that’s where we’re going – theoretically at the cost per barrel – even at $10 or $12 we could have 30 cents gasoline – Now – will we see that? Is it a real short term thing? I don’t think so – not for a little while and I’ll tell you why – we’ve got the May future contract for oil settled today at $10.01 per barrel – that’s west Texas intermediate group –

What’s so weird is that the June futures are only up slightly - of course they haven’t closed out and I am not sure when they would close out - may not be until May but the June futures are still hanging around at $12-$13 per barrel –

So this curve that was a direct drop yesterday - it killed the petro dollar – will probably make just a smooth slow climb back up to $20 - $30 a barrel – it might take several months to get there – it’s going to take us opening up the country for business and going out and driving and doing the things we use to do a month ago - 

I found that to be very interesting – So – we’ve got the Heritage Funds released and as a result of that what we think is next – well – let’s talk about it – The final release codes have been sent out to the one who’s in charge of all the groups based out west – That was done yesterday evening

I believe the paymasters probably have the final release codes entered and they are ready to go – we’re looking for those – what we call the intermediate groups that are between Tier 3 and Tier 4 – (that is why they are called intermediates) – to be funded and get paid – we are looking for that to happen – those were supposed to start today at 2:30 PM Eastern – Did they start?  I don’t think so I have no confirmation of that yet – I may get it after the call is over – or later tonight – or tomorrow – I hope they are moving forward because they need to move forward as well as the large groups inner & Outer Core - and the other groups that are based out west - they need to get moving as well – they need to get started –

Now – what is the timing looking like? It was looking like we were going to get those groups paid today – starting at 2:30 – all of them – by the way – not just the intermediates – all of them – did that happen? Not that I know of – I can’t confirm that yet – so beyond that - what about us? We’re in Tier 4B – we get to negotiate the rate to some extent – we were supposed to start tomorrow (wed)

Now – I’m just saying – this is the information that I am getting and what I’m giving you – ok? Now- are we still on for that? Hard to say - HARD TO SAY –

I am going to say there are two things that might get in the way of it - #1  you guys know President Trump signed an executive order to restrict immigration into our country – that’s for green cards and that sort of thing - legal immigration – illegal immigration is not allowed by the way – legal immigration has been stopped temporarily  - for 60 days – that executive order needs to be signed into law tomorrow –

Pres Trump said he would sign it into law tomorrow – (wed) – I think that is one little thing that needs to be done before we start – one thing to keep in mind

What’s the other thing? The huge elephant in the room? It could be how many states are opening or ready to reopen – at least to phase one – This is what we are getting from a very high source – a global source is saying that a certain number of states are to open tomorrow – if that is true – in this persons opinion – we need 39 states to open in phase one before we start our exchanges –

Now – before you throw the phone into the TV or the sliding glass door let me just say on one sense  I can see why that might be necessary – on the other side of it I just don’t know – I have to say I’m just not sure about that one – because I know that the covid virus was going to be used by us as a way to go without causing anything to be noticed – In other words it was going to be a screen for us – a shield – if you will to go and do these exchanges without really being noticed

Now what happens when states open up and things go back to normal so to speak – in some ways maybe it’s still there for us – I know we have the security out there – I know we’ve had a green light for days from the military – I don’t know if it’s still green - I can tell you it seems a little odd that we would need to wait for phase two to open – for 39 of those states to open – there may be something too that – I don’t want to poo poo it - it could be true

However, with that being said - we were also told it could be later this week - Thursday or Friday – so don’t get so discouraged - that you think it’s never going to happen - I know many people have wondered that – I have never been in that group but am constantly aware of what is out there and what we may need to overcome to get this thing to go for us –

I know this much – remember how the stock market had to crash or drop – some people were saying – and some of you guys that have been in a while – back me up - some were saying it had to drop by 50% - I thought  my gosh are you serious? You mean to tell me we got a 29,000+ that has touched at 30,000 one day and backed off - at our peak – it would need to drop to 14,000 – 15,000 to be at 50%?

Well, I thought – I can’t see that happening – sorry – I don’t see that – but it did drop down to 19,000 – when Pres Trump took over it was at 18,000 – so we did make a significant drop – but that drop was more like 33 – 34% in rough mathematics –

It’s a big drop – don’t get me wrong but it’s not 50% - So - I think we made a significant drop in the stock market that we needed to and the major drop and was made recently  and certainly the bottoming out of the market to a negative -$37 a barrel yesterday was – why do you think that had to happen –

Who loses when that happens?  That’s right the Deep State – The Cabal – and what else happens?  What else happened was 23 world banks went under today as a result of their derivatives – if you will regarding oil – These were NOT US banks – they were global banks – 

Now – oil is going to slowly creep back up and I know the country is going to slowly open up – across the country – I know that state by state they are all looking at it weighing on it – I’ve heard different times – certain states are sort of open already for certain things - each state is different – I think it is like a patchwork quilt – like a big jig saw puzzle - 

Remember I use to have a map of the united states as a puzzle – and I used to see certain states and could plug them into the puzzle – when I was a kid – and that is what we are looking at - we are looking at a puzzle to try to get this country BACK – like President Trump said today – he sees the country coming back greater than ever –

Now, I want to say something that I wanted to say before on Thursday’s call – I think we found out that many states – I think 6 that were affected by that last round of tornados – we know they lost 14 people in Mississippi and several more in the hospital in critical condition – that was yesterday’s number - and I know more people died – I know we lost more – at least 36 people in those 6 states –

Guess where Rebuild America needs to start? We need to start where those communities – those towns lost homes – we need to rebuild those homes - all over the south from Tennessee - South Carolina – maybe North Carolina - Georgia – Alabama – not sure about Louisiana – we need to check that out – but that is where we need to start on Rebuild America –

We won’t throw up some shotgun shack – we want good homes that are made to withstand that type of storm and wind – we need to build for the future – and we can do that - we can start there –

 If you live in the south and you hear the Big Call – and live in one of these areas – keep that in mind and make a list of the communities or towns or cities that were affected by this last round of tornados – There is always something we can do –

I’m going to say this – Can I tell exactly when this is going to go? NO – Do they want us to know when this is going to happen? NO they don’t – even though we’re hearing Tuesday – Wednesday - Thursday – we can write off Tuesday because it’s almost over - tomorrow? It’s in play - Thursday? It’s in play –

I think Friday is even in play – so let’s keep that in mind – let’s continue the good work we’re doing on social distancing – let’s continue to work on our projects – fine tune our presentations –

Is this ever going to happen? You know guys – it’s hard to say – we know it will – but we know we’re getting closer and closer everyday with everything that’s happening – and now that oil has crashed – that’s one more thing that needed to happen – oh BTW – there’s quite a bit of clean up still going on aisle 3 as you can imagine – and even some – let’s call it “hanky panky” regarding getting out stimulus direct deposits to people who are no longer living – and some of those people have been picked up for that –

So there are things happening and that BTW slowed down some of the deposits going into our accounts over the last at least 4 days – so hopefully they have a handle on that now and moving forward – I think they are -

Everything is coming together – that bill was passed at least through the Senate and the House is going to pass it quickly on Thursday I hope – may take a roll call vote – they are going to get that to Congress – the House will tomorrow and I think the vote will be on Thursday – that’s good and can start getting that paycheck protection program back up and running –

hopefully by Friday or Saturday - so that by next week that whole new funding amount is available for small businesses – and this time real small businesses –not people that took 10 million dollars for companies that didn’t really qualify and are giving it back – or should give it back - including Harvard BTW – Yes Harvard University – I don’t know how many millions of dollars in funds they have already – I was very disappointed to hear about that

So there are other companies that need it – small businesses need it and we all need to get moving too – I’m excited about this – I can tell you guys – as soon as I get off the phone – I am going to find out something else tonight probably – hopefully they will course correct us and put us on that course direction for later this week – we’ll see – Don’t give up on Wed Thurs Fri – we are still in that window of possibility – but we need those intermediate groups to be funded – we’ve got to get those guys funded before we get started!!

Now – intermediates and the groups that are based out west – the Admiral’s groups – those can be paid at the same time – they don’t have to go consecutively – and they may go at the same time and then we would go after I get the number and the 800 numbers go out – right now I think its Wells Fargo has over 500,000 emails for the purpose of the 800 number – those will go out – I am supposed to get the number put out at the same time  and so we’ll see how that works out – 

I think I probably have worn out my welcome tonight but I really wanted you guys to hear this - Thanks for listening – I think we’re going to have good news soon – but in the meantime enjoy your life - do all the right things for your health - be safe – and be ready 

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins 1:13:20

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4-16-2020

,Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4-16-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 3 and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s talk a little bit about where we are from an intel point of view – We had a lot of information come in this morning (thurs) and a little bit last night also – let’s go back and pick it up – we had Tuesdays call – and today is Thursday so.. in a couple of days sometimes things are quiet and we don’t get much but today we got a few things that we can bring out –

So – here’s what it amounts to – remember when we said we thought we had the Rodriquez Trust – based in the Philippines -

They call it the bottomless trust because it’s got a 1 and so many zeros behind it – it has tons and tons of money and will seem to never run out - the way they have it designed it does earn interest and it really does seem to be a bottomless money pit – if you will –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4-16-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 3 and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s talk a little bit about where we are from an intel point of view – We had a lot of information come in this morning (thurs) and a little bit last night also – let’s go back and pick it up – we had Tuesdays call – and today is Thursday so.. in a couple of days sometimes things are quiet and we don’t get much but today we got a few things that we can bring out –

So – here’s what it amounts to – remember when we said we thought we had the Rodriquez Trust – based in the Philippines - 

They call it the bottomless trust because it’s got a 1 and so many zeros behind it – it has tons and tons of money and will seem to never run out -  the way they have it designed it does earn interest and it really does seem to be a bottomless money pit – if you will –

We had been told that this trust was released over last Easter weekend – come to find out it did not release then but did release at 2 PM Eastern yesterday (Wed) – So those funds have been moved to the central banks around the globe and our central bank is the US Treasury –

So we have that – and then at 5 PM Eastern yesterday my understanding is that the CMKX was paid out – Now – did it all happen at once?  Or did it take a little time?  I am going to say it probably started at 5 –

Now – since we are doing a timeline thing – at 9 AM this morning the release codes were given to (Eastern time) the Paymasters over the groups out west – this would be cores – inner core – outer core – and the other Admiral groups – So did they execute that yet? I can’t say that – I don’t think so – but they have them so they are ready to enter those and use those for the paymasters to pay out those individuals in those groups – remember that is Tier 4A –

What about the rest of the intermediates? Are they positioned? I think they are in position now to pay out the remaining intermediate groups – and its intermediate because it comes between the Tier 3’s and Tier 4 – that is why they use the term – they use to use “sovereign groups” – that would still apply – but we also use the term intermediate –

Those guys – we know CMKX is one of them but the others – Farm claims – Indian claims - fines & penalties  - adjudicated  settlements – all of those fall into that category – so I’m going to say they are in some state of being paid out and they may end up being paid out this afternoon – evening – or tonight –

Ok, so where does that put us? Let’s talk about it -  The US Treasury under Steven Mnuchin -  has been very much occupied with 2-3 things – #1 getting out the stimulus checks - the physical checks – which have not gone out yet – but supposed to go out today and tomorrow – my understanding is they should go out tomorrow (Fri)  and then the direct deposits that have started going out are supposed to be completed by yesterday and they were NOT –

There are more direct deposits from the stimulus that should go out and hopefully be completed also tomorrow – The Treasury is saying they are so busy doing that  and thus are not ready for us – Tier 4B

#2 What else are they working with?  They are working with the SBA loans – The Payroll Protection Program – and they have exhausted all of the $350 billion allocated for that – with more people waiting in line – I think they have done a good job to get those 14 years’ worth of loans processed from the SBA in 14 days – that’s all good

Will the remaining $250 billion that the President has asked for and Congress is trying to get together – will that come in for this program?  It is going to be up to Congress to pass although the President could do a go around and do it by an executive order – but I don’t think he wants to do it that way –

The impression I got today in listening to his update was that he did think Congress might come together and put a package together – I got the impression it would come out tomorrow – this is only my opinion – I do not have this from any definitive source - but I got the impression that things were looking good

Now – what about us? Tier 4B – where do we stand? I would say this - we were getting information this morning that said from very strong sources – they were indicating that if everything got done by tomorrow (Fri) and there’s more to talk about - we were looking at a position to get notified by either Friday or Saturday - and start on either day -

The latest information that I’ve got sort of mixes that possibility a little bit – First of all – do I think they will get done everything that needs to be done by tomorrow? I don’t know – I really can’t tell – but I did get information from a Tier 1 banker today that indicated that their best information was saying that we would start on Tuesday 21st of April –

So – I don’t want everybody to get their hopes up too high for Friday / Saturday – but I feel good because I think we’re finally to where we could start sensibly on Tuesday

Now – certain things need to happen – I was very much encouraged when President Trump talked about opening the country up – state by state – leaving it to the governor to decide when they felt they were ready to open back up for business – President Trump said – for example – North Dakota could open up tomorrow - I think it’s possible to get some states opening even as early as tomorrow (Fri) –

I think we could have as many as 29 states open before the 1st of May – I got the impression that maybe Monday several states would open – but the point is this – this covid -19 virus - we could go on and on and on about who created it – for what purpose – and so on - and I have my own opinion about it – but I don’t want to bring it out now – but -

What I believe is – what was meant for our harm God is turning around for our good – I believe that the fact that is out allows us a good cover for our exchanges – our zim redemption to begin

While things are relatively quiet throughout the country – and I mean that in terms of people moving about – traveling – not traveling and so on – I know like everybody else we want to get out and get back to normal – a “new” normal a new way of life –

I really believe that everything we’re hearing is pointing toward early next week and my feeling is it will probably be Tuesday – but some things need to happen – some major things need to happen – by tomorrow

I think we are on track for that to start – I really do – but we need to get these intermediate groups paid out – I think completed before we get started with Tier 4

Now let’s say the 21st is our start date – let’s hope so – we will go all the way through midnight on the second of May (May 2) with the redemption center – and then the John Q Public would start sometime thereafter –

We don’t have to worry about running out of time to redeem the zim – or do our other currencies – We have been told that Iraq was supposed to have a new and improved rate yesterday (Wed) – they may have and it could be hidden from us – we got that from our Forex guy but we do not have the new rate though –

I think Iraq is just doing what they need to do to be ready for when all of this goes – I am not really concerned about it –

Other countries – say like – Venezuela and North Korea – Iran – their currency – if you have any of those  - you can exchange those and put them in a MCA account (Multi Currency Account) and whenever those countries are ready for their currency to revalue – then those will happen and you can take advantage of that new rate at that time – it could be a couple of months or more away – we don’t know – we don’t know when they will be ready – that’s sort of out there –

Otherwise guys – we are really in a great time – All the stars have to align perfectly for something to happen over the weekend – meaning Friday or Saturday with numbers – I know that the redemption centers had personnel in yesterday at 10 am for 2 ½ hours and were let go none in today -  ½ staff tomorrow and Saturday – so they are there and ready  -

Also besides the redemption centers – Paymasters – Trustees – and Abbott Downing are all ready for the green light – which means they are ready to start setting appointments -  in order to set appointments we need the #800 numbers and we need the emails to come out that have the #800 numbers

If you don’t have an email you are just going to rely on me to get the #800 number and put it out on our website and we’ll also do a mass email

I think we are moving along nicely – the Treasury is preoccupied with getting the stimulus checks out – finishing up on the SBA loans they have money for and getting the direct deposits  there for us- and that has been their concern over the last couple of weeks –

We are pretty much to the end of that after tomorrow and I think that is what is going to free us up to get started early next week – so let’s see how that goes  Thanks everybody for listening

  Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK -- Intel Begins   1:11:25

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 4-14-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 4-14-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 14th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe I hope everyone had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday and we are ready to get cranked up so without further a due ……

Let’s get into the intel portion of the call – This has been an interesting time – the last call was Thursday night – we had our communion service on the call – then we had good Friday – and then resurrection Sunday - seems like a long time ago in a way – it really does – because we get started on a Monday doing whatever we do and then boom it’s Tuesday and we have the Big call –

Now, the information that we’ve had- It’s sort of like I had last Thursday- I pretty much had the same information today with a few additions – a few caveats – When I try to get clarity on dates- what’s happening – it’s a little hard to nail it down absolutely – but I do feel good – really good about where we are and what we have received –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 4-14-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 14th  and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe I hope everyone had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday and we are ready to get cranked up so without further a due ……

Let’s get into the intel portion of the call – This has been an interesting time – the last call was Thursday night – we had our communion service on the call – then we had good Friday – and then resurrection Sunday - seems like a long time ago in a way – it really does – because we get started on a Monday doing whatever we do and then boom it’s Tuesday and we have the Big call –

Now, the information that we’ve had- It’s sort of like I had last Thursday- I pretty much had the same information today with a few additions – a few caveats – When I try to get clarity on dates- what’s happening – it’s a little hard to nail it down absolutely – but I do feel good – really good about where we are and what we have received –

I’m going to have to warn you to be very careful about what you are reading out there - I’ve heard some things today that I just know are not correct - I know they are not true – and I shake my head because I know there are things out there that are going to take some of our listeners away from what we understand to be what is actually happening - so be careful what you read –

Obviously you have to be careful what you read and listen to but I am hoping that most of you will listen to what I have to say tonight and let’s see if we can make some sense out of it –

Alright, President Trump had a date in mind for this to go – for this to happen – I mean us – Tier 4B – and I’ll cut right to it and say that date was supposed to be by the 17th - but it really talked in terms of the 15th that’s tomorrow –

Let’s talk about what is happening now - and what has been happening – Let’s go back to Sunday  - Easter Sunday – Resurrection Day – Do you realize that – you know when we come to the stimulus, we’ve got 2 aspects of it that are checks or direct deposit - 

Do you realize that Sunday at noon the Treasury sent out 11 million direct deposits – those were the $1200 checks - $1200 for each adult that earns less than $75000 and $500 additional for each child under 18 – but I do not know what the limit is – a family of four would be $3400 – and that is the paycheck protection – a stimulus payment in the form of a direct deposit –

Now, that was $11 million that went out on Sunday  - By tomorrow (Wednesday)  and I think that means – in the account by tomorrow morning – we should have a total of 80 million direct deposits -  Tomorrow is going to be a big day for a lot of reasons –

Now, in addition to that the stimulus checks that are direct deposited - the physical paper checks - are to go out and I think “received” by Thursday and Friday of this week – to make it fair for those people who are waiting on checks  - I don’t think they are going to wait till next week for them to receive those checks – I may be wrong – maybe they just go out Thurs and Fri – but I just wonder if they don’t get received by Thurs & Fri in the mail – we’ll see

Now, let’s go back to the Paycheck Protection Program – We know of people who have received funds from that SBA loan program – that turns into a grant if everything is adhered to – according to the terms of the loan – and that PPP as it is starting actually paying out as early as last Thursday – with proceeds from the banks – this is from small community banks – ones doing the best job getting those loans processed – I know of one that was entered with a new application on Saturday that received proceeds that same evening as a direct deposit

So depending on how it’s being worked through local community banks it is working pretty well – yes they will probably run out of money  and hopefully Congress will get its act together and approve the additional  250 billion dollars – taking that total up to 600 billion – we’ll see how that goes –

My point in bringing this up is – there are a lot of funds that have moved over this last weekend to put this in position so we can get started with our exchanges

First of all on the one hand – you’ve got all of the direct deposits that are going to be received tomorrow – the checks that are going out – the loan proceeds that are coming out now for the payroll protection program – and you have funds that have moved from Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 into position and you have 2 very large trusts – (St Germaine & Rodriguez) those were both released over the weekend – one on Friday night 9PM and Sunday at 9PM –

Those have been released to the central banks – our central bank is the US Treasury – and you could say the Federal Reserve has been integrated into the US Treasury – because it has - like the IRS has –

So, we are moving closer and closer to where we expect to be in terms of our Restored Republic and… NESARA & GESARA  - we are seeing some of that coming – You guys know that $1200 / $1210 is the start of the Universal Basic Income – it should continue on and never go below that number – Let’s see what happens in around May 15th  and beyond

 Now those of us involved in currencies aren’t going to really need it or worry about it but its nice to know that everybody else will have the UBI coming in as well

Alright, so we’ve got all of the funds in place – paymasters accounts are in place – trustees accounts are in place – everything is set for “GO” -  tomorrow the 15th is the date that we have the UN operational rate change – all rates are supposed to be updated on that day till midnight tonight (Tues) and we did hear from our Forex guy – that Iraq was looking at a new rate for their Dinar – a new revalued Dinar rate tomorrow (Wed) -  that is on the 15th so, they are positioned –

We’ve have information from the world bank – a couple other bank sources – that have reported that they believe – I am going to say “they”  they have told us - that they are looking very strong on the 15th  (Wed)

Now, I can’t call it for tomorrow but I am feeling very good about the possibility of tomorrow – I’ve also heard that it needs to go between tomorrow and Friday (Wed – Fri)  - Friday is a “must have by”  the 17th

I feel really good about the next three days – let’s just say it that way – I feel very good about what I’m hearing about the next three days –

First of all - People are going to be flush with some new funds as we are getting ready to set our appointments to go in for our exchanges and Zim redemption – and so it’s like we’re not going to stand out as much because we’re going in for banking just like everybody else –

By the way – have you noticed that the 3 days of darkness were as I said?  They were not going to affect us – they did what had to be done for some cell phones and internet while we were still using it – but the 3 days of darkness went from Friday – Saturday &  Sunday - over Easter weekend and those were the days of serious clean up on aisle 3 –

Now, beyond this the information that has come in is pointing towards everything going as I have explained it – we’re just going to have to wait it out to see – there are things that have been said about – remember the intermediate accounts?  They included the CMKX - fines & penalties – adjudicated settlements – farm claims – etc - those, we’ve understood were to be paid Monday – (yesterday) and today but were scheduled to be and I believe they will be –

They may continue  through tonight to finish those but tomorrow through Friday looks very good for Tier 4A & 4B – that’s the groups based out west – and that’s us – the internet group –

They had called Tier 4 and not really distinguished like they had in the past – like we have in the past – and we still do it because I still refer to our group – the internet group as tier 4B

We will continue to exchange – I know we are going to at least the 23rd of April and maybe beyond that – I know we are going to have 8-9 days of exchanges –

So, we’ve got new rates showing tomorrow – which should reflect the new Dinar rate – if the dinar comes up as a new rate tomorrow – that should mean something significant – and us going forward - it really should 

Not everything is based on Iraq – believe me – Iraq has been waiting and waiting and waiting – for us to give the go signal – I know President Trump wants this economy to reopen sooner rather than later –

You know he’s put a time frame of around May 1st that he wants us to try to be able to be open by – on today’s speech he said he thinks that some of the states – he did not list them – but several of them could open up before May 1st

I fully expect us to find that out in the next 2-3 days – that may be held for an announcement tomorrow through Friday – I don’t know – but I know China wants us to announce the gold standard – the gold backed dollars – the USN – preferably the United Treasury Note our gold backed dollar again - that is something they want to be announced - I don’t know when it will come – I just don’t know when it’s going to happen

It should be fairly soon and I know we will open this country up – slowly I believe – several states have taken high precautions and using the testing techniques – the newer tests are really good – I am excited about that and I know you guys are ready to roll – to get this exchange knocked out –

Let’s talk about one other thing that I mentioned earlier – the first redemption session that you go in for – where you take all of your currencies – they redeem those – they give you a rate they use the term “default” rate – you can receive that default rate in your account not as a SKR and you can meet with your wealth management group up to 10 days later if you feel that you need to get a higher rate –

So,  you would have the opportunity to sit down with an Abbott Downing representative and a US Treasury representative – You would go through your project presentation again – possibly in more detail because you are persuading them as to “why” you feel that you need more than the default rate –

They believe that the default rate is set – and you guys have heard me say how much – the default rate would be received and accepted – they believe 90% of the people that go through the redemption process will be happy with the default rate and NOT come back in to challenge the rate or get it increased

They believe that only 10% of the people will come back for a second appointment to try increase the rate of the Zim for their project – we will see how that works out – we may never find out about it but that is what they are projecting

Let’s talk about the redemption centers – the staff had been off for seven business days in a row – that would mean all of last week – well 7 days is 7 days you figure it out – Today however, they were in at 10 AM – all redemption staff personnel – Do you think that maybe they were going over the final information in some form of a conference – video conference - or meeting – maybe to just get everybody up to speed again –

CDC – Center for Disease Control – remember we talked about the fact that they had come in and done a complete protocol / complete cleaning of everything – they have trained all of the staff on how to use the masks – saran wrap over the key board – and dispose of after each session – as well as the silicone gloves that we will also use to take the bills that we have and hand to them to count and verify –

The fact that CDC was in again on Friday and Saturday is interesting to me – I don’t know what they did – I can only assume that they were going back over protocols – reviewing – checking surfaces –maybe testing again – but I am encouraged that all of the redemption staff did come in today at 10 AM – Maybe that is saying something for the rest of the week –

So, I use to say remember what we know and don’t know – what we know is everybody is prepared from the paymasters  - the trustees – the redemption center staff – all the way through the system – the funds are in the accounts they need to go to – to transact our exchanges – they are ready for us

When will we start??????  That’s what we don’t know – I think we should be golden over the next 3 days – I’m not calling it but that is what everything is pointing to – so watch for your accounts tomorrow if you are a direct deposit person – if you are on social security it should be there tomorrow if you do not have it already - and then otherwise other checks will go out and you should have them Thurs or Friday or very soon afterwards- 

Your loan proceeds are coming if you filled out all of the paper work especially if you are working through a regional bank or community bank – odds are you will be processed faster than through a big bank / a Tier 1 like Wells Fargo or Chase or Bank of America or Citi –

So, there is a certain amount of patience that we’ve had to have for a long time with this and I think patience has made us stronger – I feel good about where we are – Let’s just ride it out – let it come to us and let’s continue believing – Don’t stop believing and Be safe -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK - Intel Begins at 1:06:25

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Chats and Rumors, Calls Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Calls Dinar Recaps 20

Miracles Intel CC Wednesday Night 7PM PST/10PM EST 4-15-2020

.The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this WEDNESDAY NIGHT, APRIL 15, 2020 beginning approximately 7 PM PT / 10 PM ET.


We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to our Sunday & Wednesday night Conference Calls and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support.


We are witnessing a monumental effort by the U.S. Military, Military/“Q" Intelligence, the Earth Alliance and President Trump to remake our great country from the top to the bottom in the most profound ways ever imagined!

The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this WEDNESDAY NIGHT, APRIL 15, 2020 beginning approximately 7 PM PT / 10 PM ET. 


 We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to our Sunday & Wednesday night Conference Calls and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support.  


 We are witnessing a monumental effort by the U.S. Military, Military/“Q" Intelligence, the Earth Alliance and President Trump to remake our great country from the top to the bottom in the most profound ways ever imagined!

 Make no mistake about it, while the U.S. Government is essentially within a semi-shutdown — and all of Congress is away from the Washington, DC swamp back in their home districts — the U.S. Patriots are using every opportunity to reconfigure the entire governmental systems, including the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service.  

 Normally on April 15, 2020, many Americans would be in various states of panic and/or paranoia in order to file their income taxes on time —  but not this year! Instead, the dreaded tax filing deadline has been pushed all the way back to July 15, 2020, and in fact, who knows if even that date will still hold true by the time we get there. 

 Now we are beginning to see the unprecedented action by the IRS to send payments to over 80 million Americans who qualify for the U.S. Government Stimulus package for lost income during the Coronavirus pandemic. For decades the Internal Revenue Service has stolen wealth and property from the American people and now finally, it has begun the process to actually send money back! The days of the IRS stealing from Americans may be about over!

 • At his press conference on Tuesday, April 14, President Trump announced he has decided to officially put a hold on funding for the World Health Organization until further review by his administration. This action has been long overdue and will likely lead to the eventual demise of the W.H.O. for good, and it cannot happen soon enough! And maybe, the WHO will take the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) with it.

• The U.S. Military and the Department of State have has announced their own investigations into the Wuhan, China lab which is now come under more and more intense scrutiny as the place of origin of the Coronvirus pandemic. The trail will eventually lead to George Soros, who actually owns the Wuhan lab, and his sinister partner-in-crime, Bill Gates along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

 • The backlash against the Chinese Communist Party government is now growing louder and louder by the day, and it appears once the Coronavirus pandemic has begun to subside across the world, most likely in May, the CCP is going to have Hell to pay for its role in covering up the severity of this global disease. 

• We have been getting various reports from several of our Miracles Intel Conference Call listeners, who have already received their stimulus funds which began to magically appear in their bank accounts beginning this past Monday, April 13. More funds should be arriving this week and throughout the month of April for many other Americans.

 • Although it has been a bit confusing at the start of the Stimulus Bill rollout, if you have submitted a tax return in the years of 2018 or 2019, or you are currently receiving Social Security, you will likely also be receiving a stimulus payment of $1,2000 provided you did not earn over $70,000 or more in 2019. And if you have dependents living at home, your stimulus payments will be larger depending on the number of dependents. 

• However, if you do not fall under either of those parameters, then you can go to the IRS website where you can formally apply for stimulus funding at the link below.

 • We recommend everyone to watch Mike Smith’s amazing new documentary film “Out of Shadows,” which was officially released to the world on Good Friday, April 10, 2020 and is now available to view for free on YouTube. “Out of Shadows” is about how Hollywood and the Fake News media propaganda machine has been controlled for decades by the Central Intelligence Agency. The film also features Liz Crokin and CIA Whistleblower Kevin Shipp, among others.

 • On Saturday evening, April 11, the “Q” drop #3951  gave “Out of Shadows” as big of an accolade as it gets with the words: "Best documentary of the year.”

• And finally, we ask of you once more, please keep all of these great, GREAT people of the U.S. Military, the Earth Alliance and President Donald Trump in your prayers at this most crucial time period in world history. IN GOD WE TRUST AND GOD BLESS AMERICA. 

 Once again, we will have A LOT of breaking news to cover on this very important conference call. We really encourage you to join us this Wednesday night!!

 Our conference call line is:

 Call-in Number: 605-472-5764  Access Code: 810201#

 Playback Recording Number: 605-475-4957  Access Code: 810201# / followed by # again

Backup Number: 425-535-9162

 Download the Free Confernce Call app:

Our Online meeting ID: scottm69756

 If you encounter any issues with our Miracles Intel Calls please reach out to Free Conference Call Technical Support: (844) 844-1322

 We greatly appreciate your donations which directly support our work and you can do so through PayPal by clicking on this link: http://www.miracles

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