Miracles Intel CC Wednesday Night 7PM PST/10PM EST 4-15-2020

The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this WEDNESDAY NIGHT, APRIL 15, 2020 beginning approximately 7 PM PT / 10 PM ET. 


 We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to our Sunday & Wednesday night Conference Calls and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support.  


 We are witnessing a monumental effort by the U.S. Military, Military/“Q" Intelligence, the Earth Alliance and President Trump to remake our great country from the top to the bottom in the most profound ways ever imagined!

 Make no mistake about it, while the U.S. Government is essentially within a semi-shutdown — and all of Congress is away from the Washington, DC swamp back in their home districts — the U.S. Patriots are using every opportunity to reconfigure the entire governmental systems, including the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service.  

 Normally on April 15, 2020, many Americans would be in various states of panic and/or paranoia in order to file their income taxes on time —  but not this year! Instead, the dreaded tax filing deadline has been pushed all the way back to July 15, 2020, and in fact, who knows if even that date will still hold true by the time we get there. 

 Now we are beginning to see the unprecedented action by the IRS to send payments to over 80 million Americans who qualify for the U.S. Government Stimulus package for lost income during the Coronavirus pandemic. For decades the Internal Revenue Service has stolen wealth and property from the American people and now finally, it has begun the process to actually send money back! The days of the IRS stealing from Americans may be about over!

 • At his press conference on Tuesday, April 14, President Trump announced he has decided to officially put a hold on funding for the World Health Organization until further review by his administration. This action has been long overdue and will likely lead to the eventual demise of the W.H.O. for good, and it cannot happen soon enough! And maybe, the WHO will take the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) with it. 


• The U.S. Military and the Department of State have has announced their own investigations into the Wuhan, China lab which is now come under more and more intense scrutiny as the place of origin of the Coronvirus pandemic. The trail will eventually lead to George Soros, who actually owns the Wuhan lab, and his sinister partner-in-crime, Bill Gates along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 


 • The backlash against the Chinese Communist Party government is now growing louder and louder by the day, and it appears once the Coronavirus pandemic has begun to subside across the world, most likely in May, the CCP is going to have Hell to pay for its role in covering up the severity of this global disease. 

• We have been getting various reports from several of our Miracles Intel Conference Call listeners, who have already received their stimulus funds which began to magically appear in their bank accounts beginning this past Monday, April 13. More funds should be arriving this week and throughout the month of April for many other Americans. 


 • Although it has been a bit confusing at the start of the Stimulus Bill rollout, if you have submitted a tax return in the years of 2018 or 2019, or you are currently receiving Social Security, you will likely also be receiving a stimulus payment of $1,2000 provided you did not earn over $70,000 or more in 2019. And if you have dependents living at home, your stimulus payments will be larger depending on the number of dependents. 

• However, if you do not fall under either of those parameters, then you can go to the IRS website where you can formally apply for stimulus funding at the link below.


 • We recommend everyone to watch Mike Smith’s amazing new documentary film “Out of Shadows,” which was officially released to the world on Good Friday, April 10, 2020 and is now available to view for free on YouTube. “Out of Shadows” is about how Hollywood and the Fake News media propaganda machine has been controlled for decades by the Central Intelligence Agency. The film also features Liz Crokin and CIA Whistleblower Kevin Shipp, among others. 



 • On Saturday evening, April 11, the “Q” drop #3951  gave “Out of Shadows” as big of an accolade as it gets with the words: "Best documentary of the year.”

• And finally, we ask of you once more, please keep all of these great, GREAT people of the U.S. Military, the Earth Alliance and President Donald Trump in your prayers at this most crucial time period in world history. IN GOD WE TRUST AND GOD BLESS AMERICA. 

 Once again, we will have A LOT of breaking news to cover on this very important conference call. We really encourage you to join us this Wednesday night!!

 Our conference call line is:

 Call-in Number: 605-472-5764  Access Code: 810201#

 Playback Recording Number: 605-475-4957  Access Code: 810201# / followed by # again

Backup Number: 425-535-9162

 Download the Free Confernce Call app: https://www.freeconferencecall.com/downloads

Our Online meeting ID: scottm69756

 If you encounter any issues with our Miracles Intel Calls please reach out to Free Conference Call Technical Support: (844) 844-1322

 We greatly appreciate your donations which directly support our work and you can do so through PayPal by clicking on this link: http://www.miracles


Paul Craig Roberts, Max Keiser and PIR Tuesday Afternoon


"Coffee with MarkZ" Wednesday Morning Chat 4-15-2020