Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 4-21-2020

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 4-21-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 21st and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s go into the intel portion of tonight’s call –here we are on the 21st of April on Tuesday night – and we had some really good information late last night – like 11:30 – midnight – and it was pointing to some things that occurred yesterday (Monday) –

So let’s go back and look at what happened – did you guys notice – if you watch any financial news at all how the oil barrel price dropped significantly – it was in around  $10 or $11 and then the next thing you know it’s down -$43 and -$37 is where it closed for the day – in other words $37 below zero – I mean….it’s like Unfathomable – so the price of oil dropped precipitously – it crashed – it didn’t drop - IT CRASHED! 

As a result - what happened was it dropped so low that the – since the price of oil was below zero - when it got to zero it triggered some things like the start of the GCR – and when it dropped so low – to zero and below – it also released the Heritage Funds which are huge funds that would normally make up about 100 central banks assets –

So the Heritage Funds were released by the Chinese royals yesterday evening and that went to where ever it needed to go throughout this world with these big funds - We’re talking about a number – Let’s take the number 1 followed by a comma with 100 zeros in a line – We all know a thousand – a million is 6 zeros – a billion is 9 zeros – a trillion is 12 zeros – a quad is 15 zeros - how many can go beyond a quad right? Yeah I know – quadrillion - quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, and decillion.

Quadrillion has 15 zeros

Quintillion has 18 zeros

Sextillion has 21 zeros

Septillion has 24 zeros

Octillion has 27 zeros

Nonillion has 30 zeros

Decillion has 33 zeros

Undecillion has 36 zeros

Duodecillion has 39 zeros

Tredecillion has 42 zeros

Quattuordecillion has 45 zeros

Quindecillion has 48 zeros

Sexdecillion has 51 zeros

Septendecillion has 54 zeros

Octodecillion has 57 zeros

Novemdecillion has 60 zeros

Vigintillion has 63 zeros

Googol has 100 zeros.

Centillion has 303 zeros (except in Britain, where it has 600 zeros)

You know what I mean – you can do it – my point is can you go out 100 zeros??? That’s a bunch of zeros – So that fund – is even larger by quite a bit – that the Rodriquez Trust – which is what we call the bottomless trust –

Ok – so - the point is – that the Chinese Elders released the Dubai 1 and Dubai 2 Funds and the funds basically are in position to take care of not only humanitarian causes like prosperity packages which really – total prosperity packages now total have been isolated are not a part of the farm claims or Indian claims not part of the adjudicated settlements - those represent 377 individuals that’s it – prosperity packages are down to 377 –

Now – some people in the prosperity packages were dequed / disqualified - so that knocks the number down to 377 – When that occurred yesterday – when oil bottomed out – it essentially sank the Petro dollar – the Petro dollar was basically dead –

It is positioning us now – I believe – for the gold backed USTN that should be introduced – alright now – but “when”?  When is the gold standard that we are going to globally going to be introduced? I mean to the public? And I mean our USN dollar – our NEW dollar – when is it going to be acknowledged that we have a gold backed dollar –

This is the kind of thing we are looking for – this is what we are looking for and I keep being told I am going to get an announcement – it’s going to be this day - that day - it hasn’t happened yet –

Alright, while I’m thinking about it – guess what was acknowledged on FOX Business yesterday in the afternoon? That was Universal Basic Income – It was a guest on the show talking about the stimulus check – stimulus direct deposits as UBI - I thought – wow – that is the first mention of that I know of – as it’s laid out and that is part of NESARA – that is a part of that NESARA legislation – I thought that was really cool –

So – it’s all around us - - Now with oil dropping like it did – they are scrambling to find places to store it – we are not using it – obviously we are still making gasoline but the problem is people are not driving very much – yes the truckers are driving – they are using diesel – and there are a few people driving but it’s not like normal – it’s not like it used to be – so we are not using the gasoline – that is why gas price is dropping and do you believe Wisconsin? Gas prices are down to 99 – 98 cents a gallon – and I know there are places like that and some maybe even cheaper

It’s amazing – it’s amazing and that’s where we’re going – theoretically at the cost per barrel – even at $10 or $12 we could have 30 cents gasoline – Now – will we see that? Is it a real short term thing? I don’t think so – not for a little while and I’ll tell you why – we’ve got the May future contract for oil settled today at $10.01 per barrel – that’s west Texas intermediate group –

What’s so weird is that the June futures are only up slightly - of course they haven’t closed out and I am not sure when they would close out - may not be until May but the June futures are still hanging around at $12-$13 per barrel –

So this curve that was a direct drop yesterday - it killed the petro dollar – will probably make just a smooth slow climb back up to $20 - $30 a barrel – it might take several months to get there – it’s going to take us opening up the country for business and going out and driving and doing the things we use to do a month ago - 

I found that to be very interesting – So – we’ve got the Heritage Funds released and as a result of that what we think is next – well – let’s talk about it – The final release codes have been sent out to the one who’s in charge of all the groups based out west – That was done yesterday evening

I believe the paymasters probably have the final release codes entered and they are ready to go – we’re looking for those – what we call the intermediate groups that are between Tier 3 and Tier 4 – (that is why they are called intermediates) – to be funded and get paid – we are looking for that to happen – those were supposed to start today at 2:30 PM Eastern – Did they start?  I don’t think so I have no confirmation of that yet – I may get it after the call is over – or later tonight – or tomorrow – I hope they are moving forward because they need to move forward as well as the large groups inner & Outer Core - and the other groups that are based out west - they need to get moving as well – they need to get started –

Now – what is the timing looking like? It was looking like we were going to get those groups paid today – starting at 2:30 – all of them – by the way – not just the intermediates – all of them – did that happen? Not that I know of – I can’t confirm that yet – so beyond that - what about us? We’re in Tier 4B – we get to negotiate the rate to some extent – we were supposed to start tomorrow (wed)

Now – I’m just saying – this is the information that I am getting and what I’m giving you – ok? Now- are we still on for that? Hard to say - HARD TO SAY –

I am going to say there are two things that might get in the way of it - #1  you guys know President Trump signed an executive order to restrict immigration into our country – that’s for green cards and that sort of thing - legal immigration – illegal immigration is not allowed by the way – legal immigration has been stopped temporarily  - for 60 days – that executive order needs to be signed into law tomorrow –

Pres Trump said he would sign it into law tomorrow – (wed) – I think that is one little thing that needs to be done before we start – one thing to keep in mind

What’s the other thing? The huge elephant in the room? It could be how many states are opening or ready to reopen – at least to phase one – This is what we are getting from a very high source – a global source is saying that a certain number of states are to open tomorrow – if that is true – in this persons opinion – we need 39 states to open in phase one before we start our exchanges –

Now – before you throw the phone into the TV or the sliding glass door let me just say on one sense  I can see why that might be necessary – on the other side of it I just don’t know – I have to say I’m just not sure about that one – because I know that the covid virus was going to be used by us as a way to go without causing anything to be noticed – In other words it was going to be a screen for us – a shield – if you will to go and do these exchanges without really being noticed

Now what happens when states open up and things go back to normal so to speak – in some ways maybe it’s still there for us – I know we have the security out there – I know we’ve had a green light for days from the military – I don’t know if it’s still green - I can tell you it seems a little odd that we would need to wait for phase two to open – for 39 of those states to open – there may be something too that – I don’t want to poo poo it - it could be true

However, with that being said - we were also told it could be later this week - Thursday or Friday – so don’t get so discouraged - that you think it’s never going to happen - I know many people have wondered that – I have never been in that group but am constantly aware of what is out there and what we may need to overcome to get this thing to go for us –

I know this much – remember how the stock market had to crash or drop – some people were saying – and some of you guys that have been in a while – back me up - some were saying it had to drop by 50% - I thought  my gosh are you serious? You mean to tell me we got a 29,000+ that has touched at 30,000 one day and backed off - at our peak – it would need to drop to 14,000 – 15,000 to be at 50%?

Well, I thought – I can’t see that happening – sorry – I don’t see that – but it did drop down to 19,000 – when Pres Trump took over it was at 18,000 – so we did make a significant drop – but that drop was more like 33 – 34% in rough mathematics –

It’s a big drop – don’t get me wrong but it’s not 50% - So - I think we made a significant drop in the stock market that we needed to and the major drop and was made recently  and certainly the bottoming out of the market to a negative -$37 a barrel yesterday was – why do you think that had to happen –

Who loses when that happens?  That’s right the Deep State – The Cabal – and what else happens?  What else happened was 23 world banks went under today as a result of their derivatives – if you will regarding oil – These were NOT US banks – they were global banks – 

Now – oil is going to slowly creep back up and I know the country is going to slowly open up – across the country – I know that state by state they are all looking at it weighing on it – I’ve heard different times – certain states are sort of open already for certain things - each state is different – I think it is like a patchwork quilt – like a big jig saw puzzle - 

Remember I use to have a map of the united states as a puzzle – and I used to see certain states and could plug them into the puzzle – when I was a kid – and that is what we are looking at - we are looking at a puzzle to try to get this country BACK – like President Trump said today – he sees the country coming back greater than ever –

Now, I want to say something that I wanted to say before on Thursday’s call – I think we found out that many states – I think 6 that were affected by that last round of tornados – we know they lost 14 people in Mississippi and several more in the hospital in critical condition – that was yesterday’s number - and I know more people died – I know we lost more – at least 36 people in those 6 states –

Guess where Rebuild America needs to start? We need to start where those communities – those towns lost homes – we need to rebuild those homes - all over the south from Tennessee - South Carolina – maybe North Carolina - Georgia – Alabama – not sure about Louisiana – we need to check that out – but that is where we need to start on Rebuild America –

We won’t throw up some shotgun shack – we want good homes that are made to withstand that type of storm and wind – we need to build for the future – and we can do that - we can start there –

 If you live in the south and you hear the Big Call – and live in one of these areas – keep that in mind and make a list of the communities or towns or cities that were affected by this last round of tornados – There is always something we can do –

I’m going to say this – Can I tell exactly when this is going to go? NO – Do they want us to know when this is going to happen? NO they don’t – even though we’re hearing Tuesday – Wednesday - Thursday – we can write off Tuesday because it’s almost over - tomorrow? It’s in play - Thursday? It’s in play –

I think Friday is even in play – so let’s keep that in mind – let’s continue the good work we’re doing on social distancing – let’s continue to work on our projects – fine tune our presentations –

Is this ever going to happen? You know guys – it’s hard to say – we know it will – but we know we’re getting closer and closer everyday with everything that’s happening – and now that oil has crashed – that’s one more thing that needed to happen – oh BTW – there’s quite a bit of clean up still going on aisle 3 as you can imagine – and even some – let’s call it “hanky panky” regarding getting out stimulus direct deposits to people who are no longer living – and some of those people have been picked up for that –

So there are things happening and that BTW slowed down some of the deposits going into our accounts over the last at least 4 days – so hopefully they have a handle on that now and moving forward – I think they are -

Everything is coming together – that bill was passed at least through the Senate and the House is going to pass it quickly on Thursday I hope – may take a roll call vote – they are going to get that to Congress – the House will tomorrow and I think the vote will be on Thursday – that’s good and can start getting that paycheck protection program back up and running –

hopefully by Friday or Saturday - so that by next week that whole new funding amount is available for small businesses – and this time real small businesses –not people that took 10 million dollars for companies that didn’t really qualify and are giving it back – or should give it back - including Harvard BTW – Yes Harvard University – I don’t know how many millions of dollars in funds they have already – I was very disappointed to hear about that

So there are other companies that need it – small businesses need it and we all need to get moving too – I’m excited about this – I can tell you guys – as soon as I get off the phone – I am going to find out something else tonight probably – hopefully they will course correct us and put us on that course direction for later this week – we’ll see – Don’t give up on Wed Thurs Fri – we are still in that window of possibility – but we need those intermediate groups to be funded – we’ve got to get those guys funded before we get started!!

Now – intermediates and the groups that are based out west – the Admiral’s groups – those can be paid at the same time – they don’t have to go consecutively – and they may go at the same time and then we would go after I get the number and the 800 numbers go out – right now I think its Wells Fargo has over 500,000 emails for the purpose of the 800 number – those will go out – I am supposed to get the number put out at the same time  and so we’ll see how that works out – 

I think I probably have worn out my welcome tonight but I really wanted you guys to hear this - Thanks for listening – I think we’re going to have good news soon – but in the meantime enjoy your life - do all the right things for your health - be safe – and be ready 

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins 1:13:20


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