Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-19-19

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-19-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It’s Tuesday the 19th and you’re tuned  in and listening to The Big Call – thanks for tuning in and listening whether live or on the replay – we appreciate you and look forward to having a  good but fairly short call tonight

I think we are looking really strong right now  - Now, let’s go into the intel portion; I’m just going to check and see what we’re looking at – Ok, we’ll go over the top of the hour just a little bit but we won’t go too much

What we’re hearing is some different things, some amazing things; for example we actually had some times that looked pretty promising for the toll free numbers yesterday (Monday)

Now, we didn’t get them yesterday - we had some times – we had a nice window – we had a specific time – but … it wasn’t to be – so.. we go back to work and say “okay, what is going on”  “what is happening that we can literally know is going on” -- 

You know, today is Tuesday - what – we’ve had 5 days since the last call – there are things that are happening – I’ll tell you one thing that really happened – and this was yesterday (Monday) which was Monday  -- We had major tranches again  moving around again for different purposes – We had one of the larger groups received half of a billion dollars –to begin the payouts to their members –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-19-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It’s Tuesday the 19th and you’re tuned  in and listening to The Big Call – thanks for tuning in and listening whether live or on the replay – we appreciate you and look forward to having a  good but fairly short call tonight

I think we are looking really strong right now  - Now, let’s go into the intel portion; I’m just going to check and see what we’re looking at – Ok, we’ll go over the top of the hour just a little bit but we won’t go too much

What we’re hearing is some different things, some amazing things; for example we actually had some times that looked pretty promising for the toll free numbers yesterday (Monday)

Now, we didn’t get them yesterday - we had some times – we had a nice window – we had a specific time – but … it wasn’t to be – so.. we go back to work and say “okay, what is going on”  “what is happening that we can literally know is going on” -- 

You know, today is Tuesday - what – we’ve had 5 days since the last call – there are things that are happening – I’ll tell you one thing that really happened – and this was yesterday (Monday) which was Monday  -- We had major tranches again  moving around again for different purposes – We had one of the larger groups received half of a billion dollars –to begin the payouts to their members –

We had 4 sextillion dollars in another tranche that was moving to the 24 hundred paymasters of the other groups so that they would have the funds to begin at least with partial payouts – if not full payouts –

I am not quite sure that’s enough really for sextillion – and that means you’ve got a million billion trillion  quadrillion – each time add three more zeros – quadrillion – quintillion then sextillion -- that’s quite a few zeros out there –

And then we also heard that the Zim platforms are getting ready to get cranked out – right alongside the exchanges and the redemption of the Zim – maybe a day or so later but we had 12 sextillion dollars moved and I am only making the assumption because of where I believe that was going - It could have gone to Zurich or Berne (?) Switzerland  -- B E R N E – another financial center in Switzerland

So, we know that there are 11 different Zim platforms in the United States but my understanding is that they will be paid out of Berne Switzerland

Now, those funds , my understanding was that they went 7:30 PM Eastern last night to either Zurich or Berne – where ever it was to handle those platforms  -- So they are right behind the groups out of Reno and really very much parallel  to what is happening out there –

We know that there are people that have been notified if they have loose currencies to come in and set appointments to do that as well out there and I know that activity is going to take place today tomorrow and Thursday out West

That all tells us things are really moving things are moving along  -- The other thing is we did hear something from one of our international sources that came from the Far East – the expression was hang on tomorrow – all your dreams will come true

Now I don’t want us to get too overly excited about that – but it is a pretty cool thing a cool statement to have our dreams to come true tomorrow

Let’s just say this – does that mean numbers come out? Does it mean that number come out and redemption starts? – It could be numbers only and we don’t have a time for that exactly – So we’re not really sure exactly but it’s a good statement to think that our dreams are about to come true

Now, some people think that the design for this to happen is before Thanksgiving – I would agree with that but today is the 19th – Thanksgiving is the 24th  - that’s 9 days away --  I believe the plan would be for us to be complete with our exchanges by around Thanksgiving  -- I’m talking about the group 4 / Tier 4 not public

I think that is doable - they believe they can get most of the Zim in 4 or 5 days – Now there will be some stragglers  / people traveling  / people in the hospital – things like that – that would prevent immediate redemption or exchanges to take place for some people –

But overall – I’m not going to go to next week – I’m not going to Thanksgiving or before Christmas or by Christmas – I’m not going to go there – That’s not what I’m hearing -- Other people may be hearing that but not me and we’ve got to the point where that information that we gain from certain of our banks have completely sealed off

Nope, we’re too close and it’s too sensitive to talk about X Y Z – and that’s a great indicator - sure you want to hear what’s going on – sure you want to know what’s happening here and there but you know, sometimes, when you’re this close and it’s a sensitive area – they don’t want leaks – you just suck it up and say you know what --  that’s a good sign - that’s showing us how close this really is okay –

 And then we heard also that  the rate -- now remember this we have 209 countries and all of those currencies are on the front screens live – they are all on the screens in essentially a ready to go mode – all countries – so  I’m excited about that -- in other words are we waiting for anything?  The only thing we are waiting for is the perfect timing for this to release –

We think the treasury has given the green light and then it’s up to the military or so called Pentagon to release when its ready - we know they have extra security in place for our group tier 4 -- and we know that we are going to be starting with that security in full force  

There have been so many clean ups on isle 3  - isle 4 isle 5  etc  for weeks now and there have been a lot more  …… let’s say ankle and wrist bracelets issued recently – so  there’s a lot going on guys  behind the scenes – a lot !!

Some of it we are privileged to know about and some we are not -- and probably it’s better we don’t – it’s probably better in some ways we just know what we know and we go with it -- you know .. we go with that

So…. We’ve got the funds in place -- we know that the redemption staffs are ready to start… you know it’s going to be a big shock to them  just like it is to us when the numbers come out because look how ready they have been to get started at the redemption level -- you know for months and months they’ve been given schedules to bring them in – they’ve been home – bring them back in -- conference calls -- you know ……  video calls -- all kinds of stuff --  nationwide -- 

This is going to be quite the thing when it comes through for us and I’m saying its close -- I’m not going to call it – Will all our dreams come true tomorrow (Wednesday)????  

I think all of my dreams would come true if we got the toll free number and either start tomorrow (Wed) or the next day (Thurs) – Tomorrow for the numbers maybe – Thursday start – Its possible – That might be what we’re looking at -- it very well could be –

I know everybody is excited – you know what?  I know It’s hard to stay excited – I know it’s hard to stay in the moment without losing hope or losing faith but I’m going to ask you to understand what Sue’s message was earlier about God’s own time being the best time and all of us staying in faith for that -- and being available for that time to come through

We are in great shape - I believe the public start might be Dec 2 -- We’re looking for some -- ughh  to be honest with you we’ve been on the gold Standard since 11 pm a couple nights ago –

There are some things that are happening behind the scene and we just want to get this thing – and I think it will probably be announced to the public when the public starts  and  I think that’s when everything is going  to get announced  and that’s going to be  the first couple of days in December

They want to give us 8 or 9 days to get our exchanges in -- Zim redeemed -- and I think we are good to go

So --- everything is ready as far as I can tell – certainly they’ve funded everything to take care of the Zim platform and take care of the groups so I think we are looking very strong

Alright guys thank you everybody for tuning in and listening and lets just wait and see where this goes –

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  — RV Intel begins at 53:50

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Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-14-19

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-14-19

Transcribed By WiserNow  Emailed To Recaps

Well Guys, It’s that time again,  let’s talk about where we are and where we’re going  - I can tell you I feel really good ,  I got some really great information  this afternoon  - when  it was pretty quiet yesterday we heard, well we want it done by midnight tonight (thurs 11-14)   and in a very real sense we may have already started --  we haven’t seen the numbers yet  but the latest thing I have is pointing toward   to a mid to late morning tomorrow  (Fri 11-15) for that

Now, you know we can’t call it  and we’re not going to do that but I am very positive about what I received today and the sources that I got it from  are very very strong - so we feel good about this

Now the other thing is globally the funds that have been on hold have been released and are circulating now  - We heard tiers 1, 2, and 3 have moved forward with liquidity  and access to funds and in some cases SKRs have been made liquid where they may have not received all of the funds yet but maybe they’ve gotten up to 60%  of what they have coming to them and the rest will be coming in a few days

We do believe we are to get started so the Zim platforms can achieve their value and be used and that is something that is coming in a day or day and a half behind us getting started  so that’s positive

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-14-19

Transcribed By WiserNow  Emailed To Recaps

Well Guys, It’s that time again,  let’s talk about where we are and where we’re going  - I can tell you I feel really good ,  I got some really great information  this afternoon  - when  it was pretty quiet yesterday we heard, well we want it done by midnight tonight (thurs 11-14)   and in a very real sense we may have already started --  we haven’t seen the numbers yet  but the latest thing I have is pointing toward   to a mid to late morning tomorrow  (Fri 11-15) for that

Now, you know we can’t call it  and we’re not going to do that but I am very positive about what I received today and the sources that I got it from  are very very strong - so we feel good about this

Now the other thing is globally the funds that have been on hold have been released and are circulating now  - We heard tiers 1, 2, and 3 have moved forward with liquidity  and access to funds and in some cases SKRs have been made liquid where they may have not received all of the funds yet but maybe they’ve gotten up to 60%  of what they have coming to them and the rest will be coming in a few days

We do believe we are to get started so the Zim platforms can achieve their value and be used and that is something that is coming in a day or day and a half behind us getting started  so that’s positive

And I just think we are finally at the point where all the currencies have been migrated -from the back screen and front screens – rates are solid and yes we do get updated rates at sometimes 2:00 and 2:30 in the morning and that is a very good possibility getting that again tomorrow

Same thing early morning which is just a few hours from now, so  I think we are finally  at the precipice where we are ready to make that leap – so let’s all take a leap of faith and believe that this blessing is here  - that we have it and it manifests for us so we can get started  - like Sue said -  helping make changes around the globe – helping people  and changing lives  and improving our world

This is all what we have been chosen to do - that’s why we’ve been given this opportunity  - we know it’s not just for us – it’s way too big for just that --  and what Sue said also about you know many of us have a ministry we want to work with  - maybe the local church wants to do things – maybe it’s bigger than that –

I’m going to tell you to let the prayer of Jabez to take and extend your  tent pegs (territory) further out – in other words think bigger than the local church  - the church is a good place to start – but --- think of what you are doing there and expand it  -- think bigger

How can you take what you are doing there and do in in a larger way?  Regionally – maybe nationally ?  you know? Maybe international?   

Certainly that is what we’re going to do with rebuild America – yah we start here but we are not going to ignore the Caribbean – Bahamas - Central America -  other areas where we can do  the kind of things we are going to do here – we can expand it and give other countries the same opportunity for growth and,, we’ll just get it done here first  - we can start here first  - and there will be a lot of places we can work with

There are a lot of projects we can do – there are some I have not even mentioned on the Big Call  that are going to tie in – like putting food domes out there and growing food in conditions that would allow us to use it without polluting the food like we have now --  setting up health clinics – healing centers is what they will be -  and that is a different way to look at going to a doctor – it will be more about how you can be healed not how can you treat your symptoms -  Bob has been very good about bringing up ways we can prevent illnesses

So, I want to say guys that we are pretty much from what I can tell and from what I’m hearing and what I am expecting at the end of this incredible journey – So let’s take that and run with it and be in prayer tonight  that this thing ends

Thank you everyone for listening all around the globe - thank you for tuning in -- thank  you for whoever is doing the transcribing for us – we appreciate that very much  - we look forward to a new life together -  Stay tuned – we will be sending out the toll free numbers and we will have the number on the front page of our website

 Everybody we had a great night tonight and let’s see what manifests in the next day or two – alright, God Bless you all – Bruce The Big Call

The Big Call Thursday Night November 14  Replay LINK  -- Intel Begins at 57 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-29-19

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-29-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

(Note: Please focus on the information provided and not be critical of possible typos and grammatical errors  as transcribing a voice call is very tedious and time consuming – thank you )

I would like to talk a little bit about where we are right now  from an intel point of view – Here we are – its  Tuesday -  5 days since our last call  last Thursday - yes a lot of things have happened – especially behind the scenes –

and I’ll tell  you this – you know – just when you’re  thinking  all the countries are set  -- and  lined up you find that yeah all but 2 or 3 and by that I mean  from a perspective of being Basal 3 or Basal 4 compliant – for the GCR to start –

 there are 3 countries that needed to do that – and that was Turkey – Syria - and Iran – and you say “Oh Boy here we go” – No they got it done – they got their compliance  and they had a time which they needed to get it done  which was noon yesterday (mon)  Eastern time   - and they had to send their information  to the world bank  Laos   so that was 11 pm yesterday  Monday night Laos time –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-29-19

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

(Note: Please focus on the information provided and not be critical of possible typos and grammatical errors  as transcribing a voice call is very tedious and time consuming – thank you )

I would like to talk a little bit about where we are right now  from an intel point of view – Here we are – its  Tuesday -  5 days since our last call  last Thursday - yes a lot of things have happened – especially behind the scenes –

and I’ll tell  you this – you know – just when you’re  thinking  all the countries are set  -- and  lined up you find that yeah all but 2 or 3 and by that I mean  from a perspective of being Basal 3 or Basal 4 compliant – for the GCR to start –

 there are 3 countries that needed to do that – and that was Turkey – Syria - and Iran – and you say “Oh Boy here we go” – No they got it done – they got their compliance  and they had a time which they needed to get it done  which was noon yesterday (mon)  Eastern time   - and they had to send their information  to the world bank  Laos   so that was 11 pm yesterday  Monday night Laos time –

 They made it  they got it done  and they’re all set as far as we know that’s  the last  of anything regarding any specific countries – Now, what’s interesting about that is we’ve talked about the fact there is one offering -  they’re not going to do a second third or fourth --  like we had been told - 

They said “no” we’re bringing them all out at the same time -- and right now  with the last 2 countries I mentioned Turkey & Syria -  we are looking at 100 currencies coming out  with some form of change

Now, what’s interesting is we had 21 and now we have 23 currencies of those that will be going up significantly -- at least 6 % or more - and in a lot of cases we know of those  that are going up quite  a bit more – That is where we stand on those  - and we had that ready to go  as a result of those last 3 countries  becoming Basal 3 or 4 compliant  by yesterday noon Eastern

That’s a very big piece of news  -- Another piece of news was in regards to President Trump having spoken with all 23  of those countries finance ministers yesterday and that was a very positive thing to have him do that so they are all prepared  to get going and to get started  --

And you know we’re very close as Bob mentioned Friday the first of November – Now what is so significant about the first as I mentioned previously that is the date that has been selected  to bring out NESARA and  GESARA  for many hours of information to inform us about what those 2 words mean –

That’s happening on Friday from what we understand 7 ½ hrs worth – I don’t know how it’s going to come to us  - my instinct would be that it’s going to be on television to an extent  and probably online – who knows – who knows how they’re going to bring it out - 

We’ll find out – That, as far as I know is still scheduled -- ready to go  that will be positive - what’s that going to be like? – Well,  I believe we should have  a mention of us -  the United States returning to  the Gold Standard  to back our currency  they may talk about the new dollar being the USN or USTN  - but it should be noted that it is Gold Backed -  and should an announcement be made  about the remaining currencies of the world also being either gold backed  or asset backed -  in some way shape or form –

That will be a lot of it right there – and then there’s also  obviously there’s going to be some discussion about how we are entering into  a time of   Debt Jubilee  - and we should have some explanation about what that is

 I don’t want to go into it now  because it’s going to be a little difficult to determine but it should reflect  the return of interest that we paid from going back a ways – could be on mortgages -  credit cards – car  sells -  and financing  - many issues could be – from what I understand refunded to  us  under NESARA –

Whether they talk about the new tax plan or not, meaning getting away from personal income tax and going toward a consumption tax on new items or believing that is also a  part of NESARA  and should be brought out at some point

So, there’s a lot happening from that point of view coming up in just a few days

Now, what else is going on that I find very interesting is…. that ….. there’s a significant number of people that were given travel vouchers to travel to Zurich by private jet to be able to do Zim redemption  and other bond redemptions  in Zurich   - and that happened yesterday and today and my understanding is  they all need to be there – this is all over the globe not just here from the US – from other countries as well  - they all need to be there by 9:15 AM Zurich time tomorrow morning  in place – ready to transact  business

Now, you know we’ve got a  6 hr time difference between Zurich and the East coast – so that would be 3:15 in the morning tomorrow East coast time and you can take your own time zone and make it work

Now, why do I bring that up - what’s so important about that  - my understanding is when those transactions  take place that we should be on a [parallel track – ready to start approximately alongside of those transactions

 Now, that should mean that we get our toll free number   - probably since it’s supposed to be a daytime event – I think sometime tomorrow – maybe by lunchtime we should have it and have it available to put out

Now I’m only giving this to you as I got it – this is what I’m being informed would be the case – now as you guys know there have been things that have caused  delays  - there have been reasons why we didn’t go  - we are in a continuous pattern  of indictments  being unsealed and arrests being made  and that’s just what’s going on  -- they’re cleaning up on isle 3 and will probably continue for a while

Another thing happening is these large tranches of funds we had …. Try to get a feel for this number ….  What is a sextillion – sounds sexy doesn’t it --- a sextillion is a 1 followed by 21 zeros --  that’s a lot of mullah

Well, guess what, just 2 days ago there had been 7 of those  -- 1 sextillion dollar tranches  put into the system – the first four  of those for tier 4  -- the 5th was put in for tier 4 in Nesara and so on and so on –

Now, this is hard to imagine but my understanding is there will be a total of 153 1 sextillion dollar tranches  , French, meaning transfers,  ok, so that is a lot – and I don’t know where we are but if you think of it those will occur between  what’s happened about 4 days ago and January 5 –

That is moving a lot of money into place – between now and January 5 to have a total of 153 sextillion dollar tranches  moved into place – So that tells us this is a very big deal obviously,  with the global currency reset  with  us going in  for our exchanges on our currency and redemption on the Zim Bond –

I could tell you that when it comes to what I understand now you obviously know when you get into the redemption center or the exchange locations which might not be handling some – but when you go in – if you have currency like dinar/ dong/ rial  -- all of that  what you want to do is exchange those funds into new US dollars  USTN will be available immediately at the time of your exchange

Now when you go in with Zim – the Zim redemption will be available to you and you can take up to 20% - although I don’t know why you would but up to 20% available to you in 24 hrs  So that would be the next day

Now if you have other currencies the suggestion has been that you take the proceeds from Dinar /  Dong / whatever,  and put those in a separate account or accounts apart from your Zim

I look at it like the Zim is going in the mother load account with one bank and the currencies Dong/dinar/ etc  are going in another bank or possibly 2 banks in separate accounts – That’s just how its been explained to me – That’s how I personally plan to do it  -- You know I’ve looked at the Zim as the God account for humanitarian project s  and that’s how I’m looking at it  - You guys do what you want to do

I really feel that what we’ve got is if you have rial or Afghani  my understanding is you can bring it in – you can do an exchange because there will be rates  - there is a rate on the screen now – and you can do the exchange then or you can set up  a multi currency account for those 2 currencies – if you have them  -

You can ride them out and be paid a level of interest while in the account and at a later time make the exchange into USTN -- if you do a multi currency account  with rial and afghani - those are the only 2 I am aware of – that you can do that with

We did get some rates and we believe everything is moving up slightly just like we thought and they’re going to be fantastic so you don’t have to worry about those at all

Obviously if you have projects and you do a good job with your presentation on your projects you would be entitled to get a higher rate on the Zim and that’s all I’m going to say about it

You’ve heard me talk about  what that rate would be in the past so that has not changed I think really is for this information I heard yesterday and today to be true and to come through for us and we are golden

You know I cannot legitimately  call it and I’ve told you many times that we’ve been very close as you know,  and again today  tonight is one of those times – My understanding is when the bonds are hypothecated  - transacted tomorrow in Zurich we should be in  “go mode” – So let’s see what happens with that

Now I told you I would put the 800 toll free number out – I understand it’s going to be out already  on a couple of the most sought after currency sites – so I may not even need to do that but I will have it out on the landing page – the home page of  Big Call Universe .com and we will be doing an email blast to those who have registered to be on

I think we are all ready to have a good night’s rest and see what tomorrow brings – there’s not a whole lot more I can say – we are in a fantastic preparedness mode—I want everybody to consider if you are happy with where you are on your presentations on your project, on knowing the actual process of the redemption centers, then you’re all set –

Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link -  Intel begins 53 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel 10-24-19

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel 10-24-19

Transcribed By WiserNow  Emailed To Recaps

Okay, Alright, Lets Talk about another treat – which is our intel for tonight – or some people call it information   - that’s probably more accurate in some ways  - so lets see where we’re going to start with on that –

 I like to tend to start with the latest information first – then  go backwards a little bit and fill in for the last couple of days  -- we did have a call on Tuesday night and you get information from  that point on

Let’s reconstruct this a little bit  - the information we were getting yesterday  and even as last as last night  was pointing to  the release of everything – alright, let’s say it this way

No 1  last night, yesterday and last night  they were sending out trounces  of large funds – alright we all know what a million is – a billion  - a million billion – a billion billion – a trillion -  a quadrillion -  now you’re at 15 zeros -  on a quad – 15 zeros behind a 1  -

1 quadrillion is followed by 15 zeros – and you go from quad you go to  quintillion -   that would be 18 zeros --  then you’d go to  a sextillion – which is 21 zeros --  well that’s a lot of (geeters?)  right there –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel 10-24-19

Transcribed By WiserNow  Emailed To Recaps

Okay, Alright, Lets Talk about another treat – which is our intel for tonight – or some people call it information   - that’s probably more accurate in some ways  - so lets see where we’re going to start with on that –

 I like to tend to start with the latest information first – then  go backwards a little bit and fill in for the last couple of days  -- we did have a call on Tuesday night and you get information from  that point on

Let’s reconstruct this a little bit  - the information we were getting yesterday  and even as last as last night  was pointing to  the release of everything – alright, let’s say it this way

No 1  last night, yesterday and last night  they were sending out tranches  of large funds – alright we all know what a million is – a billion  - a million billion – a billion billion – a trillion -  a quadrillion -  now you’re at 15 zeros -  on a quad – 15 zeros behind a 1  -

1 quadrillion is followed by 15 zeros – and you go from quad you go to  quintillion -   that would be 18 zeros --  then you’d go to  a sextillion – which is 21 zeros --  well that’s a lot of (geeters?)  right there –

So you had 4 sextillion dollars flowing into the banking system to take care of the tier 4 – Now we no longer break down tier 4A and 4B -- this is for both 4A and 4B – lets just call it tier 4 – that’s us

Now the last tranche because each one of these  was 1 sextillion tranche -  so they did 4 of those yesterday and the last one came in at 11:30 PM last night – So guess what?   The funding is in place - The money is there  -  waiting for us – waiting for tier 4 –

Speaking about the groups that are out west  - the paymasters have liquidity  - the paymasters were to receive their instructions  yesterday and last night  on the dispersements -  ?  of those funds to the participants  -so they had that ready to go --  and ---- we were supposed to receive our notifications before lunchtime today – So what happened?  What happened????

Well, here’s what happened  - Treasury stopped it from going this morning because  there was a change in the number of currencies that were going to be put out in the first offering or the first basket

What they did was reduce the number from a larger number to a smaller number so way more than just the currencies that we purchase to invest in, okay

So it’s a good number but it was seriously reduced and there’s a reason for it – I wont go into all the reasons why but I’ll tell you  that ultimately  the plan is to not have but one release not a second or third or fourth basket  - those days are gone -- 

The reason is because they don’t want those of us  that are a part of this first  offering to double up and purchase additional currency  that we know are going in the second or third or fourth basket –  So they are taking that opportunity away from us – And it’s fine with us because we don’t need it  

Ok, so, this change that was made, that was decided on this morning took it out of happening as far as we know today – I’m not getting anything – unless I get something later after the call tonight that I don’t know about – this is something that   uhh – that’s how close we are  --  that’s how close we are –

These last minute decisions  - and this was a big one – the latest – not getting the notification  this morning  as indicated

Now, what does that say for our future?  Tomorrow is Friday its hard to say --  I know that  redemption centers staff are going in early tomorrow  -- I know that security is being upgraded -  to more security starting tomorrow – for the redemption centers  -- I believe that it is conceivable  that we would get started hopefully not pushed off until  Monday --  or even Saturday  But, we can’t say for sure

But we do know that certain people have been cut off from communication to other people – because of  the proximity of this because of the sensitivity of the timeline  of what is going on even now

So it’s all good  and I’ll tell you this much  we’re not to talk about rates so I won’t  but I will say that our sources  that are close to the forex  are saying that the value of certain currencies we have are continually going up 

I think that what they’re going to do is I believe they have actually taken the rate that was there yesterday morning like 2 or 2:30 in the morning  and they are going to use the rates that were on the screen at that time – and those may be locked in  for us to start – those may be the rates that could show up on the back screens even as early as tomorrow we don’t know

But we do know that things are happening  now like I mentioned  that are major  - security appears to be completely set  at level 5 everywhere – all cities are a go --  we had the green light  - it was turned off – maybe that’s just a temporary thing –

We know that Iraq has way passed their 72 hr window – I believe it’s just a matter of timing dfor everything to get released to us  and hopefully that is soon rather than later

Lets talk about Nov 1 -  it’s going to be a big day  - A day major announcements are to be made -  about Nesara and Gesara -  They should be made from  way out west -  by Steven Mnuchin  - and possibly a few other international finance ministers from different countries

And I believe they are going to talk about not only us returning to the Gold Standard but also they will talk about the fact that the world has gone to a Gpld Standard - with the GCR , The Global Currency Reset –

Now, like I said this is going to be the only offering , as the banks have called it  or basket of currencies  we called it  that there will be --  so we are going to have a much better level playing field as the rest of these currencies are adjusted accordingly  --

It would not surprise me to see many of these currencies on par with the US Dollar okay, and I believe as a result of the adjustment taking place and that is not necessarily happening but it could happen as late as  Nov 1  we could get that change --  for the balance of the other currencies – but the currencies we are talking about  going with what we have – we could see that very shortly as I mentioned

So this has been the opportunity  to take advantage  this is going to be our shot at this as we thought without a second third or fourth basket coming in – they just don’t want to go through all of that again -  because the weighting of it  the w-e-i-g-h-t-i-n-g of the purchasing of those additional currencies would be excessive for those who have taken advantage of the first offering –

It would upset the apple cart – upset the balance of funds all over the globe because of that so it’s ok we don’t need it  we’re good  and this will be fantastic  for us  and the rest of the world

We’re going to see , my understanding is  about a 7 ½ hr training if you will  on the first of Nov  giving us a basis and background of what to expect from Gesara and Nesara  here in the US -  and it could include – well I know some of the things it might include  but we’ve talked about a reduction in the IRS  -  a reduction in the FED  -  and how those would be rolled into the US Treasury  - we do expect that

There could be an additional change in our tax system – you know we talked about that before – going to a so called -its not really called a  value added tax but it’s a consumption tax very similar to a VAP  but it’s a consumption tax  and that could happen and could get announced then  and we could basically do away with a personal income tax  -- that’s what has been talked about  - that’s what is a part of what’s in Nesara

So let’s see when that gets announced – possibly the first of Nov

Its going to be a really interesting change of everything   - technology - health  - there’s going to be some major changes with this --   with the financial changes taking place – all right before your eyes

So, that is really everything I wanted to bring out to you guys to let you know just where we’ve been in the last few days and where we think we are in the next few days

I just want everybody to continue to have the faith to believe for this because it is coming -

Guys, I just think that if we were any closer right now – we could taste it – that’s how close this is – and I want to thank you for listening - 

Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link – Intel begins at 1:08 min

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel 10-22-19

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel 10-22-19

Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

What is going on now?   Boy did we get a head bake yesterday -- I know some of you done like to hear about it   Listen, when a lot of us in the community get similar information and we think we’ve got a time,   let’s face it -- a lot of times when you get a time it’s not going to happen  and maybe that was the case last night

We had some good indications, strong indications  but then today around  lunch time  we found out one reason why it did not go last night – Here’s the background

 There are 219 cities in which security needed to be increased - this could have been a combination of  FDI -home land security - special forces -  US Marshal --  any combination  or all of the above

 219 cities in the US  --  yesterday we had 43 still to go to get them to where they wanted them to be on  level 5 security protocol --  level 5 is as high as you can get --   now, could they have all of those 43 cities knocked out sometime last night  apparently not -- around lunch time today they still had 5 cities to go  - It’s not that many but that’s  one reason why probably it didn’t go

Bruce’s Big Call Intel 10-22-19

Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

What is going on now?   Boy did we get a head bake yesterday -- I know some of you done like to hear about it   Listen, when a lot of us in the community get similar information and we think we’ve got a time,   let’s face it -- a lot of times when you get a time it’s not going to happen  and maybe that was the case last night

We had some good indications, strong indications  but then today around  lunch time  we found out one reason why it did not go last night – Here’s the background

 There are 219 cities in which security needed to be increased - this could have been a combination of  FDI -home land security - special forces -  US Marshal --  any combination  or all of the above

 219 cities in the US  --  yesterday we had 43 still to go to get them to where they wanted them to be on  level 5 security protocol --  level 5 is as high as you can get --   now, could they have all of those 43 cities knocked out sometime last night  apparently not -- around lunch time today they still had 5 cities to go  - It’s not that many but that’s  one reason why probably it didn’t go

So  Where do we stand now ? Do you think we may have everything lined up security wise?   That seems to be the only real thing  that is keeping us from going   now  is our start –

By the way tier 4 is tier 4  as we know it  has dropped to tier 4A and tier 4B  - they will release both of them together  which means the groups out west  --  the core – the inner core the outer core  the upper core the lower core  the core 30 the core 100 the core 20 --- whatever you know it as  and the other groups; the anticipation is  that it will get released at the same time  that we get notified with our toll free number and then I turn around and notify the community

If that’s the responsibility I have then I look forward to it --  now you guys know I have talked about this for what – over a yr now -- I can’t keep track of it  but  I can tell you that  the security aspect is something  that is really – I mean the military is sort of in charge of  all that and they report to the treasury – the treasury gives the go once the military gives the go --  the president gives the final say –

There’s  probably a complete protocol  as to the release itself  -- and we’ve heard it’s controlled by this group and that group and back and forth and we know chinese elders are involved  -- we believe the Chinese elders have all been paid  and they’ve got their situation handled

We heard it was handed over to Hong Kong or handed over to the Chinese from the west coast  or the western side of the country and then back – what it amounts to is  it’s not so much taken over, okay  it’s a matter of  the elders have given the go ahead and in some cases  traveled to Reno and traveled to these areas where it needed to be put out  and I believe they have done that to the point where it’s still primarily in the hands of HSBC / AAIB and the bank of china  all involved with it from the Chinese perspective

 So any way you slice it you’ve got oversight by HSBC / AAIB  and that’s where the final go ahead will be given  --  once they’ve been given the go ahead to do that – so I believe it’s a combined effort between our treasury,  the elders,  the  US President -  and the military –

At any given time one has some input, depending on his input ,whatever – that is, we believe the security situation is probably down to where that is handled by now  and that’s good

As far as pick up and drop off, sting operations, arrests  all of that – yes its ongoing  -- has it gone to a point where they feel comfortable that is where the level 5 security protocol comes in 

When they get all the cities where their happy with them that means they are all set and ready to go – that’s when the green light comes from the treasury  and that’s what we are looking for -- 

We thought we had it last night but we did not  get it and  I’m certainly done trying to figure out exactly when   --  we have heard some cool things about  the rest of this week – wed ,thur, fri --- I haven’t heard anything specifics about any one particular day but I do believe we are very close

Do they want us to know when its going to happen?   No  --  of course they don’t – have they let us know ? Have they let anyone that’s responsible in the community know ? No they haven’t  -- Do the banks know? No,  they don’t even know

Lets talk a little bit about what happened Saturday at 3:45  PM eastern daylight time – At that time Iraq reinstated / or revalued their dinar --  Now that’s our time and you have to add 7 hrs for Iraq so that would put it at 10:45 PM in Iraq – let’s call that Baghdad time Saturday night –

What about that 72 hr period that Iraq would have to celebrate the fact of a revaluation  -- some people are calling it a reinstatement  -- how can you take a reinstated rate of 3.22 when it came in at 8.22 in country  -- 

I heard an hr later international --  an hr after 3:45  it was known to be international – Now it’s not here yet  It’s not known here yet – we know it early  because of our contacts in Iraq -  but that is excellent news  --

That tells me when we talk about Okie landing the plane  - he talked about landing the plan – let me tell you;  the landing gear is down,  it is ready --  

this is the first fruits of what we all have been waiting for 15-16 years as far as what the dinar could be worth  - 8.22 - and I understand it went up slightly from there – it could be higher than that now – that’s incredible for any of you that have it

 Now will the dong be far from it – should not be that far away  -  I don’t have a rate but I know roughly Its going to be in that range – Now the only reason I’m telling you this at all  is because I want all you guys to realize how close we are to the end

I don’t know how you can call a rate of 8.22 a “reinstatement”  but some people are and that’s fine – I don’t care what you call it   just don’t call it late for dinner  -- I mean really is that a decent start opening rate? Yeah --  Fantastic – Could it go higher? Yes   You remember what Dr Shabibi said  in 2012 at the US Chamber of Commerce Meeting ? -- I think that’s probably still on a you tube video –

He said that the Iraq Dinar could support a rate of $16 -  Now we all went wow !! That incredible -  how in the world could it?  Well I don’t know if it’s going to get there or not but it’s on its way

I think it’s excellent that we have it --  now that was last Saturday  --

Now is 72 hrs for the iraq’s to have it themselves to trade it not trade it – to celebrate it – not celebrate it  whatever -  they were suppose to be given – so guess what – the 72 hrs expired at 3:45 PM  today  -- that’s 72 hrs since it happened

Now what does that mean for us  -- its hard to say what that means in terms of the when  -- and I know you guys want to know how much and when;   obviously – I want to know it too – I think the when could be happening in the next 3 days  but I couldn’t tell you when exactly and I shouldn’t – We should all just lay low

Has intel dried up? For the most part yes   -  we still get bits and pieces of stuff even  though a lot of people are under NDA – gag orders  and there is not a lot coming out – A few days ago there was – there was Sat & Sun   and a little bit Monday and here we are on Tuesday giving you the very best opportunity to know that we are close

We’ve heard transmissions from Hong Kong  that are saying the same thing We’ve known of people that have gone in and going back in for re-examination of  what they have already done with their exchanges  and they have been given or will be given a day this week they will have liquidity

I think that day that certain people will be told they have liquidity should be the same day that we go that we get to not only set our appointments but start our exchanges

Now, I’m excited still and I’m right there on the leading edge of where the information is coming to and I feel good about everything  but I know it’s not easy to wait  --  it’s been 15 yrs for me   its been 7-8 yrs for some of you  4 yrs for others  and 2 weeks for some of you – they’re probably brand new to the Big Call – this may be their very first  call –

I can tell you that this is something that has been ordained since the foundation of the earth – we know we are chosen for this for such a time in this I do see it as a spiritual event,  a God ordained event, for the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just and this is our shot

 I am looking forward to it and I know all of you are - Its going to dramatically change our lives  - lives of our families and the lives of the ones we turn around and bless in humanity  --

I believe in the rv and I am 100% in  -  You better believe in the RV because it just happened in Iraq last Saturday  -- Come on – how long is it going to take for us to see it?   How long is it going to take?

We know the banks have put their codes in and we know that yesterday – I want to get this right --  night before last -  would have been Sunday night - redemption site personnel put in their brand new codes that night and the rates were flashing on the screen at 90 miles an hour -- all of the rates  --

Now I don’t know about this morning – I don’t know if they all came back up or not my gut feeling is that probably they did -- maybe they have but that is how close we are --  because we know the dinar revalued / reinstated, however you look at it, last Saturday at 3:45 PM Eastern daylight time – we got that confirmed So, I’m excited

Big Call Replay Link   Intel begins at 1:04:25

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Calls, Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps Calls, Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps

"Coffee with MarkZ" Thursday Morning Q&A 8-15-19

Emailed to Recaps:

MarkZ Thursday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ: Spoke with Isaac last night…(in Zurich) .he is expecting currency funds tomorrow and Bond funds on Monday ….. He did a currency swap and also a Petchelli Bond swap.

MZ: I talked with 2 other contacts in Europe who are saying similiar

MZ: Hearing the QFS kicked in worldwide about 2 am this morning…from an Attorney in Reno….…looking for more verifications

Emailed to Recaps:

MarkZ Thursday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ: Spoke with Isaac last night…(in Zurich) .he is expecting currency funds tomorrow and Bond funds on Monday ….. He did a currency swap and also a Petchelli Bond swap.

MZ: I talked with 2 other contacts in Europe who are saying similiar

MZ: Hearing the QFS kicked in worldwide about 2 am this morning…from an Attorney in Reno….…looking for more verifications

MZ: Hearing package deliveries are highly probable late this afternoon

MZ: No change of value in Iraq as of yet.

Q:  So when do you think they could fire up the 800 numbers?

MZ: I am hoping to see them today…..I really am tired and want off this roller coaster.

Q:  Have you heard from Paymasters

MZ: My paymaster still has big expectations for tonight/tomorrow

Q: Are the paymasters upset?

MZ: They are angry and frustrated…..they have been jerked around all over….they do not get paid until the exchanges are done….so yes they are mad.

Q: So would 4b be soon?

MZ: As soon as 4a finishes…4b is right on their heels

MZ: I heard the Grand Jury finished seating and they will start subpoenas and hearing people next week …this grand jury is to get to the bottom of why this reset hasn’t gone…who did what…ect….


Member:  mark, Deuctshe bank hit a all time low of $6.49 early this morning in pre market trading.

MZ: I believe we are sitting on the precipice of implosion that will push this reset to fruition.

MZ: I know this waiting has been excruciating…..this reset has taken decades……..and we are in the final days

Member:  All countries will be forced to adopt the gold standard and all debt will be forgiven.The RV is expected to occur before the global economic transition begins.

At about minute 40:00 Mark and chat members have a prayer for the reset and for guidence

Question Mark, does education continue???? President Trump, wearing silver shorts and Gold Gloves, have the Fed up against the ropes, taking a KO for causing Stock Markets’ 800 point entry into a death spiral ??? ————————————-Trump adds—“We will win—obviously with Fed knocked out. Here is Trump’s Gold Goodbye Tweet to the Fed??? “Our problem is with the Fed. Raised too much & too fast. Now too slow to cut...We should easily be reaping big Rewards & Gains, but the Fed is holding us back.

Member:  Because of this day in history, I'm looking forward the rally tonight. Aug. 15 also “happened” to be the day 48 years ago in 1971, that President Nixon ended the ability of foreign governments to exchange US dollars for gold and thus officially pulled the US off the Gold Standard. As a result it now cost $6 for what $1 paid for back in 1971.

Member: Wouldn’t it be in Trumps best interest for us to get our funds now. We can help with the election better with money

Member:  Here is a HARD back wall date folks: X22 says that Trump and Boris (English PM) need their Trade Agreement to kick off on Nov. 1. It will not work without solid currency IMO. So there you have it.

Member:  The RV is real I was told by 2 bankers in Georgia but nobody knows the date. Gurus are guessing

Member:  The last phase of the global economic transition is the complete dismantlement of the fiat financial system.

Q: Will Trump announce the Gold Standard today?

MZ: If he doesn’t at least mention it in his rally tonight I will be very disappointed.

Member: Abel Danger will be on at 2:00pm est today

MZ: Good Zap Update last night…best I’ve read in a long time…:

Q: What do you think of China and Hong Kong?

MZ: The entire world is a tinderbox about to explode…we need this reset out the door NOW

MZ: This day went down in infamy….The Nixon shock…

Twitchmarkz  YouTube theoriginalmarkz

IF THE INTERNET GOES DOWN MARKZ NEW NUMBER Emergency number (712) 770-5028 Code:648989 Playback number (712) 770-5066


Replay for MASTERS TRUST Call Conference Call # 712-770-4019, Access Code: 575203#

TRUST Bob Locke


CANNABIS TALK Thursday 8:00 PM EDT Chats live or recorded ONLY SPECIAL NEWS tweeted out

MZ: Mr. Cottrell is planning on being here tomorrow….If there is anything big happens I will let you all know tonight. I plan on a short update before the health call.

Note: Please listen to the replay…Chat moves quickly and Mark speaks very fast



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MarkZ, Calls Dinar Recaps MarkZ, Calls Dinar Recaps

“Coffee with MarkZ” Wednesday Morning 8-14-19

Emailed to Recaps:

MarkZ Wednesday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ:  We are hearing from a paymaster that 4a got over the hump last night and 4b should process today

MZ: Still hearing CMKX packages will be starting today/tomorrow


Emailed to Recaps:

MarkZ Wednesday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ:  We are hearing from a paymaster that 4a got over the hump last night and 4b should process today

MZ: Still hearing CMKX packages will be starting today/tomorrow


MZ: In Iraq. No new value on the dinar yet.  Nothing posted in the Gazette today

MZ: Still hearing the street rate is $3.91….Our contract rates should be about $2 higher.

MZ: Al Hodges still thinks this could be our week

MZ: No news from Isaac or Zurich yet today with bond redemptions

MZ: Documents to take to your exchange appointment could be all paperwork related to your currency…receipts  if you have them…..and anything you would need to open a bank account…..passport , drivers license, copy of birth certificate…ect…..

Member:  Good morning peeps. Markets are taking it on the chin again world wide.... Dow 25,900.50 -379.41 -1.44% S&P 500 2,883.58 -42.74 -1.46% Nasdaq 7,884.10 -132.26 -1.65%

Member:  Market down over 400 points. Gold and silver climbing quickly.

MZ: This falls in line with what we are hearing


Member:  I heard Trump was starting USA onto the gold backed currencies on 15th Aug

Q: What is the difference from 4a and 4b groups?

MZ: 4A has already had background checks, turned in their currencies and have SKR’s (safe keeping receipts) ..Accounts are prepared. They have paymasters to fund accounts.

MZ: 4B are those of who still have currency in our hands and need to exchange

Member:  Frank26 is still doing a video a day reading info from his many contacts in Iraq. showing all the new ATMs from the Big 4 US banks.

Member:  Iraq going international with MasterCard. Citizens get a card with monies

MZ: I always take the time to read posts from Frank…..he has great info from Iraq and his boots on the ground.

Member:  Frank said in his opinion that the RV might be the 15 of this month

Member:  There was a big meeting in Iraq on Saturday,members from every sector the meeting it was stated that the exchanges will start between the 13th and 20th... Tony

Member:  tomorrow 15th... Nixon took U.S. off gold standard on Aug 15, 1971


MZ: I am very much looking for something tomorrow…..anything less than an announcement saying we are back on the Gold Standard would be disappointing to me.

Q: What time is Trump supposed to do an Announcement tomorrow?

Member:  Confirmed, Trump rally at SNHU Arena in Manchester NH tomorrow night, my 6th rally, leaving work at noon to drive up there

Member: Maybe he will say something about the gold standard at the rally?

Member:  once the QFS system is in place, the rats can be traced. that is why all the delay I think in the US.

Member:  Trump did say we are sitting on gold in code in Pennsylvania. Three times!

Member:  Just my opinion based on Intel! I believe RV money will

Member:  I heard something nice and big is supposedly going to happen tomorrow Aug 15th so eyes and ears open

Member:  Heard they are thinking Trump wants to wait and make this happen on the same date Nixon did the currency thing

Member:  I wonder if declass and reset happen at same time.

Member:  After tomorrow it is time for the Chinese Elders to take action. The Gazette will never publish the rates and if there are not announcements on the gold standard tomorrow then time is up!

Q: Is Trump doing all he can to help us.

MZ: Trump is the first President to want this reset…the first one not to actively stop it…...We do not know all he is up against with the deep state…threats, roadblocks……pray that he gets the job done and does what’s best for the American people. .

Member:  I believe his life is threatened so much that his hands can be tied. He does not want his Kids found dead. He will do his best to get it done. He needs more people to back him on this to make it easier. He sometime feels as though he is on his own island. Not an easy position to be an outsider. He is shaking the trees and moving currents everywhere for the public good.

Member:  Trump is aware. Trump is working for US. Trump freed America from the British Crown on June 6, 2019. #WWG1WGA


Member:  Question Mark—is enough released yet???? Intel foretold what has happened with banks collapsing and arrest of elites for s trafficking ———Question: is more needed, or has enough been dealt with and neutralized??? Many said that the GCR would begin once there was a reduction of corruption—ie draining of the swamp—Especially with the ultra powerful elite politicians and bankers/business people... Obviously that has been happening, although we don’t know the full extent of the thousands of people who will be named in affidavits once this is done

MZ: I think enough has been done to move forward…I think the deep state is very paniced.

Member: Deep state in panic is like wounded animals.....dangerous.

Q; Any news about the reset Grand Jury?

MZ: The last I heard is Jury selection is expected to be finished on Thursday and they will start hearing people early next week.

RE: Questions about Intel4u site:

SweetQueen:  I have not forgotten about anyone, between health challenges, death of my father and financial issue I had to close the site down….Please do not worry all whom signed up for Generals64 group will receive email from the bank. Thanks to Mark for all he does.


Member:  2yr bond and 10yr bond inverting. Every time this has happened in the last 50yrs a recession follows. The last time it inverted was in 2007...just before the crash

Member:  John Solomon on Hannity last night said we would hear from Inspector General Michael Horowitz toward the end of the week & Hannity said Thurs. Aug. 15th!

Able Danger


 IF THE INTERNET GOES DOWN MARKZ NEW NUMBER Emergency number (712) 770-5028 Code:648989 Playback number (712) 770-5066



Note: Please listen to replay for all the news…….there are thousands on chat posting and Mark speaks very fast



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