Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-14-19

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-14-19

Transcribed By WiserNow  Emailed To Recaps

Well Guys, It’s that time again,  let’s talk about where we are and where we’re going  - I can tell you I feel really good ,  I got some really great information  this afternoon  - when  it was pretty quiet yesterday we heard, well we want it done by midnight tonight (thurs 11-14)   and in a very real sense we may have already started --  we haven’t seen the numbers yet  but the latest thing I have is pointing toward   to a mid to late morning tomorrow  (Fri 11-15) for that

Now, you know we can’t call it  and we’re not going to do that but I am very positive about what I received today and the sources that I got it from  are very very strong - so we feel good about this

Now the other thing is globally the funds that have been on hold have been released and are circulating now  - We heard tiers 1, 2, and 3 have moved forward with liquidity  and access to funds and in some cases SKRs have been made liquid where they may have not received all of the funds yet but maybe they’ve gotten up to 60%  of what they have coming to them and the rest will be coming in a few days

We do believe we are to get started so the Zim platforms can achieve their value and be used and that is something that is coming in a day or day and a half behind us getting started  so that’s positive

And I just think we are finally at the point where all the currencies have been migrated -from the back screen and front screens – rates are solid and yes we do get updated rates at sometimes 2:00 and 2:30 in the morning and that is a very good possibility getting that again tomorrow

Same thing early morning which is just a few hours from now, so  I think we are finally  at the precipice where we are ready to make that leap – so let’s all take a leap of faith and believe that this blessing is here  - that we have it and it manifests for us so we can get started  - like Sue said -  helping make changes around the globe – helping people  and changing lives  and improving our world

This is all what we have been chosen to do - that’s why we’ve been given this opportunity  - we know it’s not just for us – it’s way too big for just that --  and what Sue said also about you know many of us have a ministry we want to work with  - maybe the local church wants to do things – maybe it’s bigger than that –

I’m going to tell you to let the prayer of Jabez to take and extend your  tent pegs (territory) further out – in other words think bigger than the local church  - the church is a good place to start – but --- think of what you are doing there and expand it  -- think bigger

How can you take what you are doing there and do in in a larger way?  Regionally – maybe nationally ?  you know? Maybe international?   

Certainly that is what we’re going to do with rebuild America – yah we start here but we are not going to ignore the Caribbean – Bahamas - Central America -  other areas where we can do  the kind of things we are going to do here – we can expand it and give other countries the same opportunity for growth and,, we’ll just get it done here first  - we can start here first  - and there will be a lot of places we can work with

There are a lot of projects we can do – there are some I have not even mentioned on the Big Call  that are going to tie in – like putting food domes out there and growing food in conditions that would allow us to use it without polluting the food like we have now --  setting up health clinics – healing centers is what they will be -  and that is a different way to look at going to a doctor – it will be more about how you can be healed not how can you treat your symptoms -  Bob has been very good about bringing up ways we can prevent illnesses

So, I want to say guys that we are pretty much from what I can tell and from what I’m hearing and what I am expecting at the end of this incredible journey – So let’s take that and run with it and be in prayer tonight  that this thing ends

Thank you everyone for listening all around the globe - thank you for tuning in -- thank  you for whoever is doing the transcribing for us – we appreciate that very much  - we look forward to a new life together -  Stay tuned – we will be sending out the toll free numbers and we will have the number on the front page of our website

 Everybody we had a great night tonight and let’s see what manifests in the next day or two – alright, God Bless you all – Bruce The Big Call

The Big Call Thursday Night November 14  Replay LINK  -- Intel Begins at 57 min mark

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The Invention of Money


More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Night 11-15-19