Bruce’s Big Call Intel 10-24-19
Bruce’s Big Call Intel 10-24-19
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Okay, Alright, Lets Talk about another treat – which is our intel for tonight – or some people call it information - that’s probably more accurate in some ways - so lets see where we’re going to start with on that –
I like to tend to start with the latest information first – then go backwards a little bit and fill in for the last couple of days -- we did have a call on Tuesday night and you get information from that point on
Let’s reconstruct this a little bit - the information we were getting yesterday and even as last as last night was pointing to the release of everything – alright, let’s say it this way
No 1 last night, yesterday and last night they were sending out tranches of large funds – alright we all know what a million is – a billion - a million billion – a billion billion – a trillion - a quadrillion - now you’re at 15 zeros - on a quad – 15 zeros behind a 1 -
1 quadrillion is followed by 15 zeros – and you go from quad you go to quintillion - that would be 18 zeros -- then you’d go to a sextillion – which is 21 zeros -- well that’s a lot of (geeters?) right there –
So you had 4 sextillion dollars flowing into the banking system to take care of the tier 4 – Now we no longer break down tier 4A and 4B -- this is for both 4A and 4B – lets just call it tier 4 – that’s us
Now the last tranche because each one of these was 1 sextillion tranche - so they did 4 of those yesterday and the last one came in at 11:30 PM last night – So guess what? The funding is in place - The money is there - waiting for us – waiting for tier 4 –
Speaking about the groups that are out west - the paymasters have liquidity - the paymasters were to receive their instructions yesterday and last night on the dispersements - ? of those funds to the participants -so they had that ready to go -- and ---- we were supposed to receive our notifications before lunchtime today – So what happened? What happened????
Well, here’s what happened - Treasury stopped it from going this morning because there was a change in the number of currencies that were going to be put out in the first offering or the first basket
What they did was reduce the number from a larger number to a smaller number so way more than just the currencies that we purchase to invest in, okay
So it’s a good number but it was seriously reduced and there’s a reason for it – I wont go into all the reasons why but I’ll tell you that ultimately the plan is to not have but one release not a second or third or fourth basket - those days are gone --
The reason is because they don’t want those of us that are a part of this first offering to double up and purchase additional currency that we know are going in the second or third or fourth basket – So they are taking that opportunity away from us – And it’s fine with us because we don’t need it
Ok, so, this change that was made, that was decided on this morning took it out of happening as far as we know today – I’m not getting anything – unless I get something later after the call tonight that I don’t know about – this is something that uhh – that’s how close we are -- that’s how close we are –
These last minute decisions - and this was a big one – the latest – not getting the notification this morning as indicated
Now, what does that say for our future? Tomorrow is Friday its hard to say -- I know that redemption centers staff are going in early tomorrow -- I know that security is being upgraded - to more security starting tomorrow – for the redemption centers -- I believe that it is conceivable that we would get started hopefully not pushed off until Monday -- or even Saturday But, we can’t say for sure
But we do know that certain people have been cut off from communication to other people – because of the proximity of this because of the sensitivity of the timeline of what is going on even now
So it’s all good and I’ll tell you this much we’re not to talk about rates so I won’t but I will say that our sources that are close to the forex are saying that the value of certain currencies we have are continually going up
I think that what they’re going to do is I believe they have actually taken the rate that was there yesterday morning like 2 or 2:30 in the morning and they are going to use the rates that were on the screen at that time – and those may be locked in for us to start – those may be the rates that could show up on the back screens even as early as tomorrow we don’t know
But we do know that things are happening now like I mentioned that are major - security appears to be completely set at level 5 everywhere – all cities are a go -- we had the green light - it was turned off – maybe that’s just a temporary thing –
We know that Iraq has way passed their 72 hr window – I believe it’s just a matter of timing dfor everything to get released to us and hopefully that is soon rather than later
Lets talk about Nov 1 - it’s going to be a big day - A day major announcements are to be made - about Nesara and Gesara - They should be made from way out west - by Steven Mnuchin - and possibly a few other international finance ministers from different countries
And I believe they are going to talk about not only us returning to the Gold Standard but also they will talk about the fact that the world has gone to a Gpld Standard - with the GCR , The Global Currency Reset –
Now, like I said this is going to be the only offering , as the banks have called it or basket of currencies we called it that there will be -- so we are going to have a much better level playing field as the rest of these currencies are adjusted accordingly --
It would not surprise me to see many of these currencies on par with the US Dollar okay, and I believe as a result of the adjustment taking place and that is not necessarily happening but it could happen as late as Nov 1 we could get that change -- for the balance of the other currencies – but the currencies we are talking about going with what we have – we could see that very shortly as I mentioned
So this has been the opportunity to take advantage this is going to be our shot at this as we thought without a second third or fourth basket coming in – they just don’t want to go through all of that again - because the weighting of it the w-e-i-g-h-t-i-n-g of the purchasing of those additional currencies would be excessive for those who have taken advantage of the first offering –
It would upset the apple cart – upset the balance of funds all over the globe because of that so it’s ok we don’t need it we’re good and this will be fantastic for us and the rest of the world
We’re going to see , my understanding is about a 7 ½ hr training if you will on the first of Nov giving us a basis and background of what to expect from Gesara and Nesara here in the US - and it could include – well I know some of the things it might include but we’ve talked about a reduction in the IRS - a reduction in the FED - and how those would be rolled into the US Treasury - we do expect that
There could be an additional change in our tax system – you know we talked about that before – going to a so called -its not really called a value added tax but it’s a consumption tax very similar to a VAP but it’s a consumption tax and that could happen and could get announced then and we could basically do away with a personal income tax -- that’s what has been talked about - that’s what is a part of what’s in Nesara
So let’s see when that gets announced – possibly the first of Nov
Its going to be a really interesting change of everything - technology - health - there’s going to be some major changes with this -- with the financial changes taking place – all right before your eyes
So, that is really everything I wanted to bring out to you guys to let you know just where we’ve been in the last few days and where we think we are in the next few days
I just want everybody to continue to have the faith to believe for this because it is coming -
Guys, I just think that if we were any closer right now – we could taste it – that’s how close this is – and I want to thank you for listening -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link – Intel begins at 1:08 min