Awake-In-3D, Humor Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Humor Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D - GCR Comics Vault

GCR Comics Vault

“Nonsense wakes up the brain cells. And it helps develop a sense of humor, which is awfully important in this day and age. Humor has a tremendous place in this sordid world. It’s more than just a matter of laughing. If you can see things out of whack, then you can see how things can be in whack.”

Dr. Seuss

Between 2012 and 2015, the GCR scene was wildly prolific. It was akin to the Wild West of an evolving GCR landscape. I was writing prolifically on Dinar Land chat sites, always asking the “inconvenient questions” which often times got me outright banned from nearly every public chat room there was.

GCR Comics Vault

“Nonsense wakes up the brain cells. And it helps develop a sense of humor, which is awfully important in this day and age. Humor has a tremendous place in this sordid world. It’s more than just a matter of laughing. If you can see things out of whack, then you can see how things can be in whack.”

Dr. Seuss

Between 2012 and 2015, the GCR scene was wildly prolific. It was akin to the Wild West of an evolving GCR landscape. I was writing prolifically on Dinar Land chat sites, always asking the “inconvenient questions” which often times got me outright banned from nearly every public chat room there was.

We were being constantly told by the Intel Gurus of the day that the GCR was happening and even completed on a daily basis. Yet there was always a reason that we couldn’t exchange our IQD or VND. It was simultaneously stressful and frustrating.

These were the days when it was all about the IQD, VND, Iranian Rial and the Indonesian Rupiah. But then, the Zimbabwe Dollar hit the scene sparking an entirely new sphere in the RV/GCR landscape. Until that point, most of us couldn’t imagine that a currency denominated in amounts up to 100 Trillion could even exist Not to mention that these ZIM were Bonds, not currency notes.

Through all of the frustration and confusion, I began creating a series of GCR Comics to break the tension of the times with parody and humor. Some of you new to the GCR world may not recognize some of the faces and names mentioned in these comics, but the messages and memes conveyed are still relevant today.

I’ll place contextual captions under each comic where possible. New comics will be added periodically.

2013: I adopted the online “Bad Robot” avatar and the user name Awake-I’m-3D. The logo was eventually noticed by Hollywood legal folks and I had to abandon the Red Robot graphic in 2016.

2013: [Meme from the Bruce Willis movie “The Sixth Sense”] The constant reports of liquid funds moving from GCR Collateral Accounts to Paymasters worldwide.

2014: Awaiting the Dragon Family Elders to release GCR funding liquidity. Dave Schmidt was a prominent Dinar Land personality at the time discussing the Dragon Families and their connection to the GCR.

2015: Iraqi Prime Minister Abadi trying to get IMF Chairman Christine Lagarde’s attention for a multi-billion loan. Dinar Land “Intel” stated that once Iraq secured this IMF loan, the RV would be triggered. We were also being told that the IMF was bankrupt and closed down.

2017: [Meme on the Keanu Reeves movie “Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure”] Disclosure of NESARA and the GCR kept missing “back wall” dates. I figured the one’s tasked with Disclosure had signed NDAs and couldn’t disclose the Disclosure.

2015: Scarface Tony Montana wants to get rid of his Fiat Dollars after he learns about the GCR

2015: Tony Montana goes all in on ZIM 100T Bond notes. Growing tired of waiting for the GCR to happen, he confronts a banker to redeem his ZIM.

2015: After redeeming his ZIM, Tony learns he only got the Public Tier 5 rate of instead of the Private Tier 4 rate.

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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: The End of Global Fiat Currencies: China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the BRICS Alliance Sets the Stage for Our GCR


The End of Global Fiat Currencies: China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the BRICS Alliance Sets the Stage for Our GCR

On June 16, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

The rapid advancement of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the BRICS Alliance’s plans to create a new gold-backed currency sets the stage for Our Global Currency Reset, bringing an end to the reign of global fiat currencies when the current financial system collapses.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the West is threatened by the success of the BRI and is responding with a proxy war against Russia and a rival infrastructure investment partnership. China and the BRICS Alliance are committed to cooperation, sustainable security, and a new global financial system that is fair, equitable, and gold-backed. In this article, I outline how this new era of global economic power dynamics will unfold and what it means for the future of the world economy.


The End of Global Fiat Currencies: China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the BRICS Alliance Sets the Stage for Our GCR

On June 16, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

The rapid advancement of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the BRICS Alliance’s plans to create a new gold-backed currency sets the stage for Our Global Currency Reset, bringing an end to the reign of global fiat currencies when the current financial system collapses.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the West is threatened by the success of the BRI and is responding with a proxy war against Russia and a rival infrastructure investment partnership. China and the BRICS Alliance are committed to cooperation, sustainable security, and a new global financial system that is fair, equitable, and gold-backed. In this article, I outline how this new era of global economic power dynamics will unfold and what it means for the future of the world economy.

The BRI and EAEU Integration

China’s President Xi Jinping and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin have fully integrated their strategy at the level of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) interaction. They aim to boost connectivity with Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran and prevent foreign interference and color revolution attempts that could disturb BRI. Putin emphasized working with China to “link the integration processes” of EAEU and BRI, thus “implementing the large-scale idea of building a large-scale Eurasian partnership.”

The G7’s Response

The West, on the other hand, is using the new Western mantra of “de-risking” to contain China. They have committed to raising $600 billion for a Global Infrastructure Investment Partnership to rival BRI. However, no serious Global South player thinks they are being “coerced” to join BRI. In fact, the G7’s efforts have been deemed a thinly disguised exercise about “containing” China.

China’s New Security Initiative

At the recent Shangri-La dialogue platform in Singapore, State Councilor and Defense Minister General Li Shangfu explained China’s “New Security Initiative”. He stressed the concept of “common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security” and dismissed the “so-called ‘Indo-Pacific strategy’” as a tawdry Hegemon rant. Li made it clear that Taiwan is China’s Taiwan, and how to solve the Taiwan question is the Chinese people’s business.

China vs. The West

As China’s BRI gains momentum and its alternative development model gains popularity in the Global South, the West is becoming increasingly threatened. The US/NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is seen as a move to interrupt BRI’s progress and halt its potential success. Meanwhile, China is committed to working with all parties to strengthen the awareness of an “Asia-Pacific community with a shared future,” emphasizing the importance of cooperation and sustainable security.

What it all Means

As China’s Belt and Road Initiative gains momentum and its alternative development model gains popularity in the Global South, it is also coupled with the BRICS Alliance growth and plans to create a new gold-backed currency.

This is the blueprint and sets the stage for Our Global Currency Reset, bringing an end to the reign of global fiat currencies when the current financial system collapses.

 While the West is threatened by the BRI’s success and is responding with a proxy war against Russia and a rival infrastructure investment partnership, China and the BRICS Alliance are committed to cooperation, sustainable security, and a new global financial system that is fair, equitable, and gold-backed. It remains to be seen which model will prevail, but the stage is set for a new era of global economic power dynamics.

GCR Real-Time News

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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D The Rise of New Geopolitical Alliances Uniting to Replace Fiat Currencies and Resetting the Global Financial Order


The Rise of New Geopolitical Alliances Uniting to Replace Fiat Currencies and Resetting the Global Financial Order

On  June 15, 2023  By  Awake-In-3D

Setting the stage for Our GCR, a seismic shift is underway in the global financial arena as new geopolitical alliances challenge the dominance of the US Dollar-based monetary system. With China’s expansion in Riyadh and Egypt’s pursuit of BRICS membership, a paradigm shift is on the horizon. Brace yourself for a provocative exploration of how these alliances aim to reset the global financial order, offering an alternative to the US Dollar and reshaping the balance of power in the world economy. The winds of change are blowing, and the implications are profound.

Now is a good time to summarize what’s been happening so far ahead of the upcoming 2023 Annual BRICS Summit in August.


The Rise of New Geopolitical Alliances Uniting to Replace Fiat Currencies and Resetting the Global Financial Order

On  June 15, 2023  By  Awake-In-3D

Setting the stage for Our GCR, a seismic shift is underway in the global financial arena as new geopolitical alliances challenge the dominance of the US Dollar-based monetary system. With China’s expansion in Riyadh and Egypt’s pursuit of BRICS membership, a paradigm shift is on the horizon. Brace yourself for a provocative exploration of how these alliances aim to reset the global financial order, offering an alternative to the US Dollar and reshaping the balance of power in the world economy. The winds of change are blowing, and the implications are profound.

Now is a good time to summarize what’s been happening so far ahead of the upcoming 2023 Annual BRICS Summit in August.

Key Facts

  • The Middle East’s sovereign funds are projected to reach $10 trillion by 2030.

  • China anticipates receiving between $1 trillion and $2 trillion in investment inflows from the Middle East.

  • Egypt joined the BRICS New Development Bank, which could help the country address its economic crisis – shunning the IMF.

  • More than a dozen new countries have expressed interest in joining BRICS over the past few months alone.

  • BRICS foreign ministers expressed willingness to admit new members, including Saudi Arabia.

  • The Bank of China is set to open its first branch in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia by November 2023.

  • The Bank of China aims to introduce the Chinese yuan to the world and promote its use in commercial transactions.

  • Egypt has officially applied to join the five-member BRICS bloc of emerging economies.

  • Egypt is interested in BRICS’ initiative to maximize trade transfers to alternative currencies and potentially create a joint currency.

  • Egypt is planning to pay for imports from India, China, and Russia in their local currencies instead of the US dollar.

  • Strategically-improtant Middle-eastern nations including Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Algeria, Egypt, Bahrain, and Iran have all formally asked to join BRICS.

  • The Hong Kong Stock Exchanges and Clearing Ltd predicts that more than 10 to 20 percent of the Middle East’s sovereign funds will be invested in China.

In a rapidly changing world, new geopolitical alliances are forming as a transformative response to the existing global financial order dominated by the US Dollar-based fiat currency system. These alliances are driven by the goal of offering an alternative, asset-backed monetary system that challenges the hegemony of the US Dollar and resets the global financial and currency system. This article delves into the motivations behind these alliances and explores how they seek to reshape the global financial landscape, offering a more diversified and multipolar approach to global governance.

The Bank of China Expands in Riyadh: An Alternative to the US Dollar

The Bank of China’s decision to open its first branch in Riyadh represents a significant step towards establishing an alternative to the US Dollar-dominated monetary system. By introducing the Chinese yuan as a global currency and promoting its use in commercial transactions, China aims to challenge the US Dollar’s role as the primary global reserve currency. This move encourages other countries to consider diversifying their currency holdings and reduces their dependence on the US Dollar. As China strengthens its economic ties with the Arab world, this alliance poses a substantial challenge to the existing financial order.

Egypt’s Pursuit of BRICS Membership: A Shift in Trade Mechanisms

Egypt’s official application to join BRICS signifies its intention to be part of an alliance that seeks to reset the global financial and currency system. BRICS countries, including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are actively engaged in maximizing trade transfers to alternative currencies and exploring the creation of a joint currency. Egypt’s interest in joining BRICS reflects its desire to reduce its reliance on the US Dollar and seek alternative trade mechanisms that promote financial independence and stability. By diversifying payment mechanisms and forging closer economic ties with BRICS nations, Egypt aims to recalibrate international trade and contribute to reshaping the global financial landscape.

BRICS: Catalyst for a Paradigm Shift in Global Finance

BRICS, with its vision of a more inclusive multilateralism, aims to reset the global financial landscape by challenging the dominance of Western-dominated institutions. The bloc, through its willingness to admit new members, including Saudi Arabia, seeks to rebalance the global order and provide a platform for nations to assert their economic sovereignty. By fostering partnerships and collaboration among member countries, BRICS offers an alternative framework for global governance that accommodates diverse interests and perspectives. The potential expansion of BRICS membership and the interest from nations worldwide signals a paradigm shift in the global financial and currency system.

Economic Implications: Redefining Investment Patterns and Currency Usage

As new alliances emerge, the economic implications reverberate throughout the global financial system. China stands to benefit from the Middle East’s sovereign funds, which are projected to reach $10 trillion by 2030. The redirection of a significant portion of these funds towards investments in China provides an alternative investment avenue and diversifies away from traditional Western markets. Furthermore, Egypt’s plans to trade in local currencies with countries like India, Russia, and China present an opportunity to reduce dependency on the US Dollar and establish a more diversified and robust trade ecosystem. These shifts in investment patterns and currency usage reset the balance of economic power and contribute to the ongoing transformation of the global financial landscape.


The formation of new geopolitical alliances and the pursuit of alternative monetary systems mark a significant shift in the global financial and currency system. By challenging the US Dollar-dominated fiat currency system, these alliances aim to reset the global financial landscape and promote a more diversified and multipolar approach to global governance. The Bank of China’s expansion in Riyadh, Egypt’s pursuit of BRICS membership, and the growing interest from nations worldwide reflect a desire for financial autonomy and the need to redefine trade mechanisms.

 As these alliances gain momentum and control over essential resources, such as energy and rare earth minerals, they contribute to reshaping the geopolitical dynamics and offer an alternative to the US Dollar-based monetary system. The global financial order is undergoing a transformation, and the rise of these new alliances signifies a resetting of the global financial and currency system towards a more balanced and interconnected future.

Source: GCR Real-Time News

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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: GCR Update: Iraq’s Budget – A Recipe for Disaster


GCR Update: Iraq’s Budget – A Recipe for Disaster

On June 14, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

Is this a GCR signpost? Seriously? IRAQ IS NOT READY TO FLOAT HER CURRENCY. Hence, any rumors of such an IQD RV, without GCR gold and infrastructure, are simply wishful thinking. Our GCR is critical to Iraq’s RV.

Iraq’s Parliament recently approved a 2023 budget of 198.9 trillion Iraqi dinars ($153 billion), allocating record funds for public wage bills and development projects. However, the budget deficit is estimated at a record 64.36 trillion Iraqi dinars, and Iraq’s increasing dependence on oil revenue is a risk to its economic independence.

Here’s my analysis in detail…


GCR Update: Iraq’s Budget – A Recipe for Disaster

On June 14, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

Is this a GCR signpost? Seriously? IRAQ IS NOT READY TO FLOAT HER CURRENCY. Hence, any rumors of such an IQD RV, without GCR gold and infrastructure, are simply wishful thinking. Our GCR is critical to Iraq’s RV.

Iraq’s Parliament recently approved a 2023 budget of 198.9 trillion Iraqi dinars ($153 billion), allocating record funds for public wage bills and development projects. However, the budget deficit is estimated at a record 64.36 trillion Iraqi dinars, and Iraq’s increasing dependence on oil revenue is a risk to its economic independence.

Here’s my analysis in detail…

IMF warns of mounting deficits and financial pressure

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) warns that the increasing public wage bill would contribute to mounting deficits and financial pressure, barring a big increase in oil prices. To break even, Iraq requires an oil price of $96 bpd, while the price averaged $71.30 bpd in May. The IMF recommends that Iraq implement a significantly tighter fiscal policy to strengthen resilience and reduce the government’s dependence on oil revenues while safeguarding critical social spending needs.

Iraq ignores recommendations to tighten fiscal policy

Despite the IMF’s recommendations, Iraq’s budget adds more than half a million new public sector workers, including contractors, daily employees, and full-time staff. This hiring flies in the face of the recommendations of many observers who say Iraq should tighten fiscal policy. Mohammed Nouri, a member of the Parliament’s finance committee, revealed that more than a million new workers were added, raising the total cost of public wages and pensions to more than $58 billion. Ahmed Tabaqchali, a visiting fellow at the London School of Economics Middle East Center, put the figure of new employees at about 600,000.

Budgets frequently delayed due to instability and political disputes

Iraq’s budgets are supposed to be adopted before the beginning of the year they cover but are frequently delayed or not passed at all due to instability and political disputes. This instability, coupled with Iraq’s increasing dependence on oil revenues, is a recipe for disaster. The country has one of the fastest-growing populations in the world, projected to double from 43 million to about 80 million by 2050. Most of the economy is state-led, with high unemployment and frequent protests over various discontent.

Iraq’s reliance on oil revenue is a risk to its economic independence

Iraq’s increasing dependence on oil revenue is a risk to its economic independence. The budget is based on an oil price of $70 per barrel and projections of oil exports at 3.5 million barrels per day, including 400,000 bpd from the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region. The budget sets the exchange rate for oil revenues in U.S. dollars at 1,300 Iraqi dinars per dollar. It will remain valid through 2025, though it is subject to amendment, including to the oil price it uses given its near-total dependence on oil revenue.

Iraq’s decision to add more public sector workers, coupled with its increasing dependence on oil revenue, is a recipe for disaster. The more the country increases its spending, the more vulnerable it becomes. The budget’s projections of oil exports at 3.5 million barrels per day, including 400,000 bpd from the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, are not sustainable given Iraq’s near-total dependence on oil revenue.

Kurdistan issue addressed in the budget

The budget takes steps to address long-standing issues between Iraq and the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, with its oil revenues set to be deposited in an account overseen by the Iraqi central bank.

This move comes after Kurdistan unilaterally exported crude via Türkiye despite Baghdad’s objections. However, the flows have not resumed, and the country is still dependent on oil revenue. Under an agreement signed between Baghdad and Irbil in April, Iraq’s state-run marketing company SOMO will have the authority to market and export crude oil produced from fields controlled by the Kurdish region.

How Could this affect the Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate Without a GCR?

This hesitancy could lead to a decrease in the demand for the Iraqi dinar, which would result in its value decreasing relative to other currencies. Additionally, if the IMF’s warnings about mounting deficits and financial pressure come to fruition, this could also lead to a decrease in the value of the dinar. Therefore, it is important for Iraq to take steps to address its financial situation and reduce its dependence on oil revenues to maintain the value of its currency on the world exchange rates.


IRAQ IS NOT READY TO FLOAT HER CURRENCY. Hence, any rumors of such an RV without GCR gold and infrastructure are simply wishful thinking.

Iraq must take steps to address its financial situation and reduce its dependence on oil revenues. A significantly tighter fiscal policy is needed to strengthen resilience and reduce the government’s dependence on oil revenues while safeguarding critical social spending needs.

The country’s decision to add more public sector workers, coupled with its increasing dependence on oil revenue, is a recipe for disaster. The IMF has warned that Iraq’s increasing public wage bill would contribute to mounting deficits and financial pressure, barring a big increase in oil prices. Iraq’s budgets are frequently delayed or not passed at all due to instability and political disputes, and the country has one of the fastest-growing populations in the world. Iraq’s reliance on oil revenue is a risk to its economic independence, and it remains to be seen whether the country will take steps to address the situation.

The increasing dependence of Iraq’s economy on oil revenue, coupled with the country’s decision to add more public sector workers, could negatively impact the value of the Iraqi dinar on the world exchange rates. Investors may become hesitant to invest in a country with a growing budget deficit that is heavily reliant on a single commodity.

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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D Asian Clearing Union agrees to use Iran’s financial messaging system as SWIFT alternative


Asian Clearing Union agrees to use Iran’s financial messaging system as SWIFT alternative

On June 14, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

The Asian Clearing Union (ACU) has announced that it will replace SWIFT, a dollar-based international system, with Iran’s financial messaging system, SEPAM, as an alternative in trade exchanges between ACU members starting next month.

The move is part of a broader de-dollarization trend that is being driven by growing rebellion against US dollar dominance and the US government’s use of economic warfare to punish countries that resist its agenda.


Asian Clearing Union agrees to use Iran’s financial messaging system as SWIFT alternative

On June 14, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

The Asian Clearing Union (ACU) has announced that it will replace SWIFT, a dollar-based international system, with Iran’s financial messaging system, SEPAM, as an alternative in trade exchanges between ACU members starting next month.

The move is part of a broader de-dollarization trend that is being driven by growing rebellion against US dollar dominance and the US government’s use of economic warfare to punish countries that resist its agenda.

The adoption of Iran’s SEPAM by the ACU will be an interim measure as the ACU plans to develop its own messaging system over the next few months. The ACU comprises the central banks of India, Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan. Belarus and Mauritius applied for ACU membership at the May summit meeting.

Russia and Belarus have been excluded from SWIFT, and they have established their own alternative connection by linking Iran’s SEPAM with the Financial Messaging System of the Bank Of Russia. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak has said that approximately 80% of their mutual settlements are in national currencies: rials and rubles.

The trend of de-dollarization is the inevitable outcome of the US government’s use of economic warfare to punish countries that resist its agenda. The quantity of US sanctions has increased by 933% between 2000 and 2021. Countries are compelled to look for non-dollar trade alternatives to avoid being targeted over some future controversy with Washington.

ACU’s move follows a growing assortment of other de-dollarization initiatives around the world. China and France’s Total trade liquid national gas in yuan, Russia and China use the ruble or yuan for more than 70% of their trade, India and Russia trade oil in rupees, Banco BBM from Brazil has joined China’s SWIFT alternative, and 19 countries are applying to join BRICS.

As the world-changing transition towards de-dollarization continues, the global western financial system hegemony is bleeding from within. In this environment, it is no wonder that the Russia-China strategic partnership exhibits no intention of interrupting the “enemy” when he is so busy defeating themselves.

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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D :Understanding SOFR: The New Benchmark for Global Credit Markets

Understanding SOFR: The New Benchmark for Global Credit Markets

On June 13, 2023 By  Awake-In-3D

Is the transition to the SOFR interest rate benchmark going to push the proverbial button on the RV/GCR? It seems that nearly every event in the financial economy these days is labeled as a “the trigger” for Our GCR. This is simply not the case. My regular readers know my position on Our GCR release being the collapse of the current Fiat Currency System. Consequently, I view volatile economic and financial events as falling dominoes in the inevitable fiat debt system implosion. As the financial industry rushes to meet the June 30th (2023) transition deadline from LIBOR to SOFR-based interest rates, it may further increase default risks for banks but it is not a GCR trigger event.

So let’s become factually familiar with SOFR and what may lie ahead for the current financial system landscape.

Understanding SOFR: The New Benchmark for Global Credit Markets

On June 13, 2023 By  Awake-In-3D

Is the transition to the SOFR interest rate benchmark going to push the proverbial button on the RV/GCR? It seems that nearly every event in the financial economy these days is labeled as a “the trigger” for Our GCR. This is simply not the case. My regular readers know my position on Our GCR release being the collapse of the current Fiat Currency System. Consequently, I view volatile economic and financial events as falling dominoes in the inevitable fiat debt system implosion. As the financial industry rushes to meet the June 30th (2023) transition deadline from LIBOR to SOFR-based interest rates, it may further increase default risks for banks but it is not a GCR trigger event.

So let’s become factually familiar with SOFR and what may lie ahead for the current financial system landscape.


The global credit markets are undergoing a major shift as the industry moves away from the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), the benchmark for interest rates for decades. The replacement for LIBOR is the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), a benchmark that was introduced by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 2018.

What is SOFR?

SOFR is an interest rate benchmark that is calculated based on transactions in the U.S. Treasury repurchase market. The rate is derived from the cost of borrowing cash overnight, collateralized by U.S. Treasury securities. It is a risk-free rate that reflects the cost of overnight borrowing in the U.S. Treasury market. SOFR is calculated and published daily by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and it is intended to replace LIBOR as the primary benchmark for short-term interest rates.

Why is SOFR Important?

LIBOR has been the primary benchmark for interest rates for decades, but the rate has been plagued with issues. The benchmark has been subject to manipulation, and the market that underpins it has dwindled, making it increasingly difficult to calculate. In addition, the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) in the United States has raised concerns about the potential systemic risk posed by LIBOR’s discontinuation. These concerns prompted the industry to explore alternative benchmarks, and SOFR emerged as the leading candidate.

SOFR is a more reliable and transparent benchmark than LIBOR. It is based on actual transactions in the U.S. Treasury repo market, which is a much larger and more liquid market than the interbank market that underpins LIBOR. SOFR is also less susceptible to manipulation since it is based on observable market prices rather than estimates submitted by banks. As a result, SOFR is expected to be a more accurate reflection of the underlying cost of borrowing.

The Impact of SOFR on the Global Credit Markets

The transition from LIBOR to SOFR is expected to have a significant impact on the global credit markets. The shift will affect a wide range of financial products, including bonds, loans, and derivatives. The transition is expected to be particularly challenging for legacy contracts that reference LIBOR and do not have fallback provisions. These contracts will need to be amended to include fallback language that specifies an alternative benchmark if LIBOR is discontinued.

The shift to SOFR is also expected to require changes to the infrastructure that supports the credit markets. Market participants will need to modify their systems and processes to accommodate SOFR, and new products and services will need to be developed to support the new benchmark. The industry is already working on developing new products and services that are based on SOFR, including SOFR-based futures and options and SOFR-linked bonds.

The Impact of SOFR on Borrowers and Lenders

The shift to SOFR is expected to have an impact on both borrowers and lenders. Borrowers may see changes in the pricing of their loans, as SOFR is generally expected to be lower than LIBOR. This could result in lower borrowing costs for some borrowers, particularly those with floating rate debt. However, borrowers may also face increased costs associated with amending legacy contracts to include fallback provisions.

Lenders, on the other hand, may see changes in their funding costs. Since SOFR is a risk-free rate, lenders may need to adjust their pricing to reflect the lower risk associated with SOFR-based loans. Lenders may also face increased costs associated with modifying their systems and processes to accommodate SOFR.

The Transition to SOFR

The transition from LIBOR to SOFR is a complicated process that requires significant coordination among market participants. The Alternative Reference Rates Committee (ARRC) in the United States has been leading the effort to transition to SOFR, and it has developed a set of recommended best practices for market participants to follow.

One of the key challenges of the transition is the need to amend legacy contracts that reference LIBOR. The ARRC has recommended that market participants include fallback language in these contracts that specifies an alternative benchmark when LIBOR is discontinued.

Another challenge of the transition is the need to modify the infrastructure that supports the credit markets. Market participants will need to modify their systems and processes to accommodate SOFR, and new products and services will need to be developed to support the new benchmark.

SOFR May Place Increased Stress on Already Stressed Banks

The switch from LIBOR to SOFR as the new benchmark rate has raised concerns about the potential negative impact on bank balance sheets during times of financial stress. The effective demise of the tainted London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) this month and the switch to the risk-free Secured Overnight Funding Rate (SOFR) has renewed concerns about the impact of the new measure on banks.

The transition to SOFR has been well-telegraphed for years and US banks are mostly prepared for the new rate regime. However, LIBOR’s permanent shutdown on June 30 comes on the heels of a destabilizing outflow of deposits at the nation’s mid-tier banks.

While US banks are mostly prepared for the new rate regime, the effective demise of LIBOR and recent outflow of deposits at mid-tier banks has heightened concerns about the transition. One main concern is that SOFR has no credit component and tends to fall during financial crises, which could hurt banks’ balance sheets and constrain lending to the broader economy.

This was highlighted by the New York Fed in a study released in December 2022. “Banks are going to be more exposed with SOFR lines of revolving credit because borrowers, in a crisis, will be able to borrow at a very low rate (when SOFR rates goes down),” said Darrell Duffie, professor of finance at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and a co-author of the New York Fed study. “When corporations borrow under revolving lines of credit at a low rate during a crisis, the banks will have to fund those borrowings at a time when bank funding costs are going way up,” he added.

In 2019, several regional banks sent a letter to US regulators, warning that the transition to SOFR could adversely affect loan extension. The assumption was that if SOFR falls, commercial borrowers would tend to hoard liquidity by drawing on their lines of credit. Revolving lines of credit make up the largest share of bank lending to corporations at 59%, Duffie said.

The New York Fed study concluded that the transition to SOFR may have implications for bank funding costs and balance sheets, especially in times of stress. “While SOFR is a more robust and transparent rate than LIBOR, it may be more sensitive to changes in market conditions,” the report said.

Despite these concerns, some analysts argue that the benefits of switching to SOFR outweigh the risks. SOFR is considered a more reliable benchmark rate than LIBOR, which was tainted by manipulation scandals. The switch to SOFR is also expected to reduce systemic risk in the financial system.


The transition from LIBOR to SOFR has raised concerns about the potential negative impact on bank balance sheets during times of financial stress. While SOFR is a more reliable benchmark rate than LIBOR, it has no credit component and tends to fall during financial crises, which could hurt banks’ balance sheets and constrain lending to the broader economy. However, regulators have been working closely with banks to ensure a smooth transition, and many banks have already started using SOFR in transactions. The benefits of switching to SOFR are, according to the “experts”, expected to outweigh the risks, and the switch is also expected to reduce systemic risk in the financial system … Maybe

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Awake-In-3D: ISO20022 QFS Explained: It’s a Messaging Standard – Not a Payment System


ISO20022 QFS Explained: It’s a Messaging Standard – Not a Payment System

On June 12, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

There is a lot of talk in GCR Land about ISO20022. Most notably, that this Standard is somehow synonymous with the QFS. But is it? In this article, we will explore the key features of ISO20022, its benefits, and how it is being adopted by the financial industry. We will also answer one of the most common questions about ISO20022: Is it an actual QFS payment system?

The ISO is the International Standards Organization. It is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 168 national standards bodies. Through its members, it brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges. One of the more popular standards is ISO9001.


ISO20022 QFS Explained: It’s a Messaging Standard – Not a Payment System

On June 12, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

There is a lot of talk in GCR Land about ISO20022. Most notably, that this Standard is somehow synonymous with the QFS. But is it? In this article, we will explore the key features of ISO20022, its benefits, and how it is being adopted by the financial industry. We will also answer one of the most common questions about ISO20022: Is it an actual QFS payment system?

The ISO is the International Standards Organization. It is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 168 national standards bodies. Through its members, it brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges. One of the more popular standards is ISO9001.

You have probably seen this designation on most manufacturers’ websites and it means that these companies comply with an International Standard for Quality Control in their production operations.

ISO20022 is similar in that it is a Standardized protocol in the financial industry for describing a pending payment transaction between financial institutions such as banks. It’s like the SWIFT Messaging System only it modernizes the overall structure of the transaction’s details not currently possible with SWIFT.

The global financial system is complex and interconnected, with financial institutions using a variety of payment systems and messaging formats to exchange information about transactions. ISO20022 is a messaging protocol that defines a standardized way for financial institutions to communicate about payment transactions. However, it is important to note that ISO20022 is not an actual payment system itself.

In this article, we will explore the key features of ISO20022, its benefits, and how it is being adopted by the financial industry.

The Importance of Standardization in Financial Messaging

Financial messaging is a critical component of the global financial system. Financial institutions must exchange information about transactions in a timely and accurate manner to ensure that payments are processed correctly and efficiently. However, with so many different payment systems and messaging formats in use, it can be challenging to achieve standardization and interoperability between different systems.

This is where ISO20022 comes in. ISO20022 is a messaging protocol that defines a standardized way for financial institutions to communicate about payment transactions. It provides a common language for financial messaging, making it easier for different payment systems and platforms to communicate with each other. This leads to greater efficiency, transparency, and automation in financial services.

What is ISO20022?

ISO20022 is a messaging protocol that defines a standardized way for financial institutions to exchange information about payment transactions. It specifies the format, structure, and content of the messages that are sent between different systems and platforms.

ISO20022 was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in collaboration with the financial industry. It is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing it to be used across a wide range of financial services and transaction types.

The standard includes a variety of message types that cover different types of financial transactions, such as payments, securities, and foreign exchange. Each message type includes specific fields and data elements that must be included in the message, ensuring that the information is consistent and complete.

ISO20022 is also designed to be extensible, meaning that it can be customized to meet the specific needs of different financial institutions and payment systems. This flexibility allows financial institutions to use ISO20022 messaging while still maintaining their own unique systems and processes.

The Benefits of ISO20022

ISO20022 offers a number of benefits for financial institutions and the wider financial industry. Some of the key benefits include:

Improved Efficiency: By using a common language for financial messaging, financial institutions can communicate more easily and efficiently with each other. This reduces errors and delays in payment processing, leading to faster and more reliable transactions.

Increased Transparency: ISO20022 provides a standardized way to exchange information about payment transactions, making it easier for financial institutions to track and monitor transactions. This leads to greater transparency and visibility into the payment process, reducing the risk of fraud and other types of financial crime.

Greater Automation: ISO20022 supports the use of automation and straight-through processing (STP) in financial services. This means that more of the payment process can be automated, reducing the need for manual intervention and increasing efficiency.

Improved Risk Management: By standardizing the way that financial institutions exchange information about payment transactions, ISO20022 helps to reduce the risk of errors and fraud. This leads to improved risk management and increased confidence in the financial system.

Is ISO20022 an Actual Payment System?

One of the most common misconceptions about ISO20022 is that it is an actual payment system. However, this is not the case. ISO20022 is a messaging protocol that facilitates communication between payment systems, but it is not a payment system itself.

Payment systems are the actual platforms that process and settle payments. Examples of payment systems include SWIFT, SEPA, and Fedwire. ISO20022 can be used alongside these payment systems to facilitate communication and exchange of payment information.

In fact, many payment systems are in the process of adopting the ISO20022 standard for their messaging systems. For example, SWIFT has announced plans to migrate to the ISO20022 standard for its messaging system by 2025. This will allow for greater standardization and interoperability between different payment systems, leading to a more efficient and transparent financial system.

Conclusion: The Future of Financial Messaging

ISO20022 is a critical component of the global financial system, providing a common language for financial messaging that facilitates communication between different payment systems and platforms. While it is not an actual payment system itself, ISO20022 is being adopted by the financial industry at a rapid pace, with many payment systems already implementing the standard.

The benefits of ISO20022 are clear: improved efficiency, increased transparency, greater automation, and improved risk management. As the financial industry continues to evolve and innovate, ISO20022 will play an increasingly important role in facilitating communication and standardization between different systems and platforms.

Overall, ISO20022 is the universal language of financial messaging, helping to ensure that transactions are processed accurately and efficiently, and that the global financial system remains secure and resilient in the face of change.

While ISO20022 is a far more flexible and efficient messaging system than SWIFT, the many claims in GCR Land that “ISO20022 Compliant” financial institutions are somehow connected to the QFS is an optimistic stretch of the imagination. It is certainly not a marker or predictor for timing the release of Our GCR.

Reference Links:

Ai3D GCR Real-Time News

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Awake-In-3D "Back To Basics-Our GCR Explained 6-11-2023

Back to Basics – Our GCR Explained

On June 10, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

Our GCR creates a world where global debt is wiped out, and a new monetary system is established using up to 500,000 tons of off-ledger gold as collateral.

This new system will be facilitated through massive trading platforms that utilize the gold as collateral, facilitating a global currency reset. The gold can then be used to fund global humanitarian projects that address issues such as hunger, poverty, and debt slavery, through the creation of large global trading platforms dedicated to these projects.

In this new system, esoteric currencies and arcane historical bonds can also be used as additional collateral to back the new global asset-backed currency reset, providing liquidity and making it easier to establish the new monetary system.

Back to Basics – Our GCR Explained

On June 10, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

Our GCR creates a world where global debt is wiped out, and a new monetary system is established using up to 500,000 tons of off-ledger gold as collateral.

This new system will be facilitated through massive trading platforms that utilize the gold as collateral, facilitating a global currency reset. The gold can then be used to fund global humanitarian projects that address issues such as hunger, poverty, and debt slavery, through the creation of large global trading platforms dedicated to these projects.

In this new system, esoteric currencies and arcane historical bonds can also be used as additional collateral to back the new global asset-backed currency reset, providing liquidity and making it easier to establish the new monetary system.

In this Article:

  • A financial reset is possible using up to 500,000 tons of off-ledger gold as collateral.

  • Massive trading platforms are being designed to facilitate the new system.

  • The new monetary system will wipe out global debt and fund humanitarian projects.

  • Esoteric currencies and arcane historical bonds will provide initial liquidity and increase the funding of the new system.

  • Asset owners, countries, and investors can pledge 80% of their profits to fund global development and humanitarian projects.


The current global economic system is in a state of crisis, with countries indebted to one another and the average person burdened with debt. The current system has resulted in a lack of funding for humanitarian projects, which are necessary to address issues such as hunger, poverty, and debt slavery. However, there is a plan to establish a new monetary system that will wipe out global debt and fund humanitarian projects, using up to 500,000 tons of off-ledger gold as collateral.

Massive Trading Platforms:

Massive trading platforms are being designed to facilitate the new system. These platforms will utilize the gold as collateral, allowing for the creation of a global currency reset. The gold will be used to fund global humanitarian projects that address issues such as hunger, poverty, and debt slavery. These projects will be facilitated through the creation of large global trading platforms dedicated to these projects. The gold will serve as the primary source of funding for these platforms.

New Monetary System:

The new monetary system will be established using up to 500,000 tons of off-ledger gold as collateral. The gold will be used to wipe out global debt, thus creating a fresh start for the global economy. The new system will be backed by legitimate assets, which will be registered on a global asset ledger. This ledger will ensure transparency and accountability in the new system. The new monetary system will also be designed to prevent the accumulation of debt, as it will be backed by real assets.

The Role of GCR Currencies and Historical Bonds:

Esoteric currencies and arcane historical bonds can provide the first wave and primary liquidity to fund the new system. These currencies and bonds can be evaluated and used as additional collateral to back the new global currency introduction. This will increase the liquidity of the global GCR platform funds and make it more efficient to establish the new monetary system foundation. Asset owners, countries, and investors who own esoteric currencies and bonds can privately pledge 80% of their profits towards global development and humanitarian projects. This will create a more sustainable and equitable future and address some of the world’s most pressing issues where beneficiaries of GCR asset funds become the first wave of stakeholders and leaders of global prosperity activities.

The Importance of Humanitarian Projects:

In addition to addressing issues such as hunger, poverty, and debt slavery, the gold can also be used to fund other critical humanitarian projects. These could include:

  • Alternative School Systems: The new monetary system can be used to fund alternative school systems that prioritize creativity, critical thinking, and individualized learning.

  • Non-Pharmaceutical Medical Cures: The gold can be used to fund the release of non-pharmaceutical medical cures, such as natural remedies, diet and lifestyle changes, and alternative therapies. This reduces reliance on pharmaceutical drugs creating a more sustainable and affordable healthcare systems.

  • Suppressed Energy Technologies: The gold can also be used to fund the development and deployment of suppressed energy technologies, such as free energy and zero-point energy. These technologies could revolutionize the way we produce and consume energy, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and creating a clean, prosperous future for all.

By allocating resources towards these critical areas, the new monetary system can create a more holistic and equitable future for all. These projects could be facilitated through the creation of large global trading platforms dedicated to these initiatives, ensuring that the gold is used efficiently and effectively.


The establishment of a new monetary system using up to 500,000 tons of off-ledger gold as collateral can wipe out global debt and fund humanitarian projects. Massive trading platforms will be utilized to facilitate the new system, and esoteric currencies and arcane historical bonds can provide additional liquidity.

Asset owners, countries, and investors pledge 80% of their profits towards global development and humanitarian projects. This new system addresses many of the world’s most pressing issues creating a free and prosperous future for all humanity.

Related Posts:

Unveiling the Untold GCR Secrets of Off-Ledger Gold Trading Platforms

Part 1 Project Hammer: Insider Trading Platforms Using Off-Ledger WW2 Gold

Project Hammer (Part 2) – A HISTORY LEADING TO “OUR GCR”

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Awake-In-3D: Project Hammer (Part 2) A History Leading to "Our GCR"

Project Hammer (Part 2) – A HISTORY LEADING TO “OUR GCR”

On June 4, 2023   By   Awake-In-3D

ANDREW GOUGH – Operation Golden Lily Conspiracy

Historical Background Before Project Hammer: Operation Golden Lily

In the year 1944, a significant event known as Operation Golden Lily unfolded, orchestrated by the Japanese Emperor and his military. Over the previous half-century, the Japanese had plundered twelve Asian countries, ransacking museums, banks, gold reserves, private art collections, and even sacred graves of ancient tombs. This article sheds light on the objectives of Operation Golden Lily and its repercussions, highlighting the efforts of the United States in thwarting Japan’s ambitions.

The article photo shows General MacArthur inspecting Philippines WW2 Gold.

Project Hammer (Part 2) – A HISTORY LEADING TO “OUR GCR”

On June 4, 2023   By   Awake-In-3D

ANDREW GOUGH – Operation Golden Lily Conspiracy

Historical Background Before Project Hammer: Operation Golden Lily

In the year 1944, a significant event known as Operation Golden Lily unfolded, orchestrated by the Japanese Emperor and his military. Over the previous half-century, the Japanese had plundered twelve Asian countries, ransacking museums, banks, gold reserves, private art collections, and even sacred graves of ancient tombs. This article sheds light on the objectives of Operation Golden Lily and its repercussions, highlighting the efforts of the United States in thwarting Japan’s ambitions.

The article photo shows General MacArthur inspecting Philippines WW2 Gold.

The Ambitious Strategy

The Japanese had a two-fold strategy in Operation Golden Lily. Firstly, they aimed to strip the East of its cultural identity by looting priceless treasures. Secondly, they intended to transfer these treasures back to Japan to fund their military, political, and economic dominance for the next thousand years. Their ambitious plans were ultimately disrupted when approaching allied forces, primarily the United States, began targeting Japanese cargo ships en route to or from the Philippines.

Securing the Treasures

Having gained control over the Philippines, the Japanese were in the process of transferring their war spoils from Singapore to Japan. However, with US tanks closing in at a mere 30 kilometers away, General Yamashita, the head of the Japanese occupying army in the Philippines, realized that the war was lost. To protect the stolen gold, the Japanese swiftly constructed complex tunnel systems leading to deep underground vaults. These tunnels were primarily located on Japanese military bases, with some near significant landmarks such as hospitals, schools, churches, mountains, and waterfalls.

The US Military Discovers the Gold

Despite the Japanese taking extensive precautions to safeguard the secret vaults, US military intelligence officers managed to uncover their existence. They seized billions (1945 US Dollars) in gold, platinum, precious gems, and cultural treasures from these hidden locations. Alongside Nazi war loot from Europe, the Japanese plunder was channeled by the US through Gold Certificates into an off-ledger trust known as the “Black Eagle” Trust. This discovery marked the inception of the clandestine Yotsuya Fund, financed by the Golden Lily treasure.

Enter the Keenan Fund and the M-Fund (sound familiar???)

In addition to the Yotsuya Fund, another fund named after Joseph Keenan, the chief prosecutor in the Tokyo war crimes trials, was established utilizing the Golden Lily funds. Eventually, both funds were merged into what became known as the M-Fund. By 1950, the M-Fund had grown significantly, reaching nearly 10% of Japan’s gross national product.

The Impact on Japanese Politics

The M-Fund played a crucial role in supporting pro-US leader Nobosuke Kishi in Japan. During his three-year term as prime minister from 1957 to 1960, Kishi received an annual sum of $10 million primarily sourced from the M-Fund. This financial backing enabled him to exert influence and promote the interests of the United States in Japan.

The Marcos Connection

After 1965, President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, a favored ally of Washington, sought a share of the Golden Lily wealth. To facilitate his involvement, Marcos utilized CIA aircraft, US Air Force planes, and US Navy ships to transport the bullion. The CIA’s global network of banks, such as the Nugan-Hand Bank in Australia, which had numerous retired US intelligence officials on its board, provided offshore refuge for the “black money.” The once-known Golden Lily Gold became widely recognized as the Marcos Gold.

Unveiling Global Gold Trading Platforms

As the global elite and military-industrial complex grew increasingly avaricious and power-hungry, Marcos was eventually overthrown and exiled, laying the groundwork for the emergence of global gold trading platforms. One of the notable initiatives in this realm was Project Hammer, among many others that followed suit.

Now Back to Project Hammer…

Project Hammer, a covert operation with macroeconomic objectives, played a significant role in leveraging assets stolen during World War II for private profits and funding secret projects. Through complex networks and financial strategies, banks and intelligence agencies shielded themselves from responsibility, creating a shadowy world of parallel finance.

Following the defeat of the Japanese and their failure to negotiate the retention of the Philippines, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the CIA, began recovering the bullion stolen by the Axis powers. This bullion formed the “Black Eagle” fund, which operated under the shadow of the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement. The fund’s assets were placed under the control of Severino Garcia Santa Romana, an OSS operative, who established numerous corporate entities to manage them.

Offshore Accounts and Private Gold Treaty Agreements

To handle the recovered assets, Santa Romana’s corporate entities established 176 bank accounts in 42 countries. These accounts operated under private Gold Treaty agreements, keeping the assets hidden from public view. The true extent of these accounts and their connections remained concealed for years.

Gold and Platinum Certificates

Over the years, European banks issued gold and platinum certificates based on this bullion. The certificates bore the names of prominent individuals, often heads of state, as beneficiaries. However, these individuals were not the legal beneficiaries but rather a smokescreen to obscure the true origin of the bullion. The banks holding the assets did not own them but utilized them in off-ledger activities, often to an irresponsible extent. This parallel financing scheme was based on the leveraging and monetization of the WW2 gold certificates as collateral.

Of course, the Elitists and Banksters neglected their originally promised obligation to return the stolen collateral assets to their rightful owners… until a new program began in the 1990s.

The Birth of a New Project

This is the principle historical background for what evolved into a new operation beginning in the 1990s. It is a project to re-purpose the Funds, Trusts and Gold for the benefit of Humanity – the origin of Our GCR today.

Interestingly, all of the background mechanisms and structure of the “Good Guy” Global Currency Reset were born out of programs like Project Hammer.

The delay in releasing Our GCR are many fold. Primarily, there have been far too many persons and entities fraudulently claiming to be the rightful heirs to the many Trusts, Funds and Trading Platform accounts. Many or you have been witness to this over the past 15 years in GCR Land. I can only surmise that a decision to allow the collapse of the current financial system.

For much more on Operation Golden Lily, go here:

(Note: You Can see all of Awake-In-3D’s past Articles in Dinar Recaps Category section)

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Awake-In-3D: Part 1 Project Hammer: Insider Trading Platforms Using Off-Ledger WW2 Gold


Part 1 Project Hammer: Insider Trading Platforms Using Off-Ledger WW2 Gold

On June 3, 2023  By Awake-In-3D

Our GCR Land “intel” today is littered with current speculations, built on previous speculations, built on historical legends, propagated by internet rumors. First of all, I BELIEVE in Our GCR as do all of you. However, as the years wane on, it’s difficult to hear the same GCR Intel information repeatedly. I want more.

This is why I’ve spent over a decade tracking down terabytes of information and rabbit holes searching for the truth as best I can. This type of credible information provides a satisfying and deep sense of reality around Our GCR.

Project Hammer, a highly secretive banking practice that operated from 1988 to 1992. Unveiling a web of illicitly repatriated gold stolen during World War II, this article delves into how banks and individuals profited from using this ill-gotten gold to establish shadow trading programs. These programs generated immense profits, which were then funneled into private trading accounts and covert projects.


Part 1 Project Hammer: Insider Trading Platforms Using Off-Ledger WW2 Gold

On June 3, 2023  By Awake-In-3D

Our GCR Land “intel” today is littered with current speculations, built on previous speculations, built on historical legends, propagated by internet rumors. First of all, I BELIEVE in Our GCR as do all of you. However, as the years wane on, it’s difficult to hear the same GCR Intel information repeatedly. I want more.

This is why I’ve spent over a decade tracking down terabytes of information and rabbit holes searching for the truth as best I can. This type of credible information provides a satisfying and deep sense of reality around Our GCR.

Project Hammer, a highly secretive banking practice that operated from 1988 to 1992. Unveiling a web of illicitly repatriated gold stolen during World War II, this article delves into how banks and individuals profited from using this ill-gotten gold to establish shadow trading programs. These programs generated immense profits, which were then funneled into private trading accounts and covert projects.

In the images shown below, you will see phrases like “Tranches with Rolls” related to accounts with staggering amounts of cash balances. Secret numbered Trading accounts/platforms with cryptic code names linked to Trusts and Foundations. These are phrases commonly used in GCR asset agreements today.

The bank names are familiar (although some have been merged and names changed since the late 1980’s). The banking locations are the same as with today’s hubs of GCR activity such as Zurich, Singapore, London and Miami. Interesting parallel and likely not a coincidence.

The WW2 gold, estimated to be well over 100,000 metric tons, was later discovered primarily in the Philippians, but also Cambodia, Indonesia and Laos. The gold was then hoarded primarily by President Ferdinand Marcos who was eventually forced to sell portions of the gold to international Banksters and corrupt financiers in the early 1980’s. But this is a story for another time.

Source Material

The information that follows is based on my extensive research into the lost gold of WW2 which led me to the incredibly detailed and exhaustively mind-numbing body of work from Mr. David Guyatt in the UK.

So I am giving credit where credit is due.

David Guyatt is a former investment banker with a career spanning twenty-eight years in the City of London. He held the position of Associate Director & Treasurer of the Forfaiting division in a major international bank. He later transitioned into a career as a writer and researcher, focusing on a wide range of subjects.

In the early 2000’s, with his insider knowledge of international financing, David engaged extensively in researching the story of gold and other treasures looted by the Axis powers [the Germany, Japan and Italy alliance] during World War II and what happened to these vast riches.

Project Hammer

Project Hammer was a highly secretive banking practice that utilized illicitly repatriated gold from World War II to generate unimaginable and unaccountable fund profits. This article explores how banks and individuals profited from these shadow trading programs, ultimately funding secretive off-book projects. Unveiling the names associated with this illicit activity, we delve into the diversion of funds by major banks at the time.

The Veil of Secrecy Unveiled

Project Hammer, a series of collateral trading programs, emerged in 1988 as a covert banking practice shrouded in secrecy. Hammer replaced a previous Project named Jacobe which operated for years earlier. These programs were designed to generate vast amounts of unaccountable funds for specific projects.

Project Hammer was a secretive program involving vast sums of money, potentially reaching trillions of dollars, held in dormant and orphaned bank accounts. The trading programs primarily use US dollars and involve various offshore entities. London and Zurich are key centers for these activities, and gold plays a significant role. The US government collects a percentage of the proceeds through private tax treaties with offshore entities, while rumors suggest some of the tax revenues may be diverted for private purposes.

These types of trading programs are primarily conducted by governments, treasury departments, and top international banks, with G7 nations dominating the scene. Supervision is challenging due to the multi-jurisdictional nature of these programs. Suspicious funds enter the system but are made clean through complex transactions. “Black” gold, cash, and convertible assets serve as collateral to initiate trading programs, along with privately lodged government-issued Treasury Notes and Bonds in major western banks.

Banks leverage these assets to issue their own debentures, which are then traded electronically at steep discounts. The difference between buy and sell prices generates profit known as “fallout,” which can amount to trillions of dollars.

Examples of such programs include Hammer, which resulted in a fallout (skimmed profits) of over US$220 billion in 1992 US Dollars, and Jacobe, which was only partially completed but had the potential for a fallout of US$2.75 trillion before 1988.

Date References

World War II: 1939-1945

Trading program EFG Jacobi: Predecessor of Project Hammer, prior to 1988

Project Hammer operation: 1988-1992

Bank of England lifts veil of secrecy surrounding gold: 1997

Brigadier General Erle Cocke’s affidavit from a confidential investigation on Project Hammer: April 2000

The Gold Connection and Repatriation

At the heart of Project Hammer lies a dark secret: the illicit repatriation of gold stolen throughout Asia, Europe and North Africa during World War II by the Nazi and Japanese military. These vast quantities of gold, along with lesser amounts of platinum, were the asset base upon which these trading programs operated. Gold, being a stable commodity used to back currency issuance, had long been shrouded in government and central bank secrecy. Only in 1997 did the Bank of England lift the veil of secrecy surrounding gold, although the true extent of its existence remains hidden from official figures.

Trading Programs That Don’t Exist

To maintain the secrecy surrounding genuine activity, trading programs like Project Hammer were consistently denied to exist. Inquiries about them were deflected, and attention was redirected to warnings about “fraudulent programs” as a smokescreen. By focusing on the numerous prosecutions of fraudulent High Yield Investment Program transactions, the impression was created that authorized programs did not occur. This deliberate deflection served the purpose of concealing the true operations and financing techniques of these covert trading programs.

Banking Profits and Illicit Diversions

Project Hammer stands out not only for its covert activities but also for the illegal diversion of trading proceeds by major banks. Brigadier General Erle Cocke’s affidavit in April 2000 confirmed this illegal diversion, exposing the involvement of former US Treasury Secretary, Lloyd Bentsen, in investigating and recovering the missing funds. Surprisingly, no agency or group, including the Federal Reserve, Treasury, CIA, or FBI, was willing to take action against the banks, indicating their overwhelming power and influence.

Banks on the Brink of Collapse

By the late 1980s, major banks such as Citibank, Chase Manhattan, and Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation were teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. Their downfall was the result of reckless lending to Third World nations coupled with the greed of senior bank executives. The article sheds light on the damage caused to the global banking system and how the spiral of gluttony led to dire consequences.

Project Hammer’s Unexpected Role

As the fear of a domino effect loomed over the world’s top banks, a decision was made to divert Project Hammer funds to bail out these financial institutions. Despite causing the banking crisis in the first place, banking executives escaped accountability while collecting exorbitant salaries and bonuses. Names such as John Reed of Citibank and Sir William Purvis of Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank come to the forefront, as their relief mirrored the collapse of others’ investments.

Investors’ Losses and Bankers’ Gains

While investors and middle-men involved in Project Hammer anticipated profits and commissions, they ultimately suffered substantial losses. Unbeknownst to them, their money became the gain of bankers involved in the illicit diversion of funds. This perverse scenario epitomized the darker side of the banking world.

Project Hammer’s Hidden Legacy

Project Hammer remains a tightly guarded state secret in numerous countries, including the United States. The secrecy and covert operations associated with these trading programs have obscured the comprehensive details of their activities and financing techniques. However, through the revelations presented in this article, a glimpse into the hidden world of Project Hammer emerges, shedding light on the intersection of illicitly obtained gold, banking profits, and clandestine black operation projects.

Reference List:

The Gold Connection and Repatriation

War II: The Nazis and Japanese plunder large volumes of gold and platinum during the war.

Bank of England: In 1997, the Bank of England lifts the veil of secrecy surrounding gold.

Official figures: The true amount of gold in existence exceeds official figures by over 100,000 tons.

Trading Programs That Don’t Exist

High Yield Investment Program transactions: Numerous prosecutions of fraudulent transactions created the impression that authorized programs do not exist. This shielded the actual ongoing gold trading platforms from public discovery.

Investigations into Banking Profits and Illicit Diversions

Brigadier General Erle Cocke: Provides an affidavit in April 2000, confirming the illegal diversion of Project Hammer funds by major banks.

Lloyd Bentsen: Former US Treasury Secretary involved in investigating and recovering the missing funds.

A Few Images of Many Trading Account Documents Discovered

 Part 2 of Project Hammer will cover the specific sources of gold and the classified military operations behind an estimated 100,000+ metric tons of the stolen Yellow Metal.

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Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, News Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D "Unveiling the Untold Secrets of Off Ledger Gold Trading Platforms"


Unveiling the Untold GCR Secrets of Off-Ledger Gold Trading Platforms

On June 2, 2023 By  Awake-In-3D

It is no secret that Our GCR requires a lot of gold, actually Gold Certificates, to back the collapsing global fiat currency system. We hear terms like Trading Platforms, off-ledger gold accounts, and the repurposing of secret Elitist/Bankster funds and Trusts to bring Our GCR into reality. But is there actual evidence around all of this GCR history and lore? Yes there is.

I will be posting a variety of articles that dig deep into the evolution of Our GCR providing background and context around the greatest financial shift in human history. I’ll begin with “Project Hammer”.


Unveiling the Untold GCR Secrets of Off-Ledger Gold Trading Platforms

On June 2, 2023 By  Awake-In-3D

It is no secret that Our GCR requires a lot of gold, actually Gold Certificates, to back the collapsing global fiat currency system. We hear terms like Trading Platforms, off-ledger gold accounts, and the repurposing of secret Elitist/Bankster funds and Trusts to bring Our GCR into reality. But is there actual evidence around all of this GCR history and lore? Yes there is.

I will be posting a variety of articles that dig deep into the evolution of Our GCR providing background and context around the greatest financial shift in human history. I’ll begin with “Project Hammer”.


Welcome to the world of Project Hammer, where off-ledger trading platforms leverage gold as collateral to generate substantial profits. In this secretive realm of international banking, significant fortunes are made through hidden transactions.

Prepare to discover the lesser-known aspects of the western economy, where money creation operates with limited oversight and accountability. Explore the shadowy world of collateral trading programs and the vast amounts of money locked away in dormant bank accounts. This journey will undoubtedly reshape your understanding of the financial landscape.

Key Topics Explored:

Off-Ledger Trading Platforms

High Yield Investment Programs

Two Sets of Books

Collateral Trading Programs

Black Operations

Trillions of Dollars in Dormant Bank Accounts

Unlocking the Mystery of Off-Ledger Trading:

The never-never-land of international banking, obscured from public view, operates through the careful manipulation of two sets of books. Countless cases of fraud and scam artists serve as distractions, leading many to believe that real trading programs do not exist. The hidden truth is shielded by the powers that be, enabling the continuation of these clandestine activities.

Trading programs are conducted off-ledger, meaning banks and central banks maintain separate books for public scrutiny and private viewing. This duality allows authorized programs to generate staggering profits with minimal risk, while the privileged few invited to participate accumulate wealth at an astonishing pace. The ever-widening wealth gap between the rich and the poor is a byproduct of this obscured financial landscape.

Project Hammer and Collateral Trading Programs:

Project Hammer thrived in the financial, banking, and economic shadow-world, conjuring money seemingly “out of thin air.” Collateral Trading Programs, the lifeblood of Project Hammer and similar ventures, create vast pools of earmarked money for authorized operations and projects. While many beneficial initiatives receive funding, there is also a murky side that involves shadowy black operations.

Dormant Bank Accounts and Trillions of Dollars:

Insiders reveal that the consolidated funds residing in dormant and orphaned bank accounts amount to trillions of dollars. Conservative estimates suggest there is enough to pay off the entire US national debt, with considerable change to spare. On the other end of the spectrum, some believe the cumulative value reaches hundreds of trillions of dollars.

Delve into the mesmerizing realm of off-ledger trading platforms, where gold collateralizes extraordinary profits. Unveil the intricate mechanisms behind Project Hammer and other ventures, exposing a financial world concealed from public scrutiny.

The staggering sums of money held in dormant bank accounts paint a picture of unimaginable wealth. As you navigate the hidden corridors of the western economy, prepare to question the boundaries of oversight and accountability. Brace yourself for the revelation that will forever change your perception of how money is created and manipulated.

To be continued in Part 1 of Project Hammer…

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