Awake-In-3D: The End of Global Fiat Currencies: China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the BRICS Alliance Sets the Stage for Our GCR


The End of Global Fiat Currencies: China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the BRICS Alliance Sets the Stage for Our GCR

On June 16, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

The rapid advancement of China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the BRICS Alliance’s plans to create a new gold-backed currency sets the stage for Our Global Currency Reset, bringing an end to the reign of global fiat currencies when the current financial system collapses.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the West is threatened by the success of the BRI and is responding with a proxy war against Russia and a rival infrastructure investment partnership. China and the BRICS Alliance are committed to cooperation, sustainable security, and a new global financial system that is fair, equitable, and gold-backed. In this article, I outline how this new era of global economic power dynamics will unfold and what it means for the future of the world economy.

The BRI and EAEU Integration

China’s President Xi Jinping and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin have fully integrated their strategy at the level of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) interaction. They aim to boost connectivity with Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran and prevent foreign interference and color revolution attempts that could disturb BRI. Putin emphasized working with China to “link the integration processes” of EAEU and BRI, thus “implementing the large-scale idea of building a large-scale Eurasian partnership.”

The G7’s Response

The West, on the other hand, is using the new Western mantra of “de-risking” to contain China. They have committed to raising $600 billion for a Global Infrastructure Investment Partnership to rival BRI. However, no serious Global South player thinks they are being “coerced” to join BRI. In fact, the G7’s efforts have been deemed a thinly disguised exercise about “containing” China.

China’s New Security Initiative

At the recent Shangri-La dialogue platform in Singapore, State Councilor and Defense Minister General Li Shangfu explained China’s “New Security Initiative”. He stressed the concept of “common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security” and dismissed the “so-called ‘Indo-Pacific strategy’” as a tawdry Hegemon rant. Li made it clear that Taiwan is China’s Taiwan, and how to solve the Taiwan question is the Chinese people’s business.

China vs. The West

As China’s BRI gains momentum and its alternative development model gains popularity in the Global South, the West is becoming increasingly threatened. The US/NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is seen as a move to interrupt BRI’s progress and halt its potential success. Meanwhile, China is committed to working with all parties to strengthen the awareness of an “Asia-Pacific community with a shared future,” emphasizing the importance of cooperation and sustainable security.

What it all Means

As China’s Belt and Road Initiative gains momentum and its alternative development model gains popularity in the Global South, it is also coupled with the BRICS Alliance growth and plans to create a new gold-backed currency.

This is the blueprint and sets the stage for Our Global Currency Reset, bringing an end to the reign of global fiat currencies when the current financial system collapses.

 While the West is threatened by the BRI’s success and is responding with a proxy war against Russia and a rival infrastructure investment partnership, China and the BRICS Alliance are committed to cooperation, sustainable security, and a new global financial system that is fair, equitable, and gold-backed. It remains to be seen which model will prevail, but the stage is set for a new era of global economic power dynamics.

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