Awake-In-3D "Back To Basics-Our GCR Explained 6-11-2023

Back to Basics – Our GCR Explained

On June 10, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

Our GCR creates a world where global debt is wiped out, and a new monetary system is established using up to 500,000 tons of off-ledger gold as collateral.

This new system will be facilitated through massive trading platforms that utilize the gold as collateral, facilitating a global currency reset. The gold can then be used to fund global humanitarian projects that address issues such as hunger, poverty, and debt slavery, through the creation of large global trading platforms dedicated to these projects.

In this new system, esoteric currencies and arcane historical bonds can also be used as additional collateral to back the new global asset-backed currency reset, providing liquidity and making it easier to establish the new monetary system.

In this Article:

  • A financial reset is possible using up to 500,000 tons of off-ledger gold as collateral.

  • Massive trading platforms are being designed to facilitate the new system.

  • The new monetary system will wipe out global debt and fund humanitarian projects.

  • Esoteric currencies and arcane historical bonds will provide initial liquidity and increase the funding of the new system.

  • Asset owners, countries, and investors can pledge 80% of their profits to fund global development and humanitarian projects.


The current global economic system is in a state of crisis, with countries indebted to one another and the average person burdened with debt. The current system has resulted in a lack of funding for humanitarian projects, which are necessary to address issues such as hunger, poverty, and debt slavery. However, there is a plan to establish a new monetary system that will wipe out global debt and fund humanitarian projects, using up to 500,000 tons of off-ledger gold as collateral.

Massive Trading Platforms:

Massive trading platforms are being designed to facilitate the new system. These platforms will utilize the gold as collateral, allowing for the creation of a global currency reset. The gold will be used to fund global humanitarian projects that address issues such as hunger, poverty, and debt slavery. These projects will be facilitated through the creation of large global trading platforms dedicated to these projects. The gold will serve as the primary source of funding for these platforms.

New Monetary System:

The new monetary system will be established using up to 500,000 tons of off-ledger gold as collateral. The gold will be used to wipe out global debt, thus creating a fresh start for the global economy. The new system will be backed by legitimate assets, which will be registered on a global asset ledger. This ledger will ensure transparency and accountability in the new system. The new monetary system will also be designed to prevent the accumulation of debt, as it will be backed by real assets.

The Role of GCR Currencies and Historical Bonds:

Esoteric currencies and arcane historical bonds can provide the first wave and primary liquidity to fund the new system. These currencies and bonds can be evaluated and used as additional collateral to back the new global currency introduction. This will increase the liquidity of the global GCR platform funds and make it more efficient to establish the new monetary system foundation. Asset owners, countries, and investors who own esoteric currencies and bonds can privately pledge 80% of their profits towards global development and humanitarian projects. This will create a more sustainable and equitable future and address some of the world’s most pressing issues where beneficiaries of GCR asset funds become the first wave of stakeholders and leaders of global prosperity activities.

The Importance of Humanitarian Projects:

In addition to addressing issues such as hunger, poverty, and debt slavery, the gold can also be used to fund other critical humanitarian projects. These could include:

  • Alternative School Systems: The new monetary system can be used to fund alternative school systems that prioritize creativity, critical thinking, and individualized learning.

  • Non-Pharmaceutical Medical Cures: The gold can be used to fund the release of non-pharmaceutical medical cures, such as natural remedies, diet and lifestyle changes, and alternative therapies. This reduces reliance on pharmaceutical drugs creating a more sustainable and affordable healthcare systems.

  • Suppressed Energy Technologies: The gold can also be used to fund the development and deployment of suppressed energy technologies, such as free energy and zero-point energy. These technologies could revolutionize the way we produce and consume energy, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and creating a clean, prosperous future for all.

By allocating resources towards these critical areas, the new monetary system can create a more holistic and equitable future for all. These projects could be facilitated through the creation of large global trading platforms dedicated to these initiatives, ensuring that the gold is used efficiently and effectively.


The establishment of a new monetary system using up to 500,000 tons of off-ledger gold as collateral can wipe out global debt and fund humanitarian projects. Massive trading platforms will be utilized to facilitate the new system, and esoteric currencies and arcane historical bonds can provide additional liquidity.

Asset owners, countries, and investors pledge 80% of their profits towards global development and humanitarian projects. This new system addresses many of the world’s most pressing issues creating a free and prosperous future for all humanity.

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