Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday AM 12-22-21

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Wednesday AM 12-22-21

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Butterfly   2021-12-22 06:23   Shafaq News/ Iraq's Supreme Federal Court will issue its verdict in the lawsuit al-Fatah alliance had filed to annul the October 10 election results, a source revealed on Wednesday.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that the court will convene on 26/12/2021 to announce its ruling after completing the hearing and trial procedures.  The leader of al-Fatah alliance, Hadi al-Ameri, reiterated his rejecting position in his testimony before the court today.

Pro-Tehran forces, led by al-Fatah alliance, that emerged as the biggest losers in the election reject the outcome of the vote, thrusting the country into uncertainty and political crisis.

The unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud are casting a shadow over an election that was praised by the United States, the U.N. Security Council, and others for being the smoothest in years and without major technical glitches.

The standoff also increased tensions among rival Shiite factions that could reflect on the street and threaten Iraq's newfound relative stability. However, a recent exchange of visits offered a glimmer of hope for forming a new government. https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Supreme-Court-to-issue-verdict-in-al-Fatah-s-lawsuit-to-abolish-the-election-results-next-week

butterfly   2021-12-22 05:30   Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) auctioned more than $200 million in foreign currency today, Wednesday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the CBI sales of foreign currency in today's auction amounted to 207,728,000, 6.15% below yesterday's $195,399,350. The transactions were made at a weighted average of 1460 dinars to every dollar.

Our correspondent explained that 18 banks and 237 exchange companies cashed out $61.71 million, while the remaining $146.18 million went to boost funds abroad in the form of credit and non-cash transactions, with 26 banks meeting those demands. https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/CBI-sells-200-million-dollars-in-Wednesday-currency-auction

butterfly   2021-12-22 02:02  Shafaq News/ Dollar exchange rates dropped today, December 22, 2021, on the Iraqi market.

• The Kifah Stock Exchange recorded 147,450 dinars for $ 100.

• The Al-Harthiya Stock Exchange recorded 147,450 dinars for 100 dollars.

In Baghdad   The Selling prices at bank stores on local markets:

•Sale price: 148,000 dinars per $100.   • Purchase price: 147,000 dinars per $100.

In Erbil   The Selling prices at bank stores on local markets: 

•Sale price: 147,800 dinars per $100.   • Purchase price: 147,600 dinars per $100. https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/Dollar-exchange-rates-in-Iraq-8-2-9

butterfly  Supreme Court to issue verdict in al-Fatah's lawsuit to abolish the election results next week 2021-12-22 06:23

Shafaq News/ Iraq's Supreme Federal Court will issue its verdict in the lawsuit al-Fatah alliance had filed to annul the October 10 election results, a source revealed on Wednesday.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that the court will convene on 26/12/2021 to announce its ruling after completing the hearing and trial procedures.

The leader of al-Fatah alliance, Hadi al-Ameri, reiterated his rejecting position in his testimony before the court today.

Pro-Tehran forces, led by al-Fatah alliance, that emerged as the biggest losers in the election reject the outcome of the vote, thrusting the country into uncertainty and political crisis.

The unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud are casting a shadow over an election that was praised by the United States, the U.N. Security Council, and others for being the smoothest in years and without major technical glitches.

The standoff also increased tensions among rival Shiite factions that could reflect on the street and threaten Iraq's newfound relative stability. However, a recent exchange of visits offered a glimmer of hope for forming a new government. https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Supreme-Court-to-issue-verdict-in-al-Fatah-s-lawsuit-to-abolish-the-election-results-next-week

butterfly   Iraq: a new postponement of the hearing to resolve the appeal of the election results until December 26    Today, Wednesday, the Federal Court of Iraq postponed the resolution of the appeal against the results of the Iraqi elections that took place on October 10, by Hadi Al-Amiri, the head of the “Al-Fatah” coalition, until the twenty-sixth of this month.

And the official Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported that the court decided to postpone the appeal hearing on the election results for four days, explaining that it would issue a decision regarding the appeal on December 26.

Today, Wednesday, the court held a new session to consider the complaint of Hadi al-Amiri, the head of the “Al-Fateh” coalition, demanding the annulment of the election results, according to a brief statement by the Iraqi judiciary, which said: “The Federal Court session has begun to consider appeals against the election results.”

Al-Amiri accused, during a presentation of his complaint before the Federal Court, on Wednesday, the Iraqi Electoral Commission of causing depriving millions of voters from casting their votes, adding that “the commission deprived about 5 million voters from participating in the elections for not issuing biometric cards to them, although the election law obliges the commission to register Citizens who meet the conditions for biometric registration in the voter register.

butterfly   Arab reports

Iraq: anticipation to resolve the controversy of the election results and Nuri al-Maliki heads to Erbil

. Al-Amiri said, in a previous press conference, that his coalition continues to reject the election results, indicating that the coalition continues to challenge the electoral process in the Federal Court. He believed that the elections "did not take place in an appropriate atmosphere," accusing the Iraqi Electoral Commission of having "proved its inability to manage the electoral process." He added, "The commission did not abide by its procedures, and committed a number of violations," stressing that the "Al-Fateh" coalition has doubts about the electoral apparatus.

On December 13, the Iraqi Federal Court decided to postpone the settlement of the complaint about the cancellation of the legislative elections that Al-Amiri had previously submitted until today.

The “Al-Fateh” coalition’s lawsuit submitted to the court is based on about 20 files that include various documents, numbers, data and testimonies, related to what the coalition considers evidence of forgery and manipulation.

The “Al-Fateh” alliance is one of the most prominent losing forces in the Iraqi elections, as it won 17 seats (out of 329), a clear decline from the number of seats it obtained in the 2018 elections, and the elections witnessed the loss of other prominent forces such as the “Wisdom” movement led by Ammar al-Hakim, the “Victory” coalition headed by Haider al-Abadi, and the “Sadiquon” and “Haqq” movements, which are linked to armed factions, suffered a resounding loss, which prompted these parties to reject the results and form a “coordinating framework” opposing the election results. https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/139746

butterfly    Gas prices hit a record high in Europe

- 11 Hours Ago Gas prices in Europe rose to their highest levels ever, and set a new record in trading on Tuesday, due to strong demand caused by the cold winter on the continent and the escalation of geopolitical differences between the main supplier, "Russia" and consuming countries.

The Dutch TTF (TTF) benchmark in Europe reached 162.775 euros ($187.2) per megawatt-hour, and gas prices in Britain jumped to 408.30 pence per thermal unit in late morning deals.

The prices were recorded in trading yesterday, Monday, 148.50 euros (170.77) dollars per megawatt hour, up from 136 euros (156.4 dollars) in trading last week.

And temperatures in many European capitals have been below zero degrees Celsius since the end of last week, while part of the rise is also due to the recovery of the global economy, which led to an increase in demand.

In Europe, calls for additional gas deliveries from Russia have not been answered, resulting in a jump in European gas prices of more than 600% since last January, and now exceeding the record high levels recorded last October.

Accusations Against Russia

During earlier last October, European and American officials accused Moscow of manipulating politics and withholding gas to pressure the European Union, to agree to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline across the Baltic Sea.

Meanwhile, data from the German company Gascade showed that Russian gas flows to Germany through the Yamal-Europe pipeline stopped Tuesday morning.

Flow levels and destination on the Yamal-Europe pipeline are managed according to consumer demand.

Westbound flows have been declining since Saturday, pushing spot gas prices in Europe to all-time highs.

Source: agencies https://rawabetcenter.com/archives/139739

 Butterfly   Al-Amiri From The Federal Court: The Commission Deprived 5 Million Voters Of Casting Their Votes

12/22/2021 | 11:59 AM   Al-Amiri From The Federal Court - The Commission Deprived 5 Million Voters Of Casting Their VotesThe Information/Baghdad…

>Hello, World!

The head of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Hadi Al-Amiri, accused, on Wednesday, the High Elections Commission of violating the constitution and depriving more than 5 million voters of voting under the pretext of not replacing their electoral card.

Al-Amiri said during his testimony before the Federal Supreme Court, which was followed by (the information), that “the Commission deprived five million citizens of participation because of the failure to replace the election cards.”

Al-Amiri called for “cancelling all results that came as a result of using the C1000 device, recalculating the results through the C900, and conducting manual counting of stations that were manually counted by specialized experts and university professors.”

He explained, “The High Commission violated its law by contracting with a technical company to monitor and evaluate the company and speed up the results. We spoke with the head of the commission and he promised before the elections that the elections would be fair, but he did not fulfill his promise.”  almaalomah.me

butterfly  For 10 days… Al-Rafidain suspends withdrawals and deposits from savings accounts

2021-12-22 04:03   For 10 days... Al-Rafidain suspends withdrawals and deposits from savings accountsShafaq News/ Al-Rafidain Bank announced, on Wednesday, the suspension of withdrawals and deposits from savings accounts, starting from tomorrow, Thursday, corresponding to 12/23/2021, until Monday, corresponding to 3/1/2022.

The bank’s media office said, in a statement received to Shafak News Agency, that “the suspensions come in order to pay the annual accounts, calculate the interests of savings accounts, as well as organize budgets.”

The bank also decided to close the doors of all its branches on Sunday, 2/1/ 2022, for the purpose of paying the annual accounts and for implementing the bank’s accounts that are applicable every year.  shafaq.com

butterfly   Legal expert: The end of the payment of Kuwait’s compensation has nothing to do with Iraq’s exit from Chapter VII

2021-12-22 07:37   Legal expert - The end of the payment of Kuwaits compensation has nothing to do with Iraqs exit from Chapter VIIShafaq News/ Legal expert Tariq Harb confirmed today, Wednesday, that the payment of the last batch of Kuwait’s compensation has nothing to do with Iraq’s exit from Chapter VII.

Harb told Shafaq News Agency, “Chapter VII was lifted several years ago, and what has now ended with regard to the debt committee that was based on Chapter VII by deducting sums from Iraq,” noting that “Iraq after exiting Chapter VII was able throughout The past years of buying weapons and the process of trading in all things, and thus the completion of the payment of compensation, has nothing to do with Iraq’s exit from Chapter VII.

Harb added, “After it paid the last amount of $44 million, all compensation under Security Council Resolution 87 of 1991 ended,” adding at the same time, that “these debts were not even applied under Chapter VII when payments were postponed in 2014 with The entry of ISIS and the drop in oil prices.

The Central Bank had announced yesterday, Tuesday, the payment of the last batch of compensation to Kuwait amounting to (44) million US dollars, expressing the hope that the termination of the payment of compensation will contribute to removing Iraq from Chapter VII.

Hello, World!

Iraq had to deposit 5 percent of its export revenues from sales of oil, its products and gas, before reducing it to 3 percent in 2018 in a UN fund that was established under the name of the United Nations Compensation Fund.

In 1991, a UN Compensation Committee was formed, obligating Baghdad to pay $52.4 billion in compensation to individuals, companies, governmental organizations and others, who incurred losses resulting directly from the invasion and occupation of Kuwait.   shafaq.com

butterfly   Postponement of the Federal Court hearing to cancel the election results until next Sunday for the issuance of the final decision

2021-12-22   Postponement of the Federal Court hearing to cancel the election results until next Sunday for the issuance of the final decisionToday, Wednesday, the Federal Court decided to postpone the special session to consider the cases submitted regarding the cancellation of the election results.

A press source said: “The Federal Court decided to postpone the election appeal session to the 26th of this month to issue a decision in the case.”

Earlier in the day, the Federal Court held its special session to consider the cases submitted regarding the annulment of the election results.   burathanews.com

butterfly   Barzani and Al-Maliki discuss the need to reconsider the system of government in Iraq

2021-12-22 07:34   Barzani and Al-Maliki discuss the need to reconsider the system of government in IraqShafaq News/ The Kurdish leader, Massoud Barzani, discussed today, Wednesday, with the head of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, the need to reconsider the system of government in Iraq, while they stressed the “principle of partnership, consensus and balance.”

A statement issued by Barzani’s office, received by Shafak News Agency, said that the latter received today, the head of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki and his accompanying delegation, indicating that the two sides discussed some of the results of last October’s elections and the developments of the political process in Iraq.

The statement indicated that the meeting highlighted the need to reconsider the system of governance in Iraq and benefit from previous experiences, stressing the consideration of the principle of partnership, consensus and balance in the governance process.

In another part of the meeting, the statement said that the two parties exchanged views on the challenges facing the future of Iraq, the issue of services and ISIS threats, the problem of the environment and water shortage, and the demands of citizens, and stressed the continuation of attempts to converge the parties’ views and the merit of the components in order to find appropriate solutions for the next stage. And overcoming the challenges to forming the new Iraqi government.

The delegation of the Shiite Coordination Framework, headed by the leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, arrived this morning in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region.

butterfly   Shafaq News Agency learned that the delegation headed immediately upon its arrival to the “Birmam” area to meet with Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani.

The spokesman for the State of Law coalition, Bahaa El-Din Nouri, told Shafaq News that the delegation’s visit to Erbil comes to discuss the views between the coordination framework and the Kurdish forces.

According to the final results of the elections, the Sadrist bloc came first with 73 seats, followed by an alliance led by Muhammad al-Halbousi with 37 seats, followed by the State of Law coalition led by Mori al-Maliki with 33 seats, and then the Kurdistan Democratic Party with 31 seats.

The comprehensive coordination framework of the Shiite forces had held the first meeting (on the second Thursday of December) with the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, to discuss post-election options and ways to bring together the Shiite house, before forming the next government.

Al-Sadr had announced after the meeting his adherence to the option of forming a political majority government, which is rejected by the Shiite political forces opposed to him.

The coordination framework of the Shiite forces, which includes the Al-Fateh Alliance under its umbrella, had announced its rejection of the announced results, because of what he said that the commission did not deal seriously with the appeals submitted, stressing its adherence to the lawsuit submitted before the Federal Court to cancel the elections.   shafaq.com


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