Why Money Is Important and The Role It Plays in Our Lives

Why Money Is Important and The Role It Plays in Our Lives

By Todd Kunsman Invested Wallet

At some point, you may wonder why money is important and start to analyze the role it plays in your own life.  And our society has plenty of different viewpoints when it comes to money and happiness, how much money is truly enough, and how to better with money.  I’m sure you have heard many of the different sayings about money too, whether funny or to hit a particular point to make you think.

You know the ones, like:

“Money doesn’t buy happiness.” – Proverb

“Money is the root of all evil.” – 1 Timothy 6:10

“Having money isn’t everything, not having it is.”  – Kanye West

But you’ve probably heard many proverbs, famous quotes, or other sayings from people around you. And while there may be some truth to not let money dictate your entire life and choices, money IS important.

Why Is Money So Important?

The reason money is so important is that it provides options for you to live a better life that you choose and puts you in control. Having money and being comfortable with finances also gives you freedom and options to decide how you want to live and support the things you care most about in your life.

And yes, it’s true that money cannot necessarily buy you complete happiness forever and greed can make people do terrible things. Look what the hunger for more wealth and money did to Bernie Madoff and how he ruined the many families who invested with him.

But while there is truth to some of the negative connotations to money, ultimately you have the strength to dictate how you use money and if you let it control you.

Money is not everything in this world, but it can be powerful in helping you achieve your goals and let you make the best of the short life we all have.

The Real Benefits of Money

While your whole life does not need to focus on money and accumulating wealth, it is still important to dedicate your time to understanding it and building a strategy. 

Look, we all know that more money means you can generally afford a fancier lifestyle, bigger homes, better vacations, and flashier cars. But those material items are not the real benefits of having money and the temporary excitement from those items quickly wanes.  So why is money important?

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