Weekend Update with MarkZ 11-6-2021

Weekend News with MarkZ 11/06/2021

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: I think I’m stuck in a really mind crushing dream that never goes away!! Go RV so this madness will stop!!

Member:  That’s what it feels like - like we are all neo from the matrix

Member:  I think they will just spring the RV on us without warning.

MZ: Sorry I missed you last night….car trouble and waiting on Triple A….

MZ: The only think I have seen since yesterday is more bond movement. People receiving actual money from their historic bonds.

MZ: We are still seeing slow and steady progress.

MZ: I had hoped the folks in redemption centers would have been called into work today. They have not yet, as of this morning. They are still on call though…So I am not going to rule it out yet.

MZ: Everyone is geared up and ready…..bonds continue to move. It is slowly headed our way. I still think they are moving slowly on purpose and may be waiting on a key crunch or event to happen.  

MZ: Another Chinese real estate developer has gone belly up…..Evergrande has now missed 2 payments. These shock waves will probably start rolling through European banking on Monday as fear moves forward….

Member: Any idea when the markets will crash?

MZ: They should have crashed 2 weeks ago or so when the first payments were missed from Evergrande. So having missed payments again…I would not be surprised to see the crash start on Monday .

Member: Wolverine said he received a fantastic news that made him and his wife cried. He couldn't divulge but letting us know that God is for us!

 MZ: It was probably about bond movement …There is no question now….bonds are moving .

Member: is their money spendable from the bonds.

MZ: Yes….it is spendable.

Hi Mark. So with this new infrastructure bill passing, is this going to effect us?

Member: I heard that we will not be involved with our projects….the DOD will

MZ: I heard that as well.

Member:  Charlie Ward, said one of the reasons of the delay. Some banks tried to steal the money! 5 banks will go away

Member: I heard there will be no negotiating rates at our exchange. There will be a set rate for us.

MZ: Some people think they can go in to the banks and wheel and deal……I am being told the rate is SET.

Member: What are you hearing about the dinar.

MZ: I am still hearing a street rate of $4.71 and a international rate of $4.71. I am still hearing there is a contract rate of close to $8 for us.

Member: Do you still think the dinar is in the first basket.

MZ: Absolutely the dinar is in the first basket. 100% convinced

Member: Rates on the dong?

MZ: I am still hearing our rates will be around $2.25- $2.50…..I hear it will be a fixed rate but we have seen bank screens where the rates vary greatly. We have seen rates go to $4 and up to $7 or $8 on bank screens. Most of my bankers believe it will be in the low $2 range when we go in.

Member: any truth to the rumors that they (CBI) will announce a revaluation Sunday in Iraq on the dinar

Member:  Did you see Frank’s video? Exciting stuff. Frank gave specifics as to why Iraq is RVing soon.

Member: if the CBI was to go international , I would assume they would announce it on a Sunday since their banks are open on Sunday.

MZ: I agree with you on that timing…but, it could be different if you look at the history of revaluations. Iraq in the past has liked Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Member: Mark can you explain about the baskets?

MZ: originally we were going to see the majority of currencies that were ready would go in the first basket…then as nations became ready they would go in the second or third baskets. I am now told the decision was made to have that first basket and everything not ready would be allowed to float up over time to where they need to be.

Member:  Dow closed up +203.72 yesterday.

Member: Do you think we will get notifications this week?

MZ: I am very hopeful we will get notifications this week. I feel positive we are close. I believe China will implode then it will spread to European banks…..then they pull this reset before all finances collapse worldwide……I think this is what we could be looking for.

Member:  Thank you Mark for giving us a portion of your Saturday… We are deeply grateful for all you do!

Member: don’t forget tomorrow……turn you clocks back an hour……

CBD Guru joins the stream toward the end….please listen to replay for all this information

Please listen to replay for all the information

The next stream is Monday at 10Am est……..unless……



Zig’s Place Chatroom News Friday Evening 11-5-21


RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR Update 11-6-2021