RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR Update 11-6-2021

Thank you Judy

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 6 Nov. 2021

Compiled Sat. 6 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

In the last Update I stated Charlie Ward predicted that Tier 4 B would have funding by Mon. 8 Nov. 2021. Kat reminded me that came from a video of Charlie Ward she put up dated in 2020, not 2021. However, we may not be too far off on that Mon. 8 Nov. date. This morning another very high source told me that a Tier 3 Paymaster was expecting liquidity by either today Fri. 5 Nov., or Mon. 8 Nov.

According to MarkZ today Fri. 5 Nov. Bond payouts were still moving and Tier 4B notification to set appointments could come at any moment. Authorities in Iraq feel the earliest would be Sun. 7 Nov. Iraq has revalued in-country some time ago and will revalue their international rate on Sat. or Sun. 6, 7 Nov. The Iraqi Dinar will be trading internationally on Sun. night 7 Nov.

Church groups had funding by late evening Wed. 3 Nov. German Bonds were done and they were paying out the Dragon Bonds. The Zimbabwe Sheet Bonds (the highest in denomination) would be paid out on Sat. 6 Nov.

They don’t have to be finished with the bonds in order for Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to start.

Bruce’s Banker Contacts guessed that Tier 4B could be notified over the weekend, but more likely on Mon. 8 Nov.


Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we are making exchange appointments...and “Rates and Dates and exchange proceedures ” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

Fri. 5 Nov. Exchange/Redemption Process, Nick Fleming:

Safe link websites, we’ve been told, are going to be given soon.

Procedures: Bring your photo ID, Driver’s License, 2 utility bills showing your address. If you have a trust, bring it. If you have a project proposal bring it. You’ll go over this toward the end of your first meeting and set a second to be more thorough.

When you first arrive you’ll fill out a client information sheet, a “Non-Disclosure Agreement” and a “Rate Agreement.”

There is no negotiating on rates. Contract rates for projects will only be available for ZIM, IQD and VND. If you have projects, you’ll set up a 2nd appt.

Receipt for up to $10 M on debit cards will be provided. Currencies will be run through De la Rue, 1 at a time. Some currencies will be held till exchange is available for that currency, in a Multiple currency account, in its native form.

You can ask them for a laptop to use for banking purposes only, so you can monitor your accounts. You can request a wealth manager or use another of your choosing.

The biggest change is coming on the ZIM. You are NOT expected to run your projects but will provide oversight. Someone else may be managing your Project Dollars, coming from the ZIM, IQD and VND contract rate. You can contest this and here’s one option. If you desire full control, mention that you will work on your projects/project with a company like Ernst and Young. If you’ve never done it, you’re not able to prove the ability to manage a 1 T project. You can, however, provide oversight and direction and 100% control. The DoD don’t want to manage your projects. They want to know you’re wise and capable of discernment and sincere.

Only the ZIM are subject to structured payouts. The IQD, or the VND, may be put into a structured payout, if you negotiate a contract rate for projects.

The amount, the starting point after 2 each 100 Trillion ZIM Bond notes, the per 100T note will adjust down a small percent for each note you bring. It’s not 1:1 – USD: ZIM like we’d always heard. What the rate is and how much will be paid for the ZIM, we haven’t heard at this time.

You will leave with the debit card and it will still have 1% to 10% on it. 90% will be paid out proportionately over many years – up to 50 years.

If you’re 70 or older, payout will be immediate, and you’ll get slightly less than the walk-away rate.

Keep in mind that the project uniqueness you present determines if you get more for yourself.

Projects are to be presented before you leave the Redemption Center. Projects are to run up to 50 years. Multiple projects are to be approved or not on an individual basis.

Inside of plans will be personal areas of benefit – where you can take more $$ for you and your family. You may be part of the project hierarchy, collecting a salary, but unless you are qualified and approved, you will not have direct control.

When you go in to exchange/redeem, schedule a second meeting to present your projects and have the discussion with your team and get this issue ironed out. The reason for this coordinated effort is for one thing, there are a lot of times where people have the same idea, like “clean the ocean” and they will try and combine those people together, with the Team they assign to make sure it’s done.

We’re not certain whether or not this project control issue is only for the US. The issue is non-qualified people taking control of too much they’re unable to do.

You still will be able to request to try and manage your own projects. You’re going to have to hire the attorneys and team, to help you get this done. If you have enough currency, you can put it into a leveraged payout and coordinate your own projects. It’s not prohibited for you to do your own projects.

The DoD will only have oversight on the currency/bonds you exchange at a contract rate which only includes ZIM, IQD, VND. This is a function of their System at this moment and is subject to change.

You’ll have 45 minutes or so for your first meeting. Only when you’re sitting at the table can you get the definite, correct answer. This will be the same for everyone, most likely. Once the exchange/redemption starts these details will be clearly stated and the same across the board.

We will be in financial centers, possible inside the bank. The walk from your car to the location will be very secure. You’ll be fine.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2021/11/06/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-november-6-2021/


Weekend Update with MarkZ 11-6-2021


"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday AM 11-6-2021