Tuesday Iraq Parliament News Highlights 5-17-22

Tuesday Iraq Parliament News Highlights 5-17-22

The Political Blockage Hinders The Formation Of The Government

Video at link   2022-05-17 | 05:26  Source:  Sumerian Disagreements are ravaging the political scene and disrupting the formation of the government

There have been many political initiatives and their names have varied, and the blockage continues to dominate the political scene in the country. This comes at a time when the Iraqi street is looking forward to forming a capable government that will meet its aspirations and end its crises.

More than six months have passed since the end of the legislative elections, and the blockage and disagreements still dominate the political scene in Iraq. Meanwhile, the Iraqis are waiting for new initiatives that could represent a solution to the political crisis that has been going on in the country for seven months.

These popular hopes come at a time when all the previous initiatives put forward by the traditional forces were unable to reach a solution to the crisis in the country resulting from its inability to form a government after several months of holding the parliamentary vote in light of the battle to break the wills between the competing political forces.

The independents put forward an initiative that consisted of Seven points to get out of the current crisis, the most prominent of which is the emphasis on the need to achieve constitutional benefits in all its stages, including the formation of the government, and the formation of a parliamentary bloc that includes independent representatives, while they demanded the other blocs to unite with them to form the largest bloc. The initiative also included an emphasis on the independence, integrity and efficiency of the new prime minister With the need to reduce the waste of national wealth

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The independents emphasized the inclusion of the government program, the end of armed manifestations, and the application of the law to everyone. While some are pinning hopes on this initiative and prepare it as a ship to escape the waves of disagreements and quarrels.. Another political spectrum believes that this initiative did not bring anything new, but was like its predecessors, and it cannot form a government that meets aspirations. The people, unless the opponents sit at one dialogue table, at which the principle of concession will be a starting point for the initiation of negotiations.   LINK

President of the Republic: We support international and regional cooperation to confront the challenges of terrorism and the economy

Iraq   01:07 - 2022-05-17   Today, Tuesday, May 17, 2022, the President of the Republic, Dr. Barham Salih, received the credentials of the ambassadors of Canada, Gregory Galligan, the People's Republic of China, Tsui Wei, and the Islamic Republic of Iran, Muhammad Kazem Al Sadiq.

The President of the Republic, while receiving the ambassadors separately, stressed that Iraq's foreign policy is based on establishing strong balanced relations based on strengthening political, economic and commercial cooperation, and overcoming differences and tensions in the region through dialogue and convergence.

He pointed out that joint international and regional cooperation to confront the immediate global challenges is a necessity, most notably continuing to combat terrorism and extremism, addressing economic fluctuations and health crises, and confronting severe climate changes that pose a threat to all.

The President of the Republic expressed his wishes for the new ambassadors to succeed in performing their new duties, in a way that enhances friendship and cooperation relations between Iraq and their countries.

For their part, the ambassadors extended their thanks and appreciation to the President of the Republic, expressing their aspirations to develop relations with Iraq in various fields in a way that strengthens common bonds.    https://kirkuktv.net/AR/Details/6119

The Coordination Framework Issues A Statement On The Latest Developments

Iraq   12:42 - 05-17-2022   The coordination framework affirmed its commitment to carrying out its national responsibility to protect the interests of citizens, noting that emotional, tense discourses cannot be a solution to the problems afflicting the country.

The framework stated in a statement:

The coordinating framework confirms its commitment to carry out its national responsibility to protect the interests of citizens and confirms the need today for the responsible word before God and the sons of our people, and not to cause what leads to incitement to strife, especially in light of the enemies who want bad Iraqis. Also, emotional, tense speeches cannot be a solution to the problems that afflict the country and do not provide a service to citizens, and that we all have to abide by the Almighty’s saying (and what is uttered except that he has a powerful watchdog),

oh sons of the honorable Iraqi people, the coordination framework would like to present an explanation of what is related to a draft law Emergency food security and development and the decision of the Federal Supreme Court regarding it.

The framework forces, and through the parliamentary bloc and its allies, took its position with allocating sufficient funds to secure food stocks, the ration card items, support farmers, social protection, and increase the salaries of retirees and youth loans.

The exchange rate of the dollar, where the minister proposed at the time to send an emergency food security bill with proposed allocations of 9.6 trillion dinars, but we were surprised by the caretaker government sending a bill with allocations amounting to 30 trillion dinars, devoid of appointments or support for social protection, contrary to what is rumored now, which in our assessment is legitimate An alternative to the budget law, the government's mechanism has resorted to avoid implementing the Federal Court's decision on the oil of the Kurdistan region.

We have recorded our objection to the use of the conditions of the crisis of high food prices and the lack of food stocks of wheat by adding allocations and exchange doors that do not represent an urgent necessity if they are not a door to corruption and misuse of financial abundance and squandering the wealth of the people. We also stressed that the government of the day-to-day affairs does not have the authority to present draft laws and it is wrong to proceed with the legislation of this law, but the insistence of the people prompted us, through our parliamentary bloc, in which the Finance Committee participated in its meetings, to make strenuous efforts to reduce the damage from this law and the corruption and waste of public money it causes The framework deputies in the Finance Committee voted to approve the non-controversial issues, and we were waiting for the final draft of the bill to be presented, and then set a session for Parliament to vote on the aforementioned bill after completing the required amendments in order to preserve public money.

With regard to the decision of the Federal Supreme Court related to the interpretation of the powers of the government to manage daily affairs and at the time we commend the professional and courageous decisions of the Federal Court, which come within the scope of the constitution and the laws in force and the preservation of the political system, the coordinating framework emphasizes respecting the decisions of the judiciary and preserving its reputation, since the judiciary represents the most important pillar of the pillars The state and any prejudice to it represents a real threat to the state and its stability, and that questioning and challenging the decisions of the Federal Court represents a dangerous development that establishes chaos and instability.

In the crowd of misleading positions and statements, the statement of the resigned government and the flimsy excuses contained in it to justify its failure to perform its duties at various levels during the past stage, which witnessed the largest budget in the history of Iraq, amounted to 133 trillion dinars for the year 2021, of which the citizen only touched the high rates of poverty, unemployment, inflation and poor Services, failure to pay farmers’ dues, and inability to secure food stocks for the country added to the rampant corruption in an unprecedented manner. This corruption, which powerful and supportive political parties try to dominate this government and dominate sensitive positions and positions in the government, ministries and governorates, are trying to evade responsibility and accuse others arbitrarily.

Within the wave of misleading rhetoric, the accusations raised by the framework for disrupting the formation of the government raises the question as it comes from forces claiming to be the winner and representing the majority, but it seems that they have failed in their obsessive project and are trying to mislead the public opinion that has been following the continuous initiatives and proposals from the coordination framework since the beginning of the political crisis to complete the constitutional entitlements According to the rule of national dialogue and the preservation of the rights of the largest social component through the formation of the most numerous parliamentary bloc according to the constitution.

In this context, the coordinating framework announced its approval and support for the initiative of the bloc of independent representatives and its willingness to accept their candidates to chair the formation of the government according to the agreed specifications of efficiency, impartiality and electoral benefits. Positively and responsibly with the initiative of the bloc of independent representatives to end the political crisis and form a new government that addresses the country's crises and alleviates the suffering of the citizens.

May God protect Iraq and its people from all bad    https://kirkuktv.net/AR/Details/6111

Choosing The Heads Of The Age For Three Parliamentary Committees[/Size]

Political | 01:01 - 17/05/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News, today, Tuesday, three parliamentary committees chose their heads of age.   And the Media Department of the House of Representatives stated in a statement, that "the Integrity Committee chose MP Nahida Al-Dayni as the head of the age, Alia Nassif (first deputy), and Harim Kamal Khurshid (second deputy)."

In the context, the statement added, "The Parliamentary Services and Reconstruction Committee chose MP Mahama Khalil Qassem as head of the age, Baqir Kazem Nasser Al-Saadi as first deputy, and Adnan Burhan Mahmoud as second deputy."

The statement indicated that Ali Yousef Al-Moussawi was chosen as head of the age for the Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Industry and Trade, Muhammad Nuri Abd Rabbo as first deputy, and Muwaffaq Hussein as second deputy.    https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=193411

The Political Scene.. Deputy: The Blockage Is Still There And The Situation Is The Same[/Size]

Political | 09:28 - 17/05/2022  The political scene.. Deputy: The blockage is still there and the situation is the same 171552022_thumbs_b_c_f4d60bc8f0dd729494e3ccc114223cc5

Baghdad - Mawazine News, the representative of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Suzan Mansour, said on Tuesday that the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, to go to the opposition for a month "cannot change anything about the political process, and that the blockage still exists and the situation is as it is."

Mansour added, "By the seventh of next June, Parliament will enter its constitutional recess until the seventh of July," noting that "Iraqis are now looking at Parliament in its constitutional recess with the presence of a caretaker government that has no right to propose laws, which means that we are without solutions to economic and political crises. ".

And she continued, "The Kurdistan Union has no initiatives, but it did not line up with one party against another, and our goal was to form a consensual government with the participation of all political parties, and this is our opinion before the crisis," pointing out that "

And regarding the position of the Union regarding the position of President of the Republic, Mansour said in an interview with the official "Al-Sabah" newspaper, followed by Mawazine News: "We are still of our opinion regarding the nomination of Barham Salih as President of the Republic." Ended 29/N33


A “Fiery” Speech By Al-Sadr And A Statement By “The Frame” .. The Secrets Of The Sharp Debate In Iraq[/Size]

Posted On2022-05-17  By Sotaliraq   Despite the “fiery” speech of the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, in which he explicitly addressed those he describes as members of the “obstructing third,” a description intended for the bloc of the “coordinating framework of Shiite forces,” Iraqi political observers spoke to Al-Hurra. They said that the speech was “expected” and indicated “Sadr’s impatience,” but that it might “not signal a change” in the current political situation.

"offensive" language

In his brief speech, which lasted for three minutes, al-Sadr accused "belonging to the blocking third" of being "nothing without power," and asked, "Has insolence reached the end of laws that benefit the people?" In reference to obstructing the vote on a law called the Iraqi Food Security Law.

Al-Sadr said that those belonging to the framework and their allies “blinded by the authority” by “disrupting the people’s summit and their dignity,” describing their actions as “outrageous,” and accusing the judiciary of “going along with these actions.”

In response to the speech, the Shiite framework issued a statement in which it said that “emotional, convulsive speeches” cannot be a solution to the country's problems.

Iraqi journalist and analyst, Ahmed Hussein, says that "the offensive language in which al-Sadr spoke, and directing the speech directly to a competing political bloc in this way is unprecedented."

Hussein added that "the Food Security Law was not presented to Parliament, and it was rejected by the Federal Court, and Al-Sadr's implicit accusation of obstructing the framework may mean that Al-Sadr believes that the Federal Court is controlled by his opponents."

The abolition of the law came a day after al-Sadr announced his "transition to the opposition for thirty days."

Iraq.. Muqtada al-Sadr turns into the opposition

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, announced his conversion to the opposition for a period of no less than thirty days.

The Federal Court annulled the law, on Sunday, based on a lawsuit filed by the deputy, Basem Khashan, who is an independent deputy, but he is considered among the members of the “blocking third” as they are called.

The law provides sums of money to support agricultural, industrial and irrigation projects, as well as to pay debts for electricity production owed to countries such as Iran.

Opponents of the law say that the current government has no right to submit bills like this because it is a “day-to-day government” whose term ended with the election of the new parliament, which the court upheld.

In addition, the leaders of the framework, such as former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, warned against the government committing “constitutional violations,” or “actions outside its powers as a business administration with specific and financially restricted tasks, and it must rely on government precedents to find a solution,” according to what It was reported by the local " Nas News  " agency .

Al-Maliki praised the Federal Court's decision, which angered al-Sadr.

The Iraqi Ministries of Agriculture and Electricity say that repealing the law will disrupt important agricultural projects, and may cause an increase in the supply of electric power.

The abolition of the law led to protests among a number of parliamentary blocs.

The  representative of the opposition Parliamentary New Generation bloc   said that canceling the bill is “a great danger, as Iran threatens to cut off gas in the event of non-payment of debts owed by Iraq,” adding, in televised statements, “that the Ministry of Commerce does not have a storehouse for foodstuffs like the rest of the world.”

The Iraqi expert in legal affairs, Naji Al-Zahra, says that the Federal Court "complied with the Iraqi constitution by rejecting the bill."

Al-Zahra added to Al-Hurra that “the refusal is procedural, not because of the articles of the law, as the party that submitted the law lacks the necessary powers to take such a procedure.”

Al-Zahra indicates that the solution may be “presenting the bill through 50 deputies, or through the President of the Republic, and amending the paragraphs that the court may object to.”

The Shiite coordination framework said in  a statement  in  response to al-Sadr’s speech that “the framework forces, through the parliamentary bloc and its allies, took their position with allocating sufficient funds to secure food stocks, ration card items, support for farmers, social protection, and increase pensioners’ salaries and youth loans.”

The statement said that the objection submitted by the framework blocs was due to the increase in the law's allocations from 9.6 trillion dinars (more than 6 billion dollars) to 30 trillion dinars (about 20 billion dollars).

The framework said that the new law came devoid of new government jobs to appoint young people or sums for social protection, adding, "In our estimation, it is an alternative project to the budget. The government's mechanism has resorted to avoid implementing the decision of the Federal Court on Kurdistan Region's oil."

This decision obligates the region to pay quantities of crude oil to Baghdad in accordance with the annual budgets, in return for Baghdad paying the salaries of the region's employees.

The framework blocs said: “We registered our objection to the use of the crisis conditions of high food prices and the lack of food stocks of wheat by adding allocations and exchange doors that do not represent an urgent necessity if not a door to corruption and misuse of financial abundance and squandering the people’s wealth.”

The statement accused the "resigned" government of allowing the "unprecedented spread of corruption" and said that "government supporters" are trying to evade responsibility and accuse others "arbitrarily".

He also said that there is "a crowd and a wave of misleading positions and statements", among which comes the accusation of the framework blocs of obstructing the formation of the government, and he said that this accusation "raises astonishment because it comes from forces claiming to be the winner and representing the majority, but it seems that they have failed in their acquisitive project and are trying to mislead public opinion." .

Writers close to the framework say that al-Sadr, in his speech, "blew up bridges" with the blocs of the "blocking third.

The Iraqi political analyst, Ali Al-Maamouri, says that "the verbal exchange usually indicates that the crisis is real, and that the blocs are unable to come up with a solution."

Al-Maamouri added to Al-Hurra website that “the Sadrists and their rivals from the framework are playing a game of political rope pulling, and they use propaganda methods that may be understandable during election campaigns or after the formation of a government, but they are definitely not useful during the negotiation period, and will only complicate the situation further.”

Al-Maamouri confirms his saying: “Nevertheless, hostility and statements between politicians have reached more intense limits in the past, and a solution has been reached.”

Al-Maamouri added, "In the past, international and regional pressures succeeded in convincing the competitors to reach a solution, but Iraq appears to have fallen back on the list of priorities of international influencers."

The political crisis has raged since the elections last October, when parliament was unable to nominate a new president on the constitutional date, which led to the country entering a constitutional vacuum as it is run by an incomplete government.   LINK

A 'Detailed' Statement From The Framework After Al-Sadr's Speech

Posted On2022-05-17  By Sotaliraq   He suspended the coordination framework, on Tuesday, regarding the abolition of the Food Security Law by the Federal Supreme Court, and while he indicated his surprise at being accused of obstructing the formation of the government, he announced his approval of the initiative of the independents and his readiness to accept their candidates to chair the formation of the government according to the agreed specifications, calling on the political forces “especially for those who accuse others.” By disruption” to deal with the initiative of the independents to end the political crisis.

The coordinating framework said in a statement (May 17, 2022), that “the coordinating framework confirms its commitment to carry out its national responsibility to protect the interests of citizens and confirms the need today for the responsible word before God and the sons of our people and not to cause what leads to incitement to strife, especially in light of the lurking enemies who want bad Iraqis.” . Also, emotional, tense speeches cannot be a solution to the problems that afflict the country and do not provide a service to citizens, and we must all abide by the Almighty’s saying (and what is uttered by anyone but he has a strong watchdog). 

He added, "Oh, sons of the honorable Iraqi people, the coordination framework would like to present an explanation of what is related to the draft law on emergency food security and development and the decision of the Federal Supreme Court regarding it."

He explained, “The framework forces, through the parliamentary bloc and its allies, took its position with allocating sufficient funds to secure food stocks, ration card items, support farmers, social protection, and increase the salaries of retirees and youth loans. Notorious for raising the exchange rate of the dollar, the minister then proposed sending an emergency food security bill with proposed allocations of up to 9.6 trillion dinars, but we were surprised by the caretaker government sending a bill with allocations amounting to 30 trillion dinars, devoid of appointments or support for social protection, contrary to what is rumored now It is, in our assessment, an alternative project to the budget law that the government has resorted to in order to avoid implementing the Federal Court’s decision on the oil of the Kurdistan region.”

He continued, "We have recorded our objection to the use of the crisis conditions of high food prices and the lack of food stocks of wheat by adding allocations and exchange doors that do not represent an urgent necessity if not a door to corruption and misuse of financial abundance and squandering the wealth of the people."

He continued, "We also confirmed that the government for the conduct of daily affairs does not have the authority to present draft laws, and it is wrong to proceed with the legislation of this law, but the insistence of the people prompted us, through our parliamentary bloc, in which the Finance Committee participated in its meetings, to make strenuous efforts to reduce the damage from this law and the damage it causes.

Corruption and waste of public money, and the framework deputies in the Finance Committee voted to approve the non-controversial issues, and we were waiting for the final draft of the bill to be presented, and then set a session for Parliament to vote on the aforementioned bill after completing the required amendments in order to preserve public money.

And he stated, "As for the decision of the Federal Supreme Court related to the interpretation of the powers of the government to manage daily affairs and at the time we commend the professional and courageous decisions of the Federal Court, which come within the scope of the Constitution and the laws in force and the preservation of the political system, the coordinating framework emphasizes respecting the decisions of the judiciary and preserving its reputation because the judiciary represents the The most important pillar of the state and any violation of it represents a real threat to the state and its stability, and that questioning and challenging the decisions of the Federal Court represents a dangerous development that establishes chaos and instability.

He pointed out that “in the crowd of misleading positions and statements, we were amazed by the resigned government’s statement and the flimsy excuses it contained to justify its failure to perform its duties at various levels during the past stage, which witnessed the largest budget in the history of Iraq amounting to 133 trillion dinars for the year 2021, of which the citizen only touched the high rates of Poverty, unemployment, inflation, poor services, non-payment of farmers’ dues, inability to secure food stocks for the country, in addition to the unprecedented spread of corruption, which powerful and supportive political parties are trying to this government and dominate sensitive positions and positions in the government, ministries and governorates trying to evade responsibility and accusing others arbitrarily.

He pointed out that "and within the wave of misleading rhetoric, the accusations raised by the framework of obstructing the formation of the government raises eyebrows, as it comes from forces claiming to be the winner and representing the majority, but it seems that they have failed in their acquisitive project and are trying to mislead the public opinion that has been following the continuous initiatives and proposals from the coordination framework since the beginning of the crisis.

" To complete the constitutional benefits according to the basis of the national dialogue and to preserve the rights of the largest social component by forming the most numerous parliamentary bloc according to the constitution.

He continued, “In this context, the coordinating framework announced its approval and support for the initiative of the bloc of independent representatives and its readiness to accept their candidates to chair the formation of the government according to the agreed specifications of efficiency, impartiality and electoral benefits.

The policy of acquiring and monopolizing power and dealing positively and responsibly with the initiative of the bloc of independent representatives to end the political crisis and form a new government that addresses the country’s crises and alleviates the suffering of citizens.”   LINK

Observers: Al-Sadr Closed All Doors With The Coordination Framework.. And There Are No Signs Of Resolving The Political Crisis

Posted On2022-05-17  By Sotaliraq  ]In his last televised speech, the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, attacked the coordinating framework, describing them as “insolent” and that they do not exist without authority.

In his speech, Al-Sadr reiterated his adherence to the project of the national majority government, and his refusal to ally with the forces of the coordination framework to form the new government, considering that he would not return Iraq to sectarian quotas and sharing.

Al-Sadr had announced his transition to the opposition for a period of 30 days and gave way to his allies, "Azm", "Sovereignty" and the Kurdistan Democratic Party, to enter into negotiations with other forces and form the new government.

New foundations for the political game

In this regard, political researcher Kitab Al-Mizan says in an interview, “The statement of Mr. Muqtada Al-Sadr this time is different,” noting that “the statement was angry and closed all doors of dialogue and compatibility with the coordinating framework.”

Al-Mizan believes that "Al-Sadr's statement is a prelude to laying new foundations for the rules of the political game."

On the other hand, Al-Mizan affirmed, “The coordination framework seeks to form a coalition of 169 deputies (half +1), to allow it to take three fateful decisions, namely the dismissal of Al-Halbousi to break up the tripartite alliance, the amendment of the election law that caused their loss, the dissolution of Parliament and the holding of new elections.” .

Al-Sadr said in his televised speech: “I was not surprised even an iota of the blocking third and its obstruction to form the government, since its members do not exist without authority, but did the insolence reach them to the point of disrupting laws that benefit the people, there is no new majority government that may benefit the people, nor A current government that can serve and benefit the people.”

He added, “They target the people and want them to subjugate, and the most amazing thing is that the judiciary goes along with the disgraceful acts of the blocking third in terms of knowing or not knowing, just as the authority has blinded their eyes to what the people suffer from poverty, fear, lack of money and lives, militia domination, dependency, fears of normalization, epidemics and corruption that filled the land of Iraq with thefts. Kidnappings and killings, until Iraq’s politicians became an example to be followed of corruption and vice, except for a few, whose impact has faded and is still fading away.”

Al-Sadr called on the coordination framework to undo its actions, stressing that it will not force the movement to ally with it and return Iraq to the square of quotas, corruption and “abhorrent consensus.” He pointed out that the consensus that prevailed over the past years harmed Iraq and “reaped everything and everything,” wondering “for how long.” Will consensus and corruption prevail?

The head of the National Awareness Movement, Dr. Salah Al-Arbawi, tweeted, saying, “Al-Sadr’s speech today is a 3D bombing of both the blocking third and the Iraqi judiciary,” adding, “It seems that the street card is ripening, then things will get completely out of control.”

While the politician and academic Laith Shuber tweeted, “After Al-Sadr’s speech, there are only four options. The first is for the framework with the sovereignty and the Kurds to form a consensus government, and the second is for the tripartite coalition to begin to dissolve Parliament, and the third is for demonstrations and chaos to prevail, and the fourth, that the situation remains as it is. ».

Moving to the opposition is not possible

For his part, writer and political analyst Omar Al-Nasser said in an interview, "Al-Sadr's transition to the opposition is not possible in the current political situation."

Al-Nasser believes that “the presence of the opposition requires that there be a majority government, and the majority must move to it gradually, and therefore the political forces do not want to go to the opposition in this way,” noting that “the opposition at the present time is not appropriate for the situation and circumstance in which it is located.” Country".

The researcher and political writer Omar Al-Nasser suggested, "the necessity of having covenants of honor, guarantees, zeroing in on crises and combating corruption, so that there will be a qualitative transition in the way the Iraqi state is run."

With regard to the position of the coordination framework from the Sadrist movement to the opposition, he stressed that «the framework sees the movement as an essential part of the Shiite house, and vice versa».

The unprecedented political crisis in Iraq has continued for nearly six months, following the early legislative elections, which resulted in the Sadrist movement winning by a large margin over its closest rivals from the forces of the coordination framework allied to Iran, without positive signs about the tense political scene, which is getting more and more complicated by the day.   LINK


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