TNT, Pimpy, VitalBrad and more Tuesday Afternoon 6-9-2020


Tishwash:  Parliament holds its session in the presence of 166 deputies

On Monday, the House of Representatives held its fourth session, in the presence of 166 deputies.

The correspondent of the information said that Parliament Speaker Mohamed Al-Halbousi opened the activities of the 4th session of the fourth parliamentary session, the second legislative year, the second legislative term.

He added that the session was attended by 166 deputies.

Last Saturday, the House of Representatives finished the second reading of the domestic and external borrowing law.   link


Harambe:  Bloomberg: Iraq Gets Serious on Oil Cuts By Asking Buyers to Forgo Cargoes​n-oil-cuts-by-asking-buyers-to-forgo-cargoes

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26 broker is able to get dinars still but the thing is the borders of Iraq are shut tight...also the Central Bank of Iraq about 2 1/2 years ago stopped selling dinars to money exchangers, to brokers...before you introduce a new currency, a redenomination with a new exchange rate you have to collect the old currency.  You can't have dual currency out there.  You can't have a dual exchange rate...It is difficult to get the Iraqi dinar...

Pimpy  ...In order for them [Iraq] to be a sovereign nation they must have a recognizable currency, so we are rooting for the people to recognize them as a sovereign nation so that we can get the currency recognized and we definitely can expect a rate change to happen by then.  It's all looking good...It seems to me like every bit of news now that we read seems to be going in a positive direction...



Samson:  Specialist: Solving the budget problem will not be through the employees salaries

09:07 - 09/06/2020

The economist, Salem Al-Kinani, saw that the solution to the budget problem will not be by reducing the salaries of employees, but rather by resorting to agricultural and animal wealth and the exploitation of the mineral revolution available in the land of Iraq. addition to the exploitation of investment plots of land.

Al-Kinani said in a statement to "Information", that "millions of residential lands can be used, invested and sold to citizens, and to deliver their services to investment companies, while ensuring that the government receives 50% of the service fees."

He added, "Most countries do not depend on oil as a main source for financing the budget, as Iraq can rely on its religious tourism as a steady revenue in financing the budget in addition to its untapped tourist sites such as marshes, marine depressions and archaeological sites."

And that "the step of resorting to the employees' pension is unsuccessful and will have a negative reaction to the government, and the coming days may witness large demonstrations of employees that lead to the overthrow of the government.

It is possible to export the mineral revolution found in the ground, in addition to agricultural crops and the animal revolution, and therefore all resources are available but they need to be properly exploited. ”   LINK

Chappy86:  Wow, now they're talking about the things that contribute to the REER, (real effective exchange rate) the countries relative value. It is not the lowering of salaries that'll save Iraq. Rather it is the exploitation of their resources stored in the ground and what the ground can produce….imo

Popeye7:  Yes Chappy... As Frank, and his teams have pointed out... Iraq has so many resources within their country, and the nations of the world are pouring into this nation to get a piece of the pie...

Iraqi Dinar News 06/09/20 - crunch time

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Jun 9, 2020

Global Economic Reset | Iraq Completes Government

VitalBrad:  Jun 8, 2020


How To Know If You’ll Be Successful


"Coffee with MarkZ" Tuesday Morning Chat 6-9-2020