How To Know If You’ll Be Successful

How To Know If You’ll Be Successful

By  Benjamin Hardy

Life is complex and messy. It can be extremely difficult to get traction, let alone find motivation.

But motivation is something you can learn to create at will. Becoming deeply passionate is also within your creative control. As a result, you can completely predict your own success. You can choose to become as successful as you desire.

Here’s how:

1. Turn Success Into A Game, Not A Grind

“Life is a game, play it.”— Mother Theresa

We hear a lot about people “grinding” these days. That sounds awful! Grinding day in and out is a path to burnout and misery.

The best performers in the world don’t grind, they game! For example, Warren Buffett became good at selling because as a child he would go door-to-door selling chewing gum. But he wasn’t focused on making money. Instead, he was fascinated trying to figure out which flavors sold best. Even back then, he was trying to make predictions. He’s still playing the same games.

According to author, Daniel Coyle,  “If it can be counted, you can turn it into a game.”

Rather than “practicing” in a tedious and boring way, you’re far better-off turning your practice into a game. This is why CrossFit is so successful. There are objectives — where you start and complete new challenges.

I recently had this experience learning Spanish on the app, Duolingo. I started seeing how many objectives I could complete in a single day, and how many days I could complete challenges in a row.

2. Know That You Can Succeed

“Ignition (n): The motivational process that occurs when your identity becomes linked to a long-term vision of your future. Triggers significant amounts of unconscious energy; usually marked by the realization: That is who I want to be.”— Daniel Coyle

There’s a moment when you see what you want and a voice organically speaks within you — “I could be that.” This experience is pivotal! How could you ever become an Olympic Athlete if you didn’t at some point see it and believe it in your mind?

Put simply, you need to have an identity shift. No “wannabe” ever made it big. At some point, they either gave up on their dream or stopped being a wannabe.

During my research as a graduate student, I studied the difference between wannabe entrepreneurs and successful entrepreneurs. None of the wannabes actually saw themselves as entrepreneurs. They hadn’t had the shift where they fully identified themselves as entrepreneurs. Conversely, successful entrepreneurs saw being an entrepreneur as who they were.

That identity shift happened as they began investing money into their entrepreneurial goals, and as they made the conscious decision — this is WHO I AM. Your identity follows your behavior. Therefore, this shift won’t happen until after you begin acting into the new role you plan to play. You don’t start with faith. You choose to have it. It’s a conscious choice, followed by behavior. Then identity and motivation follow.

3. Stop Hiding It

What other people think of you is none of your business.

If you want to remain mediocre at something forever, keep it to yourself. If you want to become extremely successful, then openly share your dreams with your loved ones.

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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