TNT, Frank26, Sierra and more Tuesday Morning 3-24-2020


Tishwash:  Corona may revitalize the Iraqi economy .. Baghdad is on the cusp of exemptions from foreign debt payments

World Bank Group President David Malpas said on Monday that the bank may harness up to $ 150 billion in resources over the next 15 months to help developing countries fight and recover from the Corona virus pandemic, while calling on G20 leaders to allow the poorest to suspend all debt payments

In a statement to the finance ministers and central bankers of the Group of Twenty countries issued by the World Bank, Malpas called the creditor countries in the group to allow the poorest countries to suspend all bilateral debt payments while fighting the virus.

He said the poorest countries should be allowed to focus their resources on health measures in the face of the crisis.

"I call on the leaders of the Group of Twenty to allow the poorest countries to suspend all official bilateral debt payments, until the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have completed a comprehensive assessment of their needs for reconstruction and financing," he said in the statement.

Malbas said that the bank is currently preparing projects in 49 countries to help fight the virus under a new fast-track credit facility, and decisions are expected this week on up to 16 projects.

He explained that the bank is consulting with China and other major countries to obtain assistance for the rapid industrialization and delivery of many of the medical supplies that countries need.

Iraq debt

A parliamentary committee in the Iraqi parliament revealed, at the end of last year, the foreign debts of Iraq, noting that it had reached the stage of the threat to the economic future.

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Ahmad al-Jubouri, told the official Al-Sabah newspaper that “the committee had previously suspended debt, especially foreign, in the 2019 budget, at a time when there is an obligation to continue debt as it was present during the war against ISIS gangs in the governorates of Nineveh, Anbar and Salah al-Din.”

He pointed out that "debts, especially foreign affairs, amounted to 125 billion dollars."

He warned that "its survival portends a danger to the economic future of Iraq," noting that "there are 20 paragraphs of debt that will be in the 2020 budget."

The International Monetary Fund said, last year, that Iraq’s debts worsened during the past years, where they were 6 years ago 73.1 billion dollars, and rose in 2014 to 75.2 billion dollars, and in 2015 they became 98.0 billion dollars, while two years ago it was 114.6 billion dollars, to rise In the year 2017 to $ 122.9 billion.  link

JSL:  you know at this point after 11 years I decided this isn't going to happen according to logic or sensibility. been trying to follow that pattern all these years. I just think like DAZ and PAPERBOY always said One night for no reason whatsoeverthey'll just turn it back on just because they want to. therefore it could happen anytime. You can't figure it out!   From now on that's my Story and I am ah stickin with it…lol

Freetown:  I just read an article about Wuhan. They are lifting the lock down April 8. This is good news. Light at the end of the tunnel.


Tishwash:  The currency market in Sulaymaniyah opens its doors to citizens for five hours

On Tuesday, the Sulaymaniyah currency market opened its doors to citizens for five hours.
And the currency market began to reopen its doors to the citizens for a period of 5 hours a day in the city of Sulaymaniyah and the Kurdistan region on Tuesday 3/24/2020.

The Ministry of Interior in the Kurdistan Regional Government decided to allow banking shops to open their doors to customers for a period of 5 hours a day, starting today in the cities of Erbil, Sulaymaniyah, Dohuk, Halabja, and the Karmyan and Raprin administrations.

According to the decision, these markets will open their doors daily from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., in order to convert currencies for commercial purposes, and in conjunction with that, the commercial movement continues between the region and abroad.  link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   Question:  Is it possible for the RI to be pushed out several months from the coronavirus epidemic?  Of course it is but the way it's moving right now in the direction that it's going crescendo - peaking - almost over with, manufacturers helping, the whole economic world is not listening 'Oh it's a disaster' instead they're holding back and they're gonna move the moment Trump tells them.  So is it possible that the RI could be pushed out several months...?  Based on all those things that we've been saying and studying, no I just don't see that.

Pimpy  I agree with Trump.  Once we get out of this coronavirus thing our economy is going to slingshot IMO...Trump thinks we're gonna be out of this by April.  Well one of the things you could do is change the rate of the Iraqi dinar.  We know people are holding it including countries everywhere.  You can give the appearance of a stimulated economy...

"The US was Founded by Geniuses" by TM - 3.24.20

Entry Submitted by TM at 3:39 AM EDT on March 24, 2020

I luv this guy and he as well as a few others come across as the political leaders that will remain after the changes occur.

I do believe that slowly everything will build up until Trump (and the American public will support him by then) will declare Martial Law and arrest the DemonRats and all of those "Obstructing Justice". They will be seen for what they are.

If one notices at least for the area I live in the citizens are taking this"downtime" with stride.
I do not see the logic of plunging America into too far a death spiral that we can't come out of.
We are going through a major restructuring throughout the Planet and everything on the surface will continue to look FUBAR. Do you know why?

Because this is your  Personal Journey Of Self Discovery
You've been taken to the waters so now kneel down and drink .

Corona Virus??  Or Purrrfect Storm     TM

"The Satanists are Defeated" by Sierra (NZ) - 3.24.20

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 4:01 AM EDT on March 24, 2020

Some celebrities 'self-isolating' at home are making strange videos, appearing with no make-up, looking disheveled and distressed. As one Anon says, 'This is Hollywood unmasked'. Indeed. The elite satanists seem to be acknowledging defeat.

One of the most bizarre examples is Madonna. She has made two videos. In one video she is standing in her bathroom, no makeup, singing a made-up song about 'fried fish' into her hair brush. In the second video, she is sitting naked in a bath of water, saying that we are all in the same boat and we will go down together.

Is Madonna signalling to her famous satanist friends that the game is up? An astute Anon has made a connection that seems to indicate it.

Scroll down this Twitter feed until you find the Madonna videos...

'Albert Fish, a child rapist/cannibal. A filthy FISH that got FRIED in an electric chair at New York's Sing Sing Prison. Madonna SINGing 'Fried Fish', then soaking in water.'

The tweet then quotes a Q drop from 2018...

'Q: How do you CATCH a fish?'

The connections between Albert Fish and Madonna's videos are compelling, and too unusual to dismiss out of hand.

Tom Hank's wife Rita Wilson has posted tweets of herself reading a book titled 'End Game'. It seems these evil people are signalling among themselves that they are doomed.

Coach Jerry posted about the two large 'hospital' ships - I agree that they are much more likely to be prison ships. Also David Wilcock, in his latest life stream video, talked about the major inter-nation military operation in Europe. He said that it is actually an undercover operation to arrest the deeply-entrenched European satanists.

I like this excerpt from an Arcturian channeling by Marilyn Raffaele...

'You are in the midst of the changes you have been hoping, praying and looking for, but didn't expect to manifest in this way.'

The pandemic cover operation has taken hold swiftly around the world. The mostly asleep population is too fearful to think about what is really going on behind the scenes. They will know soon enough. And when they do, they will need us to reassure and comfort them.

We Light Warriors are ready and waiting to help humanity.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of March 24, 2020


IQD CALLS Chat Monday Evening  3-23-20