IQD CALLS Chat Monday Evening  3-23-20

IQD CALLS Chat Monday Evening  3-23-20

Futuremoney   Dave when the total amount of people that die EVERY YEAR globally is 500, do you warrant this knee jerk reaction????????

Baxter   futuremoney totally agree

Clay   politics

Dave   futuremoney the PTB told me so!

Baxter   16,000 deaths world wide... out of billions of people

Clay   agree not sure why its such a big deal

Clay   35000 die every year in the US from the flu

Dave   Check Italy????

Clay   thats definitely a shame   many elderly I would think

futuremoney   Clay alot more than that!!

Clay   you may be right

Dave   1in 3 young folks getting hospitalized there

Clay   I know    its mostly the elderly that are paasing on      a shame

Dave   Smoke and Mirrors....? Lets just eradicate this

Clay   hopefully soon

Dave   We seem to be miles ahead of you folks only 1400 cases 20 deaths

futuremoney   last year my neighbor who was in her 60s got the flu and was dead 3 days later....CDC didnt show up and close up ohio!!!!

Clay   sad

Dave   smoke and mirrors with quinine too

Dave   a test tube quinine with CV.......either it works or it dont

Baxter   675,000 Americans Died of the swine flu in 1918

Dave   Baxter imagine if that was around today

Baxter   yep

Futuremoney   Baxter 50 million world wide....

Dave   reported.....yesup to 100 million

Dave   Doubt China reported much back then

futuremoney   this isnt even a drop in the bucket

Dave   Beyond my control

Dave   GLOBAL SHUT DOWN.......smoke and mirrors

Dave   Go GCR!

Clay   do you really believe that GCR

Dave   Clay with all economies going to poop..........put your dollar where your mouth is....or show me your worth now?

Dave   more hope in that than in Iraqi Politics

Clay   agree

Clay   that doesnt seem to be going anywhere

Dave    Iraq could stand for an epiphany any time now.........

Clay   we all need this

Dave silver gone to *.........

Clay  has it    whats it at

Dave   13 ish

Clay $?    wow

Dave   was19 ishnot long ago

Clay   and that wasnt bad

Clay   maybe many selling it off because of what may come

Clay   and that dropped the price

Dave   gold down too

Clay   and the market is crashing

Clay   except for some senators lol

Dave   correction unttil they figure out whats happening

Clay   that too

Dave   CDN worth less than 70 cents now

Clay   not good    most will start as well

Clay   no work=declined currency    thus will start a panic at the banks    u watch

Baxter   Silver is at 13.40

Clay   yep

Baxter   gas here is 1.39  Ohio

Clay   here it is $1,81     NC

Dave   1.05 here  Canada

Baxter   yeh.. right

Clay cheapest I ever seen for a very long time

 Baxter   we have 55 cents a gallon tax.. so that would make it about 85 cents without tax

Dave   just you guys never went metric....

Baxter   thank god

Clay   same here Bax NC taxes are ridiculous

Baxter   our governor wasnt in office ten minutes and he raised the tax ten cents a gallon..and 20 cents on diesel

Clay   thats normally a democrat thing

Baxter   I know....

Baxter   and hes Repub

Dave   Baxter I still think in BRITISH UNITS.......

Clay   increase taxes on anything and everything

Clay   unusual for a repub

Clay   I know    everything is on hold now

 Xyz   A Man Died After Self-Medicating With A Drug Trump Promoted As A Potential Treatment For The Coronavirus

According to the Banner Health hospital system in Phoenix, Arizona, the husband and wife, both in their 60s, ingested chloroquine phosphate, "an additive commonly used at aquariums to clean fish tanks."

Chattels   Iraqi MP from Asa’ib Ahl al-Haqq militia: the failure to agree on a nominee for PM means we must restore confidence in PM Abdel-Mahdi until 2022. The Islamic Resistance rejects US candidate Adnan Zurufi. LINK

chattels   Iraqi PM nominee Adnan Zurufi: today, Iraq lives on the cash surplus that the government of PM Haider Abadi left us.


chattels   Alongside the Sadrists, the bloc of ex PM Abadi is among the few Shiite Iraqi factions to express continued support for new PM desginate Zurfi. Other key Shiite parties call for a replacement PM designate but there is no mechanism for that

chattels   Victory Coalition: Naming a new candidate for prime minister is a constitutional violation

Monday 23, March 2020 11:32

chattels   Barham Salih: Corona is the greatest threat to humanity in modern history

Monday 23, March 2020 22:02 |

chattels   Barham Salih calls on the political forces and blocs to get out of the political turmoil and face the Corona challenge

Monday 23, March 2020 22:16 |

chattels   Honored, Not Contained:  The Future of Iraq's Popular Mobilization Forces

Michael Knights, Hamdi Malik, and Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi

March 2020

chattels   Although demobilization is not a realistic goal in the near term, Iraq and its partners can take practical steps to honor Hashd units for their sacrifices while also containing them in the interests of national sovereignty and stability.

xyz   Ryan1216: If the CBI doesn't RI/RV during this corona virus pandemic I'm going to cry for missing a perfect opportunity to raise the value of the Iraqi Dinar. It's now or never. This is the last hope I give the CBI.   

Xyz    A Messianic woman celebrates her way after her husband recovered from the Corona virus



crazycrypto   if you need food or water than wear a mas and gloves and get it than back home.

Francis Albert   Many of these financial gurus writing blogs predicting the crash of the dollar for the last 25 years are amusing in their outright ignorance of monetary systems. A famous one on a Dinar site has a headline, "Mnuchin runs out of money to rig markets." Psst. Mr. guru, The Treasury doesn't have extra money, ever. They borrow it from the FED, who creates it, that's where this 4 Trillion in money for this mystical carona thing is coming from. And the NY FED can only run out of money if they run out of zeros.

chattels   The latest " Okie OIl Slick " : 3-23-2020 Intel Guru Okie_Oil_Man JUST A FAST FLY-BY — I AM BEING TOLD TO EXPECT LANDING PERMISSION WEDNESDAY 3-25...

chattels   " Aspirations or greater ideas about the world as it is."

chattels   A year after destruction of caliphate, ISIS still a threat

chattels   Over 340,000 cases have been confirmed worldwide with more than 14,700 dead, according to the Coronavirus Research Center at John Hopkins University.

chattels   Corona ... France records the largest number of deaths and injuries in one day

[Follow-up] Where , on Monday, France recorded the largest number of deaths and infections with the emerging Corona virus, since the beginning of the epidemic.

And 186 deaths were recorded in France in one day, according to media sources, in addition to 3,176 new cases, adding that "the two numbers are the largest since the beginning of the epidemic."

chattels   The Parliamentary Agriculture Committee revealed, on Monday, a qualitative leap in the national product that was achieved in the time of Corona.

Vice-Chairman of the Committee, Mansour Al-Baiji, said in a statement that [where] received a copy of it, “The country witnessed a qualitative boom by providing most of the agricultural and animal materials that pertain to citizen consumption during the current crisis the world is going through, including ours due to the outbreak of the Corona virus, which caused Close the borders and prevent the entry of goods into the country during the current crisis. "

chattels   Coronavirus damages Iraqi economy with fall in tourism, oil prices

Omar al-Jaffal March 23, 2020

Read more:

chattels   Another day in " Dinarland ".   Take heart, Okie says Wednesday.


TNT, Frank26, Sierra and more Tuesday Morning 3-24-2020


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