TNT, Frank26, Max Keiser and more...Thursday Afternoon 1-16-2020


Brod:  Highlights of Phase 1 of the new U.S. China Trade Deal

SIGNING A LANDMARK PHASE ONE TRADE AGREEMENT: Today (Wednesday) , President Trump is signing a new, fully-enforceable Phase One Trade Agreement with China.

President Trump is making good on his promise to fix the failed policies of the past and deliver fairer trade for the United States.

This historic agreement will begin to rebalance our vital trade partnership with China and benefit both of our countries.

The signing of this agreement will be an incredible boost for American businesses, farmers, manufacturers, and innovators.

ENACTING CRITICAL REFORMS: China has agreed to make significant structural reforms in a wide range of critical areas.

This agreement will help level the playing field for America’s innovators to compete and win.

Importantly, the reforms included in the agreement are fully enforceable and include a strong dispute resolution system to ensure effective implementation and enforcement.

For the first time in any trade agreement, China agreed to end its practice of forcing foreign companies to transfer their technology to Chinese companies in order to gain market access.

China will address numerous longstanding intellectual property concerns in the areas of trade secrets, trademarks, enforcement against pirated and counterfeit goods, and more.

China agreed to strong commitments on currency practices regarding currency devaluations and exchange rates.

The agreement addresses a wide range of trade and investment barriers that have prevented American financial services companies from being able to compete in China.

The agreement addresses structural barriers that have unfairly limited United States food and agricultural exports.

The agreement includes significant commitments by China on accepting United States agricultural biotechnology products.

REBALANCING TRADE: This agreement will begin rebalancing our trade relationship with China and provide new opportunity for American businesses and farmers.

As a part of the new agreement, China has pledged to increase imports of American goods and services by at least $200 billion.

China’s increase in United States imports will take place over the next 2 years, and the trajectory is expected to continue even after 2021.

This increase will make important progress in rebalancing the United States-China trade relationship.

China will be making purchases of United States manufactured goods, agriculture, energy, and services under this deal.

China has agreed to purchase between $40 and $50 billion in American agricultural goods each year for two years – providing a massive boost to America’s hardworking farmers.

Tishwash:   Zimbabwe, Chinese Businesses In Currency Swap Deal

Finance and Economic Development Minister Mthuli Ncube said that Zimbabwe has entered into a currency swap arrangement with China.

This will allow potential investors coming from China to swap or exchange their foreign currency with Chinese investors already in Zimbabwe who wish to send their money to China.

The Chinese investor in Zimbabwe would then release the Zimbabwe dollar equivalent of the US dollar to the local bank account of the payer in China. Said Ncube:

We have entered into a currency swap arrangement, what this means is that some would be investing in Zimbabwe from China and those who require their proceeds to be remitted back to China which is normal.

So, the idea is those individuals will then swap (currency) so that those who are investing in Zimbabwe are able to give them a domestic currency and they use the foreign currency which they are bringing in for investment to pay those who are exiting.

The currency swap of US dollars for Zimbabwe dollars will be done with the approval of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and the Ministry of Finance.

The move is meant to increase trade and investment between China and Zimbabwe.   link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  ...the CBI had many of their employees arrested today.  Four major ones.  And one that owned a bank...What was the results?  Money was being sent to Iran...what happened the big reason why Donald Trump will stop the auctions...and that alone will force Iraq do do what you and I want them to do with the monetary reform...this will force their hand to do something to maintain the exchange rate that is stable right now by the sale of the American dollar through the auctions...this will force Iraq to lift the three zeros.  It will force them to come out with the new small category notes, to have the new exchange rate come out...

IMO Trump is insisting to stop the usage of the American dollar through their auctions.  Why? To play fair...what is happening is the reason why the auction are about to be shut down.  What happens if they shut down the auctions?  They have to use their own shut down those auctions President Trump and you force them to raise the value of their currency.  You timed this brilliantly.  Freaking brilliantly.


Lee Wanta :

PUPPET NBC & others trying hard to keep fake impeachment hoax at top of News & the man-made geo weather wars affecting Nation. All designed to distract and cover-up truth of massive criminal enterprise RICO crimes Treason & attempted hijacking of Reagan Mitterrand Wanta funds.

Keiser Report: What Came First, the Chicken or the Fed? (Ep 1489)

Jan 16, 2020

In this episode of Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the increasing velocity and quantity of injections by the Fed into the repo markets.

They also note that nobody is short the market as nobody dares ‘fight the Fed’.

In the second half, Max talks to Craig Hemke of about the latest in the gold market as Trump renews hostilities in the Middle East and the central bank continues pumping money into markets

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 01 16 20

Phoenix talks about the US/China Trade Deal, the USMCA signed , impeachment, arrests, world events and much more…….



IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 1-16-20


.Gold Price Prediction – Prices Rally Post Trade Agreement Signing