IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 1-16-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 1-15-20

Chattels   WASHINGTON, United States — The US military is resuming operations against Islamic State militants in Iraq and is working to soon restart training Iraqi forces, US officials said Wednesday, despite deep divisions over the American drone strike that killed an senior Iranian commander in Baghdad and the resulting missile attacks by Iran on Iraqi bases.

One official said some joint operations between the US and Iraqi forces have already begun, but there are not yet as many as before. The official said details are still being worked out to restore the training of Iraqi forces, but that could happen relatively soon.

chattels   Wednesday, January 15, 2020 Pro-Iran Hashd Continue Attacks Upon US Interests In Iraq

chattels   January have been 7 attacks upon US interests in Iraq While aimed at Americans only Iraqis have been the victims 5 civilians and 9 Iraqi soldiers wounded …

chattels   Pro-Iran Hashd seem undeterred by threats of another US retaliatory strike if they kill an American again …

chattels   Iran said it got revenge for death of Gen Suleimani by firing missiles at Assad base in Anbar and Irbil airport on Jan 7 Asaib Ahl Al-Haq's Khazali said Iraqis needed their own payback for death of Abu Muhandis …

chattels   My view is "full civil war" won't happen bc that requires two well-armed sides. The Shia militias have too much to lose to go fratricadal.

And protesters/activists can't defend themselves so will just keep getting whacked, that's too 1-sided to be a war.

Sparky   ...chattels ..with a pho chattels ne call 3 hours beforehand, so that there would not be an "incident "...fools shot down the Ukranian flight...killing the innocent, usual,...

Sparky   ...chattels ...nothing civil about war...

chattels   Iraq Pays the Price of U.S.-Iran Escalation

January 14, 2020

chattels   If US cuts Iraq's access to Central Bank funds, then "the economic and monetary consequences would be disastrous"

Sparky   ...chattels ...and just let me say, I really appreciate your opinion, as well as the articles you bring into the room..thank you my friend...

chattels   A civil war, also known as an intrastate war in polemology, is a war between organized groups within the same state or country. The aim of one side may be to take control of the country or a region, to achieve independence for a region or to change government policies.

Doug_W   chattels what Sparky... said but in SPADES

chattels   Sparky... I try to opine sparingly because as you know a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.   I appreciate both of you. I wish that I had more encouraging news to post everyday.

Sparky   ...chattels is what it is...

chattels   War studies, sometimes called polemology, is the multi-disciplinary study of war. The word derives from Ancient Greek.

chattels   Sorry about the definitions. I am a " word " guy and I am fascinated by their meanings and origins.

Sparky   ...chattels ...words mean things...and civility begins with communication...

chattels   Sparky... Agreed.

Spark   y...chattels ...still wondering how Ozzie was so far ahead of the pack...back in the day, he was demonized,...but, sang words of truth...

chattels   Sparky... Ozbourne ?

Sparky   ...chattels ...yes, Black Sabbath lead...

chattels   Sparky... Never was much of a hard rock music person.

chattels   Hisham Al-Suhail: Naming the prime minister with a popular and political consensus is important to calm the atmosphere and proceed with the required reform steps

Thursday 16, January 2020

Sparky   ...chattels ...check this out, if you got a moment...Sparky...

Sparky   ...  ...

Sparky   ......sorry, here is the link to war pigs...

chattels   Sparky... Link not working for me.

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / Foreign currency markets in Baghdad recorded, today, Thursday, a stable exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

The market price on the Kifah Stock Exchange today reached 121,500 dinars per hundred dollars.

Sparky   ...chattels ...

chattels   Christians in Iraq welcome 2020 with confidence and desire for change

Saad Salloum January 15, 2020

Read more:

chattels   Sparky... I remember now.

chattels   Not a lot of news today. Parliament is adjourned until Saturday. Have a fine day all. Godspeed the completion of the Iraqi banking sector reform project. God bless us every one.

Doug_W    be well chattels


Doug_W   Sparky... Black Sabbath ~ War Pigs

Matt   Sparky... Noise NOT music

Sparky   ...Matt ...give the words he sings a couple minutes...youll get it...

Sparky   ...Doug_W ...I know you get it...

Matt   Sparky... War Pigs Black Sabbath lyrics>

Gen'rals gathered in their masses,   Just like witches at black masses

Evil minds that plot destruction,   Sorcerer of death's construction

In the fields the bodies burning,   As the war machine keeps turning

Death and hatred to mankind,   Poisoning their brainwashed minds  Oh Lord yeah

Politicians hide themselves away   They only started the war

Why should they go out to fight?   They leave that role for the poor, yeah

Time will tell on their power minds,   Making war just for fun

Treating people just like pawns in chess,  Wait 'till their judgement day comes, yeah

Now in darkness world stops turning,   Ashes where the bodies burning

No more War Pigs have the power,   Hand of God has struck the hour

Day of judgement, God is calling   On their knees the war pigs crawling,

Begging mercies for their sins   Satan, laughing, spreads his wings   Oh Lord yeah

Sparky   ......can't wait for the brothel to join in...

Sparky   ...Matt ...awesome ! Thanks...

Jo   the system enjoys telling the truth what happens or before it happens

Sparky   ...Matt ...I must have made up my own lyric..."underneath the war pigs crawling...'...but, I'm gonna stick with my version..but, thank you man !

Sparky   ...Jo ...truth ?

Jo   In the lyrics'

Sparky   ...Jo ...creative directves...hegalian dialectic......Jo ..oh yes, agree, Ozzie spot on...

Jo   Also in movies, cartoons like The Simpsons even Disney for those few that can see through the veil

Sparky...Deano ... whats your current take on things bro /

Sparky......let me give you my take on things........gonna be a waiting game...for those with the stomach...

Sparky   ...Deano ...Iranians chanting "death to the regime " , as opposed to "death to USA "..., now , thats a plus sign in our corner......friggin monkeys shot down a civilian

Clay   a great sign   hopefully protestors will take power this time   gonna be alot of bloodshed Im afraid

Sparky...Clay ...I agree, and may take a couple your seatbely

Sparky......seatbelt, it's gonna be a rough ride................May West classic

Deano   @Sparky to answer your question this is my opinion. I think with the news that came out yesterday about money being stolen from CBI and the corruption being taken care of puts us close to home plate

Deano   All this time with people's suggestions and opinions and Kap's nonsense when what I think it's come down to removing those who were hurting the dinar.

Sparky   ...Deano ...what about Isis occupying 30 % of Iraq...think they took IQD with them ? And Iran...actually, synonomous......all I got is my opinion...except posting Ozzie link..." War Pigs " ...

Deano   @Sparky, my personal belief is ISIS is under control. They know where these sleeper cells are and watching them very closely. I have a friend who was in Iraq from 2002-2005, he has a friend who is a sniper for the military, I get intel from him from time to time, they're watching and waiting. Just like when Trump took out the Iranian general.

Sparky   ...Deano ...Navy SEAL neighbor...Nam........ sniper,...picked up his position...4 through shots...

Deano   I'm just a firm believer that things are happening behind closed doors that we don't know about

Biff   Kap is still talking RV? I thought it would an RI

Sparky   ...Deano ...slow rise is inevitable...imo...

Deano   @biff that's another option. We'll know what they're doing when they do it.

Sparky   ...biff ...why what ?

biff   Big news on the CBI getting them Iranian clowns out of there

Biff   When I working in Iraq all the Iraqis who want to join the Iraqi Police were ID by Biomertric Scanning including the GOI.

biff   Yes they were scanned

biff   We were flying around Iraq recruiting Iraqis for the national police force

Sparky   ...biff ... iraqi police equal blackwater /halibuton...

biff   no

biff   Dyncorp

biff   I did get recriuted by Blackwater in 05

Sparky   ...biff ...Iraqis scared ****...

biff   not really

Sparky   ...biff ...your perspective is greatly appreciated my friend...

Ranco   just to give ya'll something to get excided about.RayRen98 wrote 2h ago SOME BANK SOURCES CHANGED THEIR STATUS FROM "STANDBY" TO "EMERGENCY STANDBY" YESTERDAY....

tman23   I had been busy following up on Hadr Al -Ameri , whom I was told was arrested by US forces after the air strike on Solemani .... I kept looking for articles about it in more detail but there has not been anything I’ve seen worthy of credible and new .....

The word now is he was loaded on an aircraft with a few others and taken away ..... remember he also rules one of the largest blocks with Sadr.... here’s the kicker ...Sadr has been holding out in Iran having meetings with other ****e leaders .... I’m assuming..IMO.... he is scared that there is a spot for him on a US express aircraft also.... 

So question being , HOW DO YOU FORM A NEW GOVERNMENT WHEN 2 of the largest winning blocks Sadr and Ameri..and one is missing other is sitting in Iran as his Iraqi people call for less Iranian influence ?


KTFA Members "News and Views" Thursday Afternoon 1-16-2020


TNT, Frank26, Max Keiser and more...Thursday Afternoon 1-16-2020