TNT, Fleming, Bix Weir and more Monday 12-2-8-2020


Harambe:  Bloomberg: Vietnam Government Aims for 2021 Economic Growth of 6.5%


Bloomberg: Vietnam Government Aims for 2021 Economic Growth of 6.5%

Vietnam is looking to raise its economic growth target for 2021 by 0.5 percentage point to 6.5 per cent, although the coronavirus pandemic and adverse weather are potential obstacles, its prime minister said on Monday.

Vietnam's economic growth slowed to 2.91 per cent this year, its lowest level in at least 30 years, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, natural disasters and a sluggish global economy. That rate was still among the world's fastest.

"I can say 2020 is the most successful year of Vietnam in the five-year term. Our country is now better than ever," Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said, referring to Vietnam's economic performance in 2020.

"We previously targeted a growth of 6.0 per cent for next year.

Although there remain several obstacles, the government aims to expand the economy 0.5 percentage point higher," Mr Phuc said.​aims-for-2021-economic-growth-of-6-5

Tishwash:  Demonstrations in Baghdad demanding the dismissal of the governor of the Central Bank

Hundreds of citizens demonstrated, on Monday, to demand the dismissal of the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Makhaif, accusing him of stealing for the benefit of corruption whales.

The / Al-Malouma correspondent said that hundreds of citizens, merchants and shopkeepers demonstrated in Rasheed Street in front of the headquarters of the Central Bank of Iraq to denounce the policies of the bank’s governor after raising the price of the dollar.

He added that the demonstrators demanded the government to resign, terrifying that his policy would only destroy the poor citizen and serve corruption whales.

The correspondent indicated that riot police deployed at the demonstration site and prevented the demonstrators from reaching the gate of the Central Bank of Iraq.   link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff  Iraq has now officially announced to us that they have implemented the reforms as of Sunday December 20th when they devalued that rate...they've got to change the rate by the end of March...Now that they've devalued the Iraq dinar they have now told you they've officially started the reforms.  


Monday Fleming RV Update: 

Earlier our military intel contact would say is T4B start is close, all still on track, said he cannot say much more right now, except watch over next 48-72 hrs,

Once they start us redemption of ZIM & all currencies will go past Fri 1 Jan & give T4B at least 7-8 days before they start the public T5,

He also said major disclosure declassification revelation bombs incoming now at the same time this week intended to expose & take down Deep State swamp creatures that have been fighting the RV release & NESARA/ GESARA.

ALERT! Exposing JPM's 1st Quarter Silver Derivative MONSTER!! (Bix Weir)

Dec 28, 2020

Why did the price of silver drop under $12 in the 1st Quarter of 2020?

Was it "free market trading" or something more?

The OCC just released their 1st Quarter Derivative report and the answer is OBVIOUS...JP Morgan was holding a derivative position in silver of over 2B OUNCES!

Who says "Crime Doesn't Pay?!"

The Atlantis Report

 The Future of Gold, Silver and the Dollar - Peter Schiff

Dec 28, 2020

In today´s video Peter Schiff will be sharing what will happen in the future of Gold Silver and dollar

A lot of people are worried about what will happen in the future of gold, stock market, bitcoin, silver ,crypto, market bubble, usd, btc, crypto currency, bull market ,after watching this video you will have a better idea about what will happen in the future.


KTFA Members "News and Views" Monday 12-28-2020


"Coffee With MarkZ" Monday Morning Chat 12-28-2020 "Action Packed Week"