Thursday Night X22 Reports 4-9-2020
Trump Has Total Control Over The Fed, It Is Now Complete - Episode 2144a
X22 Report: Apr 9, 2020
The [CB] pushing a global recession is losing the battle, the US is on a different track, this track is to expose the [CB].
Trump is doing everything in his power to help the people through this transition.
Trump has now set the entire thing in motion, he is in charge of the Fed, Powell needs to ask permission from Trump now.
The Fed has now been merged with the Treasury… longer does the Fed have their independence!
Patriot Stand At The Ready, The Start - Episode 2144b
X22 Report: Apr 9, 2020
The [DS] event is failing at an accelerated rate.
The patriots are ready to make their move, the entire [DS] apparatus will be exposed, patriots stand at the ready the storm is coming, this is the start.