"The Spuare Peg, The Round Hole and the Lathe" By Ron Giles

From Recaps Archives

"The Square Peg, the Round Hole and the Lathe" by Ron Giles - 12.24.20 

Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 2:28 PM EST on December 24, 2020

You can’t fit a square wooden peg in a round hole, unless…., you knock off the edges with a lathe. You can knock off the edges of the square peg with your lathe tools and make it fit precisely. It is done all the time. To do it with people is a bit harder.

It’s not so easy when the square peg is the, fully alive, Cabal debt-based, financial system of greedy bankers. The only good thing about this OLD system lays in the core functionality that supports its use for financial transactions within the economy.

If it weren’t for the edges it might still work. But it is going away as obsolete. We have a new Master Wood Worker and a perfect lathe that is a Miracle Worker of a tool. The QFS.

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The whole Human Economic system needs to be able to process the transfer of funds from a buyer to a seller in a way that is unencumbered by weighty commodities.

The medium of exchange used must be something that has a perceived universal value for all parties. The exchange of acceptable funds precedes the transfer of ownership and possession of the object of the transaction.

In the old days, the simple barter system was cumbersome on a large scale. So, warehouses or clearing-houses were built to hold the commodities. A "Script" was issued for the value of the commodity left in the clearing warehouse. The script was exchanged in the market place and at the end of the day, all merchants would turn in the script and collect the goods they purchased with the script.

On a local basis, it worked well until that too became cumbersome. This left an opening for corruption to take place, and so it did. The warehouseman realized his monopoly and began to raise his fees. Without competition, he charged what he wanted and this began the manipulation that gave advantages to certain elite land-owners who used their power to gain from others who did the work. They became wealthy and more greedy.

Thus the Banksters were borne who have played society ever since with their Pyramid economic system that works for the few at the cost of the many.

The greedy opportunistic types saw a profit beyond warehousing and the banking system was borne. It would have worked well but dishonesty became the lazy man’s way to make money. That is why the manipulation of "money" and "money instruments" became the lazy man's way of making money. JUST SEE WHAT THE BANKSTERS HAVE DONE TO OUR MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE. They have truly made it filthy lucre.

The round core at the center of the banking industry is still there but, being alive, it started to grow edges that made it hard to move. The roundness gave way to edges that made the peg hard to use over time. With roundness, this core could move and the economy could roll on. But the greedy grew edges that eventually slowed down the economic machine and encumbered economic growth.

The peg became squared off. To grow the economy, the greedy edges had to be accommodated and the whole economic system morphed into the debt-based financial system that stands at the precipice of collapsing the entire world economic system today. When you mess with the medium of exchange, you eventually destroy the economy.

For the square peg to fit back into the round hole, the greedy edges have to be honed off, sanded, and inserted back into place. Does there exist such a large lathe that could be used for this purpose?

 Or should we as a species create something new, a new financial system that eliminates the possibility of ever being taken over by the greedy, dishonest, unethical, system that supports the small 1% of society? A medium of exchange was never meant to be a source of income. We are going back to real money as a medium of exchange that can never be manipulated again. The QFS stands as a Vanguard for society.

The Quantum Financial System (QFS), has a built-in security system that works for 100% of the people. This is one of many, HOLES, in society that are being created to accommodate a whole new structure for society. The old square pegs won’t work anymore. The old overseers, controllers, are fighting to the death to stop us from abandoning their ship but even the cockroaches are leaving. That old ship of foolish greedy S.O.B (short on brains) lowlifes, has so many holes in it, it cannot stay afloat very much longer.

But the new QFS is sailing right next to the old ship of fools and is already taking on the good, righteous survivors and has room for all who want to survive by doing their work in harmony with correct principles of Societal living.

The problem of who gets to stay has already been solved by the gatekeeper who will not allow the cockroaches to come aboard. The square pegs must be stripped of their edges on an individual basis. If the core has not rotted and is still redeemable they must subject themselves to the individual lathe that will hone down the edges, before they will be welcomed on-board the QFS Ship-of-Glory.

There are a lot of small lathes to use on an individual basis but not one large enough to include the Cabal Debt Financial System into the QFS. That’s a Square-Peg-Tooooooo Big, it’s terminal, and the core is rotting and dying.

If you want to come on board the QFS Ship-of-Glory your baggage (edges) will be thoroughly searched, to see if your presence will infect the perfection of the love that is to be found there. The Cabal are not the only ones that have developed, “Edges.” There exists the slave mentality that works against society. This survival thinking has to change.

Doing your own lathe work now, while you have time, will ensure your inclusion as the Humane, peaceful society is created. If not, sorry, we will not let personal pollution in our new society. Take a bath, clean yourself up and your thinking, and learn to come from love in your dealings with others.

As the Societal standard of living with one another raises, those who don't belong will be naturally rejected on a personal basis. Who would want to live with or associate with a filthy person, especially one who is filthy in spirit? Yuck!

Things are changing the way we live. The abundance mentality will prevail as the old Cabal conditioning gives way to doing things in harmony with others. The way we have learned to use Capitalism must change so that all can become a part of a thriving economy. Doing things as a self-aggrandizement must give way to a more society based ethic that supports everybody.

It is our opportunity to create this type of society as we humanitarians go about our work. We get to make the changes. Are we ready to do our work in harmony with the Alliance who is our guide and our protector? When we are ready, it will happen. We will not fail.

I send my prayers to the Alliance and all involved with them, including our IDC Family of Sovereign Humanitarians. Together we are awesome; our turn will come as we finalize our preparations. WWG1WGA!!!!

Love and Light to all

Ron Giles








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